Spring 2011 Frontlist Titles

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From cooking and humor to relationships and parenting... we have it all. Check out all of our Spring 2011 titles here!



$5 Takeout Cookbook  *  7  Secrets  of  Synchronicity  *  30-Day Sex Solu tion  *  101  W to  Find  a  Ghost  *  Attack of the Killer Facts!  *  Book  o ays  Ancient  Bastards  *  Bullsh*t Artist  *  Cheat  Sheet  *  Cookouts Veggi Style!  *  Of  Course  You’re  Still  Cool,  Honey  *  Cup of Comfort for Chris tian Women  *  DI Y  Cocktails  *  Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad!  *  Every thing  Anti-Inflammation  Diet  Book  *  Everything Body Language Book, 2n Edition  *  Everything  Bridesmaid  Book,  2nd  Edition  *  Everything Colleg Survival Book, 3rd Edition  *  Everything  Easy  Cleanse  Book  *  Everythin Easy Large-Print Word Search Book  *  Everything  Family  Guide  to  Budg Travel  *  Everything Founding Fathers Book *  Everything  Giant  Book  o Easy  Crosswords,  Volume  III *  Everything Green Smoothies Book *  Every thing Guide to Algebra  *  Everything Guide to Calculus I *  Everything Guid to Chakra Healing  *  Everything Guide to Food Remedies  *  Everything Guid to Foraging  *  Everything Guide to Living Off the Grid  * Everything Guide  Past Life Experience  * Everything Guide to Raising a Toddler  * Everythin Guide to Study Skills  * Everything Guide to Understanding Socialism  * Ev erything Kakuro Super Challenge Book  * Everything Music Theory Book with CD 2nd Edition  * Everything Paleolithic Diet Book  * Everything Parent’s Guid to Raising Girls, 2nd Edition  * Everything Restaurant Recipes Cookbook  * Ev erything Salad Book  * Everything  T hyroid  Diet  Book  * Everything UFO Book  * Everything U.S. Constitution Book  * Everything Word Search for th Beach Book, Volume II  * Gluten-Free Edge  *  Hire Me, Hollywood!  *  Hob atch,  T herefore  I  Am  *  Incontrovertibl Handbook  *  Honest Abe  *  I  W Code of (Formerly) Unwritten Rules  *  Into  Your  Dreams  *  Kidz Bop: A Rockin’ Fill-In Story  *  Kidz Bop: Be a Pop Star!  *  Kidz Bop Plus One: A Junior Novel  *  Knock ’em Dead Job Search Kit  *  Knock ’em Dead: Secret and Strategies from the Insiders  *  Little Big Book of Big F*#k Ups  *  Lit tle Black Book of Big Red Flags  *  ManLibs  *  ManVentions  *  Man Words  *  Math for Grownups  *  Meditation for Multitaskers  *  Norman Hall’ Firefighter Exam Preparation Flash Cards  *  Norman  Hall’s  Police  Exam New, Quotable, Giant, Preparation Flash Cards  *  OMG! Guys    *  Part-T ime  Vegan  *  Physics fo Incontrovertible, Whole, Men  *  Practical Psychic  *  Quotable Drunkard   *  Quotable  Stoner  *  Rais Practical, Secretive, Little, ing Unicorns  *  Robot Haiku  *  Sacred Travels  *  Save Your Marriage in Fiv Big, Magical, Uncommon Minutes a Day  *  Someone’s Watching You!  *  Soul Mate Myth  *  SRSLY WTF?  *  Star W ars Vs. Star Trek  *  Start Day Trading Now  *  Start Your Own Busi books for all ness Bible  *  States of Confusion  *  Stoned Family Robinson  *  Synchronicit and the Other Side  *  Synchronicity Journal  *  Train Your Brain to Get Hap py  *  Ultimate Job Interview Q & A Flash Cards  *  Ultimate Marketing Plan 4t

new titles
2011 ng ri sp

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Previously released fall 2010
Robot Haiku
ray salemi

Poems for Humans To Read Until Their Robots Decide It’s Kill Time

Ships: December Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 6¼, 192 pages
$10.95 (Canada $11.99) Rights: World Rights

Publication: January

ISBN 10: 1-4405-1197-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1197-4 EAN: 9-78144051197-4 UPC: 0-4507951197-2

a Cup of Comfort for Christian Women
Stories that celebrate your faith and trust in God
Colleen sell Ships: January Religion, Hardcover with jacket 5½ x 7½, 336 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights Publication: February ISBN 10: 1-4405-1118-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1118-9 EAN: 9-78144051118-9 UPC: 0-4507951118-7




Previously Released Fall 2010

Previously Released Fall 2010

Norman Hall’s Police Exam Preparation flash Cards
• up to 70 percent of applicants fail the police

Norman Hall’s firefighter Exam Preparation flash Cards
• an increasingly aging population will need more

exam (www.policeone.com). They need efficient test-prep tools to help them beat those odds
• These flash cards allow applicants to study

emergency services, increasing demand for trained firefighters (www.educationatlas.com)
• Norman Hall’s test-prep books have sold

with on-the-go convenience
Each year hundreds of thousands of people take the police exam—but only a small number of them score high enough to join the proud ranks of the police force. With 300 flash cards featuring noted test-preparation coach Norman Hall’s proven system, applicants can pass this important test and go on to their chosen career in law enforcement. Covering such essential topics as basic math, memory, reading comprehension, report writing, and situational judgment and reasoning, these portable cards are must-have self-testing aids for any who aspire to serve and protect.

more than a quarter of a million copies!
Firefighters are today’s heroes; wielding axes and hoses, battling blazing buildings, and restoring life to the dying. But before entering this proud profession, they must pass a competitive firefighter exam. Here, noted test-preparation coach Norman Hall provides 300 flash cards that can help any applicant pass. These portable cards give aspiring firefighters essential questions that deal with mechanical aptitude, mathematics, reading comprehension, and reasoning and logic so they can ace the exam and start saving lives.

Norman Hall (seabeck, Wa) is a nationally recognized test expert. He is the author of Norman Hall’s Firefighter Exam Preparation Book, 2nd Edition; Norman Hall’s Postal Exam Preparation Book, 3rd Edition; Norman Hall’s State Trooper & Highway Patrol Exam Preparation Book; and Norman Hall’s Corrections Officer Exam Preparation Book, Revised Edition.

BOX SIZE: 3â…› W x 5 H x 3½ d CaRD SIZE: 2¾ W x 4½ H ships: December Publication: January education, Boxed Cards 300 two-sided cards $19.95 usd / $22.99 CNd isBN10: 1-4405-2542-0 isBN13: 978-1-4405-2542-1 eaN: 9-78144052542-1 uPC: 0-4507952542-9 rights: World rights

BOX SIZE: 3â…› W x 5 H x 3½ d CaRD SIZE: 2¾ W x 4½ H ships: December Publication: January education, Boxed Cards 300 two-sided cards $19.95 usd / $22.99 CNd isBN10: 1-4405-2541-2 isBN13: 978-1-4405-2541-4 eaN: 9-78144052541-4 uPC: 0-4507952541-2 rights: World rights




Previously Released Fall 2010

Q&A flAsh cArds
• 300 Q&As Selected by Staffing Experts • Wide Range of Questions Cover Every Situation • Strongest Responses Plus Ways to Customize Each!
isBN 10: 1-4405-2473-4 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2473-8 eaN: 9-78144052473-4 uPC: 0-4507952473-6 rights: World rights

JOB interview



BOX SIZE: 3â…› W x 5 H x 3½ d CaRD SIZE: 2¾ W x 4½ H

ships: December Publication: January Careers, Boxed Cards 300 two-sided cards $18.95 usd / $20.99 CNd

• This is the only job interview aid that provides essential Q&a in a flash-card format • Unemployment will remain high for at least the next five years (Newsweek). Job applicants need to be competitive and prepared for their interviews • adams’ job search books have sold more than 3 million copies!



When it comes to the job interview, candidates can dazzle with words and phrases that demonstrate their problem-solving skills and value—or they can blunder and slink out of the room, without hope of a call-back. This flash card deck, complete with 300 cards, provides the smartest answers for job seekers who want to impress hiring managers and gain an edge in their interviews. The cards anticipate questions ranging from basic (“What makes you think you can do this job?”) to tricky (“Tell me about a time you challenged your supervisor”) to illegal (“What’s your age?”). They provide a sample answer as well as ways to tailor an answer to an applicant’s specific industry or situation. Even more, each answer highlights the key term or phrase to commit to memory. Now job searchers can easily practice right up until the interview so when the time comes, they can walk into the room, say the right things, and leave a lasting impression.
www.fwmedia.com/books/catalog 3


Here’s to glorious alcohol!
• •

This is the only book of quotations for—and about—drinkers Tough economy or no, consumption of liquor in the u.s. rose for the twelfth consecutive year in 2009—totaling 188.6 million 9-liter cases (Commodity online) Geeks Who drink represent the growing popularity of bar quizzes, drinks trivia, and other alcohol-related games

The Quotable Drunkard
steven Kates

Words of Wit, Wisdom, and Philosophy from the Bottom of the Glass
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to humor, men’s interest, and alternative media • Promotion in Modern Drunkard magazine • College Outreach • Café Press merchandising • author bar tour • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog
Ships: February Publication: March Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $11.95 (Canada $13.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1264-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1264-3 EAN: 9-78144051264-3 UPC: 0-4507951264-1

“I only take a drink on two occasions: when I’m thirsty and when I’m not.”
—Brendan Behan From pubs, alehouses, wine bars, vineyards, across the table, and under the table flows a river of thoughts about drinking. Some of it is profound, some of it is funny, some of it is silly. But all of it is about that most wonderful of human inventions: alcohol. From the ancient (“The man who isn’t jolly after drinking is just a driveling idiot to my thinking.” —Euripides) to the modern (“Alcohol—the cause of and the solution to all of life’s problems.” —Homer Simpson), here is wit, wisdom, and drunken ramblings about every alcoholic substance humans have used to enrich their lives, expand their creativity, and destroy their livers. Mixed with classic drink recipes, short biographies of potable quotables, and information about favorite watering spots, The Quotable Drunkard is a treasure every drinker will be bound to keep—right next to the Beefeater.

Steven Kates is predisposed to drink as a former journalist, an irish-american, and an MFa graduate. should you meet Kates in his native rhode island, he’ll have a sidecar, a sam adams Cherry Wheat®, or an entire bottle of Champagne.






Memorable vacations that don’t cost a fortune!

a versatile guide for families anywhere in the u.s. who are looking for ways to save money on travel Features attractions and destinations in the united states, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean one in four household trips in the u.s. includes children (Travel industry association) Everything® travel books have sold more than 310,000 copies!

Hundreds of fun family vacations to fit any budget!
Kelly Merritt

The Everything® family Guide to Budget Travel
Planning a fun family vacation doesn’t have to break the bank. Travel writer Kelly Merritt offers creative ways to plan affordable trips: Families with young children can visit popular sites at off-peak times; adventurers can travel off the beaten path. And everyone can look for historic sites, scenic areas, and fun-filled attractions close to home. Featuring unique, family-friendly destinations, including: • • • • • Camping, from mountains to national parks Adventure travel Water and island vacations All-inclusive resorts and cruises Special-interest travel locations
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to family and travel media

The Everything® Family Guide to Budget Travel helps readers make the most affordable decisions about lodging, food, and tourist attractions. This easy-to-use guide will be an invaluable tool families simply won’t travel without!

Ships: February Publication: March Travel, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 400 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-60550-120-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-120-8 EAN: 9-78160550120-8 UPC: 0-4507910120-3

Kelly Merritt (Naples, Fl) has traveled extensively throughout the united states and beyond with children, and is a seasoned travel writer whose articles have been published in the Los Angeles Times, Impact, the Chicago Tribune, and numerous other publications. she was the travel editor for Uptown Magazine and the lifestyle editor for Charlotte Health & Fitness Magazine.







Just when you thought things couldn’t get any f*#!-ing worse . . .

Brings together the best of the f*#!-ing best of the bestselling WTF? series F*#! therapy! SRSLY, WTF? reminds readers they can turn any nightmare into a f*#!-ing riot—whether they’re getting sh*t from their girlfriends, bosses, or some d-bag at the bar “WTF” is the expression of the 21st Century. and this is the book for anyone who’s ever texted, iMed, posted, Tweeted, emailed, or screamed at the top of their lungs: WTF?!


How to Survive 248 of Life’s Worst F*#!-ing Situations EVER
Gregory Bergman, anthony W. Haddad, and Jodi Miller

series cop ies sold!
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to humor, men’s interest, and alternative media • Promotion on author’s website: www.wtfcomedystop.com • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog • la comedy tour • Targeted social media outreach


You overdraft by 25¢ and get charged $25 . . . You get passed over for a “sure-thing” promotion . . . You forget your girlfriend’s birthday . . . . . . And all you can think is, SRSLY, WTF?! The WTF? team is back at it, collecting the most f*#!-ed up scenarios featured in their bestselling series. From issues that arise during the daily grind to extreme situations that require equally outrageous reactions, this book helps readers handle whatever the f*#! life throws at them. Step by step, the authors take readers through the series’ trademark inventively therapeutic, occasionally offensive, sometimes illegal, always hilarious solutions. Whether they’re on the job, on the town, or on the toilet without any TP—they’ll be able to relate to life’s sh*ttiest of situations that have them shouting, “Seriously, what the f*#!?”

Ships: February Publication: March Humor, Trade Paperback 6 x 7â…›, 544 pages $17.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2575-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2575-9 EAN: 9-78144052575-9 UPC: 0-4507952575-7

Gregory Bergman (los angeles, Ca) is the creator of the WTF? series and a standup comedian. He is married and has no interest in other women. anthony W. Haddad (austin, TX) has an Ma in international policy, and is well versed in f’ed-up situations. Jodi Miller (los angeles, Ca), a comedian, is thrilled to be a part of the WTF? series, mainly because she is hoping to get more tail.







eat your way to better health!

includes diet and meal plans that utilize healing foods for specific ailments Knowing what foods to eat can reduce your likelihood of certain diseases by more than 50 percent (Men’s Health) Nutritional healing can affect inflammation (including arthritis), hormone levels, stress and stress-related conditions, and immune system function (Nutritional-Healing.com) Everything® cooking titles have sold more than 2.2 million copies!

An A–Z guide to healing with food
lori rice, Ms

The Everything® Guide to food Remedies
Saffron boosts your mood. Pumpkin seeds promote a healthy prostate. Sea scallops improve cardiovascular health. In this A–Z guide, readers find not only helpful tips on what foods to eat for which ailments, but also 100 recipes utilizing these foods, such as: • • • • • Kale and Mushroom Quiche Blackberry Yogurt Coffee Cake Jackfruit Muffins Granola Pancakes Gorgonzola, Olive, and Spinach Pasta Salad
Ships: February Publication: March Health/Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1100-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1100-4 EAN: 9-78144051100-4 UPC: 0-4507951100-2

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to health media

With The Everything® Guide to Food Remedies, readers will soon be cooking their way to better health, one meal at a time!

lori Rice, MS (lancaster, Ky) earned a master’s degree in nutritional sciences from the university of Kentucky and an undergraduate degree in Nutrition, Fitness, & Health from Purdue university. rice has served as the project coordinator for a university-based health program for the state of Kentucky and has experience in public health and nutritional counseling. she has a popular blog at www.fakefoodfree.com, where she shares her expertise and interests in total wellness and the health benefits of cooking and eating real foods.






The book that proves anyone can day trade

a no-nonsense, nontechnical approach to a notoriously complicated, but appealing topic—designed as the easiest book for beginners on the market 2009 and 2010 have seen a surge in day trading, but about 80 percent of people lose money. They need clear advice to beat those odds (Marketwatch) Michael sincere is the author of the bestselling Understanding Options and a contributor to CBs MarketWatch.com adams Media’s more advanced books on day trading and short-term trading have sold more than 300,000 copies!

Start Day Trading Now

A Quick and Easy Introduction to Making Money—While Managing Your Risk
Michael sincere, author of the bestselling Understanding Options and All About Market Indicators

“If you are considering entering the world of day trading, either part time or full time, read this book!”
—Toni Turner, bestselling author of A Beginner’s Guide to Day Trading Online, 2nd Edition For beginners, day trading seems confusing and scary. But once they grasp the basic techniques, it is possible for them to enter the market—and make a lot of money. Trading expert Michael Sincere’s simple, step-by-step plan gives the novice trader the essentials: • • • • • What computer equipment is required How much money is needed What the technical jargon of day trading means What the key strategies of day trading are How to manage risk

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to personal finance media • Ongoing promotion on CBS MarketWatch • Targeted social media outreach • Ongoing promotion through Fidelity e-newsletter

Sincere starts from the most basic assumptions and illustrates his points with stories about people who’ve made significant money day trading. As he explains, with a little time and effort, anyone can learn what it takes.

Ships: February Publication: March Personal Finance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 224 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1186-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1186-8 EAN: 9-78144051186-8 UPC: 0-4507951186-6

Michael Sincere (Boca raton, Fl) is a trading expert. For two years, he wrote a weekly column on intraday trading for a large online day trading firm. Currently, he writes for Fidelity investment’s Active Trader newsletter and authors an options column for CBs MarketWatch.






100 recipes to help control metabolism— and trim down!

a comprehensive overview of thyroid disease and how metabolism affects weight. includes 100 recipes—the most of any thyroid diet book! a woman faces as high as a one in five chance of developing thyroid problems during her lifetime (about.com) Thyroid disease is 40 percent more prevalent than diabetes (aaCe)

Manage your metabolism and control your weight
Clara schneider Ms, rd, rN, Cde, ldN

The Everything® Thyroid Diet Book
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to health media

Affecting more than 23 million Americans, thyroid problems can wreak havoc on an individual's metabolism and overall health. In The Everything® Thyroid Diet Book, readers find 100 recipes that are specifically designed to help them manage their condition and weight. The book includes: • • • • An overview of how metabolism affects the body Foods to eat frequently . . . and foods to avoid at all costs 100 recipes specifically targeted at readers suffering from thyroid problems Lifestyle changes and techniques that complement the recipes

With recipes so good it’s a wonder they’re healthy, this book is the ultimate resource for readers who want to learn how to eat right and beat their thyroid disease!

Ships: February Publication: March Health/Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1097-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1097-7 EAN: 9-78144051097-7 UPC: 0-4507951097-5

Clara Schneider MS, RD, RN, CDE, lDN (Corolla, NC), has a private nutritional practice (www.obxnutrition.com) and more than thirty years of experience in the fields of nutrition and health. she is the former director of the diabetes Program at virginia Hospital Center in arlington, virginia, and has been living with thyroid disease for thirty years.




a happy marriage is easier than couples think

This is the only tip-based book from a marriage expert that shows couples how to build intimacy and strengthen their marital bond in only five minutes a day it’s the small things that make the difference between happy couples and unhappy ones (early years of Marriage Project) dr. Bonnie Jacobson has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Fox News, NBC News, MTv, CNN, and CBS News

Save Your Marriage in five Minutes a Day
Simple Daily Strategies to Transform Your Relationship
Bonnie Jacobson, Phd with alexia Paul

A happy marriage is within every couple’s reach—all it takes is five minutes. In marriage, happiness is a state of mind that you can create together in mere moments. In Save Your Marriage in Five Minutes a Day, bestselling author and marriage expert Dr. Bonnie Jacobson shows couples how they can make each other happy with the small yet meaningful gestures that add up to a big difference—one day at a time. From turning everyday interactions like housework and making dinner into playful bonding to quick ways to have good sex (or start having good sex), these are psychologically sound methods that teach husbands and wives to bring out the best in each other— and their relationship. With this easy primer to marital bliss, not only will couples strengthen their marriage in no time, they’ll also learn how to keep it strong—and happy—for years to come.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to relationship, lifestyle, women’s interest, and psychology media • JCC events • Radio tour • Promotion on the “Jane on Top” blog

Ships: February Publication: March Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-60550-116-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-116-1 EAN: 9-78160550116-1 UPC: 0-4507910116-6

Bonnie Jacobson, PhD (New york, Ny), co-author of Choose to Be Happily Married, has been happily married for twenty-five years. in addition to running her own private practice, dr. Jacobson is a member of the american Psychological association, american Group Psychotherapy, and eastern Group Psychotherapy. alexia Paul (Charlotte, NC) is a wife of three years as well as a writer, editor, and former literary agent. she is the co-author of Choose to Be Happily Married.




a colossal collection of entertaining, solvable puzzles

easy crosswords are Everything® bestsellers, with more than 215,000 copies sold 27 percent of americans do crossword puzzles, far more than play bridge, chess, or any other game (Gallup) Everything® games books have sold more than 2 million copies!

