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Techno Gabay
Techno Gabay Program (TGP) is one of the Philippine Council for Aquatic Resources Research and
Development (PCARRD's) of the DOST banner programs. It aims to bring science-based information and
technology services to end-users in the agriculture, forestry and natural resources (AFNR) sectors.
TGP is characterized by networking of research and development (R&D) institutions in the AFNR sectors,
the Regional R&D Consortia and other members of the National Agriculture and Resources Research and
Development Network (NARRDN), the private sector, the local government units (LGUs),
nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and other extension service providers, thereby, enhancing
technology utilization, adoption, and commercialization.
TGP addresses the government’s Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) for 2004–2010,
through capability building of LGUs in terms of information and technology services.
Develop, validate, and promote modalities to facilitate technology promotion, utilization, and
Strengthen links among technology generators, technology service providers, and technology users; and,
Complement efforts of LGUs and rural-based organizations (RBOs) in extension services.
Bottom-up Delivery Process
TGP uses the participative approach in which the frontline service providers are the implementers, while
PCARRD and the NARRDN act as facilitators.
TGP establishes and maintains linkages with the various sources (i.e., R&D agencies, state colleges and
universities [SCUs]) and users (i.e., farmers, producers, LGUs, NGOs) of information and technologies.
Partner Member Agency (PMA) Scheme
TGP adopts a mechanism in which consortium-member agencies actively involved in R&D and
technology management are tapped as PMA of Farmers’ Information and Technology Services (FITS) or
Techno Pinoy Centers. This mechanism will accelerate institutionalization of Techno Gabay at regional,
provincial, and field levels through its integration in extension programs of the PMA. It will ensure
sustained supply of research-based information and technical assistance support to FITS Centers.
TGP is a dynamic interplay of interrelated modalities to provide a continuous flow of appropriate science
and technology (S&T) information between clientele and other stakeholders. Its four component
modalities are the FITS Center; Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) and the S&T-based Farms; the Information,
Education, and Communications (IEC) Strategies; and the Information and Communications Technology
(ICT). The FITS Center serves as convergence point of all services provided through these modalities.
The Techno Gabay Framework

The Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SET-UP) is the main technology transfer and
commercialization program being implemented by DOST Region VI in accordance with the National S&T
Plan 2002-2020.
It is a nationwide strategy for micro, small and medium scale enterprises to implement technological
innovations and improvements in their operations.
The program is intended to enable the enterprises to address their technical problems through various
technology transfer and technical interventions such as technology acquisition, technology training,
process and equipment design, packaging, productivity improvement, packaging and labeling, waste
management, and laboratory and testing services, among others.
It is worthwhile to note that SET-UP continued to focus primarily on the following regional priority
sectors: (a) furniture; (b) food processing; and (c) natural fibers, gifts and holiday decors (GHD) and
fashion accessories. These sectors were identified considering their impact on the local economy,
availability of resources, potential both in the local and export markets and finally, on identified priority
industries by other government agencies as well as by the local government units.
The DOST Region VI has aggressively implemented the various program components and other activities
under SET-UP. Since 2004, accomplishments had increased significantly through the years.
Specifically, CY 2006 has been another banner year for DOST VI as it revved up, on a higher gear, its
delivery of various S&T interventions for the enhancement of the quality of life in Western Visayas.
In the area of intensified transfer and commercialization of technologies, there were 144 technology
interventions provided. The number of existing firms assisted was 100 while 3 new firms were
These enterprises range from household-level subcontractors involving one or two family members to
established manufacturing companies catering to the export market and employing hundreds of
Through these technological interventions, there were 3,967 employment and a total of Php
140,076,000.00 income generated.


Exterior of the Iloilo International Airport
 Bacolod-Silay International Airport
 Iloilo International Airport
 Kalibo International Airport
 Evelio Javier Airport (Antique)
 Godofredo P. Ramos Airport (Caticlan)
 Roxas Airport
Proposals to re-connect again Iloilo-Roxas, Iloilo-Kalibo, Iloilo-Malay (Aklan) and Iloilo-San Jose
(Antique) from the Iloilo City via rail was included in the revival of the currently defunct Panay
Railways network which has a station in Santa Barbara town proper.

PHIVOLCS, ASTI to establish WV’s first Tsunami early
warning system

Wednesday, 29 January 2014 14:05

The Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (DOST - PHIVOLCS) in
collaboration with the DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) will establish a local tsunami
warning system in some highly-susceptible coastal zones in Western Visayas.

This announcement was made by Engr. Angelito Lanuza, Project Leader of the Establishment of a Cost-Effective Local
Tsunami Early Warning System for Selected High-Risk Coastal Communities of the Philippines (TeWS) during the conduct of
Capacity Building and Orientation on Community-Based Tsunami Early Warning System in Anini-y, Antique.

In a statement, Lanuza highlighted that Project TeWS aims to develop a local tsunami warning system directed at
cautioning selected communities prone to tsunamis. Likewise, the project initiates capacity-building activities at the
barangay and municipality level to include orientation on earthquake and tsunami concepts, familiarization of tsunami
hazard maps and preparation of tsunami evacuation plans.

The Project TeWS involves development, fabrication and installation of low-cost yet efficient tsunami detection sensors that
will help in monitoring of tsunami events. These detection sensors are likewise equipped with tsunami warning sirens.

The detection system consists of three (3) types of sensors: dry, wet, and ultrasonic sea level sensor. PHIVOLCS devised a
model of a simple detection set called “wet and dry sensors”. The design of the instrument is anchored on a principle that
when a strong earthquake occurs and tsunami is generated, the seawater will recede and will be observed along the
coastal areas.

The “dry” sensor is immersed underwater so that when the seawater recedes, the instrument will detect that the water
“disappeared” and will then send data to the monitoring center. The “wet” sensor, on the other hand, is placed in a coastal
area, at various elevations above sea level to detect incoming waves. Once the tsunami waves hit, the sensor will become
“wet” and will send signals to the monitoring center. The ultrasonic sea level sensor, on the other hand, was designed by
ASTI which developed the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). This is positioned at the top part of the pole.
When a strong earthquake has been noted, the ultrasonic sea level sensor will detect any significant rise and fall in the sea
level. The data from the detection system is transmitted to the PHIVOLCS Data Receiving Center and can be viewed
through a personal computer.

Meanwhile, the Local Government Units (LGUs) can view the data in their respective Disaster Risk Reduction Management
(DRRM) Operation Centers through a visualization tool developed by ASTI that is attached to the system. As such, the LGU
can activate the Alert System in case a tsunami is detected.

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