The GMAT Unlocked Complete

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Tbe CMAT Unlocked

I. Insiue uNAT Scoiing
II. The Anatomy of a uNAT Question
III. Piactice anu Peifoimance

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
About this Bocument
Al KapIan CMAT, oui nission is lo piepaie you foi lhe lesl as effi
oui 7O+ yeais of expeiience in lesl piepaialion
aie fond of saying, ¨We von´l spend a ninule duiing oui line logelhei on anylhing lhal von´l
iaise youi scoie.¨ In Iine vilh lhis appioach, oui CMAT couise coveis hov lh
il´s scoied, and siniIai queslions, lul vilh a ieIenlIess focus on lhe lakeavays foi oplinaI
peifoinance. We covei, foi exanpIe, hov queslion difficuIly changes ovei lhe couise of a
seclion of a CAT and lhe inpIicalions foi youi line nana
Sonelhing eIse happens in lhe cIassioon: you ask queslions. Aflei you piaclice a
piolIen~nayle one lhal gol lhe lesl of you lhe fiisl line aiound
ilen vas faii. You vondei vhelhei you´II see a si
queslions aIso vhen you lake a piaclice lesl, such one of lhe 2 fiee CATs pulIished ly CMAC
oi one of lhe 9 CATs incIuded in lhe KapIan couise. Aflei a piaclice lesl, you ask hov accuiale
lhal scoie is and hov accuiale
queslions nay lake you oulside lhe scope of vhal you sliiclIy need lo piaclice lo inpiove youi
CMAT scoie, lul ansveiing lhen heIps you undeisland vheie you aie in youi piaclice, heIps
you feeI al hone vilh lhe lesl, and salisfies lhe appelile foi dala and
inquiiy lhal MßA sludenls aie knovn foi.
In lhis vhile papei, ve´II covei lolh lypes of queslions
queslions lhal oui sludenls ask. If you´i
a poinl al vhich you can decIaie youi ieIalionship vilh lhe CMAT lo le done foievei. UnliI
lhen, heie´s eveiylhing you need lo knov
Cood Iuck in youi piepaialion.
- The KapIan CMAT lean

I.S. We´d Iike lo acknovIedge lhe
piinaiiIy on sludies and infoinalion
CounciI (CMAC), lhe lesl nakei
iegislei foi lhe CMAT. NeveilheIess, since lhe CMAC is nol in lhe lusiness of pulIishing
exaclIy hov lhe lesl voiks~and
of lhe vhile papei lo le iIIuslialive in naluie.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
bout this Bocument
Al KapIan CMAT, oui nission is lo piepaie you foi lhe lesl as efficienlIy and effecliveIy as
in lesl piepaialion nake hunanIy possilIe. Oui facuIly
aie fond of saying, ¨We von´l spend a ninule duiing oui line logelhei on anylhing lhal von´l
iaise youi scoie.¨ In Iine vilh lhis appioach, oui CMAT couise coveis hov lhe lesl voiks, hov
il´s scoied, and siniIai queslions, lul vilh a ieIenlIess focus on lhe lakeavays foi oplinaI
We covei, foi exanpIe, hov queslion difficuIly changes ovei lhe couise of a
seclion of a CAT and lhe inpIicalions foi youi line nanagenenl and guessing slialegies.
Sonelhing eIse happens in lhe cIassioon: you ask queslions. Aflei you piaclice a
nayle one lhal gol lhe lesl of you lhe fiisl line aiound~you vondei
vhelhei you´II see a siniIai queslion on Tesl Day. You have
vhen you lake a piaclice lesl, such one of lhe 2 fiee CATs pulIished ly CMAC
one of lhe 9 CATs incIuded in lhe KapIan couise. Aflei a piaclice lesl, you ask hov accuiale
lhal scoie is and hov accuiale a piedicloi il is of youi peifoinance on Tesl Day. These
queslions nay lake you oulside lhe scope of vhal you sliiclIy need lo piaclice lo inpiove youi
CMAT scoie, lul ansveiing lhen heIps you undeisland vheie you aie in youi piaclice, heIps
ne vilh lhe lesl, and salisfies lhe appelile foi dala and lhe spiiil of piaclicaI
inquiiy lhal MßA sludenls aie knovn foi.
, ve´II covei lolh lypes of queslions~lhe key lakeavays, and lhe sullIei
queslions lhal oui sludenls ask. If you´ie Iike 99° of l-schooI appIicanls, you aie eagei lo ieach
a poinl al vhich you can decIaie youi ieIalionship vilh lhe CMAT lo le done foievei. UnliI
lhen, heie´s eveiylhing you need lo knov aloul lhe nachineiy of lhe lesl~
youi piepaialion.

We´d Iike lo acknovIedge lhe lesl nakeis. The knovIedge in lhis docunenl is lased
piinaiiIy on sludies and infoinalion pulIished ly lhe Ciaduale Managenenl Adnissi
lesl nakeis and lhe oiganizalion lehind nla.con, lhe sile vheie
NeveilheIess, since lhe CMAC is nol in lhe lusiness of pulIishing
and neilhei is KapIan~pIease considei lhe noie lechnicaI
of lhe vhile papei lo le iIIuslialive in naluie.
cienlIy and effecliveIy as
possilIe. Oui facuIly nenleis
aie fond of saying, ¨We von´l spend a ninule duiing oui line logelhei on anylhing lhal von´l
e lesl voiks, hov
il´s scoied, and siniIai queslions, lul vilh a ieIenlIess focus on lhe lakeavays foi oplinaI
We covei, foi exanpIe, hov queslion difficuIly changes ovei lhe couise of a
genenl and guessing slialegies.
Sonelhing eIse happens in lhe cIassioon: you ask queslions. Aflei you piaclice a CMAT
you vondei vhelhei lhal
niIai queslion on Tesl Day. You have
vhen you lake a piaclice lesl, such one of lhe 2 fiee CATs pulIished ly CMAC
one of lhe 9 CATs incIuded in lhe KapIan couise. Aflei a piaclice lesl, you ask hov accuiale
a piedicloi il is of youi peifoinance on Tesl Day. These
queslions nay lake you oulside lhe scope of vhal you sliiclIy need lo piaclice lo inpiove youi
CMAT scoie, lul ansveiing lhen heIps you undeisland vheie you aie in youi piaclice, heIps
spiiil of piaclicaI
lhe key lakeavays, and lhe sullIei
appIicanls, you aie eagei lo ieach
a poinl al vhich you can decIaie youi ieIalionship vilh lhe CMAT lo le done foievei. UnliI
and nayle a lil
The knovIedge in lhis docunenl is lased
ly lhe Ciaduale Managenenl Adnissions
, lhe sile vheie you can
NeveilheIess, since lhe CMAC is nol in lhe lusiness of pulIishing
considei lhe noie lechnicaI delaiIs

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
I. Insiue uNAT Scoiing
Tbe Scoring Scale
The nosl inpoilanl scoie on lhe CMAT is lhe lol
This scoie is lhe CMAT iesuIl lhal
foIIovs a slandaid disliilulion: n
aII CMAT lesl lakeis scoie vilhin 1OO poinls of
lhal cIuslei is an inpoilanl pail of di
sludenls vilh an aveiage CMAT scoie of 718
Scnc GMAT Pcrccn|i|cs ts. Tc|a| Sccrc
The lolaI scoie is caIcuIaled fion
37 queslions) and VeilaI seclion (75 ninules, 41 queslions)
fion 1 lo 6O, lul lhe exliene scoies exisl onIy lo a
possilIe scoies iange fion 11 lo 51.
neasuie of skiII. Ioi exanpIe, ¨
aliIily as a Quanl scoie of 43 does in 2O11.



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
Insiue uNAT Scoiing
The nosl inpoilanl scoie on lhe CMAT is lhe lolaI scoie, vhich ianges fion 2OO lo
lhe CMAT iesuIl lhal schooIs Iook al piinaiiIy. The popuIalion of lhese
: nosl sludenls scoie neai lhe nean scoie, and n
lakeis scoie vilhin 1OO poinls of 55O, lhe nedian scoie. IuIIing youiseIf oul of
an inpoilanl pail of dislinguishing youi appIicalion: lhe lop len schooIs accepl
ilh an aveiage CMAT scoie of 718, aInosl 94lh peicenliIe.
X kookloq 5cote
99° 760-800
98° 730
97° 740
96° 730
94° 720
92° 710
90° 700
88° 690
83° 680
84° 670
82° 660
79° 630
73° 640
73° 630
70° 620
Scnc GMAT Pcrccn|i|cs ts. Tc|a| Sccrcs

The lolaI scoie is caIcuIaled fion ¨scaIe scoies¨ fion lhe Quanlilalive seclion (75 ninules,
37 queslions) and VeilaI seclion (75 ninules, 41 queslions). HypolhelicaIIy, lhese scoies iange
scoies exisl onIy lo aIIov ioon foi fuluie expansion. C
lo 51. These scoies aie neanl lo piovide a lineIess, alsoIule
neasuie of skiII. Ioi exanpIe, ¨a Quanl scoie of 43 in 2OO2 iepiesenls lhe exacl sane IeveI of
aliIily as a Quanl scoie of 43 does in 2O11.¨

aI scoie, vhich ianges fion 2OO lo 8OO.
opuIalion of lhese scoies
neai lhe nean scoie, and noie lhan haIf of
55O, lhe nedian scoie. IuIIing youiseIf oul of
slinguishing youi appIicalion: lhe lop len schooIs accepl
seclion (75 ninules,
lhese scoies iange
IIov ioon foi fuluie expansion. CuiienlIy,
These scoies aie neanl lo piovide a lineIess, alsoIule
lhe exacl sane IeveI of

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
The scaIe nighl seen aililiaiy lo you. You nay le vondeiing, ¨Why 11 lo 51
possilIe scaIes`¨ One ieason lo have a scaIe such as lhis one is lo avoid confusion vilh
peicenliIes oi peicenlages. If scaIed scoies ianged fion O lo 1OO, foi exanpIe, lheie vouId le
lienendous confusion lelveen lhose scoies and peicenliIes and peicenlage of queslions
ansveied coiieclIy.
WhiIe lhe scaIe scoies haven´l
peifoinance has gone up ovei line and VeilaI peifoinance has gone dovn. WhiIe l
seclion scoie sliII foIIovs a faiiIy lypicaI disliilulion, lhe Quanlilalive
high. In iecenl yeais, lelveen 5 an
ßecause of lhe shifl ovei line, and lhe naluie of lhe popuIalion, peicenliIes don´l nalch exaclIy
lo scaIed scoies. As lhal facl indicales, lheie is a lhiid vay of sIicing and dicing CMAT
peifoinance: peicenliIes.
SchooIs viev youi peicenliIe peifoinance (vhich is lhe sane lhing as a ¨peicenl ianking¨)
oveiaII and on each seclion of lhe CMAT.
lhe oveiaII peicenliIe is nol sinpIe. We´ie fiequenlIy ask
peicenliIe and lhe olhei is 84lh peicenliIe. Hov can ny oveiaII peicenliIe le 87lh peicenliIe`¨
The ansvei is lhal lhis lype of oulcone is
exanpIe. Inagine lhal of one hundi
1O VeilaI, vhiIe lhe olhei fifly peopIe gol a 1O Quanl and 51 VeilaI. You lake lhe sane lesl and
gel 4O Quanl and 4O VeilaI. You'd le 5O
scoied voise lhan you. Hovevei
lhe lesl~99
X kookloq
Scnc Pcrccn|i|cs ts. Sca|c Sccrcs fcr |nc Quan|i|a|itc and Vcroa| Scc|icns
Nov lhal ve´ve cIeaied up lhal poinl of confusion,
peicenliIes. The fiisl is lhal lhe oveiaII scoie is aloul youi laIanced peifoinance on lhe lvo
seclions. CeneiaIIy, you viII nol



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
The scaIe nighl seen aililiaiy lo you. You nay le vondeiing, ¨Why 11 lo 51
`¨ One ieason lo have a scaIe such as lhis one is lo avoid confusion vilh
oi peicenlages. If scaIed scoies ianged fion O lo 1OO, foi exanpIe, lheie vouId le
lienendous confusion lelveen lhose scoies and peicenliIes and peicenlage of queslions
haven´l changed ovei line, lhe popuIalion of lesl lakei
peifoinance has gone up ovei line and VeilaI peifoinance has gone dovn. WhiIe l
foIIovs a faiiIy lypicaI disliilulion, lhe Quanlilalive scaIe
lelveen 5 and 7 peicenl of lesl lakeis gol a 5O oi 51 on lhe
ßecause of lhe shifl ovei line, and lhe naluie of lhe popuIalion, peicenliIes don´l nalch exaclIy
As lhal facl indicales, lheie is a lhiid vay of sIicing and dicing CMAT
youi peicenliIe peifoinance (vhich is lhe sane lhing as a ¨peicenl ianking¨)
oveiaII and on each seclion of lhe CMAT. The ieIalionship lelveen lhe seclion peicenliIes and
lhe oveiaII peicenliIe is nol sinpIe. We´ie fiequenlIy asked, ¨One of ny scaIe
peicenliIe and lhe olhei is 84lh peicenliIe. Hov can ny oveiaII peicenliIe le 87lh peicenliIe`¨
The ansvei is lhal lhis lype of oulcone is unpiolIenalic. You can see hov in a sinpIislic
one hundied sludenls laking lhe lesl, fifly peopIe gol a 51 Quanl and
peopIe gol a 1O Quanl and 51 VeilaI. You lake lhe sane lesl and
gel 4O Quanl and 4O VeilaI. You'd le 5O
peicenliIe on each seclion, lecause 5O° of
coied voise lhan you. Hovevei, youi lolaI scoie vouId pul you highei lhan anyone eIse on

X kookloq 5cote

X kookloq 5cote
98° 31

99° 46-31
93° 30

98° 43
86° 49

97° 44
82° 48

93° 42
77° 47

92° 41
3° 46

89° 40
72° 43

87° 39
68° 44

83° 38
63° 43

80° 37
Scnc Pcrccn|i|cs ts. Sca|c Sccrcs fcr |nc Quan|i|a|itc and Vcroa| Scc|icns
up lhal poinl of confusion, Iel´s nole lvo key lakeavays aloul
lhe oveiaII scoie is aloul youi laIanced peifoinance on lhe lvo
viII nol vin on lhe CMAT ly naiIing one seclion and hoping
The scaIe nighl seen aililiaiy lo you. You nay le vondeiing, ¨Why 11 lo 51, of aII
`¨ One ieason lo have a scaIe such as lhis one is lo avoid confusion vilh
oi peicenlages. If scaIed scoies ianged fion O lo 1OO, foi exanpIe, lheie vouId le
lienendous confusion lelveen lhose scoies and peicenliIes and peicenlage of queslions
lesl lakeis has. Quanl
peifoinance has gone up ovei line and VeilaI peifoinance has gone dovn. WhiIe lhe VeilaI
scoie is skeved
a 5O oi 51 on lhe Quanl seclion.
ßecause of lhe shifl ovei line, and lhe naluie of lhe popuIalion, peicenliIes don´l nalch exaclIy
As lhal facl indicales, lheie is a lhiid vay of sIicing and dicing CMAT
youi peicenliIe peifoinance (vhich is lhe sane lhing as a ¨peicenl ianking¨)
The ieIalionship lelveen lhe seclion peicenliIes and
scaIe scoies is 83id
peicenliIe and lhe olhei is 84lh peicenliIe. Hov can ny oveiaII peicenliIe le 87lh peicenliIe`¨
see hov in a sinpIislic
peopIe gol a 51 Quanl and
peopIe gol a 1O Quanl and 51 VeilaI. You lake lhe sane lesl and
peicenliIe on each seclion, lecause 5O° of lesl lakeis
youi lolaI scoie vouId pul you highei lhan anyone eIse on
Scnc Pcrccn|i|cs ts. Sca|c Sccrcs fcr |nc Quan|i|a|itc and Vcroa| Scc|icns

lvo key lakeavays aloul
lhe oveiaII scoie is aloul youi laIanced peifoinance on lhe lvo
vin on lhe CMAT ly naiIing one seclion and hoping youi

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
peifoinance viII oveicone a deficil
VeilaI peicenliIes aien´l olvious fion lhe oveiaII scoie, adnission officeis o
specificaIIy. Sone adnissions officeis al lop schooIs have ienaiked on paneIs, ¨We viII Iook
specificaIIy al lhe Quanlilalive peicenliIe on lhe CMAT. You shouId have a
peicenliIe on lhal seclion as veII as a sliong oveiaII scoie.¨
nanagenenl piogians, a Quanlilalive peicenliIe of 9Olh oi noie nay le noie of lhe noin.
So vhich of lhese neasuies is nosl inpoilanl
inpoilanl scoie, since il´s a laIanced neasuie of alsoIule and ieIalive peifoinance. Nexl cone
peicenliIes, vhich adnission officeis oflen Iook al. In oui expeiience,
officeis iaieIy nenlion paying all
The AnaIylicaI Wiiling Assessnenl
UnIike lhe lolaI and scaIe scoies,
youi scoie, il viII lake lhe foin of a nunlei fion
you viile off-lopic oi in a foieign Ianguage).
shouId sliive foi lhe lesl scoie possilIe, an essay giaded 4 is ¨salisfacloiy
giaded 3 is nol.
Pcrccn|i|cs ts. Sca|c Sccrcs fcr |nc AlA
IeicenliIes give a sIighlIy diffeienl peispeclive on lhe AWA. An AWA scoie of 4.5 ianks al
a shockingIy Iov 37lh peicenliIe. To lieak lhe nedian, you have lo scoie a 5 oi highei.
good nevs is lhal no piogian, in oui expeiience, uses lhe AWA scoie lo diffeienliale candidale
conpeliliveness. Il´s noie of a ieaIily check againsl lhe viiling skiIIs lhal you denonsliale in
youi appIicalion essays. And in lhis vein, a IillIe
lexl of youi AWA essays in lhe officiaI scoie iepoil. They´ie nol going lo spend loo Iong



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
viII oveicone a deficil on lhe olhei. The second key poinl is lhal, since Quanl and
peicenliIes aien´l olvious fion lhe oveiaII scoie, adnission officeis oflen Iook al lhen
Sone adnissions officeis al lop schooIs have ienaiked on paneIs, ¨We viII Iook
specificaIIy al lhe Quanlilalive peicenliIe on lhe CMAT. You shouId have a
peicenliIe on lhal seclion as veII as a sliong oveiaII scoie.¨ Moieovei, al specia
nanagenenl piogians, a Quanlilalive peicenliIe of 9Olh oi noie nay le noie of lhe noin.
vhich of lhese neasuies is nosl inpoilanl` The piinaiy scoie of 2OO lo 8OO is lhe nosl
inpoilanl scoie, since il´s a laIanced neasuie of alsoIule and ieIalive peifoinance. Nexl cone
peicenliIes, vhich adnission officeis oflen Iook al. In oui expeiience, l-schooI
officeis iaieIy nenlion paying allenlion lo scaIe scoies.
ssessnenl (AWA) is scoied sepaialeIy fion lhe iesl of lhe CMAT.
scoies, AWA scoies aien´l avaiIalIe on Tesl Day. When you do gel
ake lhe foin of a nunlei fion 1 lo 6 in incienenls of O.5 (you gel a zeio if
lopic oi in a foieign Ianguage). The nagic nunlei heie is 4. AIlhough sludenls
shouId sliive foi lhe lesl scoie possilIe, an essay giaded 4 is ¨salisfacloiy
X kookloq 5cote
91° 6
77° 3.3
36° 3
37° 4.3
21° 4
10° 3.3
3° 3
4° 2.3
3° 0.3-2
0° 0
Pcrccn|i|cs ts. Sca|c Sccrcs fcr |nc AlA

give a sIighlIy diffeienl peispeclive on lhe AWA. An AWA scoie of 4.5 ianks al
liIe. To lieak lhe nedian, you have lo scoie a 5 oi highei.
good nevs is lhal no piogian, in oui expeiience, uses lhe AWA scoie lo diffeienliale candidale
Il´s noie of a ieaIily check againsl lhe viiling skiIIs lhal you denonsliale in
youi appIicalion essays. And in lhis vein, a IillIe-noliced facl: lusiness schooIs ieceive lhe acluaI
of youi AWA essays in lhe officiaI scoie iepoil. They´ie nol going lo spend loo Iong
n lhe olhei. The second key poinl is lhal, since Quanl and
flen Iook al lhen
Sone adnissions officeis al lop schooIs have ienaiked on paneIs, ¨We viII Iook
specificaIIy al lhe Quanlilalive peicenliIe on lhe CMAT. You shouId have al Ieasl an 8Olh
peciaIized MßA and
nanagenenl piogians, a Quanlilalive peicenliIe of 9Olh oi noie nay le noie of lhe noin.
iy scoie of 2OO lo 8OO is lhe nosl
inpoilanl scoie, since il´s a laIanced neasuie of alsoIule and ieIalive peifoinance. Nexl cone
schooI adnissions
leIy fion lhe iesl of lhe CMAT.
When you do gel
.5 (you gel a zeio if
nunlei heie is 4. AIlhough sludenls
shouId sliive foi lhe lesl scoie possilIe, an essay giaded 4 is ¨salisfacloiy,¨ and an essay
give a sIighlIy diffeienl peispeclive on lhe AWA. An AWA scoie of 4.5 ianks al
liIe. To lieak lhe nedian, you have lo scoie a 5 oi highei.
good nevs is lhal no piogian, in oui expeiience, uses lhe AWA scoie lo diffeienliale candidale
Il´s noie of a ieaIily check againsl lhe viiling skiIIs lhal you denonsliale in
noliced facl: lusiness schooIs ieceive lhe acluaI
of youi AWA essays in lhe officiaI scoie iepoil. They´ie nol going lo spend loo Iong

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
exanining youi 3O-ninule liealise
lhe cilizens of Mauiilania, lul lhey have lhe oplion.
A nev seclion, Inlegialed Reasoning (IR), is coning in 2O12. Il viII have ils ovn scoiing
scaIe, independenl fion lhe 2OO lo
appioaches, slay luned lo oui lIog,
CMAT velsile foi noie on lhal lopic and foi noie geneiaI infoinalion on scoies
Tbe Computer Adaptive Format
The conpulei adaplive lesl,
¨adaplive¨ lecause, in lhe couise of a seclion, lhe lesl nolices
pievious queslion coiieclIy oi incoiieclIy and ¨adapls¨ in ils seIeclion of lhe nexl
A fev lasic iuIes nake lhe adaplive foinal possilIe.
• You´ie piesenled vilh one queslion al a line, and you nusl ansvei il lo nove on lo
lhe nexl queslion.
• You can´l ieluin lo pieviousIy ansveied queslions vilhin a seclion
• You can´l skip queslions
onilled aie any queslions al lhe end of a seclion lhal you Ieave unansveied.
• Wilhin a seclion (Quanlilalive oi VeilaI), lhe queslions aie nol giouped ly lopic oi
lype. You don´l, foi exanpIe, fin
Senlence Coiieclion and lhen lo CiilicaI Reasoning, lhose lhiee queslion lypes aie
inleispeised vilh each olhei lhioughoul lhe seclion.
Heie´s hov lhe adapling voiks. You slail lhe seclion (Quanlilalive oi Vei
nedian-difficuIly queslion, aloul haIf of
vho ansvei coiieclIy gel a haidei queslion foi lhe second ilen, and lhose vho ansvei
incoiieclIy gel an easiei ilen. This pallein iepeals: lhiougho
pievious queslion iighl, geneiaIIy you´II gel a haidei queslion nexl. ConveiseIy, if you gol lhe
pievious queslion viong, geneiaIIy you´II gel an easiei one nexl. This pallein ieileiales so lhal
you foIIov a geneiaIIy upvaid,
hones in on lhe difficuIly IeveI lhal is lesl nalched lo youi peifoinance, al lhal difficuIly IeveI,
geneiaIIy, you´II gel aloul haIf lhe queslions coiiecl and haIf incoiiecl. Hov high on lhe
difficuIly scaIe you end up is one of lhe ciileiia lhal deleinine youi scoie, aIong vilh hov
nany queslions you ansvei and olhei faclois.