The Everything® Giant Book of Easy Crosswords, Volume III
300 brand-new crosswords for hours of puzzling fun!
Charles Timmerman, Founder of Funster.com

Puzzlers can’t get enough of Charles Timmerman’s easy crosswords! Whether they’re newbies or experienced crossword lovers looking for a short break, they’re sure to find a quick, satisfying puzzle in this oversized collection. The Everything® Giant Book of Easy Crosswords, Volume III is perfect for both young and old crossword fans. These easy-to-solve puzzles build confidence while helping to improve vocabulary, memory, and problem-solving skills. But best of all, they’re fun!
Ships: February Publication: March Games, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 384 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0978-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0978-0 EAN: 9-78144050978-0 UPC: 0-4507950978-8

Charles Timmerman (south Pasadena, Ca) is the founder of Funster.com, a word game website that was selected as a yahoo! Pick of the year, and the author of more than forty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Giant Book of Easy Crosswords and The Everything® Word Search Book.







The truth behind an american hero revealed!

The most surprising and scandalous secrets about abe ever collected! interest in lincoln is alive and well. seth Grahame-smith’s Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter has sold more than 125,000 copies since March Published in time for the 150th anniversary of the Civil War

Honest abe

101 Little-Known Truths about Abraham Lincoln
Brian Thornton; Foreword by richard W. donley

One hundred fifty years after his death, Abraham Lincoln remains one of America’s most fascinating, brilliant, and visionary leaders. He’s idolized as a hero, a legend, and even a secular saint. In this engaging, intelligent book, readers learn about more than just his savvy political skills and Civil War power plays, such as: • • • • How Lincoln escaped death more than once as a child Why the Lincolns kept goats at the White House How John Wilkes Booth’s brother saved Lincoln’s son Who tried to rob Lincoln’s grave
Ships: February Publication: March History, Hardcover with jacket 6 x 7â…›, 256 pages $12.95 (Canada $14.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1230-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1230-8 EAN: 9-78144051230-8 UPC: 0-4507951230-6

Filled with these and other offbeat facts, Honest Abe tells readers everything they need to know about the real man behind the stone monument.

Brian Thornton (seattle, Wa) earned his Ma in history from eastern Washington university. He has taught history at every level from sixth grade through college. Foreword Writer Richard W. Donley (Cheney, Wa) is a professor (emeritus) of nineteenth-century american history at eastern Washington university, where he was three-time chair of the history department.




a sensible plan to avoid weight gain, pain, and chronic disease

This book includes the most recipes of any antiinflammation diet book on the market! The top three annual causes of death for americans—heart disease, cancer, and stroke—have all been linked to chronic inflammation (CdC) The major cause of internal inflammation is dietary, and the standard american diet (red meat, dairy, sugar, food additives) is the prime culprit (Natural Health magazine) Everything® cooking titles have sold more than 2.2 million copies!

The easy-to-follow, scientifically proven plan to: • Reverse and prevent disease • Lose weight and increase energy
Karlyn Grimes, Ms, rd, ldN

The Everything® anti-Inflammation Diet Book
• Slow signs of aging • Live pain free
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to health media

The secret enemy. A silent killer. The war within. Research shows that chronic inflammation can play a part in heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s disease. And the main cause of abnormal inflammation is a diet heavy in processed, fatty, and sugary foods. With this easy-to-use guide, readers learn how to take control of their diet to reduce their risk of developing serious, lifelong conditions. Nutrition expert Karlyn Grimes teaches readers how to: • • • • Identify inflammation-causing foods Add inflammation-fighting foods to any diet Create an anti-inflammation plan they can live with Get the whole family on board
Ships: February Publication: March Health/Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1029-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1029-8 EAN: 9-78144051029-8 UPC: 0-4507951029-6

The Everything® Anti-Inflammation Diet Book includes flexible meal plans, 150 delicious recipes, and time-saving shopping and preparation tips. Readers have all they need to create balanced meals using fresh, unprocessed foods that nurture the body and soul.

Karlyn Grimes, MS, RD, lDN (Brookline, Ma), is a registered dietitian, educator, and nutrition consultant. she creates and presents sports nutrition and health promotion workshops for various organizations in the Boston area, and provides individual nutrition and exercise counseling.






Hundreds of puzzles—from simply strenuous to undeniably difficult!
• •

The largest collection of expert-level Kakuro puzzles available aging Baby Boomers looking to keep their mind sharp are fueling the demand for logic and number puzzles like Kakuro Everything® games books have sold more than 2 million copies!

The Everything® Kakuro Super Challenge Book
More than 300 entertaining puzzles to boost your brain power
Charles Timmerman, Founder of Funster.com

The ultimate test of problem-solving skills is here! Packed with Kakuro puzzles that run from complete beginner to fiendishly complex, The Everything® Kakuro Super Challenge Book offers readers more range and variety than any other Kakuro book in print! An ideal gift for the avid puzzle fan, these popular number games are a great way for readers to keep their mental skills sharp while having fun at the same time. With more than 300 increasingly difficult puzzles, readers will find themselves challenged, entertained, and engaged from cover to cover!

Ships: February Publication: March Games, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 208 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1233-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1233-9 EAN: 9-78144051233-9 UPC: 0-4507951233-7

Charles Timmerman (south Pasadena, Ca) is the founder of Funster.com, a word game website that was selected as a yahoo! Pick of the year, and the author of more than forty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Kakuro Challenge Book and The Everything® 30-Minute Sudoku Book.







For those who don’t want to eat tempeh and tofu 24/7

delivers delicious recipes and honest advice for the average reader who wants to transition to a vegan diet, but isn’t ready to take the plunge to full veganism a partial vegan diet is all the rage, in part fueled by New York Times columnist Mark Bittman’s much-publicized “vegan Before 6” eating plan 26 percent of americans are consciously striving to reduce the amount of meat they eat (Cultivate research Group) adams Media’s vegetarian, vegan, and raw food cookbooks have sold 30,000 copies!

The Part-Time Vegan
Cherise Grifoni


a M e t , Mo
Yu m! re

201 Yummy Recipes That Put the Fun in Flexitarian


Finally, here’s the book dietary commitment-phobes have been waiting for! This book paves the way into the world of vegan eating without forcing readers to turn their kitchen inside-out. A guide to demystifying what may seem like a challenging transition, The Part-Time Vegan features more than 200 mouthwatering recipes, from Peach-Thyme Muffins to Cucumber Cilantro Salad, as well as menu ideas for dinner parties, so entry-level eaters can easily make the shift. This no-stress guide also provides answers to such common concerns as: Where do vegans get their protein from, and what do vegans actually eat? No matter why readers want to go vegan—either for health, the planet, or some other worthy reason—this book shows that adopting a vegan lifestyle is a piece of (dairyfree, egg-free) cake!

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to cooking and health media • Promotion on author blog • Blog tour • Promotion on “The Hungry Editor” blog • Scribd promotion • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: February Publication: March Cooking, Trade Paperback 7 x 9â…›, 256 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1226-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1226-1 EAN: 9-78144051226-1 UPC: 0-4507951226-9

Cherise Grifoni (New york, Ny), a full-blown vegetarian for seven years, recently converted to veganism after discovering dairy products were causing her migraine headaches. a member the vegan Cooking Club at New york university, where she is a senior, Cherise blogs about her adventures in eating at www.yourveganzombie.blogspot.com.







The lol guide to dating disasters
• • • •

a lMao follow-up to the original and outrageous OMG! The 411 about men—one FuBar scenario at a time! every single girl’s BFF! Perfect for anti-valentine’s day

OMG! Guys
Jodi Miller

How to Survive 101 of the Most F’ed Dating Situations
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to women’s interest, relationship, and humor media • Café Press merchandising • la comedy tour • Targeted social media outreach

The chick equivalent to WTF! Women, OMG! Guys offers laugh-out-loud, real-life reactions for the ridiculous (and repulsive) everyday dating dramas modern girls must endure. From forgetting to tell you he has crabs to his baby mama hating your guts— frantic females will celebrate OMG! Guys as a hilarious and satisfying reference. Inside, ladies find solutions for dealing with his bad behavior, such as: • • • • • He licked your face like a dog while you were making out He told everyone you slept together (when you didn’t) He wears his socks during sex He drunk dialed you until 3 a.m. He told you he thinks your mom is hot

So the next time he asks you what you think about getting a boob job or you catch him checking out your best friend, don’t cry out for divine intervention. Just consult the OMG! Guys advisor and you’ll know just what to do—anyplace, anywhere, anytime!

Ships: February Publication: March Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 6¼, 224 pages $9.95 (Canada $10.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1266-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1266-7 EAN: 9-78144051266-7 UPC: 0-4507951266-5

Jodi Miller (los angeles, Ca) is a comedian and the co-author of the successful WTF? series. Jodi is currently very single and lives with her cat.







survive the wedding in style!

The first edition of The Everything® Bridesmaid Book has sold more than 60,000 copies includes a new chapter on de-stressing the bride (and bridesmaids!), as well as updated information on nontraditional weddings, budget-minded ideas for hosting parties, and more Everything® wedding titles have sold more than 1.5 million copies!

From bachelorette party planning to wedding ceremony etiquette— all you need for an unforgettable wedding
Holly lefevre

The Everything® Bridesmaid Book, 2nd Edition
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to wedding media

Who plans the bridal shower? Does the dress have to be ugly? How much will all of this cost? Today’s bridesmaids are finding their brides expect lots of help and enthusiasm when planning the big day. This is the perfect handbook for bridesmaids looking for practical advice on their integral role in the wedding. Featuring no-nonsense, updated information on how to: • • • • Help her find the perfect dress Keep the bride calm on her big day Throw an unbelievable bridal shower Make a memorable toast to the happy couple

From knowing the proper etiquette to handling any and all responsibilities, this is the one guaranteed go-to resource for bridesmaids. With The Everything® Bridesmaid Book, 2nd Edition, they’ll help plan a wedding to remember—and have fun doing it!

Ships: February Publication: March Weddings, Trade Paperback 4¼ x 7, 288 pages $9.95 (Canada $10.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0557-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0557-7 EAN: 9-78144050557-7 UPC: 0-4507950557-5

Previous Edition: The Everything® Bridesmaid Book, 1st Edition, $9.95, 1-58062-982-2 ALSO AVAILABLE:

Holly lefevre (Pacific Grove, Ca) is the author of How to “I Do”: Planning the Ultimate Wedding in Six Weekends or Less. she has worked as an editor for Brideworld Magazine, and has been featured in Wedding Bells and Bridal Guide and on numerous wedding websites including Bridalocity and BrideWorld. visit her blog at www.hipweddings.blogspot.com.






The only fool-proof guide to concocting custom cocktails!

The only cocktail book that uses ratios to guarantee a perfect, personalized drink every time Tough economy or no, consumption of liquor in the u.s. rose for the twelfth consecutive year in 2009—totaling 188.6 million 9-liter cases. (Commodity online) The authors’ drinkoftheWeek.com is a leading online resource for cocktail connoisseurs and boasts more than 100,000 unique visitors monthly

DIY Cocktails

A simple guide to creating your own signature drinks
Marcia simmons and Jonas Halpren, editors of drinkoftheWeek.com

10 ratios, hundreds o f drinks!
Marketing: • Promotional blad • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to cooking and women’s interest media • Promotion on www.drinkoftheweek.com • Scribd promotion • Blog tour • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on “The Hungry Editor” blog

Black Rose. Blood Orange Tequila and Soda. Kentucky Apple Sour. The newest trend in cocktails is creating your own! Now, the editors of DrinkoftheWeek.com have concocted the only guide that teaches readers how to create their own infallible thirstquenchers. Using a simple system of basic ratios, readers learn to: • mix new flavor combinations for the perfect new blend using the Flavor Profile Chart as a guide • master advanced mixology techniques, from infusing liquors at home to creating custom-flavored syrups • Serve the perfect drink every time for a party of two—or a crowd of twenty With only ten ratios to master, readers can shake, stir, and build literally thousands of unique and exceptional cocktails. All they need is a good thirst, an active imagination—and DIY Cocktails!

Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback with French Flaps 4-color photos throughout 7 x 8¼, 240 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0750-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0750-2 EAN: 9-78144050750-2 UPC: 0-4507950750-0

Marcia Simmons (san Francisco, Ca) is a contributing editor at drinkoftheWeek.com. she focuses on developing unique beverages—like the Bee’s Teas and razerac—that satisfy the growing desire for gourmet cocktail recipes online. Jonas Halpren (san Francisco, Ca) is publisher of drinkoftheWeek.com and director of Business development at Federated Media. He started drinkoftheWeek.com to share his passion for creative drinks, knowledge of bartending, and creative alternatives to boring cocktails—and to demystify the intimidating cocktail world for regular folk.






updated to include early puberty, sexting, and cyberbullying

an updated edition of an Everything® bestseller that now includes information on bullying and cyberbullying; social media, texting, and sexting; and HPv, sexually transmitted diseases, and depression recent cognitive science research has confirmed more hard-wired differences between boys and girls. understanding these differences is key to understanding development (Berkeley Parents Network) The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Raising Girls has sold more than 20,000 copies since mid-2007 Everything® parenting titles have sold more than 2 million copies!

The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Raising Girls, 2nd Edition
erika v. shearin Karres, edd

All you need to help your daughter develop confidence, achieve self-esteem, and improve communication
Raising girls has always been a challenge. Parents used to worry about promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, and eating disorders. Now, they worry about early onset puberty, cyberbulling, sexting, online stalking, and dating violence. The number of girlrelated issues keeps mushrooming, and their severity keeps increasing. So what’s a parent to do?
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to parenting media

Newly revised and updated, The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Raising Girls, 2nd Edition provides smart and comprehensive advice on the pleasures and pitfalls of raising a daughter. Parenting expert Dr. Erika Shearin Karres prepares parents for all the stages of girlhood, including how to: • • • • • • Handle tantrums, bad moods, and potty training Deal with cliques, bullies, and peer pressure Cope with puberty and menstruation Keep up with texting, social media, and online relationships Address the issues of drinking, smoking, drugs, and sex Enforce rules and discipline

Ships: March Publication: April Parenting, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 320 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1098-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1098-4 EAN: 9-78144051098-4 UPC: 0-4507951098-2

Dr. Karres shows parents how to raise a successful daughter and develop a close relationship that will last a lifetime.

Previous Edition: The Everything® Parent’s Guide to Raising Girls, 1st Edition $14.95, 1-59869-247-X ALSO AVAILABLE:

Erika V. Shearin Karres, EdD (Chapel Hill, NC), author of the bestselling Mean Chicks, Cliques, and Dirty Tricks, is an international parenting expert who has won numerous outstanding educator awards. dr. erika speaks on parenting and girls’ issues at state and national conventions across the country.





How to man up during pregnancy
• •

it’s My Boys Can Swim for the Knocked Up generation rather than overly clinical (Mom already has What to Expect When You’re Expecting) or over-the-top (like What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding), it gives guys the lowdown on how they can, yes, actually help during her pregnancy adams Media’s father-to-be guides have sold more than 200,000 copies!

Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad!
How to Get (Both of You) Through the Next 9 Months
John Pfeiffer

There are approximately 3,712 ways for a man to look stupid during pregnancy—Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad! is here to help readers avoid (most of) them. It loops guys in on what’s going on with her while focusing on what they should be doing for her. Like any good coach, John Pfeiffer has been through it. He knows what a guy needs to do between the stick turning blue and the drive to the delivery room. And it’s more than throwing a coat of yellow paint on the spare bedroom’s walls (though that still needs to be done). On one hand, he needs to be responsive—there with a “You’re beautiful” and massage when she’s ballooned out, Sumo-style. On the other, he needs to ditch the “whatever you want, honey” mentality, grow a pair, and be assertive during the decision-making process. Or else he’ll wind up with a son named Percy. Pfeiffer knows how to speak to his fellow man: straightforward and directly, with a few fart jokes tossed in. With this book as their guide, guys learn that she might be having the baby, but they have plenty of responsibilities.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to parenting, men’s interest, and humor media • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on the “Cereal for Supper” and “The Daily Bender” blogs

Ships: March Publication: April Health/Pregnancy, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 224 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0536-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0536-2 EAN: 9-78144050536-2 UPC: 0-4507950536-0

John Pfeiffer (atlanta, Ga) is a married father of three. With a stepdaughter, a naturally conceived daughter, and a baby by way of a threesome (with an ivF specialist), Pfeiffer is especially qualified to take expectant dads all the way through pregnancy’s home stretch.






Want to know what’s really man’s best friend?
• •

The only collection of inventions men would trade a Bud for The bikini—a favorite Manvention—triggers the tools (“things you manipulate with your hands”) part of the male brain (Princeton university) a perfect gift for dad on Father’s day


From Cruise Control to Cordless Drills—Inventions Men Can’t Live Without
Bobby Mercer, author of How Do You Light a Fart?

Urinal cakes. Riding lawn mowers. Pop-top beer cans. Forget fire, arrowheads, and the wheel. The best tools invented by man are such innovations as beer, bikinis, and ESPN. And there’s more where they came from, in this hilarious look at the stuff that real men are made of: • • • • • • Chow and Suds (microwaves, vending machines, hot dogs) Sports and Recreation (golf tees, cleats, shin guards) Household Gadgets (Super Glue, Swiss Army knives, Velcro) Fun and Games (Pong, clay poker chips, Wii) Out and About (drive-through restaurants, rollercoasters, ATMs) And more!

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to men’s interest media • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog

With fun Man-Facts (bits of trivia) and Man-Dates (important dates in manvention history), ManVentions will remind guys why it’s great to be a man!

Ships: March Publication: April Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 240 pages $12.95 (Canada $14.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1073-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1073-1 EAN: 9-78144051073-1 UPC: 0-4507951073-9

Bobby Mercer (rutherfordton, NC) is a high school physics teacher and the author of Quarterback Dad and How Do You Light a Fart? Mercer lives with his wife and two children.







easy restaurant recipes you can make at home!

americans spend an average of 13 percent of their annual income on food . . . and 49 percent of that is spent in restaurants (National restaurant association) 60 percent of people surveyed are cooking more often since the recession began (Mintel Marketing), but 72 percent say they enjoy restaurants more than home cooking (National restaurant association) includes healthy/alternative ingredient swaps Everything® cooking titles have sold more than 2.2 million copies!

