State Farm Insurance

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State Farm Insurance Attn: Helpful Adjuster Auto Claims Central P.O. Box 20707 Murfreesboro, TN 37129 1-877-336-5759 RE: Our Client: Your Insured: Date of Loss: Claim No.: Dear Mr. Adjuster: As you are aware, this firm has been retained by Really Hurt regarding the injuries she sustained in the above-referenced accident. We offer this letter as an explanation of our client’s injuries with the hope that we may reach an amicable and early settlement of this case. It is our desire to avoid the cost and time consuming nature of filing a formal complaint with the court. We therefore ask for your help in reaching a quick and amicable settlement. Background The accident occurred on January 1, 2000, at the intersection of Beale Street and Front Street in Memphis, Tennessee. Ms. Hurt was the driver of her 2000 Mercedes. She was at the stop sign at the intersection of Beale Street and Front Street when suddenly, and without warning, Ms. Negligent violently rammed her vehicle from the rear. Ms. Negligent’s reasoning for ramming Ms. Hurt was simply that she “wasn’t paying attention.” The impact was substantial enough that it caused Ms. Hurt’s vehicle to be catapulted into the intersection. Ms. Hurt’s head struck the headrest, causing her two front teeth to be loosened. It is estimated that Ms. Negligent’s vehicle may have been traveling as fast as thirty-five miles per hour when she unexpectedly, unlawfully and violently struck Ms. Hurt from the rear. Ms. Hurt is a 67 year old woman who has spent her life helping others and working to improve her life. She has been employed continuously for the past thirty years by the Lending Hands Hospice. And prior to being hit from behind in the above mentioned accident she enjoyed her days as a nurse. Really Hurts Really Negligent 01/01/2000 9999999

Damages Following the accident Ms. Hurt sought attention at Baptist Memorial Hospital East and complained of pain in several different areas of her body, including injuries to her head, neck, shoulders, and back. A series of X-rays thankfully showed no severely traumatic injuries or serious internal injuries, and Ms. Hurt was released home and prescribed Lortab, Robaxin and Naproxen to deal with swelling and pain. Ms. Hurt was also instructed to follow up with Dr. Help Meout for physical therapy and continued monitoring. Due to the severity of the impact, Ms. Hurt suffered from increasing pain in her neck, left shoulder, and upper back. At this point Ms. Hurt became concerned because she had shown no noticeable improvement in her condition and sought additional treatment and therapy with Dr. Help Meout, which has lasted over three months and is ongoing. Ms. Hurt was diagnosed by Dr. Help Meout as suffering from acute trauma, acute and chronic cervical spine strain, muscle and neck spasms, limited shoulder mobility, and muscle tension headaches. Further testing and an MRI conducted by Dr. Help Meout documented supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendinopathy of her rotator cuff tendon and shoulder. Because of the limited range of motion, pain, stiffness and swelling Ms. Hurt missed considerable time at work. She has continued to take medication to assist with pain and range of motion and will most likely be required to continue with medication indefinitely in order to deal with her ongoing and non-relenting pain. And because of this continued pain she faces the potential of injection and/or arthroscopic intervention for her shoulder in the future. Since the accident and resulting injuries, Ms. Hurt has been extremely limited in her activities. She has lost twenty-four (24) days of work on the advice of her physicians. At the time of her accident, Ms. Hurt was employed with the Helping Hearts Hospice. Ms. Hurt’s duties as a nurse were such that it was necessary to be on her feet for extended periods of time while helping patients. Since her accident she has been changed to a clerk position rather than as a nurse, due to her limited mobility. She was earning approximately $1,125 per week. We enclose herewith copies of her pay stubs for the applicable pay periods. Accordingly, the following is a tabulation of Ms. Hurt’ losses: Really Hurt – Medical Specials and Lost Wages ● ● Medical Visits & Co-pays Lost Wages $ 8,697.01 $ 4,809.10