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
ninule liealise on vhelhei addilionaI laxalion is in lhe giealei inleiesl of
lhe cilizens of Mauiilania, lul lhey have lhe oplion.
A nev seclion, Inlegialed Reasoning (IR), is coning in 2O12. Il viII have ils ovn scoiing
scaIe, independenl fion lhe 2OO lo 8OO scaIe. We´II have a Iol lo say aloul IR a
appioaches, slay luned lo oui lIog, hllp://lIog.kapIanCMAT.con. Check oul lhe officiaI
foi noie on lhal lopic and foi noie geneiaI infoinalion on scoies
Tbe Computer Adaptive Format
onpulei adaplive lesl, oi CAT, is a faiiIy nev lesling foinal. The
lecause, in lhe couise of a seclion, lhe lesl nolices vhelhei you
coiieclIy oi incoiieclIy and ¨adapls¨ in ils seIeclion of lhe nexl
A fev lasic iuIes nake lhe adaplive foinal possilIe.
You´ie piesenled vilh one queslion al a line, and you nusl ansvei il lo nove on lo
You can´l ieluin lo pieviousIy ansveied queslions vilhin a seclion.
slions~oi ialhei, lhe onIy queslions lhal can le skipped oi
onilled aie any queslions al lhe end of a seclion lhal you Ieave unansveied.
Wilhin a seclion (Quanlilalive oi VeilaI), lhe queslions aie nol giouped ly lopic oi
lype. You don´l, foi exanpIe, finish Reading Conpiehension and lhen nove on lo
Senlence Coiieclion and lhen lo CiilicaI Reasoning, lhose lhiee queslion lypes aie
inleispeised vilh each olhei lhioughoul lhe seclion.
Heie´s hov lhe adapling voiks. You slail lhe seclion (Quanlilalive oi Vei
difficuIly queslion, aloul haIf of lesl lakeis gel il iighl, and haIf gel il viong. Those
vho ansvei coiieclIy gel a haidei queslion foi lhe second ilen, and lhose vho ansvei
incoiieclIy gel an easiei ilen. This pallein iepeals: lhioughoul lhe seclion, i
pievious queslion iighl, geneiaIIy you´II gel a haidei queslion nexl. ConveiseIy, if you gol lhe
pievious queslion viong, geneiaIIy you´II gel an easiei one nexl. This pallein ieileiales so lhal
you foIIov a geneiaIIy upvaid, dovnvaid oi fIal liajecloiy lhiough lhe queslions. The lesl
hones in on lhe difficuIly IeveI lhal is lesl nalched lo youi peifoinance, al lhal difficuIly IeveI,
geneiaIIy, you´II gel aloul haIf lhe queslions coiiecl and haIf incoiiecl. Hov high on lhe
ficuIly scaIe you end up is one of lhe ciileiia lhal deleinine youi scoie, aIong vilh hov
nany queslions you ansvei and olhei faclois.
n is in lhe giealei inleiesl of
A nev seclion, Inlegialed Reasoning (IR), is coning in 2O12. Il viII have ils ovn scoiing
We´II have a Iol lo say aloul IR as lhe change
heck oul lhe officiaI
foi noie on lhal lopic and foi noie geneiaI infoinalion on scoies.

. The lesl is caIIed
vhelhei you ansveied lhe
coiieclIy oi incoiieclIy and ¨adapls¨ in ils seIeclion of lhe nexl queslion.
You´ie piesenled vilh one queslion al a line, and you nusl ansvei il lo nove on lo
queslions lhal can le skipped oi
onilled aie any queslions al lhe end of a seclion lhal you Ieave unansveied.
Wilhin a seclion (Quanlilalive oi VeilaI), lhe queslions aie nol giouped ly lopic oi
ish Reading Conpiehension and lhen nove on lo
Senlence Coiieclion and lhen lo CiilicaI Reasoning, lhose lhiee queslion lypes aie
Heie´s hov lhe adapling voiks. You slail lhe seclion (Quanlilalive oi VeilaI) vilh a
s gel il iighl, and haIf gel il viong. Those
vho ansvei coiieclIy gel a haidei queslion foi lhe second ilen, and lhose vho ansvei
ul lhe seclion, if you gol lhe
pievious queslion iighl, geneiaIIy you´II gel a haidei queslion nexl. ConveiseIy, if you gol lhe
pievious queslion viong, geneiaIIy you´II gel an easiei one nexl. This pallein ieileiales so lhal
dovnvaid oi fIal liajecloiy lhiough lhe queslions. The lesl
hones in on lhe difficuIly IeveI lhal is lesl nalched lo youi peifoinance, al lhal difficuIly IeveI,
geneiaIIy, you´II gel aloul haIf lhe queslions coiiecl and haIf incoiiecl. Hov high on lhe
ficuIly scaIe you end up is one of lhe ciileiia lhal deleinine youi scoie, aIong vilh hov

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
A rcugn scncna|ic cf ncu adap|itc sccring ucr|s cn a CAT
The adaplive design of lhe lesl
1. Accuracq. A CAT is aIIegedIy noie accuiale lhan a ¨Iineai¨
lecause il zeioes in on a
give Iucky lesleis haidei queslions lhan lhey can ansvei, lhus eIininaling any
gains iesuIling fion chance. ConveiseIy, unIucky aiilhnelic eiiois on lough
piolIens give unIucky lesleis easiei piolIens, and
alIe lo gel lhe easiei
2. Tinc. CATs can le de
duialion is a lenefil lolh lo you and lhe
lhal a CAT does nol vasle queslions.
pielly nuch nevei see a
pielly nuch nevei see a haid one. On a Iineai
hand, eveiyone gels lhe sane nix of easy and haid queslions.
sludenls sliuggIing on lhe easy quesli
chaIIenging piolIens, vhiIe high
queslions. Thus, giving Iov
veisa) doesn'l acluaIIy piovi

As you may have guessed, quesLlon dlfflculLy lsn'L measured on scale of 200 Lo 800. AfLer all, Lhe CuanLlLaLlve and
verbal secLlons are scored separaLely and noL even scored on a 200 Lo 800 scale Lhemselves. 1he reallLy ls LhaL
quesLlon dlfflculLy has lLs own unlque measure, boLh on Lhe CMA1 and also on our pracLlce LesLs.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
A rcugn scncna|ic cf ncu adap|itc sccring ucr|s cn a CAT

The adaplive design of lhe lesl has lvo puiposes:
is aIIegedIy noie accuiale lhan a ¨Iineai¨ (i.e., non
lecause il zeioes in on a lesl lakeis aliIily IeveI. Lucky guesses cause lhe CMAT lo
give Iucky lesleis haidei queslions lhan lhey can ansvei, lhus eIininaling any
ion chance. ConveiseIy, unIucky aiilhnelic eiiois on lough
nIucky lesleis easiei piolIens, and lhese unIucky
lhe easiei queslions iighl, lhus coiiecling lhe non-iepiesenlalive diop in
CATs can le designed as shoilei lhan conpaialIe Iineai lesls
a lenefil lolh lo you and lhe lesl nakei. The ieason foi lhis efficiency is
a CAT does nol vasle queslions. If you gel nosl of lhe queslions iighl, you
pielly nuch nevei see an easy one, and if you gel nosl of lhe queslions viong, you
ei see a haid one. On a Iineai lesl such as lhe SAT, on lhe olhei
hand, eveiyone gels lhe sane nix of easy and haid queslions.
ludenls sliuggIing on lhe easy queslions viII do IillIe lellei lhan chance on lhe
chaIIenging piolIens, vhiIe high-scoiing sludenls viII gel cIose lo 1OO° of lhe easy
queslions. Thus, giving Iov-scoiing queslions lo high-scoiing sludenls (and vice
veisa) doesn'l acluaIIy piovide nuch usefuI slalislicaI dala. In lhis iespecl, nany
As you may have guessed, quesLlon dlfflculLy lsn'L measured on scale of 200 Lo 800. AfLer all, Lhe CuanLlLaLlve and
verbal secLlons are scored separaLely and noL even scored on a 200 Lo 800 scale Lhemselves. 1he reallLy ls LhaL
sLlon dlfflculLy has lLs own unlque measure, boLh on Lhe CMA1 and also on our pracLlce LesLs.

(i.e., non-adaplive) lesl
Lucky guesses cause lhe CMAT lo
give Iucky lesleis haidei queslions lhan lhey can ansvei, lhus eIininaling any
ion chance. ConveiseIy, unIucky aiilhnelic eiiois on lough
lesleis shouId le
iepiesenlalive diop in
lhan conpaialIe Iineai lesls, and lhe shoilei
. The ieason foi lhis efficiency is
If you gel nosl of lhe queslions iighl, you
n easy one, and if you gel nosl of lhe queslions viong, you
lesl such as lhe SAT, on lhe olhei
On such a lesl,
ons viII do IillIe lellei lhan chance on lhe
scoiing sludenls viII gel cIose lo 1OO° of lhe easy
scoiing sludenls (and vice
lalislicaI dala. In lhis iespecl, nany
As you may have guessed, quesLlon dlfflculLy lsn'L measured on scale of 200 Lo 800. AfLer all, Lhe CuanLlLaLlve and
verbal secLlons are scored separaLely and noL even scored on a 200 Lo 800 scale Lhemselves. 1he reallLy ls LhaL
sLlon dlfflculLy has lLs own unlque measure, boLh on Lhe CMA1 and also on our pracLlce LesLs.

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
queslions aie ¨vasled,¨ and lhe CAT can affoid lo le a nuch shoilei lesl al equaI
Those poinls define lhe lasic pallein of lhe CAT, lul lheie aie addilionaI leIIs and vhislIes
in lhe aIgoiilhn. One of lhe no
aIvays adjusl difficuIly IeveI queslion ly queslion.
assessing lhe difficuIly IeveI of a queslion you´ie on and allenpling lo infei vhelhei you gol
lhe pievious queslion coiiecl. Lven if you couId assess a queslion´s difficuIly IeveI (and you
can´l, in piaclice, foi ieasons ve discuss pailIy leIov), you vouIdn´l le alIe lo diav any
concIusions, since lhe lesl doesn´l aIvays adapl queslion
The liiaI oi ¨expeiinenlaI¨ queslions aie anolhei iefinenenl lo lhe CAT foinuIa. Sone
lhe queslions in each seclion do nol counl lovaid youi scoie.
queslions oul on peopIe vho do nol knov lhal lhey aie expeiinenlaI in oidei lo
vaIidily and difficuIly of lhe queslions
avay one punchIine eaiIy: do nol liy lo guess vhich queslions aie expeiinenlaI.
Are tbe first questions more important?
Nov Iel´s go sliaighl lo IiequenlIy Asked Queslion #1 aloul CMAT scoiing, vhich is,
¨Aie lhe fiisl len oi so queslions
As ve´ve discussed, lhe CMAT adaplive aIgoiilhn slails vilh a nediun
queslion. If you gel il iighl, youi nexl queslion is haidei, and
queslion is easiei. The svings aie viId al lhe leginning, naiioving
peifoinance. Ioi lhal ieason, you nay find il
leginning of lhe lesl.
The shoil void on lhal idea: don'l.
The lesl nakeis addiess lhis queslion head
Il is liue lhal lhe conpulei
iniliaI eslinale of youi aliIily, hovevei, lhal is onIy an
ansvei queslions, lhe aIgoiilhn seIf
aII lhe queslions you have ansveied, and lhen adninisleis ilens lhal aie cIoseIy nalched lo lhis
nev eslinale of youi aliIily. Youi f
difficuIly of aII lhe queslions you ansveied. Taking addilionaI line on lhe fiisl 1O queslions viII
nol gane lhe syslen and can huil youi aliIily lo finish lhe lesl.
The lesl nakeis insisl lhal
oulsnail lhe CMAT ly spending exlia line al lhe leginning.
you'ie coiieclIy ansveiing noie queslions lhan

Offlclol ColJe to CMA1 kevlew, 12Lh edlLlon, pg. 8.
Offlclol ColJe to CMA1 kevlew, 12Lh edlLlon, pg. 17.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
queslions aie ¨vasled,¨ and lhe CAT can affoid lo le a nuch shoilei lesl al equaI
lhe lasic pallein of lhe CAT, lul lheie aie addilionaI leIIs and vhislIes
One of lhe nosl inpoilanl delaiIs lo le avaie of is lhal lhe lesl does nol
aIvays adjusl difficuIly IeveI queslion ly queslion.
Theiefoie, avoid lhe lenplalion of
assessing lhe difficuIly IeveI of a queslion you´ie on and allenpling lo infei vhelhei you gol
us queslion coiiecl. Lven if you couId assess a queslion´s difficuIly IeveI (and you
can´l, in piaclice, foi ieasons ve discuss pailIy leIov), you vouIdn´l le alIe lo diav any
oesn´l aIvays adapl queslion so innedialeIy.
iiaI oi ¨expeiinenlaI¨ queslions aie anolhei iefinenenl lo lhe CAT foinuIa. Sone
lhe queslions in each seclion do nol counl lovaid youi scoie. The lesl nakei
queslions oul on peopIe vho do nol knov lhal lhey aie expeiinenlaI in oidei lo
vaIidily and difficuIly of lhe queslions. We´II laIk noie aloul lhis lopic leIov, lul ve´II give
avay one punchIine eaiIy: do nol liy lo guess vhich queslions aie expeiinenlaI.
Are tbe first questions more important?
IiequenlIy Asked Queslion #1 aloul CMAT scoiing, vhich is,
s noie inpoilanl`¨
, lhe CMAT adaplive aIgoiilhn slails vilh a nediun
queslion. If you gel il iighl, youi nexl queslion is haidei, and if you gel il viong, youi nexl
queslion is easiei. The svings aie viId al lhe leginning, naiioving in on an eslinale of
Ioi lhal ieason, you nay find il lenpling lo spend Iols of exlia line al lhe
idea: don'l.
s addiess lhis queslion head-on vilh lhe foIIoving expIanalion:
Il is liue lhal lhe conpulei-adaplive lesling aIgoiilhn uses lhe fiisl 1O queslions lo ollain an
iniliaI eslinale of youi aliIily, hovevei, lhal is onIy an ini|ia| eslinale. As you conlinue lo
ansvei queslions, lhe aIgoiilhn seIf-coiiecls ly conpuling an updaled eslinale on lhe lasis of
aII lhe queslions you have ansveied, and lhen adninisleis ilens lhal aie cIoseIy nalched lo lhis
nev eslinale of youi aliIily. Youi finaI scoie is lased on aII youi iesponses and consideis lhe
difficuIly of aII lhe queslions you ansveied. Taking addilionaI line on lhe fiisl 1O queslions viII
nol gane lhe syslen and can huil youi aliIily lo finish lhe lesl.

insisl lhal lhal, despile peisislenl iunois lo lhe conliaiy, you can'l
oulsnail lhe CMAT ly spending exlia line al lhe leginning. The ieason foi lhis is lining, if
Iy ansveiing noie queslions lhan you shouId in noie line lhan you shouId, lhen
12Lh edlLlon, pg. 8.
12Lh edlLlon, pg. 17.
queslions aie ¨vasled,¨ and lhe CAT can affoid lo le a nuch shoilei lesl al equaI
lhe lasic pallein of lhe CAT, lul lheie aie addilionaI leIIs and vhislIes
sl inpoilanl delaiIs lo le avaie of is lhal lhe lesl does nol
Theiefoie, avoid lhe lenplalion of
assessing lhe difficuIly IeveI of a queslion you´ie on and allenpling lo infei vhelhei you gol
us queslion coiiecl. Lven if you couId assess a queslion´s difficuIly IeveI (and you
can´l, in piaclice, foi ieasons ve discuss pailIy leIov), you vouIdn´l le alIe lo diav any
iiaI oi ¨expeiinenlaI¨ queslions aie anolhei iefinenenl lo lhe CAT foinuIa. Sone of
lesl nakei nusl liy fuluie
queslions oul on peopIe vho do nol knov lhal lhey aie expeiinenlaI in oidei lo deleinine lhe
. We´II laIk noie aloul lhis lopic leIov, lul ve´II give
avay one punchIine eaiIy: do nol liy lo guess vhich queslions aie expeiinenlaI.
IiequenlIy Asked Queslion #1 aloul CMAT scoiing, vhich is,
, lhe CMAT adaplive aIgoiilhn slails vilh a nediun-difficuIly
if you gel il viong, youi nexl
in on an eslinale of
exlia line al lhe
on vilh lhe foIIoving expIanalion:
adaplive lesling aIgoiilhn uses lhe fiisl 1O queslions lo ollain an
slinale. As you conlinue lo
coiiecls ly conpuling an updaled eslinale on lhe lasis of
aII lhe queslions you have ansveied, and lhen adninisleis ilens lhal aie cIoseIy nalched lo lhis
inaI scoie is lased on aII youi iesponses and consideis lhe
difficuIly of aII lhe queslions you ansveied. Taking addilionaI line on lhe fiisl 1O queslions viII
hal, despile peisislenl iunois lo lhe conliaiy, you can'l
he ieason foi lhis is lining, if
you shouId in noie line lhan you shouId, lhen

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
lhe ienaining lhiee quaileis of lhe seclion viII le nuch haidei and undei noie line
piessuie~youi shoil-lein gains viII le eiased.
Hovevei, you sliII vanl lo adjusl youi lesl
SpecificaIIy, ienenlei lhal even vhen you ha
youi lesl is nade up of chaIIenging, high
sinpIei piolIens lo gel lheie~don'l iush oi lecone oveiconfidenl jusl lecause lhose fiisl fev
queslions aie easiei.
One of oui CMAT facuIly nenleis
fiisl innings oi lhe fiisl quailei of a gane noie inpoilanl lhan lhe foIIoving ones` Mayle,
since lhey sel lhe vhoIe lone of a gane and give lhe Ieading lean oplions. ßul
lo slail sliong and finish sliong.
The cosl of nol finishing sli
queslions, lheie is a penaIly assessed vhich viII
CMAC, lhis effecl is noie exaggeialed in lhe case of high scoieis.
queslions.couId ieduce youi scoie fion lhe 91sl peicenliIe lo lhe 77lh peicenliIe.¨
viII see nov, a scoie diffeience of lhal nagnilude is sulslanliaI.
How mucb can a CMAT sc
Theie aie lvo pieces lo lhe queslion of hov nuch a peison´s CMAT scoie can change
vilhin a given peiiod of line:
1. Hov nuch scoies vaiy,
2. Hov nuch scoies can le inpioved.
These aie inpoilanl piaclicaI queslions. If you have a laseIine scoie lhal´
laigel, you need lo knov vhelhei you can ieach youi laigel and hov nuch voik il
Oi, you nay have ieceived a Iov scoie on lhe CMAT,
nighl go up if you ielook lhe lesl in a nonlh vilh youi acl sIigh
Hcu nucn sccrcs tarq. Scoies can vaiy videIy, lul lend nol lo. The
slalislics on lhe suljecl lhal leII sIighlIy diffeienl sloiies.
Iiisl is lhe ¨ieIialiIily¨ of lhe lesl. The CMAC ansveis oui queslion diieclIy ly
you aie 92° IikeIy lo gel lhe sane scoie on lhe CMAT if you lake lhe lesl and lhen ielake il
(vilhoul any sludy in lelveen).
lesl nakeis do go on lo nake lhe foIIoving slalenenl:
The cuiienl slandaid eiioi of neasuienenl foi lhe CMAT TolaI scoie is 29, vhich neans lhe
iepoiled CMAT TolaI scoie is vilhin 29 poinls alove oi leIov a scoie iefIecling liue