• •

The Everything® Restaurant Recipes Cookbook
Copycat recipes for: • Outback Steakhouse Bloomin’ Onion • Long John Silver’s Fish Tacos • TGI Friday’s Dragonfly Chicken . . . and hundreds more!
Becky Bopp

• Applebee’s Baby Back Ribs • Chili’s Grill & Bar Molten Chocolate Cake • Dijon Apricot Chicken Salad

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to cooking media

Everyone enjoys a dinner out at a favorite restaurant, but who likes waiting for a table or paying inflated prices for a meal? With more than 300 fast and easy recipes, home cooks can now recreate their favorite restaurant dishes and dine out in style at their very own kitchen table! The book includes family-sized portions of favorites like: • Chili’s Grill & Bar Boneless Buffalo Wings • Applebee’s Bourbon Street Steak • Mrs. Field’s Chocolate Chip Cookies With these tested and verified recipes, The Everything® Restaurant Recipes Cookbook helps readers whip up nearly-identical restaurant meals and earn rave reviews from family and friends—on a much smaller tab!
Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1125-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1125-7 EAN: 9-78144051125-7 UPC: 0-4507951125-5

Becky Bopp (stanley, va) writes about food, home remedies, fashion, and travel in the internet writers’ community of Hubpages. Her most popular blogs are the hundreds of restaurant copycat recipes she posts regularly. she has analyzed and recreated more than 500 restaurant meals from popular national chains like olive Garden italian restaurant, applebee’s, Carrabba’s italian Grill, and starbucks.




The swiss Family robinson tokes up!

The Half Baked version of the classic adventure story The Swiss Family Robinson! Full of ingenious survival tips and techniques, including how to build a bong from a coconut Forget Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter—this is Way more awesome, brah!

The Stoned family Robinson
J.d. Wyss and J.P. linder

“For many days we had been tempest-tossed and our stash had run dry. Six times had the darkness closed over a gnarly scene, and returning light as often brought a renewed jonesing, for the raging storm increased in fury until after seven days all hope was lost of finding that magical island to grow our free-range weed unnoticed by narcs.” The Robinson family never had so much fun being shipwrecked—until now. In this highlarious updating of the beloved family classic, readers can toke up with the Swiss pastor, his wife, and their four young sons while they are shipwrecked on an uncharted tropical island. From constructing a home while hitting the hash pipe to trying to keep a stash dry during a shipwreck, The Stoned Family Robinson will have stoners jonesing for more!

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to literary, alternative, college, and marijuana-focused media • You Tube video promotion • Scribd promotion • Targeted 4/20 promotion • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog

Ships: March Publication: April Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 304 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1270-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1270-4 EAN: 9-78144051270-4 UPC: 0-4507951270-2

J.D. Wyss (1743-1818) was an army chaplain with four sons. He wrote The Swiss Family Robinson to entertain his children while teaching them important life lessons. The first english edition was translated by William Godwin in 1814 and has been a classic ever since. J.P. linder (Brooklyn, Ny) is a writer and filmmaker. if you went to college with her, she won’t remember you unless you were physically inside of the bowl of pot she was smoking. Now, mostly a wino, she lives in Brooklyn with her dog dee dee ramone and her fiance aaron.







simple cleanses to clean the body and jumpstart health!

Most books on the market are devoted to one type of cleanse (e.g. the Master Cleanse or the Quantum Wellness Cleanse), whereas this guide contains several cleanse options and recipes This guide features cleanses to help with problems like weight gain, dry skin, and respiratory issues, with an after the Cleanse section for each to ease the reader back into an everyday healthy diet Everything® health titles have sold more than 440,000 copies, and The Everything® Raw Food Recipe Book and The Everything® Juicing Book are two hot-selling titles in the series!

The Everything® Easy Cleanse Book
Recipes, tips, and tricks for a safe and healthy detox!
Cynthia lechan Goodman, Nutrition expert on Blend.com

Weight loss. Revitalized energy. Better sleep habits. Increased immunity to disease. Clearer skin. These are just a few of the reasons that readers investigate cleanses. Too often, however, these dieters dive into fad, crash cleanses that are not right for their goals and end up quitting, or worse, putting their health in jeopardy. With The Everything® Easy Cleanse Book, readers will learn the ins and outs of cleansing, including: • • • • • How cleanses actually work Different types of cleanses (it’s not all lemon juice and pepper!) Which cleanse is right for their goal Tips to be safe and realistic about cleanses and their results Adjusting to post-cleanse life

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to health media

Packed with 75 different cleanse recipes and featuring a unique section called “After the Cleanse” that eases the reader into a post-cleanse diet, The Everything® Easy Cleanse Book is a must-have for any beginning cleanser!

Ships: March Publication: April Health/Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 288 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2502-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2502-5 EAN: 9-78144052502-5 UPC: 0-4507952502-3

Cynthia lechan Goodman (Hollywood, Fl) is a nutrition consultant, chef, and personal trainer. she regularly develops cleanse plans for her clients, helping them to lose weight, relieve gastrointestinal distress, and improve general health. Cynthia is a featured writer on health and nutrition for several parenting sites.






There’s more to salad than iceberg lettuce and cherry tomatoes!

Written by an award-winning chef whose recipes have appeared in Better Homes and Gardens and Healthy Cooking Together, lettuce and prepackaged salads top 6 billion dollars in annual sales, and account for more than 10 percent of all produce sales in the country (usda.gov) Everything® cooking titles have sold more than 2.2 million copies!

Includes: • Sweet Spring Baby Salad • Dijon Apricot Chicken Salad • Mediterranean Tomato Salad
aysha schurman

The Everything® Salad Book
• Sesame Orange Coleslaw • Raspberry-Cranberry Spinach Salad

Almost 75 percent of American households dish out salad on a regular basis, but most of those consumers need help coming up with new ideas for their greens and veggies. Everyone gets tired of having Caesar salad every night! The Everything® Salad Book can help. A treasure trove of quick, tasty, and healthy recipes, it includes such favorites as: • • • • Cucumber Vinaigrette Minty Blueberry Melon Salad Italian Garden Salad Creamy Blue Cheese Potato Salad
Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2207-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2207-9 EAN: 9-78144052207-9 UPC: 0-4507952207-7

With ideas for more than 300 delicious and creative salads and dressings, this book is sure to jumpstart readers’ creativity in the kitchen. The Everything® Salad Book will keep families eating fresh, healthy, and satisfying meals no matter what the season!

aysha Schurman (Gillette, Wy) has worked as a chef and baker in restaurants across the u.s. and in Western europe. Her award-winning recipes can be found in publications such as Better Homes and Gardens, Taste of Home, Healthy Cooking, Louisiana Cookin’, and Sunset.




expert advice and practical tips to help students ace freshman year—and beyond!

a complete update of the Everything® classic, with new information on managing money, avoiding online mishaps, and staying healthy 1 in 4 college freshmen drop out of school, most because they were overwhelmed or unprepared for the drastic transition (MsNBC) The first two editions of The Everything® College Survival Book have sold more than 100,000 copies! Everything® education titles have sold more than 300,000 copies!

The Everything® College Survival Book, 3rd Edition
All you need to get the most out of college life
susan Fitzgerald, Ma and J. lee Peters, edd

Unruly roommates. Financial-aid stresses. Studying for exams. Is it any wonder that the transition to college can be the most difficult change in a young adult’s life? With this updated version of the bestselling classic, readers don’t have to experience shock upon arrival at campus! Incoming freshmen will be prepared for school with new information on: • • • • • Social media and its impact on college social life Scholarship and federal loan requirements Campus dining, and how to avoid the dreaded Freshman Fifteen Dorm life, roommates, and dealing with the unexpected What to expect for course loads, papers, exams, and more

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to college and parenting media

Readers will also find tips for packing for the big move, managing their money, making new friends, and balancing academics and a healthy social life. With this ultimate guide, students will be ready to fully experience a memorable college career!

Ships: March Publication: April Education, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 288 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1207-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1207-0 EAN: 9-78144051207-0 UPC: 0-4507951207-8

Previous Edition: The Everything® College Survival Book, 2nd Edition, $15.95, 1-59337-334-1 ALSO AVAILABLE:

Susan fitzgerald, Ma (West simsbury, CT) has nearly twenty years of experience in the office of student affairs at the university of Hartford. she currently serves as senior advisor to the President. J. lee Peters, EdD (West simsbury, CT) is the vice President for student affairs and dean of students at the university of Hartford. He has served in various student life positions at Weber state university, Montana state university, the university of alaska, and others.





Goodbye, gluten—hello, healthy weight loss!

The only gourmet, gluten-free cookbook that helps anyone shed unwanted pounds—whether they have celiac disease or not 39 percent of the 3 million americans with celiac disease are overweight at diagnosis—a full 30 percent are obese (American Journal of Gastroenterology) Chef ross Harris has cooked for a variety of celebrities including Marlo Thomas and George lopez The book includes a foreword by dr. Peter Green, Md, director of the Celiac disease Center at Columbia university adams’s gluten-free cookbooks have sold more than 150,000 copies!

The Gluten-free Edge
Get Skinny the Gluten-Free Way!
Gini Warner, Ma, and Chef ross Harris; Foreword by dr. Peter Green, Md, director of the Celiac disease Center at Columbia university

r e c ip e s
anyone u s e to loc a n s w e ig h t e
Marketing: • Promotional blad • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to cooking, health, and women’s interest media • Promotion on “The Hungry Editor” blog • Targeted social media outreach


The Grapefruit Diet. The Lemon/Cayenne Pepper Detox Diet. The Three-Day Diet. Unlike fad diets that come and go, The Gluten-Free Edge gives readers the extra push they need to shed those pounds—and they don’t have to have celiac disease to benefit. Acclaimed chef Ross Harris delivers gourmet meals that guarantee weight loss without forcing readers to give up the foods they love. Gluten-free gourmands will find a 7-day meal plan and 200 recipes that satisfy even the most discerning dieter’s palate including: • • • • • Spinach and Bay Shrimp Omelets Turkey Piccata Ratatouille White Clam Pizza Mandarin Orange and Chocolate Crepes

Gluten-filled foods can derail even the best-intentioned diets, but these gourmet recipes make weight loss quick, easy, and delicious.

Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback 7 x 9â…›, 256 pages 2-color throughout Features an 8-page, 4-color insert $18.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1183-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1183-7 EAN: 9-78144051183-7 UPC: 0-4507951183-5

Gini Warner, Ma (laguna Beach, Ca) has been a practicing Nutritional Counselor for more than twenty years and works with families, individuals, and corporations in the fields of celiac disease, immune dysfunction, diabetes, osteoporosis, weight loss, and overall wellness. Chef Ross Harris (laguna Beach, Ca) is the assistant Head Chef at le diplomat, a restaurant serving Mediterraneanstyle cuisine in southern California where he gives his customers the choice of traditional or gluten-free ingredients. Foreword Writer Dr. Peter Green, MD (New york, Ny), is director of the Celiac disease Center at Columbia university. He is a former President of the New york society of Gastrointestinal endoscopy and remains on the society’s council.






reminds women they’re not in it alone

He thinks he’s being awesome; she’s lying her ass off. it’s how relationships work—and exactly what this book celebrates Women need to laugh as well—proven by the success of the Porn for Women series and Pat the Husband Perfect gift for, well, any woman in a relationship includes full-color photos of him at his (embarrassingly) best

• •

Of Course You’re Still Cool, Honey
dan Consiglio, with plenty of inspiration from his wife lauren

It’s so hard being a man. There’s all those hectic scheduling issues. (Remember the fantasy draft/beer-league playoff double-booking debacle?) Then there’s his romantic side that never ceases to amaze. (Takeout and a UFC pay-per-view, anyone?) And don’t get us started on how he finds time to stay so fashion-forward. (Who would’ve known the socks-and-sandals look was making a comeback?) No wonder he only has time to throw his dirty underwear next to the hamper. But it’s not always easy for these modern-day Supermen. They can have bad days too. That’s when the women in their lives really need to shower them with attention, tell them how great they are, and remind them that yes, Of Course You’re Still Cool, Honey.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to women’s interest, men’s interest, humor, and relationship media • Most Embarrassing Photo Contest • Promotion on author blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: March Publication: April Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 6¼, 160 pages Features 4-color photos throughout $12.95 (Canada $14.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0743-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0743-4 EAN: 9-78144050743-4 UPC: 0-4507950743-2

Dan Consiglio (Chicago, il) is a husband, father, and writer—but mainly he’s a guy. Which means no matter what he does, it’s usually greeted with some type of frown or disdain in his household. lauren Consiglio (Chicago, il) is dan’s wife. Pray for her.

Now that’s the stance of a real athlete.




The diet our bodies were born to run on—with twenty-first-century recipes

The most recipes (150) of any Paleolithic diet book currently on the market, including shopping lists and meal plans to help ease the changeover from a traditional diet The Paleolithic diet has received mainstream media attention over the past several years on Dateline NBC and NPR, and in The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times (thepaleodiet.com) esPN has published several stories about the growing number of NFl athletes who swear by the Paleolithic diet (esPN.com) Everything® health titles have sold more than 440,000 copies!

An all-natural, easy-to-follow plan to: • Improve health • Lose weight

The Everything® Paleolithic Diet Book
• Increase endurance • Prevent disease
Jodie Cohen and Gilaad Cohen, Certified CrossFit Trainers and Coaches

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to cooking and health media

Our prehistoric ancestors survived and flourished on high-protein diets filled with fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables. While dieters no longer have to hunt down a sabertoothed tiger for supper, following the Paleolithic diet can transform their bodies. And eating this way can help prevent obesity, diabetes, and cancer. They’ll learn to prepare 150 nutritious recipes, including: • • • • • Banana-Coconut Bread Paleo Pulled Pork Sour Cherry Beef Stew Pecan-Crusted Chicken Almond Butter Cookies

Featuring extensive meal plans and shopping lists to help transition into this lifestyle, The Everything® Paleolithic Diet Book helps readers lose weight, gain muscle, and achieve peak performance and optimum health.

Ships: March Publication: April Health/Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1206-X ISBN 13: 987-1-4405-1206-3 EAN: 9-78144051206-3 UPC: 0-4507951206-1

Jodie Cohen (Newton, Ma) is a nutritional counselor, fitness trainer, and co-owner of CrossFit Newton. Jodie provides recipes, meal plans, and nutritional counseling to CrossFit members as part of the CrossFit Paleo Challenge, an online fitness and diet community. Gilaad Cohen (Newton, Ma) has been a personal trainer for more than fifteen years. He is co-owner of CrossFit Newton.




If kids cook good food, they’ll eat good food

The only cookbook for parents and children that celebrates local, organic food families can make together One in five parents say that serving healthy, wholesome food is more important than serving easy-to-make, inexpensive food (Whole Foods Market, Inc.) Author Michelle Stern was recently awarded the 2010 Scholastic’s Parent & Child Green Parent Blogger Award

The Whole Family Cookbook
Celebrate the goodness of locally grown foods
Michelle Stern, Founder of What’s Cooking; Photography by Matthew Carden

Marketing: • Promotional blad • National print, broadcast,
and online publicity targeted to parenting, health, and green media

There’s no better way to teach children how to eat fresh, healthy, organic food than with recipes their families can cook and eat together! Written by a food educator passionate about passing on culinary skills to younger generations, The Whole Family Cookbook gives families the resources they need to cook delicious, local food in any season, including: • Practical advice to teach parents how to pick the best local and natural food without spending too much time or money • Color-coded instructions that guide kids of all ages through ageappropriate steps in every recipe • More than 75 organic, family-friendly recipes and beautiful four-color photos that will get everyone excited about what’s for dinner! Whether they’re cooking Summertime Kabobs on a balmy June evening or Sweet and Savory Turnovers for a toasty winter breakfast, families will learn to love the wholesome food—and priceless memories—they can make together.
Michelle Stern (San Francisco, CA) founded the children’s cooking school What’s Cooking and teaches families about healthy, practical food. She attended the White House’s Chefs Move to Schools conference and is the Director of Community Outreach for the children’s show DooF. Matthew Carden (Novato, CA) is an internationally exhibited food photographer. His commissioned work includes a cover for EDIBLE and a SLOW Food poster. Carden’s commercial clients have included HGTV, Williams-Sonoma, and NapaStyle.

• Scribd promotion • Farmer’s market tour • You Tube video promotion • Promotion on “The Hungry
Editor” blog

Ships: March Publication: April Cooking, Trade Paperback 4-color throughout, features 30-40 photographs 7 x 9â…›, 192 pages $17.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1120-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1120-2 EAN: 9-78144051120-2 UPC: 0-4507951120-0



Corny Raspberry Muffins
It can be crazy around our house in the morning—people are rushing in every direction, getting dressed, packing backpacks for school, and eating breakfast. Having healthy muffins on hand is really nice when time is short and you all need to grab something that is fast and easy to eat. These are better for you—and the planet—than the drive-through any day!
Ingredients: • • • • • 1½ cups all-purpose flour ½ cup yellow cornmeal ½ cup packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda • • • • • ¼ teaspoon salt 1¼ cups plain low-fat yogurt 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon lemon rind, grated 2 large eggs, lightly beaten • Non-stick cooking spray • 1 cup fresh raspberries • ½ teaspoon granulated sugar

1. Preheat oven to 375ºF. 2. Place a large bowl inside an even larger one. This will allow you to catch any spills of your dry ingredients so they aren’t wasted. 3. Measure flour, cornmeal, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add each to the bowl. 4. In a separate bowl, add yogurt and vegetable oil. 5. Use a lemon zester, microplane, or box grater to grate the lemon rind. Watch out—these are sharp! 6. Crack the eggs and add them to a separate small bowl. This will allow you to easily fish out any stray shells. 7. Lightly mix the eggs with a whisk or fork. Add the eggs to the yogurt mixture and stir to combine. 8. Pour the wet mixture to the large bowl of dry ingredients. 9. Stir until just blended. The dough won’t be nice and tender if you mix too much. 10. Use a ¼ cup measuring cup to spoon the batter into 12 muffin cups (coated with cooking spray). 11. Mix the raspberries and sugar in a small bowl. 12. Using a spoon, scoop even quantities of berries on to each muffin cup. 13. Bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins spring back when you touch them gently in the center. 14. Remove them from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes in the pan. 15. Transfer muffins from the pan and allow to cool on a wire rack.
© Matthew Carden

CoLoR KEY 2-3 years old 4-6 years old 7-10 years old 11+ years old



annotations, analysis, and present-day applications—all in an accessible format

The only general-audience Constitution book that features a user-friendly layout to make it easy to find specific articles or amendments, along with plain-english annotations With interest in the u.s. Constitution increasing rapidly, readers need an accessible introductory guide to the document and how it affects their lives Everything® reference and history titles have sold more than 850,000 copies!

The Everything® U.S. Constitution Book
An easy-to-understand explanation of the foundation of American government
ellen M. Kozak

Immigration. Same-sex marriage. Gun control. Hot-button topics about constitutional rights have been all over the news lately. But does the average American know what the U.S. Constitution actually says? The Everything® U.S. Constitution Book walks readers through the history of this essential document and how it has guided lawmakers and judges for more than 200 years. This valuable handbook covers: • • • • • How the articles and amendments were drafted Insight into the intentions of the creators and the sources they used Controversial interpretations and Supreme Court decisions How the Constitution affects citizens every day The Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and unratified Constitutional amendments

This accessible guide contains the complete text of the Constitution, with short but descriptive margin notes throughout. Each article and amendment is followed by an in-depth analysis to help readers comprehend the basis of democracy. This unbiased look at the Constitution helps readers feel confident in their understanding of this all-important document.

Ships: March Publication: April Political Science, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1274-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1274-2 EAN: 9-78144051274-2 UPC: 0-4507951274-0

Ellen M. Kozak (Milwaukee, Wi) has been an attorney for more than forty years. she has presented educational programs on copyright, publishing, and general law to audiences including the american Bar association and numerous colleges and universities. Her articles have appeared in publications ranging from Campaigns & Elections to Travel & Leisure to USA Today.







