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ACOE in Korea Humphreys Garrison wins prestigious Army Communities of Excellence award: See full story on Page 21 May 15, 2009 • Volume 7, Issue 30
Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea
Photo courtesy of IMCOM Public Affairs Ofce
Operation Mercury Pride III
1st Lt. Matthew Blumberg, 169th Signal Company, 36th Signal Battalion operations ofcer, ofcer, coaches Staff Sgt. Andrew Tenorio during a M16 range competition for Mercury Pride III held at Reynolds Range on Command Post Tango, Tango, April 30. The 36th Signal Battalion went on to take home the rst place trophy for the weapons competitio competition. n. To view or download photos from this event visit — U.S. — U.S. Army photos by Cpl. SeungKwon Kim
Competition brings 1st Signal to the training, sports felds Yongsan Garrison. Held quarterly to enhance pride and esprit de corps, Operation Mercury Pride Soldiers from 1st Signal Brigade came III brought a change with the addition of together once again to take part in Operation a sports competition between units within Mercury Pride III from April 29 – May 1 on the brigade. Te sports included drill and By Sgt. Lajuan Hickman 1st Signal Brigade Public Affairs
GA RRISONS USAG-Red Cloud Cloud USAG-Casey USAG-Casey USAG-Yongsan USAG-Humphreys USAG-Humphreys USAG-Daegu USAG-Daegu
Sharp Point Point Education Education Movie Schedule Schedule Religious Support Support
For some, Mercury Pride III was a good change from their day-to-day routine. “I think Mercury Pride was awesome because it brought us together in a chill – See MERCURY MERCURY PRIDE, Page 4 – FEATURE STORY
OVERVIEW P05 P05 P09 P21 P25
ceremony, soccer, softball, flag football, as well as, a weapons competition. Other events included an awards ceremony, ceremony, officer/ non-commissioned officer professional development classes, commander’s brief, a hail and farewell and a brigade run.
P02 P04 P14 P15
Page13 Scouts hold Flag Retirement Ceremony
NEWS • PAGE 2 The Morning Calm Published by Installation Management Command - Korea Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. John Uberti Public Affairs Ofcer/Editor: Edward N. Johnson Deputy PAO: Slade Walters Senior Editor: Susan Silpasornprasit Silpasornprasit USAG-RED CLOUD Commander: Col. Larry A. Jackson Public Affairs Ofcer: Margaret Banish-Donaldson CI Ofcer: James F. Cunningham USAG-YONGSAN Commander: Col. David W. Hall Public Affairs Ofcer: David McNally CI Ofcer: Dan Thompson Staff Writers: Sgt. Im Jin-min, Cpl. Lee Min-hwi, Spc. Jason C. Adolphson USAG-HUMPHREYS Commander: Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr. Public Affairs Ofcer: Bob McElroy CI Ofcer: Lori Yerdon Writer-Editor: Ken Hall Designer: Cpl. Kim, Hyung Joon USAG-DAEGU Commander: Col. Michael P. Saulnier PAO: Philip Molter Staff Writers: Pfc. Park Kyung Rock, Pfc. Lee Dodam, Kim Ayeon, Lee Jihye This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily ofcial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOMKorea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 Printed by Oriental Press, a private rm in no way connected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The civilian printer is responsible responsible for commercial commercial advertising. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or ser vices advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political afliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is conrmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Oriental Press President: Charles Chong CommercialAdvertising Telephone: 738- 5005 or 723-4253 Fax: (02) 790-5795 E-mail:
[email protected] Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-4068 E-mail:
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The Morning Calm
SHARP POINT #17-09 #17-09 Memorial Day Safety Message Memorial Day is set aside as a tribute, to honor the men and off duty activities. women who have given their lives to defend our great nation so that Leaders must ensure that all personnel are aware of the hazards we may enjoy the blessing of freedom. IItt is a day where we remember they are likely to face during the holiday weekend. I expect first and celebrate the many Americans who died while advancing freedom line leaders to engage their personnel with “Under the Oak ree around the world, including here in the Republic of Korea. On Memorial Day, we are once again reminded that freedom is never free, as we celebrate our tremendous and proud military heritage. We can make this day even more memorable by not losing a single soldier, civilian employee, or family member to needless accidents or injuries. raditionally, Memorial Day marks the beginning of the summer season. Many Service Members and their families will take advantage of the warmer weather by traveling around the peninsula and participating in Gen. Walter L. Sharp recreational and sports activities. Holiday related and summer activities are relaxing and enjoyable. Unfortunately, they expose personnel to increased risks which must must be controlled in order to protect personnel personnel and property. I am convinced that command involvement makes a difference. Risk management must be integrated into every aspect of on and
Counseling” before they depart for the weekend. As a minimum, they should address adverse consequences of alcohol abuse, unique hazards associated with driving in Korea, responsible use of alcohol, and using caution in sports and recreational activities. Remind everyone to stay vigilant, avoid political gatherings, and follow curfew requirements. Ensure everyone knows they should always use the “buddy system” when going off post and leave a “travel plan” with someone that is not traveling with them. his first holiday of the summer season provides a great opportunity for well-earned relaxation as well as solemn remembrance of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and secure freedom. I encourage all of you to look out for each other and spend your time wisely and safely. eam work counts! Have a safe and enjoyable holiday and stay safe throughout the summer. We Go ogether! WAL WALTER TER L. SHARP General, US Army Commander
IA Message of the Week:
Ban on USB ash media devices increased Security Incidents Te recent Department of Defense ban on the use of USB flash media devices has caused an increase in the number of security incidents involving the potential for the compromise of Personally Personally Identifiable Information and Sensitive Information. Since the ban on USB flash media devices, users are sending PII and SI to their commercial e-mail addresses to allow them to work on official government documents at home. In all cases identified th thee data is sent unencrypted and is easily compromised. For example, individuals have sent both
e-mail accounts. Sending your personal banking account login and password credentials from a government computer to a commercial e-mail account unencrypted places the individual's accounts at serious risk. As a reminder, all government email sent to commercial e-mail accounts is monitored. Individuals who send government system login and password credentials unencrypted put DoD networks at risk for exploitation. Tere are other solutions to working at home, see your Information Assurance Manager or Information Management Officer for further information on
official and personal account login and password credentials to their commercial
alternatives to sending information to commercial e-mail accounts.
By Jeffery A. Wares CISSP
Iovate Health Sciences USA voluntarily recalls HydroxyCut products Iovate Health Sciences USA, Inc. of Blasdell, New York and Ontario, Canada announced that it is voluntarily recalling Hydroxycut branded products sold in the United States. However, out of an abundance of caution and because consumer safety is Iovate’s top priority, Iovate is voluntarily recalling these Hydroxycutbranded products. Consumers who have the recalled products are advised to stop using them and to return them to the place of purchase. Te list of products being recalled by Iovate currently includes all dates, lots, and sizes and can be found at
Retiree Corner:
The importance import ance of Me Medic dicare are for ov erseas erseas r etirees etirees By Jack Terwiel Military Retiree Assistance Ofce
Submitting to The Morning Calm Weekly Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, story submissions and other items:
[email protected]. For all submitted items include a point of con tact name and telephone number. All items are subject toconform editing for and to insure they withcontent DoD guidelines. IMCOM-K Public Affairs and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located in IMCOM-K HQ, Yongsan Garrison Main Post. For information, call 738-4068.
A retiree retiree or spouse nearing the age of 65 will receiv receivee a letter from the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services. Te letter invites the recipient to sign up for Medicare Part B and possibly also Medicare Part D, the prescription drug plan. Neither of these is available outside the United States. However,, failing to sign up for Medicare Part B will mean However that the retiree or spouse will not be eligible for RICARE for Life, the RICARE coverage that starts at age 65 for most retirees. RICARE Standard coverage ends on the 1st
to sign up for Medicare Part B in the seven-month widow starting three months before and ending three months after (3+1+3) the 65th birth month means that a late-enrollment penalty of 10% will be applied for each year thereafter that the retiree does not enroll. (Te only exception is if the retiree is covered by an employer’s employer’s health plan that provides essentially the same coverage as provided by Medicare.) Late enrollment signup occurs between January and March of each year and coverage begins on July 1. For a late enrollment, RICARE for Life will not cover any costs of civilian care prior to the effective date of coverage. If you’re thinking about saving money by relying on
day of your 65th birth month. Also, there is no ‘family plan’ in Medicare. Each person signs up individually and pays individually. A person who does not sign up for Medicare Part B at age 65 or later will not be reimbursed by RICARE. Failing
military medical care, care, keep in mind that most health problems of aging cannot be treated in military hospitals. Expecting treatment in a military hospital on a regular basis when only space-available care is offered is not the best approach to staying healthy.
MAY 15, 2009
MP Blotter The following entries were excerpted from the military police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply guilt or innocence.
AREA I: Failure to Obey Order or Regulation (2ID Policy Letter #8 (.010 BAC); Failure to Identify; Drunk and Disorderly; Subject #1 was reported to be in a physical altercation with three unknown Korean National males at a club in the Dongducheon Entertainment District. Upon arrival of MP the three Korean males ed the scene. When MP ordered Subject #1 to identify himself, he refused. KNP searched Subject #1 and retrieved his ID card. Subject #1 was apprehended by MP and transported to the USAG-Casey PMO where he was administered a Portable Breathalyzer Test, with a result of 0.213% BAC. Subject #1 was then transported to the TMC, where he was treated and released for a cut above his right eye. Subject #1 was processed and released to his unit with instruction to report to the USAG-Casey PMO at a later time. Subject #1 later reported to the USAG-Casey PMO where he was advised of his legal rights, which he invoked. Subject #1 was processed and released to his unit. This is a nal report.
ARE A II: Larceny of Private Funds; Subject #1 and Subject #2 stole money from Victim #1 (taxi driver). Subject #1 and S Subject ubject #2 were apprehended by KNP and transported to the Yongsan Main KNP Station where they were charged by KNP under RCC #331 (Special Larceny). Subject #1 and Subject #2 requested to be released into MP Custody on a CJ Form 3 and were released into MP Custody on a CJ Form 2. Subject #1 and Subject #2 were transported to the USAGYongsan PMO where they were advised of their legal rights, which they waived. Subject #1 rendered a written statement denying the offense. Subject #2 rendered a written statement admitting to the the offense. Subject #1 and Subject #2 were released to their sponsors. Estimated cost of loss is 51,000 won. This is a nal report.
A RE A IV: Curfew Violation; Underage Drinking; During the hours of curfew, Subject #1 and Subject #2 were observed by MP at an off-post club. Subject #1 and Subject #2 were apprehended and transported to the USAGDaegu PMO where MP detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from Subject #1’s person. Subject #1 was administered a Portable Breathalyzer Test, with a result of 0.058% BAC. A check of Subject #1’s ID card revealed that he was under the legal age to consume alcohol. Subject #1 and Subject #2 were released to their units. At a later time, Subject #1 and Subject #2 reported to the USAG-Daegu PMO where they were advised of their legal rights, which they waived, rendering written sworn statements admitting to the offenses. This is a nal report. AR EA IV: Traffic Accident Resulting in Damage to Private Property; Following too Close; Drunken or Reckless Operation of a Vehicle; Subject #1, operating a privatelyowned vehicle, struck Victim #1’s vehicle adjacent to a post entry gate. Damages to Subject #1’s vehicle consisted of scratches and paint transfer to the front bumper, a license plate being broken, and a dent to the hood. Damages to Vict Victim im #1’s vehicle consisted of a dent to the rear bumper. bumpe r. Subject #1 was administered a Portable Breathalyzer Test by KNP, with a result of 0.091% BAC. Subject #1 was transported to the Nambu KNP Box. Subject #1 and Victim #1 reported utilization of their seatbelts. Victim #1 was released on his own recognizance. Investigation continues by KNP KNP..
Re-enactments from historical Korean life are ongoing at the Korean Folk Village. This Korean Folk Village opened in October 1974 as an open-air folk museum and international tourist attraction for both Korean and foreign visitors. Visit www/ www/ mkorea to view more photos from the Folk Village. — U.S. Army photo by Edward Johnson
Of f-post events and activities SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post Hi Seoul The Hi Seoul Festival will be held for nine days from May 2 - 10 under the theme of “Palaces”. A variety of events and cultural activities will take place in the ve major palaces of Seoul, Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, Deoksugung, and Gyeonghuigung, as well as at Seoul and Cheonggye Plazas. The opening parade, “Hot Pink Road” will feature various characters including a baby king, the Seoul Mask, sip-jang-saeng (the
Europe. This herb medicine festival displays medicinal herbs that are found in Korea’s mountains and visitors can personally experience traditional Oriental medicines. The Daegu Yangyeongsi Herb Medicine Festival is a fascinating event for foreigners who are interested in Korea’s medicinal herbs and the medical sciences and traditions of the East. Visit
ten symbols of longevity), the twelve animals of the Eastern zodiac, and Haechi, the mythical animal that is the symbol of Seoul. Events will include the “Various Dance Party”, which will feature traditional music, rock bands, Latin dance, and hip-hop, and the “Various Traditional Games” event, where Seoul’s citizens and tourists can come together and experience Korea’s Korea’s traditional culture. For more information, go to or www.
ceramics festival is one of the most famous in Korea. Here visitors can see a variety of Korea’s nest ceramics such as Cheongja (celadon porcelain), Baekja (white porcelain), and Buncheongsagi (grayish-blue-powdered celadon). A popular festival event is the ceramics excavation program, and visitors can even draw their own artwork on slightly heated pottery. Visitors in need of some relaxation can visit the highly regarded hot springs located nearby, which used to be visited by the kings of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). Visit
Paju Flower Fest (USFK trip May 30) USFK Servicemembers and their families are invited to the opening ceremony for the “The Flower Village of Paju City.” Transportation will be provided but those interested must RSVP by May 15. Contact Ben Hur at
[email protected] to make reserva reservations. tions. VIP buses will depart from the Korean War Memorial near USAG- Yongsan at 9 a.m. on May 30. Daegu Herb Medicine Fest
Korean Folk Village The Korean Folk Village near Seoul, it remains one of the best-known of Korea’s folk villages, although those in the countryside tend to be more authentic. The Folk Village is home to Korean heritage and many features of Korean culture have been collected and preserved for future generations. Performances of Farmers’ Music and Dance and Tightrope Acrobatics are performed in the performing arena twice a day. During spring, summer, autumn, and on weekends and holidays, traditional customs and
“Egypt, the Great Civilization” Civilization” Exhibition The Special Exhibition Gallery of the National Museum of Korea, Seoul presents artifacts from the civilization of Ancient Ancie nt Egypt Egypt which stretched stretched ffrom rom 3200BCto 30 300BC. 0BC. Now, the National Museum of Korea is resurrecting this great civilization, and taking visitors back to the world of the pyramids, mummies, and hieroglyphs. Visitors can discover the real lives of Ancient Egyptians through the extensive display of genuine artifacts and relics. There will be a special pavilion with holograms and a three-dimensional viewing room for life in
The Daegu Herb Medicine Market has been operating for fty years. It is a truly international market as visitors here will nd medicines and merchants from countries such as China, Manchuria, Russia, and
ceremonies for coming-of-age, marriage, funeral, ancestor memorial, and other ceremonies are recreated. Check the schedule of the day’s events near the main entrance. Set in a natural environment, visitors can experience an
the Ancient Egyptian civilization. Visitors will also nd comprehensive information and images on the touchscreen computer kiosks located throughout the exhibition. Visit
Ceramics Fest Icheon has 1,000 years of history in ceramic arts and its
authentic atmosphere with over 260 traditional houses reminiscent of the late Joseon Dynasty and traditional arts on display. Watch master craftsmen create beautiful designs in brass, embroidery, iron, and clay. For information, call (031) 286-2106-8 or visit www. www. Summer hours are 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Amazing “Bubble World Show’ Korea has just opened the world’s second exclusive “bubble show” theatre. theatr e. Fan Yang’s Bubble World show opened in Myungbo Art Hall in Euljiro3 3-ga, following in the footstep of the hugely successful “bubble show” theatre in New York. Canadian artist, Fan Yang, gained world fame for his White Bubble Show, which captivated audiences when it played in Korea. “Bubble World Show” is his latest creation. To get there from exit 8 of Euljiro3-ga Station (subway lines 2 and 3), walk straight for about 5 minutes and the Myungbo Art Hall is on your left. Visit
Source:,,,, — No endorsement implied.