Offlclol ColJe to CMA1 kevlew, 12Lh edlLlon, pg. 1


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
g lhiee quaileis of lhe seclion viII le nuch haidei and undei noie line
lein gains viII le eiased.
Hovevei, you sliII vanl lo adjusl youi lesl-piep slialegy lo accounl foi lhose eaiIy
SpecificaIIy, ienenlei lhal even vhen you have ieached lhe high-scoiing poinl lhal nosl of
youi lesl is nade up of chaIIenging, high-ievaid piolIens, you sliII have lo go lhiough lhe
don'l iush oi lecone oveiconfidenl jusl lecause lhose fiisl fev
nenleis Iikes lo nake conpaiison lo a spoiling evenl. Aie lhe
fiisl innings oi lhe fiisl quailei of a gane noie inpoilanl lhan lhe foIIoving ones` Mayle,
since lhey sel lhe vhoIe lone of a gane and give lhe Ieading lean oplions. ßul
lo slail sliong and finish sliong.
The cosl of nol finishing sliong on lhe CMAT is sulslanliaI. If you don´l ansvei aII lhe
queslions, lheie is a penaIly assessed vhich viII piecipilousIy Iovei youi scoie. Accoiding lo
s noie exaggeialed in lhe case of high scoieis. ¨IaiIing lo ansvei five
queslions.couId ieduce youi scoie fion lhe 91sl peicenliIe lo lhe 77lh peicenliIe.¨
viII see nov, a scoie diffeience of lhal nagnilude is sulslanliaI.
How mucb can a CMAT score cbange?
Theie aie lvo pieces lo lhe queslion of hov nuch a peison´s CMAT scoie can change
Hov nuch scoies vaiy,
Hov nuch scoies can le inpioved.
These aie inpoilanl piaclicaI queslions. If you have a laseIine scoie lhal´
laigel, you need lo knov vhelhei you can ieach youi laigel and hov nuch voik il
ieceived a Iov scoie on lhe CMAT, and you´ie vondeiing hov nuch il
nighl go up if you ielook lhe lesl in a nonlh vilh youi acl sIighlIy noie logelhei.
coies can vaiy videIy, lul lend nol lo. The lesl nakei
slalislics on lhe suljecl lhal leII sIighlIy diffeienl sloiies.
Iiisl is lhe ¨ieIialiIily¨ of lhe lesl. The CMAC ansveis oui queslion diieclIy ly
you aie 92° IikeIy lo gel lhe sane scoie on lhe CMAT if you lake lhe lesl and lhen ielake il
(vilhoul any sludy in lelveen).
Thal´s piolalIy a Iol noie ieIialIe lhan you expecled. The
s do go on lo nake lhe foIIoving slalenenl:
uiienl slandaid eiioi of neasuienenl foi lhe CMAT TolaI scoie is 29, vhich neans lhe
iepoiled CMAT TolaI scoie is vilhin 29 poinls alove oi leIov a scoie iefIecling liue
12Lh edlLlon, pg. 17.
g lhiee quaileis of lhe seclion viII le nuch haidei and undei noie line
piep slialegy lo accounl foi lhose eaiIy svings.
scoiing poinl lhal nosl of
ievaid piolIens, you sliII have lo go lhiough lhe
don'l iush oi lecone oveiconfidenl jusl lecause lhose fiisl fev
Iikes lo nake conpaiison lo a spoiling evenl. Aie lhe
fiisl innings oi lhe fiisl quailei of a gane noie inpoilanl lhan lhe foIIoving ones` Mayle,
since lhey sel lhe vhoIe lone of a gane and give lhe Ieading lean oplions. ßul lo vin, you need
ong on lhe CMAT is sulslanliaI. If you don´l ansvei aII lhe
Iovei youi scoie. Accoiding lo
¨IaiIing lo ansvei five
queslions.couId ieduce youi scoie fion lhe 91sl peicenliIe lo lhe 77lh peicenliIe.¨
And as ve
Theie aie lvo pieces lo lhe queslion of hov nuch a peison´s CMAT scoie can change
These aie inpoilanl piaclicaI queslions. If you have a laseIine scoie lhal´s fai fion youi
laigel, you need lo knov vhelhei you can ieach youi laigel and hov nuch voik il viII lake.
you´ie vondeiing hov nuch il
lIy noie logelhei.
lesl nakeis piesenl lvo
Iiisl is lhe ¨ieIialiIily¨ of lhe lesl. The CMAC ansveis oui queslion diieclIy ly saying lhal
you aie 92° IikeIy lo gel lhe sane scoie on lhe CMAT if you lake lhe lesl and lhen ielake il
Thal´s piolalIy a Iol noie ieIialIe lhan you expecled. The
uiienl slandaid eiioi of neasuienenl foi lhe CMAT TolaI scoie is 29, vhich neans lhe
iepoiled CMAT TolaI scoie is vilhin 29 poinls alove oi leIov a scoie iefIecling liue

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
peifoinance~a iepeal lesl lakei vilh TolaI scoies vilhin 29 poinls of each olhei knovs
has peifoined consislenlIy.
So, lheie is IillIe ieason lo ielake lhe CMAT in lhe hope of inpioving youi scoie vilhoul
sulslanliaI piepaialion. The slandaid eiioi of neasuienenl aIso gives us sone guidance on
scoie inpiovenenl. Anylhing ovei 3O
voids, lhiily poinls nay oi nay nol sound Iike
is a Iol.
30 is |nc nagic nunocr uncn cta|ua|ing sccrcs agains| |ruc pcrfcrnancc
Hating a ´oad daq.¨ As CMAT leacheis, ve
such, and vaIk avay vilh unieaIislicaIIy high hopes
aflei a sinpIe ielake on a ¨good day.
slandaid eiioi~indicale lhal youi scoie on a good day is IikeIy lo
a lad day. Iuilheinoie, if youi scoie on a good day is any highei, il´s veiy, veiy unIikeIy lo le
noie lhan 3O poinls highei unIess you have iaised youi skiII IeveI l
a hope foi scoie inpiovenenl, lul il Iies aIong a palh paved vilh piaclice.
One exceplion lo lhis iuIe is lhe off day
fiie aIain, oi a lesl lakei in lhe caiieI nexl lo you ie
seveieIy hindeied fion conpIeling youi lesl, you shouId piolalIy canceI youi scoie on Tesl
Day. Lven if you don´l canceI, you shouId iescheduIe
a good shol al lhe exan.



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
a iepeal lesl lakei vilh TolaI scoies vilhin 29 poinls of each olhei knovs
has peifoined consislenlIy.

lheie is IillIe ieason lo ielake lhe CMAT in lhe hope of inpioving youi scoie vilhoul
sulslanliaI piepaialion. The slandaid eiioi of neasuienenl aIso gives us sone guidance on
scoie inpiovenenl. Anylhing ovei 3O poinls conslilules a najoi scoie inpiovenenl.
hiily poinls nay oi nay nol sound Iike a Iol on lhe CMAT scoiing scaIe

30 is |nc nagic nunocr uncn cta|ua|ing sccrcs agains| |ruc pcrfcrnancc
MAT leacheis, ve see appIicanls have a ¨lad day
vilh unieaIislicaIIy high hopes aloul hov nuch lheii scoie viII go up
aflei a sinpIe ielake on a ¨good day.¨ The figuies alove~lhe 92° ieIialiIily and lhe 29
indicale lhal youi scoie on a good day is IikeIy lo le lhe sane as youi scoie on
day. Iuilheinoie, if youi scoie on a good day is any highei, il´s veiy, veiy unIikeIy lo le
noie lhan 3O poinls highei unIess you have iaised youi skiII IeveI lhiough piepaialion.
a hope foi scoie inpiovenenl, lul il Iies aIong a palh paved vilh piaclice.
One exceplion lo lhis iuIe is lhe off day caused ly sickness oi a najoi disiuplion,
in lhe caiieI nexl lo you ieading eveiy queslion aIoud
seveieIy hindeied fion conpIeling youi lesl, you shouId piolalIy canceI youi scoie on Tesl
ven if you don´l canceI, you shouId iescheduIe foi anolhei dale in lhe neai fuluie lo have
a iepeal lesl lakei vilh TolaI scoies vilhin 29 poinls of each olhei knovs he oi she
lheie is IillIe ieason lo ielake lhe CMAT in lhe hope of inpioving youi scoie vilhoul
sulslanliaI piepaialion. The slandaid eiioi of neasuienenl aIso gives us sone guidance on
poinls conslilules a najoi scoie inpiovenenl. In olhei
a Iol on lhe CMAT scoiing scaIe lo you~lul il

30 is |nc nagic nunocr uncn cta|ua|ing sccrcs agains| |ruc pcrfcrnancc
day,¨ iecognize il as
hov nuch lheii scoie viII go up
lhe 92° ieIialiIily and lhe 29-poinl
le lhe sane as youi scoie on
day. Iuilheinoie, if youi scoie on a good day is any highei, il´s veiy, veiy unIikeIy lo le
hiough piepaialion. Theie is
a najoi disiuplion, such as a
ding eveiy queslion aIoud. If you aie
seveieIy hindeied fion conpIeling youi lesl, you shouId piolalIy canceI youi scoie on Tesl
anolhei dale in lhe neai fuluie lo have

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
Tnc gano|c rc|a|c. Mayle you had a fine day al lhe lesl, lul you gol a 69O and you´ie
gunning foi one of lhe lop 1O oi so piogians, vheie lhe aveiage
heai lhe slandaid eiioi is 29 poinls, aInosl exaclIy
vondei vhelhei you shouId ganlIe on a ielake
Heie´s a lieakdovn of lhe ganlIe ielake. Lel´s considei lhiee cases:
1. Say youi liue scoie
IikeIy lo gel a 69O, oi cIose lo il, on a ganlIe ielake. Moieovei, you´
a 66O on youi ganlIe ielake as a 72O.
2. Say youi liue scoie
focused on. In lhis case,
necessaiiIy lecause you had a lad day, lul
scoies. In lhis case, on youi ganlIe ielake, you´ie nosl IikeIy lo scoie al oi neai 72O.
3. Say youi liue scoie al youi c
case #2. In lhis case,
scoie al oi neai a 66O on youi ganlIe ielake, and you´ie jusl as IikeIy lo scoie undei
66O as alove 66O.
Theie aie olhei possiliIilies
olhei scoies. Il couId le 6OO oi 78O
on lhose odds you nay vanl lo dedicale youi
facl, lhe nosl IikeIy case of aII is #1. Cases #2 and #3 aie Iess IikeIy
IikeIy. So, even vhen you aie 3O, 2O, oi 1O poinls shy of youi goaI, lhe ganlIe ielake is nol a
pailicuIaiIy good ganlIe. The iisk
schooIs viII lake youi highesl CMAT scoie. ßul, eilhei vay,
pioduce lhe sane scoie noie oflen lhan any olhei iesuIl
vasle of line and noney. In geneiaI, o
iighl nove.
How to Evaluate Your Score
We nov have lhe lasic facls needed lo evaIuale youi scoie
¨good enough¨ foi youi appIicalion.
heie. ßul fiisl, Iel´s pul evaIualing youi scoie in conlexl.
On paneIs and in infoinalion sessions, lusiness schooI adnissions aIvays cIaiify lheie is
nol a cul-off oi haid lhieshoId foi CMAT scoies. Theie is nol
inlo any piogian, and lheie is no CMAT scoie lhal viII guaianlee adnission al any piogian.
The appIicalion has nuIlipIe conponenls


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
Mayle you had a fine day al lhe lesl, lul you gol a 69O and you´ie
gunning foi one of lhe lop 1O oi so piogians, vheie lhe aveiage scoie is jusl shy of 72O. You
lhe slandaid eiioi is 29 poinls, aInosl exaclIy lhe size of lhe inciease yo
ganlIe on a ielake~sinpIy lake lhe lesl again and
Heie´s a lieakdovn of lhe ganlIe ielake. Lel´s considei lhiee cases:
Say youi liue scoie (al youi cuiienl skiII IeveI) is 69O. In lhis case, you
IikeIy lo gel a 69O, oi cIose lo il, on a ganlIe ielake. Moieovei, you´
O on youi ganlIe ielake as a 72O.
Say youi liue scoie al youi cuiienl skiII IeveI is a 72O. This is lhe possiliIily you´ie
focused on. In lhis case, youi 69O scoie vas sonevhal off of youi liue scoie
necessaiiIy lecause you had a lad day, lul peihaps due lo slalislicaI vaiialion in
scoies. In lhis case, on youi ganlIe ielake, you´ie nosl IikeIy lo scoie al oi neai 72O.
al youi cuiienl skiII IeveI is a 66O. This case is a niiioi inage of
youi 69O vas indeed a fIuke, lul in youi favoi! Y
eai a 66O on youi ganlIe ielake, and you´ie jusl as IikeIy lo scoie undei
ie aie olhei possiliIilies~youi liue scoie al youi cuiienl skiII IeveI
. Il couId le 6OO oi 78O~lul lhose cases aie veiy unIikeIy (and if you Iike lo ganlIe
on lhose odds you nay vanl lo dedicale youi l-schooI luilion lo pIaying lhe Iollo inslead).
is #1. Cases #2 and #3 aie Iess IikeIy~and lhey aie aIso equaIIy
So, even vhen you aie 3O, 2O, oi 1O poinls shy of youi goaI, lhe ganlIe ielake is nol a
The iisk posed ly case #3 is sIighlIy niligaled ly lhe facl lhal nosl
schooIs viII lake youi highesl CMAT scoie. ßul, eilhei vay, a sliaighl-up ganlIe ielake viII
pioduce lhe sane scoie noie oflen lhan any olhei iesuIl~lhe nosl IikeIy oulcone is a sinpIe
In geneiaI, onIy vilh a nonlh oi lvo of fuilhei sludy
How to Evaluate Your Score
We nov have lhe lasic facls needed lo evaIuale youi scoie~vhelhei youi CMAT scoie is
¨good enough¨ foi youi appIicalion. The slandaid eiioi of aloul 3O poinls can le youi guide
heie. ßul fiisl, Iel´s pul evaIualing youi scoie in conlexl.
On paneIs and in infoinalion sessions, lusiness schooI adnissions aIvays cIaiify lheie is
off oi haid lhieshoId foi CMAT scoies. Theie is nol a nininun CMAT scoie lo gel
inlo any piogian, and lheie is no CMAT scoie lhal viII guaianlee adnission al any piogian.
The appIicalion has nuIlipIe conponenls, and il´s liue lhal lusiness schooI adnissions officeis
Mayle you had a fine day al lhe lesl, lul you gol a 69O and you´ie
is jusl shy of 72O. You
lhe size of lhe inciease you´d Iike. So you
again and hope lo do
is 69O. In lhis case, you aie quile
ie as IikeIy lo gel
is a 72O. This is lhe possiliIily you´ie
youi 69O scoie vas sonevhal off of youi liue scoie~nol
due lo slalislicaI vaiialion in
scoies. In lhis case, on youi ganlIe ielake, you´ie nosl IikeIy lo scoie al oi neai 72O.
is a 66O. This case is a niiioi inage of
youi 69O vas indeed a fIuke, lul in youi favoi! You´ie IikeIy lo
eai a 66O on youi ganlIe ielake, and you´ie jusl as IikeIy lo scoie undei
al youi cuiienl skiII IeveI couId le 71O, oi
(and if you Iike lo ganlIe
g lhe Iollo inslead). In
and lhey aie aIso equaIIy
So, even vhen you aie 3O, 2O, oi 1O poinls shy of youi goaI, lhe ganlIe ielake is nol a
is sIighlIy niligaled ly lhe facl lhal nosl
up ganlIe ielake viII
lhe nosl IikeIy oulcone is a sinpIe
fuilhei sludy is a ielake lhe
vhelhei youi CMAT scoie is
3O poinls can le youi guide
On paneIs and in infoinalion sessions, lusiness schooI adnissions aIvays cIaiify lheie is
a nininun CMAT scoie lo gel
inlo any piogian, and lheie is no CMAT scoie lhal viII guaianlee adnission al any piogian.
and il´s liue lhal lusiness schooI adnissions officeis

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
caie aloul vho you aie and oflen lhink o
knov you.
Theie is anolhei viev on lhe piocess: yes, youi appIicalion is a laIanced poilfoIio of
CMAT, CIA, essays, and ieconnendalions
lhe 2O1O ileialion of oui annuaI suivey of lusiness schooI adnissions officeis, adnissions slaff
idenlified lhe CMAT as lhe nosl inpoilanl eIenenl of lhe appIicalion and aIso as lhe #1
¨appIicalion kiIIei.¨
Ioi noie on lhe significance of lhe CMAT and hov il fils inlo lhe
lusiness schooI adnissions piocess, pIease see oui nany fiee iesouices on lhe suljecl al
vvv.kapIanCMAT.con > The CMAT and
Nov, lo evaIualing youi CMAT scoie. SchooIs pulIish lhe aveiage
sludenls. In facl, lhis aveiage is one of lhe nain inpuls inlo schooI iankings, such as
U.S. Ncus c lcr|d Rcpcr|. SinpIy pul:
al lhal piogian, lhen lhal piogian viII viev youi
vilh cuiienl sludenls, lhal CMAT scoie is ¨good enough¨ foi lhe piogian lul doesn´l give you
an advanlage.
Youi advanlage oi disadvanlage on lhe CMAT is
The aveiage al lop 1O piogians in lhis yeai´s iankings is
CMAT is scoied in incienenls of 1O)
adnissions piocess, and any scoie leIov 72O puls you al a disadvanlage.

kaplan 8uslness School Admlsslons Cfflcers Survey, 2010 (


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
caie aloul vho you aie and oflen lhink of lhe appIicalion piocess as an oppoilunily lo gel lo
Theie is anolhei viev on lhe piocess: yes, youi appIicalion is a laIanced poilfoIio of
CMAT, CIA, essays, and ieconnendalions~lul eveiylhing needs lo le peifecl. Moieovei, in
n of oui annuaI suivey of lusiness schooI adnissions officeis, adnissions slaff
idenlified lhe CMAT as lhe nosl inpoilanl eIenenl of lhe appIicalion and aIso as lhe #1
Ioi noie on lhe significance of lhe CMAT and hov il fils inlo lhe
lusiness schooI adnissions piocess, pIease see oui nany fiee iesouices on lhe suljecl al
> The CMAT and vvv.kapIanCMAT.con > ßusiness SchooI.
ling youi CMAT scoie. SchooIs pulIish lhe aveiage CMAT scoie of lheii
n facl, lhis aveiage is one of lhe nain inpuls inlo schooI iankings, such as
SinpIy pul: if youi CMAT scoie is exaclIy al lhe aveiage foi sl
lhal piogian viII viev youi CMAT scoie neuliaIIy. Since il´s iighl on pai
vilh cuiienl sludenls, lhal CMAT scoie is ¨good enough¨ foi lhe piogian lul doesn´l give you
Youi advanlage oi disadvanlage on lhe CMAT is aII ieIalive lo lhe aveiage al lhe piogian.
The aveiage al lop 1O piogians in lhis yeai´s iankings is aloul 72O (il's lechnicaIIy 718, lul lhe
CMAT is scoied in incienenls of 1O). Any scoie alove 72O gives you an advanlage in lhe
ny scoie leIov 72O puls you al a disadvanlage.

kaplan 8uslness School Admlsslons Cfflcers Survey, 2010 (hLLp://
f lhe appIicalion piocess as an oppoilunily lo gel lo
Theie is anolhei viev on lhe piocess: yes, youi appIicalion is a laIanced poilfoIio of
lul eveiylhing needs lo le peifecl. Moieovei, in
n of oui annuaI suivey of lusiness schooI adnissions officeis, adnissions slaff
idenlified lhe CMAT as lhe nosl inpoilanl eIenenl of lhe appIicalion and aIso as lhe #1
Ioi noie on lhe significance of lhe CMAT and hov il fils inlo lhe
lusiness schooI adnissions piocess, pIease see oui nany fiee iesouices on lhe suljecl al
> ßusiness SchooI.
CMAT scoie of lheii
n facl, lhis aveiage is one of lhe nain inpuls inlo schooI iankings, such as lhose of
if youi CMAT scoie is exaclIy al lhe aveiage foi sludenls
Since il´s iighl on pai
vilh cuiienl sludenls, lhal CMAT scoie is ¨good enough¨ foi lhe piogian lul doesn´l give you
aII ieIalive lo lhe aveiage al lhe piogian.
aloul 72O (il's lechnicaIIy 718, lul lhe
. Any scoie alove 72O gives you an advanlage in lhe

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
A ru|c cf |nuno fcr cta|ua|ing |nc ccnpc|i|itcncss cf a GMAT sccrc
Iielly olvious sluff so fai. The key queslion is hov nuch of an advanlage highei scoies
give, and hov nuch of a disadvanlage Iovei scoies g
cones in. Renenlei, CMAC says, ¨
leIov a scoie iefIecling liue peifoinance
ovei 1O poinls. They aie, on lhe ol
Al lhe schooI vheie 72O is lhe aveiage CMAT scoie, 75O gives a sulslanliaI advanlage, and 69O
suffeis a sulslanliaI disadvanlage.
Il´s nol a coincidence lhal lhe ±3O iuIe of lhunl appeais ove
slails lo nove lhe needIe foi youi conpeliliveness pailIy lecause il´s a sulslanliaI scoie
inpiovenenl. And foi lhal ieason, lhe iuIe gives an eslinale of hov nuch youi scoie can
inpiove. Any inpiovenenl of noie lhan 3O poin
ioulineIy see inpiovenenls of 1OO and 15O poinls on lhe lesl, and sonelines noie, lul even a
3O poinl inciease is nolhing lo sneeze al.
This conpIeles oui sunnaiy of lhe lesl as a vhoIe. Nexl, ve´II Iook al l
queslion IeveI. We´II cone avay vilh a fev piaclicaI lakeavays, sone nylhs delunked, and
sone delaiIs aloul lhe lesl lhal you viII le happy lo foigel in a fev nonlhs.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
A ru|c cf |nuno fcr cta|ua|ing |nc ccnpc|i|itcncss cf a GMAT sccrc
Iielly olvious sluff so fai. The key queslion is hov nuch of an advanlage highei scoies
give, and hov nuch of a disadvanlage Iovei scoies give. This is vheie lhe slandaid eiioi
cones in. Renenlei, CMAC says, ¨iepoiled CMAT TolaI scoie is vilhin 29 poinls alove oi
leIov a scoie iefIecling liue peifoinance.¨ So, adnissions officeis aien´l going lo spIil haiis
ovei 1O poinls. They aie, on lhe olhei hand, going lo lake diffeiences of 3O poinls veiy seiiousIy.
Al lhe schooI vheie 72O is lhe aveiage CMAT scoie, 75O gives a sulslanliaI advanlage, and 69O
suffeis a sulslanliaI disadvanlage.
Il´s nol a coincidence lhal lhe ±3O iuIe of lhunl appeais ovei and ovei again. Thiily poinls
slails lo nove lhe needIe foi youi conpeliliveness pailIy lecause il´s a sulslanliaI scoie
And foi lhal ieason, lhe iuIe gives an eslinale of hov nuch youi scoie can
inpiove. Any inpiovenenl of noie lhan 3O poinls is significanl. As lhe lesl piep expeils, ve
ioulineIy see inpiovenenls of 1OO and 15O poinls on lhe lesl, and sonelines noie, lul even a
3O poinl inciease is nolhing lo sneeze al.
conpIeles oui sunnaiy of lhe lesl as a vhoIe. Nexl, ve´II Iook al l
queslion IeveI. We´II cone avay vilh a fev piaclicaI lakeavays, sone nylhs delunked, and
sone delaiIs aloul lhe lesl lhal you viII le happy lo foigel in a fev nonlhs.
A ru|c cf |nuno fcr cta|ua|ing |nc ccnpc|i|itcncss cf a GMAT sccrc
Iielly olvious sluff so fai. The key queslion is hov nuch of an advanlage highei scoies
ive. This is vheie lhe slandaid eiioi
iepoiled CMAT TolaI scoie is vilhin 29 poinls alove oi
.¨ So, adnissions officeis aien´l going lo spIil haiis
hei hand, going lo lake diffeiences of 3O poinls veiy seiiousIy.
Al lhe schooI vheie 72O is lhe aveiage CMAT scoie, 75O gives a sulslanliaI advanlage, and 69O
i and ovei again. Thiily poinls
slails lo nove lhe needIe foi youi conpeliliveness pailIy lecause il´s a sulslanliaI scoie
And foi lhal ieason, lhe iuIe gives an eslinale of hov nuch youi scoie can
ls is significanl. As lhe lesl piep expeils, ve
ioulineIy see inpiovenenls of 1OO and 15O poinls on lhe lesl, and sonelines noie, lul even a
conpIeles oui sunnaiy of lhe lesl as a vhoIe. Nexl, ve´II Iook al lhe CMAT al lhe
queslion IeveI. We´II cone avay vilh a fev piaclicaI lakeavays, sone nylhs delunked, and

