Strategii Conv en Tutorat2

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Strategii Conv en Tutorat2



Strategii ale conversaţiei engleze








! the words in English sentences follow a certain attern. !ATTRI"#TE$ % &#"'ECT % (REDICATE % DIRECT O"'ECT% INDIRECT O"'ECT % AD)ER"IAL O* MANNER % AD)ER"IAL O* (LACE % AD)ER"IAL O* TIME +,t the si- le and ,nderstanda+le sentences are co--onl. ,sed in news writing/ The President Visits China 0 this str,ct,re has its ad1antages in co--,nicating2 +eca,se it is nor-al2 ,s,al and fa-iliar for the readers or listeners. The. recogni3e fa-iliar sentence str,ct,re and 4now what is co-ing in order to ro1ide infor-ation. - ordinar. 5o,rnalistic ,sage as4s for writing in nor-al order. SPE"IAL E##E"TS occasionall.2 for effect2 the order of words is changed2 e.g. when the writer wants to call s ecial attention to so-e word or hrase in the sentence. The words e- hasi3e an idea2 a fact2 so-e na-es2 etc. Important were the eo le who attended the s,--it. ! nor-al/ The eo le who attended the s,--it were important ) (,tting the ad5ecti1e at the +eginning instead at the end e- hasi3es the 4e. word important. LISTS O# NAMES News a ers ,s,all. ha1e to ,+lish lists o$ na%es in news stories/ na%es of dead and in5,red in accidents2 na%es of eo le elected to office2 na%es of eo le charged with cri-es. This ti-e the sentence starts with the 1er+/ Charged with -,rder and ar-ed ro++er. were/ John Williamson2 672 of 89:; &. Nor-al A1e< Michael Taylor2 692 of 7= >. ?1st &t.2 and Chris Robertson2 612 @:6 &. Cornell A1e. - the iece of news is written this wa. +eca,se2 otherwise2 the readers will +e conf,sed till the. end to read the aragra h/


John Williamson2 672 of 89:; &. Nor-al A1e< Michael Taylor2 692 of 7= >.?1st &t2 and Chris Robertson2 612 @:6 &. Cornell A1e2 were charged with -,rder and ar-ed ro++er.. -an. news a ers acce t these in1erted constr,ctions. Other news a ers refer nor-al word order and introd,ce lists of na-es li4e this/ Those charged with -,rder toda. wereA The dead areA Three -en were fo,nd not g,ilt. of the sa-e charges .esterda.. The. wereA T&E PASSI'E 'OI"E( 0The assi1e 1oice is a ,sef,l 1ariation. It can and sho,ld +e ,sed to ,t e- hasis where it +elongs. Note the contrast in the following leads/ The earthB,a4e that da-aged the East Coast of California injured 7== eo le. 7== eo le were injured in an earthB,a4e that ca,sed -inor da-age to the East Coast of California. in the first lead2 written in the acti1e 1oice2 the earthB,a4e is the s,+5ect of the sentence and gets the -ain e- hasis. In the second2 written in the assi1e 1oice2 the eo le re resent the s,+5ect and gets the greatest e- hasis. Minor da-age has little news 1al,e. Death or in5,ries to h,-an +eings does.

EMPT) SU*+E"TS( when there is, there are or there were is ,sed as a sentence o ener2 the res,lt is often incon1enient. Of co,rse2 this is not alwa.s the case2 since we find sentences that +egin in this wa..! the sentences in the fair. tales$ the 5o,rnalists sho,ld a1oid this o ening. The. ha1e to identif. the real s,+5ect of the sentence and start with it.


