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Substitution Rule(User Exit) in FI - FB60 for Partner Bank Type
Added by Shaik Sajid, last edited by Alon Mizrahi on Nov 01, 2011
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Applies to:
Substitution Rule via User Exit in FI Module. For more information visit ABAP Homepage.
This Paper provides the Step by Step procedure on how to implement Substitution Rule for Partner Bank Type in FI Module during FB60. It also shows why sometimes the value does not get substituted
and the Solution.
Capgemini India Pvt. Ltd. (
Created on:
29 June 2010
Author(s) Bio
Shaik Sajid is a Consultant at Capgemini India Pvt. Ltd. He has been involved in various projects such as Implementation, Support, Upgrade and Product Development in SAP.
[email protected]) . His expertise includes SAP ABAP, WebDynpro ABAP and SAP BI 7.0. I would like to thank my Manager Mr. Rambabu Talluri and my Team Lead Mr. Srikant Lodd for their
Support and Guidance.
Defining Substitution Rule
Based on some Conditions when a value needs to be filled in some field dynamically we go for Substitutions. SAP provides Substitutions for FI module.
Execute GGB1 to define Substitution Rules.
Select Line Item and Create Substitution. (Line Item is selected because the partner bank type belongs to Line Item i.e., BSEG and the field name of Partner Bank type is BVTYP) . 4/17/2015
Substitution Rule(User Exit) in FI - FB60 for Partner Bank Type - ABAP Development - ... Page 2 of 5
Give necessary Description for the Substitution and Create a Step as shown below.
Select Appropriate Field, where the Value needs to
get substituted.
Once the Continue Button is clicked the following
Screen appears.
Specify the type of Substitution. User Exit is chosen
when coding needs to be done i.e., Value needs to
be derived based on some Logic.
Specify the Prerequisites i.e., only when the
prerequisites are met the Substitution will work else it
will skip.
Specify the User Exit Form name in the below screen.
Defining User Exit for Substitution
Now the following section explains how to create the User Exit name.
The program ZRGGBS000 should be copied from RGGBS000.For more Information regarding this check the
Article (How to Use Substitution) in the Related Content Section.
Enter the Following code in the form GET_EXIT_TITLES.
DELETE exits WHERE name = 'UFP04'.
exits-name = 'UFP04'.
exits-param = c_exit_param_field.
exits-title = text-prb.
APPEND exits.
Write the Above piece of
code before the statement
Here UFP04 is the User Exit
name (can give any Name). 4/17/2015
Substitution Rule(User Exit) in FI - FB60 for Partner Bank Type - ABAP Development - ... Page 3 of 5
In the above Report, the
Following code also needs
to be entered.
The Form name should be
the User Exit name that was
declared above.
As the Value gets
substituted to the field BSEG-BVTYP we should
have the exporting field suffixed by 'E_' i.e.,
E_BVTYP as shown below.
Next Settings should be done in OBBH for this
Substitution as shown below:
Testing and Solution
Now let us test this Substitution via FB60.
Mandatory Fields Vendor Number, Invoice Date,
Reference and Currency needs to be entered.Then
Select the Payment Tab to see if the Value for
Partner Bank Type gets substituted.
But you can notice that Partner Bank Type has not
been derived in the below screen.
The Reason is "Sometimes for the Substitution to work, all the necessary
fields (not only Mandatory Fields, other Fields as well) should be entered
with Values".
In the Above Screen the Substitution was not called as the Amount field
was Empty.In the below Screen the Amount field is entered, so the
Partner Bank type value is substituted automatically.
Related Content
SAP HELP for Substitution.
How to Use Substitution.
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