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
II. The Anatomy
Tbe Question Types
The CMAT has seveiaI lypes of
Iends ilseIf lo palleins~and lhe fiequency of diffeienl queslions is
lakeis' lesls.
The Quanlilalive seclion is nade up
Anong ioughIy 23 oi 24 of lhese queslions, aII nalh suljecls aie lesled, lul ceilain concepls
aveiages, iales, and void piolIens, foi inslance
The ienaining queslions on lhe nalhenalics poilion of lhe lesl aie Da
queslions. These queslions, unique lo lhe CMAT, lesl youi aliIily lo deleinine vhelhei a
queslion can le ansveied~even if acluaIIy finding lhal ansvei vouId le inpossilIe vilhoul a
caIcuIaloi and a Iol of line. DS queslions can le fuilh
¨yes/no¨ queslions. The foinei
infoinalion yieIding a singIe nuneiicaI possiliIily is deened ¨sufficienl,¨ vhiIe infoinalion
peinilling nuIlipIe nuneiicaI s
Iess connon, lul iequiie sIighlIy diffeienl slialegy, so iecognizing lhen vhen lhey aiise is a
good vay lo loosl youi scoie. On lhese queslions, dala yieIding lhe ansveis ¨aIvays yes¨ and
¨aIvays no¨ aie sufficienl, vhiIe dala yieIding ¨sonelines yes, sonelines no¨ aie insufficienl.
RegaidIess of lhe specific DS lype you face, nunlei piopeilies and aIgelia vilh nuIlipIe
vaiialIes viII le lesled fiequenlIy.
Tnc da|a sufficicncq
In lhe VeilaI seclion, lhe CMAT lesls sludenls vilh lhiee lypes of queslions: CiilicaI
Reasoning (CR), Senlence Coiieclion
queslions aie divided noie oi Iess evenIy
connon (12-14 queslions) lhan SC (14
have lheii ovn sul-lypes. CiilicaI Reasoning


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
Anatomy of a uNAT Question
lypes of queslion. IoilunaleIy, lhe slandaidized foinal of lhe lesl
lhe fiequency of diffeienl queslions is consislenl
The Quanlilalive seclion is nade up piedoninanlIy of IiolIen SoIving
24 of lhese queslions, aII nalh suljecls aie lesled, lul ceilain concepls
iales, and void piolIens, foi inslance~shov up noie oflen lhan olheis.
The ienaining queslions on lhe nalhenalics poilion of lhe lesl aie Dala Sufficiency
queslions. These queslions, unique lo lhe CMAT, lesl youi aliIily lo deleinine vhelhei a
even if acluaIIy finding lhal ansvei vouId le inpossilIe vilhoul a
DS queslions can le fuilhei divided inlo ¨vaIue¨ queslions and
nake up aloul lvo-lhiids of DS queslions. On lhose queslions,
infoinalion yieIding a singIe nuneiicaI possiliIily is deened ¨sufficienl,¨ vhiIe infoinalion
peinilling nuIlipIe nuneiicaI soIulions is consideied ¨insufficienl.¨ ¨Yes/no¨ queslions aie
Iess connon, lul iequiie sIighlIy diffeienl slialegy, so iecognizing lhen vhen lhey aiise is a
On lhese queslions, dala yieIding lhe ansveis ¨aIvays yes¨ and
s no¨ aie sufficienl, vhiIe dala yieIding ¨sonelines yes, sonelines no¨ aie insufficienl.
RegaidIess of lhe specific DS lype you face, nunlei piopeilies and aIgelia vilh nuIlipIe
vaiialIes viII le lesled fiequenlIy.
da|a sufficicncq ansucr cnciccs arc uniquc |c |nc GMAT
n lhe VeilaI seclion, lhe CMAT lesls sludenls vilh lhiee lypes of queslions: CiilicaI
, Senlence Coiieclion (SC), and Reading Conpiehension (RC)
queslions aie divided noie oi Iess evenIy anong lhe lypes, aIlhough CR is sIighlIy Iess
14 queslions) lhan SC (14-16 queslions). RC (usuaIIy 14 queslions) and CR
lypes. CiilicaI Reasoning, in pailicuIai, ievaids sludenls vho can
of a uNAT Question
. IoilunaleIy, lhe slandaidized foinal of lhe lesl
consislenl acioss aII lesl
of IiolIen SoIving (IS) queslions.
24 of lhese queslions, aII nalh suljecls aie lesled, lul ceilain concepls~
shov up noie oflen lhan olheis.
la Sufficiency (DS)
queslions. These queslions, unique lo lhe CMAT, lesl youi aliIily lo deleinine vhelhei a
even if acluaIIy finding lhal ansvei vouId le inpossilIe vilhoul a
ei divided inlo ¨vaIue¨ queslions and
On lhose queslions,
infoinalion yieIding a singIe nuneiicaI possiliIily is deened ¨sufficienl,¨ vhiIe infoinalion
¨Yes/no¨ queslions aie
Iess connon, lul iequiie sIighlIy diffeienl slialegy, so iecognizing lhen vhen lhey aiise is a
On lhese queslions, dala yieIding lhe ansveis ¨aIvays yes¨ and
s no¨ aie sufficienl, vhiIe dala yieIding ¨sonelines yes, sonelines no¨ aie insufficienl.
RegaidIess of lhe specific DS lype you face, nunlei piopeilies and aIgelia vilh nuIlipIe

n lhe VeilaI seclion, lhe CMAT lesls sludenls vilh lhiee lypes of queslions: CiilicaI
(RC). The 41 veilaI
aIlhough CR is sIighlIy Iess
14 queslions) and CR aIso
ievaids sludenls vho can

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
dislinguish Slienglhen, Weaken,
deconsliucl an aigunenl, fion I
Don'l voiiy loo nuch aloul keeping counl on Tesl Day. If you've piepaied veII, you'II le
ieady foi vhalevei lhe lesl has l
Weaken oi an LxpIain queslion isn'l going lo heIp. ßul do lhink aloul lhese
piep. Say, foi exanpIe, Senlence Coiieclion and Yes/No DS queslion
lioulIe. You'II face lvice as nany
line shouId le aIIocaled accoidingIy
Tbe Question Topics
Theie is sone sluff you need lo knov lo succeed on lhe CMAT. Ioi exanpIe, on lhe CMAT
you´ie going lo see aIgelia~lhe
hov lhose vaiialIes aie nanipuIaled. Lven a iecenl coIIege giaduale doulIe
advanced nalh and advanced LngIish is unIikeIy lo slail oul faniIiai vilh aII lhe lopics on lhe
lesl. So a ieviev of lhe suljecl nallei, oi lopic, oi conlenl, lehind CMAT queslions is in oidei
foi eveiyone.
The CMAT is a lesl foi geneiaIisls. A peison vho is pielly good al aII suljecls
geoneliy, nunlei piopeilies, elc
nediocie al olheis, even lhough lhey gol lhe sane nunlei of queslions iighl. This can le a ieaI
issue foi sone lesl lakeis, since nosl peopIe aie usuaIIy nolicealIy lellei al one aiea lhan lhe
olhei. The inpIicalion is lhal you shouId sp
slienglhs. Hovevei, do nol negIecl youi slienglhs, as lhey viII sliII conliilule lo youi oveiaII
DeaIing vilh lopics lhey nay nol have seen foi yeais viII fieak sone sludenls oul, and
lhey piepaie ly cianning as nany foinuIas and giannai iuIes inlo lheii heads as lhey can.
Hovevei, lhe scope of knovIedge iequiied ly and ievaided on lhe CMAT is designed lo le as
snaII as possilIe. Many CMAT lesl lakei
Accounlanl (CIA) oi Chaileied
knovIedge foi lhose exans. In conliasl, heie´s vhal lhe CMAC has lo say aloul lhe conlenl on
lhe CMAT:
The nalh skiIIs lesled on lhe CMAT lesl aie quile lasic. The diffi
queslions slens fion lhe Iogic and anaIysis used lo soIve lhe piolIens and nol lhe undeiIying
nalh skiIIs.

If you have aIieady legun CMAT ieviev, you nay iecoiI al lhis expIanalion and oljecl lhal
lhe nalh on lhe lesl is nol so easy. Whal´s inpoilanl isn´l vhelhei lhe conlenl is easy oi haid
il´s lhal il´s ieIaliveIy Iiniled. In olhei voids, lhe conlenl lhal you Ieain foi lhe CMAT is jusl an

Offlclol ColJe to CMA1 kevlew, 12Lh edlLlon, pg. 13.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
dislinguish Slienglhen, Weaken, Assunplion, and IIav queslions, aII of vhich lesl lhe ali
fion Infeience and LxpIain queslions, vhich lesl olhei skiIIs.
Don'l voiiy loo nuch aloul keeping counl on Tesl Day. If you've piepaied veII, you'II le
ieady foi vhalevei lhe lesl has lo offei you, so guessing vhelhei lhe Iasl queslion viII le a
LxpIain queslion isn'l going lo heIp. ßul do lhink aloul lhese piopoilions as you
Senlence Coiieclion and Yes/No DS queslions aie lolh giving you
'II face lvice as nany Senlence Coiieclion queslions on Tesl Day
shouId le aIIocaled accoidingIy.
Theie is sone sluff you need lo knov lo succeed on lhe CMAT. Ioi exanpIe, on lhe CMAT
lhe Ianguage of vaiialIes, such as lhe evei-popuIai
hov lhose vaiialIes aie nanipuIaled. Lven a iecenl coIIege giaduale doulIe
dvanced LngIish is unIikeIy lo slail oul faniIiai vilh aII lhe lopics on lhe
eviev of lhe suljecl nallei, oi lopic, oi conlenl, lehind CMAT queslions is in oidei
The CMAT is a lesl foi geneiaIisls. A peison vho is pielly good al aII suljecls
geoneliy, nunlei piopeilies, elc.~viII do lellei lhan one vho is veiy good al sone and
nediocie al olheis, even lhough lhey gol lhe sane nunlei of queslions iighl. This can le a ieaI
s, since nosl peopIe aie usuaIIy nolicealIy lellei al one aiea lhan lhe
olhei. The inpIicalion is lhal you shouId spend noie line on youi veaknesses lhan youi
slienglhs. Hovevei, do nol negIecl youi slienglhs, as lhey viII sliII conliilule lo youi oveiaII
DeaIing vilh lopics lhey nay nol have seen foi yeais viII fieak sone sludenls oul, and
as nany foinuIas and giannai iuIes inlo lheii heads as lhey can.
he scope of knovIedge iequiied ly and ievaided on lhe CMAT is designed lo le as
lesl lakeis al sone poinl have faced oi viII face Ceilified IulIic
Chaileied IinanciaI AnaIysl (CIA) exans. You have lo alsoil a Iol of
knovIedge foi lhose exans. In conliasl, heie´s vhal lhe CMAC has lo say aloul lhe conlenl on
The nalh skiIIs lesled on lhe CMAT lesl aie quile lasic. The difficuIly of CMAT Quanlilalive
queslions slens fion lhe Iogic and anaIysis used lo soIve lhe piolIens and nol lhe undeiIying
If you have aIieady legun CMAT ieviev, you nay iecoiI al lhis expIanalion and oljecl lhal
easy. Whal´s inpoilanl isn´l vhelhei lhe conlenl is easy oi haid
In olhei voids, lhe conlenl lhal you Ieain foi lhe CMAT is jusl an
12Lh edlLlon, pg. 13.
vhich lesl lhe aliIily lo
lesl olhei skiIIs.
Don'l voiiy loo nuch aloul keeping counl on Tesl Day. If you've piepaied veII, you'II le
o offei you, so guessing vhelhei lhe Iasl queslion viII le a
piopoilions as you
s aie lolh giving you
on Tesl Day, so youi sludy
Theie is sone sluff you need lo knov lo succeed on lhe CMAT. Ioi exanpIe, on lhe CMAT
popuIai x and q, and
hov lhose vaiialIes aie nanipuIaled. Lven a iecenl coIIege giaduale doulIe-najoiing in
dvanced LngIish is unIikeIy lo slail oul faniIiai vilh aII lhe lopics on lhe
eviev of lhe suljecl nallei, oi lopic, oi conlenl, lehind CMAT queslions is in oidei
The CMAT is a lesl foi geneiaIisls. A peison vho is pielly good al aII suljecls~aIgelia,
y good al sone and
nediocie al olheis, even lhough lhey gol lhe sane nunlei of queslions iighl. This can le a ieaI
s, since nosl peopIe aie usuaIIy nolicealIy lellei al one aiea lhan lhe
end noie line on youi veaknesses lhan youi
slienglhs. Hovevei, do nol negIecl youi slienglhs, as lhey viII sliII conliilule lo youi oveiaII
DeaIing vilh lopics lhey nay nol have seen foi yeais viII fieak sone sludenls oul, and
as nany foinuIas and giannai iuIes inlo lheii heads as lhey can.
he scope of knovIedge iequiied ly and ievaided on lhe CMAT is designed lo le as
s al sone poinl have faced oi viII face Ceilified IulIic
exans. You have lo alsoil a Iol of
knovIedge foi lhose exans. In conliasl, heie´s vhal lhe CMAC has lo say aloul lhe conlenl on
cuIly of CMAT Quanlilalive
queslions slens fion lhe Iogic and anaIysis used lo soIve lhe piolIens and nol lhe undeiIying
If you have aIieady legun CMAT ieviev, you nay iecoiI al lhis expIanalion and oljecl lhal
easy. Whal´s inpoilanl isn´l vhelhei lhe conlenl is easy oi haid~
In olhei voids, lhe conlenl lhal you Ieain foi lhe CMAT is jusl an

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
enliy iequiienenl, nol a success facloi. AIgelia, foi exanpIe, is sonelhing lhal you Ieai
lhal you can undeisland CMAT queslions and voik youi vay aiound lhen, you´ie going lo
gel ahead of lhe pack on lhese queslions
ciilicaI lhinking nay nol have veiy nuch al aII lo do vilh knovIedge
Heie´s a high-IeveI sunnaiy of vhal you need lo knov. On lhe Quanlilalive seclion, lhe
lasic foundalions aie:
1) Aiilhnelic~fion Iong division lo nenlaI nalh,
2) AIgelia~voiking vilh vaiialIes and soIving foi lhen, and
3) Ceoneliy~foinuIas
The CMAT aIso lesls sophislicaled vaiialions on a fev sinpIe equalions, such as speed,
iales, and aveiages. Olhei queslions concein piolaliIily, lhe oveiIap anong IogicaI gioupings
of ilens, lhe diffeienl vays lhal ilens ca
as lheii faclois and nuIlipIicalion iuIes.
Tnis qucs|icn rcquircs oasic |ncu|cdgc cf gccnc|rq, ou| ningcs cn |nc |qpc cf ana|qsis
cnarac|cris|ic |c Da|a Sufficicncq qucs|icns
The knovIedge lase iequiied foi lhe VeilaI seclion
and Reading Conpiehension queslions and passages ai
iequiiing no piioi knovIedge of lhe suljecls lhey discuss.
iich vilh infoinalion. These passages aIleinaleIy concein lhenseIves vilh lusiness, sociaI
science, and physicaI and naluiaI sciences.
passages, you´II nolice lhal il´s consideialIy easiei lo digesl lhe passages lhal ai
faniIiai lo you, lul you von´l inciease youi scoie ly ciossing youi fingeis and hoping you gel
passages you'ie faniIiai vilh.
Conpiehension is nasleiy of ieading ilseIf


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
enliy iequiienenl, nol a success facloi. AIgelia, foi exanpIe, is sonelhing lhal you Ieai
lhal you can undeisland CMAT queslions and voik youi vay aiound lhen, you´ie going lo
gel ahead of lhe pack on lhese queslions lhiough youi success in ciilicaI lhinking
ciilicaI lhinking nay nol have veiy nuch al aII lo do vilh knovIedge of aIgelia.
IeveI sunnaiy of vhal you need lo knov. On lhe Quanlilalive seclion, lhe
Iong division lo nenlaI nalh,
vilh vaiialIes and soIving foi lhen, and
foinuIas foi lasic shapes, such as iighl liiangIes.
The CMAT aIso lesls sophislicaled vaiialions on a fev sinpIe equalions, such as speed,
iales, and aveiages. Olhei queslions concein piolaliIily, lhe oveiIap anong IogicaI gioupings
of ilens, lhe diffeienl vays lhal ilens can le oideied oi soiled, and piopeilies of nunleis such
as lheii faclois and nuIlipIicalion iuIes.
Tnis qucs|icn rcquircs oasic |ncu|cdgc cf gccnc|rq, ou| ningcs cn |nc |qpc cf ana|qsis
cnarac|cris|ic |c Da|a Sufficicncq qucs|icns
iied foi lhe VeilaI seclion is snaIIei. CiilicaI Reasoning queslions
and Reading Conpiehension queslions and passages aie designed lo le seIf
iequiiing no piioi knovIedge of lhe suljecls lhey discuss. RC passages, in pailicuIai, nay le
infoinalion. These passages aIleinaleIy concein lhenseIves vilh lusiness, sociaI
science, and physicaI and naluiaI sciences. Once you´ve liied a fev Reading Conpiehension
passages, you´II nolice lhal il´s consideialIy easiei lo digesl lhe passages lhal ai
faniIiai lo you, lul you von´l inciease youi scoie ly ciossing youi fingeis and hoping you gel
passages you'ie faniIiai vilh. Ralhei, lhe seciel lo high achievenenl on Reading
Conpiehension is nasleiy of ieading ilseIf~aclive ieading, as ve caII il. The piacliced, aclive
enliy iequiienenl, nol a success facloi. AIgelia, foi exanpIe, is sonelhing lhal you Ieain jusl so
lhal you can undeisland CMAT queslions and voik youi vay aiound lhen, you´ie going lo
ciilicaI lhinking~and lhal
of aIgelia.
IeveI sunnaiy of vhal you need lo knov. On lhe Quanlilalive seclion, lhe
The CMAT aIso lesls sophislicaled vaiialions on a fev sinpIe equalions, such as speed,
iales, and aveiages. Olhei queslions concein piolaliIily, lhe oveiIap anong IogicaI gioupings
n le oideied oi soiled, and piopeilies of nunleis such

Tnis qucs|icn rcquircs oasic |ncu|cdgc cf gccnc|rq, ou| ningcs cn |nc |qpc cf ana|qsis
CiilicaI Reasoning queslions
e designed lo le seIf-conlained,
RC passages, in pailicuIai, nay le
infoinalion. These passages aIleinaleIy concein lhenseIves vilh lusiness, sociaI
Once you´ve liied a fev Reading Conpiehension
passages, you´II nolice lhal il´s consideialIy easiei lo digesl lhe passages lhal aie aloul lopics
faniIiai lo you, lul you von´l inciease youi scoie ly ciossing youi fingeis and hoping you gel
, lhe seciel lo high achievenenl on Reading
caII il. The piacliced, aclive

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
ieadei can digesl dense passages on conpIeleIy foieign lopics and viII consislenlIy eneige as
CMAT VeilaI naslei.
Senlence Coiieclion is lhe VeilaI seclion foi vhich you´II
WhiIe lhe Officia| Guidc is ialhei liief in sunnaiizing lhe nalh conlenl you´II need lo knov foi
lhe Quanl seclion, il´s siIenl on such conlenl foi Senlence Coiieclion.
oflen gel caughl up sludying giannai and iheloiic palleins
evei, such as hononyn eiiois (e.g., ¨effecl¨ vs. ¨affecl¨) and lhe piopei use of fiisl
second-peison pionouns (e.g., ¨if lheie´s a piolIen, pIease leII Rol oi I |
slialegy is lo liush up on lhe specific
piecise connunicalion, and voik lhiough
Ioi fuilhei sludy of conlenl, h
• Oui 100 Hcurs GMAT S|udq P|an
session desciiling hov lo appioach lhe sludy piocess. Il´s avaiIalIe foi fiee al
• The Officia| Guidc
conlains exlieneIy liief, lul infoinalion
lhe lesl. SpecificaIIy, lhe ¨Malh Reviev¨
liapezoids oi conpIex poIygons on lhe lesl (lecause lhey ai
lhal you nay see conlinalion and peinulalion queslions (lecause lhey aie in lhe
Malh Reviev), lul lhal you viII nol see liigononeliy (lecause il´s nol in lhe Malh
Reviev). The Officia| Guidc
• Oui couises and seIf
lo slail aie lhe GMAT Prcnicr
CMAT Advanlage O
sludieis~oi oui CMAT Advanlage couise
is offeied On Sile and in oui CIassioon Anyvheie enviionnenl.
A finaI nole on lhe lesl´s conlenl: l
incIudes neasuies lo laIance lhe conlenl you see. As lhe
specific nunlei of queslions of each lype,¨ such as aiilhnelic.
inpIicalions heie, and a coupIe
lake a laIanced appioach lo piaclicing CMAT queslion lypes. Moie specificaIIy, you´II vanl lo
pIug lhe hoIes in youi piepaialion and focus on veak spo
Nole, hovevei, lhal sone queslion lypes and lopics, such as peinulalions queslions, aie
inheienlIy noie difficuIl. If you´ie scoiing al, say
you vanl lo piioiilize youi sludy of lhe noie pioninenl lopics fiisl. Anolhei caveal is lhal

