A New Dimension of Hope
1 Annual Leaders in Overcoming Obstacles to Peace Luncheon
Honoring Rosana Schaack
June 6th, 2015 1:00- 3:00 Denver Athletic Club
PRINCIPAL SPONSOR $3,000 – Pays for 3 teachers’ salaries for an entire year
VIP Table for 10 plus
Prominent logo positioning as a Principal sponsor on promotional poster, postcards, and flyers
Promotional banner exclusively displaying your logo and business name displayed at the event
Facebook/Twitter campaign recognizing Principal tier sponsorship
Special blog post on NDHope.org acknowledging Principal donation
Recognition for one year on NDhope.org as a Corporate Partner
TEACHER SPONSOR $2,000 – Pays for 2 means per day for 100 students for a year
Table for 10 plus
Prominent logo positioning as a Teacher sponsor on promotional poster, postcards, and flyers
Facebook/Twitter campaign recognizing Teacher tier sponsorship
Recognition for one year on NDhope.org as a Corporate Partner
STUDENT SPONSOR $250 – Pays for all school supplies – including desks – for a year
Five Luncheons plus:
Prominent logo positioning as a Student sponsor on promotional poster, postcards, and flyers
Recognition for one year on NDhope.org as a Corporate Partner
Value of goods and services is $20.00 per seat.
A New Dimension of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, which means that all donations are fully tax-deductible.
Tax Exempt-EIN#: 27-024-7663
If you have any questions please contact Josh Dunn at
[email protected] or call 303 653 6462.
Please list your company name exactly the way you would like it listed in the program book.
Business Address:___________________________________City:____________________State:____Zip:_______
Business Phone:______________________Business Email:_____________________@_____________________
OR – Home Address:________________________________ City:____________________State:____Zip________ Home
Phone_________________________Home EMail:__________________@___________________________
Enclosed is my check in the amount of $________________. Please make checks payable to A New Dimension of Hope.
This is my Pledge for $________________. Please invoice me/my company at the above address.
Please bill my:
American Express
Credit Card #:_________________________________________________Expiration Date:_______ /___________________
Name on Credit Card (Please Print):_______________________________________________________________________
Authorized Signature:___________________________________________________________________________________
Address on Card_______________________________________________________________________________________
Return this form to:
A New Dimension of Hope
5755 Danube St.
Denver, CO 80249