Co- are/ T,ere are -ore than 7= factories are to +e closed. More t,an -. $actories are to +e closed. T,ere /ere a+o,t 1=== st,dents eC ected to enroll in this art.. A0o1t 2... st13ents were eC ected to enroll in this art.. SPLIT IN#INITI'E(


!s litting the infiniti1e -eans lacing an ad1er+ +etween word the to and t,e ver0( to immediately run< to eventually leave< to quickly go EMPT) WORDS/ &, &o-e words in the lang,age ha1e a f,nctional rather than a se-antic ,tilit.. ose2 for eCa- le2 we sa. to so-eone/ He said ,s to find so-e new stories. This is one wa. of telling so-eone who is listening to .o, that he said what in writing we wo,ld ,t this wa./ He said ,s to Dfind new storiesE. D*ind new stories2E he said ,s. The word said is ,sed in -,ch the sa-e wa. in news writing. It is a word that carries 1er. little se-antic -eaning. Its -ain ,se is to lin4 a state-ent with an identification of the s ea4er/ The (ri-e Minister said that taCes are -,ch too high. Other e- t. words -a. +e less ,sef,l2 for eCa- le2 the words et cetera2 ,s,all. written etc.2 which -ean and so on and so forth. >riters often ,se etc. when the. do not 4now what to sa. neCt or how to c,t off a sentence/ The (ri-e Minister said that taCes are too high2 eC endit,res are eCcessi1e2 the +,dget is ,n+alanced2 etc. 0 the etc. in this state-ent -eans nothing. If the (ri-e Minister cited other eCa- les of the fiscal ro+le-s2 the writer sho,ld ha1e incl,ded the-. 0 if no f,rther eCa- les were cited2 the writer sho,ld not ha1e i- lied that the. were with etc. 0 if there is so-ething to sa.2 it sho,ld +e said. 0 if there is nothing -ore to add2 the sentence sho,ld +e finished. #ALSE POSSESSI'ES(

another writing ro+le- is the o1er,se of the 45s that ordinaril. indicates ossession.


California6s go1ernor< The +oard6s ad-ission 0 the ,se of these so0called false ossessi1es is wides read/ More than half of those at the -eeting left after the 0oar36s 1ote. More than half of those at the -eeting left after the board voted. in -an. cases the 45s is s,+stit,ting for a -ore ,s,al and -ore reada+le constr,ction ,sing the re osition of/ the go1ernor of California2 not CaliforniaFs go1ernor the resident of Har1ard2 not Har1ardFs resident A REEMENT( in standard English2 1er+s and s,+5ects are s, osed to agree0that -eans the ,sing of sing,lar 1er+s with sing,lar s,+5ects and l,ral 1er+s with l,ral s,+5ects. the collecti1e no,ns ca,se occasional conf,sion a collecti1e no,n -,st +e followed +. a sing,lar 1er+ when the no,n refers to a gro, or ,nit/ M. fa1orite tea- is the +est one. M. fa1orite tea- are 1er. well this season. A REEMENT O# NOUNS AND PRONOUNS( the gra--atical r,le is that sing,lar rono,ns -,st refer to sing,lar no,ns and that l,ral rono,ns -,st refer to l,ral no,ns/ The lect,rer is s eechless. He canFt find his words. !here the sing,lar rono,ns he and his refer to and agree with the sing,lar no,n lecturer$ no,ns li4e 0oar37 co%%ittee7 co1ncil7 a-ong others2 are sing,lar no,ns and all -,st +e followed +. singular verbs/ T,e 0oar3 is meeting onl. once a -onth this s,--er. T,e co%%ittee is in session right now. T,e cit8 co1ncil is writing a new +,dget. T,ese no1ns -,st also +e followed +. sing,lar rono,ns/ T,e 0oar3 is meeting onl. once a -onth this s,--er. It will resume wee4l. -eetings in &e te-+er.



T,e co%%ittee is in session now. It will meet for another ho,r. T,e cit8 co1ncil is writing a new +,dget. It ex ects to ha1e the +,dget read. to-orrow.