Beyond veggie burgers!

The only vegetarian cookbook with recipes specifically for cookouts, barbecues, and other outdoor parties! 22.8 million people follow a vegetarian-inclined diet (Vegetarian Times magazine) Jolinda Hackett counsels new vegetarians and vegans as the about.com Guide to vegetarian Food, where she maintains a topical blog, shares her favorite recipes, and provides individual support through email and forums.

Cookouts Veggie Style!
Jolinda Hackett

225 Backyard Favorites—Full of Flavor, Free of Meat!
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to health, cooking, and family media • Memorial Day wire piece • Promotion to National Vegetarian festivals • Promotion on “The Hungry Editor” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Hamburgers, hot dogs, and barbecue ribs. Sounds like the perfect all-American cookout—unless you’re a vegetarian. With more people adopting a mainly vegetarian diet, the choices might seem limited for all those great outdoor parties. Whether it’s a barbecue or a picnic in the park, it’s time to get creative with meatless summer meals! Inside are mouthwatering recipes such as: • • • • • Fennel Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette Crisped Camembert and Mango Quesadillas Cajun-Rubbed Portabella Caps Halloumi Skewers with Parsley & Lemon Salsa Honey Mustard Grilled Tempeh

Forget boring Boca burgers and bland pasta salad. Cookouts Veggie Style! shows readers how to make delicious, unique, and fresh vegetarian meals so they’ll never miss the burgers and dogs again!

Ships: April Publication: May Cooking, Trade Paperback Features an 8-page, 4-color insert 7 x 8¼, 240 pages $17.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1240-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1240-7 EAN: 9-78144051240-7 UPC: 0-4507951240-5

Jolinda Hackett (Thailand) has been vegetarian for nearly twenty years and a vegan for almost ten. she is the about.com Guide to vegetarian Food and the author of The Everything® Vegan Cookbook.







an updated edition of the bestselling classic on mastering music!

The most comprehensive music theory introduction on the market. includes unique practice exercises (Etudes) and ear training for a more complete educational experience 113 million, or 53 percent of americans over the age of 12, are current or former music makers (Gallup) Everything® music titles have sold more than 300,000 copies, and The Everything® Music Theory Book with CD has sold more than 34,000 copies since 2006!

The Everything® Music Theory Book with CD, 2nd Edition
Take your understanding of music to the next level
Marc schonbrun



Perfect for everyone from the intermediate musician to the collegiate music major, The Everything® Music Theory Book with CD, 2nd Edition is a complete guide to mastering musical understanding! It’s a total educational package, with a helpful audio CD, hundreds of illustrations, and challenging practice exercises. Readers learn how: • Chords and scales are constructed • Rhythm works and how to understand complex time signatures • Composers and musicians think about songwriting Each clear, easy-to-understand chapter includes several Etudes. These focused practice exercises test and reinforce readers’ newfound understanding of music theory. With this hands-on practice, music enthusiasts will become true musicians in no time!

Marc Schonbrun (san Jose, Ca) is an educator, writer, and performer. He lectures on guitar and music technology, and frequently tours the country educating musicians and teachers. He is the author of several books on music, including The Everything® Guitar Scales Book with CD and The Everything® Guide to Digital Home Recording.


Ships: April Publication: May Music Instruction, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10â…ž, 304 pages $19.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1182-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1182-0 EAN: 9-78144051182-0 UPC: 0-4507951182-8

Previous Edition: The Everything® Music Theory Book with CD, 1st Edition, $19.95, 1-59337-652-9 ALSO AVAILABLE:





a catastrophic tour through the ages

The only book brazen enough to laugh at history’s major mistakes—and the morons who caused them in 2008, 174 manmade disasters occurred worldwide, taking more than 5,600 lives and costing more than $7.8 billion in damages. Good job guys! (swiss re, global insurance company) The book includes a foreword by Bob Carney, the founder and owner of stump! Trivia, a nationwide bar trivia company adams Media’s reference books have sold more than 750,000 copies!

The little Book of Big f*#k Ups
220 of History’s Most-Regrettable Moments
Ken lytle and Katie Corcoran lytle, Ma; Foreword by Bob Carney, founder and owner of stump! Trivia

Nobody’s perfect. Every day, some guy forgets his wife’s birthday, some schmuck drives his Corolla into the Lexus in front of him, and some mother forgets to make cupcakes for her kid’s school bake sale. But readers will never sweat the small stuff again. The Little Book of Big F*#k Ups gives these denizens of disaster a major self-esteem boost by detailing 220 of the world’s most easily avoided catastrophes, such as: • The Donner party camping trip. Oh, pioneers! The Sierra Nevadas are not a winter wonderland. Guess you learned the hard way. • The sinking of the RMS Titanic. Hello!? Does anyone see that huge iceberg? No? Okay then. • Madame Curie’s death from radium poisoning. Come on, Marie, put on a Hazmat suit, will ya? Your creepy glow-in-the-dark skin is freaking everyone out. After all, everyone makes mistakes. It’s just that some people’s faux pas are worse— way, way worse—than others.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to humor media • Targeted publicity for father’s Day round-up • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog

Ships: April Publication: May Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 240 pages $12.95 (Canada $14.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1252-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1252-0 EAN: 9-78144051252-0 UPC: 0-4507951252-8

Ken lytle (Whitman, Ma) is by day a mild-mannered accountant and by night a passionate trivia jockey who hosts bar trivia. He combined his love for words and numbers with his vast array of odd facts and figures to assemble this collection of catastrophes. Katie Corcoran lytle, Ma (Whitman, Ma) loves any and all trivial pursuits and put her love of arcane knowledge to use by earning her Ma in nineteenth century american literature. a former professor, Katie currently works as a publishing professional. Foreword writer Bob Carney (West roxbury, Ma) is the founder and owner of nationwide bar trivia machine stump! Trivia. His trivia empire, once confined to only four bars in Boston, has expanded to hundreds of bars in states from New Hampshire to Hawaii.





An all-new, one-of-a-kind series:

Introducing KIDz BOP Books!
It’s time for young readers to jam with their favorite KIdz Bop Kids. For the first time ever, this wildly popular brand is hitting bookstore shelves. We’re talking the stuff kids want to read! ï‚« Kidz Bop is the #1 kids music brand in the U.S. for kids 5–12 ï‚« Kidz Bop is the #1 album-charting artist of the decade, with more than 11 million Cds sold ï‚« Kidz Bop website attracts more than 1 million The visits a month—and some 600,000 unique visitors per month ï‚« Kidz Bop is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2011 ï‚« Kidz Bop’s most recent release, Kidz Bop 18, debuted at #5 on the Billboard chart this summer and spent 11 consecutive weeks in the Top 50 Readers can participate online at KIDzBOP.com to vote on story lines, upload original videos for e-book inclusion, and access special bonus content.
each book a Includes a

load! song dow n

e FReop b

MarKeTing plan:

ï‚« national pr campaign across ï‚« in-store displays all mediums ï‚« extensive interactive ï‚« Publishers Weekly promotion on KidzBop.com announcement ï‚« song download with Free ï‚« in-store events/piggy-back tour every purchase ï‚« online advertising
36 www.fwmedia.com/books/catalog


Kidz Bop plus one: A Junior Novel
Join the Kidz BoP Kids as They Hit the road to Find Their Newest Member

finally: The novel millions of KIDZ BOP fans have been waiting for!
When one of the Kidz Bop kids twists an ankle while rehearsing for their sold-out concert at Madison Square Garden, they need a replacement—and fast. But which of the talented kids who show up at the Kidz Bop Awesome Auditions held at theaters around the nation will win the coveted slot? Each Kidz Bop kid has an opinion and sparks begin to fly!
ships: April | Publication: May | Juvenile Fiction, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 128 pages, includes 8-page, 4 color insert | $4.99 (Canada $5.99) rights: u.s., Canada, united Kingdom, south africa, australia, & New zealand rights isBN 10: 1-4405-0574-8 | isBN 13: 978-1-4405-0574-4 eaN: 9-78144050574-4 | uPC: 0-4507950574-2

The first ever Kidz Bop novel!

By the time the dust settles, there’s a new Kidz Bop kid in the making. But just as the curtain is about to go up, the injured party shows up, fully recovered and ready to perform. in the scramble to accommodate Kidz Bop plus one, everyone must rise to the occasion, swallow their pride, put aside their disappointment, and forget their fears as they give the performance of their lives! When Bethany Bryan (astoria, Ny) isn’t writing, she’s reading books, hanging out at the pool, or going to the movies. she has previously written books for rosen Publishing and scholastic.

Kidz Bop: Be a pop Star!
KIDZ BOP is holding a Kidz Star USa Talent Search contest

start your own Band, Book your own Gigs, and Become a rock and roll Phenom!

A jammin how-to gu ’ from the ide # kids music1 brand in the U.S.!

Everything kids need to know to make their rock star dreams come true! From writing cool songs and getting a group together to putting on shows and shooting music videos, this is all aspiring rockers need to take the world by storm—just like the Kidz Bop kids do! Kimberly Potts (New york, Ny) has written for aol Tv, TV Guide, Moviefone.com, People.com, US Weekly, Daily Variety, e! online, MTv.com, Teenmag.com, TWIST, Teen, and disney publications. she’s also the editor of Tvscreener.com and the author of five books.
ships: April | Publication: May | Juvenile Non Fiction, Trade Paperback 7 x 9â…›, 224 pages | $8.99 (Canada $9.99) rights: u.s., Canada, united Kingdom, south africa, australia, & New zealand rights isBN 10: 1-4405-0572-1 | isBN 13: 978-1-4405-0572-0 eaN: 9-78144050572-0 | uPC: 0-4507950572-8

Kidz Bop: A Rockin’ Fill-in Story
Play along with the Kidz BoP Kids— and Have a Totally Jammin’ Time!

The first ever fill-in story for the insatiable KIDZ BOP fanbase!
Fill in the blanks for __________ Kidz Bop fun!

The one and only Kidz Bop fill-in stor y book!

ships: April | Publication: May | Juvenile Non Fiction, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 112 pages | $4.99 (Canada $5.99) rights: u.s., Canada, united Kingdom, south africa, australia, & New zealand rights isBN 10: 1-4405-0573-X | isBN 13: 978-1-4405-0573-7 eaN: 9-78144050573-7 | uPC: 0-4507950573-5

Now for the first time, millions of devoted fans can create their own stories starring the most talented young stars in America: the Kidz Bop kids. Kidz Bop fans will love this interactive fill-in-the-blanks story in which they jam with all of their fave Kidz Bop stars! When Bethany Bryan (astoria, Ny) isn’t writing, she’s reading books, hanging out at the pool, or going to the movies. she has previously written books for rosen Publishing and scholastic.




What employers really want—as revealed by the experts

Top-flight hiring managers outline in detail the criteria they look for when evaluating potential new employees u.s. unemployment is expected to remain high for the next few years—applicants need an edge in the face of stiff competition Career authority Martin yate’s Knock ’em Dead series has sold more than 5 million copies over twenty-five years!

Knock ’em Dead: Secrets & Strategies from the Insiders
Martin yate, CPC, New York Times bestselling author

From crafting a resume and getting a foot in the door to securing a spot and negotiating a deal, job seekers need to be on their game throughout the entire search process or they risk elimination. How can they make sure they’re doing everything right? Fortunately, renowned career expert Martin Yate has the answers. Drawing on his more than thirty years of counseling and from the experience of his legion of industry contacts, he shows exactly what job applicants must know, do, and convey if they’re to succeed in their quest for employment. The key to the hire is to impress those who matter. In this newest addition to the bestselling Knock ’em Dead series, Martin Yate shows how to do just that by providing insider advice from the experts who matter.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to workplace and career media • Targeted social media outreach • College radio tour • Promotion on www.knockemdead.com • Radio Tour • Blog Tour

Ships: April Publication: May Careers, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights except United Kingdom ISBN 10: 1-4405-0650-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0650-5 EAN: 9-78144050650-5 UPC: 0-4507950650-3

Martin Yate, CPC (savannah, Ga), is a bestselling author of numerous books on career management. a former director of personnel for Bell industries’ Computer Memory division, he is also the author of Knock ’em Dead Resumes and Knock ’em Dead Cover Letters.






’ em

For 25 years, Martin Yate’s Knock ’em Dead job search books have given applicants an edge, whether the reader is a recent college graduate, unemployed, or contemplating a career change. Now, in this exclusive Knock ’em Dead Job Search Kit, readers have every essential job search tool in one unique package. Readers will ace the interview and clinch that exciting job offer in no time flat.

“Should be required reading for job hunters.”
— L i b R a RY J o u R N a L

Knock ’em Dead Job Search Kit
Careers Box dimensions: 8½ x 11 x 4 $49.95 usd / $55.99 CNd isBN 10: 1-4405-2472-6 isBN 13: 978-1-4405-2472-1 uPC: 0-4507952472-9

Includes: Knock ’em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search Guide
Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 384 pages

Knock ’em Dead: Secrets & Strategies from the Insiders
Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages

150 Knock ’em Dead Job Interview Flash Cards
Flash Card dimensions: 2¾ W x 4½ H

Knock ’em Dead Resume and Cover Letter CD

Innovative and all-encompassing, the Knock ’em Dead Job Search Kit includes:
• The Bestselling Knock ‘em dead: The Ultimate Job Search Guide • Knock 'em dead: Secrets & Strategies from the Insiders • 150 interview practice flash cards • Cd including over 400 sample resumes and cover letters




since when did crass become commonplace?

The cue we need to be nicer neighbors, more courteous coworkers, friendlier customers, and just downright better human beings it’s a throwback manual with a modern edge as it rights today’s wrong behavior Perfect gift for anyone in need of a minor manner adjustment—from the recent college grad to that annoying friend who needs a hint

Uncommon Courtesy
Jennifer M. Wood

The Basics of Good Behavior for a Badly Behaved World

Uncommon Courtesy is the quick slap to the back of the head most people need nowadays. In a world that’s more likely to flip the bird than hold the door, it’s a reminder of proper behavior. Readers receive a (re-)schooling in manners with lessons split up by situation, then tackled by topic. Each note corrects conduct that’s become all too common, like . . . Bad Behavior: Popping a piece of gum into your mouth midconversation, and stressing your point by snapping it. courteous Fix: If you’re going to have a piece of gum while talking to someone, be sure to offer your companion a piece—and keep your mouth closed as you chew. You want your breath to be fresh. Not your attitude. Uncommon Courtesy is a reminder that it wasn’t always out of place to be polite.

Ships: April Publication: May Reference, Trade Paperback 4¼ x 7, 224 pages $11.95 (Canada $13.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1203-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1203-2 EAN: 9-78144051203-2 UPC: 0-4507951203-0

Jennifer M. Wood (New york, Ny) is a veteran journalist who’s dealt with plenty of rude people in order to get a story. Her ability to remain polite in response to such behavior is one she wishes to share with the world.




The only bastard-by-bastard look at the history of the world

This humorous history book focuses on the biggest bastards of all time that pre-date the 20th century—from Caligula and Genghis Khan to Torquemada and the Borgias ancient history is a really hot topic, as shown by the success of the Tv miniseries Rome, Pillars of the Earth, The Tudors, and Spartacus adams Media has a strong presence with history books including The Book of Bastards and Weird History 101

The Book of ancient Bastards
Brian Thornton

101 of the Worst Miscreants and Misdeeds from Ancient Sumer to the Enlightenment
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to political media • Targeted social media outreach

The Biggest Bastards of all Time! When it comes to bastards, readers can’t beat the good old days of the Egyptian pharaohs, the Roman Empire, or Europe during the Dark Ages. The bastards of old abound—and they come in every color, creed, gender, and sexual preference. From the cross-dressing cannibal emperor Elagabalus of Rome who was assassinated by his own grandmother to the icon-worshipping fanatical Empress Irene of Byzantine who gouged out her only son’s eyes, these are the malevolent malcontents who have truly survived the test of time. The Book of Ancient Bastards: Because when it comes to bad, it really is ancient history!

Ships: April Publication: May Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2488-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2488-2 EAN: 9-78144052488-2 UPC: 0-4507952488-0

Brian Thornton (seattle, Wa) earned his Ba in history from Gonzaga university and both his Bae (english) and Ma (history) from eastern Washington university. He is the author of The Book of Bastards, 101 Things You Didn’t Know about Lincoln, The Everything® Kids’ States Book, and The Everything® Kids’ Presidents Book.






300 refreshing recipes for health, vitality, and weight loss
• • •

Contains more recipes than any other green smoothies cookbook includes a chapter on green cleanses, and ways to jump-start your diet Green smoothies have been featured on Oprah (with dr. oz) and Good Morning America, and by celebrity chefs rachael ray and rocco dispirito, among others Everything® cooking titles have sold more than 2.2 million copies!

The Everything® Green Smoothies Book
Includes: • The Green Go-Getter • Cleansing Cranberry • Pomegranate Preventer . . . and hundreds more!
Britt Brandon with lorena Novak Bull, rd

• Green Tea Metabolism Booster • Cantaloupe Quencher

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to health media

Most people know that greens are very nutritious, but struggle to eat enough of them—they’re not the easiest vegetables to prepare. But now, readers can drink them! Green smoothies blend veggies with flavorful fruits, and pack a nourishing punch in a fun, portable format. The Everything® Green Smoothies Book features 300 delicious recipes, including: • • • • The Green Go-Getter Cleansing Cranberry Cantaloupe Quencher Pomegranate Preventer
Ships: April Publication: May Health/Cooking, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2564-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2564-3 EAN: 9-78144052564-3 UPC: 0-4507952564-1

Each recipe includes a full nutritional analysis so readers can easily make the healthiest choices each day. Green smoothies are an excellent way to boost nutrition, and fit into raw food diets and weight-loss plans. With this guide, readers can blend their way to natural health!

Britt Brandon (Jensen Beach, Fl) is an issa-certified personal trainer, triathlete, and medal-winning competitive runner. she is a mainly raw-foods vegetarian who consumes green smoothies daily. as part of her personal training practice, Britt develops green smoothies for weight-loss, cleanses, pregnancy, athletes, vegans, children, and even pets. lorena Novak Bull, RD (riverside, Ca) is a graduate of the Nutrition and dietetics program at loma linda university and a member of the american dietetic association. she has spent the last fifteen years working as a registered dietitian in public health, and has more than twenty-five years of experience with vegetarian, vegan, and raw vegan lifestyles.




Marketing for the digital age

This updated edition of dan s. Kennedy’s bestselling guide contains everything needed to move marketing to the leading edge of today’s business in 2010, digital marketing budgets exceeded print advertising and marketing budgets for the first time, with 70 percent of companies focusing on social media. Marketers need to reflect this change in their plans (outsell, inc.) The author’s newsletters, telecoaching programs, and other media outreach influence well over 1 million entrepreneurs annually

The Ultimate Marketing Plan 4th Edition
Target Your Audience! Get Out Your Message! Build Your Brand!
dan s. Kennedy, Bestselling author of No B.S. Business Success

New marketing and communication techniques are transforming how companies do business. And in this shifting world, organizations have to find new ways to reach customers. In this new edition of his top-selling The Ultimate Marketing Plan, industry expert Dan S. Kennedy integrates such tools as social media, networking, and strategic memberships into a complete plan that will strengthen customer bases without breaking the budget. Now with updated examples, marketing techniques, and contributions from experts, Kennedy offers an approach that catapults companies to the cutting edge.

