The Univeral Journalist (2nd Edition)

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lirst publislcd 1ºº0
Sccond cdition publislcd 2uuu by
?45 Arclwuy Roud. london N0 5AA
und 22××? Çuicksilvcr lrivc.
Stcrling. VA 2u100÷2u12. LSA
Copyriglt © luvid Rundull 2uuu
Tlc riglt ol luvid Rundull to bc idcntilicd us tlc uutlor
ol tlis work lus bccn usscrtcd by lim in uccorduncc witl
tlc Copyriglt. lcsigns und Putcnts Act 1º××
Britisl librury Cutuloguing in Publicution lutu
A cutuloguc rccord lor tlis book is uvuilublc lrom
tlc Britisl librury
lSBN u 745? 1042 5 lbk
lSBN u 745? 1041 7 pbk
librury ol Congrcss Cutuloging in Publicution lutu
Rundull. luvid. 1º51÷
Tlc univcrsul journulist l luvid Rundull.÷2nd cd.
p. cm.
lncludcs indcx.
lSBN u÷745?÷1042÷5
1. }ournulism. 2. Rcportcrs und rcporting. l. Titlc.
PN4775 .R?05 2uuu
1u uº u× u7 u0 u5 u4 u? u2 u1
1u º × 7 0 5 4 ? 2
lcsigncd und produccd lor Pluto Prcss by
Clusc Publisling Scrviccs. lortcscuc. Sidmoutl lX1u ºÇC
Typcsct lrom disk by Stunlord lTP Scrviccs. Nortlumpton
Printcd in tlc luropcun Lnion by Antony Rowc ltd. Clippcnlum. lnglund
ß½µ²±©´»¼¹»³»²¬- vii
Ю»º¿½» viii
ïò ɸ¿¬ Ó¿µ»- ß Ù±±¼ λ°±®¬»®á 1
Attitudcs ÷ Cluructcr ÷ A grcut rcportcr
îò ̸» Ô·³·¬¿¬·±²- ±º Ö±«®²¿´·-³ 14
Uwncrs' prioritics ÷ Tlc journulistic culturc ÷ Rcudcrs'
íò ɸ¿¬ ×- Ò»©-á 22
Wlut is ncws. ÷ Ncws vulucs ÷ Ncws vuluc luctors ÷
A sliding sculc lor storics
ìò ɸ»®» ܱ Ù±±¼ ͬ±®·»- ݱ³» Ú®±³á ?1
Tlc lubits ol succcsslul rcportcrs ÷ Non-obvious sourccs ÷
Storics tlut good rcportcrs uvoid
ëò λ-»¿®½¸ 42
Wlut you slould bc looking lor ÷ Wlcrc to gct it
êò Ø¿²¼´·²¹ ͱ«®½»-ô Ò±¬ ̸»³ Ø¿²¼´·²¹ DZ« 4º
Cuidclincs lor dculing witl uny sourcc ÷ Ulliciul sourccs ÷
Hundling Lnuutloriscd sourccs ÷ Lnuttributublc sourccs ÷
Cctting too closc to sourccs
éò Ï«»-¬·±²·²¹ 5×
Ccncrul guidclincs ÷ Çucstioning uncusy sourccs ÷
Çucstioning cvusivc und lostilc sourccs ÷ Prcss
conlcrcnccs ÷ Pcrsonulity intcrvicws
èò λ°±®¬·²¹ Ò«³¾»®- ¿²¼ ͬ¿¬·-¬·½- 72
Çucstioning dutu ÷ Avcrugcs ÷ listribution ÷
Pcrccntugcs ÷ Pcr lcud ÷ Survcys ÷ Upinion polls ÷
Corrclution ÷ Projcctions ÷ Rcul vcrsus uppurcnt risc
çò Ѳ´·²» λ-»¿®½¸ ×0
Tlc Wcb ÷ Cuidcs ÷ }ournulism rcsourccs ÷ Ncws sitcs ÷
Scurcling ÷ Advunccd scurcl lcuturcs ÷ How to
cvuluutc Wcb pugcs ÷ Utlcr tips lor surlcrs ÷ Ncwsgroups ÷
Mcssugc bourds ÷ lists
ïðò ײª»-¬·¹¿¬·ª» λ°±®¬·²¹ ºº
Wlut is invcstigutivc rcporting. ÷ Productivc urcus to
invcstigutc ÷ lnvcstigutivc rcporting skills ÷ How to run
invcstigutivc opcrutions
ïïò ر© ̱ ݱª»® Ó¿¶±® ײ½·¼»²¬- 112
How to mukc surc your covcrugc ol u disustcr docsn't
turn into onc ÷ lcutl tolls ÷ Tlc dcutl cull ÷ All rcportcrs
urc tougl. urcn't tlcy.
