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Donald J. Cook 106 Rivolli Dr. Anderson, SC 29625 864-360-1703 Cell [email protected] Objective To obtain a career in Electronics and Electrical Maintenance Experience 2/2010- to 1/2011 Maintainit / Aurora textiles Travelers Rest, SC M aintenance Manager & Electronic tech. * Lead mechanic and team leader for 12 craftsman ran the operation to the fulles t . * Repair and replace broken parts or malfunctioning components of machinery and equipment. 10/2005-12/2009 Ethox Chemicals Greenville, SC Electrical & Mechanical Technician * Assemble electrical and electronic systems and prototypes according to enginee ring data and knowledge of electrical principles, using hand tools and measuring instruments. * Build, calibrate, maintain, troubleshoot and repair electrical instruments or testing equipment. * Provide technical assistance and resolution when electrical or engineering pro blems are encountered before, during, and after construction. 03/2005-10/2005 Honeywell (A.T.S.) Duncan, SC Lead Technician * Repair and replace broken or malfunctioning components of machinery and equipm ent. * Observe and test the operation of machinery and equipment in order to diagnose malfunctions, using voltmeters and other testing devices. * Analyze test results, machine error messages, and information obtained from op erators in order to diagnose equipment problems. 01/2001-02/2005 Coker International, LLC Anderson, SC Textile Technician * Disassemble machinery and equipment to remove parts and make repairs. * Repair and maintain the operating condition of industrial production and proce ssing machinery and equipment. * Reassemble equipment after completion of inspections, testing, or repairs. 07/1998-12/2001 Cryovac Simpsonville, SC Press Helper * Inspect and examine printed products for print clarity, color accuracy, confor mance to specifications, and external defects. * Set and adjust speed, temperature, ink flow, and positions and pressure tolera nces of equipment. * Select and install printing plates, rollers, feed guides, gauges, screens, ste ncils, type, dies, and cylinders in machines. Education Greenville Technical College Greenville, SC * A.S. Electronic Engineering * A.S. Industrial Maintenance * A.S. Occupational Technology * Diploma in Industrial Electromechanical Technology * Diploma in AC/DC Motors * Certificate in Industrial Electromechanical Technology Universidad de Oriente Cumana, Edo.S ucre V * Masters in Accounting References: Professional references upon request

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