Offlclol ColJe to CMA1 kevlew, 12Lh edlLlon, pg. 106.
Offlclol ColJe to CMA1 kevlew, 12Lh edlLlon, pg. 8.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
ieadei can digesl dense passages on conpIeleIy foieign lopics and viII consislenlIy eneige as
Senlence Coiieclion is lhe VeilaI seclion foi vhich you´II nosl IikeIy have lo liush up.
is ialhei liief in sunnaiizing lhe nalh conlenl you´II need lo knov foi
such conlenl foi Senlence Coiieclion. Ioi lhis ieason, appIicanls
oflen gel caughl up sludying giannai and iheloiic palleins lhal iaieIy appeai
such as hononyn eiiois (e.g., ¨effecl¨ vs. ¨affecl¨) and lhe piopei use of fiisl
peison pionouns (e.g., ¨if lheie´s a piolIen, pIease leII Rol oi I |sicj.¨).
lhe specific giannai palleins lhal lhe CMAT lesls, focus on cIeai and
voik lhiough a Iaige nunlei of ieaIislic piaclice queslions.
Ioi fuilhei sludy of conlenl, heie aie a fev iesouices:
100 Hcurs GMAT S|udq P|an is an LxceI scheduIe acconpanied ly a
session desciiling hov lo appioach lhe sludy piocess. Il´s avaiIalIe foi fiee al
(hllp://anzn.lo/CMATOC), pulIished ly lhe
conlains exlieneIy liief, lul infoinalion-iich, sunnaiies of vhal is incIuded on
lhe lesl. SpecificaIIy, lhe ¨Malh Reviev¨
in lhal look cIaiifies lhal you nay see
liapezoids oi conpIex poIygons on lhe lesl (lecause lhey aie in lhe Malh Reviev),
lhal you nay see conlinalion and peinulalion queslions (lecause lhey aie in lhe
Malh Reviev), lul lhal you viII nol see liigononeliy (lecause il´s nol in lhe Malh
Officia| Guidc is incIuded and incoipoialed inlo oui CMAT
Oui couises and seIf-sludy aids covei eveiylhing lesled on lhe CMAT.
GMAT Prcnicr (hllp://anzn.lo/CMATIieniei) pulIicalion oi lhe
CMAT Advanlage On Denand (hllp://lil.Iy/CMATOnDenand)
oui CMAT Advanlage couise (hllp://lil.Iy/CMATAdvanlage
is offeied On Sile and in oui CIassioon Anyvheie enviionnenl.
on lhe lesl´s conlenl: lhe lesl nakeis aie expIicil lhal lhe CMAT aIgoiilhn
incIudes neasuies lo laIance lhe conlenl you see. As lhe Officia| Guidc puls il, ¨lhe lesl seIecls a
specific nunlei of queslions of each lype,¨ such as aiilhnelic.
Theie aie a f
inpIicalions heie, and a coupIe of caveals voilh noling. The inpIicalion is lhal
piaclicing CMAT queslion lypes. Moie specificaIIy, you´II vanl lo
pIug lhe hoIes in youi piepaialion and focus on veak spols you aie suie you´II le lesled on
sone queslion lypes and lopics, such as peinulalions queslions, aie
. If you´ie scoiing al, say, a 55O IeveI, you ucn´| see lhese queslions and
udy of lhe noie pioninenl lopics fiisl. Anolhei caveal is lhal
12Lh edlLlon, pg. 106.
12Lh edlLlon, pg. 8.
ieadei can digesl dense passages on conpIeleIy foieign lopics and viII consislenlIy eneige as a
have lo liush up.
is ialhei liief in sunnaiizing lhe nalh conlenl you´II need lo knov foi
Ioi lhis ieason, appIicanls
appeai on lhe lesl, if
such as hononyn eiiois (e.g., ¨effecl¨ vs. ¨affecl¨) and lhe piopei use of fiisl- and
j.¨). The vinning
, focus on cIeai and
a Iaige nunlei of ieaIislic piaclice queslions.
is an LxceI scheduIe acconpanied ly a iecoided
session desciiling hov lo appioach lhe sludy piocess. Il´s avaiIalIe foi fiee al
pulIished ly lhe lesl nakeis,
iich, sunnaiies of vhal is incIuded on
in lhal look cIaiifies lhal you nay see
e in lhe Malh Reviev),
lhal you nay see conlinalion and peinulalion queslions (lecause lhey aie in lhe
Malh Reviev), lul lhal you viII nol see liigononeliy (lecause il´s nol in lhe Malh
is incIuded and incoipoialed inlo oui CMAT piogian.
sludy aids covei eveiylhing lesled on lhe CMAT. Cood pIaces
) pulIicalion oi lhe
) couise foi seIf-
hllp://lil.Iy/CMATAdvanlage), vhich
lhe CMAT aIgoiilhn
puls il, ¨lhe lesl seIecls a
Theie aie a fev piaclicaI
caveals voilh noling. The inpIicalion is lhal you vanl lo
piaclicing CMAT queslion lypes. Moie specificaIIy, you´II vanl lo
you aie suie you´II le lesled on.
sone queslion lypes and lopics, such as peinulalions queslions, aie
see lhese queslions and
udy of lhe noie pioninenl lopics fiisl. Anolhei caveal is lhal lesl

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
lakeis´ anecdolaI iepoils of conlenl laIancing on lhe lesl vaiy
lesl day if you see noie oi fevei of a pailicuIai lopic lhan you expecled.
Patterns in Questions
Civen lhe conlenl lesled on lhe CMAT, nany
knov¨ foi lhe lesl as a sel of nalh skiIIs and veilaI skiIIs, incIuding sone viiling. ßul savvy
lesl lakeis knov lhal lheie is noie lo lhe gane, incIuding sliess na
nanagenenl. We've aIieady discussed lhe haish penaIlies Ievied againsl
conpIele a seclion. Ansveiing eveiy queslion is vilaI
When you ask youi liain lo speed up pasl ils con
nislakes. SinpIy voiking faslei von'l heIp iaise youi scoie.
The CMAT nakeis need lo pioduce a conslanl sliean of piolIens foi nev
lhey can'l invenl piolIens conpIeleIy fion scialch, leyond l
lhey vouId have a haid line lesling lhe slalislicaI vialiIily of lolaIIy nev queslion lypes. So,
lhey use specific palleins~lhe sane lasic concepls and queslion sliucluies
again. Leaining lhese palleins can le
lhe fiisl session of oui couise (vhich you aie veIcone lo allend a
on lhis poinl vilh CMAT Coie Conpelencies. O
skiII~is pallein iecognilion. Iallein iecognilion Iels you piocess noie efficienlIy lecause
you'ie deaIing vilh Iaige chunks inslead of snaII delaiIs.
Tvo exanpIes:
• One pallein lesled fiequenlIy in Dala Sufficiency queslions is hov lo soIve a syslen
of equalions. If you iecognize lhal you have nuIlipIe pioposilions aloul nuIlipIe
unknovns, and you ienenlei lhe iuIe aloul needing a dislincl equalion foi eveiy
vaiialIe, lhen you can quickIy asceilain sufficiency vilhoul doing any ieaI nalh.
Youi liain's chunks
Iaigei, you end up coveiing noie giound.
• Reading Conpiehension passages cone in onIy so nany fIavois. Iassages aie nevei
exliene in lone, foi exanpIe, and aie nevei ficlionaI oi naiialive in naluie.
AccoidingIy, lhe puipose of lhe aulhoi of a RC passage geneiaIIy is one of seven
lhal´s lhe pallein. If you iecognize one of lhese
iniliaI scan of a passage, lhe iesl of lhe passage quickIy faII
if you discein a "ielul" p
of a lheoiy and lhe aulhoi's oljeclions lo il.
lhose poinls viII le nosl inpoilanl, and any olhei delaiIs viII le Iess diieclIy


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
iepoils of conlenl laIancing on lhe lesl vaiy videIy. Don´l le lhiovn off on
lesl day if you see noie oi fevei of a pailicuIai lopic lhan you expecled.
Civen lhe conlenl lesled on lhe CMAT, nany lesl lakeis idenlify lhe ¨sluff lhey need lo
knov¨ foi lhe lesl as a sel of nalh skiIIs and veilaI skiIIs, incIuding sone viiling. ßul savvy
lesl lakeis knov lhal lheie is noie lo lhe gane, incIuding sliess nanagenenl and line
nanagenenl. We've aIieady discussed lhe haish penaIlies Ievied againsl lesl lakei
conpIele a seclion. Ansveiing eveiy queslion is vilaI, lul ve can'l jusl decide lo voik faslei.
When you ask youi liain lo speed up pasl ils confoil IeveI, il slails lo skin and lheiely nakes
nislakes. SinpIy voiking faslei von'l heIp iaise youi scoie.
The CMAT nakeis need lo pioduce a conslanl sliean of piolIens foi nev
lhey can'l invenl piolIens conpIeleIy fion scialch, leyond lhe olvious piolIens of voikIoad,
lhey vouId have a haid line lesling lhe slalislicaI vialiIily of lolaIIy nev queslion lypes. So,
lhe sane lasic concepls and queslion sliucluies~
again. Leaining lhese palleins can le aInosl as effeclive as knoving lhe ansveis in advance. In
vhich you aie veIcone lo allend as a sanpIe cIass
on lhis poinl vilh CMAT Coie Conpelencies. One of lhese Coie Conpelencies
ein iecognilion. Iallein iecognilion Iels you piocess noie efficienlIy lecause
you'ie deaIing vilh Iaige chunks inslead of snaII delaiIs.
One pallein lesled fiequenlIy in Dala Sufficiency queslions is hov lo soIve a syslen
ou iecognize lhal you have nuIlipIe pioposilions aloul nuIlipIe
, and you ienenlei lhe iuIe aloul needing a dislincl equalion foi eveiy
vaiialIe, lhen you can quickIy asceilain sufficiency vilhoul doing any ieaI nalh.
Youi liain's chunks-pei-ninule iale isn'l any highei, lul since lhe chunks aie
Iaigei, you end up coveiing noie giound.
Reading Conpiehension passages cone in onIy so nany fIavois. Iassages aie nevei
exliene in lone, foi exanpIe, and aie nevei ficlionaI oi naiialive in naluie.
gIy, lhe puipose of lhe aulhoi of a RC passage geneiaIIy is one of seven
If you iecognize one of lhese puiposes in lhe fiisl paiagiaph
passage, lhe iesl of lhe passage quickIy faIIs inlo pIace. Ioi insl
discein a "ielul" puipose, you knov lhal you viII le Iooking foi a sunnaiy
lhe aulhoi's oljeclions lo il. The delaiIs and evidence ieIaled lo
lhose poinls viII le nosl inpoilanl, and any olhei delaiIs viII le Iess diieclIy
videIy. Don´l le lhiovn off on
s idenlify lhe ¨sluff lhey need lo
knov¨ foi lhe lesl as a sel of nalh skiIIs and veilaI skiIIs, incIuding sone viiling. ßul savvy
nagenenl and line
lesl lakeis vho do nol
ul ve can'l jusl decide lo voik faslei.
foil IeveI, il slails lo skin and lheiely nakes
The CMAT nakeis need lo pioduce a conslanl sliean of piolIens foi nev lesl lakeis. ßul
he olvious piolIens of voikIoad,
lhey vouId have a haid line lesling lhe slalislicaI vialiIily of lolaIIy nev queslion lypes. So,
~ovei and ovei
aInosl as effeclive as knoving lhe ansveis in advance. In
a sanpIe cIass), ve hannei
ne of lhese Coie Conpelencies~a highei-IeveI
ein iecognilion. Iallein iecognilion Iels you piocess noie efficienlIy lecause
One pallein lesled fiequenlIy in Dala Sufficiency queslions is hov lo soIve a syslen
ou iecognize lhal you have nuIlipIe pioposilions aloul nuIlipIe
, and you ienenlei lhe iuIe aloul needing a dislincl equalion foi eveiy
vaiialIe, lhen you can quickIy asceilain sufficiency vilhoul doing any ieaI nalh.
iale isn'l any highei, lul since lhe chunks aie
Reading Conpiehension passages cone in onIy so nany fIavois. Iassages aie nevei
exliene in lone, foi exanpIe, and aie nevei ficlionaI oi naiialive in naluie.
gIy, lhe puipose of lhe aulhoi of a RC passage geneiaIIy is one of seven~
uiposes in lhe fiisl paiagiaph and
inlo pIace. Ioi inslance,
king foi a sunnaiy
The delaiIs and evidence ieIaled lo
lhose poinls viII le nosl inpoilanl, and any olhei delaiIs viII le Iess diieclIy

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
If you´ve gollen lhis fai, you´ve coveied lhe lasics aloul CMAT queslions. Mosl eveiyone
vho lakes lhe lesl ends up faniIiai vilh lhe queslion lypes and vilh lhe nolion lhal lheie aie
palleins of queslions (lhal lheie aie palleins, in facl, is one of lhe founda
CMAT piep piogian). Nov ve´II foiay inlo Iess
Every Question bas a Curve
As ve sav alove, eveiy queslion has a difficuIly
vhoIe sloiy in vhich gelling queslions
Theie´s a IillIe noie lo lhis
gel is an ¨aveiage difficuIly¨ IeveI queslion, and lhal neans
lhe queslion iighl, and haIf lhe peopIe gel il viong. In a sense, foi aII lhe peopIe vho gol lhe
queslion iighl, il´s an easy queslion, and in lhal sane sense, il´s a haid queslion foi aII lhe
peopIe vho gol il viong. The difficuIly of lhe queslion can le desciiled ly lhis e
iesponses, ialhei lhan jusl a nunlei.
Lel´s lake a cIosei Iook al lhis pallein foi a 55O
iepiesenlalive popuIalion of CMAT
lhe iesuIls. The pallein of vho gol lhe queslion
Iook sonelhing Iike lhis:
A qucs|icn curtc |na| |ctc|s arcund 550

1hls secLlon ls based prlmarlly on spoken remarks aL Lhe 2010 CMAC 1esL Þrep SummlL.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
u´ve gollen lhis fai, you´ve coveied lhe lasics aloul CMAT queslions. Mosl eveiyone
vho lakes lhe lesl ends up faniIiai vilh lhe queslion lypes and vilh lhe nolion lhal lheie aie
palleins of queslions (lhal lheie aie palleins, in facl, is one of lhe foundalionaI piincipIes of oui
Nov ve´II foiay inlo Iess-liaveIed leiiiloiy.

As ve sav alove, eveiy queslion has a difficuIly IeveI. This facl is an inpoilanl pail of lhe
vhoIe sloiy in vhich gelling queslions coiiecl is ¨ievaided¨ vilh haidei queslions.
lhis sloiy. Aflei aII, ve coveied lhe facl lhal lhe fiisl queslion you
difficuIly¨ IeveI queslion, and lhal neans appioxinaleIy haIf lhe peopIe gel
and haIf lhe peopIe gel il viong. In a sense, foi aII lhe peopIe vho gol lhe
queslion iighl, il´s an easy queslion, and in lhal sane sense, il´s a haid queslion foi aII lhe
The difficuIly of lhe queslion can le desciiled ly lhis e
iesponses, ialhei lhan jusl a nunlei.
Lel´s lake a cIosei Iook al lhis pallein foi a 55O-IeveI queslion. Inagine lhal a conpIele and
iepiesenlalive popuIalion of CMAT lesl lakeis gol lo lango vilh lhis queslion, and ve liacked
The pallein of vho gol lhe queslions iighl and viong couId, vouId, and shouId

A qucs|icn curtc |na| |ctc|s arcund 550
1hls secLlon ls based prlmarlly on spoken remarks aL Lhe 2010 CMAC 1esL Þrep SummlL.
u´ve gollen lhis fai, you´ve coveied lhe lasics aloul CMAT queslions. Mosl eveiyone
vho lakes lhe lesl ends up faniIiai vilh lhe queslion lypes and vilh lhe nolion lhal lheie aie
lionaI piincipIes of oui
is an inpoilanl pail of lhe
coiiecl is ¨ievaided¨ vilh haidei queslions.
sloiy. Aflei aII, ve coveied lhe facl lhal lhe fiisl queslion you
appioxinaleIy haIf lhe peopIe gel
and haIf lhe peopIe gel il viong. In a sense, foi aII lhe peopIe vho gol lhe
queslion iighl, il´s an easy queslion, and in lhal sane sense, il´s a haid queslion foi aII lhe
The difficuIly of lhe queslion can le desciiled ly lhis enliie pallein of
IeveI queslion. Inagine lhal a conpIele and
s gol lo lango vilh lhis queslion, and ve liacked
s iighl and viong couId, vouId, and shouId

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
Nolice lhal ve have changed vhal lhe axes sland foi in lhis giaph. We aie counling lhe
peicenlage of peopIe vho gol lhe queslion coiiecl, and ve aie
lhe lesl lakei´s aliIily~ialhei, aliIily pIus piaclice, since ve knov a gieal deaI of piaclice goes
inlo lhe lesl (noie on lhal leIov). When you counl hov nany peopIe gel lhe queslion i
aII lheii diffeienl skiII IeveIs, ve end up vilh a pielly, snoolh cuive. This cuive nakes a Iol of
sense vhen ve exanine lhe pails. Ovei on lhe iighl, vheie lhe
aie aInosl ceilain lo gel lhe queslion coiiecl. Those i
schooIs oi voik as KapIan facuIly oi lolh. On lhe Iefl, vheie lhe
lhe pooI, lhe odds of gelling lhe queslion coiiecl aie aInosl zeio.
IinaIIy, in lhe niddIe, lhe cuive fIallens oul. The
aloul a 5O° chance of gelling lhe queslion iighl, and lhal´s vhy lhe cuive fIallens oul al
heighl coiiesponding lo lhe 5O° piolaliIily.
lhe fiisl queslion on lhe lesl, and soneone vho is al lhe 55O IeveI viII gel il iighl haIf of lhe
line, on aveiage. AIso, lhe facl lhal lhe cuive is nice and synneliicaI indicales lhal il´s
laIanced lelveen peopIe gelling il iighl and peopIe gelling il viong, on
lake eveiyone logelhei, haIf lhe peopIe gel il iighl.
Take a Iook al lhis one. Il´s a diffeienl queslion, so il has a diffeienl cuive.
A qucs|icn curtc |na| |ctc|s arcund 650
Il´s a siniIai shape, lul slielched and shifled lo lhe iighl. Il´s a haidei
leIov lhe 65O skiII IeveI is leIov lhe 5O° heighl and lheiefoie has a giealei chance of gelling
lhis queslion viong lhan gelling il iighl. AIso, if you Iook vheie lhe cuive IeveIs oul foi lhis
one, you see lhal il´s sliII al a heighl of


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
Nolice lhal ve have changed vhal lhe axes sland foi in lhis giaph. We aie counling lhe
vho gol lhe queslion coiiecl, and ve aie oideiing lhose
ialhei, aliIily pIus piaclice, since ve knov a gieal deaI of piaclice goes
inlo lhe lesl (noie on lhal leIov). When you counl hov nany peopIe gel lhe queslion i
aII lheii diffeienl skiII IeveIs, ve end up vilh a pielly, snoolh cuive. This cuive nakes a Iol of
sense vhen ve exanine lhe pails. Ovei on lhe iighl, vheie lhe lesl lakeis aie veiy good, lhey
aie aInosl ceilain lo gel lhe queslion coiiecl. Those individuaIs aie deslined foi lop 1O
s oi voik as KapIan facuIly oi lolh. On lhe Iefl, vheie lhe lesl lakeis aie al lhe lollon of
lhe pooI, lhe odds of gelling lhe queslion coiiecl aie aInosl zeio.
IinaIIy, in lhe niddIe, lhe cuive fIallens oul. The 54O-, 55O-, and 56O-IeveI
aloul a 5O° chance of gelling lhe queslion iighl, and lhal´s vhy lhe cuive fIallens oul al
heighl coiiesponding lo lhe 5O° piolaliIily. Thal pail iefIecls vhal ve´ve aIieady said: lhis is
lhe lesl, and soneone vho is al lhe 55O IeveI viII gel il iighl haIf of lhe
line, on aveiage. AIso, lhe facl lhal lhe cuive is nice and synneliicaI indicales lhal il´s
laIanced lelveen peopIe gelling il iighl and peopIe gelling il viong, on aveiage, vhen y
logelhei, haIf lhe peopIe gel il iighl.
Take a Iook al lhis one. Il´s a diffeienl queslion, so il has a diffeienl cuive.

A qucs|icn curtc |na| |ctc|s arcund 650
Il´s a siniIai shape, lul slielched and shifled lo lhe iighl. Il´s a haidei queslion. Lveiyone
leIov lhe 65O skiII IeveI is leIov lhe 5O° heighl and lheiefoie has a giealei chance of gelling
lhis queslion viong lhan gelling il iighl. AIso, if you Iook vheie lhe cuive IeveIs oul foi lhis
one, you see lhal il´s sliII al a heighl of 5O°, lul lhal poilion is nov hoveiing ovei lhe 65O
Nolice lhal ve have changed vhal lhe axes sland foi in lhis giaph. We aie counling lhe
lhose peicenlages ly
ialhei, aliIily pIus piaclice, since ve knov a gieal deaI of piaclice goes
inlo lhe lesl (noie on lhal leIov). When you counl hov nany peopIe gel lhe queslion iighl al
aII lheii diffeienl skiII IeveIs, ve end up vilh a pielly, snoolh cuive. This cuive nakes a Iol of
s aie veiy good, lhey
ndividuaIs aie deslined foi lop 1O l-
s aie al lhe lollon of
IeveI lesl lakeis have
aloul a 5O° chance of gelling lhe queslion iighl, and lhal´s vhy lhe cuive fIallens oul al a
Thal pail iefIecls vhal ve´ve aIieady said: lhis is
lhe lesl, and soneone vho is al lhe 55O IeveI viII gel il iighl haIf of lhe
line, on aveiage. AIso, lhe facl lhal lhe cuive is nice and synneliicaI indicales lhal il´s
aveiage, vhen you

queslion. Lveiyone
leIov lhe 65O skiII IeveI is leIov lhe 5O° heighl and lheiefoie has a giealei chance of gelling
lhis queslion viong lhan gelling il iighl. AIso, if you Iook vheie lhe cuive IeveIs oul foi lhis
5O°, lul lhal poilion is nov hoveiing ovei lhe 65O skiII

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
IeveI. }usl as, foi lhe fiisl queslion, 55O
vilh lhis queslion il´s lhe 65O-IeveI peopIe
This conveisalion is gelling faiiIy lechnicaI (ve aie avaie lhal ve al KapIan lend lo le
noie inleiesled in lhe delaiIs of lhe CMAT lhan oui vaIued ieadeis), lul Iel´s Iook al one noie
exanpIe, a liickiei one.
This cuive nay appeai defo
queslion´s cuive. Il has lhe sane lasic shape, lul slielched. Like lhe olhei ones, il has a fIal pail,
and Iike lhe olhei ones, lhal fIal pail is al lhe 5O° heighl.
accoiding lo lhe science of lesl queslions lhese days, you nevei ieaIIy knov vhal kind of cuive
a queslion is going lo have vhen youi ülei
have lo viile il and coIIecl lhe dala on il lo le alIe l
piocess leIov). Thal´s liue foi lhe
piaclice lesls lhal aie ieIevanl sludy looIs foi Tesl Day.
If you veie lhe lesl nakei, and you had a queslion on youi ha
find lhis queslion un-usefuI in sone iespecls and exlia
lakeis al skiII IeveIs of 7OO and leIov. They aII aie dooned. 7OO IeveI` 2OO IeveI` They
gel il viong, so lhis queslion
queslion ve Iooked al did a nuch lellei jol of leIIing lhose calegoiies apail, lecause lasicaIIy
aII 2OO-IeveI peopIe vho see lhal queslion gel il viong, and lasicaIIy aII 7OO
NeveilheIess, Iike RudoIph lhe Red
lhing. (And if you don´l knov vho RudoIph is, don´l voiiy, as ve discuss leIov, lhal´s nol lhe
kind of lhing you need lo knov foi lhe CMAT.)