Spring cleaning? Be careful careful what you throw thr ow out By Dan Wilkinson CFC/USFK OPSEC Ofcer
It’s It’s that time of year year.. Everything is turning green and the weather is awesome. Ah, it’s spring-time again! Something else that goes along with spring is the chore of spring cleaning… getting rid of all that “stuff” that’s accumulated over the pa st year (or more). As much as we may not look forward to the act of spring cleaning, I think everyone feels pretty good about the end result. But, if we’re not careful, there could be a serious and damaging resu result. lt. What we toss out in the trash could come back to haunt us. Tis goes for cleaning out your files at home and at work. Everyone should be very very cautious what they put in the trash. Because let’s face it, once you drop something in the dumpster, you lose control of it and it’s available to anyone. You may be wondering, “who would go through my home or office trash to obtain information?” Dumpster Diving is very popular among identity thieves and intelligence collectors. It’s inexpensive to gather information this way… and, unfortuna unfortunately, tely, very lucrative for the bad guys. At home, everyone should be careful to destroy any papers or files that contain personal information. his includes social security numbers, birthdates, banking information, medical files, and planning calendars. Destroy anything that could allow someone to steal your identity, your money, or your possessions. At work, the careless tossing of files can have a much more serious effect because those actions may not only affect you, but others in your office, your organization,
disposed of. Work -r el at ed pa pe rs mus t al so be protected. Sensitive information, or SI, refers to all papers marked “For Official Use Only”, Limited Distribution”, or “Controlled Unclassified Information”. Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy. We must protect items that contain information about the organization’s mission, exercise activities, computer networks, infrastructure, capabilities, vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities, and plans. Since we don’t don’t know what exactly the bad guys are looking for, we should destroy any paper or document that contains work-related information. How do we protect against dumpster divers and bad guys stealing our personal and work-related information? At home, purchase a personal shredder. Good quality cross-cut shredders are very inexpensive and could save you thousands of dollars and years of headaches by helping to prevent the compromise of your personal information. At work , in acc orda ordance nce with USFK Policy Letter #24, all personnel will shred all work-related and personal papers. Unit leaders and supervisors must talk to their troops about this security measure and conduct periodic spot checks of the trash cans in the office. Additionally, Additionally, while taking trash to the dumpster, take a look in and around the container for papers that should have been destroyed. If documents, charts, manuals, CDs, or any other items that should be controlled are discovered, and it’s not obvious who they belong to, contact the USFK OPSEC Office for assistance. Get busy and clean up your offices… it’s a great security practice to get rid of documents you no longer need. Just be smart about it, please. Enjoy spring while
or your entire command. Just like at it lasts! o view the command OPSEC Policy home, we need to protect personally indentifiable information, or PII. Some Letter, go to units or organizations (I.E., orderly rooms, commandpolicies.aspx. If you have reception centers, personnel offices, and questions regarding Operations Security, medical facilities) handle PII on a regular contact the CFC/USFK OPSEC Officer basis and need to be extremely cautious at DSN 723-2149 or OPSEC@Korea. of how that information is controlled and Army.Mil.
from Page 1
environment, which is always good,” said Spc. Natalie Goris, a human resource specialist for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment 41st Signal Bde. “People got to hang out and meet different people from different environments.” Sgt. Jason Williams, a microwave systems operator-maintainer for the 501st Signal Company, 36th Signal Bn. said he enjoyed how the operation was set-up with
up the whole time.” Although 41st Signal Bn. won won th thee overall overall competition, sister units did not go home empty handed. Headquarters and Headquarters Company took home the first place trophies for soccer and drill and ceremony. Te 304th Signal Bn. brought back the first place trophy for flag football, and the 36th Signal Bn. took home the softball and weapons
food, fun activities and a day off from work for the Soldiers. Te event culminated in the presentation of the Commander’s Cup to the victorious unit – the 41st Signal Battalion. Goris credited this battalion’s battalion’s victory to “team work, pride and just keeping our head
trophies. While the competition was fierce and the victories sweet, these Soldiers will have another opportunity to build unit cohesion and attain or hold on to the Commander’s Cup during Mercury Pride IV. IV. No Endorsement Implied
MAY 15, 2009
Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson, USAG-RC commander, discusses the standards and conditions of the entertainment district in Warrior Country with Marty’s American Sports Bar and Grill manager during the Bosandong Korea Special Tourist Association quarterly meeting at the Samaul Gumgo building in Dongducheon, April 23. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
Garris on com comm mand meets with Touri uris t Ass ocia ci atio tion
By Pfc. Jamal Walker
USAG-RC Public Affairs Affairs BOSANDONG SOUTH KOREA — Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson, USAGRC commander, Lt. Col. Donald Meisler, USAG-Casey commander, Richard Davis, USAG-RC deputy commander and Command Sgt. Maj. Nidal Saeed, USAG-Casey Command Sgt. Maj., met with members of the Korea Special ourist Association for their quarterly meeting at the Samaul Gumgo building in Bosandong entertainment district in Dongducheon April 23. Te purpose of the meeting was to help KSA promote good business practices and to reach a mutual understanding and compliance. Members of the chain of command and the KSA members shared their concern for misconduct within the
entertainment district of Warrior Country military police to assist them any time they those wanting to purchase alcohol must be and their plans to improve. need help with an unruly Soldier. of legal age to be served. One of the talking points emphasized “Te MP’s are not patrolling trying to Before ending the meeting, the during the meeting was prostitution and report you to the board (referring to the commanders gave the KSA suggestions human trafficking. Due to the many Armed Forces Discipli nary Board which of ways to enforce and abide by Korean questions that were raised from the members could result in an establishment being placed Law and USFK guidance on zero tolerance and the seriousness of the topic, command off limits), but to help you if you have an when it comes to prostitution and human stood up to address the issue. unruly customer,” Jackson explained. “Call trafficking: refuse service to unruly or rowdy Jackson stressed the need for teamwork the MP’s and they can help you. If a Soldier customers, check identification and post with KSA members, explaining to them is not paying his bill, or they are drinking age restriction posters in all clubs, insure that United States Forces Korea has a zero underage, let the MPs know; help us so we lighting is sufficient in back corners of tolerance policy on prostitution and human can help you.” clubs, and not to allow the club to become Soldiers drinking under the US legal age overcrowded which would cause an unsafe trafficking and the same policy should serve in their places of business. of 21 years old, in bars or anywhere else, environment for all Soldiers and workers of “If a Soldier is coming to your place including Soldiers of age buying for under the business outlet. of business with the understanding he can age Soldiers, was another topic held at the “We are not saying you are doing the pay one of your bartenders, or whoever for meeting. wrong thing,” thing,” Jackson said. “I tthink hink you are their services, then it is prostitution and In order stop actions such as this, the all running good businesses and I know you human trafficking, and it is not allowed,” commanders provided all KSA signs to want to run a good business; just help me b byy Jackson said. post for all to read in English and Hangul telling me your comments or concerns you Jackson also told all KSA to use the stating they do card all that enter the th e bar and may have during these meetings.”
Soldiers try ‘mocktails’ during National Alcohol Awareness Month A Ap pri rill was was A Alc lcoh oho ol A Aw ware rene ness ss Month onth a and nd A Are rea a I Army Subs Substa tanc nce eA Ab buse use Pro Progra ram m set up kiosks in Area I garrisons with information about substance abuse as well as alcohol abuse. ASAP, Prevention and Employee Assistance Program Coordinator, Gloria Prince, (right) serves ‘mocktails,’ nonalcoholic cocktails, to Marilyn Pierce, Staff Sgt. Richard Pierce and Barbara Galloway from Camp Kwangsari April 23, at USAG-Red Cloud Mitchell’s Club. “Every year, millions of Americans - one in every 13 adults - suffer from alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence,” Prince said. Campaign booths also were displayed April 22 at USAG-Casey and April 24 at Camp Stanley. — U.S. Army photo by Margaret Banish-Donaldson
News & Notes
Organizational Self Assessment Survey
The USAG-RC Organizational Self Assessment survey will come in your e-mail this month. Responses will be returned directly to IMCOM (Stateside). All responses will be handled condentially and will not be
tracked back to you. For more information call: 732-6229/8127. ACS Financial Readiness Conference
The Army Community Services Financial Readiness Conference has changed from June 9 to 19. It will be held at the USAGCasey Digital Conference Center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Command Financial Specialist training for E-6 and above, 01, 02, CW-1, and CW-2, will be held Aug. 12-13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Digital Conference Center. For more information call: 730-3142. 730-3142. EEO/POSH Training Schedule
EEO/POSH training online go to: http:// harass/1/welcome1.htm For more information call: 732-6273. Workforce Town Hall Meeting
USAG-Red Cloud and USAG-Casey garrisons will hold a Workforce Town Hall Meeting May 19 in the USAG-Casey Digital Conference Center and USAG-RC movie theater. For information call: 732-8854. 732-8854. Volunteers Wanted for Volunteer Corps
We are looking for volunteers to assist with daily operations of the USAG-RC Army Volunteer Corps Program. For information call: 730-3032. 730-3032. Half/Full Marathon Date Change
The Half/Full Marathon has been changed to May 16. For information call: 732-6276. 2009 Warrior Country Track and Field Championship
The Warrior Country Track and Field Championship will be held May 30. Registration will begin 8 - 9 a.m. and the event will start 10 a.m. For more information call: 732-6276/6927.
Sgt. Nam, Kwanghyunk, USAG-RC HHC Senior KATUSA, (right) explains backgrounds of Korean culture and specics of different cultural manners such as communication, social gathering and funerals. This was one of 10 topics which were covered in ‘Stand Down for Standards’ April 25. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Kim, Tae Hoon
Garrison Soldiers attend stand down training By Pfc. Kim, Tae Hoon
USAG-RC Public Affairs Affairs RED CLOUD GARRISON — Stand down for Standards training for Soldiers assigned to Area I took place April 25 at the USAG-Red Cloud Education Center and USAG-Casey Teater. Te training contained a variety of issues: cultural awareness, Army core values, and sexual awareness, which were taught by a senior leader from each company company.. Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson, Jackson, USAG-RC commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Earlene Lavender, USAG-RC Command Sgt. Maj., made opening remarks at Red Cloud. Stand down for Soldiers was conducted as a part of a mandatory peninsula-wide training. Every Soldier across the peninsula was required to participate in this four- hour training by order of Gen. Walter Sharp, United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea Command commander, in order to correct the rising number of incidents
Soldier’ss misbehavior, one way or another. of indiscipline, i.e., assaults, thefts, or Soldier’ “You should act like a leader,” he said. prostitution. he commander’s instruction was Incidents rose since Sharp shortened the weekend curfew hours from 1 to 5 a.m. followed by a series of subjects: service to 3 to 5 a.m. For this reason, he placed components, core values, understanding all USFK troops under temporary curfew Korean culture, sexual assault prevention from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Friday, April 24 and customs and courtesies. Tese were basic and scheduled the training for the next topics already covered in basic training or sergeant’s time training. morning. Soldiers were reminded of basics such as raining began with discussions of Loyalty, Duty, Duty, recent issues giving the U.S. Army a bad what ‘LDRSHIP’ stands for: Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, image as told by the Soldiers. Cpt. Yun, Song Han, USAG-RC and Personal Courage. Cultural awareness was covered by Headquarters, Headquarters Company commander, asked each Soldier for encouraging participants to learn the history of Korean culture and cultural manners. maximum participation. “Tat’ss how we get all the negative images Korea Augmentation to the United States “Tat’ and that’s what we are trying to prevent,” Army soldi ers provi ded some hands- on Han said after listening to the discussion. demonstrations for U.S. Soldiers to gain a “Sharp is trying to give us safety briefs as better understanding. Cpl. Shin, Jin Soo, USAG-RC HHD well as a cultural awareness awareness lessons.” lessons.” Han also talked about the way to Senior KAUSA, said the training was good w as prevent indiscipline; stressing leadership and well organized. “Although the class was responsibility as one of the most important long and detailed, it was a good opportunity things. He pointed out everyone should be to remember our discipline as Soldiers, not a leader and is obligated to correct other to mention all the basic training.”
Spouse’s Orientation Program
The Spouse’s Orientation Program scheduled date is May 19 at USAG-RC in the FMWR classroom at 9 a.m. For information call: 732-5883. 732-5883. Red Cloud Bowling Center Presents Memorial Day Weekend Color Pin Bowling
USAG-Red Cloud Bowling Center will present color pin bowling Memorial Day weekend May 24 and 25 beginning 1 p.m. Cash and Pro Shop prizes will be given. For information call: 732-6930. 732-6930. Global Campus English Teaching Jobs
Global Campus is recruiting English teachers for public schools across Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. A competitive salary is offered with nice working and living conditions. Easy access to Seoul and other great benets. This job falls under work
permit employment category E-2. For more informatin log on to:
For more news and notes log on to: http:// where you will nd information and news
regarding IMCOM installations in Area I.
Civilian bowls perfect game at Casey Lanes Sgt. Ho Beom Moon, Headquarters By Pfc. Jamal Walker USAG-RC Public Affairs Affairs CASEY GARRISON — Perfect is the only word to describe how Miha Lee performed on April 16 in Casey Lanes because she bowled a perfect 300. Lee was the second in Warrior Country history to bowl a 300 game behind Gerald Keener, Casey Lanes manager, and the first female to ever bowl 300. Lee started bowling seven years ago with the help of her boyfriend at the time, whom she married later on, teaching her how to bowl. Lee continued to work on her skills; bowling with friends during the weekend and in leagues off post. When the league started, Injoung Maness, a league member, began escorting her good friend, Lee, on
and Headquarters Company USAG-RC, explained how hard it is to bowl a perfect game. “Lucky,” said Moon, one of the top five bowlers in the Tursday league at USAGRC, “it takes a lot of luck and hard work to bowl a perfect game. I always see bowlers never change their habits and stay with the same routine because so many bowlers are superstitious, thinking if they change their routine they might not ever get 300.” April Apr il 16 mig ht hav e had all of the ingredients Lee needed to assist her in bowling a 300. Tat Tursday was the last day of the league, and Lee, standing at the top of the league for the females with her outstanding average, just wanted to end on a high note.
“I did not feel lucky at all,” Lee said. “I post to play every Tursday evening. “Bowling a 300 is something really just felt more relaxed than usual because it bowling.” special,” Keener said. “here are some was the last night of league bowling.” “It was a sight to see,” Keener said. fantastic bowlers out there, professional bowlers, and people who have been bowling “Everyone rallied around her and even for many years, yet some of them have never stopped bowling just to see her get the 300. Every ball was a perfect strike each time.” bowled a 300 game.”
