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26004 – ATC: Equipment and Parts Bug Fixes
It was noted that the Automated Ticket Close program is not processing tickets as intended in the original functional specification (WR24361).

1. When adding customer equipment, the program is evaluating the wrong field in the STARS FAST input file. 2. When adding parts to a ticket, the program performs a secondary search against SEI short part number field when the input file’s item code is not identified as an SEI Item #. This secondary search is irrelevant and has the potential to cause a program crash.

The items must be fixed in the program.

I. Equipment Additions Additions – (from Original WR24361 specification)

In the TCAEQP file, the program must evaluate the Fast Equipment Additions flag (Equip_Update column) and add equipment details accordingly. If the Equip_Update column is populated with an A (Addition), the program create the equipment record. Using the ticket-provided manufacturer model/part # (Equip_Model_No column), the STARs program must search the STARS inventory master for an exact match.



Abbreviated Equipment Record from FAST:
Equip_Part_No GAS FURNACE GAS FURNACE 44738 HEAT PUMP 52195 10629 Equip_Serial_No 5803H34146 310135164 FTA04072359 599K12364 1912E10626 5803K01015/HS26048 Equip_Part_Desc FURNACE - GAS FURNACE - GAS NOR FT3BA030KA HEAT PUMP LNX 14HPX036 LOUVERED 81W88 LNX HS26-048-P 54K34 Equip_Model_No G61MP 36B 070 1 GMT090-4B FTA3BA030KA HP26-0367P 14HPX036 HS26048



LNX G60UHV60C110 27M03


Do not use Equip_Part_No for this evaluation.

4. An exact match of the manufacturer part number is required in order to create new equipment record for the customer.
IMFWRK 11/08/11 EMGAPPS Work with Inventory Master Active Items 10:16:08 Sequence : Manufacturer Part # Type options, press Enter. (E=Equipment, J=Parts, M=Material, G=Supply) 1=Select 5=Display O SEI Cst p Item # Prd Cd Description Typ Manufacturer # 80407 FRNGAS LNX G61MPV-036B-070 E G61MPV-036B-07 52303 FRNGAS LNX G61MPV-36C-070 E G61MPV-36C-070 53341 WTRHTR AME G6275T754NV E G6275T754NV 46358 WTRHTR JWD JWE302 G630S27FV-04 E G630S27FV-04 81197 FRNGAS LNX G71MPP-36B-070 E G71MPP-36B-070 40867 FRNGAS LNX G71MPP-36C-090 E G71MPP-36C-090 81298 FRNGAS YRK G71MPP060C-110 E G71MPP060C-110 52347 FRNGAS MAG G8A75DC30-17 E G8A75DC30-17 38376 FRNGAS YRK G8C05012 E G8C05012 49360 FRNGAS COL G8C07512MUB12 E G8C07512MUB12 43912 FRNGAS COL G8C07512M4B1 E G8C07512M4B1 38377 FRNGAS YRK G8C07516 E G8C07516 50379 FRNGAS COL G8C07516MUC12 E G8C07516MUC12 More... F5=Refresh F11=Alternate View F12=Cancel F16=Resequence F21=Print List F22=Active/Obsolete


If an exact match is found, populate the customer’s new Equipment records with the provided associated SEI Item #, Serial Number (Equip_Serial_No), Model Number (Equip_Model_No) and Year of Manufacture (Equip_MFG_Yr).

Customer #

. . . .

Create New Customer Equipment 1000 001 Center 80407 G61MPV036B070/5905D23931

CEENTRY . . . . . . . 140

Part Number . . . . Serial Number . . . . Warranty Start Date . Warranty Expire Date: Mfg/Description . . . Model Number . . . . Year of Manufacture.

G61MPV-036B-070 11

6. If no Year of Manufacture is provided/known, populate Year of Manufacture with 50. 7. The Equipment addition is completed. Errors During Equipment Creation

If no exact Manufacturer Part # match is found STARS (using the file’s Equip_Model_No value), the equipment cannot be added.

9. The STARs program will continue with the close process with an exception noted in the Exception Report.

Applying Parts to a Ticket – (from Original WR24361


Extract file TCAPARYYYYMMDD.CSV will be used for Ticket Parts Use additions in STARS.