ïîò Ó·-¬¿µ»-ô ݱ®®»½¬·±²- ¿²¼ ر¿¨»- 12?
Mistukcs ÷ How slould you rcspond to mistukcs. ÷
Crcut ncwspupcr louxcs
ïíò Û¬¸·½- 1?2
Ccncrul guidclincs ÷ Privucy und wlcrc to druw tlc linc ÷
Crcy urcus
ïìò É®·¬·²¹ º±® Ò»©-°¿°»®- 141
Plunning ÷ Clurity÷ lrcsl lunguugc ÷ Honcsty ÷ Prccision ÷
Suitubility ÷ lllicicncy ÷ Rcvision ÷ Tlc joys ol writing
ïëò ײ¬®±- 102
How to writc slurp intros ÷ Hurd ncws upproucl ÷ Utlcr
ïêò ݱ²-¬®«½¬·±² ¿²¼ Ü»-½®·°¬·±² 174
Construction guidclincs ÷ Anulysing story structurcs ÷
Puyolls ÷ Attribution ÷ lcscription
ïéò Ø¿²¼´·²¹ Ï«±¬»- 1×0
Wlcn do you usc quotcs. ÷ Accurucy ÷ lllicicncy ÷
Attributing quotcs ÷ lnvcnting quotcs
ïèò Ü·ºº»®»²¬ É¿§- ̱ Ì»´´ ß Í¬±®§ 1º?
lillcrcnt upprouclcs ÷ How to writc cvcrytling lrom u
lly-on-tlc-wull piccc to u buckgroundcr
ïçò ݱ³³»²¬ô ײ¬»²¬·±²¿´ ¿²¼ Ѭ¸»®©·-» 1º×
Commcnt in ncws storics ÷ Tlc big l ÷ Politicul
corrcctncss ÷ Anulysis ÷ lcudcrs or cditoriul opinion
picccs ÷ Columnists ÷ Rcvicws
îðò Ö±«®²¿´·-³ ±² ¬¸» Ò»¬ 2u×
Plunning wcbsitcs ÷ lront pugc ÷ Sitc structurc ÷
Nuvigution ÷ How to trcut storics onlinc ÷ links ÷
Arclivcs ÷ Visuuls ÷ lntcructivc options ÷ lccdbuck und
discussion ÷ Storybourding ÷ logs
λ½±³³»²¼»¼ λ¿¼·²¹ 21×
ײ¼»¨ 221
At tlc risk ol sounding likc un Uscurs-niglt borc. tlcrc is u long truil ol
pcoplc wlosc udvicc und spirit inlubit tlis book. lt bcgins. ut tlc lirst
ncwspupcr l workcd on. witl tlc lutc Ccoll Collurd (lrom wlom l lcurnt
tlut journulism witlout u scnsc ol lonour is not wortl tlc numc) und
ncws cditor Cutlryn Sunsom. wlosc lcctoring lcssons in prolcssionulism
sccmcd u cursc ut tlc timc but luvc provcd u ricl blcssing cvcr sincc. At
tlc Ѿ-»®ª»®. Pctcr Corrigun (by curclul supcrvision) und writcrs likc
Pctcr lobcrcincr. Hugl Mcllvunncy und tlc lutc luwrcncc Murks (by
cxumplc) slowcd mc wlut slurp. clcur writing rcully is. At tlc sumc
pupcr. Puul Routlcdgc und }oln Mcrritt guvc mc pcrmuncnt lcssons in
low tlc bcst rcportcrs tlink und brcutlc. Un lccturc tours in Russiu.
}oln Slirlcy tuuglt mc so mucl ubout 'low to tukc commund ol tlc
mutcriul'. And ut tlc ײ¼»°»²¼»²¬. wlcrc l continuc my tlird dccudc in
journulism. l lcurnt yct uguin tlut you ncvcr stop lcurning. ln purticulur.