“I was excited when gamewhat was over,” Lee so said. “I could notthe believe happened.” Lee was awarded with a ball, a watch, and a $50 certificate from the bowling center. c enter.
Miha Lee sets up as she begins to throw the ball for a perfect game April 16 at the USAGCasey bowling center. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
MAY 15, 2009
Solldie So iers rs earn money in triv rivia ia challenge on Cas Casey By Pfc. Jamal Walker
USAG-RC Public Affairs Affairs CASEY GARRISON — In observance of prostitution and human trafficking abatement weekend, Warrior Country Soldiers participated in a trivia game held in Casey’s Gateway Club, April 25. eams placing first, second, and third in the event were awarded $500, $300 and $150 for their unit funds. rivia Challenge is a double elimination event where each two man team representing their unit competes against another team in an 11 question trivia game. Competitors have the choice of answering questions from seven different categories: famous people, world cities, military and world history, sports, military customs and courtesies, Korean culture, and movies and music. he answers were given in multiple choice form and the competitors used a buzzer when they were ready to answer the question. If the team answered the question correctly, they were given control of the board to pick the next topic. “During the last two matches we lost,” said Brian Dammeyer, a team member with w ith Michael Yurovich, who finished third. “Te other teams found a subject they excelled in and continued to play to their strengths during the entire match, so we lost because we had no control over the board in those games. games.”” “Like anything it’s always a hit and miss,”
Yurovich said. “Tere are categori es you know and there are some you don’t, so you have to play to your strengths.” Playing to their strengths was what Steve Nicol and his partner Douglas Boltuc did the entire night. Nicol came to the unit trivia challenge last year and won the event, but he lost the partner he had last year and needed a new one for this year’ year’ss competition. Nicol drives for his squadron’s commander and needing a partner, he decided to ask his boss, Boltuc, to come out to the event and compete. Te teamwork and chemistry between the two was a good match. Tey showed their strength with extensive knowledge in the sports spor ts category, firing off answers before hearing all the choices. Opponents found themselves at a loss by not buzzing the moderator, Ron Fortin, USAG-Red Cloud Community Relations Director and host of the event, in time to answer before Nicol and Boltuc. “I am really going to surprise everyone with this decision and go for a question from sports,” Nicol said at one point after answering the third question from the sports category. Most teams knew what they would do with their winnings for their unit; with future events planned, they were competing for extra money to make the events better. “Our unit has the Signal Ball on Saturday (May 1) so we are going to use the money to help with the event,” Yurovich Yurovich said.
(From left to right) Steve Nicol and teammate Douglas Boltuc raise their sts in the air in triumph
as they answer the last question correctly marking themselves as the champions of the Unit Trivia Challenge competition at USAG-Casey Gateway Club, April 25. Nicol and Boltuc went undefeated throughout the night and showed excellent teamwork and extensive knowledge in the sports category, one of the seven categories offered for the competition. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
“Last year we used the money my partner and give Soldiers another opportunity to and I earned from the trivia challenge to experience Korean culture and send them send all of the Soldiers in our unit to a to another baseball game.” “I think FMWR should offer more Korean baseball game,” Nicol said. “A lot of good came from it, and since events like this,” Nicol added. “It was a great I won the competition, I figured I had way to get Soldiers out of the barracks and to come back this year to defend my title exercise their brains.”
S oldi So ldi er s s ho hoo ot ho hoo ops for priz p rize e money on USAGSAG-Ca Case sey y By Pfc. Jamal Walker
USAG-RC Public Affairs Affairs C A S E Y G A R R I S O N — Soldiers crowded outside the Gateway Club the evening of April 23 to practice their jump shot in preparation for the Family Family,, Morale,
female, a run for the money. “I play a little bit and think I am an OK shooter,”” said aylor Gaylen, winner of the shooter, male competition. “But shooting from 50 feet is different compared to a regular 3 point shot.” Te female competitors were the first
Welfare, and Recreation hosted Freedom to rise toDickinson the challenge in roundsinking two with Shot Basketball Competition. Brandie immediately her Te competition was held in observance shot in good style. of the Prostitution and Human rafficking “I shot five times before making it,” Abatement weekend. Soldiers who won the Dickinson said. “Since I shot so many times, times , competition were awarded $1,000 for their I was determined to make this one.” unit funds. “We have a few trips coming for the Te rules to win the prize money for the Soldiers in our unit, and have other events males were simply stated: make a 50 foot planned, so we are going to use the funds to jump shot by any any means necessa necessary ry without sponsor some of the trips,” Dickinson added crossing the 50 foot marker and the money when asked what her unit, Headquarters is theirs. and Headquarters Company 70th Brigade Te same rules applied to females with Support Battalion, would do with the prize one exception: females shot from 45 feet. money. he tournament began with Jim It took another round and an excessive Willia Wil lia ms, USAG-C USA G-C asey FMW R sports spo rts amount of jeering from the females before director, drawing names from a bowl to Gaylen was able to end the competition c ompetition for decide the shooting order. the males and for the evening. After every one shot, and no one made “I felt close to making it every time,” their shots, Williams and FMWR personnel Gaylen said. “I just wanted to end the moved both the male and female lines closer competition.” to the goal by 5 feet for the next round of attempts. At a casual glance, the shot looks easy; however the 50 foot shot, 3 feet longer than a half court shot for professional basketball players in the National Basketball Association, Associat ion, gave competit competitors ors both male and
“We (FMWR) wanted to start the P/ H abatement weekend with Soldiers coming out and having fun,” Williams said. “Te prize money came from the FMWR budget. I try to think of some creative sport competitions where they can have an opportunity to raise funds for their unit.”
Taylor Gaylen, winner of the Freedom Shot Basketball competition, prepares for the winning shot while females jeer him trying to keep his concentration off his game. Gaylen won the competition for the males with his unit winning the $1,000 prize. Photos from this event are available online at — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jamal Walker
MAY 15, 2009
Doors swing open at newly Hannam residents renovated renova ted driving range attend town hall By Cpl. Choi Keun-woo
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yong san Public Affairs
By Dan Thompson
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yong san Public Affairs
Last August, a serious safety concern arose as violent winds shook and snapped two support beams supporting safety nets at the Yongsan YONG SAN GARR ISON —
Driving Range. Te resulting hole was big enough that a hook shot could have reached the compounds of the adjacent Korean National Museum. Tat is no longer true. Sung-Nam Golf Club management has since implemented a major renovation on Yongsan Driving Range. Te opening ceremony of the all-new driving range r ange took place at 11:30 a.m. May 9. “Tis is truly a great day for Yongsan,” said U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall, who gave the opening speech of the ceremony. “What used to be a worn down driving range has turned into a state-of-the-art facility for all the community members to enjoy.” Te opening day featured seven top club venders offering special discount prices. Te seven vendors were Callaway, Mizuno, Nickent, Nike, Ping, aylorMade and itleist. he new golf range has a maximum range of 120 yards, which is longer than the previous effective maximum range of 100 yards. “Before, the golf range itself was larger, but once the golf ball reached around 100 yards it would get caught on one of the nets,” Shaw said. “We’ve shortened the size of the golf range but the effective maximum range is actually longer.” For golfers who want a more accurate assessment of how far they can drive, the golf center offers portable distance radars for a $2 rental fee. Golfers can position the radar 8 to 12 inches in front of the tee and the radar will show how far the ball would have travelled without the nets. “he new golf range is simply amazing,” said Child, Youth and School Scho ol Service Ser vice s middl middlee schoo l team dir directo ecto r,
Eighth U.S. Army Commander Lt. Gen. Joseph Fil tests out Yongsan’s new and improved driving range May 9 at the opening ceremony. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Choi Keun-woo Matt Kuhm. “Before the nets had holes and sometimes the balls would go through. Now everything is brand new. It’s a very nice facelift.” Te operating hours for the new golf center are Monday, Monday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; uesday, uesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Tursday, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Diverse class of 2009 graduates from UMUC By Pfc. Hwang Joon-hyun
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yong san Public Affairs YO N G S A N G A R R IS O N — University of Maryland University College’ss newest graduates received College’ degrees May 2 at its Class of 2009
commencement. Hundreds of families and friends filled the Seoul Ameri can Hig h Sch ool Auditor Auditorium ium to celebrate the graduates. UMUC Class of 2009 consisted of students from 32 different nations. Te average age of the students was 34; the youngest graduate was twenty and the oldest was seventy. On average, they have dedicated 13 years for their degree. Some distinguished guests at the ceremony included Kathleen Stephens, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea; and Maj. Gen. Frank A. Panter, Commander of U.S. Marine Corps Forces Korea. “I have come again to recognize the important role that UMUC plays in the lives of military men and women and diplomatic men and women and others serving here on the Korean peninsula,” Stephens said. Stephens said UMUC’s ‘whenever and wherever’ principle has made significant contributions to providing quality education to Servicemembers. “Unlike the average college students, you have also had to work around
Army Sergeant Sergeant Dameon Dameon Simm Simmons ons (third rd from the left) receives receives his diplooma ma after after 1177 years years of dedicated study. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Hwang Joon-hyun military assignments, PCSs, exercises and training schedules,” she said. “Your determination to see the job through completion is to be recognized and applauded in full measure.” A r m y S e r g e a n t D a m e o n Simmons, USFK Protocol Office, exemplified the determination through his 17-year long study fo r his Bachelor of Science degree. “My wife kept driving me to go,” he said. “Failure was not an option, so I kept going. It was for me and my family.”
opportunities in his life. “I am going to use it as a tool to go to Officer’s Candidate School in August,” he said. “It’s also a stepping stone to my master’s degree.” Simmons thanked the Garrison and his command for supporting him. “Yongsan is great, I got access to education center, tutors, and different people who could help me through,” he said. “My command and the UMUC staff were excellent. Any question I asked, they always had an answer for it.”
Simmons has served in nine different UMUC has been offering programs duty stations during those 17 years, in Asia since 1956. Its mission is to offer including three deployments to Bosnia, academic programs to United States Kuwait and Iraq. “I think this is a great military communities throughout Asia program because it gives people, even and the Pacific. For more information deployed, access to education,” he said. about UMUC programs in USAG Yongsan, an, call 723-7141. 723-7141. He said the degree will open new Yongs
Hannam Village
residentsimprovements met May 5 to learn morehousing about area the ongoing to the leased and voice their concerns about topics ranging from parking spaces to maintenance needs. Hannam Village is a government-leased housing area for junior enlisted Soldiers and officers near Yongsan Garris on in Seo Seoul. ul. Garrison officials explained how the ongoing Hannam Village renovation project will increase capacity,, but not reduce parking availability. capacity “here will be around 550 parking spaces available once construction is complete, which will be more than enough for every family in Hannam Village,” said U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall. Te first tangible signs of progress are beginning to emerge from the busy construction site. Hannam Village residents welcomed the latest news that a model apartment will be available for viewing this July. “Residents will be able to see exactly what they have all been waiting for,” said USAG-Yongsan Housing Officer Carol Jones. One of the major new features, aside from increased floor space, will be an upgraded heating system, she said. “We decided to replace the problematic radiator heaters with more efficient heating coil systems,” Jones said. C om m u n i t y m e m be rs ra i s e d t h e i s s u e of needing assistance communicating their maintenance needs to the Garrison. Many were unaware of a wide range of resources available to them for instant assistance. Hall encouraged community members to use the Interactive Customer Evaluation program to get the immediate attention of the Garrison in addition to the town hall forum. Several residents also reported very high satisfaction with the Korea Housing Management web site , and reco recommended mmended that fel fellow low neig hbors use the site to submit work orders for repairs. Residents were also encouraged to provide the Garrison with photographic evidence of problems they may encounter at Hannam Village. “Don’t hesitate to take a photo and send it to us if you see a safety infraction or other problem,” Hall said. “It will help us understand the situation better aand nd take action immediately where needed. needed.”” About 25 d edicate d Hann am Vil Village lage residen ts turned out for the 6 p.m. town hall meeting. “I come to hear wh at the community ha s to say, say,”” said resident Giselle Kaufman. “I want my voice to be heard, too. After attending these town halls, you realize there is a lot of work ahead.” ahead.” Work ing to mak e the commu co mmu nit y bet ter is something the Garrison has dedicated itself to accomplishing through forums such as the Hannam Village town hall and the Army Family Covenant. “We recognize the strength of our Soldiers comes from the strength o f their Families,” Hall said. “It all comes back to the Army Family Covenant and our commitment to ser ve our community. community.”” Hall told the residents that the Garrison is committed to continuing an open dialog with the Hannam Village residents. “hese interactive forums are all about you,” he said. “We’re here to help and show you that we care. hat’s my promise to you.”
News & Notes Air Cond iti oni ng Seas on B egin s
Garrison ofcials have begun turning on air conditioning throughout the installation. In leased housing areas, KOHOM has nished maintenance and cleaning of the system after turning off the heat and are in the process of transitionin transitioningg to cooling. This may take a few days. For information, call 724-3900. A3 Vis a and Sof a Stamp Ser vic e
Stop by ACS 2-5 p.m. May 26 building S4106 room 115, to make an appointment with Korean Immigration on-site or receive information on how
to visit Korean Immigration in person. Service is offered on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month by appointment only. For information, call 738-7505. Newcomer Outreach
Drop by the Dragon Hill Lodge “Market Square” and kick start your tour in USAGYongsan. ACS representatives will be there 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. May 20 to answer any and all questions about your new community. For information, call 738-7505. Community Information Forum
Join USAG-Yongsan residents for the monthly Community Information Forum 9 a.m. Tuesday, May 26 at the Yongsan Community Services Building, Room 118. Garrison Commander Col. Dave Hall and key community leaders will present information on current projects, construction, renovations, events and answer questions. For information, call 738-3336. Soldiers Focus Group
The intent of the focus group is to identify and discuss service support programs on the installation that affect their every day life. Currently, constituents are needed to represent the Soldiers in a focus group. Anyone belonging to this constituent group are encouraged to contact the USAGYongsan Customer Service Office. The focus group is 8 a.m.–noon May 29, building 4106, Room 118. For information, call 738-5288. Summer Basketball/swim Registration
Youth Sports is having registration for Summer Basketball for ages 11-18 and Summer Swim Team Team for ages 5-18. Stop by School Age Services B-4211 to register. For information, call 738-3001. Spring Check-up for Your Car
Now is the time to get your car in shape for the Spring and Summer. Go by the Yongsan Auto Skills Center to get the hoses, wiper blades, uid levels, battery, lights, tires, brakes and air conditioning checked for $35. Stop by 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesday-Friday or 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and holidays. For information, call 738-5315. Youth Korean Language Classes
Hannam Village Army Community Services presents Korean language classes for youth throughout the summer. Join Hannam ACS 1-2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays from mid-June to late July. The registrati on deadline is June 5. Stop by ACS to pick up an application. Classes are open to children ages 8-18. For information, call 723-6821. For a complete list of community information news and notes, visit the
USAG-Yongsan ofcial web s ite at USAG-Yongsan
Military spouses share stories of love, sacrice, family By Spc. Jason C. Adolphson
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yong san Public Affairs YO NG SA N GA RR IS ON — More than 50 percent of Servicemembers are married, so undoubtedly, the Yongsan Family Member who won first place in an essay contest presented outside the Army Community Service Service building May 8
during a Military Spouse Appreciation Day ceremony is not alone. hree years ago: “We met in June, married in September, and he deployed in December,”” Regenia Grubbs wrote of her December, Soldier. “Everyone tried very hard to be there for me and support me through all of those missed firsts; you know – Christmas, Valentine’s, anniversary.” Tere were a total of 17 submissions and the commonality that seemed to get them through the hard and lonely times was ot he r mil it ar y sp ou se s; a sec on d Family who could understand. “All of the essays were thought provoking, heartfelt and patriotic,” said military spouse Reta Mills, acting ACS director. “Te strong bond that spouses form together better allows the Servicemembers to do their jobs because spouses have a network that allows them to help and be there for each other.” other.” U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall emphasized during the ceremony that spouses give troops the strength to make the military strong. He also submitted an essay about his wife, Beth Anne, who gave up her promising promising career as a televised broadcast journalist to support her husband and country. “Her active duty sponsor has been promoted several times, an honor he attributes to his Army spouse, period,” Hall wrote. “Success “Success is not defined by actions of one. Success is defined by what this Army ‘couple’ does as an Army Family.” May is Military Spouse Appreciation Month. Some spouses had no idea there was a special day or month to acknowled acknowledge ge their significance.
