State Farm Rhetoric Analysis

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21 Most Used Fonts By Professional Designers

In 1997 Chris Warnock, approached the lead designer of Adobe, Robert Slimbach to help him create a
personalized font for his father to use. Chris’s father John Warnock is the founder of Adobe Systems.
Although it was only for John’s personal use the three saw potential in the font and decided that it
needed to be released to the general public. In 2000, the font quickly became one of the most
professional used fonts and in today’s marketing the Adobe Warnock Pro is the Fifteenth most used
fonts by professional designers.
January 1, 2012 State Farm Insurance iconic logo was changed after nearly sixty years of consistency.
First designed in 1953 the logo was updated to be more contemporary in its design. In today’s Digital era
designing apps and other digital media can be complex and costly. This ad displays the old logo that was
not very crisp design and thus shows that it was produced before 2012. Like most major changes it can
be costly to replace every advertisement all at ones so the process of turning over the logo is slow.
The very familiar and noticeable red State Farm uses is called Pantone 485. Pantone 485 is a red created
through a mixture of magenta and yellow. Pantone began as a commercial printing company was built
into a large color conglomerate, known for their color matching system. Essentially Pantone is the
reason why you can go to big box stores like the Orange and Blue and have any color created from a
white paint can. Two very familiar emblems are the American Red Cross and the Swiss Flag Both of
which incorporate a cross in a plain field. Although they are exact opposite both incorporate the color

Pantone 485 and white.
Women are a very new and powerful group to gear advertisements towards. 51% of all women in the
United States are moms and 91% of women in one survey say that advertisers don’t understand them.
How ironic! This advertisement targets not only moms but it shows them that State Farm understands
women as a whole. Every one multi tasks and for mothers this advertisement hits home.
“WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE” this line speaks right in the same tone as the picture, convenience. The
picture conveys a woman multitasking: getting her child put together, talking on the phone and getting
ready for or leaving work. Also a man is in the background clearly in a hurry also multitasking. What does
this mean? Having something in your neighborhood area allows you to utilize it more often. Having a
State Farm office nearby is no different, convenience and allows people to feel more comfortable and
inclined to use them as there provider.

Dkumar, M. (2008, January 1). 21 Most Used Fonts By Professional Designers. Retrieved
October 6, 2014.

Hansen, K. (2011, December 15). State Farm changing logo for first time since 1953. Retrieved
October 6, 2014.

Information Please Database, © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Census Bureau.

MARKETING TO WOMEN QUICK FACTS. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2014. - Switzerland's official information portal. (2010, January 1). Retrieved October
6, 2014.
Woodward, J. (2010, January 8). Warnock. Retrieved October 6, 2014.

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