Sponsor Packet

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This is the information packet for anyone interested in sponsoring the North Buncombe High School Band's upcoming trip to march in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade. The cost per student is approximately $2,200 just to get there. It is our desire that we could also raise enough funds to represent the state of North Carolina in new uniforms rather than the current uniforms, which are 15+ years old.



Sponsorship Information

Honoring the sacrifice of North Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

North Buncombe high school Blackhawk band

In May, 2013, the North Buncombe High School Marching Blackhawks, of Weaverville, North th Carolina, were invited to participate in the World War II 70 Anniversary Commemoration, Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade on December 7, 2014, in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This is the first time that all state-named, World War II-era battleships will be recognized in this parade.

We are honored to be the first band to represent the U.S.S. North Carolina in this celebration – a celebration which not only remembers our past, but celebrates our future. We are grateful for the decades-long Blackhawk tradition of excellence that has earned the band this honor, and we recognize the unique educational opportunity this invitation represents.

Our Mission: Honor
North Carolina’s Greatest Generation Through Music

Honoring the sacrifice of North Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

Photo credit: http://sharing.wwlp.com/sharewdpp/photo/2013/10/01/Budget%20Bat tle%20Veterans%20Memorial%20_3243957_ver1.0_640_480.JPEG

Success in this endeavor could be measured in several ways. Getting the kids there and back safely will be a success. Raising all (or at least most) of the funds needed to get them there would be perceived as a huge success. Playing flawlessly in three or four events while we are there would likely be deemed successful. All of these are important and doing well in any of these examples would indicate a successful endeavor. However, this endeavor is linked to one of the singularly notable and defining moments in our nation's history. The shock of the attack, and the resulting war effort on the part of the nation as a whole, defined a generation of Americans. Were we to get there and back safely after raising all of the funds needed for the trip and play flawlessly in the process, many would laud our efforts as a huge success. If, however, we do all these things and fail to impart to our children the gravity of the honor that this trip represents we would have failed.

If our children come away from this endeavor with a full understanding and appreciation for the title "Greatest Generation" and the sacrifice and resolve it took to earn that title, we will have been ultimately successful and they will be all the better for it.

Our Goal: Educate our Students

Honoring the sacrifice of North Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

Photo credit: http://en.valka.cz/attachments/11395/USS_North_Carolina_ 2.jpg640_480.JPEG

In order to enable our dedicated students to join in this important tribute, and to honor the sacrifices of North Carolina's greatest generation through music, we will need broad support to make the 2014 Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade a reality. We are asking you to partner with us in this endeavor – an opportunity to not only assist our students but also an opportunity for you to represent the State of North Carolina – by providing a generous monetary gift. All funding will be used for the required travel expenses, equipment, shipping costs, and other items needed to finance the trip and for the overall support of the band programs at North Buncombe High School. Our students will march in the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade as well as tour the island of Oahu, tour the U.S.S. Arizona memorial, and visit the U.S.S. Missouri and the Polynesian Cultural Center. Additional funding needs will be used to purchase uniforms to replace our failing 15 year old uniforms and provide percussion and sound equipment upgrades. Details of expenditures are available upon request.

Photo credit:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/USS-Arizona-Memorial.jpg

Current 15 year old uniforms

New Uniform mock-up

Our Needs: $380,000

Honoring the sacrifice of North Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

Established in 1959, the North Buncombe High School Band's success is built upon years of tradition, knowledge and the high expectations set in place by several beloved former directors. Wallace Brown set the standard upon which the band program's rich history of success thrived for 31 years. Upon Mr. Brown's retirement, D. Sanford Boone stepped into the director's role. Mr. Boone not only continued Mr. Brown's high standards and principles, but raised the competitive bar even higher, helping the band achieve even greater success until his retirement in 2012. We are thrilled that Andrew Shelton, a NBHS alumnus, carries on the tradition of music education excellence for our NBHS students. Andrew Shelton, brings a wealth of musical education and performance experience to a program that consistently places large numbers of students in state, county, district, and region Honors Bands. Mr. Shelton encourages students to perform at their highest levels. Whether in individual performance, in our small or large ensembles, or in our award-winning Marching Blackhawk Band, Mr. Shelton's love of music is infectious and fun. His great rapport with students provides him the opportunity to solidify technique and musicality skills, while allowing students to enjoy their classes as they become great musicians. Mr. Shelton received his Bachelor's Degree in Trombone Performance from Mars Hill College in Mars Hill, NC, and a Masters Degree in Music Education and Trombone Pedagogy from Columbus State University in Columbus, GA. Mr. Shelton has also studied at the New England Conservatory of Music and the Aspen Music School.