U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall presents a token of his appreciation to a community spouse during Military Spouse Appreciation Day. See more photos from this event at — U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jason C. Adolphson “I didn’t even know about it, but when manages to keep things going. If anyone lives I found out, I was like ‘All right!’ Being a up to the Army values, it is my mom.” Velazsquez summed up the reason military spouse is a lot different than being a regular spouse,” said Melissa Velasquez, military spouses are proud to make second-place winner. “You can’t just hop sacrifices for their special troops who serve in the car and go see your family when America’s armed forces. “I’m very proud to say my husband you’re feeling alone. But I hope that my Velasquez elasquez said. “My husband essay helps other spouses to learn that they is a he ro,” V are not alone, and even though it’s hard, it is a Soldier.” Community participation in the does get better.” he support on this day extended ceremony included vocal and instrumental beyond husband and wife. Seoul American performances by students from Seoul High School student Gavino Shreider American schools. ACS staff members and submitted an essay that won third place, volunteers set up a complimentary food and dedicated to the efforts his mom, Eva beverage booth and displayed signs with quotes from the essay submissions. Irving, as a military spouse. Mills said she hopes to have the essays “Anytime a Family needed help, my mom reached out and gave a helping helpi ng hand,” published in a book to inspire the entire community. Shreider wrote. “Mrs. Irving has been military community. Spouses and community members dealing with fibromyalgia [a condition that causes pain in muscles, joints, ligaments interested in joining ACS programs may and tendons] for the past 10 years and still call Mills at 738-5311.
Spouses group invests for further academic opportunities By Sgt. Lee Min-hwi
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yo ngsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GA RRISON — A Yongsan Yongsan private organization donated nearly $40,000 to further educational opportunities for community members. he American Forces’ Spouses’ Club awarded $39,645 in scholarship funds to deserving students at the Hartell House May 6. Family Members and friends celebrated their hard-working scholars and wished the luck in their coming academic adventures. Tis year, 28 high school students, college students and adults received scholarships. Eighth U.S. Army Commander Lt. Lt . Gen. Joseph F. Fil Fil Jr. distributed the scholarships on behalf of AFSC. he AFSC is a combined community spouses’ organization open to all active duty and retired Servicemembers, qualified civilians and their spouses. Te AFSC raises
Hall, the AFSC President, in her remarks. “One of the most important categories we woul would d lik e to hono honorr toni ght is our scholarships. In essence, the scholarships we are about to reward to these deserving students represents our long-term goals. Tey are the most valuable investments for the future.” Fil said the scholarship reception was a very kind and generous event that makes Yongsan Yongsan community a better place. “Te AFSC has selected a broad spectrum of scholars, nine of whom are adults who want to further their education,” Fil said. “I think that it is a wonderful reflection of our community, of their spirit and volunteerism.” “Many recipients have valuable volunteer and community service experiences, organizational involvement, leadership, honors and awards,” said Vanessa Keane, the AFSC Scholarship Chairman. “We are very proud of our program and of our scholarship recipients.”
Aris Wilkins, aSchoo seniorl, student funds through the Chosun Gift Shop for was oneatofSeoul the Amer ican and Kore an welf are proj ect s. Ameri can High School, he Chosun Gift Shop is volunteer-led recipients. “It is truly a blessing to know that our organization where community members can community does care about higher education,” he said. “I would like to major in aviation or purchase exotic items from all over Asia. “Te profits support scouting, schools, local aerospace science in college and become a pilot. Korean neighbors and more,” said Beth Anne I feel very blessed to get this scholarship.”
Vanessa Keane, AFSC, speaks on behalf of deserving scholarship recipients May 6 at Hartel House. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Choi Keun-woo “Tis is truly a good program and I hope many people would also apply for it. It is there for the community,” said Kimie Brush, one of the scholarship recipients. “I am currently pursuing my Master of Business Administration. I want to use the knowledge gained through higher education to help military families who are not familiar with the Army way of life.”
AREA II Fitn itne ess campaign campaign whi whips ps Y Yong ongsa san n into i nto shape
MAY 15, 2009
By Spc. Jason C. Adolphson
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yong san Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISO N — here’s a phrase that says “What gets weighed, gets measured.” Yongsan’s new face of fitness, racey L. Briggs, gave free body composition screenings at the Main Post Exchange May 1 for just that reason. May is National Physical Fitness and Sports month. In support, Briggs set out to recruit pledges for her campaign coined “Move it More in May.” “Once you know your foundation body composition numbers, you can then strive to change them,” Briggs said. “Most people don’t know them, which is a mechanism that allows people to deny that they need to do anything.” anything.” Following body measurements, Briggs gave diet and exercise tips to help people meet their goals. “I came over to the booth because I’m interested in nutrition and fitness,” Shelly Pratt said. “Tis is a really fantastic set up and I’m pledging to walk more frequently and increase the level of dedication to my current workout program.” Pratt wasn’t the only oone ne in the co community mmunity with a pledge. “I’ve recently done a couple of 5K runs on post,” said Spc. Serena Smith. “My workouts are restricted by a medical profile right now, but I’ll make sure to participate in those events by walking the courses and I’ll lift weights three times a week.” “Tis is great getting little tidbits and just looking at the numbers,”” Heather Lopez said. “I had a baby six weeks ago numbers, and now I’m pledging to walk more and run r un three days a week to get back in shape.” shape.” Some of the troops coming into the store learned they
were at their ideal size from conducting frequent military physical training. “I have no plans or goals,” said Staff Sgt. Branden Kemp, 201st Signal Battalion. “P keeps you on track, but it can’t hurt to do extra to make sure you maintain your custom level of fitness. fitness.”” Yong Yongsan san He Healt alth h Promotio Promotion n C oord i n a t or Ma ri a n n e Campano supported Briggs’ mission by providing blood pressure screenings, health care information and testing for H1N1 influenza - currently not a threat in the Republic of Korea. “o complement the body fat analysis, we’re Yongsan tness coordinator Tracy L. Briggs (left) discusses body composition test results with here to provide information community member Danielle Hamm May 1 at the Main Post Exchange in support of National a bou t blood s cre e n i n g Physical Fitness and Sports Month. — U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jason C. Adolphson because being inactive and not eating right are risk factors for increased high and checking progression levels. “We’re “We’ re going to continue inc reasing the emphasis on blood pressure and cholesterol,” Campano said. “Being “We’re inactive, being overweight, and smoking are three fitness in the Yongsan community,” Briggs said. “We’re common risk factors that we’re really trying to inform going to have another fitness instructor coming in people about because those are the primary causes of from Hawaii so we can offer more classes and support chronic diseases.” For related information, including everyone with reaching their goals. Additionally, we’ll be expanding facilities for the community. Soon we’ll free smoking cessation classes, call 736-6693. he booths were set up for one day to increase have running strollers that can be check ed out at Collier health awareness but Briggs said she can assist anyone Field House for two-hour iterations.” For information, call 736-3340. at Collier Filed House with reaching their fitness goals
Good Neighbor event brings Korean childr en to fun park By Pfc. Hwang Joon-hyun
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yong san Public Affairs
U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Commander Col. Dave Hall and the CYS Services team renew their commitment to family services by signing a CYS Services covenant. — U.S. Army photo by Cpl. Choi Keun-woo
Garrison set to improve child, youth services By Cpl. Choi Keun-woo
Y O N G S A N G A R R I S O N — Garrison officials met with more than 70 Child, Youth and School Services workers May 7 to u nveil the details of a new covenant designed to attract and maintain new youth workers. “his was our opportunity to communicate directly with our great CYSS employees and let them know what we’rree doing,” said USAG-Y USAG-Yongsa ongsan n Commander Col. Dave Hall. April 18, senior garrison leaders officially signed the CYS Services
Yongsan Community. “CYSS is heading in a different Yongsan “We are working to provide better direction,” Claudette Mohn, CYS Services coordinator said. “As the sports activities for the youth, better Garrison grows, the demand for a child care and better after-school greater variety of CYSS programs programs,” Mohn said. Both participants and volunteers is growing.” As a sign of that increased emphasis have already benefited from CYS on providing quality services, Garrison Services programs. Ronald Valero, spor ts leaders and FMWR presented signed covenants pledging their support for coordinator at Seoul American Middle School, received a discount CYS Services programs. “We are continuously improving for childcare for the past year; quality of life for the USAG-Yongsan part of a benefit package that community,” said U.S. Army comes with helping CYS Services Garrison-Yongsan Commander programs. “I’m saving 50 percent Col. Dave Hall. “Our Family and on child care costs,” Valero said.
Covenant the Community Fun Fair. “his atbuilds on the promise we ma d e i n t he A r my Fa mi l y Covenant,” Hall said. “Honestly, I don’t believe any other community in the Army energized CYS Services programs like we’re doing.”
Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs are top-notch.” One of those new programs is the new in-home family childcare program, where a child or baby may be cared for in a home environment by a registered household in the
USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yo ngsan Public Affairs
“We’ve been seeing a lot of great things lately,” said Mohn. “With the Garrison in full support of our activities I am confident that this team will be able to provide the services that the community members need and deser ve.”
YONGSAN GARRISON — Te American Society of Military Comptrollers-Korea Chapter hosted children from an Incheon orphanage for a Good Neighbor event at Yongsan’s Family Fun Park on May 9. wenty children from Zion Orphanage played a round of mini-golf at the putt-putt course and enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers at Commiskey’s Restaurant.
“Te AMSC sponsors two Good Neighbor events each year. Tis putt-putt golf event is one that we put on in spring, and the other is bowling during the Christmas season,” said Zalma Jordan-Little, vice-president of publicity of AMSC-Korea Chapter. “Having children of my own, I know how important it is to make sure that kids have fun. It is something we also enjoy.” “Tis event allows the children to have the unique experience of meeting and talking to Americans and playing something they don’t have much chance to do,” said Sonni Howards, budget analyst of U.S. Forces Korea Resource Management. “Te children really enjoy coming here.” Kim Han-wul, a guidance counselor from the orphanage, thanked the AMSC for preparing the program. “Tey got all excited because they now know how much fun it is to visit the Yongsa Yongsan n Garrison. I really appreciate this invitation, and seeing the smiles on their faces gives me great pleasure.” USA Girls Scouts Overseas Seoul donated 16 boxes of cookies for this event. Children got on the bus with their hands full of cookies and other gifts. “Tis is my second visit, and every time I come, there are always many things to have fun with,” said 13-year-old Kim Su-rah. “I could play golf with my friends, and there were many Americans in the park, too. I wish that I could come here again.”
Arrmy Communities of Excellence A
he 2009 Army Communities of First, we have the Commander’s Hotline. You Excellencewinnershavebeen presented can call, or use the form on our web site. Second, highly hly encour encourage age you to use ICE ICE.. Tis is the by the Senior Army leadership, and on we hig behalf of everyone ever yone in the Yongsan community, community, Integrated Customer Evaluation available as a USAG-Yongsan ongsan web site. I would like to congratulate our fellow Korea link on the USAG-Y We We are also in the process process of re-pos re-positioni itioning ng Region communities, USAG-Humphreys and USAG-Daegu, for attaining “Bronze” status in many of our ICE kiosks throughout the community so that you can make a this year’s competition! Even though Yongsan did not place in the comment as soon as you are finished with provider. top three categories catego ries this year, we were one of our service provider. Addit Addition ionall allyy, we ha have ve a new cus custom tomer er ser servic vicee seven finalists Army wide, and have proven two years running, that we are clearly among officer for the garrison. Lia Abney is the driving the best! Last year’s third place victory won force behind getting your voice heard. I count on the community $750,000, and although her to not only manage customer feedback, but we will not walk away with any additional to put together focus groups with community money this year, we were one of the top members to discuss issues and concerns. Finally, we have an annual assessment that seven finalists out of 179 garrisons Army we plan to get out to as many community wide, and this is something to brag about! members as possible. What this annual I am very proud of every one of you! Getting to the top is difficult, but “Staying assessment does is help the garrison on top” is even harder. Be assured that we are leadership formulate a “road map” for “in the zone” of excellence and consistently success in providing quality service. his month, we are also reaching out to meeting the needs of our customers. Because of our experience as a front- garrison employees to take the Organizational runner for the past two years, the garrison Self-Assessment survey. Tis is a tool for me to get is well positioned to prepare for next year’s an “azimuth check” on the way we are deploying competition. What this means is that our our strategic plan and objectives. Te OSA helps community members can continue look to us us to better manage our programs and services. It also tells me the maturity of our organization. for “excellence in installation management.” Garrison employees will be taking the OSA We We are ful fully ly en engag gaged ed to to meet meet the promis promises es of the Army Family Covenant. We promise May 11-22. I look forward to seeing the honest to continue providing a quality of life responses and constructive criticism. Tis survey commensurate with yourforlevel Tere are many ways youoftoservice. help us help you. First, when you have a comment, positive or negative, you need to know that we have mechanisms in place to hear your feedback.
No Endorsement Implied
is us to continue our support tovital our for Soldiers, Families improving and each other. Tanks for doing your part to continue making Yongsan a “Community of Excellence!” Army Strong!
