The Truth About Abortion

Published on January 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 49 | Comments: 0 | Views: 743
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I have had 2 abortions done here in Uk. Immediately after the procedure I was left feeling guilty and empty. Each year i would say to myself the baby would have been so many years old. When I got pregnant the third time I decided i wasn’t going to abort because of the entire emotional trauma that i went through previously. I carried my third baby full term. I wasn’t in the best position financially nor was i in a good relationship but i knew one thing that i was going to be responsible for my own actions. I knew what happens when you have sex and so getting pregnant wasn’t going to stop me from dreaming or becoming what i have always wanted to become which is to write it as it is and no other way. When somebody dies it is believed that there soul has left them, we know this because they stop breathing, they become lifeless and yet there physical body and attributes and organs are still intact yet the person is dead. When a woman conceives a soul enters her. A life is formed in thewomb even without the organs because it is the soul that gives us life. Life in the womb does not start when the organs are formed if it did, then before a humandies they would first have to loose all organs. With just a tiny drop of blood DNA can be matched to another life simply because life is in the blood. Doctors and science have hadus believe that abortions done before organs are formed means you are aborting a mass or clot of blood. Right because there is a mass of blood and that blood has life, wrong because life is in t he blood. The reality is when you are aborting a soul a life. Your life is not your body your life is your soul. Without your soul you could not have a life. Science is limited in that it deals only withevidence and facts and whenever there is no evidence science has failed. But we know this because we are not stupid that people die leaving there bodies behind. The soul can not be seen by human eyes so science can not study it. It takes spirituality o study spiritual things. Abortion is cruel it is taking a defenceless life or soul. I did it and I know what it really feels like to take a life. I am no longer guilty because ihave repented to him who gives life. When you don’t educate yourself on truth someone else will science is not about truth but a collection of limited facts. I love science don’t get me wrong science is good but life itself did not begin with science neither will it end with science what am i saying i ma saying life is bigger than science, that is why whensomeone dies they still live on in another world. Science can’t tell us where the dead soul goes. But spirituality can. So what is spirituality? it is GOD who is all knowing, and everywhere at the same time. What do you want to do now i suggest you give your life to him that gave it to you by accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour and know the truthabout your own life, don’t let science limit your abilities and who you are. If you’ve made the mistake idid by aborting ask Jesus to forgive you he will and be to you like you never sinned. Please don’t abort because you are young or have financial constraints God who put that baby in your womb will provide for you and the child. I have to tell it the way God would fornication is sin it has consequences

you might not see it today but you will later or somebody else in your family line will pay the price for your recklessness.

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