Our History

Honoring the sacrifice of North Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

State / County / District Facts and Demographics
•Research documents correlate music and academic achievement. •Buncombe County students do well on the SAT (2011 statistics), with the third highest total mean score among school systems with more than two high schools, and sixth highest total mean score among all 115 public school systems. •Additionally, for the second consecutive year, North Buncombe High School was ranked on the AP Achievement List for student participation, maintaining a high number of scores at level three or greater. •80% of Buncombe County students graduate within 4 years of starting high school, with NBHS supporting a graduation rate of 84.7%. •Buncombe County ranks 85th in the state in per pupil funding, averaging $7,607 (NC average is $8,409, U.S. average is $10,615). It is the 11th largest school system in NC. •Buncombe County residents have lower median household income (approximately $44,321) than most of North Carolina, with more than 16% of the population in the North Buncombe School District living below the poverty level (U.S. Census Bureau 2012). •Over 62% of the student body at North Buncombe High School receives free or reduced lunch (Buncombe County Schools 2012). •Our band director receives $1.29 per student per year from county schools to fund our band program. That budget may ONLY be used for music purchase, new instrument purchase, and repair of old instruments.

Our District & Students

Honoring the sacrifice of North Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

Admiral $30,000 Blackhawk Band Supporter Decal

Rear Admiral $20,000

Captain $10,000

Lt. Commander Commander $5,000 $2,000

Lieutenant $500

Ensign <$500

Listing on all Blackhawk Band concert and performance programs

Company listed on Blackhawk Band Pearl Harbor website

Limited edition Pearl Harbor Trip T-shirt

Listing with company logo and company web link on Blackhawk Band Pearl Harbor website

Logo display on band member Pearl Harbor Trip T-Shirt

Plaque awarded at band event in the 2013-2014 scholastic year

Company Logo displayed as Pearl Harbor sponsor on banner which will be displayed at all band functions fom present until June 2014 College scholarship awarded to senior band student in name of your business or event** $2,000 $1,000 $500

Jazz band concert at a location of your choice (within 300 mi. of Asheville)***

Band day of service for charity of sponsor’s choice, in sponsor’s name ($1,000 supply budget max.) ** Band Boosters of North Buncombe High School reserve the right to select the scholarship recipient. Parameters for selection available upon request. *** Performance dates and times to be coordinated with Band Director.

Sponsorship Levels

Honoring the sacrifice of North Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

I / We will contribute $____________. ** __________________I / We are interested in discussing our support with a representative of the North Buncombe Band Boosters. Organization / Company
Indicate as you would like to be advertised

Please Indicate desired sponsorship level:

Contact Name
Or individual donor name

Admiral $30,000

City State

Rear Admiral $20,000

Captain $10,000

Telephone Email

Commander $5,000

Web Address

Lt. Commander $2,000


Printed Name


Lieutenant $500

If you would like to speak with someone regarding a potential sponsorship, if you have questions, or if you would like to discuss specialized considerations, please contact our Pearl Harbor Committee Chairman, Marvin Mercer [email protected], 828-768-8893. P. O. Box 1175 Weaverville, NC 28787 **Checks may be made payable to Band Boosters of North Buncombe HS, Inc., and
note Pearl Harbor on the memo line. Band Boosters of North Buncombe HS, Inc. is a registered 501-c.3 corporation and is an eligible recipient for tax deductible contributions.

Ensign <$500

Our most sincere thanks for your consideration of this worthy effort in the education of our children.

Letter of Committment
Revision 12-09-13

Honoring the sacrifice of Normth Carolina’s Greatest Generation through music

Sponsor Documents

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