Monsoon season to bring heavy rains USAG-Yongsan USAG-Yon gsan Public Affairs YONGSAN GARRISON — Garrison officials are increasing awareness of the monsoon season, a rainy season in Asia when heavy rains and strong winds can cause severe impact on Army installations in Korea. Te monsoon season typically begins in June and can last as long as two months, but intense rainfall occurs in July and August when heavy heavy rains rains account for more than 50 percent of Korea’s annual rainfall. his potentially destructive weather
ransportation, Mobilization, and Security, Plans and Operations officer. “We will be on Flood Condition 1 from June on,” Pruitt said. “Flood Condition 1 basically means that the garrison has conducted all the necessary risk assessments, pre-positioned sand bags and alerted units to take precaution.” precaution.” A maj major or sp sprin ringg cle clean an up is sc sche hedu duled led to ta take ke place in mid-May to help prepare for the monsoon season. Soldiers will pick up trash to prevent debris from clogging the drainage systems. “Most of the rain will come in July and
encourage urage damaged areas around the Yongsan Bowling August,” Pruitt said. “But I’d enco Center in 2002, causing garrison facilities a community members to always be wary of loss of millions of dollars. the possibility of a flood. flood.”” “In Korea, it is possible to have more For more questions related to monsoons than 20 inches of rainfall in a 24-hour in Korea, call the USAG-Yongsan DPMS period,” said Keith Pruitt, U.S. Army at 738-7316 during duty-hours and 738Garrison - Yongsan Directorate of Plans, 7404 or 738-7405 during off-duty hours. No Endorsement Implied
MAY 15, 2009
Trash fres summertime hazard By Andrew M Allen Deputy Fire Chief USAG-Daegu, DES, F&ES
Retiring the Colors
Fires kill, maim, destroy, and pollute and every year the garrison fire department responds to dozens of careless fires. Tese fires can seem to be little more than a nuisance, but to firefighters around the world these are deadly. Burning trash releases a plethora of poisons and carcinogenic chemicals into the air which the firefighters can be expo sed to. Who knows what else might be in this trash; aerosol cans have taken out a fair share of firefighters over the years. Smoking material must be discarded into an approved container. Do not put trash, to include the cigarette box, into the smoking container -- only cigarettes should go in there. Soak the cigarettes thoroughly in water before placing them into the outside trash receptacles. Barbecue grills are another hot source for trash fires. Charcoal briquettes can smolder for 24 hours or longer, so make sure the ash is 100% cooled off before disposing into the dumpster. dumpster. Make sure
Garbage collection point re in front of the Bldg.236, Education Center, Camp Carroll. Fire crews responded and on arrival, found that garbage in the collection point was indeed on re. Fire investigation revealed that the most probable cause of re was carelessly discarded cigarettes. — Courtesy photo
you do not stick your hand into the ash to check it, but use a tool to rake the ash Members of Boy Scout Troop 80 and Cub Scout Pack 89 led by Scoutmaster Wayne Clark and use the back of your hand a few inches conducted a Flag Retirement Ceremony May 9 at Camp Coiner, Yongsan Garrison. More above the ash to feel for heat. than 200 Korean and American Girl Scouts plus scout families attended. The Scouts collected Te fire you prevent may save a unserviceable ags, retiring them per ofcial policy by each Scout burning a portion of the ag firefighters life. Report fires by calling 9-1-1 in the camp re. Visit for more photos from this event.. — U.S. or 0505-764-5911. Army photo by Edward N. Johnson
Postal Service announces insurance claims process changes Special to the Morning Calm In order to streamline the claims process and to provide customers with more consistent service, online claims processing service is now available to customers who purchase domestic insurance through any retail channel – i.e.,, Automated Postal Center Center kiosks, local Post Office
facilities, or authorized authorized PC Postag Postagee providers. Te USPS website to process process claims online online is https:// www. laims/online/. In addition, Express Mail customers may file online claims, even if no additional insurance was purchased. Collect on Delivery and Registered Mail claims may be filed by mail or at a Post Office facility; however, they cannot be filed online.
A customer may also also file a claim claim by downlo downloading ading a form from and mailing it directly to Postal Service Accounting Services in St. Louis, Missouri. Customers can continue to file claim forms at a local Post Office facility. o ensure consistency and service quality, all claims are adjudicated by Accounting Accounting Services. Local Post Office facilities no longer adjudicate insurance claims. Te damaged goods inspection policy for domestic claim is also changed. Customers must
retain the damaged article and container, including packaging, wrapping, and any other contents received, until the claim is fully resolved. Customers are no longer required to take these materials to the post office at the time a claim is filed. Upon receiving a request from the Postal Service, they are to turn the materials over to their local post office for inspection, retention, and disposition in accordance with the claim.
d e i l p m I t n e m e s r o d n E o N
No End orsement Implie ed d
TRICARE and your summer vacation: 10 tips for the traveling TRICARE Pacic beneciary TRICARE Pacifc Marketing
As summer summer vacations approach and travel travel plans are being made, don’t don’t forget that your RICARE benefits follow you wherever you go. During your travels, you are encouraged to use Military reatment Facilities if care is required. In the event of an emergency (a threat to life, limb, or eyesight), go directly to the nearest emergency room military or civilian. In urgent cases, use of an MF or the nearest RICARE network provider means less out of pocket expenses and less paperwork for beneficiaries to file. Routine care should be sought from your Primary Care Manager before leaving Korea or after you return from your trip. Tis includes management of chronic health conditions, routine physicals, and requests for prescription refills. RICARE Prime enrolled members who receive routine or specialty care without prior authorization from their PCM, while traveling, risk costly Point of Service charges. Wh en on th e ro ad , yo u ca n ha ve prescriptions filled at any MF pharmacy, the RICARE Mail Order Pharmacy, RICARE Network pharmacies or nonnetwork pharmacies. Prescriptions may also be filled at an MF pharmacy free of charge, if one is available, and if they stock the medication you need. o fill prescriptions using MOP ( RICARE), you need to provide your temporary address so that your order can be mailed to you at that location. Network pharmacies include more than 53,000 retail
pharmacies in the US, Puerto Rico, Guam and the US Virgin Islands. Lastly, you can have your prescription filled at a non-network pharmacy or host nation pharmacy, but this is the most costly option since you must pay for your medications at the time of purchase and then file a claim with RICARE for reimbursement. For active duty overseas travelers and RICARE prime enrolled family members, go to the nearest emergency room and contact International SOS. International SOS will arrange and pay for emergent care. By simply calling International SOS, arrangements will be made to ensure members receive care immediately. Contact information for International SOS can be found on the RICARE portion of the 65th Medical Brigade website www.korea. Active-duty Active -duty RICARE Standar Standard d eenrolled nrolled family members and uniformed services retirees and their family members should be prepared to pay for care up front and file a claim for reimbursement upon returning home. Call or stop by your local RICARE Service Center for information. Before leaving Korea, stop by your RICARE Service Center for a travel card, enrollment verification, and guidance on medical care while traveling. Below are some tips to assist with planning: 1. In an emergency, seek care at t he nearest eme nearest emergency rgency department. If you have to pay the bill at the time of service, ser vice,
obtain an itemized bill and file a claim with RICARE for reimbursement. 2. Seek urgent care at a Military Treatment Facili ty or wi th a TR Treatment TRICARE ICARE Ne Network twork Provider. Use your ravel Card to call the Regional RICARE Office for a list of authorized providers in your area. 3. For all other car e amke an appointment with your PCM. For routine/well/non-urgent specialty care, schedule an appointment with your Primary Care Manager before you leave or wait until you return. Ensure you have any necessary medications needed while traveling. 4. Transfer Transfer Prime enrollment? If you are a Prime member traveling to the states for a visit that exceeds 30 days, contact the RICARE Service Center in the area you are visiting to transfer your Prime enrollment to the region in which you will be staying (if Prime is available). 5. Enroll in TRCARE Standard? If Prime is not available, you may need to disenroll from Prime and use RICARE Standard (not applicable for active-duty Servicemembers – Prime is mandatory). Reenrollment to Prime may be accomplished upon your return. 6. TRICARE Pacifc Prime enrollees
should provi de their APO mailing address for claims. Also, direct providers to send claims to Wisconsin Physician Services, Foreign Claims, P.O. Box 7985,
Madison, WI 53707-7985. Be sure to use your sponsor’s Social Security Number, not your own. 7. Pre-Authorization Pre-Authorization i s not neede needed d for emergency or urgent medical care. However, for CONUS inpatient mental health care authorizations, Call Value Options at: 1-800-700-8646, at extension 2070. 8. Active-duty Servicemembers must obtain all needed care at military facilities when possible. In CONUS, ADSMs are required to report inpatient mental health or traumatic injury to Military Medical Support Office at 1-888647-6676. For all other care needs, ADSM must follow their own service’s rules. 9. ADSMs and family members enrolled in TRICARE Prime traveling overseas should contact International SOS for emergency care. Visit your local RICARE office or the RICARE portion of the 65th Medical Brigade website www.korea.amedd. for International SOS contact information. 10. Be prepared to pay at time of service. Family members in RICARE Standard and uniformed services retirees and their families traveling in overseas remote areas should be prepared to pay for their care at the time of service, obtain an itemized bill, and file a RICARE claim for reimbursement.
May 15 - 21
CASEY 730-7354
HENRY 768-7724
HUMPHREYS 753-7716
HOVEY 730-5412
KUNSAN 782-4987
OSAN 784-4930
RED CLOUD 732-6620
To d ay
Sat u r d ay
Su n d ay
Mo n d ay
Tu es d ay
Wed n es d ay
X-Men Origins (PG13) 8:30 p.m. Last House on the Left (R) 6:30 p.m.
Duplicity (PG13) 6:30 p.m. X-Men Origins (PG13) 8:30 p.m.
Madea Goes to Jail (PG13) 8:30 p.m. Coraline (PG) 6:30 p.m.
Last House on the Left (R) 7:30 p.m.
No Show
Last House on the Left (R) 7:30 p.m.
No Show
Obsessed (PG13) 7 p.m.
Coraline (PG) 1 p.m. Obsessed (PG13) 7 p.m.
Coraline (PG) 3 p.m. Watchmen (R) 7 p.m.
Duplicity (PG13) 7 p.m.
No Show
No Show
No Show
Push (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
Push (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
X-Men Origins (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
X-Men Origins (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
X-Men Origins (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
Duplicity (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
Last House on the Left (R) 7 p.m.
X-Men Origins (PG13) 7 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 6 / 8:30 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 6 / 8:30 p.m.
17 Again (PG13) 6 / 8:30 p.m.
Fast and Furious (PG13) 7 / 9:30 p.m.
Fast and Furious (PG13) 3:30 / 7 / 9:30 p.m. p. m. Coraline (PG) Coraline (PG) 1 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 1 / 3:30/ 6 / 8:30 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 7 p.m.
Obsessed (PG13) 7 p.m. Miss March (R) 9 p.m.
Duplicity (PG13) 7 p.m.
Coraline (PG) 7 p.m.
Street Fighter (PG13) 7 p.m.
Watchmen (R) 7 p.m.
Watchmen (R) 7 p.m.
No Show
Watchmen (R) 7 p.m.
Street Fighter (PG13) 7 p.m.
Push (PG13) 9 p.m.
(PG13) 7 p.m.
(PG13) 7 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 5:30 / 8:30 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 2 / 5 / 8 p.m. Delgo (PG) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 2 / 5 / 8 p.m. Delgo (PG) 3:30 / 6:30 p.m.
Duplicity (PG13) 6:30 / 9 p.m.
Th u r s d ay
No Show
Duplicity (PG13) 7 p.m.
No Show
Star Trek (PG13) 7 p.m.
No Sh o w
No Sh o w
No Show
Watchmen (R) 6 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 7 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 7 p.m.
Duplicity (PG13) 7 p.m. Friday the 13th (PG13) 6 p.m. Street Fighter (PG13) 6 p.m.
Star Trek (PG13) 7 p.m.
Duplicity (PG13) 7 p.m. Friday the 13th (PG13) 6 p.m. Street Fighter (PG13) 6 p.m.
No Show
X-Men Origins (PG13) 7 p.m.
Star Trek
Last House on the Left
(PG13) 7 / 9 p.m.
(R) 7 p.m.
Coraline (PG) 7 p.m. The International (R) 6 p.m.
Coraline (PG) 7 p.m. The International (R) 6 p.m.
U.S. ID card holders enjoy free movies courtesy of Army MWR at U.S. Army installations in Korea.
MAY 15, 2009
Area I Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Collective Collective Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Gospel Gospel Sunday
Collective Collective
1000 1000 1030 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Stone Chapel Stanley Chapel West Casey Chapel Warrior Chapel Crusader Chapel Hovey Chapel Memorial Chapel, Casey Casey Memorial Chapel Camp Stanley Chapel
COGIC Sunday
CRC Warrior Chapel
KATUSA KATUSA Sunday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday
1930 1300 1900 1840 1800 1830 1830 1830
CRC Warrior Chapel Jackson Auditorium Camp Stanley Chapel Casey Stone Chapel Camp Castle Chapel Casey Memorial Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel West Casey Chapel
Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
1130 0900 1215 0930
Camp Stanley Chapel CRC Warrior Chapel West Casey Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel
Later Day Saints Saints Sunday
West Casey Chapel
West Casey Chapel
Sunday Sunday Sunday
Brian Allgood Hospital K-16 Chapel Hannam Village Chapel
Liturgical Liturgical Sunday Contemporary Sunday Contemporary Traditional Traditional Sunday Gospel Gospel Sunday Mision Pentecostal Hispana Hispana Sunday Korean Korean Sunday
0800 0930 1100 1230
Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel South Post Chapel
1430 0910
South Post Chapel Hannam Village Chapel
United Pentecostal Pentecostal Sunday
Memorial Chapel
Memorial Chapel
Seventh-Day Adventist Adventist Saturday
Brian Allgood Hospital
Stanley Chapel
Mass Daily Sunday
Super Gym Suwon Air Base Chapel Camp Eagle Chapel Super Gym Super Gym
Super Gym
Super Gym
1145 0930 1700 1700
Annex 2 Chapel Super Gym Camp Eagle Chapel Suwon Air Base Chapel
Mass Sunday Saturday
Annex 2 Chapel
Jewish Worship Service
1000 1030 1700 1215 1300
Camp Carroll Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Walker Camp Carroll
Camp Walker
1900 1830
Camp Carroll Camp Walker
0900 1130 1700
Camp Walker Camp Carroll Camp Camp Walker
Catholic Services
Jewish Every 2nd Friday
Collective Protestant Sunday Church of Christ Gospel Gospel Contemporary Friday Korean Tuesday Wednesday
1100 1100 1100 1300 1700
Catholic Services
Every Friday at 1900 - Camp Walker Chapel, Classroom #1
Early Morning Service Service (Korean) Mon-Sat
South Post Chapel
Episcopal Episcopal
Memorial Chapel
Saturday Sunday Sunday Mon/Thur/Fri Tues/Wed 1st Sat.
1700 0800 1130 1205 1205 0900
Memorial Chapel South Post Chapel Memorial Chapel Memorial Chapel Brian Allgood Hospital Memorial Chapel
South Post Chapel
Collective Sunday Gospel Gospel Contemporary Contemporary KATUSA Tuesday Korean Korean Wednesday
Area IV Worship Schedule Protestant Services
Protestant Services 0930 1030 1100
Catholic Services/Mass
For information, contact Corey Ringer at
[email protected], or call 753-3909
Catholic Services
Catholic Mass Mass
Jewish Friday
Area III Worship Schedule
Area II Worship Schedule
Protestant Services
Te Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United Nations Command, Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war. Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at: CH/Index.html?/org/FKCH/Conte rg/FKCH/Contents/mission.htm nts/mission.htm for helpful links and information.
Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact
d e i l p m I t n e m e s r o d n E o N
USAG-Yongsan USAGYongsan Chaplain s
USAG-Humphreys Chaplains
USAG-Red USAG-R ed Cloud/Casey
USAG-Daegu USAG-D aegu Chapl ains
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David B. Crary:
Chaplain (Maj.) Klon K. Kitchen, Jr.:
2ID Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Richard Spencer:
Chaplain (Maj.) Eddie Kinley:
[email protected],
[email protected] .mil, 7 38-3009
[email protected],
[email protected] .mil, 75 3-7274
[email protected],
[email protected] .mil, 732-7998
[email protected],
[email protected] .mil, 764-5455
Chaplain (Maj.) Adolph G. DuBose:
[email protected],, 738-4043
Chaplain (Maj.) James E. O’Neal:
[email protected] , 753-7276
[email protected]
Red Cloud Chaplain (Maj.) Fredrick Garcia:
[email protected], 732-6169
Chaplain (Maj.) Edward Martin:
[email protected],
[email protected] .mil, 765-8004
Chaplain (Maj.) Leo Mora Jr.:
[email protected],
[email protected] .mil, 7 36-3018
Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Flores: Anthony.wenceslao.
[email protected], Anthony.wenceslao.