T,e 9eo9le7 organizations7 01il3ings7 9laces an3 events in news stories s,o1l3 0e $1ll8 i3enti$ie3 as earl. as ossi+le2 generall. on first reference. (eo le -,st +e identified clearl.. Readers donFt want to see their na-es -iss elled or to +e gi1en the wrong street address2 rofession or 5o+. The re orters -,st 4now who eo le are. The. as4 eo le to s ell their na-es. The. -,st 1erif. the correctness of titles. If a re orter intends to ,se a ersonFs age in a stor. +e s,re he is right. If the news a erFs st.le reB,ires the ,se of co1rtes8 titles2 as4 wo-en whether to ,se Miss or Mrs. with their na-es. The +asic for- of identification is +. na%e. A re orter -,st s ell na-es correctl.2 ,sing first na-e2 -iddle initial and last na-e ,nless the erson refers another for-/ for eCa- le G initial2 %i33le na%e7 last na%e. The re orter -,st ,se :1nior2 senior2 secon3 or t,ir3 if that is art of the na-e. If there is no other or +etter -eans of f,rther infor-ation2 he -,st ,se the 9erson6s street a33ress( Mar4 'oe2 782 of 98 ashington !t. news a ers often ,se age as -eans of identification2 es eciall. in stories of in5,r. or death or in other circ,-stances where ages ha1e +een officiall. doc,-ented. eo le can +e identified +. their jo"# trade or profession$ &,san >ilde2 an %%C reporter eo le can +e identified +. the title of the elective or appointive jo" they hold$ &ayor Traian "asesc,< 'ustice Mar. Ro+erts 0








eo le can +e identified +. their accomplishments/ Na3ia "o%aneci7 /,o got the first () in *ymnastics eo le can +e identified +. some local connection/ 'ohn >arren2 a (99+ graduate of ,niversity of 'ournalism Ro+ert March2 son of &r- and &rs- &arch# +. &ain !teo le can +e identified +. their involvement in a past news event$ 'enn. R, ert2 the /emocratic Party nominee for vice president in (990




in -ost news stories2 it will +e necessar. to identi!y a erson only once. And the identification sho,ld +e the one that is -ost rele1ant to the stor.. The accident too4 lace on >ednesda. night. 'erry %art2 a lorr. dri1er is the onl. e.ewitness. !t,e na%e is i3enti$ie3 t,e $irst an3 secon37 t,e :o0$ in i3enti$8ing /o%en in the news2 it wo,ld +e ointless and seCist to identif. a wo-an as so-eoneFs wife if the stor. is a+o,t her rofessional career . News st.le reB,ires that on first reference wo-en +e identified +. their own na-es not2 for eCa- le2 Mrs. "ill Clinton +,t Hillar. Clinton organizations and 01siness2 li4e 9eo9le2 -,st +e identified on first reference if the na-e -ight not +e readil. recogni3ed +. the readers. The organi3ations2 es eciall. less 4nown ones2 sho,ld +e identified +. their ,r ose or nat,re/ >ashington Monthl.2 a national political maga1ine 01il3ings2 if the. are not well 4nown2 sho,ld +e identified +. their location2 generall. the street address or their ,se. #ni1ersit. H2 of 29 3ime !treet2




T&E "OLON ! it is widel. ,sed in news writing and ca,ses little diffic,lt.. 0 the -ost freB,ent ,se in cloc" time 2 where it lin"s the hour and the minute/ 1(1= a.-. - it is ,sed to lin4 an introd,ctor. state-ent and a list that follows in a se arate aragra hs/ Those in5,red in the clash were( (olice identified the arrested -en as( it is also ,sed to lin4 an attribution or s eech tag to B,oted -aterial/ A s o4es-an said( DThe -ain interest is to s,stain eace in E,ro eE.

T&E DAS& - a single dash is ,sed to connect the -ain art of a sentence with a s,+ordinate art/ He will B,it Co--on Co,ncil neCt -onth to +eco-e a higher # aid Co,ncil em loyee 4 city de uty a,ditor general. >orst than that $ the !irm%s o,t of +,siness T&E &)P&EN 0 it is ,sed to lin4 two or -ore words together2 to lin4 numbers and words2 to lin4 re!ixes to words. 0 it is ,sed in word co-+ination when it is -odifier/ Right#to#wor" laws A well#to#do neigh+oring.



