The Obstacle Course

Published on January 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 52 | Comments: 0 | Views: 355
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The Obstacle Course
The words, Si, se puede represents a great meaning in this great country that is populated and ran by Hispanics of all types. This word influenced millions of Hispanic origin and was the main campaign slogan for Barack Obama s miraculous and historic run for his presidency. These words showed us that we can overcome any obstacle that is presented in our path. They showed us that even a young child raised in the gang-torn streets of Humboldt Park can rise and achieve excellence high above all others. As a Hispanic I see this slogan as a powerful message to all others who have felt that they have failed in life, but the important message to remember is that you have never failed. If you put your heart, soul, and dedication to achieve excellence you are sure to succeed. You may face obstacles that you find impossible but, if you look and seek for the assistance then, yes you can overcome this feat and yes, you can prove others wrong and yes, you can achieve excellence! Listening to this slogan the very person that comes to mind is my sister, Mariveliz Ortiz. As a high shooler she found it difficult to be acquainted with her fellow peers. Ignorant adults found it appalling to see a young Hispanic women taking herself through high school and avoiding the constant influences that would avoid her chances of finishing high school. She is an example to the general public displaying qualities and showing that we Hispanics are not another statistic. She was told, No, she could not but she turned around and said, Yes, I can. Through this abuse she overcame stereotypes and proved others wrong. She was at the top of her graduating class. She became an influence, growing in intelligence and integrity. She refused the temptations of drugs and alcohol. If she put her heart and soul into something then there was absolutely nothing that she could not overcome. Four years later she attends Carleton College on a Posse Scholarship. She now studies abroad in Madrid, Spain learning the origin of our Spanish descent. Those who told her that she, could not are now put into utter shock and disbelief when they listen to the news of my sister. They are appalled to know that a Latina from North-Grand high school could become as successful as she is now. I have every intention to follow in my sister s footsteps, but I know that I will face challenges and hardships just as she did. I realize that it will be a difficult journey to become as great as she did. People will put me down and treat me like a minority just as she did. But, I know that I will overcome these obstacles and see to it that her legacy is not in vain. I will put my heart, soul, courage, strength, and integrity into everything I do just as she did. I will rise up and say, Yes, I can! Yes, I can! Yes, I can!

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