[email protected] 753-7042
Red Cloud Chaplain (Capt.) Mario Rosario:
[email protected],
N o E n d o r s e m e n t I m p l i e d
Lea ead d tthe he W Way! ay! Area Ar ea IV Induct Indu ctio ion n ceremony ceremon y welcomes welco mes Sol Soldi diers ers to NCO NCO ranks rank s By Pfc. Jung , Hee YYoon oon 19th ESC Public Affairs CAMP CARROLL — Daegu- Newly promoted non-commissioned officers were honored at an induction ceremony at the
Camp fitness center in Waegwan on MayCarroll 8. Tirty-six newly promoted corporals and sergeants were welcomed to the ranks of the NCO Corps. Te ceremony began wit h unit firs t serg ean ts ligh tin tingg thre e candles. Te three three candles; one colored red for the hardness and valor of the NCO corps, another colored white for the purity of deed , thought and competence displayed by NCOs and the last candle was blue representing the vigilance, justice and truth that all NCOs stand for. At the ceremo ny, senior NCOs were called by their respective command sergeant s major to introduce each sponsored inductee. Te senior NCOs called their sponsored inductee forward and stated their attributes and worthiness of induction into the time-honored NCO corps. Te tradition of commemorating the passing of a Soldier into the ranks of the Non-Commissioned Non-Commissi oned Officer corps can be traced to the Prussian Army of Fredrick the Great. oday, the Army Army commemorates commemorates this rite of passage as a celebration of Sgt. Claudia Cabero, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, 19th ESC shakes hand with Command Sgt. Maj. Brian S. Connie, the newly promoted Soldier joining the CSM, 19th ESC at the induction ceremony, May 8, Camp Carroll Gym. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jung, Hee Yoon ranks of a professional professional NCO corps. Te he guest speaker of the ceremony are the young non-commissioned non-commissioned officers, Classes,” said Watts. Tis simply shows the ceremony emphasizes the pride that every wa s Sgt . Maj . Jef fer y L. Wat ts, 501 st by exemplifying the mortality figures of importance of the role of the NCOs that Service member shares as a member of such was lead the way, he stated. Watts congratulated an elite corps. It also honors the memory Sustainment Brigade, 19th Expeditionary recent warfare. emphasized “Te ones with highest casualty death them on entering a whole new life as a of those who have served before them with Sustainment Command. He emphasized the role of great leaders in the field, which rate in the forces are the Private First leader, as well as, admonishing them to not pride and distinction. to take the position for granted, but to be a caring leader. “his is truly an honor,” said Sgt. ahron D. Davis, Staff Judge Advocate, 19th ESC. NCOs working to take care care of their Soldiers and not just making people do push-ups. It is a way of life ttoo set the standard and that gives me a completely different mindset. he ceremony was finished with 36 inductees and all other NCOs at the scene reciting the NCO Creed Te inductees were: from Headquarters and Headquarters Company 19th ESC, Sgt. ahron Davis, Sgt. Claudio Cabero; from 6th Ordnance Battalion, Sgt. Linda Bankston, Sgt. Jeremy Jones, Cpl. Kevin Deshaies, Cpl. Jamar Jones; from 498th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, Sgt. erence Lormand, Sgt. Steven Shives, Sgt. Cornelius Harris, Sgt. Hector Cruz, Sgt. Carla Martin, Sgt. Michael Brown, Sgt.Deshawn Underwood, Sgt. Tomas Parks, Sgt. erri Francois, Sgt. Michael Florence, Sgt. Morris Higgins, Sgt. Karll Moore, Cpl. Samuel Chen, Cpl. Byron McCall, Cpl. Sonia Coakley; from 501st Special roops Battalion, Sgt. Randy Anderson,, Sgt. Bryan Boylan, Sgt. Jason Anderson Dailey, Sgt. Andrew Dorman, Sgt. Sun Hale, Sgt. Rebecca Hayes, Sgt. David Lee, Sgt Daniel Kloberdanz, Sgt. Laura Mercado, Sgt. yrrell Osler, Sgt. Sariyeth Rodriguez, Sgt. Jorge Simas, Sgt. Robert immons, Sgt. Leony Smith, Cpl Jerad New inductees vow themselves as a Non-commissioned Ofcer at the induction ceremony, May 8, Camp Carroll Gym. — U.S. Army Jennings. photo by Pfc. Jung, Hee Yoon
Sol oldi dieer race racess 850 850 kilom kil omeeters iinn Tour ou r de Kor Koreea
2nd Lt. Will Gowin, Charlie Company Company,, 602d ASB (bottom right) leads the pack during one of the stages of the 2009 Tour de Korea, an 850 kilometer cycle race beginning in Suwon, April 25, and wrapping up May 3 at Changwon. Among the 250 road racing cyclists, Gowin was able to nish several stages in the top 30. — Photo courtesy Sarah Gowin By Ken Hall USAG-Humphreyss Public Affairs USAG-Humphrey
way to compete, maintaining the leaders position for several hours a day during the nine-day tour robbed him of critical energy he needed to out-sprint other riders down the home stretch. “Tere were lots of crashes in the race and everyone crashed at least once except for me.” Te our our de Korea is compr ised of pointto-point road race stages, each lasting up to four hours. Unlike the our our de France and Giro di Italia, it had no time trials or team time trial qualification requirements. Te Seoul Synergy racing team was made up of current and former U.S. Army Soldiers Master Sgt. (Ret.) John M. Linebaugh, Sgt. 1st Class (Ret.) Michael Wright and former Army Sgt. Michael oney, who reside in Korea. 2nd Lt.
said Gowin. “Te race theme was green, promoting bicycle use and a healthy active lifestyle.” Gowin said most race stages would finish at a city hall where bikes were given out to the community during a ceremony. More than 250 riders competed in this years’ nine-stage our de Korea which began in Suwon on April 25 and ended on May 3 at Changwon. “After we completed stages, racers went on short parades around the city to promote the sport,” he said. “We stayed at a couple of five-star hotels and the dinners were in banquet halls so, the food and accommodations were awesome.” our de Korea rules prohibit teams with foreign riders from winning prizes; Gowin said the race ra ce wasn’t wasn’t about prizes but
took shape. Volunteers Maj. (Ret.) Miles Barnes, Youk ae-yong and my wife Sarah drove our support vehicle and Michael oney and Ha Dong-yeol actually sacrificed their race time during the race stages to relieve the volunteer drivers around the Korean peninsula.”
front of the pack. Richard Wright, Gowin, Republic of Korea “We had several top 30 finishes during Air Force medical officer, Maj. Ha Dongthe stages and retired Army master sergeant yeol and David Hutchinson who works for John Linebaugh finished 37th overall,” overall,” said a communications firm in Seoul. Gowin, who finished in 67th. “Koreans are very passionate about their Gowin noted that though it was a safe cycle racing and want to grow the sport,”
building new relationships. “As a team we finished in 15th place out of 25 teams and really appreciated the opportunity to race in this great, nine-day stage race,” he said. “What really says a lot about our team is the way our race support
Premier Hill Climb races Mishiryeong and Daegwallyeong, in the east coast mountains. our de Korea is sponsored by the Korea Cycling Federation; it is an annual cycling competition that’s part of the International Cycling Union’s Asia our.
2nd Lt. Will Gowin, Charlie Company, 602d Aviation Support Battalion (center on white line) races steadily while keeping his eye on another rider who attempted to pass him on his left during the 2009 Tour de Korea. — Photo courtesy Sarah Gowin
(From left to right) Seoul Synergy team racers Ha Dong-yeol, John Linebaugh, Linebaugh, David Hutchinson and William Gowin pause during Tour de Korea race stages April 29. Gowin was able to nish several stages in the top 30. — Photo courtesy Sarah Gowin
HUMPHREYS GARRISON Te our de Korea 850 kilometer bicycle road race has been traditionally an event for Korean riders. For the first time in race history, a team of American and Korean riders known as Seoul Synergy was invited to compete in this years’ race. Seoul Synergy’s newest member, 2nd Lt. Will Gowin, Charlie Company, 602d Aviation Support Battalion not only finished the race, but did what many of the racers were not able to do: ride 850 kilometers alongside hundreds of other riders – at times in heavy vehicle traffic and at break-neck speeds – without losing control. His method was simple: stay in
Final Individual results:
• John Linebaugh, 37th • David Hutchinson, 47th • William Gowin, 67th • Michael Toney, 82nd • Ha Dong-Yeol, 114th • Michael Wright, 129th • Richard Wright, 139th Te Seoul Synergy racing team formed in 2008 and took the top spots at Korea’s
MAY 15, 2009
Aw A w ar ardd -w -wii n n i n g w eek f o r USA USAG-Hu G-Hum m p h r ey eyss personal learning. Humphreys Deputy Garrison Commander, David W. W. Frodsham said the award was a reflection of the high standards of customer service the garrison maintains and the excellent leadership of the directors. “Tis was our first time winning and I’m extremely pleased we’re being recognized, especially during a time of transformation,” Frodsham said. “It represents our
By Bob McElroy
USAG-Humphreyss Public Affairs USAG-Humphrey HUMPHREYS GARRISON Te Army-level awards continue to roll in to Humphreys Garrison. wo weeks after the Humphreys ransportation Motor Pool won the Chief of Staff of the Army’s Award for Maintenance Excellence, members of the garrison were
in Washington, D.C.ofon May 5 toand accept topCommunity awards for Army Communities Excellence Army Relations excellence. At an afte rnoo n cere mony in the Pentag on, Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, presented the Army Communities of Excellence Bronze award to Humphreys Garrison commander Col. John E. Dumoulin, Jr. At the same time, at a conference conference ccenter enter in nearby Crystal City, Va., Humphreys Garrison Community Relations Officer Peter Yu accepted the first place award in the Special Event category of the Army Public Affairs Community Relations Awards of Excellence. Sponsored by the Chief of Staff of the Army A rmy and overseen by the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, the Army Communities of Excellence program recognizes excellence in installation management, according to a Staff Sgt. Christy Pritchard (left) and Pvt. Sando Hendrix pamphlet handed out at the ceremony. cere mony. Te ACOE program participated in Make a Difference Day at Deogdongsan Park, To download a high-resolution version of this and encourages and acknowledges all installation’s commitment Pyeongtaek. To other photos visit — U.S. to excellence. Army photo by Bob McElroy McElroy he ACOE award honors the top Army, National
commitment to exceeding the Army standards and providing the best-possible quality of life to everyone who lives and works here.” Humphreys Garrison’s Bronze award includes a cash award of $250,000, a trophy and a flag. Frodsham said the garrison can use the money as it sees fit, noting that other garrisons have used it for quality of life programs, new facilities or other projects. “We’ll have to solicit proposals for how we should use the money,” he said. Te Community Relations Award of Excellence in the Special Event Category recognized the work Humphreys Garrison’s Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Retirees performed at “Make a Difference Day” on Oct. 25, 2008. Modeled after Make a Difference Day events in America, the event was a success due to the efforts of Humphreys Volunteer Coordinator Denise Chappell, Community Relations Officer Yu, Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers representatives and the 150 Humphreys and 60 local Korean volunteers who gathered at Deog Dong San Park in Pyeongtaek.
Guard and Reserve installations that have achieved levels of excellence in building a high-quality environment, outstanding facilities and superior services. ACOE applicants are assessed and evaluated over the course of a year against Army priorities and Malcom Baldridge National Quality criteria.
Te American and Korean volunteers picked up trash and performed beautification projects projec ts in the park. Following Following the work, volunteers enjoyed lunch, a traditional Korean musical and dance performance and a brief ceremony that featured an awards presentation and a patriotic observance led by American and Korean flag-bearers.
According to www. www.baldridge., com, the Baldridge Criteria are designed to provide organizations with an integrated approach to organizational performance management that results in the delivery of ever-improving value to customers, and the improvement of overall organizational effectiveness and capabilities as well as organizational and
‘The most important aspect of being a leader is to be a better Soldier every day’ By Pfc. Ma Ju-ho
2nd Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs HUMPHREYS GARRISON Sgt. Alvin D. Francisco of Delta Company, Company, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade has been enlisted for about seven years, has always placed mission first and never settled for second best for himself or his Soldiers. Francisco enlisted to be an AH-64 Apache mechanic and worked in that specialty for most of his career. But now he is stationed at Humphreys Garrison, where he works as a Chinook mechanic. Tis is the first time in his career he will be in any place for longer than eight months, excluding Iraq. For the majority of his Army career, Francisco has been on mission and has never remained stagnant. When he finished basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. he received orders to Germany. After seven months of training, he deployed to Iraq. He then spent time in Fort Eustis, Va. before being stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. From Bragg, he deployed to Ft. Hood multiple times for training in his military specialty, with two additional deployments to Iraq in between. “I didn’t even have time for training courses like Warrior Leader Course or Primary Leadership Development Course,”
saidHe Francisco. finally had the opportunity to attend WLC just one month ago. Francisco completed Warrior Leader Course 05-09, which ran from March 17 to April 15 at Camp Jackson, Uijeongbu, South Korea. According to Francisco, he found the
course to be the most challenging part of his career in the Army. “I learned a lot in that month,” he said regarding WLC. “Even though I enjoyed the field exercise portion, it was the overall hightempo training that was most exciting.” exciting.” However, his fast-paced career isn’t limited to the field. Francisco, a California native, spent most of his early life swimming and surfing the Pacific Ocean, riding BMX bikes and skateboarding. Tese hobbies prepared him to excel during his Army Physical Fitness
ests – he has never scored less than 275 shape, working out on my own time helps to and routinely scored 300 or higher. His be a better Noncommissioned Noncommissioned officer; and it latest score was 295. doesn’t hurt my golf game either.” “His scores are extraordinary,” said He always keeps the NCO Creed in 1st Sgt. Sammy Barbour, Headquarters mind and motivates his Soldiers to be ready and Headquarters Company, 2nd CAB, for whatever mission is at hand, wherever it Francisco’s Francisco ’s former unit. “His score is in top may be and he emphasizes the importance one percent and he was always pushing his of a sense of o f urgency. Soldiers to their physical limits.” “For the most part I’ve been on mission Francisco said he pushes himself every my entire career,” Francisco said. “Readiness morning during P for many reasons. is one of the most important qualities for the “I work out and do a little extra, just for Army. Francisco strives to train his Soldiers my benefit,” Francisco said. “Staying in good to a standard so they are prepared for any mission. “I give Soldiers the mindset that everyday’s a mission day,” he said. Barbour adds: “He always places the mission first. Francisco makes sure that Soldiers are trained properly and the mission is accomplished. He is a dedicated Soldier and that’s what makes him a good NCO.” Barbour said his former Soldier trains his junior enlisted troops to standard and not to time. “I’ve seen him working with his Soldiers at all hours of the day,” said Barbour. “He just simply gets the job done.” done.” Francisco is now enjoying his time as a Chinook mechanic, after working his first eight months in Korea in the mailroom. He fought to get back to working in his career field and has finally settled into a daily work
routine. says the aspect of beingHe a leader is most to beimportant a better Soldier every day. “I try to lead [my Soldiers] by example,” Sgt. Alvin D. Francisco (left) with Delta Company, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Francisco said. “If I keep up a high-tempo day, my guys will follow follow that lead and Combat Aviation Brigade, supervises Spc. Zach McKnight (right) with the computer programming work day, become better for it.” process. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Ma Ju-ho
USAG-H • PAGE 22 News & Notes
Humphreys Garrison recognizes top volunteers for 2008
Community Yard Sale Your trash may be another person’s treasure, so gather all those items that you would like
to sell for the Community Yard Sale 10 a.m.-2 p.m., May 30 at the Commissary parking lot. Pay $5 per spot and a table if you have PCS orders (60-day window). For all others, pay $10 per spot and table. For more information contact Natalie Boutte at 753-3013. Road Closure
Perimeter Road from T-997 through Bldg. S1280 will be closed 7 a.m.-5 p.m., May 23-24 for removal work on existing asphalt pavement. Alternate routes for trafc detours with signage will be posted. Alternate parking areas have
also been identied. For more information contact Mr. Birgado at 753-6910. Homeschooling Family Get Together Homeschooling families are invited to a get
together 6 p.m., June 8 at the barbeque gazebo in Family Housing. In case of rain, the Townley Home will host the gathering. Bring your kids, husband and some food to celebrate the end of the school year. For more information
contact Elisabeth Townley at 010-3144-0352 or
[email protected]. This event is sponsored by the USAG-Humphreys Chapel. Dental Care for Retirees
The Dental Clinic is offering dental examinations and cleanings for Retirees and their spouses 8 a.m.-3 p.m., May 16 at the USAG-Humphreys Dental Clinic, Bldg. 555. Call 753-6559 for moreinformation. Summer Camp Adventure
Sign up starting May 18 for this summer’s Camp Adventure Program. This unique day camp for children of grades 1–5 will begin mid-June. A variety of weekly camps will be held including: Coral Sea Jamboree, Madcap Museum at Midnight, Celebrate State to State and much
more! Contact Youth Services at 753-8507 to sign up or inquire about the weekly fees. Organizational Organiza tional Self-Assessment Self-Assessment If you have received a copy of the memorandum notifying your selection to participate in the
OSA, you will conduct the survey May 11-22. The OSA is an industry-proven, web-based survey tool. For more information contact Ms.