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
IeveI. }usl as, foi lhe fiisl queslion, 55O-IeveI peopIe had even odds of ansveiing coiieclIy, so
IeveI peopIe vho aie lhe ones vilh lhe even odds.
s gelling faiiIy lechnicaI (ve aie avaie lhal ve al KapIan lend lo le
noie inleiesled in lhe delaiIs of lhe CMAT lhan oui vaIued ieadeis), lul Iel´s Iook al one noie

Tnc curtc fcr a 700-|ctc| qucs|icn
This cuive nay appeai defoined al fiisl. Lel´s conpaie and conliasl il vilh lhe pievious
queslion´s cuive. Il has lhe sane lasic shape, lul slielched. Like lhe olhei ones, il has a fIal pail,
and Iike lhe olhei ones, lhal fIal pail is al lhe 5O° heighl. ßul lhis one is uaq lo lhe i
accoiding lo lhe science of lesl queslions lhese days, you nevei ieaIIy knov vhal kind of cuive
a queslion is going lo have vhen youi ülei-nalhenalicians and voidsnilhs devise il, you jusl
have lo viile il and coIIecl lhe dala on il lo le alIe lo see vhal lhe cuive is (noie on lhal
piocess leIov). Thal´s liue foi lhe lesl nakeis, and il´s liue foi us as ve do oui lesl lo viile
piaclice lesls lhal aie ieIevanl sludy looIs foi Tesl Day.
, and you had a queslion on youi hands vilh lhis cuive,
usefuI in sone iespecls and exlia-usefuI in olheis. Iiisl, considei lhe
s al skiII IeveIs of 7OO and leIov. They aII aie dooned. 7OO IeveI` 2OO IeveI` They
gel il viong, so lhis queslion does nol dislinguish anong lhen veiy efficienlIy
queslion ve Iooked al did a nuch lellei jol of leIIing lhose calegoiies apail, lecause lasicaIIy
IeveI peopIe vho see lhal queslion gel il viong, and lasicaIIy aII 7OO-IeveIeis gel il iighl.
NeveilheIess, Iike RudoIph lhe Red-Nosed Reindeei, lhis queslion is veiy good al one
(And if you don´l knov vho RudoIph is, don´l voiiy, as ve discuss leIov, lhal´s nol lhe
kind of lhing you need lo knov foi lhe CMAT.) Il´s quile good al dislinguishing lelveen 7OO
IeveI peopIe had even odds of ansveiing coiieclIy, so
aie lhe ones vilh lhe even odds.
s gelling faiiIy lechnicaI (ve aie avaie lhal ve al KapIan lend lo le
noie inleiesled in lhe delaiIs of lhe CMAT lhan oui vaIued ieadeis), lul Iel´s Iook al one noie
vilh lhe pievious
queslion´s cuive. Il has lhe sane lasic shape, lul slielched. Like lhe olhei ones, il has a fIal pail,
lo lhe iighl. Nov,
accoiding lo lhe science of lesl queslions lhese days, you nevei ieaIIy knov vhal kind of cuive
devise il, you jusl
o see vhal lhe cuive is (noie on lhal
s, and il´s liue foi us as ve do oui lesl lo viile
nds vilh lhis cuive, you´d
usefuI in olheis. Iiisl, considei lhe lesl
s al skiII IeveIs of 7OO and leIov. They aII aie dooned. 7OO IeveI` 2OO IeveI` They lend lo
veiy efficienlIy. The fiisl
queslion ve Iooked al did a nuch lellei jol of leIIing lhose calegoiies apail, lecause lasicaIIy
IeveIeis gel il iighl.
Nosed Reindeei, lhis queslion is veiy good al one
(And if you don´l knov vho RudoIph is, don´l voiiy, as ve discuss leIov, lhal´s nol lhe
hing lelveen 7OO-

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
and 75O-IeveI scoieis. If you Iook al lhe 7OO
is iiding Iov, and lesl lakeis on lhal pail of lhe cuive aie, nosl IikeIy, going lo ansvei lhis
queslion incoiieclIy. ßul if you´ie a 75O
diffeience is vhal lhis queslion is peifecl foi: once you´ve noved inlo a seclion and
denonslialed lhal you´ie in lhe 7OO
Iike lhis one lo heIp decide vhelhei you leIong al lhe lop oi lhe lollon of lhal iange.
This queslion had a unique cuive, and lhe upshol vas il had a unique aliIily lo dislinguish
lelveen sone lesl lakeis and olheis. The vhoIe poinl of lhe CMAT is lhal il´s neanl lo
dislinguish lelveen lhe appIicanls vho viII le alIe lo handIe lhe couisevoik al a given
lusiness schooI piogian and lhe ones vho von´l.
conpelilive sel in a faii and oljeclive vay.
vhich is lo heIp in lhe lask of dislinguishing, and each queslion does il a IillIe lil diffeienlIy,
lased on lhe shape of ils cuive.
Fair and Unfair Questions
If aII lhe lusiness aloul lhe cuives
foIIoving piaclicaI lakeavays:
• ´8ad¨ qucs|icns. Hov do lhe
cones lack lo lhe cuive.
Iook al lhe cuive foi lhal queslion, and
nuch noie nuanced infoinalion lhan neie nunleis give. Queslions lhal have
nonsensicaI cuives aie lhiovn oul.
• |air and unfair qucs|icns.
aIong vilh lhe queslion of vh
liased. An exlieneIy inpoilanl consideialion in consliucling lhe CMAT (so lhe
nakeis leII us) is lo nake a lesl lhal is faii lo peopIe fion diveise geogiaphies and

lmaglne a curve LhaL looks llke a parabola wlLh negaLlve concavl
quesLlon relaLed Lo parabolas on 1esL uay, as always, when ln doubL you can consulL Lhe ever
8evlew ln Lhe Offlclol ColJe). 1hls shape has a hlgh polnL and Lhen curves downward on boLh sldes from
symmeLrlcal on Lhe lefL and rlghL, llke an ºn" shape. lL's an odd shape for a curve, buL lL can happen. 1he people
whose sklll level ls aL Lhe parabola's hlgh polnL (say, 670) are Lhe ones who geL Lhe quesLlon wrong Lhe mosL. 1hen,
we head Lo Lhe lefL. 1haL parL makes sense: people aL lower sklll levels geL Lhe quesLlon rlghL less ofLen. 1he
confuslng parL ls when we head Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe LopmosL polnL. 1hose people are
geL Lhe quesLlon rlghL less ofLen? 1here
generally hlgher-sklll are golng Lo geL Lhe quesLlon wrong and geL penallzed. And, ln facL, a quesLlon ofLen has Lhls
curve because lL has been phrased confuslngly or lnaccuraLely. lf a que
small error or ground for mlslnLerpreLaLlon LhaL 700+
level LesL Lakers and falsely penallze Lhe 700
grounds-from Lhe curve-and lL never graduaLes from belng an experlmenLal quesLlon lnLo Lhe ranks of quesLlons
LhaL counL Loward CMA1 scores.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
IeveI scoieis. If you Iook al lhe 7OO-IeveI poilion of lhe axis, you can see lhal lhe cuive
s on lhal pail of lhe cuive aie, nosl IikeIy, going lo ansvei lhis
queslion incoiieclIy. ßul if you´ie a 75O-scoiei, you´ie gelling lhis queslion iighl. TeIIing lhe
diffeience is vhal lhis queslion is peifecl foi: once you´ve noved inlo a seclion and
denonslialed lhal you´ie in lhe 7OO-75O iange, lhe lesl viII dish up a queslion vilh a cuive jusl
heIp decide vhelhei you leIong al lhe lop oi lhe lollon of lhal iange.
This queslion had a unique cuive, and lhe upshol vas il had a unique aliIily lo dislinguish
s and olheis. The vhoIe poinl of lhe CMAT is lhal il´s neanl lo
nguish lelveen lhe appIicanls vho viII le alIe lo handIe lhe couisevoik al a given
lusiness schooI piogian and lhe ones vho von´l. Il´s aII aloul dislinguishing anong a
conpelilive sel in a faii and oljeclive vay. Tovaid lhal goaI, each queslion has a jol
vhich is lo heIp in lhe lask of dislinguishing, and each queslion does il a IillIe lil diffeienlIy,

Fair and Unfair Questions
lhe lusiness aloul lhe cuives hasn´l pul you inlo a deep sIunlei, lhen you´II nole
Hov do lhe lesl nakeis vhelhei a queslion is cIeaiIy
cones lack lo lhe cuive. They coIIecl infoinalion on each individuaI queslion and
Iook al lhe cuive foi lhal queslion, and~as you ve´ve jusl seen~lhese cuives give
nuch noie nuanced infoinalion lhan neie nunleis give. Queslions lhal have
nonsensicaI cuives aie lhiovn oul.

|air and unfair qucs|icns. This poinl is siniIai lo lhe pieceding lakeavay
aIong vilh lhe queslion of vhelhei queslions nighl le cuIluie-liased and gendei
liased. An exlieneIy inpoilanl consideialion in consliucling lhe CMAT (so lhe
s leII us) is lo nake a lesl lhal is faii lo peopIe fion diveise geogiaphies and
lmaglne a curve LhaL looks llke a parabola wlLh negaLlve concavlLy (yes, Lhere ls a sllghL chance you'll see a
quesLlon relaLed Lo parabolas on 1esL uay, as always, when ln doubL you can consulL Lhe ever-succlncL MaLh
1hls shape has a hlgh polnL and Lhen curves downward on boLh sldes from
symmeLrlcal on Lhe lefL and rlghL, llke an ºn" shape. lL's an odd shape for a curve, buL lL can happen. 1he people
whose sklll level ls aL Lhe parabola's hlgh polnL (say, 670) are Lhe ones who geL Lhe quesLlon wrong Lhe mosL. 1hen,
Lhe lefL. 1haL parL makes sense: people aL lower sklll levels geL Lhe quesLlon rlghL less ofLen. 1he
confuslng parL ls when we head Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe LopmosL polnL. 1hose people are blqbet ln sklll level, buL Lhey
ofLen? 1here's probably someLhlng wrong wlLh Lhe curve, because people who are
sklll are golng Lo geL Lhe quesLlon wrong and geL penallzed. And, ln facL, a quesLlon ofLen has Lhls
curve because lL has been phrased confuslngly or lnaccuraLely. lf a quesLlon ls a good 670-level quesLlon, buL has a
small error or ground for mlslnLerpreLaLlon LhaL 700+ LesL Lakers are condlLloned Lo noLlce, lL may reward Lhe 670
s and falsely penallze Lhe 700 LesL Lakers. Such a quesLlon can deemed ºunfalr" on sclenLlflc
and lL never graduaLes from belng an experlmenLal quesLlon lnLo Lhe ranks of quesLlons
IeveI poilion of lhe axis, you can see lhal lhe cuive
s on lhal pail of lhe cuive aie, nosl IikeIy, going lo ansvei lhis
scoiei, you´ie gelling lhis queslion iighl. TeIIing lhe
diffeience is vhal lhis queslion is peifecl foi: once you´ve noved inlo a seclion and
75O iange, lhe lesl viII dish up a queslion vilh a cuive jusl
heIp decide vhelhei you leIong al lhe lop oi lhe lollon of lhal iange.
This queslion had a unique cuive, and lhe upshol vas il had a unique aliIily lo dislinguish
s and olheis. The vhoIe poinl of lhe CMAT is lhal il´s neanl lo
nguish lelveen lhe appIicanls vho viII le alIe lo handIe lhe couisevoik al a given
Il´s aII aloul dislinguishing anong a
Tovaid lhal goaI, each queslion has a jol lo do,
vhich is lo heIp in lhe lask of dislinguishing, and each queslion does il a IillIe lil diffeienlIy,
hasn´l pul you inlo a deep sIunlei, lhen you´II nole lhe
cIeaiIy viillen` Il aII
They coIIecl infoinalion on each individuaI queslion and
lhese cuives give
nuch noie nuanced infoinalion lhan neie nunleis give. Queslions lhal have
lo lhe pieceding lakeavay~and il goes
liased and gendei-
liased. An exlieneIy inpoilanl consideialion in consliucling lhe CMAT (so lhe lesl
s leII us) is lo nake a lesl lhal is faii lo peopIe fion diveise geogiaphies and
Ly (yes, Lhere ls a sllghL chance you'll see a
succlncL MaLh
1hls shape has a hlgh polnL and Lhen curves downward on boLh sldes from LhaL polnL,
symmeLrlcal on Lhe lefL and rlghL, llke an ºn" shape. lL's an odd shape for a curve, buL lL can happen. 1he people
whose sklll level ls aL Lhe parabola's hlgh polnL (say, 670) are Lhe ones who geL Lhe quesLlon wrong Lhe mosL. 1hen,
Lhe lefL. 1haL parL makes sense: people aL lower sklll levels geL Lhe quesLlon rlghL less ofLen. 1he
ln sklll level, buL Lhey
's probably someLhlng wrong wlLh Lhe curve, because people who are
sklll are golng Lo geL Lhe quesLlon wrong and geL penallzed. And, ln facL, a quesLlon ofLen has Lhls
level quesLlon, buL has a
s are condlLloned Lo noLlce, lL may reward Lhe 670-
on sclenLlflc
and lL never graduaLes from belng an experlmenLal quesLlon lnLo Lhe ranks of quesLlons

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
lackgiounds. To give an exanpIe: a V
nenleis of oui lean
¨skin niIk.¨ As il so happens, vhiIe lhe lein ¨skin niIk¨ is ieadiIy undeislood in
lhe Slales, il does nol caiiy equaI neaning in Indi
slake in lhe queslion had nolhing lo do vilh lhe aigunenl, lhe aigunenl´s
concIusion, ils ciilicaI assunplions, oi anylhing sulslanliaIIy ieIaled lo lhe
queslion´s coiiecl ansvei. ßul seeing a foieign expiession in lhe fiis
lhe queslion vas disliacling lo
lhal lesl lakeis fion lhe U.S. didn´l have lo suffei, and lheiefoie
vas~il vas unfaii.
The lesl nakeis avoid nany such inequilies lhiough diI
can aIso spol and eiadicale unfaii queslions using lhe cuives
can coIIecl lhe cuive foi a pailicuIai queslion, so can lhey coIIecl lhe cuive foi lhal queslion foi
a pailicuIai gioup and conducl anaIysis caIIed DiffeienliaI Ilen Iunclioning (DII)
exanpIe, lhey see lhal Indians aie gelling lhe skin niIk queslion viong noie lhan lhey shouId
le, al aII of lhe diffeienl skiII IeveIs of lhe Indian
ieexanine lhal queslion and uncovei lhe poinl of cuIluiaI lias if il hadn´l leen picked up
lhiough hunan ieviev iniliaIIy.
Not All Questions are Wortb tbe Same
Have you hailoied a conviclion aII aIong lhal sone CMAT queslions aie voilh noie lhan
olheis` If so, you have leen iighl, al Ieasl vagueIy.
queslion has a diffeienl cuive. Lach is unique in ils aliIily lo sIice and dice
And so il nakes sense lhal each queslion has a diffeienl oppoil
sav a queslion alove lhal had a cuive peifeclIy consliucled lo dislinguish 7OO
fion 75O-IeveI scoieis. If you aie a 75O
lhe nosl inpoilanl queslions you
running sccrc |nan |nc prcticus cr fc||cuing qucs|icn ui||.
voiking lo lieak 7OO al lhis poinl, lhal pailicuIai queslion is of IillIe ieIevance lo you: if y
il (and you nay nol) you can gel il viong and doing so vouId nol do nuch lo huil youi goaI of
scoiing 7OO+.
Lel´s ieluin lo lhe fiisl len queslions.
queslions heIps deleinine youi iough pIacenenl on
discussed hov queslions appeaiing Ialei on lhe exan can le quile inpoilanl, as veII. The
cuives heIp expIain lolh poinls. Many of lhe queslions neai lhe leginning of lhe exan viII have
cuives designed lo sepaiale 6OO fi

And so, lf you don'L know who 8udolph Lhe 8ed
know lL for Lhe CMA1 any more Lhan you need Lo know Lhe Lhree prlmary medlclnal uses of glnseng.


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
lackgiounds. To give an exanpIe: a VI of Reseaich al CMAC once naiialed
nenleis of oui lean lhal a piioi CiilicaI Reasoning queslion on lhe lesl conceined
As il so happens, vhiIe lhe lein ¨skin niIk¨ is ieadiIy undeislood in
lhe Slales, il does nol caiiy equaI neaning in India. Moieovei, lhe kind of niIk al
slake in lhe queslion had nolhing lo do vilh lhe aigunenl, lhe aigunenl´s
concIusion, ils ciilicaI assunplions, oi anylhing sulslanliaIIy ieIaled lo lhe
queslion´s coiiecl ansvei. ßul seeing a foieign expiession in lhe fiis
lhe queslion vas disliacling lo sone Indian lesl lakeis. Thal disliaclion vas one
lhal lesl lakeis fion lhe U.S. didn´l have lo suffei, and lheiefoie~

nany such inequilies lhiough diIigence and connon sense, lul lhey
can aIso spol and eiadicale unfaii queslions using lhe cuives ve discussed alove
can coIIecl lhe cuive foi a pailicuIai queslion, so can lhey coIIecl lhe cuive foi lhal queslion foi
ducl anaIysis caIIed DiffeienliaI Ilen Iunclioning (DII)
lhey see lhal Indians aie gelling lhe skin niIk queslion viong noie lhan lhey shouId
le, al aII of lhe diffeienl skiII IeveIs of lhe Indian lesl lakeis, lhey have lhe oppoilunil
ieexanine lhal queslion and uncovei lhe poinl of cuIluiaI lias if il hadn´l leen picked up

Not All Questions are Wortb tbe Same
Have you hailoied a conviclion aII aIong lhal sone CMAT queslions aie voilh noie lhan
, you have leen iighl, al Ieasl vagueIy. We sav in oui exaninalion alove lhal each
queslion has a diffeienl cuive. Lach is unique in ils aliIily lo sIice and dice lesl lakei
And so il nakes sense lhal each queslion has a diffeienl oppoilunily lo inpacl youi scoie. We
sav a queslion alove lhal had a cuive peifeclIy consliucled lo dislinguish 7OO
IeveI scoieis. If you aie a 75O-IeveI scoiei, oi aspiie lo le, lhal queslion nay le one of
lhe nosl inpoilanl queslions you see on Tesl Day. || ui|| ac|ua||q crca|c a |argcr suing in qcur
running sccrc |nan |nc prcticus cr fc||cuing qucs|icn ui||. MeanvhiIe, if you aie a 68O scoiei
voiking lo lieak 7OO al lhis poinl, lhal pailicuIai queslion is of IillIe ieIevance lo you: if y
il (and you nay nol) you can gel il viong and doing so vouId nol do nuch lo huil youi goaI of
Lel´s ieluin lo lhe fiisl len queslions. As ve´ve aIieady discussed, lhe fiisl seiies of
queslions heIps deleinine youi iough pIacenenl on lhe difficuIly scaIe.
discussed hov queslions appeaiing Ialei on lhe exan can le quile inpoilanl, as veII. The
cuives heIp expIain lolh poinls. Many of lhe queslions neai lhe leginning of lhe exan viII have
cuives designed lo sepaiale 6OO fion 4OO, 65O fion 6OO, 67O fion 63O, and so on. ßul aII of lhese
And so, lf you don'L know who 8udolph Lhe 8ed-nosed 8elndeer ls, you can breaLhe easy. ?ou don'L n
know lL for Lhe CMA1 any more Lhan you need Lo know Lhe Lhree prlmary medlclnal uses of glnseng.
I of Reseaich al CMAC once naiialed lo
queslion on lhe lesl conceined
As il so happens, vhiIe lhe lein ¨skin niIk¨ is ieadiIy undeislood in
he kind of niIk al
slake in lhe queslion had nolhing lo do vilh lhe aigunenl, lhe aigunenl´s
concIusion, ils ciilicaI assunplions, oi anylhing sulslanliaIIy ieIaled lo lhe
queslion´s coiiecl ansvei. ßul seeing a foieign expiession in lhe fiisl fev voids of
. Thal disliaclion vas one
~hovevei snaII il
igence and connon sense, lul lhey
ve discussed alove. }usl as lhey
can coIIecl lhe cuive foi a pailicuIai queslion, so can lhey coIIecl lhe cuive foi lhal queslion foi
ducl anaIysis caIIed DiffeienliaI Ilen Iunclioning (DII). And if, foi
lhey see lhal Indians aie gelling lhe skin niIk queslion viong noie lhan lhey shouId
s, lhey have lhe oppoilunily lo
ieexanine lhal queslion and uncovei lhe poinl of cuIluiaI lias if il hadn´l leen picked up
Have you hailoied a conviclion aII aIong lhal sone CMAT queslions aie voilh noie lhan
We sav in oui exaninalion alove lhal each
lesl lakei aliIily.
unily lo inpacl youi scoie. We
sav a queslion alove lhal had a cuive peifeclIy consliucled lo dislinguish 7OO-IeveI scoieis
IeveI scoiei, oi aspiie lo le, lhal queslion nay le one of
|| ui|| ac|ua||q crca|c a |argcr suing in qcur
if you aie a 68O scoiei
voiking lo lieak 7OO al lhis poinl, lhal pailicuIai queslion is of IillIe ieIevance lo you: if you see
il (and you nay nol) you can gel il viong and doing so vouId nol do nuch lo huil youi goaI of
As ve´ve aIieady discussed, lhe fiisl seiies of
lhe difficuIly scaIe. And ve´ve aIso
discussed hov queslions appeaiing Ialei on lhe exan can le quile inpoilanl, as veII. The
cuives heIp expIain lolh poinls. Many of lhe queslions neai lhe leginning of lhe exan viII have
on 4OO, 65O fion 6OO, 67O fion 63O, and so on. ßul aII of lhese
nosed 8elndeer ls, you can breaLhe easy. ?ou don'L need Lo
know lL for Lhe CMA1 any more Lhan you need Lo know Lhe Lhree prlmary medlclnal uses of glnseng.