h. hens are ,sed in co-+inations of a n,-+er and a no,n/ one#year contract< &#'score( three#)uarters co- leted h. hens are ,sed in do,+le na-es where +oth ele-ents are of eB,al i- ortance/ *ast#West Center< City#County Re orter< +merican#Romanian



the. are ,sed in so-e olitical titles and designations/ ambassador#designate< secretary#general


the. are co--onl. ,sed in word co-+inations that incl,de a resent or ast artici le/ hard#wor"ing tea-< twice#told news h. hens lin4 co-+inations of letters and words or n,-+ers/ ,#ray< H#bomb


T&E "OMMA 0It is ,sed to se arate fig,res/ Octo+er 167 1::@< 67===I< 1=7===

it is ,sed to se arate words in a series2 +,t in news writing the final co--a +efore and and or is o-itted The resident was cle1er7 a-+itio,s and se1ere.

PARANT&ESES the. are -ost ,sed for enclosing and setting off single words2 initials or "rief interpolations &-ith was a re orter for the Marion 5Ind-6 Tri+,ne. The co--ittee a ro1ed the land0,se +ill !7ouse of %ill ((22$ Monda.. A%0ig1o1s sentences

*ach o! the sentences may, without any changes in word order or unctuation, be inter reted in two di!!erent ways. *x lain the two ossible meanings. -.n some cases, the di!!erent meanings would be ex ressed in s o"en *nglish, by means o! stress or intonation.)


1. The wor4 sho,ld +e co- leted +. the end of the -onth. 6. &he +,rned his last letter2 in which he had ro osed to her2 so that no one co,ld e1er disco1er the tr,th. 7. After the -arathon race the r,nners were 1er. tired2 if not eCha,sted. 8. It was not well recei1ed +. the ,+lic +eca,se it was a la. of ideas. 9. The J,een is eC ected to arri1e on ti-e for the cele+rations. @. I fo,nd hi- a 1er. good ?. The a-+assador did not lea1e London to ta4e , an a oint-ent in Africa. ;. The to,rists wanted to 1isit -ore interesting laces. :. O,r 1isitors sho,ld ha1e arri1ed at the air ort +. now. 1=. No one li4ed the ortrait he had ainted. /unctuate each o! the sentences in two di!!erent ways, utting the necessary ca ital letters, and ex lain the di!!erence in meaning between your two versions. 1. 6. 7. 8. the -otorist said the +,s dri1er was to +la-e for the accident i wo,ldnFt ad1ise .o, to go there for his sa4e the teacher left his st,dents feeling 1er. de ressed this t. e of ed,cation is 1er. eC ensi1e indeed +,t it is well worth e1er. enn. s ent on it 9. the head-aster said that the +o.s arents sho,ld eCercise -ore control at ho-e @. the facts the risoner ad-itted ointed at hi- as the B,ilt. erson +,t he rotested he was innocent ?. once ha1ing lost o,r wa. in that re-ote art of &cotland we had to s end the night ca- ing +. the road0side ;. the olitical de-onstrators who felt strongl. on the s,+5ect of racial discri-ination were re ared to def. the olice :. cross0channel ferries ,na+le to doc4 at do1er +eca,se of gales had to go on to newha1en 1=. he wonFt thin4 he has an. reason to than4 .o, for all .o,F1e done.

Disting,ishing +etween si-ilar sentences/
1. The. loo4 ad-iringl. at a ortrait of T,rner. The. loo4 ad-iringl. at a ortrait of T,rnerFs.



He said finall. that he ho ed to +ring the negotiations to a satisfactor. concl,sion. He said that he ho ed finall. to +ring the negotiations to a satisfactor. concl,sion. The -anager was told he sho,ld ha1e -ore wor4ers trained on the 5o+. The -anager was told he sho,ld ha1e -ore trained wor4ers on the 5o+. The -anager was told he sho,ld ha1e trained -ore wor4ers on the 5o+. The orator -ade hi-self generall. ,n o ,lar with the crowd. The orator generall. -ade hi-self ,n o ,lar with the crowd. The engineer as4ed his -anager if he wo,ld go ahead with the ro5ect. The engineer as4ed his -anager if he sho,ld go ahead with the ro5ect. The chair-an has resigned to -a4e wa. for a .o,nger -an. The chair-an is resigned to -a4ing wa. for a .o,nger -an.