Ships: April Publication: May Business, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1184-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1184-4 EAN: 9-78144051184-4 UPC: 0-4507951184-2

Previous Edition: The Ultimate Marketing Plan, 3rd Edition, $14.95, 1-59337-496-8

Dan S. Kennedy (Phoenix, az) is an expert on marketing and sales who has been writing and speaking about these topics for twenty years. His popular newsletter, The No B.S. Marketing Letter, reaches thousands of people in the u.s. and Canada.




Facts so out of this world—it’s scary!

The much-anticipated follow-up to the successful one-of-a-kind reference 1,001 Facts that Will Scare the S#*t Out of You Perfect gift for fans of Fringe, Warehouse 13, and The X Files Features the freakiest and funniest trivia this side of The Twilight Zone

• •

attack of the Killer facts!
eric Grzymkowski

1,001 Terrifying Truths about Little Green Men, Government Mind-Control, Flesh-Eating Bacteria, and Goat-Sucking Vampires
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to humor and alternative media • Targeted social media outreach

Fact attack: insurance covers alien abduction! For the bargain price of $150, you can purchase alien abduction insurance. The policy covers up to $1.5 million in damages if the claimant can prove he or she was actually abducted. Good luck with that one. Fact attack: Termites are egg-laying machines! A single termite queen can lay as many as 30,000 eggs in a single day. We should stop wasting our time with chickens. Fact attack: Fish fuses with its mate! To mate with a female, the male anglerfish latches onto the side of his partner with his teeth and releases an enzyme that causes his body to fuse with hers. Eventually, her body completely absorbs his until nothing but his gonads remain dangling on her side. It’s not a tumor. Forget Fringe, Warehouse 13, and The X-Files. In Attack of the Killer Facts!, readers find more weird and wacko truths than in all those combined. From golden poison dart frogs with enough venom to kill ten grown humans to cockroaches that can survive radiation 15 times stronger than what kills people, scary and strange just got scarier—and stranger!

Ships: April Publication: May Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 320 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1196-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1196-7 EAN: 9-78144051196-7 UPC: 0-4507951196-5

Eric Grzymkowski (somerville, Ma) is a humor writer and amateur trivia expert. When not writing, he can be found shouting out the answers to Jeopardy! questions and increasing his knowledge base by aimlessly surfing the internet. He frequents bar trivia nights, and one time almost won. almost.






More summer word search fun!

The Everything® Word Search Book has sold more than 150,000 copies More than 317 million people visited beaches in the united states last year (u.s. lifesaving association) Everything® games books have sold more than 2 million copies!

The Everything® Word Search for the Beach Book, Volume II
150 cool puzzles for even more fun in the sun!
Charles Timmerman, Founder of Funster.com

Catch the word search wave with the newest book from puzzle master Charles Timmerman! Beachgoers of all skill levels can relax on the shore with all-new mind teasers that help improve vocabulary, memory, and problem-solving skills with themes like: • • • • Lazy Hammock Beach Fire A Portable Feast Island Hopping

Swimming with 150 brand-new word searches, The Everything® Word Search for the Beach Book, Volume II is the beachgoer’s perfect companion for a day by the ocean or just lounging in the backyard. It’s the ultimate book for people who want to search for more than just seashells!

Ships: April Publication: May Games, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 192 pages $10.95 (Canada $11.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0975-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0975-9 EAN: 9-78144050975-9 UPC: 0-4507950975-7

Charles Timmerman (south Pasadena, Ca) is the founder of Funster.com, a word game website that was selected as a yahoo! Pick of the year, and the author of more than forty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Word Search for the Beach Book and The Everything® Giant Book of Word Searches.







one college grad realizes there’s no going back
 a unique travelogue that speaks to the thousands of young adults who graduate college but have no idea about the direction their lives are taking  Perfect for people who enjoyed Away We Go and MTv’s The Buried Life  a great gift to help recent grads get a grip on life after college

StateS of ConfuSion
My 19,000-Mile Detour to Find Direction
Paul Jury

Rather than deal with the problems he was facing as a recent college grad, Paul Jury decided to leave them in his rearview mirror. He might not have known the direction his life was headed, but he knew the route he was taking to hit all forty-eight contiguous states on one epic road trip. Filled with plenty of adventure and the unforeseen obstacle (or twelve), States of Confusion puts the reader in shotgun to see where the road takes Paul. All he knows— after crashing on the beer-soaked couch of his younger brother’s frat—is that there’s no going back.

Ships: April Publication: May Memoir, Hardcover 5½ x 8, 272 pages $21.95 (Canada $24.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1278-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1278-0 EAN: 9-78144051278-0 UPC: 0-4507951278-8

Paul Jury (los angeles, Ca) graduated from Northwestern university and headed on a road trip before finally getting a gig as a writer in la. Now, he writes and produces viral videos, and runs a tutoring program for kids looking to make the leap to college.




from the prologue
Fresh out of school with a useless degree and eighty grand of debt, i had no idea what to do next. My parents wanted me to move home to Minnesota. My college girlfriend wanted me to propose. My heart didn’t want me to do either. oh, and just for good measure, the economy was tanking. i needed a plan. Simple. i would leave it all behind—the temp jobs, the girlfriend, the debt. Well, not the debt. That’ll be following me around for the next two decades. The solution to my situation was to get behind the wheel and drive. i’d take my parents’ VW Eurovan on one epic road trip through all forty-eight contiguous states. That’d get me on track. it’s quite possible that this trip would be the ballsiest thing i’d ever do in my life. it’s also quite possible that i had been drinking when i decided on this “plan.”

Marketing:  National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to literary, men’s interest, college, and parenting media  advanced reading copies  You Tube video promotion  College speaking tour  Café Press merchandising  Targeted la outreach  Targeted social media outreach


Who rules? Han solo or Captain Kirk?

The first book to take up this important debate which has raged among fans for decades Matt Forbeck has won thirteen origins awards for his numerous science fiction and fantasy games since 1968, star Trek has reaped in more than $2 billion. star Wars blew it away with approximately $5.5 billion, making it the third-highest grossing film series ever. Take that, Captain Kirk!

Star Wars Vs. Star Trek
Matt Forbeck

Could the Empire Kick the Federation’s Ass? and other galaxy-shaking enigmas
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to literary, men’s, and sci-fi/fantasy media • Concentrated outreach to Star Wars/Star Trek fan groups and GaMER community • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog • Café Press merchandising • Targeted social media outreach

could a jedi knight use his light saber to deflect a beam from a phaser? Which aliens are cooler: the cardassians or the chazrach? have any Federation ships ever made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs? and most important . . . in a fight between the Empire and the Federation, who would win? Ever since Princess Leia’s starship hovered into sight on the silver screen, fans of Star Wars and Star Trek have been debating these questions. Now, side by side, they can line up aliens, technology, story points, weaponry, and heroes from the two great science fiction/fantasy stories of our age. For fans everywhere, this volume offers detailed information about both universes as well as trivia, quizzes, quotes, and information drawn from these two iconic settings. So phasers on stun and light sabers at the ready! It’s time for the duel to begin.

Ships: April Publication: May Performance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1262-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1262-9 EAN: 9-78144051262-9 UPC: 0-4507951262-7

Matt forbeck (Beloit, Wi) has worked with many companies, including Games Workshop, Mattel, and Wizards of the Coast. He has designed games, and has written short fiction, comic books, novels, nonfiction, magazine articles, and computer game scripts and stories.






it’s all fun and games until someone loses a ______________
Body pArT

Best scenarios from the bestselling The Maxims of Manhood— adds hours of fun to any drinking game Kids love Mad libs, and we all know men can be pretty _________________ juvenile
ExplETivE AdjEcTivE ENdiNG iN -iNG

The Maxims of Manhood Presents: Manlibs
Fill-in Fun for REAL ________ Men

Jeff Wilser and Max Biggs

What’s better than the original Maxims of Manhood? Maxims scenarios smashed up by a bunch of guys. Case in point: Keep an Empty urinal Between you and the next Guy It’s simple logic. Leaving an empty ____________ between you and the next

guy, at its core, is a logical extension of ____________ Law—which posits that a
famous rock star

____________ will expand when heated.

People seek ____________. You see it everywhere. At an empty ____________ you
plural NouN locatioN

wouldn’t plop your ____________ next to the only other dude.
body part

Make sense? Of course not! That’s part of the fun. It gives guys something to do besides ____________ while throwing back a few. These 40-plus scenarios prompt
driNkiNg activity

Ships: May Publication : June Humor, Trade Paperback 5 x 8, 96 pages Rights: World Rights $9.95 (Canada $10.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-2657-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2657-2 EAN: 9-78144052657-2 UPC: 0-4507952657-0

Maxims fans to fill in as they black out—and provide one more thing to make sense of the morning after.
Jeff Wilser (New york, Ny) is a former usMC reserves squad leader. Wilser has been a regular online contributor to sites like GQ, MTv, and vH1, writing about dating, sex, nightlife, and pop culture. He is the author of Maxims of Manhood. Max Biggs (Jersey City, NJ) has been a bouncer, a bartender, an amateur racecar driver, and currently promotes mixed martial arts contests. you can’t get much more manly than that.




Have sex for 30 days— and Transform your Marriage!

The only book that promises to restore sex aNd intimacy in 30 days The average american only has sex 118 times a year, down a whopping 10 percent since 2001 (durex Global sex study) Capitalizes on the “just do it” trend in couples therapy, designed to treat the one in three couples suffering from low desire (aMa) author is frequently featured on The Tyra Banks Show, and is also the official “sexpert” for the Fox News Media

The 30-Day Sex Solution
victoria zdrok Wilson, Jd, Phd and John Wilson, MFT

How to Build Intimacy, Enhance Your Sex Life, and Strengthen Your Relationship in One Month’s Time
Marketing: • advanced reading copies • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to women’s interest, men’s interest, and relationship media • Promotion on the “Jane on Top” blog • Scribd promotion • la area events • Radio tour • Blog tour
Ships: May Publication: June Self-help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5 x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-60550-680-X ISBN 13: 978-1-60550-680-7 EAN: 9-78160550680-7 UPC: 0-4507910680-2

Let’s face it: Sex is the barometer of a couple’s relationship. When the sex is great, odds are the relationship is great, too. But when the sex is not so great—or nonexistent!—the relationship suffers as well. Time for The 30-Day Sex Solution! With this sensibly sexy handbook, couples have the sensual roadmap they need to go from humdrum to hot, hotter, hottest in only a month: • Days 1-6: Renew your vows, release your libidos, reduce distractions • Days 7-12: Recapture romance, reveal sexual fantasies, liberate your passion • Days 13-18: Reinvent your sexual selves, rediscover each other’s bodies, revamp sexual routines • Days 19-24: Get naughty, get kinky, get it on • Days 25-30: Explore full-body sex, become sexual soul mates, transcend the physical On this tantalizing, month-long sexual romp, couples will rediscover their passion for one another, in and out of the bedroom—and enjoy the sexiest 30 days—and nights— in their life together!

Victoria Zdrok Wilson, JD, PhD, (Pompton lakes, NJ) the only woman to be both a Playboy Playmate (october, 1994) and the Penthouse Pet of the year (2004), has earned both a Jd in law and a Phd in Clinical Psychology. she also writes a popular Penthouse column “dear dr z” and hosts her own weekly show on sirius satellite radio entitled “The sex Connection.” John Wilson, MfT (Pompton lakes, NJ) is a therapist who present counsels families, adults, and adolescents at lockwood Counseling and learning services. He earned his Ms in Family Therapy at iona College.






an impartial resource on this controversial theory

a completely balanced and unbiased take on the history, theory, and practice of socialism With President obama’s progressive policies, the term “socialist” has become an often-used word in Washington, but most americans don’t have a clear idea of what socialism really is The idea of socialism is popular with upwards of 36 percent of the population (Gallup Poll) Everything® reference and history titles have sold more than 850,000 copies!

The Everything® Guide to Understanding Socialism
Pamela d. Toler, Phd

The political, social, and economic concepts behind this complex theory

The word “socialism” has exploded in modern society, and is a hot issue in the political world. Despite its sudden infamy, socialism’s complex history stretches back nearly three centuries. This informative and impartial guide takes the reader through socialism’s origins to its modern-day interpretations, discussing: • • • • • Socialism’s eighteenth-century beginnings Types of socialism Basic constructs and beliefs Socialism in Eastern Europe and America Modern-day misconceptions

Featuring an unbiased and comprehensive view of this controversial theory, The Everything® Guide to Understanding Socialism is the ultimate resource for readers who want to learn more about this age-old concept turned modern-day political firestorm.

Ships: May Publication: June Political Science, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1277-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1277-3 EAN: 9-78144051277-3 UPC: 0-4507951277-1

Pamela D. Toler (Chicago, il) holds a Phd in history, and has taught courses on history, social, and political thought at the university of Chicago. Her work has been featured in such publications as Daily Dose of History and Daily Dose of Knowledge, American History, History, and Calliope.




Happiness really is a state of mind!

The only mainstream book that helps readers program their brains to be happy everyone wants to be happy—but americans are more unhappy and stressed out than ever (Gallup) The happiest people in the world are Puerto ricans, Nigerians, and Mexicans—americans rank 16th in happiness (New Scientist) our brains are programmed to detect happiness more quickly than sadness (university of Barcelona)

Train Your Brain to Get Happy
Teresa aubele, Phd, stan Wenck, Phd, and susan reynolds

The Simple Program That Primes Your Grey Cells for Joy, Optimism, and Serenity

The happiest people are not the richest people, or the smartest people, or even the people born with a genetic disposition toward optimism. The happiest people are those who have learned how to make themselves happy—from the inside out. The key to happiness is brainpower. With this groundbreaking guide, readers can literally train their brains to be happy when they learn to: • Short-circuit the fight-or-flight response that causes stress and anxiety • Focus their grey cells’ attention on emotional well-being • Engage in activities that flood the brain with dopamine and serotonin, among other “happy” chemicals • Satisfy the brain’s hunger for pleasure through diet and exercise • Enhance nutrition with the right vitamins and supplements • Trick the brain into building new pathways to serenity Train Your Brain to Get Happy: Because those who can, get happy!

Ships: May Publication: June Self-Help, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1181-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1181-3 EAN: 9-78144051181-3 UPC: 0-4507951181-1

Teresa aubele, PhD (West Bridgewater, Ma) received her Phd in Neuroscience from stony Brook university. she is currently engaged as a postdoctoral researcher at Florida state university where she is particularly interested in hormonal influence on brain circuitry and function. Stan Wenck, PhD (Fisher, iN) has specialized in the clinical use of biofeedback, visualization, and meditation in healing for the past thirty years. Professor Wenck has taught university courses in the use of biofeedback applications and has published 76 books and referred journals within the discipline of psychology. Susan Reynolds (Boston, Ma) has a Ba in Psychology and is the owner and founder of literary Cottage, a literary consulting firm based in Boston, through which she coaches other writers in pursuit of happiness through publishing.





The last word on infidelity by the founder of WomanSavers.com

The only guide to catching and confronting cheaters based on investigative scientific techniques 86 percent of men admit they routinely flirt with the opposite sex (Playboy) about 60 percent of men have an affair at some point in their marriage (Menstuff.com) The authors’ website, Womansavers.com, is ranked in the top 1 percent of the most popular women’s websites in the world (alexa Quantcast)

The Cheat Sheet

A Clue-by-Clue Guide to Finding Out If He’s Unfaithful
rea Frey and stephany alexander, founder of Womansavers.com; Foreword by susan Bartlestone, Personal safety specialist

Cheating leaves women broken and men offering lame excuses. But there’s no reason women can’t stop cheaters in their tracks. The Cheat Sheet helps readers uncover the entanglement of infidelity with tools as simple as quizzes and as versatile as cell phones. The expert authors’ intimate knowledge of cheaters and their tricks is paired with a private investigator’s savvy sleuthing, priming readers to outwit even the slyest sleezeball. Each chapter progresses through common pretexts and roots of affairs to expose the cheater’s thought process and M.O. Readers learn: • • • • • How to catch a cheat in the act Which rules cheaters live by How to deflect a cheater’s advances When there’s a way to forgive When there’s no choice but to forget

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to women’s interest and relationship media • E-galley • Scribd promotion • Promotion on the “Jane on Top” blog • Promotion on www.womensavers.com • Targeted social media outreach

Empowered readers will recognize cheating when it happens, catch cheaters redhanded, and ultimately find a relationship that will make them happy for a lifetime.

Ships: May Publication: June Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1198-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1198-1 EAN: 9-78144051198-1 UPC: 0-4507951198-9

Rea frey (Chicago, il) has created a buzz with her dating column, Pretty and the City, and her blog, Cheaters Tales (CheatersTales.wordpress.com), which focuses on cheating and relationships. Stephany alexander (Phoenix, az) is an author, infidelity expert, and founder of Womansavers.com. Frequently called on to comment on celebrity infidelity cases, alexander and Womansaver.com have been featured by e!, FoX, the CBS Early Show, USA Today, The New York Times, Esquire, Glamour, and oprah.com. Foreword Writer Susan Bartlestone (New york, Ny), is a Certified international Crime Prevention specialist (iCPs) with more than 100 additional hours of training with the FBi and other law enforcement organizations. Bartlestone is the director of safety solutions Co. and counsels women on topics such as domestic abuse, date rape, online dating safety, and self-defense.





The advice women need after the warnings they miss

The authors’ Big red Flag blog has a weekly feature on asylum.com (1.5 million unique visitors per month) Coauthor Natasha Burton is the relationships editor at Glo.com (2.1 million unique visitors per month) and has contributed to People, Glamour, Daily Variety, and outBlush.com Follows in the adams tradition of prescriptive-but-fun books such as Why Men Love Bitches (1,000,000+ sold) and I Used to Miss Him . . . But My Aim Is Improving (50,000+ sold)

The little Black Book of Big Red flags
The 200 Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore—But Usually Do
Natasha Burton, Julie Fishman, and Meagan McCrary, founders of thelittleblackblogofbigredflags.com

She’s never met his friends: red flag. Mom pays his rent: red flag. He’s fake-and-baked orange: red frickin’ flag! You’d think with such obvious warning signs, more women would know when to cut and run. They don’t. Instead they think, It’s not that bad, I can live with it, or—even worse—I can fix him! What a disaster. This Little Black Book will become every woman’s new best friend as it saves her from wasting time on a sinking ship. It combines real advice with real anecdotes to get a real message across: He’s just not that good for you. Readers will laugh at their fellow females’ dating disasters (and cringe when they realize a few of their own). And by the end, they’ll understand that when the flaw’s that obvious, it’s best to walk—or, in most cases, run—away.

Marketing: • advanced reading copies • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to women’s interest and relationship media • Scribd promotion • Promotion on littleBlackBlogofBigRedflags.com • Promotion on the “Jane on Top” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: May Publication: June Self-Help/Relationships, Trade Paperback with rounded corners 5½ x 7½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: North American English Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1265-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1265-0 EAN: 9-78144051265-0 UPC: 0-4507951265-8

Natasha Burton (los angeles, Ca) is a serial monogamist who’s currently the relationships editor of Glo.com, a women’s lifestyle website partnered with MsN and ELLE magazine. Julie fishman (los angeles, Ca) is a tomboy turned comedy writer who teaches at a college in Hollywood and writes for screen, print, and web. Meagan McCrary (los angeles, Ca) is an l.a.-based yoga teacher with an adventurous spirit for romance, who has also written for a variety of local lifestyle magazines.






on the road to enlightenment— one sacred site at a Time!