So at 754-3885 or
[email protected]. Humphreys Construction Update As Humphreys Garrison grows during the next several years construction projects will cause interruptions of electrical and water service as well as detours and delays on our roads. We ask your patience as we transform our post into the Installation of Choice on the Korean Peninsula. We will provide weekly updates and construction news to keep the community informed.
• Freedom Road water line replacement is continuing. Please watch for construction equipment in roadways and signal man directing trafc. • The Freedom Road walking and bike path is being replaced. This work will take
approximately 90 days. • Pavement resurfacing and relocation of end lights and aireld re hydrant systems are all under way. Estimated date of completion is May 28.
We Want Want Your Stor ies! We want to publish your stories and photos in The Morning Calm Weekly and on the USAG-Humphreys Command Channel. Please send any information or products to Ken Hall at the USAGHumphreys Public Affairs Ofce at 754-8847 754-8847 or
[email protected].
About 200 Area III Community Volunteers Volunteers and their Families attended the 2008 USAG-Humphreys Volunteer Volunteer of the Year awards ceremony at the Community Activity Center here, May 8. Also recognized were (left to right on stage) Area III Army volunteer corps program manager Denise Chappell, and Jean Dumoulin, wife of Humphreys Garrison Commander John E. Dumoulin, Jr. — U.S. Army photo by Ken Hall
HUMPHREYS GARRISON Te Humphreys community honored its volunteers during an awards ceremony May 8 at the Community Activity Center here. About 200 people attended. Guest speakers Jean Dumoulin, wife of Humphreys Garrison Commander Col. John E. Dumoulin, Jr., and Chaplain (Maj.) Klon Kitchen highlighted the achievements of the volunteers. “I’ “I’d d like everyone to consider a number: 183, 186,” said Jean Dumoulin. “his number is the total number of volunteer hours our Soldiers, Family members,
“It’s so nice when a Soldier goes out of citizens who are going to be our future their way to give back to their community,” community,” leaders. If they’re volunteering now, imagine said Denise Chappell, Humphreys Volunteer what they are going to give to the world Coordinator. “hey’re already giving when they become adults.” adults.” themselves to our country and are doing so Chappell said everything volunteers do much for every citizen and people all over here is a success story. the world. So, for them to give back and be “Without volunteer coaches for our a volunteer really means a lot.” Youth sports spo rts , supp ort from fro m our BOSS BOS S Cpl. Lee Chul-joo won Korean program, Red Cross and USO we wouldn’t wouldn’t Augmentation to the U.S. Army Volunteer Volunteer have some of the things we have,” she said. of the Year. “Tis is the one night we get together and “Cpl. Lee really helped us out so much I want to say from the bottom of my heart at ACS with our Korean culture and ‘thank you.’” language class,” said Chappell. “He’s helping During the event, Chappell received Americans to learn about the Korean culture the Army Achievement Medal for Civilian and to speak a foreign language and we’re Service in recognition of her meritorious very grateful for everything every thing that he does.” service as Army Family eam eam Building and
Civilians have logged during thisand past our year.children Tese hours displaced a manpower cost of over $3 million.” Dumoulin said volunteers represent the best of the Humphreys community. “Without our great volunteers, we would not enjoy the excellent quality of life we have at Humphreys. Our volunteers work in all parts of our community and make a difference every day.” Kitchen said that volunteer recognition celebrates people in action. “You’ve “You ’ve heard the numbers of volunteer hours we have at Humphreys and we’re above the curve because you care enough about what we do here,” said Kitchen. “Most people say ‘I’m only one person – I can’ can’tt do it all and I can’t really make a difference’ – but the difference in those people and the difference in you is that you say ‘I’m only one person, but I am one person – and I
KendraofRoberts Area volunt eer corps program progr am Volunteer the Year.won Family member Army manager andIIIoutstanding support of the “Tis years’ Family member of the year community service event Make a Difference proved that you don’t have to be on an Day on Oct. 25, 2008. installation for a very long time to make Te final award went to Jean Dumoulin, a difference,” said Chappell. “Some of us who rec receive eive d a silv er pla tter in spec ial come in and hit the ground running, even recognition for her dedication to the after just two weeks. We’re very proud community over the last two years. to recognize Kendra as Family Member Before he and Chappell presented Dumoulin the award, Mike Mooney, volunteer of the year.” Charles Woods won Retiree Volunteer Morale, Welfare and Recreation Division marketing chief praised her for making a of the Year. community. “It always amazes me to see a Retiree difference in Humphreys community. “One of the most difficult things we face give back to the community,” said Chappell. Chappell . “Tey’ve done their military service and in Family and MWR is getting the word they’re probably in their second careers out,” said Mooney. “It doesn’t matter what and they still find the time to give back. kind of programs we run – they can be the Mr. Woods has done so much for this greatest programs in the world but if no community through different organizations one knows about them, they’re not going to count. Jean and her infamous e-mailing and you’ll always see him at events.” events.” Edward Murphy, IV won Youth Volunte Volunteer er list are one of the ways everyone found out
can’t do it all but I can do something and it does matter.’” Volunteers were recognized in five categories for the services they provided throughout the last year here. Sgt. 1st Class Leticia Smalls won Soldier Volunteer of the Year.
of the Year. “Tis is always my favorite category and it means so much to me because our youth are our future,” said Chappell. “When we have youth that volunteer and give back in the community, they need to be recognized and it means we are raising productive
By Ken Hall
USAG-Humphreyss Public Affairs USAG-Humphrey
about things. In addition to that, at events like Eggstravaganza, and Spooky Hallow – and every activity we’ve had over the last two years – she’s been there handing out tee shirts. We’ve been very fortunate to have a person who’s been a true friend to the community.”
AREA III New Humphre Humphr eys facilities facilit ies to enhance enhance qualit qualityy of life lif e MAY 15, 2009
By Ken Hall
USAG-Humphreyss Public Affairs USAG-Humphrey HUMPHREYS GARRISON Construction has slowed traffic around USAG-Humphreys for the last several months but the community’s reward will be several new facilities scheduled for grand openings soon. A new Fire Station Station at MP Hill is sched scheduled uled to open officially on Monday, May 18 at 11:30. Te new station, which was developed through U.S. Army Contracting Command Korea took four months to complete and came in at a cost of $692,000. “Te construction was a success and was finished on-time,” said Anthony Marra, Chief, Fire and Emergency Services. wo full-time Korean firefighters will hook-and-ladder re truck, capable capable of of reachin reachingg up to 100 feet is part of the new live in the building year-round, providing A state-of-the-art hook-and-ladder Humphreys Fire Station, located next to the MP Hill barracks. The full-time supported re station’s 24-7 capability to respond to any fires but grand opening is scheduled for Monday, May 18 at 11 a.m. —U.S. — U.S. Army photo by Ken Hall specifically for buildings five to eight floors “Our ability to provide care for our tall, which benefits the entire installation, everyone moving in certain areas and working after hours,” he said. “It’s been a patients has improved, but we need a larger he said. we’re already he Humphreys Medical Clinic will real challenge but better than closing down physical therapy room because we’re outgrowing the one we have,” said Lt. Col. completely.” unveil $1.5 million in expansions and the clinic completely.” hroughout the project, there have Bart Meyers, officer in charge, Humphreys renovations designed to serve the health care needs of a growing Humphreys population been no accidents to construction workers, Medical Clinic. “We’ll be adding a licensed Social Worker this summer and also a Soldiers, clinic personnel or patients. June 1. technician.” “Our customers, Soldiers and personnel mental health technician.” “We’re about 95 percent complete Another project slated for opening in with the interior work, but we’ we’re re behind are very pleased with the construction sit e our original target date of February,” said progress we’ve had,” said 1st Lt. Alexandria early June is Beacon Hill Park, a 4.5 acre site Jordon Shoop, project manager with J&J Miller, executive officer, USAG-Humphreys across from Independence Park. Humphreys Directorate of Public Works oversaw Maintenance, Inc. the prime contractor for Medical Clinic. Miller said the new-expanded medical renovations that began in February and cost the upgrades. “We ran behind because we clinic will have a new RICARE office of $750,000. Te environmentally-friendly wanted to make sure sure plans were correct.” correct.” Shoop added that this was an unusual on the second floor with three full-time park will feature walking trails, a picnic area project because medical personnel worked representatives. Te expansion also includes and waterfalls. “Te Beacon Hill water retention area is a physical therapy office and a therapist. in the clinic during the renovations. an existing wetland that brings in water from More services are on the way. “It’s been like a puzzle, trying to get
off-post,” said Michael Stephenson, chief, Natural Resources Management Branch. “What this 100-percent green project will do is create a new area for the Humphreys community to enjoy. Te park will feature self-sustaining lights and recirculating waterfalls run by a solar-powered system. Even the bridges are being made out of recycled materials that won’t require repainting for up to 20 years.” Te design for Beacon Hill’stransformation transformatio n was the result of a partne rship betwee n USAG-Humphreys and renovations designer Dr. Lee Suk-young, principle investigator with Beautifu Beautifull Environmen Environmental tal Construction Construction based in Seongnam-si. Humphreys Outdoor Recreation will manage the site, which will feature a pond where kids fishing events could occasionally be scheduled. “It will take time and experimentation to see how long the pond will take to sustain fish and what type,” said Stephenson. A new $10 million Education Center will open its doors in July and provid e enhanced educational opportunities for Soldiers, Civilians, Family members and school children. So far the new facility is still within the funding amount awarded for the contract, co ntract, according to David Shields, Master Planning USAG-Humphreys. USAG-Humphre ys. Shields said everything has been accomplished in a positive manner and the contractor is working two shifts and weekends to meet the planned contract completion date in July July.. “Te facility was designed designe d and built as an Adult Education Center, Center, h however owever,, tthere here will be classrooms set up strictly for computers, testing labs and a science lab with a Virtual High School on the top floor,” he said.
(Above left) Scaffolding supports construction workers from J&J Maintenance, Inc. as they nish the nal renovations to the new Humphreys Medical Clinic here, May 7. (Above right) Workers from Krima and Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction load support materials into the new Humphreys Education Center here, May 13. (Below) The nal touches of Beacon Hills environmentallyfriendly renovations feature bridge construction, placement of large boulders and re-introduction of water throughout the streams in the park. — U.S. Army photos by Ken Hall
MAY 15, 2009
Camp Carr Carroll oll Wetland syst sy ste em restoration resto ration p pro roject ject enhances nhances wildlif wil dlife e activity cti vity in th the e comm communit unity y By Pfc. Lee, Dodam USAG-Daegu Public Affairs CAMP CARROLL — Camp Carroll recently held a wetland restoration project ceremony, laying the cornerstone for improving the local environment in conjunction with an Arbor Day tree planting ceremony at a wetland restoration site April 29. Chilgok County Vicegovernor Lee, Seung-yul, Daegu Garrison Commander, Col. Michael P. Saulnier and Daegu Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. David R. Abbott attended the ceremony. Wetl an ands ds pr ovi de sig ni fi ca cant nt va valu lu e to society and local communities. Teir benefits include: water storage, flood protection, biodiversity, recreation and commerce. he Camp Carroll wetland is a mixed wetland system with a stream component flowing through its entire extent, running along three different sections and totaling 1,600 feet. Daegu Garrison is committed to environmental management and recognizes the need to connect the wetland system to
Camp Carroll held a wetland restoration project ceremony and Arbor Day tree planting ceremony, Ap April ril 29 with attendances by Chilgok County Vice-Governor Lee, Seung-yul; Daegu Garrison Commande Commanderr Col. Michael P. Saulnier; and Daegu Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. David R. Abbott. Visit for photos. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Lee, Dodam
wildlife divided into three stream strea m reaches reaches seasonal the community and the Nakdong system. Last year, Daegu Garrison River hired wetland that havewas hydrologic and design implications: In thevalues Lower and Reach streamutilization. enhancement Natural Resources Program Manager John the Upper, Middle, and Lower Reaches. Te will take place to ensure an adequate link to Tomas Kunneke and started coordinating Upper Reach is a headwater stream with a upstream improvements and the tributaries initial wetland restoration phases. Recently high water table, approximately two feet that flow off site from Camp Carroll to the the survey and foundation work have been below the surface during the dry season Nakdong River. Te Wetland area will have completed and plan to finish the project and near the surface during the wet season. a visitor entrance adjacent to the Lower prior to the year of 2010 Te upper reach historically recharged the Reach which will connect the entire area a rea by “Tis is a big day for Camp Carroll and wetland system system downstream. downstream. a footpath trail. DPW is hoping that in the Chilgok County. We started this project Most importantly, the primary focus long term it will be hydro-logically possible last year with a partnership with the Boy of the initial restoration phase has taken for fish passage between the Lower Reach Scouts and it continues to develop and we place in the Middle Reach. Projects and the Nakdong River. Camp Carroll also expect to finish in 2010. It’s an important include restoring the stream flow, creating plans to form an ecosystem education center day to celebrate our union that leads to a seasonal pond which will be connected to and open it to the local community after this the strong alliance between US Army and the stream during the wet season, creating project is completed. Chilgok County,” said Saulnier. floodplain area and wetland vegetative “Wetland provides significant value to Due to the stream component, the zones and enhancing the buffer zones for our society and more importantly to the
local community. We expect much greater activity when it, through partnership with Chilgok County, reconnects our wetland to the Nakdong River. Lastly I’d like to say all this wouldn’t be possible without the support of our partner in our US military community MSC-K,” Saulnier added. Te initial restoration phase has started showing its impact. Currently new wildlife, not previously observed here including bird species such as great egrets, mallard ducks, grey heron and white wagtail; amphibians such as Korean salamanders and Korean firebellied toad; and mammals such as raccoon dogs were observed. Kunneke especially was pleased to apply an old saying to wetland restoration: “Build it and they will come.”