7. 8. @.

?. The wor4ers2 who went on stri4e2 were dis-issed. The wor4ers who went on stri4e were dis-issed. ;. The resc,e art. said there was slight chance of there +eing an. s,r1i1ors. The resc,e art. said there was slight chance of there +eing so-e s,r1i1ors. :. On chec4ing thro,gh the acco,nts .o, -a. disco1er discre ancies. ". chec4ing thro,gh the acco,nts .o, -a. disco1er discre ancies. 1=. There were no fewer than 1=2ooo eo le at the -eeting. There were not fewer than 1=2ooo eo le at the -eeting.

t,e si%9le 9ast tense in regular ver"s is for-ed +. adding e3 to the infiniti1e/ The. owned the news a er for a .ear. t,e si%9le 9ast tense in irregular ver"s is for-ed +. choosing the second for- !see ages 1= G 16$ He wrote an interesting article. !to write G wrote G written$ INTERRO ATI'E/ DID % &,+5ect % 'ER* ;in$initiveK Di3 the. o/n the news a er< Di3 he /rite an interesting article<


NE ATI'E( &,+5ect = DID NOT >DID6T? = 'ER* ;in$initive The. did not 5didn8t6 own the news a er for a .ear. He did not 5didn8t6 write an interesting article. T,e si%9le 9ast tense is ,sed/ with ad1er+s or ad1er+ hrases s,ch as/ yesterday2 last !wee42 -onth2 .ear$2 Aago !two wee4s ago$2 once upon a time for actions co- leted in the ast at a definite ti-e when the ti-e is gi1en0/ The. e%9lo8e3 this re orter last -onth. or when the ti-e is as4ed a+o,t/ >hen 3i3 the. e%9lo8 this re orterK or when the action clearl. too4 lace at a definite ti-e e1en tho,gh this ti-e is not -entioned/ How 3i3 he get his resent 5o+K


IRRE ULAR 'ER*S >'ER*E NERE ULATE? In$initive +e +eco-e +egin +ite +leed +low +rea4 +ring +roadcast +,ild +,rn +,rst +,. catch choose co-e cost cree c,t deal dig do draw dreadrin4 dri1e dwell eat fall feed feel fight find fl. for+id forget forgi1e free3e get Past Tense was L were +eca-e +egan +it +led +lew +ro4e +ro,ght +roadcast +,ilt +,rnt +,rst +o,ght ca,ght chose ca-e cost cre t c,t dealt d,g did drew drea-t dran4 dro1e dwelled Ldwelt ate fell fed felt fo,ght fo,nd flew for+ade forgot forga1e fro3e got Past Participle +een +eco-e +eg,n +itten +led +lown +ro4en +ro,ght +roadcast +,ilt +,rnt +,rst +o,ght ca,ght chosen co-e cost cre t c,t dealt d,g done drawn drea-t dr,n4 dri1en dwelled Ldwelt eaten fallen fed felt fo,ght fo,nd flown for+idden forgotten forgi1en fro3en got Lgotten Traducere a fi a de1eni a Mnce e a -,Nca a sOngera a s,fla2 a +ate a s arge a ad,ce a e-ite L trans-ite a constr,i a arde a i3+,cni a c,- Pra a rinde a alege a 1eni a costa a se tOrM a tPia a face afaceri a sP a a face a desena a 1isa a +ea a cond,ce a loc,i a -Onca a cPdea a hrPni a si-Qi a l, ta a gPsi a 3+,ra a inter3ice a ,ita a ierta a MngheQa a o+Qine


gi1e go grow hang ha1e hear hide hit hold h,rt 4ee 4nell 4now la. lead learn lea1e let lend let lie light lose -a4e -ean -eet a. ,t read ride ring rise r,n sa. see see4 sell send set sha4e shine shoot show sh,t sing sin4

ga1e went grew h,ng had heard hid hit held h,rt 4e t 4nelt 4new laid led learned Llearnt left let lent let la. lit lost -ade -eant -et aid ,t read rode rang rose ran said saw so,ght sold sent set shoo4 shone shot showed sh,t sang san4