Simon Rittcr's running commcntury on cucl duy's contcnt improvcd my
ubility to spot writtcn nonscnsc und working witl Miclucl Williums wus
ukin to uttcnding u privutc mustcr cluss in lundling duily ncws.
Burcly u duy gocs by witlout mc tcsting in my lcud somc potcntiul
intro. lcudlinc or ncws judgcmcnt uguinst tlc stundurds tlcsc pcoplc sct.
Tlis book contuins ull tlc bcst udvicc l luvc lcurnt or collcctcd in tlrcc
dccudcs us u journulist. Somc ol it cumc dircct und uninvitcd lrom wisc
old lcuds. somc lrom obscrving clussy rcportcrs ut work. somc lrom
picking tlcir bruins. somc lrom books. somc lrom wcbsitcs und u lot lrom
muking mistukcs und lcurning tlc lurd wuy wlut wus tlc bcst. most
invcntivc wuy to do tlc job. But wlutcvcr tlc origins ol tlc lcssons
contuincd lcrc. tlcy luvc lclpcd to suvc my skin on numcrous occusions
und luvc curncd mc somc wondcrlul jobs on otlcrs.
Tlc book is cullcd ̸» ˲·ª»®-¿´ Ö±«®²¿´·-¬ in unswcr to tlosc wlo tlink
tlut cucl typc ol publicution produccs its own distinct lorm ol journulism.
incvitubly rcgurdcd by its pructitioncrs us supcrior to otlcr kinds. lt
docsn't. ll you writc und rcud cnougl storics. in tlc cnd you rculisc tlut
tlcrc rcully urc only two typcs ol journulism: good und bud. Tlc bud is
pructiscd by tlosc wlo rusl lustcr to judgcmcnt tlun tlcy do to lind out.
indulgc tlcmsclvcs rutlcr tlun tlc rcudcr. writc bctwccn tlc lincs rutlcr
tlun on tlcm. writc und tlink in tlc dcud tcrms ol tlc lormulu.
stcrcotypc und clicl’. rcgurd uccurucy us u bonus und cxuggcrution us
u tool und prclcr vugucncss to prccision. commcnt to inlormution und
cynicism to idculs. Tlc good is intclligcnt. cntcrtuining. rcliubly
inlormutivc. propcrly sct in contcxt. loncst in intcnt und cllcct. cxprcsscd
in lrcsl lunguugc und scrvcs no cuusc but tlc disccrniblc trutl.
Wlutcvcr tlc uudicncc. Wlutcvcr tlc culturc. Wlutcvcr tlc lunguugc.
Wlutcvcr tlc circumstunccs. Sucl journulism could bc printcd in uny
publicution. bccuusc it is. in cvcry scnsc ol tlc word. univcrsul. Tlis book
scts out to tcll you low to uclicvc it.
Tlc sccond rutionulc lor tlc titlc is tlut tlcsc duys. in u world wlcrc
botl tlc uvuilublc mcdiu und tlc umount ol inlormution bomburding us
is multiplying ull tlc timc. unyonc loping to bc u good journulist nccds
to ucquirc u rungc ol ncw skills. A lucility witl words is no longcr cnougl.
You ulso luvc to bc u slurp und sccpticul qucstioncr. bc comlortublc witl
stutistics. undcrstund low onlinc mcdiu works. bc ublc to usc tlc lntcrnct
lor rcscurcl. know low to lundlc incrcusingly soplisticutcd sourccs und
tlcir spin doctors. und bc ublc to producc journulism tlut is morc
inlormutivc. lrcsl und rcliublc tlun tlut ol tlc prolilcruting compctition.
ll tlut sounds likc u tull ordcr. tlut's bccuusc it is. Tlis book uims to
dcscribc tlcsc ncw tcclniqucs wlicl. wlcn uddcd to tlc morc
truditionul oncs. mukc u univcrsully skillcd journulist.
PRllACl ix
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Niclolus Tomulin
Tlc lcrocs ol journulism urc rcportcrs. Wlut tlcy do is lind tlings out.
Tlcy go in lirst. umid tlc cluos ol now. buttcring ut closcd doors.
somctimcs tuking risks. und cupturc tlc bcginnings ol tlc trutl. And il
tlcy do not do tlut. wlo will. lditors. Commcntutors. Tlcrc is only onc
ultcrnutivc to rcportcrs: ucccpting tlc uutloriscd vcrsion. tlc onc tlc
busincsscs. burcuucruts und politiciuns cloosc to givc us. Altcr ull.
witlout rcportcrs. wlut would commcntutors know.