The only book to feature a wide range of sacred sites and offer prayers, meditations, and practices to deepen spirituality The success of Eat, Pray, Love and the dan Brown books has prompted a whole new contingent of travelers to seek spiritual pilgrimage religious tourism is booming! it’s an $18 billion industry with more than 300 million people taking 600 million trips (World religious Travel association)

Sacred Travels
Meera lester

275 Places to Find Joy, Seek Solace, and Learn to Live More Fully
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to women’s interest, literary, travel, and New age media • Targeted social media outreach • Scribd promotion

Sedona. Lourdes. Mecca. From California to the Middle East, millions of pilgrims set out each year in search of peace, grace, and enlightenment. With this truly unique guide, spiritual seekers everywhere can visit the world’s most mystical spaces—and find the inspiration they need to renew and revitalize their faith. Whether on the road or from an armchair, travelers from all traditions will enjoy exploring such illuminating sites as: • The Taj Mahal in India, perfect when mourning a lost love— or celebrating a new one • Carmel Mission in California, a place of veneration and enlightenment • The Shrine of Rumi in Turkey, a monument to the power of passion and poetry • The Wailing Wall in Israel, where it is believed you have God’s ear when you visit • Mount Olympus in Greece, a snow capped peak that offers serenity and strength Complete with special prayers, meditations, and devotions for each sacred site, Sacred Travels is the perfect companion for those seeking true journeys of the soul.

Ships: May Publication: June New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2489-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2489-9 EAN: 9-78144052489-9 UPC: 0-4507952489-7

Meera lester (Concord, Ca) is an internationally published author and an avid traveler. she has visited twenty-nine countries and four continents in a quest to find inspiration and to better understand the spiritual and cultural traditions of people of other nations.




Tasty take-out without the tip!

The only cookbook to offer 200 delicious takeout recipes that readers can make for $5 or less! in 2008, at the peak of the recession, the average american spent 8 percent more on food at home than in the preceding year, with some income groups spending up to 40 percent more (us Bureau of labor statistics) Follows the success of adams Media’s The $7 a Meal Cookbook series and The $5 a Meal College Cookbook

The $5 Takeout Cookbook
Good, Cheap Food for When You Want to Eat In
rhonda lauret Parkinson, Margaret Kaeter, Belinda Hulin, and Jennifer Malott Kotylo

When it comes to takeout, two things are true: People like it fast and they like it cheap. Lucky for them, The $5 Takeout Cookbook gives readers the to ability to make their favorite takeout dishes at home—for $5 or less per meal! With 200 recipes that feature pizza, Mexican, Chinese, or Thai food, readers will be able to make favorites such as: • • • • • Pad Thai Fire-Baked Six-Cheese Pizza Pan-Fried Chimichangas Traditional Mu Shu Pork Tandoori Chicken
Ships: May Publication: June Cooking, Trade Paperback 6 x 8, 256 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2587-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2587-2 EAN: 9-78144052587-2 UPC: 0-4507952587-0

After all, eating out is expensive, but readers shouldn’t have to give up the foods they love just to save some dough!

Rhonda lauret Parkinson (Calgary, alberta, Canada) is a freelance writer and chef. Margaret Kaeter was a freelance writer whose extensive articles on health and nutrition appeared in publications such as New Woman Magazine, Beef Magazine, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Belinda Hulin (atlantic Beach, Fl) served as food editor of the Florida Times-Union for five years and is a recipient of several association of Food Journalist awards. Jennifer Malott Kotylo (Chicago, il) a freelance writer, editor, and marketing consultant, has served as the treasurer of the Chicago Chapter of the american institute of Wine & Food.




Taking wild plants from harvest to table

Media outlets including Food & Wine, The Philadelphia Inquirer, NPr, The Guardian, The New York Times, and Trendhunter.com have identified foraging as perhaps the hottest up-and-coming trend in the food world includes 150 gourmet recipes, including vegetarian and vegan options Everything® home and garden titles have sold more than 340,000 copies!

Identifying, harvesting, and cooking nature’s wild fruits and vegetables
vickie shufer

The Everything® Guide to foraging
Readers looking for the freshest natural produce can forget about going to the supermarket—it’s all around them! With dozens of rich illustrations, color photos, and 150 tasty recipes, The Everything® Guide to Foraging is an accessible beginner’s guide to harvesting the wild fruits and vegetables that grow in fields, forests, and backyards across the country. Readers find: • • • • Detailed descriptions and multiple recipes for each plant A calendar of the foraging year for easy planning Sample menu plans for each season An important section on poisonous lookalikes
Ships: May Publication: June Nature, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $18.95 (Canada $20.99) Features black and white illustrations and an 8-page, 4-color photographic insert Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1276-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1276-6 EAN: 9-78144051276-6 UPC: 0-4507951276-4

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to cooking and health media

From clover to cattails and milkweed to mustard, this book covers the collection and preparation of the most common—and delicious—feral plants in America. It’s the perfect resource for readers who are looking to gain both a great meal and a greater appreciation of the natural world.

Vickie Shufer (virginia Beach, va) is an acclaimed naturalist who leads foraging and wilderness survival programs through her company, eco images. she is the owner of Wild Woods Farm, a native plant nursery in virginia, and is also the editor and publisher of The Wild Foods Forum quarterly newsletter.




exercises, meditations, and techniques for balancing the body’s energy centers

explores the connections between chakra healing energy and the law of attraction reiki and yoga, two core eastern practices that utilize chakras and chakra energy, are hugely popular in america and becoming more so. almost 20 million americans actively practice some form of yoga, and 60 percent of hospitals have reiki programs of some sort in place (satya Center) interest in the law of attraction is still strong. The Secret is still a bestseller, and the sequel, The Power, is now a New York Times bestseller

The Everything® Guide to Chakra Healing
Use your body’s subtle energies to promote health, healing, and happiness
Heidi e. spear

Chakras are the subtle energy centers through which life force flows. People who know how to balance the energy of the chakras enjoy better health, increased contentment, and a stronger awareness of life’s true purpose. This easy-to-use guide teaches readers what the chakras are and how they function, along with simple techniques and meditations to keep this vital energy system active and healthy. Includes: • Exercises and guided meditations to balance the energy of each chakra • Methods for removing energy blocks that cause illness, dissatisfaction, and pain • A comprehensive list of physical, emotional, and social problems associated with each chakra • Techniques for chakra work to complement the law of attraction to bring positive energy and people into readers’ lives The Everything® Guide to Chakra Healing helps readers take charge of their mental and physical well being and develop the skills necessary to ultimately create the life they desire.

Ships: May Publication: June New Age, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2584-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2584-1 EAN: 9-78144052584-1 UPC: 0-4507952584-9

Heidi E. Spear (lenox, Ma) is on the teaching faculty at Kripalu Center for yoga & Health, where she leads experiential workshops using meditation, yoga, visualization, poetry, zen koans, and theater to balance the chakras, and guide participants on the path to their true nature. Her latest workshop and forthcoming book focus on The yoga of shakespeare.






Be very scared—then beat them at their own game!

The government and big business spy on all americans— no one is spared. Here, readers get bold tactics to shake prying eyes Companies are spending more on riFd technology, which embeds tiny microchips in products and clothes—tracing every step we make (allBusiness.com) according to a 2010 Marist poll, half of social network users are worried about their privacy online (with good reason!); they need to know how bad it really is

Someone’s Watching You!
Forest lee

From Microchips in Your Underwear to Satellites Monitoring Your Every Move, Find Out Who’s Tracking You and What You Can Do about It
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to technology, men’s interest, and women’s interest media • Targeted social media outreach • Radio tour

Somewhere in D.C., a vast computer complex churns through quintillions of data bytes about every American, living or dead. Satellites circle in space, prying into the most intimate family secrets, while underground groups plot how to clone DNA. They’re tapping phones, invading offices, stealing identities, bugging clothing, the list goes on and on . . . There’s no place to hide. Or is there? In Someone’s Watching You! readers are exposed to real, little-known secret programs run by both the public and private sectors. Hundreds of entries detail the myriad insidious tactics dedicated to infringing on privacy and Constitutional rights. Armed with that knowledge, this in-your-face guide then offers readers creative ways to keep their private life private—and lose Big Brother once and for all!

Ships: May Publication: June Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1273-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1273-5 EAN: 9-78144051273-5 UPC: 0-4507951273-3

forest lee (Pawtucket, ri) is a long time paranoiac and professional writer. From his cramped seat in a Faraday cage in a cave in the woods, he has written about futuristic weapons, killer toys, human overpopulation, alien robots, cybernetic immortality, and other reasons to be terrified of the future.




The secrets of the amish revealed!
• •

The only book to uncover all of the mysteries of the amish! The amish inspirational, or “bonnet romance,” is one of the fastest-growing genres in romance publishing (USA Today) over 10 million people visit lancaster’s amish Country each year (800padutch.com) The amish population in lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has doubled in the last 20 years (amishnews.com)

What the amish Know
George sheldon

The Hidden Ways—and Wisdom—of America’s Most Secret Community
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to national news media • Scribd promotion • Radio tour • Blog tour • Targeted social media outreach

Private schoolhouses. Annual mud sales. No electricity or modern conveniences. Separated from society, the Amish are one of the most mysterious and private communities in the United States. For hundreds of years, they’ve chosen to live free from electronic devices and away from the fast-paced world the rest of us are used to. Yet, we continue to be fascinated by how they maintain an eighteenth century lifestyle in the twenty-first century and want to know their secret to leading modest, peaceful lives. What the Amish Know takes us inside their hidden world by answering the most important questions such as: • • • • • What is rumspringa? Do they pay taxes? What is the significance of an Amish man’s beard? What does it mean when someone has been shunned? Why do they forbid anyone to photograph them?

With insights into their faith, family life, and thoughts on forgiveness, this allencompassing guide will uncover the mysteries of the Amish and possibly inspire readers to live as simply as they do.

Ships: May Publication: June Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Features 20 black and white illustrations Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2573-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-25735 EAN: 9-78144052573-5 UPC: 0-4507952573-3

George Sheldon (lancaster County, Pa) is the Washington Post bestselling author of When the Smoke Cleared at Gettysburg. The fulltime photographer is also the author of Pennsylvania: Field Guide to State History; Their Last Words; Fire on the River; The Everything® Guide to Buying Foreclosures; The 250 Questions Every Landlord Should Ask, and many others.




Helping parents through those wild and wonderful toddler years

includes new information on toddlers in the electronic age— the merits and drawbacks of using development devices and websites marketed to toddlers Filled with dozens of off-line activities for parents and toddlers Contains 50 nutritious recipes for even the pickiest little ones— including meals that toddlers can help make The Everything® Toddler Book has sold more than 90,000 copies Everything® parenting books have sold more than 2 million copies!

• •

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All you need to raise a happy, healthy, and confident toddler
ellen Bowers, Phd

The Everything® Guide to Raising a Toddler
The toddler years are far from terrible! In fact, toddlerhood can be one of the most aweinspiring and magical moments in the lives of both a parent and a child. All a parent needs is a little direction to change these often trying years into terrific memories.

Filled with practical advice and sound strategies, The Everything® Guide to Raising a Toddler tells parents how to: • • • • Prepare great meals toddlers will actually sit still for and eat Handle tantrums Toddler-proof a home Get a toddler on a regular sleep schedule

New to this edition are tips on technology and toddlers, a slew of activities to build brainpower, and recipes to help keep toddlers performing at their best. Parents no longer have to dread the toddler years—with this helpful guide, they can have terrific toddlers!

Ships: May Publication: June Parenting, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2585-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2585-8 EAN: 9-78144052585-8 UPC: 0-4507952585-6

Ellen Bowers, PhD (Glendale, Ca), the mother of a daughter, has a doctorate degree in psychology and a master’s of science degree in education and psychology. as owner and director of a preschool focused on exposing toddlers and preschoolers to the arts, she has an extensive background in early childhood education. ellen also worked as a teacher in a program that focused on language development in toddlers.




essentials for the enterprising entrepreneur

This book contains practical information necessary for starting 500 small businesses, organized by startup costs a 2010 found that more than a quarter of unemployed people are considering starting their own businesses; however, many are unsure what business is best for their financial resources (CareerBuilder.com) a growing number of older americans are starting their own businesses; more than 5 million people fifty-five or older are independent entrepreneurs (The New York Times)

The Start Your Own Business Bible
501 New Ventures You Can Launch Today
richard J. Wallace

For someone with $500, personal chef may be the best business to start. For an out-of-work entrepreneur with $5,000, perhaps it’s running a modeling school. And a person with upwards of $50,000 to spend might launch a pet taxi service. This up-to-date guide provides the aspiring small businessperson with vital information needed to start any successful enterprise: startup costs, potential earnings, training and equipment needed, and more. For each exciting idea, The Start Your Own Business Bible provides bottom-line advice on advantages and obstacles—as well as insight into whether the company can be run from home. Whether newly unemployed or sick of cubicle life, readers longing to find their passion will reach for this book to match their resources to their dreams and kick off a business that works.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to small business media

Ships: May Publication: June Careers/Business, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 672 pages $17.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1272-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1272-8 EAN: 9-78144051272-8 UPC: 0-4507951272-6

Richard J. Wallace (southborough, Ma) is an editor and writer specializing in researching and developing print and digital products for medical, technical, and general readers. He is the author of Time Management, Second Edition and The Lazy Intellectual.




lessons for life on the road

Begs readers to let go and enjoy the adventure of living like a hobo (even if it’s from the comfort of their armchairs) Taps into the modern hobo movement, which is supported by popular online communities like digiHitch.com and Couchsurfing.org The hobo lifestyle will be running the reels in 2011 as Kerouac’s On the Road heads to the big screen

The Hobo Handbook
A Field Guide to Living by Your Own Rules
Josh Mack

Whether readers plan to actually pick up their bindles and take to the rails or simply daydream about hopping freights, The Hobo Handbook is the perfect throwback manual to leaving it all behind. Readers will be ready to carry their banner and flip to the next flop with an open-road education that teaches them how to: • Avoid getting pinched by a bull (train conductor) • Spot the difference between a hobo (wants to work), tramp (will work), and bum (refuses to work) • Decipher the secrets of the Hobo Code • And so much more! With this book as their guide, they’ll be ready to forget the 9-to-5, grab the next hotshot out of town, and live life the hobo way.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to travel, humor, men’s interest, and personal finance media • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog • Café Press merchandising • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: June Publication: July Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1227-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1227-8 EAN: 9-78144051227-8 UPC: 0-4507951227-6

Josh Mack (New york, Ny) has worked as a painter, carpenter, advertising copywriter, and freelance writer. over the years he has crisscrossed the continental u.s. nine times, and spent a year traveling through india and Nepal by foot, train, bus, motorcycle, and the occasional burro.






logic from lucy! syllogisms from seinfeld!

This is the only book to explain philosophical ideas by plugging into television Nationwide, more colleges are offering undergraduate philosophy programs today than a decade ago (The New York Times) The Simpsons and Philosophy has sold more than half a million copies

I Watch, Therefore I am
Gregory Bergman

From Socrates to Sartre, the Great Mysteries of Life as Explained Through Howdy Doody, Marcia Brady, Homer Simpson, Don Draper, and Other TV Icons
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to pop culture media • Targeted social media outreach • Café Press merchandise

What can Archie Bunker teach about situational ethics? Can The Brady Bunch explain epistemology? Can Plato’s theory of Forms be understood by watching an episode or two of American Idol? In a nutshell, yes! From the moral dilemmas faced by the characters in Lost to figuring out the Law of Identity with the aid of the famous “mirror” episode of I Love Lucy, this book introduces readers to the joys and complexities of philosophy through television. There’s not a single issue discussed by the great thinkers of the past that hasn’t been hashed over in television episodes ranging from Marcus Welby, M.D. to ER, from Leave It to Beaver to Two and a Half Men. With the aid of this funny, clear, authoritative book, readers can grab a snack, snuggle on the couch, turn on the TV, and let the boobtube explain the meaning of life.

Ships: June Publication: July Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 256 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1241-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1241-4 EAN: 9-78144051241-4 UPC: 0-4507951241-2

Gregory Bergman (los angeles, Ca) is the author of the bestselling WTF? series as well as five additional books. He published his first book, The Little Book of Bathroom Philosophy, while studying Philosophy at Hunter College. When he is not writing or performing stand-up, he watches television—a lot. in fact, so deep is his love for Tv, Bergman finds little reason to leave the house, despite the edenic weather of his hometown of los angeles.




informative and practical advice for leading the independent life

an easy-to-understand, practical, and down-to-earth resource for those looking to become self-sufficient and reduce reliance on public utilities Features a unique section about getting out of debt before moving off the grid to eliminate any financial ties to the government There are nearly 200,000 families living off-grid in the united states, a figure that has jumped 33 percent a year for the past decade and continues to rise (USA Today) Everything® home improvement titles have sold more than 350,000 copies; Everything® reference titles have sold more than 625,000 copies!
Includes techniques for an easy off -grid transition!

A back-to-basics manual for independent living
Terri reid

The Everything® Guide to living Off the Grid

What should I be eating? Where will I get electricity and clean water? Can I stay in my current home? Living off the grid can be a daunting decision for readers who are unsure about a self-sufficient lifestyle, but more and more people are adopting this do-it-yourself way of living. This practical and informative guide eases off-the-grid beginners into such basics as: • • • • • • Growing your own produce Composting Establishing privacy and security Eliminating existing debt to cut off financial ties Creating a sustainable home from scratch Taking advantage of natural energy


• National print, broadcast, and online publicity
targeted to lifestyle, technology, green, and alternative media

Ideal for readers who want to live self-sufficiently or who just want to incorporate a few key aspects into their day-to-day lives, The Everything® Guide to Living Off the Grid is an excellent introduction to homestead sustainability.

Ships: June Publication: July Home & Garden, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1275-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1275-9 EAN: 9-78144051275-9 UPC: 0-4507951275-7

Terri Reid (lena, il) is a writer with twenty years of off-grid living experience. she has written about self-reliance, sustainable living, and the post-consumer lifestyle in a monthly newspaper column and has appeared in BackWoods Home Magazine, Scouting Magazine, The Washington Post, and The Chicago Tribune.




Words to kick ass with
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The only dictionary written for guys to jack up their dudespeak More men than ever are watching guy shows like Deadliest Catch, True Gold, Ice Road Truckers, and Ax Men so they can drink beer, talk in manspeak, and pretend they’re hauling in a load of crab off the coast of alaska The uber-bro Barney stinson of How I Met Your Mother, poster child for ManWords, is one of the most popular characters on Tv (McLeans) adams’ Words You Should Know books have sold more than 280,000 copies!

Jeremy Greenberg

Real Words for Real Men
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to men’s interest and humor media • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Real men use words like “joist,” “wingman,” and “rope-a-dope.” They sweat, scratch, and spit while sitting in their “mancaves” and whistling at “whale tails” and “MILFs.” And if they don’t, they need a quick education in ManWords. This book contains the terms every man should know in order to converse with his bros while ogling hotties and tossing back brews from a pony keg. Yes, men need this book. And any man who knows words like “taupe” and “ruching” . . . really needs it.

Ships: June Publication: July Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1223-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1223-0 EAN: 9-78144051223-0 UPC: 0-4507951223-8

Jeremy Greenberg (san diego, Ca) is an internationally headlining stand-up comedian, author, and joke writer. He has appeared on The Bob & Tom Show, and has done five overseas tours to perform for our troops.







actions speak louder than words!