gi1en gone grown h,ng had heard hidden hit held h,rt 4e t 4nelt 4nown laid led learned Llearnt left let lent let lain lit lost -ade -eant -et aid ,t read ridden r,ng risen r,n said seen so,ght sold sent set sha4en shone shot shown sh,t s,ng s,n4

a da a -erge a creNte a atOrna a a1ea a a,3i a !se$ asc,nde a lo1i a tine a rPni a Pstra a Mngen,nchia a Nti a ,ne2 a aNe3a a cond,ce a Mn1PQa a leca2 a PrPsi a lPsa2 a er-ite a da c, M- r,-,t a lPsa2 a er-ite a 3Pcea2 a se sit,a a a rinde a ierde a face2 a fa+rica a Mnse-na a !se$ MntOlni a lPti a ,ne a citi a cPlPri a s,na a se ridica LMnPlQa a alerga a s ,ne a 1edea a cerceta2 a cP,ta a 1inde a tri-ite a a ,ne2 a aran5a a sc,t,ra a strPl,ci a M- ,Nca a arPta2 a indica a Mnchide a cOnta a !se$ sc,f,nda


sit slee s-ell s ea4 s ell s end stand steal stic4 sting stri4e stri1e swear swita4e teach tell thin4 throw ,nderstand ,nderta4e wa4e wear win write

sat sle t s-elled Ls-elt s o4e s elt s ent stood stole st,c4 st,ng str,c4 stro1e swore swatoo4 ta,ght told tho,ght threw ,nderstood ,ndertoo4 wo4e wo4e won wrote

sat sle t s-elled Ls-elt s o4en s elt s ent stood stolen st,c4 st,ng str,c4 stri1en sworn sw,ta4en ta,ght told tho,ght thrown ,nderstood ,nderta4en wo4en wo4en won written

a Nedea a dor-i a -irosi a 1or+i a ortografia a etrece2 a chelt,i a sta Mn icioare a f,ra a li i a MnQe a a lo1i a se strPd,i a 5,ra L Mn5,ra a Mnota a l,a a reda a s ,ne2 a o1esti a gOndi2 a crede a ar,nca a Mntelege a Mntre rinde a se tre3i a ,rta a cONtiga a scrie

it is for-ed +. t,e 9ast tense o$ t,e ver0 to 0e = t,e 9resent 9artici9le S2 !., 0he, He, .t$ % /as = ver0 ;ing &he /as intervie/ing two eo le at this ti-e .esterda.. S2 >>e2 Ro,2 The.? = /ere = ver0 ;ing The. /ere 9resenting the news at this ho,r last e1ening. INTERRO ATI'E( Was = S2 = ver0 ;ing<


Was she intervie/ing two eo le at this ti-e .esterda.< Were = S2 = ver0 ;ing< >ere the. 9resenting the news at this ho,r last e1ening< NE ATI'E( S2 % /as not >/asn6t? = ver0 ;ing &he /as not >/asn6t? intervie/ing two eo le at this ti-e .esterda.. S2 = /ere not >/eren6t? = ver0 ;ing The. /ere not >/eren6t? 9resenting the news at this ho,r last e1ening. T,e "ontin1o1s Past Tense is ,sed( to eC ress a ast action in rogress/ &he /as 9resenting the s orts news. two arallel actions in rogress/ &he /as intervie/ing eo le while 9 as 9 when he /as recor3ing. a ast action in rogress interr, ted +. a short ast action/ &he /as 9resenting the s orts news when so-eone entered the st,dio. &OMEWOR@/ Translate into English/ 1. R,sii n, s0a, s, Prat2 cOnd &#A a, an,nQat cP se retrag din Tratat,l Rachetelor AntirachetP. !Anti+allistic Missile Treat.$ 6. L, tPtorii afgani n, a, ,t,t sP0i ca t,re3e e toQi liderii tali+ani. 7. A1ioanele a-ericane a, +o-+ardat toate ta+erele de antrena-ent !training ca- $ ale Al0Jaida. 8. Sn ti- ce a-ericanii Ml cP,ta, la Tora "ora2 Osa-a +in Laden se afla Mn (a4istan. 9. Mollah,l O-ar a f,git c, -otocicleta2 de s,+ nas,l forQelor s eciale +ritanice. @. Teorge >. ",sh a leNinat2 Mn ti- ce se ,ita la ,n -eci de fot+al. ?. Ad-inistraQia de la >ashington a MngheQat cont,rile teroriNtilor.