Rcportcrs urc. likc ulmost ull lcrocs. lluwcd. As u group. tlcy luvc u
morc soilcd rcputution tlun most: lor cnougl ol tlcm routincly
cxuggcrutc. simplily und contort tlc trutl to luvc mudc purts ol tlc trudc
u by-word lor culculutcd disloncsty. Not lor notling do scrccnwritcrs
und drumutists. in scurcl ol u booublc villuin. rcgulurly opt lor u tubloid
rcportcr. lt suvcs timc. Tlcy don't luvc to spcnd pugcs cstublisling u luck
ol moruls. tlc mcrc unnounccmcnt ol tlc cluructcr's linc ol work is
cnougl lor uudicnccs to grusp tlut tlis pcrson is going to wlccdlc und
dcccivc. Tlcn tlcrc urc tlc luzy ÷ tlosc wlo opt lor spoonlccding und
tlc lucilc. rutlcr tlun tlc lurd. puinstuking. oltcn cxposcd job ol gctting
it us riglt us tlcy cun. Tlcrc is. to bc surc. u lot ol culculutcd mulicc und
sloddy workmunslip in tlc listory ol journulism.
But tlcrc is u lot tlut is lcroic. und lur. lur morc ol it tlun most mcdiu
critiqucs und journulismsclools would luvc tlc bcginncr bclicvc. Tlcrc
is }oln Tyus's cxposurc lor ̸» Ì·³»- ol Britisl utrocitics uguinst dcmon-
strutors in Munclcstcr in 1×1º: WilliumHowurd Russcll's uccounts ol
tlc bungling ol tlc Britisl urmy in tlc Crimcu: Williumlcng's cxposurc
in tlc ͸»ºº·»´¼ Ì»´»¹®¿°¸ ol corruption und violcncc in tlut city (lc wus
tlrcutcncd so oltcn tlut lc kcpt u loudcd rcvolvcr on lis dcsk und lud
u policc cscort lomc cvcry niglt): lmily Cruwlord. wlo inccssuntly
riskcd lcr lilc to rcport tlc 1×71 Puris Communc lor tlc Ü¿·´§ Ò»©- und
tlcn scoopcd tlc world ut tlc subscqucnt Vcrsuillcs Conlcrcncc: Ncllic
Bly. wlo lcigncd mcntul illncss to gct insidc un usylum und wrotc u
scrics lor tlc Ò»© DZ®µ ɱ®´¼ tlut dcscribcd tlc tcrrors und crucltics
slc lound und wlicl lcd to improvcd conditions: W.T. Stcud's cxposurc
in tlc п´´ Ó¿´´ Ù¿¦»¬¬» ol clild prostitution: und ldu Turbcll's urticlcs in
ӽݴ«®»K- tlut documcntcd tlc corruption und intimidution ol tlc
Stundurd Uil Compuny 1ºu2÷1ºu4 und prcpurcd tlc wuy lor tlc
dissolution ol tlc lirm.
Tlcn tlcrc is lmilic Murslull. wlo brokc scvcrul ull-mulc prcscrvcs in
bccoming tlc lirst womun rcportcr in tlc Housc ol Commons' prcss
gullcry und tlc lirst womun stull rcportcr on botl tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó¿·´ und Ü¿·´§
Û¨°®»--: }oln Rccd's rcporting ol tlc Russiun Rcvolution: tlc unmusking
ol tlc violcntly rucist Ku Klux Klun by Rolund Tlomus ol tlc Ò»© DZ®µ
ɱ®´¼å llyu llrcnburg's rcporting lor λ¼ ͬ¿® tlut lirst rcvculcd tlc Nuzi
cxtcrminution cumps: }oln Hcrscy und Willrcd Burclctt's rcporting lrom
Hiroslimu tlut disprovcd tlc olliciul lic tlut tlcrc wus no sucl tling us
rudiution sickncss: tlc courugcous opposition ol tlc Ѿ-»®ª»® und
Ó¿²½¸»-¬»® Ù«¿®¼·¿² to tlc Sucz invusion ol 1º50: tlc rclcntlcss pursuit
ol ligl-lcvcl sccurity brcuclcs by tlc wlolc Britisl prcss in tlc curly
1º0us. tlc uncovcring by Scymour Hcrscl. tlcn u young lrccluncc. ol
tlc lull lorrors ol tlc My lui mussucrc in 1º0×: tlc Í«²¼¿§ Ì·³»-'
cumpuign lor tlc limblcss victims ol tlc drug tlulidomidc: Curl Bcrnstcin
und Bob Woodwurd's Wutcrgutc invcstigution in tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬
tlut provcd u LS Prcsidcnt to bc u corrupt liur: und Robcrt lisk's rclusul
to swullow tlc NATU linc (or. lor tlut muttcr. unyonc's linc) in rcporting
tlc Kosovo conllict in tlc ײ¼»°»²¼»²¬ in 1ººº.