(12 weeks – Corporate Management and Associates) TOTAL Liability $ 13,506.11

It is undisputed that Ms. Negligent’s gross negligence and/or recklessness was the sole and proximate cause of the injuries suffered by Ms. Hurt. In fact Ms. Negligent was cited by the Memphis Police for failure to maintain a safe lookout. This negligence caused Ms. Hurt to amass significant medical bills and numerous serious injuries which have caused pain, suffering, reduced mobility, and lost wages. Despite the fact that Ms. Negligent was insured at the time of this accident, her grossly negligent and/or reckless driving which caused the accident are especially egregious under the circumstances. It is probable that a Memphis jury would agree that Ms. Negligent’s driving was grossly negligent and/or reckless and therefore assess significant damages. With that in mind, it would seem that State Farm would have a desire to settle this matter before litigation is necessary. Conclusion On behalf of our client, based on the above, we thereby demand the sum of $122,073.32, or policy limits, in full settlement of the claims set forth above. These amounts take into consideration all past, present, and future medical bills; lost wages; and pain and suffering. It should be noted that Ms. Hurt still experiences headaches, soreness and reduced mobility in the affected areas and total recovery may never occur. In fact invasive surgical procedures might be needed to correct damage that occurred to Ms. Hurt’ shoulder. The amount of the damages, coupled with Ms. Negligent’s grossly negligent and/or reckless driving, and complete indifference to the condition of the occupants of his vehicle, would seem to dictate a quick and complete settlement. As you are aware, time is of the essence in this matter and if an amicable settlement cannot be reached before the statute of limitations expires on January 1, 2001 formal action with the court will be taken. However, we would prefer to settle this case without the necessity for further legal actions. Please call me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with you. Yours very truly, Jami K. Ferrell JKF/ Enclosures

In this personal injury demand letter example we'll focus on one very specific type of accident. Click here for the critical info you MUST include in YOUR claim letter.

Naturally what you cover in your own claim letter will depend on the specifics of your accident. Still, the basic structure will be the same. In the personal injury demand letter example below, the other driver was clearly at fault because they ran a stop sign. See More Settlement Letter Examples here. The main injuries suffered are broken bones. Typically these would come with secondary injuries that you'd also discuss (cuts, bruises, etc.), and there are extra damages that involve missed work. In this personal injury demand letter you’ll notice there's a formal layout that should be followed. Your name, address and date the letter is being sent should be right-justified at the top of the page and the person and address you're sending the letter to should be left justified several lines lower. This is the standard layout for most any kind of business letter. Under their address will be the information about the claim. By now you have already contacted the adjuster by phone or at least by notification letter and through that you'll have learned the claim number. Be sure to include it as shown. The term „date of loss‟ is just a fancy way of saying when the accident happened. -------------START PERSONAL INJURY DEMAND LETTER-------------

John Taylor 620 Fast St. Cort, NY 27633 July 30, 2009

Martha Hunter Claims Adjuster Insurance R Us 9420 Young St Bathurst, NY 59832 Re: Your Insured, Mark Walby Claimant: John Hancock Claim no.: 832-098 Date of Loss: May 8, 2009 Dear Ms. Hunter: As I notified you in the letter of May 14, 2009 I was injured during a car accident with Mark Walby, your insured. I was driving northbound along Erskine Road and your insured was

heading east on Broadview Ave. While I was passing through the intersection of Erskine and Broadview your insured failed to stop at a stop sign and rammed into the driver‟s side of my car. The huge impact threw my car several yards and crushed the side of my vehicle. That crushing blow struck along the left side of my body as well as jolting me towards the other side of my car. The instant pain and horrible damage to my car left me stranded until paramedics were able to come to my aid. At the North Town Medical Center they discovered extensive bruising, both internal and external, and x-rays revealed several broken bones in my left leg, ribs and arm. I was left in casts and bandages and ordered to several days of bed rest. Medication was also prescribed to me because of the large amount of pain I was suffering. Sleeping was difficult for most of that time because the pain kept waking me. After returning home I still needed to go back to the hospital for multiple follow-ups to monitor my injuries. During my difficult recovery time I missed four weeks of work due to my difficulty in maneuvering myself even as the injuries slowly subsided. When I did get back to work my days were unproductive because of the casts I still had to wear. Even now I suffer recurring pains and have difficulty getting around. My doctor says I can expect the pains to continue occasionally for at least several more months. As shown in the enclosed records, my medical expenses were as follows: Ambulance fee: North Town Medical Center (emergency room): North Town Medical Center (x-rays): Leg and arm cast: Prescribed medication: Total: $_______ The enclosed letter from my place of employment confirms the days of work I had to miss. The letter also indicates the wages I lost in that time $______ (4 weeks at $____ per week). Because there was great negligence on the part of your insured I went through a great deal of pain, suffering and disruption to my life. A lot of that suffering is still going on. Due to this I demand compensation for my injuries and general damages in the amount of $______. I look forward to hearing from you soon on this matter, no more than 30 days from the date of this letter. Yours truly, $________ $________ $________ $________ $________

John Taylor

-------------END PERSONAL INJURY DEMAND LETTER------------In this demand letter John would also attach copies of police reports, medical records and bills, receipts from the medication and the letter from work. Note that the description of the accident uses harsh words like “rammed” and “huge impact.” This creates more dramatic images then just a formal statement like “when he hit my car.” The same holds true for the description of the pain and injuries. Keep it dramatic. Also note that in this personal injury demand letter example there is no mention of how John was driving. He may have been going too fast or he may have even been distracted by a cell phone. Until this is brought up by the insurance company, if at all, there's no reason for John to implicate himself.


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