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
queslions have diffeienl svings.
lig svings Ialei in a seclion. As ve discussed, a queslion´s cuive is difficuIl lo pie
you nay face lig svings lhiough a iesuIl of iandonness. And lheie is eveiy possiliIily lhal
queslions vilh Iaigei svings aie inseiled ly lhe
slalenenl fion CMAC nakes noie sense: ¨
accoiding lo lheii difficuIly and olhei slalislicaI piopeilies, nol accoiding lo lheii posilion in lhe
The cuives aie key, nol a queslion´s pIacenenl
You have onIy one choice: give eveiy queslion a faii Iook. Cive easy
quick Iook foi pilfaIIs. ße open lo guessing on haidei
leIov). Take a laIanced appioach lo line
loo quick lo counl any queslion as one you´II def
Experimental Questions-
A connon queslion aloul lhe CMAT is, ¨Hov can I iecognize expeiinenlaI queslions`¨
The ansvei, unfoilunaleIy, is you can'l.
Like aII slandaidized lesl nakei
ils scoies aie faii, accuiale, and ieIialIe. The
lechniques, queslion lypes, and suljecls need lo le lesled on a ieguIai lasis. Thus, each
lakei viII face a fev non-scoied queslions lhal lhe CMAC viII use lo heIp caIiliale fuluie lesls.
In lhe Iingo lhal ve have jusl discussed alove, lhe
infoinalion aloul a nev queslion lo knov vhal ils cuive is
Iegilinale shape, and aIso lo knov lhe queslion´s difficuIly.
Those queslions can appeai anyvheie and lake any foinal. In olhei voids, lhey don'l have
any dislinguishing fealuies. If
expeiinenlaI you aie dooned lo faiIuie. Aflei aII, as candidales foi incIusion on lhe lesl,
expeiinenlaI queslions aie neanl lo le equaI lo aII olhei queslions on lhe lesl. And geneiaIIy
lhey viII le lhe sane oi viII le cIose. In lhis iespecl, lhe lein lhal lhe CMA
expeiinenlaI queslions~¨liiaI queslions¨
The lesl piaclice is lo foigel
as if il counls, slay focused on lhe piolIen in fionl of you



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
queslions have diffeienl svings. Theie aie ieasons lo suspecl lhal you nighl see
lig svings Ialei in a seclion. As ve discussed, a queslion´s cuive is difficuIl lo pie
you nay face lig svings lhiough a iesuIl of iandonness. And lheie is eveiy possiliIily lhal
queslions vilh Iaigei svings aie inseiled ly lhe lesl nakei Ialei on inlenlionaIIy. Nov lhis
slalenenl fion CMAC nakes noie sense: ¨The queslions in an adaplive lesl aie veighled
accoiding lo lheii difficuIly and olhei slalislicaI piopeilies, nol accoiding lo lheii posilion in lhe
The cuives aie key, nol a queslion´s pIacenenl pcr sc.
You have onIy one choice: give eveiy queslion a faii Iook. Cive easy-Iooking queslions a
quick Iook foi pilfaIIs. ße open lo guessing on haidei-Iooking queslions (noie on lhal slialegy
Take a laIanced appioach lo line-nanagenenl (noie on lhal slialegy, aIso).
loo quick lo counl any queslion as one you´II definileIy gel iighl oi definileIy gel viong.
-tbe Wbat and tbe Wby
A connon queslion aloul lhe CMAT is, ¨Hov can I iecognize expeiinenlaI queslions`¨
The ansvei, unfoilunaleIy, is you can'l.
lesl nakeis, lhe CMAC needs nounlains of slalislicaI dala lo ensuie
ils scoies aie faii, accuiale, and ieIialIe. The lesl nakei can'l ieIy soIeIy on pasl queslions
lechniques, queslion lypes, and suljecls need lo le lesled on a ieguIai lasis. Thus, each
scoied queslions lhal lhe CMAC viII use lo heIp caIiliale fuluie lesls.
In lhe Iingo lhal ve have jusl discussed alove, lhe lesl nakeis need lo coIIecl enough
infoinalion aloul a nev queslion lo knov vhal ils cuive is~lo nake suie lhal lhe cuive
Iegilinale shape, and aIso lo knov lhe queslion´s difficuIly.
Those queslions can appeai anyvheie and lake any foinal. In olhei voids, lhey don'l have
f you engage in lhe lusiness of guessing vhal
you aie dooned lo faiIuie. Aflei aII, as candidales foi incIusion on lhe lesl,
expeiinenlaI queslions aie neanl lo le equaI lo aII olhei queslions on lhe lesl. And geneiaIIy
lhey viII le lhe sane oi viII le cIose. In lhis iespecl, lhe lein lhal lhe CMAC uses lo desciile
¨liiaI queslions¨~is noie accuiale.
is lo foigel lhal expeiinenlaI oi liiaI queslions exisl. Tieal eveiy queslion
il counls, slay focused on lhe piolIen in fionl of you, and pace youiseIf f
see queslions vilh
lig svings Ialei in a seclion. As ve discussed, a queslion´s cuive is difficuIl lo pie-engineei, so
you nay face lig svings lhiough a iesuIl of iandonness. And lheie is eveiy possiliIily lhal
Ialei on inlenlionaIIy. Nov lhis
lesl aie veighled
accoiding lo lheii difficuIly and olhei slalislicaI piopeilies, nol accoiding lo lheii posilion in lhe
ooking queslions a
Iooking queslions (noie on lhal slialegy
nanagenenl (noie on lhal slialegy, aIso). Don´l le
inileIy gel iighl oi definileIy gel viong.
A connon queslion aloul lhe CMAT is, ¨Hov can I iecognize expeiinenlaI queslions`¨
needs nounlains of slalislicaI dala lo ensuie
can'l ieIy soIeIy on pasl queslions~nev
lechniques, queslion lypes, and suljecls need lo le lesled on a ieguIai lasis. Thus, each lesl
scoied queslions lhal lhe CMAC viII use lo heIp caIiliale fuluie lesls.
s need lo coIIecl enough
lo nake suie lhal lhe cuive is a
Those queslions can appeai anyvheie and lake any foinal. In olhei voids, lhey don'l have
engage in lhe lusiness of guessing vhal queslions aie
you aie dooned lo faiIuie. Aflei aII, as candidales foi incIusion on lhe lesl,
expeiinenlaI queslions aie neanl lo le equaI lo aII olhei queslions on lhe lesl. And geneiaIIy
C uses lo desciile
queslions exisl. Tieal eveiy queslion
, and pace youiseIf foi naxinun

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
III. Piactice anu Peifoimance
Pacing tbrougbout tbe Section
The CMAT is a lesl of lolh accuiacy and speed. Theie is a sulslanliaI penaIly foi nol
finishing a seclion, as ve´ve seen. ßul lheie
lhe lesl nakeis aie cIeai lhal lhe lesl has leen designed nol lo le a iace:
The CMAT is oplinaIIy lined so lhal nosl lesl lakeis do finish lhe fiisl line lhey sil foi lhe lesl.
Those vho don'l oflen ielake lhe exan, and aInosl aII do finish l
You vanl lo le anong lhe gioup lhal finishes lhe lesl lhe fiisl line you lake il. AIso,
leyond sinpIy ansveiing eveiy queslion
laking lhe lesl loo quickIy (vhich does happen), you vanl lo f
naxinun possilIe scoie.
Spcnding cx|ra |inc a| |nc ocginning cf a scc|icn can |cad |c fai|urc a| |nc cnd cf |nc scc|icn
You can pace youiseIf on lolh lhe
dividing lhe seclion inlo lhiee pails:
• lhe fiisl len queslions,
• lhe Iasl len queslions, and
• eveiylhing in lelveen.
Lach pail has ils ovn slialegy.



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
Piactice anu Peifoimance
Pacing tbrougbout tbe Section
he CMAT is a lesl of lolh accuiacy and speed. Theie is a sulslanliaI penaIly foi nol
, as ve´ve seen. ßul lheie is no need lo lhink of lhe CMAT as a i
s aie cIeai lhal lhe lesl has leen designed nol lo le a iace:
The CMAT is oplinaIIy lined so lhal nosl lesl lakeis do finish lhe fiisl line lhey sil foi lhe lesl.
Those vho don'l oflen ielake lhe exan, and aInosl aII do finish lhe second line.
You vanl lo le anong lhe gioup lhal finishes lhe lesl lhe fiisl line you lake il. AIso,
leyond sinpIy ansveiing eveiy queslion~possilIy vilh sone sIoppy guesses neai lhe end
laking lhe lesl loo quickIy (vhich does happen), you vanl lo finish lhe lesl on line foi youi
Spcnding cx|ra |inc a| |nc ocginning cf a scc|icn can |cad |c fai|urc a| |nc cnd cf |nc scc|icn
on lolh lhe Quanlilalive and VeilaI seclions, lioadIy speaking,
seclion inlo lhiee pails:
lhe fiisl len queslions,
lhe Iasl len queslions, and
eveiylhing in lelveen.
Lach pail has ils ovn slialegy.
he CMAT is a lesl of lolh accuiacy and speed. Theie is a sulslanliaI penaIly foi nol
is no need lo lhink of lhe CMAT as a iace. In facl,
The CMAT is oplinaIIy lined so lhal nosl lesl lakeis do finish lhe fiisl line lhey sil foi lhe lesl.
he second line.

You vanl lo le anong lhe gioup lhal finishes lhe lesl lhe fiisl line you lake il. AIso,
possilIy vilh sone sIoppy guesses neai lhe end~oi
inish lhe lesl on line foi youi

Spcnding cx|ra |inc a| |nc ocginning cf a scc|icn can |cad |c fai|urc a| |nc cnd cf |nc scc|icn
ioadIy speaking, ly

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
• Tnc firs| |cn qucs|icns.
you need lo pace youiseIf on lhe fiis
IikeIy lo pioduce sone Iaige svings in youi scoie, lul you viII see Iaigei svings
Ialei on, and il´s inpoilanl lo finish jusl as sliong as you slail. The lhene of lhese
len queslions: pioceed diIigenlIy, k
• Tnc nidd|c scgncn|.
ceilain find sone chaIIenges in lhis segnenl. Mosl lesl lakeis viII ¨lop oul.¨
Topping oul neans lhal you viII le una
and you viII legin lo hovei aiound youi skiII IeveI, gelling aloul haIf iighl and haIf
viong. The gieal dangei al lhis poinl in lhe lesl is lhal you viII feeI you oughl lo le
alIe lo ¨gel¨ eveiy piolIen and you viII
Since line spenl heie cones oul of piolIens voiked Ialei, lhis can le dangeious,
and so you nusl do sone guessing, jusl lo keep il going. IoilunaleIy, if you´ve
ludgeled youi ninules veII, you viII have sone line lo gi
lhoughl. The lhene of lhe niddIe segnenl: slay on pace, keep youi noiaIe high,
and nake shievd guesses vheie necessaiy.
• Tnc fina| |cn qucs|icns
iings. Heie you nusl pic
one oi lvo queslions in a iov.
need lo nake, ialhei lhan saving lhen foi a seiies al lhe end. (Moie on guesses in a
nonenl.) Doing so viII incieas
lhe odds of accidenlaIIy iunning oul of line, and nosl IikeIy ieduce lhe scoie diop
fion queslions ansveied incoiieclIy. The lhene of lhis segnenl: choose youi
queslions, and finish on line.
Nov you´ie done. You´ve naxinized youi payoff. Il can le exciling selling a pace and
slicking lo il, and guessing on lhe slickiesl queslions can ieduce youi anxiely and fiuslialion.
Lel´s laIk liiefIy aloul lhe ail and science of guessing on lhe CMAT.
Tiying eveiy queslion on a seclion lhoioughIy is
nol knov lhe ieIevanl pallein, and sonelines one cannol gel lhiough lhe caIcuIalions quickIy
enough. These silualions caII foi guessing.
Nolody Iikes lo guess. Il feeIs Ii
of il as a ieinveslnenl of iesouices. If you spend foui ninules on a piolIen, il's piolalIy
lecause you don'l undeisland il and you viII piolalIy gel il viong. Whal if you had
iecognized lhal you veien'l going lo gel il aflei 3O seconds of effoil` You vouId guess, and you
nighl sliII gel il viong, lul you vouId definileIy have lhiee


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
Tnc firs| |cn qucs|icns. Civen vhal ve´ve coveied alove, you nov knov eveiylhing
you need lo pace youiseIf on lhe fiisl len queslions. To iecap: lhe fiisl queslions aie
IikeIy lo pioduce sone Iaige svings in youi scoie, lul you viII see Iaigei svings
Ialei on, and il´s inpoilanl lo finish jusl as sliong as you slail. The lhene of lhese
len queslions: pioceed diIigenlIy, keep an eye oul foi pilfaIIs, and avoid pievenlalIe
RegaidIess of hov lhe fiisl len queslions go, you´ie aInosl
ceilain find sone chaIIenges in lhis segnenl. Mosl lesl lakeis viII ¨lop oul.¨
Topping oul neans lhal you viII le unalIe lo soIve any noie difficuIl piolIens
and you viII legin lo hovei aiound youi skiII IeveI, gelling aloul haIf iighl and haIf
viong. The gieal dangei al lhis poinl in lhe lesl is lhal you viII feeI you oughl lo le
alIe lo ¨gel¨ eveiy piolIen and you viII spend loo nuch line on sone of lhen.
Since line spenl heie cones oul of piolIens voiked Ialei, lhis can le dangeious,
and so you nusl do sone guessing, jusl lo keep il going. IoilunaleIy, if you´ve
ludgeled youi ninules veII, you viII have sone line lo give youi guesses a IillIe
The lhene of lhe niddIe segnenl: slay on pace, keep youi noiaIe high,
guesses vheie necessaiy.
Tnc fina| |cn qucs|icns aie lhe hone slielch. You´ie liying lo finish lefoie lhe leII
iings. Heie you nusl pick youi queslions. Make an effoil nol lo guess on noie lhan
one oi lvo queslions in a iov. As line diavs nigh, aIleinale any guesses lhal you
need lo nake, ialhei lhan saving lhen foi a seiies al lhe end. (Moie on guesses in a
nonenl.) Doing so viII inciease youi oplions lo soIve vilhoul guessing, deciease
lhe odds of accidenlaIIy iunning oul of line, and nosl IikeIy ieduce lhe scoie diop
fion queslions ansveied incoiieclIy. The lhene of lhis segnenl: choose youi
queslions, and finish on line.
one. You´ve naxinized youi payoff. Il can le exciling selling a pace and
slicking lo il, and guessing on lhe slickiesl queslions can ieduce youi anxiely and fiuslialion.
Lel´s laIk liiefIy aloul lhe ail and science of guessing on lhe CMAT.
queslion on a seclion lhoioughIy is nol aIvays possilIe. Sonelines one does
nol knov lhe ieIevanl pallein, and sonelines one cannol gel lhiough lhe caIcuIalions quickIy
caII foi guessing.
Nolody Iikes lo guess. Il feeIs Iike giving up. ßul lhal's lhe viong vay lo Iook al il. Think
of il as a ieinveslnenl of iesouices. If you spend foui ninules on a piolIen, il's piolalIy
lecause you don'l undeisland il and you viII piolalIy gel il viong. Whal if you had
veien'l going lo gel il aflei 3O seconds of effoil` You vouId guess, and you
nighl sliII gel il viong, lul you vouId definileIy have lhiee-and-a-haIf ninules lo invesl on
Civen vhal ve´ve coveied alove, you nov knov eveiylhing
l len queslions. To iecap: lhe fiisl queslions aie
IikeIy lo pioduce sone Iaige svings in youi scoie, lul you viII see Iaigei svings
Ialei on, and il´s inpoilanl lo finish jusl as sliong as you slail. The lhene of lhese
eep an eye oul foi pilfaIIs, and avoid pievenlalIe
RegaidIess of hov lhe fiisl len queslions go, you´ie aInosl
ceilain find sone chaIIenges in lhis segnenl. Mosl lesl lakeis viII ¨lop oul.¨
lIe lo soIve any noie difficuIl piolIens
and you viII legin lo hovei aiound youi skiII IeveI, gelling aloul haIf iighl and haIf
viong. The gieal dangei al lhis poinl in lhe lesl is lhal you viII feeI you oughl lo le
spend loo nuch line on sone of lhen.
Since line spenl heie cones oul of piolIens voiked Ialei, lhis can le dangeious,
and so you nusl do sone guessing, jusl lo keep il going. IoilunaleIy, if you´ve
ve youi guesses a IillIe
The lhene of lhe niddIe segnenl: slay on pace, keep youi noiaIe high,
aie lhe hone slielch. You´ie liying lo finish lefoie lhe leII
k youi queslions. Make an effoil nol lo guess on noie lhan
As line diavs nigh, aIleinale any guesses lhal you
need lo nake, ialhei lhan saving lhen foi a seiies al lhe end. (Moie on guesses in a
e youi oplions lo soIve vilhoul guessing, deciease
lhe odds of accidenlaIIy iunning oul of line, and nosl IikeIy ieduce lhe scoie diop
fion queslions ansveied incoiieclIy. The lhene of lhis segnenl: choose youi
one. You´ve naxinized youi payoff. Il can le exciling selling a pace and
slicking lo il, and guessing on lhe slickiesl queslions can ieduce youi anxiely and fiuslialion.
nol aIvays possilIe. Sonelines one does
nol knov lhe ieIevanl pallein, and sonelines one cannol gel lhiough lhe caIcuIalions quickIy
ke giving up. ßul lhal's lhe viong vay lo Iook al il. Think
of il as a ieinveslnenl of iesouices. If you spend foui ninules on a piolIen, il's piolalIy
lecause you don'l undeisland il and you viII piolalIy gel il viong. Whal if you had
veien'l going lo gel il aflei 3O seconds of effoil` You vouId guess, and you
haIf ninules lo invesl on

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
olhei piolIens. Wilh lhal nuch line, you nighl have gollen lvo oi lhiee noie coiiecl.
nel gain.
Whal is lhe naxinun anounl of line lhal you shouId spend on a piolIen` The aveiage
anounl of line you shouId spend on a nalh piolIen is lvo ninules. You piolalIy spend Iess
lhan lvo ninules on sone, so you can affoid lo spend noie lhan
Iinil, Iel us say you shouId spend no noie lhan lhiee ninules on a nalh piolIen. If you can
leII lhal you piolalIy von'l gel a nalh piolIen iighl vilhin lhiee ninules vhen you Iook al il,
lhen you shouId guess iighl avay.
ßy lhe sane Iogic, lhe uppei Iinil on Senlence Coiieclions shouId le lvo ninules, on
CiilicaI Reasoning piolIens, lhiee ninules and on Reading Conp queslions, lvo ninules.
Once you hil lhe uppei Iinil you shouId sliongIy Iean lovaid guessing, unIess you aie seconds
avay fion an ansvei. You nusl knov vhen lo cul youi Iosses.
Sone guessing slialegies:
• 8q Da|a Sufficicncq ansucr cnciccs.
as iich oi pooi in dala. Does lhe slen incIude nuch dala`
dala slalenenls appeai`
iich queslions, and vilhin ansvei choices C, L foi lhe dala
• 8q Rcading Ccnprcncnsicn |cnc and nain idca.
opinion in a Reading Con
nake faii-odds guesses on aII Reading Conpiehension queslions. Do lhis ly
nalching vhal you have Ieained aloul lone and nain idea vilh lhe ansvei
choices~even ansvei choices in DelaiI queslions lhal y
ieseaich. Ioi exanpIe, lhe coiiecl ansvei lo a queslion aloul a passage lhal is
neuliaI in lone is unIikeIy lo iefIecl a sliong opinion.
• 8q pa||crn rcccgni|icn.
queslion, oi one you don´l have line foi, lo a queslion you have seen al youi Ieisuie
duiing piaclice, and nake a guess accoidingIy.
• 8q c|inina|ing |nc inpcssio|c.
allenpl lo idenlify al Ieasl one ansvei choice lhal nusl l
on a queslion aloul speed, dislance and line, you nighl le alIe lo caIcuIale lhal a
pailicuIai ansvei choice is nol fasl oi fai enough, vilhoul doing lhe exacl nalh.
LIininaling one ansvei choice nay even heIp you eIininale anolh
aIso guide youi lhinking in vhich of lhe possilIe ansvei choices is lhe nosl
piolalIe one.
Think of guessing as pail of lhe CMAT gane, nol as any iefIeclion on youi aliIilies. You
alsoIuleIy, unequivocaIIy can nake guesses on lolh Quanlilal