;. Coreea de Nord a cer,t &#A sP n,0i -ai s ri5ine e s,d0coreeni. :. De3astr,l econo-ic din Argentina a atins a oge,l !to reach its cli-aC$ la sfOrNit,l an,l,i trec,t. 11. Col,-+ia s0a confr,ntat c, o gra1P cri3P oliticP. 16. (arla-ent,l +ritanic a a ro+at legea i-igraQiei. 17. India a a1erti3at (a4istan,l sP n,0i -ai s,sQinP e teroriNti. 18. T,1ern,l de la Isla-a+ad a tri-is trei ,nitPQi de +lindate !ar-o,red$ la graniQa c, India. 19. Sn ti- ce elico terele +o-+arda, cartiere alestiniene2 Ariel &haron s ,nea cP Rasser Arafat n, -ai e ,n interloc,tor credi+il entr, Israel. 1@. ",ldo3erele a, distr,s o -are arte din "ethlee-. 1?. MiNcarea Ha-as a re1endicat atentat,l din Ier,sali-,l de )est. 1;. La "r,Celles2 NATO a eCa-inat osi+ilitatea crePrii ,n,i no, arteneriat c, R,sia. 1:. Consilierii reNedintel,i l0a, a1erti3at e acesta as, ra osi+ilitPQii i3+,cnirii ,n,i conflict n,clear. /ut the verbs in brac"ets into the sim le or continuous ast tense1 1. The aero lane in which the foot+all tea- !travel$ !cras,e3$ soon after ta4ing off. 6. He said that he !0e$ the ca tain of a shi which !sail$ that night for Constanta. 7. It !0e$ a fine da. and the roads !0e$ crowded +eca,se a lot of eo le !r1s,$ to the seaside. 8. As the. !cli%0$ the ladder it !sli9$ sidewa.s and the. !$all$ off it. 9. There had +een an accident and -en !carr8$ the in5,red eo le to an a-+,lance. @. Two -en !$ig,t$ at a street corner and a olice-an !tr8$ to sto the-. ?. The eCa- had 5,st +eg,n and the candidates !/rite$ their na-es. ;. He !9la8$ the g,itar o,tside her ho,se when so-eone !o9en$ the window and !t,ro/$ o,t a +,c4et of water.


:. The +,rglar !o9en$ the safe when he !,ear$ footste s. He i--ediatel. !91t$ o,t his torch and !cra/l$ ,nder the +ed. 1=. He !clean$ his g,n when it accidentall. !go$ off and !Aill$ hi-. 11. >hile the g,ests !3ance$ thie1es !0reaA$ into the ho,se and !steal$ a lot of coats. 16. The neCt da.2 as the. !Ano/$ that the olice !looA$ for the-2 the. !,i3e$ the f,r coats in a wood and !go$ off in different directions. 17. The -,rderer !carr8$ the cor se down the stairs when he !see$ so-eone co-ing. 18. The risoner !esca9e$ +. cli-+ing the wall of the garden where he !/orA$. He !/ear$ +l,e o1eralls and +lac4 shoes. 19. >hile he !%aAe$ his s eech the -inister s,ddenl. !$eel$ faint. ",t so-eone !0ring$ hi- a glass of water and after a few -in,tes he !0e a0le$ to contin,e. 1@. As we !co%e$ here a olice-an !sto9$ ,s. He !sa8$ that he !looA$ for so-e stolen ro ert. and !asA$ if he co,ld search the car. 1?. The c,rtain 5,st !rise$ when so-e+od. at the +ac4 of the theatre !s,o1t$ D*ireE. The a,dience !looA$ ro,nds ner1o,sl..


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