2. The file must be evaluated for the wo_num value associated with the ticket being closed. Example input records:
wo_nu m 44724 27 45364 70 47711 40 47711 40 item_co de A8309 A11622 A10371 A10176 item_description General Aire FILTER 14X20X1 PLT REFRIGERANT R410A 25LB/11.3KG DRIER 3/8 16CI BI-FLOW quant ity 1 1 7 1 extrn_wo_nu m 275-2120057254 281-1270021316 265-0010112227 265-0010112227 Cent er 275 281 265 265 Tech_I D 27500083 28100049 26500034 26500034 Ticket_ No 57254 21316 112227 112227 Departm ent RES SERVICE RES SERVICE RES SERVICE RES SERVICE Deptm_C ode 20 20 20 20

Screen Sequence
Ticket Close 16:14 Ticket Info Customer Iñfo Center # : 20 Name . . . : HOLLY MILLER Time : 21:14 Ticket # : 68112 R Addr/Number: 5632 MONTPELIER ST 30158 001 Agr/Type: 00014306/RP City/St/ZIP: BARTLETT TN 38134 Installed Part/Material/Equipment ____(Use the F7 key for detail screens) Installed Non-Stock Items . . . . (Use the F7 key for detail screens) Other Sales Cost Desc IAQ Sales Sub-Cont.Cost Desc Invoice Total Call Back # 0000000 Technician Date Begin End Pay Typ Technician Date Begin End Pay Typ R P Flat Rate Codes Equipment Info 1=Add equipment to ticket 4=Remove equipment Opt Model Serial Number T 4603A02576 6002M46701 4603A13667 from ticket 5=Equip Notes Description Fail AIR AF80MPA100B4 68L12 COIL - EVAPORATOR AIR AFAIR 10B42 68L19 1

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F6=Customer Equip F7=Detail F8=Customer Notes F10=Close Tckt F11=Ticket Notes F12=Cancel F15=Ticket Header

Tech ID and Warehouse Number

On the Add/Install Part, Material, or Equipment to a Ticket screen, the Primary Tech’s ID will default to the Technician field and the Tech’s assigned warehouse/truck number will default to the applicable Whse/Truck field. Service Technician is identified in the MSWOYYYYMMDD.csv file in the tech_id field. The tech_ID field is comprised of Branch number and Technician number. (EX: 024-24736 = Branch 024 and Technician number 24736) STARS must extract the Technician number in order to find the Warehouse/Truck number


Work with Ticket Parts/Material/Equipment Add/Install Part, Material, or Equipment to a Ticket

12/07/11 16:17:19

Whse/Truck . . . . . . . . 3001 Installed Part/Mat./Equip. Description . . . . . . . Quantity . . . . . . . . . Sales price per Item . . . Cost . . . . . . . . . . . Technician . . . . . . . . _________1__ Type Code . . . . . . . . P (C=Corrective, P=Preventive) F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel

Apply Parts 4. Once the Warehouse Number is applied, the Service Experts Part number (A##### number) must be applied as the Installed Part/Material/Equipment.

Since multiple parts may have been used, there may be multiple records with the same wo_num attached in the MPARYYYYMMDD.CSV file. All parts associated with a work order must be applied. If part records are found, the file’s item_code field must be evaluated for validity on the Add/Install Part, Material, or Equipment to a Ticket screen. If the item_code field is found to contain a valid SEI Item # (A######), it must be applied to the ticket.
Work with Ticket Parts/Material/Equipment Add/Install Part, Material, or Equipment to a Ticket 3001 A10157 1 1 P (C=Corrective, P=Preventive) F12=Cancel 12/07/11 17:02:49




Whse/Truck . . . . . . . . Installed Part/Mat./Equip. Description . . . . . . . Quantity . . . . . . . . . Sales price per Item . . . Cost . . . . . . . . . . . Technician . . . . . . . . Type Code . . . . . . . . F3=Exit



If the item_code value is not found to contain a valid SEI Item # (A######), the ticket will be closed with exceptions noted in the Exception Report for correction.

8.1 There will be no secondary check against the Copy book for a Short Part Number.

The part Quantity must also be applied.

10. If the Quantity value is greater than available inventory for the assigned warehouse/truck, close the ticket without relieving the part and note the exception in the Exception Report.

If an associated valid warehouse number is not found for the primary technician, the inventory cannot be relieved. Close the ticket without relieving inventory and note the exception in the Exception report.

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