This updated edition will include an expanded section on lying, complete with divided sections on relationship liars, Business liars, and Kid liars The Fox show Lie to Me is now entering its third season to high ratings; the show follows a group of FBi body language experts as they help solve crimes, causing an uptick in interest in the study of body language Without body language, 55 percent of human communication is lost (eHow.com)

The Everything® Body language Book, 2nd Edition
Succeed in work, love, and life—all without saying a word!
shelly Hagen; Technical review by david Givens, Phd, Founder of The Center for Nonverbal studies

Is my boyfriend telling me the truth about where he was last night? How can I show my boss that I am ready for a promotion? I think that girl likes me, but I’m not sure. Crossed arms. Eye contact. Fidgeting. These are all the body’s subtle ways of speaking, and they can tell you more than you think. With over half of human communication coming from movement, readers need a comprehensive guide to “body as a second language.” From dating to job interviews to finding out if your kid really did eat his veggies, readers will learn valuable nonverbal nuances, including how to: • • • • • Project professional body language at job interviews Detect a liar at home, school, or in a relationship Tell if your date is into you—or into being away from you Recognize and control hostile or aggressive body language Decipher digital and online body language

Featuring an expanded section on discovering deception and new ways to spot a liar, The Everything® Body Language Book, 2nd Edition is a must-have for readers looking master the art of nonverbal communication!

Ships: June Publication: July Psychology, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 Pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2583-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2583-4 EAN: 9-78144052583-4 UPC: 0-4507952583-2

Previous Edition: The Everything® Body Language Book, 1st Edition, $15.95, 1-59869-419-7

Shelly Hagen (Ganevoort, Ny) is the author of several books, including Body Language Basics. she holds degrees in nursing and psychology and has extensive experience working with experts in the field of medicine and behavioral studies. Technical reviewer David Givens, PhD, (spokane, Wa) is the founder of the Center for Nonverbal studies in spokane, Wa. He speaks regularly about body language and works as a consultant on the subject for companies like Wendy’s, Best Buy, epson, and Pfizer.




all students need to improve writing, test-taking, and studying skills in the digital age

includes all the basics, plus new information on web research, digital textbooks, virtual classrooms, and online study and writing tools Fifteen percent of students take the saT three or more times due to poor performance (Newsweek.com) only 63 percent of all students entering four-year colleges earn their degrees within six years, according to government statistics (usNews.com) The Everything® Study Book has sold more than 40,000 copies Everything® education titles have sold more than 300,000 copies

• •

The Everything® Guide to Study Skills
Strategies, tips, and tools you need to succeed in school!
Cynthia Clumeck Muchnick, Ma

Studying for school doesn’t have to be a chore. This fun and accessible resource is perfect for students who want to develop better study habits and achieve academic success. Educational consultant Cynthia Clumeck Muchnick helps readers improve transcripts for college applications; ace standardized tests; and become better, more successful students. This indispensable guide shows students how to: • • • • • • Get the most out of class time Use the most effective strategies for note-taking and memorizing Improve writing skills Prepare effectively for tests Safely and effectively conduct online research Use Skype, iChat, or social media to form study groups

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to college and parenting media

With The Everything® Guide to Study Skills in their backpack, readers will be able to balance school and activities, avoid pre-test panic, and achieve consistently better results.

Ships: June Publication: July Education, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0744-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0744-1 EAN: 9-78144050744-1 UPC: 0-4507950744-9

Cynthia Clumeck Muchnick, Ma (Newport Beach, Ca), is an accomplished educator, author, and educational consultant. she presents seminars and workshops on high school and college success, writing college essays, the college application process, and career planning, in addition to working with private clients to help with college admissions. Muchnick is the coauthor of Best College Admission Essays.




Customized dream analysis for dreamers everywhere

The only book to use psychology to help readers decipher their unique dreams on a typical night, humans spend about two hours dreaming— about six years over a lifetime (international association for the study of dreams) The author is a certified hypnotherapist and former licensed psychologist who specializes in dream analysis adams Media’s dreams books have sold more than 100,000 copies!

Into Your Dreams
Janece o. Hudson, edd

Decipher your unique dream symbology to transform your waking life
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to New age media • Promotion on the “Beyond Here” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Falling. Being chased. Showing up to an important event late—and naked. Many have had these common dreams, but the meanings for each are unique. After all, someone who is afraid of heights would feel differently about falling then someone who works as a skydiving instructor. And someone who is perpetually late may feel differently about showing up late to an event than someone who never runs behind schedule. Different dreams mean different things for different people. Certified hypnotherapist and former psychologist Dr. Janece O. Hudson uses the tools of her trade to offer customized dream analysis to readers who want to know what their dreams mean for them. Part comprehensive guide and part interactive workbook, Into Your Dreams helps dreamers decode the secrets of their subconscious—and teaches them how to use these secrets to improve their lives. Because no one knows the power of a dream better than the dreamer.

Ships: June Publication: July New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8, 304 pages $12.95 (Canada $14.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1267-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1267-4 EAN: 9-78144051267-4 UPC: 0-4507951267-2

Janece O. Hudson, EdD (austin, TX), is a certified hypnotherapist and a former licensed psychologist who wrote her doctoral dissertation on dreams. dr. Hudson taught college psychology for twelve years and is now a popular speaker in the fields of dreams, hypnosis, motivation, creative imagery, parapsychology, and creative writing.






a complete review—and practice exercises— for the first year of calculus

The only Calculus i book on the market that includes extensive practice sets for each chapter Close to a third of the 1.8 million students who this year will go directly from high school to college have taken calculus in high school (The Mathematical association of america) Everything® education titles have sold more than 300,000 copies!

The Everything® Guide to Calculus I
A step-by-step guide to the basics of calculus—in plain english!
Greg Hill, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Calculus is the basis of all advanced science and math, but it can also be very intimidating! Whether readers have trouble calculating derivatives or understanding integrals, The Everything® Guide to Calculus I can help! This indispensable guide covers all the key concepts of calculus, including: • • • • • • • Limits of a function Derivatives of a function Monomials and polynomials Calculating maxima and minima Logarithmic differentials Integrals The fundamental theorem of calculus

By breaking down challenging concepts and offering hundreds of practice exercises, The Everything® Guide to Calculus I allows readers to quickly solidify their knowledge base. Whether readers are taking a class or just brushing up, they can face calculus without fear!

Ships: June Publication: July Mathematics, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0629-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0629-1 EAN: 9-78144050629-1 UPC: 0-4507950629-9

Greg Hill (Hinsdale, il) has taught aP Calculus and other advanced math classes for more than twenty-five years. He is a two-time illinois state finalist for the Presidential award for excellence in Mathematics and science Teaching, and is a member of the illinois and National Councils of Teachers of Mathematics. Hill is a College Board consultant and aP Calculus exam grader and the author of CLEP Calculus.




Practical figures for everyday problems

For everyone who slept through math class, here’s the only guide to using practical mathematics in everyday situations Homeowners with poor math skills are more likely to go into foreclosure, due to their inability to correctly calculate their mortgage payments (The New York Times) Many college freshmen have poor math skills (Seattle Post-Intelligencer). By the time they leave school, they’ll have forgotten even more. But they need that ability to cope with ordinary issues

Math for Grownups

Relearn the arithmetic you forgot from school so you can: • Calculate how much that raise will really amount to (after taxes) • Figure out if that new fridge will actually fit • Help a third-grader with his fraction homework • Convert calories into cardio time
laura laing, Bs, Math educator

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to parenting media • Targeted social media outreach

Len is re-roofing his garage and needs to figure out how many shingles he should buy. Steve, Duane, and Ed pay different amounts toward a pizza but don’t know how many slices each of them is entitled to. Susan wants to help her third grader with his math homework, but has no idea what an ordinal number is. Math is inescapable, but many people don’t understand how to apply it to real-life scenarios. Math for Grownups is their solution! Besides a review of basic concepts, this accessible book includes tips, shortcuts, and memory aids to help even the most math-phobic reader. Whether it’s percentages to estimate the tip in a bar or fractions to decide how to adapt a recipe, readers will find all the math they need to solve life’s little problems.
Ships: June Publications: July Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1263-9 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1263-6 EAN: 9-78144051263-6 UPC: 0-4507951263-4

laura laing (Baltimore, Md) holds a Bs in Mathematics from James Madison university. after teaching high school math for four years, she became a staff writer for Inside Business, covering science, technology, law, and banking and finance.




a mindful solution for modern readers

The only guide that offers readers a way to achieve mental harmony without giving up technology Multitaskers are less creative and adaptive than people who focus when they learn (stanford university) Workers interrupted by e-mail reported significantly increased stress, which contributes to short-term memory loss (uCla irvine)

Meditation for Multitaskers
Your Guide to Finding Peace Between the Pings
david dillard-Wright, Phd

Frightening new studies show that technology and the demands of our busy modern world are sabotaging our creativity and innovation. Now there’s a practical plan for recovering focus without ditching phones and computers! Meditation for Multitaskers cuts through the blur of everyday life to offer readers the relief they sorely need. With its fully modernized lessons in mindfulness and a CD to aid in guided meditations, this book helps readers: • • • • • Improve concentration Fight memory loss Reduce stress Heighten creativity And much more!

Readers will find guided meditations in every style, tips for making the most of the few minutes they have, and even a guide to turning distracting technology into tools for achieving better focus.

David Dillard-Wright, PhD (aiken, sC) is the author of The Everything® Guide to Meditation for Healthy Living. He teaches philosophy, religion, and ethics at university of south Carolina aiken. His practice in meditation originated in the Trappist tradition of contemplative prayer and then segued into eastern pracices. He has studied meditation at the sivananda centers worldwide. He has written many articles and reviews investigating the interconnections between mind, body, and environment.


Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to women’s interest, lifestyle, and new age media • Targeted social media outreach • Scribd promotion • Radio tour • Blog tour

Ships: June Publication: July Self-Help, Trade Paperback 6 x 8, 224 pages $19.95 (Canada $22.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2490-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2490-5 EAN: 9-78144052490-5 UPC: 0-4507952490-3




a companion text for high school algebra—with hundreds of exercises

includes the most practice exercises and full solutions of any supplemental algebra guide on the market! american high school students routinely score lower on math proficiency tests than students in other industrialized nations (Programme for international student assessment) Everything® education titles have sold more than 300,000 copies!

A step-by-step guide to the basics of algebra—in plain English!

The Everything® Guide to algebra
Whether readers need help solving equations or determining the slope of a line, The Everything® Guide to Algebra can help! Beginning with the basics, readers will learn and practice all the skills they need to be successful. This indispensable guide covers all the key concepts of algebra, including: • • • • • • Variables and expressions Linear equations and inequalities Monomials and polynomials Exponents Rational expressions The Pythagorean theorem

Christopher Monahan, Former President, association of Mathematics Teachers of New york state

Readers will find hundreds of examples to illustrate the basics and plenty of exercises to ensure mastery of these fundamentals. This guide is an excellent resource for students who are looking for a companion to their textbooks. It’s also a perfect review for curious learners who have been away from the classroom too long!

Ships: June Publication: July Mathematics, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0458-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0458-7 EAN: 9-78144050458-7 UPC: 0-4507950458-5

Christopher Monahan (Gansevoort, Ny) teaches high school mathematics in New york state and is a national instructor with Texas instruments’ Teaching Teachers with Technology program. Chris was president of the association of Mathematics Teachers of New york state during the 2009–2010 school year, working with the state education department to assess the proposed national Common Core standards.




How to be a jack-of-all-trades without knowing jack sh*t

Teaches readers how to take control of a conversation— whether or not they actually have the smarts to back it up Comes to the rescue whether they’re working an angle in the office, spitting game at a bar, or just shooting the shit with friends Perfect for that amateur Bs-er in everyone’s life

The Bullsh*t artist
Paul Kleinman

Learn to Bluff, Dupe, Charm, and BS with the Best of ’Em
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to men’s interest and humor media • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Readers shouldn’t bother with the pick-up books or get-rich-quick schemes. Same with the confidence builders and brain boosters. They’re all crap. They need to be the ones doing the bullshitting rather than eating it up. The rewards will be tenfold—the success, the women, the attention—once they become the actual source rather than another bystander in the breadline of life. To achieve that goal, they’ll be taught techniques on how to run a conversation and interject into a discussion—even if they’re clueless about the current topic. All they need is a kernel of truth and some confidence. After their crash course in talking the talk, readers are provided with those kernels of information that can be used to back up any argument, validate any assumption, and legitimize any rebuttal. Forget being an annoying know-it-all. Readers will tap into real appeal once they become a skilled bullshit artist. Guaranteed.

Ships: June Publication: July Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 240 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1255-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1255-1 EAN: 9-78144051255-1 UPC: 0-4507951255-9

Paul Kleinman (Boston, Ma) holds advance degrees from both the Wharton Business school and the Harvard divinity school. [Bullsh*t.] in between running the Market and his non-profit (which helps underprivileged youths get into college), he’s training for his fourth iron Man. [Bullsh*t.] He likes scary movies. [True.]




The ultimate Bong Hit of Knowledge

a follow-up to adams Media’s successful Weed, The Quotable Intellectual, and Weedopedia, this is the only book to include over 1,200 quotes that every stoner should know 100 million americans admit to having used marijuana; 15 million smoked in the last month; and each year 2 million people try it for the first time (San Francisco Chronicle) at least two major stoner films will be released in 2011: A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas and Jeff Who Lives at Home, starring Jason segel and ed Helms

The Quotable Stoner
Holden Blunts

More Than 1,100 Baked, Lit-Up, and Zonked-Out Quotes in Tribute to (and as a result of) Smoking Weed

“Okay, let’s see, toke as needed. Caution: objects may seem more edible than they actually are.”
—Homer Simpson What stoner hasn’t wanted to . . . be the funniest person in a bong circle? Articulate his argument for legalizing cannabis? Enlighten her peers with grasstastic quotes from stoner culture? With more than1,100 quotations from notable figures ranging from legendary stoners to closet inhalers, readers will find these answers and more with this smokin’ resource at their high disposal. Readers will be able to recite bionic gems from everybody from Willie Nelson (“The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.”) to Bob Marley (“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”). The Quotable Stoner: Because getting high doesn’t mean you can’t sound even more awesome.
Ships: June Publication: July Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $11.95 (Canada $13.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2589-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2589-6 EAN: 9-78144052589-6 UPC: 0-4507952589-4

Holden Blunts (santa Monica, Ca) is the pseudonym for the author who can recite snoop dogg lyrics and movie lines from Pineapple Express and the Harold and Kumar movies, but can’t remember where he stashed his bong . . . oh wait, there it is, nevermind.




a guide to the secrets of the Founding Fathers

Books on the Founding Fathers—both general titles and individual biographies—have captured readers’ imaginations for years and continue to sell well. everyone wants to know Everything® about the great men behind the united states includes fun and engaging quizzes at the beginning of each chapter so readers can test their knowledge of Founding Fathers trivia The HBo mini series John Adams won 4 Golden Globes in 2009, as well as 32 other awards and 20 nominations (imdb.com). Part one drew 2.5 million viewers, and part two 2.8 million. (Nielsen Media research) Everything® history and reference titles have sold more than 850,000 copies!

The Everything® founding fathers Book
All you need to know about the men who shaped America
Meg Greene, Ma, Ms and Paula M. stathakis, Phd

George Washington. John Adams. Benjamin Franklin. These great leaders—and many others—made innumerable contributions that laid the groundwork for a fledgling nation. The Everything® Founding Fathers Book is an insightful guide to the lives of these eminent leaders—their triumphs, failures, and everything in between—without reading like a boring, dry textbook. Readers will discover: • • • • • Why George Washington never lived in the White House What John Adams and Thomas Jefferson stole from Shakespeare’s birthplace Why Alexander Hamilton never ran for president How Thomas Paine narrowly escaped execution in France Why Thomas Jefferson kept grizzly bears on the White House lawn

Featuring fun quizzes to test the reader’s knowledge, this book is the definitive guide for anyone wanting to learn more about our Founding Fathers!

Ships: June Publication: July History, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2586-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2586-5 EAN: 9-78144052586-5 UPC: 0-4507952586-3

Meg Greene, Ma, MS (Charlotte, NC), a descendent of founding father Benjamin Harrison, earned her Ma in american history from the university of Nebraska at omaha and Ms in historic preservation from the university of vermont. Paula M. Stathakis, PhD (Charlotte, NC) earned her Phd in american history from the university of south Carolina. she has served on the history faculty at usC and university of North Carolina.







Quick, fun puzzles—easy to read and solve!

The only word search book that is specifically both easy and large-print aging baby boomers are increasing the demand for large-print puzzles Everything® games books have sold more than 2 million copies!

The Everything® Easy large-Print Word Search Book
150 supersized, super-easy puzzles
Charles Timmerman, Founder of Funster.com

Readers of all ages love solving word search puzzles, but too-small type and tight spacing in other books can be a real pain. The Everything® Easy Large-Print Word Search Book is the perfect puzzle solution! This all-new volume of quick, fun, and easy puzzles will delight readers who prefer large-print type, while helping to boost vocabulary, memory, and problem-solving skills! With more than 150 brand-new puzzles across a range of fun and engaging topics, this book will have something for every puzzler, no matter their taste. This collection of oversized puzzles is perfect for word search fans who can’t get enough of these bestselling—and addictive—pencil puzzles.

Ships: July Publication: August Games, Trade Paperback 8¼ x 10â…ž, 352 pages $15.95 (Canada $17.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2604-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2604-6 EAN: 9-78144052604-6 UPC: 0-4507952604-4

Charles Timmerman (south Pasadena, Ca) is the founder of Funster.com, a word game website and the author of more than forty Everything® puzzle books, including The Everything® Word Search Book, The Everything® Giant Book of Word Searches (volumes i-iv), and The Everything® Large-Print Word Search Book, Volume II.







The history, evidence, and proof of past life regression!

The only series book to offer an unbiased overview of the scientific, religious, and philosophical evidence for past life experiences in recent years, past-life therapy has moved from the very outskirts of New age thought into a more mainstream concept which is now practiced at yoga and meditation centers across the country (satyacenter.com) There is no comparable overview of the history, evidence, and theory behind past-life regression on the market today. all other books on the subject are either anecdotal, pseudo-scientific, or purely dedicated to achieving regression Everything® New age titles have sold 780,000 copies!

The Everything® Guide to Past life Experience
Explore the scientific, spiritual, and philosophical evidence of past life experiences
sophie allison, NBCCH

A Revolutionary War hero. The local blacksmith. A professor of history at an esteemed university. These are just a few of the past lives that people have lived . . . and have no idea about. With a certified hypnotherapist with years of experience connecting people to their previous lives as their guide, readers will delve into the unknown realms of the past, answering questions like: • • • • • • Does everyone have a past life? Are all humans reincarnated? What are the steps to past life regression? What methods should I use to regress into my past? How do I find out about the lives I lived? How do I cope if my past life was not a good one?

Featuring a balanced overview of the history of past life regression and how readers can achieve their own past life experience, The Everything® Guide to Past Life Experience is an all-inclusive resource for readers who want to know more about where (and when!) they have been.

Ships: July Publication: August New Age, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 304 pages Rights: World Rights $16.95 (Canada $18.99) ISBN 10: 1-4405-2670-2 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2670-1 EAN: 9-78144052670-1 UPC: 0-4507952670-9

Sophie allison, NBCCH (Charlottesville, va) is a medium, psychic, and licensed hypnotherapist who has helped hundreds of people discover who they were in their past lives. she works with clients of all ages on regressing into their pasts, and often serves as a consultant to local law enforcement on cold cases.




How to hunt down a haunting!