Military Spouses visit International Market in Busan on Military Spouse Appreciation Day By Kim, Ayeon USAG-Daegu Public Affairs BUSAN — his year, May 8 was designated as Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Military spouses in Daegu got a chance to visit Busan for a day of shopping at the International Market to celebrate this meaningful day. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the Friday before Mother’s Day to be Military Spouse Appreciation Day. It is a day to recognize and honor the contributions and sacrifices of military spouses. Te life of a military family is one of unique challenges. Tey always have limited time to set down roots before it is time to pack up again. For many people, the constant moving would discourage them from connecting with the local community but military spouses make friends and leave lea ve a mark on the community in a limited
time regardless. diverse backgrounds butTey one come thing from they have in common is their unfailing support of their military husband or wife and the mission of the United States military. On May 8 spouses with translators went to the International Market in Busan to
Military Spouses visit International Market in Busan on the Military Spouse Appreciation Day, May 8. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Min, Joon-ki and Park, Kyung-rock
celebrate Military Spouse Appreciation Day. he Bus left ACS at 9 a.m. and returned at 5 p.m. When they arrived in the market, they were separated into several groups and started shopping. Tey
looked around the Korean market place and bought gifts for their families and themselves. After shopping, they had lunch at local restaurant. Some of them knew about Korean food, but for other spouses
it was their first time to try Korean food. Everyone had great time trying Korean cuisine. Local merchants welcomed the military spouses to their shops. erri, one of Military spouses, said, “I’ve just been in Korea for two months. It was my first time meeting a lot of Army wives. It was a good chance to form relationships. I will definitely join these kinds of opportunities.” An ot he r sp ou se , Ch er il yn Pad ge tt added, “I went shopping, learned a little bit about the Korean culture and had lunch. I had Korean food, teokb okki, ofu ofu and so on. Tey were really spicy but delicious. As soon as I see anything like this advertised again, I will definitely go.” Several spouses won gifts and all received a certificate of appreciation for their service as Military Spouses. Everyone hoped there will be another opportunity to go on a tour, learn about Korean culture culture and meet new people during this event. said, “It was Seo,like Jung-jung, an intern my first time shopping with Americans. I translated for them to buy and to discount something. It was a precious experience for me. I liked the chance to introduce Korean culture and to shop with them.”
News & Notes International Festival and Hoop Fest DAS International Festival and Hoop Fest will be held at Daegu American School campus: Inside the cafeteria and gym, and outside (weather permitting), 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 6. This event will showcase food from different cultures, activities for all ages, a silent auction of themed baskets, 3-on-3 basketball tournament, soccer shootout, cultural demonstrations, singing and performances. Come out and support DAS with all proceeds being donated to the PTO to fund activities, trips, and resources for students and faculty of the school. For more information, call Donna Benjamin at 768-7583. Arm y Bi rth day B all ‘The Year Year of the NCO’ The 234th Army Birthday Ball will be held at Grand Ball Room, Exco InterBurgo Hotel, 6 p.m., June 6. This year’s theme is ‘the year of the NCO’. Sirloin steak cooked in red wine and chicken breast cooked in white wine will be served. A vegetarian meal is available on request. The price is 45,000 won (no dollars). For purchasing tickets, contact Master Sgt. Cook, 19th ESC at 768-7117. Army Benefts Center Civilian Retirement Briefngs Representatives from the Army Benets Center – Civilian (ABC-C) will be visiting Area IV, June 5 and 8, to conduct briengs on CSRS and FERS retirement systems. They will also provide information on using the EBIS and IVRS systems for processing benets. The CSRS brieng will be conducted in the HRDD CHRA Regional Training Center, Building #1208, Classroom 2, Camp Henry. The FERS brieng will be conducted in the Camp Henry Theater, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., June 5 and 8. CISM Certifcation Training Scheduled Army Information Assurance professionals (Military and Civilian) throughout Korea are encouraged to attend this CISM Certication training scheduled for 01-05 June 2009 at the Area IV DOIM training classroom located on Camp Walker. CISM certication is managed by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association and is a DoD Information Assurance Management Level 3 certication. Attendance is limited to 15 students. students. There is no cost for attendance; however TYD/Per Diem requirements must be funded by the student’s organization if required. Please contact the RCIO IA ofce for a SF 182 no later than May 24 via e-mail to RCIO-K-InformationAssurance@ .mil. Students selected selected for attendance will be notied via e-mail no later than 26 May.
Partnership with DAS, Kyungpook National University recognized By Kim, Ayeon USAG-Daegu Public Affairs KYUNGPOOK UNIV. — U.S. Army Garrison Daegu and Kyungpook National University agreed to develop teaching practicum program with Daegu American School and to promote their relationship. Daegu Garrison Commander Col. Michael P. Saulnier and Noh, Dongil, president of
KNU signed the memorandum of agreement at Dr. Noh’s office, KNU, May 1. Both of parties have recognized the need for and benefits of increased cooperation and communication. hey agreed that it is desirable to establish a relationship KNU president, Dr. Noh gives Daegu Garrison Commander, Col. Saulnier an Appreciation that will encourage collaboration between Plague to thank for his cooperation to develop relationship between Daegu Garrison and them. Col. Saulnier and Mr. Keith Henson, KNU, May 1. — U.S. Army photo by Kim, Ayeon ican n cul ture and can mak e bett er principal of Daegu American School , an interview in English have the chance to Amer ica visited KNU Campus at 11 a.m. May 1. complete their undergraduate and graduate relationship among the Garrison, Universities Afte r loo king aro und the camp us with teaching practicum component at DAS in and community in Daegu. Tis is also a great Lorne Hwang, vice president of the KNU this year. Both of parties expect to increase opportunity for professional development international affairs office, they met Dr. the number of participants next year. Since in both direction; student teachers will Noh, Dong-il, Dr. Rim, Seong-hoon, dean beginning of May student teachers have have the chance to learn about American of eacher’s college and Dr. Lee, Moon-key, taught Public Health, Music, PE, Biology teaching methods, while host teachers will director of raining center for Education and Physics at DAS. Te duration of this have an opportunity to learn about some at Dr. Noh’s office. KNU presented Col. program is 4 weeks, which is same as of the different teaching methods used in Saulnier an appreciation plaque to thank plain teaching practicum component. Te Korean schools. Hwang said, “KNU has a longstanding for his cooperation to develop collaborative students, however, will be encouraged to programs between KNU and Daegu participate in volunteer program which is and valuable partnership with USAG Garrison. Ten Col. Saulnier and Dr. Noh the form of supplementary tutorials or class Daegu. Our KNU student interns benefit tremendously from the professional training signed at the memorandum of agreement. preparation with teachers at DAS. “We are delighted about this new program, and generous hospitality shown by American. hey will encourage development of plann ing some new ways professional internship program, teaching as it will be the first time our students will be We are currently planning practicum program with Daegu American able to complete their teaching qualification for USAG Daegu military and civilian School, and collaborative education, in an international context,” Hwang said, personnel to take advantage of the many “Col. Saulnier, Mr. Henson, and his entire educational opportunities available at KNU, research, volunteer programs. supportivee and including continuing education programs In support of the agreement, a student staff have all been extremely supportiv teaching practicum program is agreed welcoming as regards making this program and short-term summer and winter courses between DAS, the KNU eacher College, happen, and we are now just excited about in English for academic credit. Besides we are hoping that this relationship will develop and raining raining center of education which is the potential outcomes.” Both parties expect that this agreement to include short-term teacher exchanges and the first time ever program in Korea. Six student teachers who were selected through can give more students chances to experience AP courses for DAS students at KNU.”
Daegu Da egu Garris on c celebrates elebrates Natio National nal Vol Volun unteer teer W Wee eek k Daegu Garrison Army Community Services CAMP GEORGE — USAG-Daegu observed the National Volunteer Week by honoring the volunteers and their
“I feel like I achieved something. And also I know that I have more courses to do and challenges in the future. But I will manage those challenges well because I experienced this precious thing,” a student in Daegu American school, Russell Midomaru said.
“Both Russell and I volunteered at YS exceptional service to the community, on April 20 through 25. and School. We want to do this kind of Col. Michael P. P. Saulnier and Command volunteering program again for community Sgt. Maj David R. Abbott joined the service,” said Ronald Midomaru. Volunteer Coordinator and Middle School “We volunteered outside, for example, & een April 20 to recognize the youth an electric café and Daegu International volunteering their time and service. Woman Association and those were really Remarks were made by Col. Saulnier as he great. Te electric café was just like a café, congratulated them on their dedication to so we have learned how to order food and serving others. to prepare tea for people. Tat was a real
Col. Michael P. Saulnier and Command Sgt. Maj David R. Abbott join Middle School & Teen volunteers and congratulate them on their dedication and hard working to help people in DAS, April 20. — U.S. Army photo by Kim, Ayeon
experience,” added Russell. On that day each received a certification of appreciation and small tokens of appreciation. uesday, 21st Army Community Service program mangers, Martie Blanton and LaVita Vincent (AVC/MOB/DEP) welcomed guests for a light lunch as they recognized the ACS volunteers along with the participants who volunteered to be part of AFAP. Tis was the 25th year of AFAP and a good time to join them together as both are made up of volunteering their time and talents to the greater good of the community. April 24 was the main event, hosted by LaVita Vincent, Volunteer Volunteer Manager and the staff of the ACS. Each participant received a certificate of appreciation, roses and small trinkets on the tables. Command Sgt. Maj Abbott had had the opening remarks and then dinner was served. Te guest speaker for the evening was Lorne Hwang, a professor from Kyungpook University and a partner with the USAG Daegu community with the internship program, Good Neighbor Program and volunteers. Col. Saulnier and Command Sgt. Maj Abbott presented Certificate of Appreciation Apprecia tion to Freedom eam winners . Freedom eam eam is par ticipants that suppor t
— See VOLUNTEER, Page 27—
MAY 15, 2009
Daegu Garrison Firefighters tra tr ain for Medical Emergencies Emergencies
Soldiers participate in comm unity cl eanup eanup
By Matthew Haskin & Andrew Allen Daegu Garrison F&ES OUCH! Tat's going to leave a mark. Te medical training that First Responders at USAG-Daegu Fire and Emergency Services have been completing is going to leave a mark on the type of quality service our fire department is providing. Te Fire Department in USAG-Daegu recently completed the DOD’s First Aid First Responder and Army's Combat Life Saver Soldiers from Camp Carroll perform a community cleanup May 8 where Chilgok County courses, with an EM Basis Basis class. Additional acacia honey festival is held. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Lee, Dodam task like HazMat and Medical training are common place in stateside Fire Departments VOLUNTEER from Page 26 but this type of training was overdue here Fireghter Crew Chief O, Ho-kyun practices practices our Soldiers and Families during war and do for the community,” said Col. Saulnier in Korea. an IV stick on Crew Chief Song, Chu-sop peace time, said Hwang. during the event for the volunteers. he recently implemented DOD During Combat Life Saver training. — U.S. “Te annual volunteer of the year is Te following people were recipients of Firefighterr training program that helped make Firefighte A Arm rmy photo by Andre rew w Allen the award for their dedication to helping one of many ways to recognize our valuable USAG-Daegu Fire and Emergency Services others: Kelly Gemin, Martie Blanton, volunteers who devote their time and skills one of the Best Large Fire Departments in types of events. Te days of the fire departments only Monica Blumberg, Karletta Epps, Rosa to helping others,” said Vincent. the Army in 2007, now strives to improve “So, for those not registered on line, the Emergency Medical Service – EMS - putting the “wet stuff on hot stuff” are long Martinez, Angel Nunez, and Kelly Abbott. now is the time to do that, if you need help Te Volunteer of the Year was broken down gone; though we still do this, firefighters capabilitiess of the organization. capabilitie organization . Mrs. Choe Hui Song whom serves as a 911 operator; now use thermal imaging cameras to search in to various categories. he following contact ACS,” added Vincent at the end of stated “Before, I did not have much of a for fires and victims. We carry Automated people were the winners for this year: Active the event. Te event was completed by Col. Saulnier concept of EMS duties but now, I find it External Defibrillators for shocking the heart duty- Ryan Hawk; Family Member- Stacey of potential heart attack patients. Fire crews Neubig, Local National- Ki Sook Son, being presented with a check for the hours interesting and I'm excited to learn more.” Youth- Russell Midomaru, Civilian- Darryl that volunteers (registered on myarmylifetoo) With tour normalization, the Fire an and d train to use high-tech HazMat detection Youth-
Emergency must for the potential for Services an increase in “emergency-ca “prepare emergency-callllvolume”. More families will equal more EMS calls. In a post 9-11 world, changes in what the public expects from its fire departments has grown. When someone calls 911 they expect that a professional will be there for them, no matter what type of emergency they have - So we prepare for the most likely
No en d o r s em en t i mp l i ed
devices that use Infrared spectroscopy look at chemicals at a molecular level. which Tis increasing mission demand to do more with the available work force places a massive demand on education. It has gone from a basic fire fighting skill set to highly technical experts who can handle multiple problems quickly and safely to protect lives, property and the environment. environment.
Chandler, KAUSAKwang Woo Park, and RetireeDonald Wilson. Te F Family amily of the Year award went to Edward and Kathryn Choi. WO Cristal Sales received a Certificate of Achievement; and the Commanders Public Service Award went to Hanna Zitiak and Lorne Hwang. “All year long we should be letting them know how much we appreciate all they
No en d o r s em en t i m p l i ed
logged for theyear pastthey as if they been paid. his thyear ey logged 49,had 696 on VMIS, however there are many volunteers not yet registered in the system and therefore those hours couldn’t be tallied. For all volunteers not yet registered and you need assistance please call LaVita Vincent, 768-8126 or stop by the ACS.
A R E A I V J o b O p p o r t u n i t i e s ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMEN T NUMBER
GS-11 GS-12 NH-2 GS-11 GS-11 GS-12 NF-3 GS-12 GS-11
MEDDAC-K, Army Engineer District Contracting Command DPW DPW,, USAG-Daegu DPW DPW,, USAG-Daegu DPW, USAG-Dae USAG-Daegu gu Army Rec Mach Prog DPW DPW,, USAG Daegu MEDDAC-K, ASAP
May 18 May 20 May 22 May 22 May 22 May 22 Until F Filled illed May 24 May 27
GS-12 YA-2 GS-12
DPW DPW,, USAG Daegu 19th ESC DPW DPW,, USAG Daegu
May 24 May 27 May 22
USAG Daegu
June 7
Camps Henry, Walker , George MD-DHL-09-1045 KOEZ09405419D KOEZ09462106 KOEZ0934868 KOEZ09430766 KOEZ09430797 KOEZ094307 97 ARMP-09-02 KOEZ08815156R2 MD-DHL-09-1049 KOEZ0908815156R2 KOEZ09422211R KOEZ09149199A
Social Work Worker er INERDISCIPLINARY ENGINEER Contract Specialist Electrical Engineer Mechanical Engineer Supv. Engine Engineering ering ech Cash Collector Architect Counseling Psychologist (ASAP), Social Worker (ASAP) Architect Civilian Personnel Liaison Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary,, General Engineer, Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer Camp Carroll
KOEZ09480629 KOEZ09443468
Interdisciplinary; Civil Engineer, General Engineer Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer Equipment Spec (Automotive)
May 1
Recreation Assistant
June 2
Custodial Work Worker er
168th Med Bn
May 18
Administrative Assistant Duty Manager On-Call HR Specialist ACAP Counselor P/ – F/
PAC 16 PAC 20 N/A N/A
For more information, contact Employment Readiness Program Manager, Steven Wegley at 768-7951
No endorsement implied
Until Filled Until Filled Until Filled Until Filled
MAY 15, 2009