State Farm Agent - Insurance Sales Rep

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St at e Farm® is the #1 insurer of cars and homes and is one of the largest insurers in the United States. Named one of American's Greatest Brands, State Farm has been consistently recogniz ed as a leader in the industry for its financial strength, community involvement and customer service. Each year, State Farm invests a substantial amount of money to highlight our brand and help our local agents through national marketing, advertising and branding efforts. Learn More about State Farm Insurance Visit Our Website

State Farm Agent: Sales Insurance - Sales Representative

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We are seeking successful, career- minded people to become State Farm agents to help us build on our leadership position in the insurance and financial services industry. Our agents work within their communities to exclusively market State Farm products, which include multiple- line insurance and financial services. As an Agent, you will: D e ve lo p Yo ur C lie nt B ase - enjoy interacting with people as you generate clientele by networking and contacting company provided

C o mp any: State Farm Insurance Emp lo ye e Typ e : Full- Time Ind ust ry: Sales - Marketing Insurance Banking - Financial Services

leads. C o nd uct Ap p o int me nt s- meet with clients face- to- face and provide the best insurance and financial services solutions to fit their needs from the industry leader. G e t Assist ance Fro m Sup p o rt St af f - your team of well- trained insurance and financial services experts keep your business running smoothly. State Farm will pay for the licensing and training for up to 3 team members. Le ad Yo ur Te am - if you prefer to hire sales professionals to generate business and run appointments as opposed to doing it yourself, you have that option! Lo ve Yo ur Fre e d o m- you’re the boss, so no need to worry about how you are going to balance work and family. It’s a brand new life!

Services Manag e s O t he rs: No Jo b Typ e : Business Development Insurance Science R e q uire d Not Specified Ed ucat io n: R e q uire d Not Specified Exp e rie nce : R e q uire d Trave l: Not Specified R e lo cat io n Not Specified C o ve re d : R e f e re nce ID : SCMA Redlands Lo cat io n:

R e q uire me nt s: This opportunity DOES NOT require prior experience in Sales or Insurance. We will provide you with paid world- class training and assist you in obtaining necessary licensing. Our successful agents are from various walks of life, but all possess the following characteristics: Entrepreneurial spirit with desire to own and run a successful business Self- motivated and driven to achieve goals Passionate about people and State Farm’s value proposition Excellent leadership skills and decision making abilities Organiz ed, focused and creative Candidates must pass a credit check and be willing to invest capital Why St at e Farm? Becoming a State Farm® California agent requires careful consideration; after all, you’re investing in yourself. Be assured that as a State Farm agent, you’ll be aligned with a company that has earned the respect of its customers and community and is a premier brand in the United States and Canada. What o t he r Insurance co mp any can say: • There are 77 million policies and 26 million households with our Insurance • We are the largest U.S. auto and home insurer • We are the largest California auto and home insurer with more than 5.6 million policies • We’ve been the leading insurer of cars since 1942 • We insure 1 in 5 U.S. homes and we’ve been the leading insurer of U.S. homes since 1964 Wit h a t rack re co rd like t his, t he re is no o t he r insurance co mp any t hat can b e t t e r p o sit io n yo u f o r succe ss! What B e ing a St at e Farm Ag e nt Me ans t o Yo u: St ab ilit y: State Farm has a 90% agent retention rate and average

US- CA- Barstow

C o nt act : State Farm Agency Recruiting Pho ne : Not Available Email: Send Email Now Fax: Not Available

tenure of 20 years among its agents, which is among the best in the industry. Inco me Po t e nt ial: A sales manager position with executive level income opportunities. Many of our agents consistently earn over 6 figures. Ent re p re ne urship : Your talent, your staff, and your hard work contribute to the success of your agency. C are e r Ad vance me nt : State Farm’s executives are promoted from within and former agents are well represented in the current leadership structure. Fle xib ilit y: A work environment that allows you control over your time. Sup p o rt : Our paid world- class training is the best in the industry as is our superb and experienced claims force Pro d uct s: Offer a full spectrum of over 120 insurance and financial products and services to your clients Alig n wit h a le ad e r…Ap p ly t o St at e Farm t o d ay!

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