No aspiring ghost hunter will want to set foot in a haunted location without this irreplaceable book at his side 34 percent of americans say they believe in ghosts; 18 percent say they’ve experienced the presence of a ghost (aP poll) Melissa Martin ellis is an acclaimed paranormal investigator who’s caught countless ghostly manifestations on camera, including floating orbs at the lizzie Borden homestead

101 Ways to find a Ghost
Melissa Martin ellis

Essential Tools, Tips, and Techniques to Uncover Paranormal Activity
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to New age/sci-fi media • Targeted social media outreach • Promotion on the “Beyond Here” blog

“A proven investigator in her own right, Melissa offers the novice those needed insights and suggestions only hands-on experience can give you.”
—Andrew Laird, founder, The Rhode Island Paranormal Research Group For anyone who’s ever felt a cold chill running up the spine or sensed something just out of sight in the shadows . . . Ghost hunting expert Melissa Martin Ellis picks up her camera and notebook and shows readers how to track down pesky poltergeists and frightening phantasms. These 101 entries, interspersed with trivia, resource information, and portraits of prominent spook hunters, are a comprehensive summary of essential techniques for any student of the supernatural. Whether it’s what camera to purchase, how to keep systematic records, or how to organize a team of ghost hunters to comb through a haunted site, Ellis’s book is an invaluable cache of must-have information for the novice ghost hunter.

Ships: July Publication: August New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8; 256 pages $12.95 (Canada $14.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1224-8 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1224-7 EAN: 9-78144051224-7 UPC: 0-4507951224-5

Melissa Martin Ellis (Newport, ri) is a member of The rhode island Paranormal research Group and the american association of electronic voice Phenomena. she has captured mysterious images on film in various locales around New england.







an exclusive look into the industry’s inner workings

From actors and on-set tutors to puppeteers and executive producers, interviewees reveal the career paths that got them to the top of their game The insiders interviewed have worked on hit films (Spiderman; Little Miss Sunshine; and Night at the Museum) and television programs (True Blood; CSI; and Mad Men) includes exclusive behind-the-scenes insight on popular movies and shows

Hire Me, Hollywood!
Mark scherzer and Keith Fenimore

Your Behind-the-Scenes Guide to Show Business’s Most Exciting—and Unexpected—Jobs
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to career and Hollywood industry media • la and NY events • Targeted publicity for Graduation round-up • film school outreach

Everyone knows you need directors and actors to make movies and TV shows. But it takes more than those two positions to get a production underway. Who’s checking scripts for continuity? Who’s making sure colors pop on the big screen? And most important, who’s feeding the crew during those long days? Through interviews with top talent both above and below the line, Hire Me, Hollywood! shows that it takes more than the expected (actors, writers, producers) to make the industry tick. While it includes bold names (Stan Lee) and faces readers recognize (Sam Trammell; Sam Merlotte on True Blood), it also reveals those more mysterious positions—the casting directors, music supervisors, stage managers, and more.

Ships: July Publication: August Performance, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 384 pages $17.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1212-4 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1212-4 EAN: 9-78144051212-4 UPC: 0-4507951212-2

Mark Scherzer (los angeles, Ca) has twenty years of experience in the entertainment industry. a writer and producer, he also worked in comedy development at universal. Currently, he’s the in-house writer and producer for reelz Channel. Keith fenimore (New york, Ny) has been in the entertainment industry for more than a decade. He’s worked at reelz Channel and e! entertainment Television. Today, Fenimore is a producer, writer, and director for The Howard Stern Show.




Noreen renier is “the most credible psychic out there.” —Court Tv

The first how-to psychic development book written by a well-respected psychic detective to take a left-brained, no-nonsense approach 57 percent of americans say they believe in psychic phenomena (2002 CBS News poll) The author is the only psychic to ever work with the FBi. she worked on the laci Peterson case and thirteen of her solved cases have been profiled on Court Tv’s Psychic Detectives

The Practical Psychic
Noreen renier, Psychic detective

A No-Nonsense Guide to Developing Your Natural Intuitive Abilities
Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to New age, current events, career, finances, and parenting media • Promotion on “Beyond Here” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Psychic ability is innate in everyone. You don’t need to gaze into a crystal ball or wear a gold turban, either. For those who want a no-nonsense approach to developing psychic ability, renowned psychic detective Noreen Renier is here to help. The Practical Psychic teaches readers how to use their inherent abilities and apply them practically to everyday life. Inside this unique guide, they’ll learn how to: • • • • Visualize and interpret colorful auras Gain insight from working with pendulums Sense impressions from objects using psychometry Remember dreams to know the future

With helpful exercises and meditations throughout, The Practical Psychic takes the mystery and doubt out of psychic phenomena so readers can use them to their advantage.

Ships: July Publication: August New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 272 pages $14.95 (Canada $16.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-0623-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0623-9 EAN: 9-78144050623-9 UPC: 0-4507950623-7

Noreen Renier (Free union, va) is a psychic detective and the only psychic to ever work with the FBi. she appeared on Good Morning America and Fox’s On the Record with Greta Van Susteren in conjunction with her work on the laci Peterson case. visit her website at www.noreenrenier.com.






The illustrated primer every guy needs

reveals the complicated science behind a man’s most important decisions includes detailed illustrations on how men accomplish their most stupefying feats The one gift every guy needs

Physics for Men
The Science Behind Being a Guy
P. r. Kelt

Who would’ve known there was so much thought behind a guy’s every move? Sure, he’s impressed bystanders with the lengths he’ll go in order to reach the remote without getting out of the recliner. But his mission’s success is just dumb luck . . . right? Better go to the replay. Whereas a simpleton might think his foot kicking down on the magazine and sending the clicker sailing through the air and into his outstretched hand is a fluke—it’s actually a very calculated move. The angles of impact and trajectory were carefully thought out. Drag and resistance were factored in. And velocity was figured in order to time the catch perfectly. Not as easy as first thought. Physics for Men shows readers that there’s a science behind being that awesome.

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to men’s interest and humor media • Promotion on “The Daily Bender” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: July Publication: August Humor, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 192 pages $12.95 (Canada $14.99) 80 black and white illustrations Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1279-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1279-7 EAN: 9-78144051279-7 UPC: 0-4507951279-5

as a kid, P. R. Kelt (salt lake City, uT) got a huge magnifying glass for his birthday and promptly set the yard on fire. He has been a physicist for the past ten years and a guy all his life. a Phd candidate, he thinks about the intricacies of quantum coherence as he scales fifty foot cliffs, rides backcountry, and teaches salsa.




Flying saucers, lights in the sky, extraterrestrials—truth or fiction?

an unbiased, down-to-earth overview of the uFo phenomenon in the u.s. 80 percent of americans believe that the government knows more about uFos than it is telling its citizens (syFy Network survey) dynamic author William J. Birnes is the host of the History Channel’s UFO Hunters and Ancient Aliens reported uFo sightings have increased a whopping 300 percent between 2008 and 2009 (unexplainable.com) Everything® New age titles have sold 780,000 copies!

An investigation of sightings, cover-ups, and the quest for extraterrestrial life
William J. Birnes, author of Aliens in America

The Everything® UfO Book

Is the truth out there? For decades, UFO enthusiasts and even some scientists have claimed that these phenomena are real. But reliable information can be difficult to find in the strange world of UFO hunting. This balanced, unbiased review of the history behind famous UFO sightings and theories includes essential information on: • Famous multiple-witness sightings around the world • The merits of the most prevalent conspiracy theories • Recent sightings, including 2010 incidents at O’Hare Airport and at several airports in China Featuring the newest facts, theories, and ideas, The Everything® UFO Book is the ultimate resource for all readers on the most pressing question of our time—are we really alone?

Marketing: • National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to New age/sci-fi media • Promotion on the “Beyond Here” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Ships: July Publication: August New Age, Trade Paperback 8 x 9¼, 288 pages $16.95 (Canada $18.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2513-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2513-1 EAN: 9-78144052513-1 UPC: 0-4507952513-9

William J. Birnes (lambertville, NJ) is host of History Channel’s UFO Hunters and Ancient Aliens programs and a New York Times bestselling author. He is the co-author of The Day After Roswell with Phillip Corso and the publisher of UFO Magazine. Bill is a frequent radio and television talk-show guest, having appeared on Good Morning America, Dateline NBC, Entertainment Tonight, Coast to Coast AM, and The Howard Stern Show, among others.






The only etiquette book for the clueless!
• •

The only book to cover all the rules the etiquette books forgot 70 percent of americans believe people are ruder than they were twenty years ago (aPi) Perfect gift for oblivious friends and family members

The Incontrovertible Code of (formerly) Unwritten Rules
alfred McdoGooder

From Airline Armrest-Etiquette to Flushing Twice, 101 Universal Laws of Common Civility That We Wish Everyone Knew

Never hog both armrests when you fly. Don’t sit too close to fellow beach-goers. When you borrow someone’s car, fill it up with gas before you give it back. These are the unwritten rules of life. Observe them, and one rises above the great unwashed. Observe them not, and one goes straight to trailer trash. In this hilariously civil guide, readers learn all the principles of politesse our mothers tried to teach us—but some of us just weren’t listening. Those who weren’t will learn how to conduct themselves—at home, at work, and out and about in public spaces. The Incontrovertible Code of (Formerly) Unwritten Rules: Because some rules should never be broken.
Ships: July Publication: August Reference, Trade Paperback 5½ x 7½, 240 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1225-6 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1225-4 EAN: 9-78144051225-4 UPC: 0-4507951225-2

alfred McDoGooder (Boston, Ma) takes pride in having his own official code of conduct (stamped and signed by him) for all aspects of his life. He also believes oCd is an asset, not a liability.




Why finding love isn’t about finding the perfect match
• •

The only book debunking fables in favor of real-life love 94 percent of single adults want to marry their soul mate, but most never will and those who do are more likely to divorce than their peers (social Health of Marriage in america, CdC) The only book that informs women how to battle perfectionism and find love using brain chemistry.

The Soul Mate Myth
Jean Cirillo, Phd

A 3-Step Program to Finding Authentic Love—Without Settling
Marketing: • advanced reading copies • National publicity campaign targeted to relationship and women’s interest media • Targeted social media outreach • Blog Tour • Radio Tour • Scribd promo • la area events

From fairytales to HBO, society has conditioned women to believe in the myth of the soul mate. Now, Jean Cirillo, PhD, teaches readers to stop swooning over fictional hunks and dreamy stars—and remember what really makes a man worth loving for a lifetime. This practical book reveals conventional wisdom’s falsehoods about what works in a relationship and gets women to rethink love with fresh eyes. Readers learn how to: • Separate the man from the myth • Get rid of unreasonable expectations without giving up on what’s really important • Enjoy aspects of love and dating they’ve previously taken for granted • Love and be loved for the right reasons • Commit to a real-life man and build a lasting relationship Armed with case studies of strong marriages and resilient love, The Soul Mate Myth exposes the lie of the perfect match and gives readers the tools they need to identify and pursue exciting—and attainable—new possibilities for love.

Ships: July Publication: August Self-Help/Relationships, Hardcover with jacket 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $21.95 (Canada $24.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-1271-X ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-1271-1 EAN: 9-78144051271-1 UPC: 0-4507951271-9

Jean Cirillo, PhD (Huntington, Ny) has more than twenty five years of experience as a practicing psychologist. she was the long-time staff psychologist for The Jenny Jones Show and has appeared as an expert guest on Fox News Live, The Montel Williams Show, The History Channel, and MsNBC. Jean has also served as president of the New york state Psychological association’s division of Women’s issues.




T h e Wo r l d


S y n c h r o n i c i T y r e ve a l e d !

bestselling New age authors Trish and Rob MacGregor help readers harness the power of synchronicity in every aspect of their lives
• in a Harris poll, 84 percent of those surveyed believed in the survival of the soul after death; 27 percent believed in reincarnation (eZine) • The continued strong interest in The Secret and the Law of attraction has spawned a renewed interest in synchronicity as well • The authors have appeared on the Learning Channel, the History Channel, and the Sci-Fi Channel
Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor (Wellington, FL) have been professional writers for twenty-five years. one synchronicity after another led to their many nonfiction books on dreams, psychic development, astrology, yoga, the tarot, divination, and animal symbolism. in 2003, they took over the writing of the popular Sydney omarr astrology series. Rob also wrote Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and six other original indiana Jones novels, which have sold millions of copies. He won the coveted Edgar award for Prophecy Rock, a Ya mystery, and its sequel, Hawk Moon, was an Edgar finalist. Trish, writing as T.J. MacGregor, won the Edgar in 2003 for best original paperback, for Out of Sight. Her books have been translated into thirteen languages.

• National print, broadcast, and online publicity targeted to New age media • Promotion on the “beyond Here” blog • Targeted social media outreach

Synchronicity and the other Side
Your Guide to Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife
Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor

The first synchronicity guide that helps readers connect with the other side
Seeing a loved one’s favorite bird outside your window not long after his or her death. Dreaming about your late grandmother during times of crisis. Signs from the Afterlife Are Everywhere . . . . . . if readers only know how to look. in this groundbreaking book, readers discover how meaningful coincidence—synchronicity—plays a significant role in connecting with loved ones who have passed on. Contact can occur through dreams and meditation, and mediums or signs, such as the striking appearances of animals and clusters of numbers or objects. Readers learn what to look for in their own contact experiences, how to connect with spirit guides and the spirit of the planet through Earth medicine, and how to interpret the synchronicities that often initiate spirit contact.
Ships: July New Age, Hardcover with jacket 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $18.95 (Canada $20.99) Rights: North American Rights Publication: August ISBN 10: 1-4405-2544-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2544-5 EAN: 9-78144052544-5 UPC: 0-4507952544-3

With noted New age bestselling authors Trish and Rob MacGregor as their guides, readers have the tools they need to detect those synchronicities that can lead to contact with the other side—contact that can provides much needed comfort, warnings, affirmations, and healings. Synchronicity and the Other Side: because, indeed, the signs are everywhere—pointing the way to the answers only those who have passed on can give.




The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity
Your Guide to Finding Meaning in Signs Big and Small
Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor

Synchronicity: The Key to using the Law of attraction!
The Hidden Magic of the Universe Revealed in this groundbreaking book, bestselling New age authors Trish and Rob MacGregor reveal the seven secrets to harnessing the power of synchronicity. With their simple strategies, readers can recognize synchronicity—and make the most of it. Readers learn to: interpret the meaning of the signs and coincidences they experience every day; appreciate the humor and ironies of synchronicity; and use the tarot, i-Ching, and astrology to understand their past and guide their future. Chock full of exercises, activities, and case studies, The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity is an interactive guide that shows readers why there really is no such thing as coincidence—and how their lives can be the better for it!
Ships: July New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 256 pages $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: North American Rights Publication: August ISBN 10: 1-4405-2609-5 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2609-1 EAN: 9-78144052609-1 UPC: 0-4507952609-9

The Synchronicity Journal
Your Personal Record of Coincidences Big and Small
Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor

Your Guide to Finding Meaning in Coincidences Big and Small

The only synchronicity journal on the market!
Keeping track of synchronicities is essential to grasping their true significance. Now authors Trish and Rob MacGregor offer readers the only journal that encourages recording and understanding the twists of fate. in this diary, readers will: • • • • • Practice the skills and secrets revealed in The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity Find advice from the authors and anecdotes to inspire clarity and connections Make note of synchronicities as they appear Draw links between events they may not have otherwise found interpret the importance of coincidences

With a brand new introduction from the authors with instructions for making the most of its pages, The Synchronicity Journal presents the perfect way to chronicle life’s chance moments.
Ships: July New Age, Trade Paperback 5½ x 8½, 128 pages $12.95 (Canada $14.99) Rights: North American Rights Publication: August ISBN 10: 1-4405-2673-7 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2673-2 EAN: 9-78144052673-2 UPC: 0-4507952673-0




Finally, the Foolproof Plan for a Profitable—and Magical—unicorn Farm!

The only business guide that provides readers with a blueprint on how to build and profit from their own unicorn farms unicorns are the popular go-to reference on Tv (The Office; 30 Rock; Chuck), in movies (Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay), and video games (adult swim’s Robot Unicorn Attack) readers who enjoyed How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack are particularly suited to the business of unicorn farming

Raising Unicorns
Jessica s. Marquis

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Starting and Running a Successful—and Magical!—Unicorn Farm

Welcome to the whimsical and insanely lucrative world of unicorn farming! This is an industry like no other with potential limited only by your imagination. As a future unicorn farmer, you will experience the wide and unique array of opportunities, challenges, and joys of caring for these majestic creatures.
—From the Introduction In Raising Unicorns, author Jessica S. Marquis provides everything a reader needs to know to make a good living as a unicorn farmer. From choosing the right breed (Purebred; Twinkletoe; Karmic; Gigglerump; Horse with Horn) to picking the unicorn farm dream team (an alchemist; stable hands; groomers; The On-Call Virgin (OCV); lawyers), readers are guaranteed to have a magical journey. The only reference of its kind, Raising Unicorns proves you can live in fantasyland— and still make money.

Ships: July Publication: August Humor, Paper over Board 5½ x 7½, 160 pages Features illustrations throughout $13.95 (Canada $15.99) Rights: World Rights ISBN 10: 1-4405-2590-0 ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2590-2 EAN: 9-78144052590-2 UPC: 0-4507952590-0

Jessica S. Marquis (Phoenix, az) is a self-proclaimed unicornomicist and a freelance writer who produces offbeat, satirical humor. Her work has appeared in Geek Monthly, Redbook, Flash (u.K.), and Going Bonkers? she is also the director of institutional effectiveness at The art institute of Phoenix.




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............................................................................20 Everything Anti-Inflammation Diet Book .............................................................13 Everything Body Language Book, 2nd Edition......................................................67 Everything Bridesmaid Book, 2nd Edition ............................................................17 Everything College Survival Book, 3rd Edition .....................................................26 Everything Easy Cleanse Book .............................................................................24 Everything Easy Large-Print Word Search Book ..................................................77 Everything Family Guide to Budget Travel .............................................................5 Everything Founding Fathers Book .......................................................................76 Everything Giant Book of Easy Crosswords, Volume III .......................................11 Everything Green Smoothies Book.......................................................................42 Everything Guide to Algebra ................................................................................73 Everything Guide to Calculus I .............................................................................70 Everything Guide to Chakra Healing ....................................................................58 Everything Guide to Food Remedies ......................................................................7 Everything Guide to Foraging ...............................................................................57 Everything Guide to Living Off the Grid ...............................................................65 Everything Guide to Past Life Experience ............................................................78 Everything Guide to Raising a Toddler .................................................................61 Everything Guide to Study Skills ..........................................................................68 Everything Guide to Understanding Socialism ....................................................51 Everything Kakuro Super Challenge Book............................................................14 Everything Music Theory Book with CD, 2nd Edition ..........................................34 Everything Paleolithic Diet Book ..........................................................................29 Everything Parent’s Guide to Raising Girls, 2nd Edition ......................................19 Everything Restaurant Recipes Cookbook ...........................................................22 Everything Salad Book .........................................................................................25 Everything Thyroid Diet Book .................................................................................9 Everything UFO Book ............................................................................................83 Everything U.S. Constitution Book .......................................................................32 Everything Word Search for the Beach Book, Volume II......................................45 Gluten-Free Edge..................................................................................................27 Hire Me, Hollywood!............................................................................................80 Hobo Handbook ....................................................................................................63 Honest Abe...........................................................................................................12 I Watch, Therefore I Am.......................................................................................64 Incontrovertible Code of (Formerly) Unwritten Rules ..........................................84 Into Your Dreams..................................................................................................69 Kidz Bop: A Rockin’ Fill-In Story ...........................................................................37 Kidz Bop: Be a Pop Star! ......................................................................................37 Kidz Bop Plus One: A Junior Novel ......................................................................37 Knock ’em Dead Job Search Kit...........................................................................39 Knock ’em Dead: Secrets and Strategies from the Insiders ................................38 Little Big Book of Big F*#k Ups ............................................................................35 Little Black Book of Big Red Flags .......................................................................54 The Maxims of Manhood Presents: ManLibs ......................................................49 ManVentions ........................................................................................................21 ManWords ...........................................................................................................66 Math for Grownups ..............................................................................................71 Meditation for Multitaskers.................................................................................72

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