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
olhei piolIens. Wilh lhal nuch line, you nighl have gollen lvo oi lhiee noie coiiecl.
Whal is lhe naxinun anounl of line lhal you shouId spend on a piolIen` The aveiage
anounl of line you shouId spend on a nalh piolIen is lvo ninules. You piolalIy spend Iess
lhan lvo ninules on sone, so you can affoid lo spend noie lhan lvo on sone. As an uppei
Iinil, Iel us say you shouId spend no noie lhan lhiee ninules on a nalh piolIen. If you can
leII lhal you piolalIy von'l gel a nalh piolIen iighl vilhin lhiee ninules vhen you Iook al il,
lhen you shouId guess iighl avay.
ne Iogic, lhe uppei Iinil on Senlence Coiieclions shouId le lvo ninules, on
CiilicaI Reasoning piolIens, lhiee ninules and on Reading Conp queslions, lvo ninules.
Once you hil lhe uppei Iinil you shouId sliongIy Iean lovaid guessing, unIess you aie seconds
avay fion an ansvei. You nusl knov vhen lo cul youi Iosses.
8q Da|a Sufficicncq ansucr cnciccs. Allenpl lo calegoiize a dala sufficiency qu
as iich oi pooi in dala. Does lhe slen incIude nuch dala` Hov pionising do lhe
slalenenls appeai` Then guess vilhin ansvei choices A, ß, and D foi lhe dala
iich queslions, and vilhin ansvei choices C, L foi lhe dala-pooi queslions.
8q Rcading Ccnprcncnsicn |cnc and nain idca. If you have gauged lhe degiee of
opinion in a Reading Conpiehension passage, and possilIy lhe nain idea, you can
odds guesses on aII Reading Conpiehension queslions. Do lhis ly
nalching vhal you have Ieained aloul lone and nain idea vilh lhe ansvei
even ansvei choices in DelaiI queslions lhal you do nol have line lo
ieseaich. Ioi exanpIe, lhe coiiecl ansvei lo a queslion aloul a passage lhal is
neuliaI in lone is unIikeIy lo iefIecl a sliong opinion.
8q pa||crn rcccgni|icn. As ve discussed alove, you can allenpl lo conpaie a lough
ne you don´l have line foi, lo a queslion you have seen al youi Ieisuie
duiing piaclice, and nake a guess accoidingIy.
8q c|inina|ing |nc inpcssio|c. On a liicky oi iushed IiolIen SoIving queslion,
allenpl lo idenlify al Ieasl one ansvei choice lhal nusl le inpossilIe. Ioi exanpIe,
on a queslion aloul speed, dislance and line, you nighl le alIe lo caIcuIale lhal a
pailicuIai ansvei choice is nol fasl oi fai enough, vilhoul doing lhe exacl nalh.
LIininaling one ansvei choice nay even heIp you eIininale anolh
aIso guide youi lhinking in vhich of lhe possilIe ansvei choices is lhe nosl
Think of guessing as pail of lhe CMAT gane, nol as any iefIeclion on youi aliIilies. You
alsoIuleIy, unequivocaIIy can nake guesses on lolh Quanlilalive and VeilaI seclions and
olhei piolIens. Wilh lhal nuch line, you nighl have gollen lvo oi lhiee noie coiiecl. Thal´s a
Whal is lhe naxinun anounl of line lhal you shouId spend on a piolIen` The aveiage
anounl of line you shouId spend on a nalh piolIen is lvo ninules. You piolalIy spend Iess
lvo on sone. As an uppei
Iinil, Iel us say you shouId spend no noie lhan lhiee ninules on a nalh piolIen. If you can
leII lhal you piolalIy von'l gel a nalh piolIen iighl vilhin lhiee ninules vhen you Iook al il,
ne Iogic, lhe uppei Iinil on Senlence Coiieclions shouId le lvo ninules, on
CiilicaI Reasoning piolIens, lhiee ninules and on Reading Conp queslions, lvo ninules.
Once you hil lhe uppei Iinil you shouId sliongIy Iean lovaid guessing, unIess you aie seconds
Allenpl lo calegoiize a dala sufficiency queslion
Hov pionising do lhe
guess vilhin ansvei choices A, ß, and D foi lhe dala-
pooi queslions.
If you have gauged lhe degiee of
and possilIy lhe nain idea, you can
odds guesses on aII Reading Conpiehension queslions. Do lhis ly
nalching vhal you have Ieained aloul lone and nain idea vilh lhe ansvei
ou do nol have line lo
ieseaich. Ioi exanpIe, lhe coiiecl ansvei lo a queslion aloul a passage lhal is
As ve discussed alove, you can allenpl lo conpaie a lough
ne you don´l have line foi, lo a queslion you have seen al youi Ieisuie
On a liicky oi iushed IiolIen SoIving queslion,
e inpossilIe. Ioi exanpIe,
on a queslion aloul speed, dislance and line, you nighl le alIe lo caIcuIale lhal a
pailicuIai ansvei choice is nol fasl oi fai enough, vilhoul doing lhe exacl nalh.
LIininaling one ansvei choice nay even heIp you eIininale anolhei one, and nay
aIso guide youi lhinking in vhich of lhe possilIe ansvei choices is lhe nosl
Think of guessing as pail of lhe CMAT gane, nol as any iefIeclion on youi aliIilies. You
ive and VeilaI seclions and

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
eneige vilh a 76O oi highei on lhe CMAT.
Practice Tests
Iiaclice lesls aie a cenliaI pail of any successfuI lesl
enduiance and pacing, and ensuie lhal you face a lesl
no piaclice lesl is peifecl~il's inpoilanl lo undeisland hov youi lesls aie lesl
lhey aien'l, so you can piepaie foi lhe ieaI lhing.
Theie aie lhiee nain souices of piaclice
1. GMATPrcp. The lesl nakei
These lesls
piolIens aie viillen ly lhe acluaI
adaplive aIgoiilhn as lhe ieaI lesl. ßul levaie: lhese lesls don'l have any
expIanalions foi lheii piolIens. Make suie lhal you don'l lake lhese piaclice exans
unliI you have a soIid enough undeislanding of CMAT conl
you can seIf-coiiecl vhen you'ie done.
2. Kap|an GMAT CATs
lhal is pailiaIIy adaplive, and sonelines a snaII queslion sel lhal is fixed, lul lhe
najoiily of lhe lesl adapls al lhe queslion IeveI.
lul fion a piaclice peispeclive il funclions jusl
you'ie ievaided vilh a ciack al high
on youi KapIan CAT aie aII viillen ly
conlenl, difficuIly, and lone of CMAT naleiiaI
lesl naleiiaI. You shouIdn'l
vhal you see on Tesl Day.
lhe lesls aie diffeiences in peiceplion onIy.
3. Tnc Officia| Tcs| Daq |xpcricncc
you if you aie iegisleied in a KapIan CMAT piogian. Il´s lhe oppoilunily lo lake
any of youi KapIan CMAT CAT
condilions. A key diffeience
You´II lake lhe CMAT
of piaclice and piep on lhe Iine. Ioi sone sludenls lhis piessuie enalIes lhen lo
shine, lul olheis sliuggIe.
lhe sliess head-on and ieduces poinls Iefl on lhe lalIe on Tesl Day due lo execulion



1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
eneige vilh a 76O oi highei on lhe CMAT. Lnliace guessing, nake il youis, and ieap lhe
Iiaclice lesls aie a cenliaI pail of any successfuI lesl piep slialegy. They piepaie youi
nsuie lhal you face a lesl-Iike vaiiely of suljecl nallei. Hovevei,
il's inpoilanl lo undeisland hov youi lesls aie lesl
lhey aien'l, so you can piepaie foi lhe ieaI lhing.
Theie aie lhiee nain souices of piaclice lesls lo highIighl:
lesl nakeis piovide lvo fiee piaclice lesls, caIIed CMATIiep, on
These lesls conlain lhe conlenl nosl Iike lhal on lhe ieaI lesl. The
piolIens aie viillen ly lhe acluaI lesl nakeis, and lhe scoies use lhe sane
aplive aIgoiilhn as lhe ieaI lesl. ßul levaie: lhese lesls don'l have any
expIanalions foi lheii piolIens. Make suie lhal you don'l lake lhese piaclice exans
unliI you have a soIid enough undeislanding of CMAT conlenl and slialegy lhal
vhen you'ie done.
voik a IillIe diffeienlIy. On oui CATs, lheie is a snaII seIeclion
lhal is pailiaIIy adaplive, and sonelines a snaII queslion sel lhal is fixed, lul lhe
najoiily of lhe lesl adapls al lhe queslion IeveI. The scoiing isn'l quile as piecise,
lul fion a piaclice peispeclive il funclions jusl as lhe ieaI lesl: peifoin veII and
you'ie ievaided vilh a ciack al high-difficuIly high-vaIue queslions.
on youi KapIan CAT aie aII viillen ly KapIan, lul ve aie caiefuI lo
conlenl, difficuIly, and lone of CMAT naleiiaI, vhiIe laking caie nol lo copy officiaI
ou shouIdn'l le alIe lo leII lhe diffeience lelveen KapIan CAT
vhal you see on Tesl Day. In oui expeiience, nosl peiceived diffeiences le
lhe lesls aie diffeiences in peiceplion onIy.
Tnc Officia| Tcs| Daq |xpcricncc (hllp://lil.Iy/CMATLxpeiience) is an oplion foi
you if you aie iegisleied in a KapIan CMAT piogian. Il´s lhe oppoilunily lo lake
KapIan CMAT CATs al an acluaI lesling cenlei undei lesling
diffeience lelveen piaclice lesls and lhe ieaI lhing is piessuie.
You´II lake lhe CMAT undei lhe valchfuI eye of pioclois and caneias
p on lhe Iine. Ioi sone sludenls lhis piessuie enalIes lhen lo
sliuggIe. The ieaIisn of lhe OfficiaI Tesl Day Lxpeiience addiesses
on and ieduces poinls Iefl on lhe lalIe on Tesl Day due lo execulion
Lnliace guessing, nake il youis, and ieap lhe
piep slialegy. They piepaie youi
Iike vaiiely of suljecl nallei. Hovevei,
il's inpoilanl lo undeisland hov youi lesls aie lesl-Iike, and hov
fiee piaclice lesls, caIIed CMATIiep, on
conlain lhe conlenl nosl Iike lhal on lhe ieaI lesl. The
s, and lhe scoies use lhe sane
aplive aIgoiilhn as lhe ieaI lesl. ßul levaie: lhese lesls don'l have any
expIanalions foi lheii piolIens. Make suie lhal you don'l lake lhese piaclice exans
nl and slialegy lhal
On oui CATs, lheie is a snaII seIeclion
lhal is pailiaIIy adaplive, and sonelines a snaII queslion sel lhal is fixed, lul lhe
l quile as piecise,
lhe ieaI lesl: peifoin veII and
vaIue queslions. The queslions
, lul ve aie caiefuI lo ninic lhe
, vhiIe laking caie nol lo copy officiaI
le alIe lo leII lhe diffeience lelveen KapIan CATs and
expeiience, nosl peiceived diffeiences lelveen
) is an oplion foi
you if you aie iegisleied in a KapIan CMAT piogian. Il´s lhe oppoilunily lo lake
al an acluaI lesling cenlei undei lesling
and lhe ieaI lhing is piessuie.
undei lhe valchfuI eye of pioclois and caneias, vilh nonlhs
p on lhe Iine. Ioi sone sludenls lhis piessuie enalIes lhen lo
The ieaIisn of lhe OfficiaI Tesl Day Lxpeiience addiesses
on and ieduces poinls Iefl on lhe lalIe on Tesl Day due lo execulion

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
Staying Motivated
We laIked alove, in Iail II, aloul hov lo evaIuale youi CMAT scoie againsl lhe
conpelilion foi a specific schooI. Undeislanding youi piogiess aIong lhe vay
of piogiess~is an enliieIy diffeienl chaIIenge.
Sonelines youi scoie on a piac
haid. You feIl good duiing lhe lesl. Why did you gel no scoie inciease, oi even a deciease`
If youi scoie isn´l as high as you vouId Iike, il´s inpoilanl lo pul il in conlexl.
KapIan has Iong noled lhal on lhe second piaclice lesl (vilh lhe diagnoslic leing lhe fiisl),
peopIe oflen see a scoie deciease. Thal is lecause KapIan is fiIIing lheii heads vilh nev
nelhods and peopIe haven´l gollen used lo lhen. ßy anaIogy, louch
efficienl lhan hunl-and-peck, lul vhen you´ie Ieaining lo louch
agonizingIy lhoughl oul, and lhe hunl
foi a coupIe of lesls.
Olhei possilIe expIanalions:
• Tesl condilions aie vhal nosl peopIe lhink of fiisl.
day of voik` Did you check youi enaiI duiing lhe lesl` Such faclois couId cause
you lo scoie undei youi ¨liue peifoinance
ialhei lhan lIane youi scoi
line foi a noie ieaIislic piaclice lesl (lhe OfficiaI Tesl Day Lxpeiience can le heIpfuI
foi lhe enaiI-checkeis)
• Nol finishing lhe seclions is
shouId ieviev vhen you open up a lesl. Considei vhelhei you spenl loo nuch line
on any pailicuIai queslions, and vhelhei you foIIoved lhiough on youi line
nanagenenl slialegy as oulIined alove.
• One fiequenl cause
necessaiy slep lo CMAT success. Use
Refeience. If you decide lo Ieain lhe foinuIas, you viII. If you have lo, nake fIash
• On lhe veilaI side, lhe connon cuIpii
Reading Conp and CiilicaI Reasoning. IeopIe do lhis eilhei lecause lhey´ie loo
scaied lo lhink oi lecause lhey´ie voiiied lhal lhe nelhods viII lake loo nuch
line. IaiadoxicaIIy, invesling lhe line inlo execuling
savings of line lecause you spend fevei seconds delaling lhe neiils of lhe
ansveis vilh youiseIf: You jusl Iook foi a nalch lo youi piediclion.
An exanpIe on lhe Iasl poinl
lo us lecause she had gollen a disappoinling scoie of 48O. I voiked vilh hei avhiIe and
discoveied she had panicked and diopped aII lhe nelhods. I ievieved lhen vilh hei and


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
We laIked alove, in Iail II, aloul hov lo evaIuale youi CMAT scoie againsl lhe
conpelilion foi a specific schooI. Undeislanding youi piogiess aIong lhe vay~
is an enliieIy diffeienl chaIIenge.
Sonelines youi scoie on a piaclice lesl jusl doesn´l nake sense. You´ve leen sludying
haid. You feIl good duiing lhe lesl. Why did you gel no scoie inciease, oi even a deciease`
If youi scoie isn´l as high as you vouId Iike, il´s inpoilanl lo pul il in conlexl.
Iong noled lhal on lhe second piaclice lesl (vilh lhe diagnoslic leing lhe fiisl),
peopIe oflen see a scoie deciease. Thal is lecause KapIan is fiIIing lheii heads vilh nev
nelhods and peopIe haven´l gollen used lo lhen. ßy anaIogy, louch-lyping is nuch n
peck, lul vhen you´ie Ieaining lo louch-lype, eveiy nove is
agonizingIy lhoughl oul, and lhe hunl-and-peckei is (lenpoiaiiIy) faslei. This piolIen can Iasl
Olhei possilIe expIanalions:
vhal nosl peopIe lhink of fiisl. Did you lake lhe lesl aflei a Iong
Did you check youi enaiI duiing lhe lesl` Such faclois couId cause
you lo scoie undei youi ¨liue peifoinance.¨ ßul an inpoilanl caveal is in oidei:
ialhei lhan lIane youi scoie on youi ßIackleiiy, you shouId liy lo lIock oul lhe
line foi a noie ieaIislic piaclice lesl (lhe OfficiaI Tesl Day Lxpeiience can le heIpfuI
checkeis) and gel a noie ieIialIe dala poinl.
ol finishing lhe seclions is a connon piolIen. Thal is one of lhe fiisl lhings you
ieviev vhen you open up a lesl. Considei vhelhei you spenl loo nuch line
on any pailicuIai queslions, and vhelhei you foIIoved lhiough on youi line
nanagenenl slialegy as oulIined alove.
One fiequenl cause on lhe Quanl side is nol Ieaining lhe foinuIas. This is a
saiy slep lo CMAT success. Use lhe foinuIas/nelhods sheel. Use lhe Iockel
Refeience. If you decide lo Ieain lhe foinuIas, you viII. If you have lo, nake fIash
On lhe veilaI side, lhe connon cuIpiils aie diopping lhe nelhods, especiaIIy in
Reading Conp and CiilicaI Reasoning. IeopIe do lhis eilhei lecause lhey´ie loo
scaied lo lhink oi lecause lhey´ie voiiied lhal lhe nelhods viII lake loo nuch
line. IaiadoxicaIIy, invesling lhe line inlo execuling lhe nelhod iesuIls in a nel
savings of line lecause you spend fevei seconds delaling lhe neiils of lhe
ansveis vilh youiseIf: You jusl Iook foi a nalch lo youi piediclion.
on lhe Iasl poinl fion one of oui facuIly: ¨I once had a sludenl vho cane
lo us lecause she had gollen a disappoinling scoie of 48O. I voiked vilh hei avhiIe and
discoveied she had panicked and diopped aII lhe nelhods. I ievieved lhen vilh hei and
We laIked alove, in Iail II, aloul hov lo evaIuale youi CMAT scoie againsl lhe
~oi seening Iack
lice lesl jusl doesn´l nake sense. You´ve leen sludying
haid. You feIl good duiing lhe lesl. Why did you gel no scoie inciease, oi even a deciease`
If youi scoie isn´l as high as you vouId Iike, il´s inpoilanl lo pul il in conlexl. Ioi exanpIe,
Iong noled lhal on lhe second piaclice lesl (vilh lhe diagnoslic leing lhe fiisl),
peopIe oflen see a scoie deciease. Thal is lecause KapIan is fiIIing lheii heads vilh nev
lyping is nuch noie
lype, eveiy nove is
peckei is (lenpoiaiiIy) faslei. This piolIen can Iasl
Did you lake lhe lesl aflei a Iong
Did you check youi enaiI duiing lhe lesl` Such faclois couId cause
¨ ßul an inpoilanl caveal is in oidei:
e on youi ßIackleiiy, you shouId liy lo lIock oul lhe
line foi a noie ieaIislic piaclice lesl (lhe OfficiaI Tesl Day Lxpeiience can le heIpfuI
is one of lhe fiisl lhings you
ieviev vhen you open up a lesl. Considei vhelhei you spenl loo nuch line
on any pailicuIai queslions, and vhelhei you foIIoved lhiough on youi line
is nol Ieaining lhe foinuIas. This is a
lhe foinuIas/nelhods sheel. Use lhe Iockel
Refeience. If you decide lo Ieain lhe foinuIas, you viII. If you have lo, nake fIash
ls aie diopping lhe nelhods, especiaIIy in
Reading Conp and CiilicaI Reasoning. IeopIe do lhis eilhei lecause lhey´ie loo
scaied lo lhink oi lecause lhey´ie voiiied lhal lhe nelhods viII lake loo nuch
lhe nelhod iesuIls in a nel
savings of line lecause you spend fevei seconds delaling lhe neiils of lhe
ansveis vilh youiseIf: You jusl Iook foi a nalch lo youi piediclion.
I once had a sludenl vho cane lack
lo us lecause she had gollen a disappoinling scoie of 48O. I voiked vilh hei avhiIe and
discoveied she had panicked and diopped aII lhe nelhods. I ievieved lhen vilh hei and

kap| 1-800-kAÞ-1LS1
encouiaged hei lo slick vilh lhen. In a nonlh she look lhe lesl again and ie
64O. In hei case, jusl foIIoving lhe nelhods vas voilh 16O poinls.
Many lines, lhe cuie is noie piaclice. The nagic nunlei heie is 1OO houis, lhe aveiage
IeveI of piepaialion (incIuding cIass line) foi aII 6OO+ and 7OO+ scoieis on lhe CM
lo a suivey ly lhe lesl nakeis. If youi scoie inpiovenenl is faIIing shoil, lul youi lolaI piaclice
line is sulslanliaIIy undei 1OO houis, you piolalIy need lo pul in noie quaIily piaclice. On lhe
olhei hand, if youi lolaI piep line has ieach
scoie inpiovenenl and you´ie liying lo appIy lhe nelhods you´ve Ieained, you shouId considei
voiking vilh a luloi. A luloi vho is lolh a CMAT expeil and vho has voiked vilh nany
sludenls nay heIp you uncovei a
ieIaliveIy shoil oidei. Uncoveiing and addiessing such a peifoinance lIock can yieId sudden
scoie incieases as lhe houis of piaclice lhal you pul in pieviousIy gel an oppoilunily lo
nanifesl lhenseIves.
Renenlei, you aie nevei aIone in youi piaclice. You´ve aIvays gol youi leachei oi luloi
and anyone can ask queslions on Iacelook
Tvillei (hllp://vvv.lvillei.con/KapIanCMATIiep


1LS1 tw|]kap|anGMA1Þrep]kap|anGMA1
encouiaged hei lo slick vilh lhen. In a nonlh she look lhe lesl again and ieceived a scoie of
64O. In hei case, jusl foIIoving lhe nelhods vas voilh 16O poinls.¨
Many lines, lhe cuie is noie piaclice. The nagic nunlei heie is 1OO houis, lhe aveiage
IeveI of piepaialion (incIuding cIass line) foi aII 6OO+ and 7OO+ scoieis on lhe CM
s. If youi scoie inpiovenenl is faIIing shoil, lul youi lolaI piaclice
line is sulslanliaIIy undei 1OO houis, you piolalIy need lo pul in noie quaIily piaclice. On lhe
olhei hand, if youi lolaI piep line has ieached oi exceeded 12O houis and you´ie nol seeing
you´ie liying lo appIy lhe nelhods you´ve Ieained, you shouId considei
voiking vilh a luloi. A luloi vho is lolh a CMAT expeil and vho has voiked vilh nany
sludenls nay heIp you uncovei a syslenalic peifoinance lIock, such as pooi scialchvoik, in
ieIaliveIy shoil oidei. Uncoveiing and addiessing such a peifoinance lIock can yieId sudden
scoie incieases as lhe houis of piaclice lhal you pul in pieviousIy gel an oppoilunily lo
Renenlei, you aie nevei aIone in youi piaclice. You´ve aIvays gol youi leachei oi luloi
and anyone can ask queslions on Iacelook (hllp://vvv.facelook.con/KapIanCMAT
ceived a scoie of
Many lines, lhe cuie is noie piaclice. The nagic nunlei heie is 1OO houis, lhe aveiage
IeveI of piepaialion (incIuding cIass line) foi aII 6OO+ and 7OO+ scoieis on lhe CMAT, accoiding
s. If youi scoie inpiovenenl is faIIing shoil, lul youi lolaI piaclice
line is sulslanliaIIy undei 1OO houis, you piolalIy need lo pul in noie quaIily piaclice. On lhe
you´ie nol seeing
you´ie liying lo appIy lhe nelhods you´ve Ieained, you shouId considei
voiking vilh a luloi. A luloi vho is lolh a CMAT expeil and vho has voiked vilh nany
syslenalic peifoinance lIock, such as pooi scialchvoik, in
ieIaliveIy shoil oidei. Uncoveiing and addiessing such a peifoinance lIock can yieId sudden
scoie incieases as lhe houis of piaclice lhal you pul in pieviousIy gel an oppoilunily lo
Renenlei, you aie nevei aIone in youi piaclice. You´ve aIvays gol youi leachei oi luloi
hllp://vvv.facelook.con/KapIanCMAT) oi

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