Tlcrc urc ulso tlosc wlosc numcs urc rcud llcctingly. but rurcly
rcmcmbcrcd: tlc oncs wlosc cllorts to inlorm tlcir communitics urc mct.
not witl un obstructivc olliciul or cvusivc unswcr. but witl intimidution
or worsc. lvcry ycur. tlousunds ol rcportcrs urc urrcstcd or tlrcutcncd.
lundrcds imprisoncd. und scorcs killcd. ln its most cxtrcmc lorm. tlis is
wlut Pcruviun journulist Soniu Coldcnburg lus cullcd 'ccnsorslip by
dcutl'. ln 1º×2 ninc journulists wcrc killcd uround tlc world. ln 1ºº4
no lcwcr tlun 1u? journulists dicd lor gctting too closc to tlc trutl. By
tlc turn ol tlc twcntictl ccntury. cucl montl suw 4u journulists
tlrcutcncd. 2u urrcstcd. ºu in juil und tlrcc killcd. lucl onc ol tlcm is u
dclinitivc unswcr to tlosc. botl insidc und outsidc tlc busincss. wlo
tlink tlut journulism is u bruncl ol murkcting tlut orguniscs und
cxuggcrutcs triviu. Altcr ull. no uutlority would botlcr obstructing.
juiling or murdcring pcoplc lor tlut.
linully. tlcrc urc tlc tcns ol tlousunds ol otlcr. oltcn locul. journulists
wlosc lot is notling morc glumorous or lcroic tlun discovcring tlc most
complctc vcrsion ol wlut luppcncd in tlcir urcus und rcporting it. Tlcy
don't cxpcct gold or glory. und tlcrc is no purticulur rcuson wly tlcy
slould gct it. But tlcy urc. ncvcrtlclcss. un untidotc. sociully und pro-
lcssionully. to tlosc wlo luvc trudcd in tlcir crcdibility lor u ligl sulury
or cusy lilc.
And ull tlcsc good rcportcrs slurc somctling. Tlcy muy kccp it wcll
liddcn undcr tlc journulists' obligutory. lurd-bittcn musk. but tlc
immortuls. tlc pcrsccutcdundtlcunsungull slurcubclicl inwlut tlcjob
is ubout. Tlis is. ubovc ull tlings. to qucstion: und. by so doing. tlcn to:
· liscovcr und publisl inlormution tlut rcpluccs rumour und
· Rcsist or cvudc govcrnmcnt controls.
· lnlorm. und so cmpowcr. votcrs.
· Subvcrt tlosc wlosc uutlority rclics on u luck ol public
· Scrutinisc tlc uction und inuction ol govcrnmcnts. clcctcd rcprc-
scntutivcs und public scrviccs.
· Scrutinisc busincsscs. tlcir trcutmcnt ol workcrs und customcrs.
und tlc quulity ol tlcir products.
· Comlort tlc ulllictcd und ulllict tlc comlortublc. providing u voicc
lor tlosc wlo cunnot normully bc lcurd in public.
· Hold up u mirror to socicty. rcllccting its virtucs und viccs und ulso
dcbunking its clcrislcd mytls.
· lnsurc tlut justicc is donc. is sccn to bc donc und invcstigutions
curricd out wlcrc tlis is not so.
· Promotc tlc lrcc cxclungc ol idcus. cspcciully by providing u
plutlorm lor tlosc witl plilosoplics ultcrnutivc to tlc prcvuiling
ll you cun rcud tlut list witlout tlc luirs on tlc buck ol your ncck
bcginning to stund up. tlcn muybc journulism is not lor you.
To mcct tlc uims listcd ubovc on u rcgulur busis is u tougl ussignmcnt.
Tlc idcu. common umong tlosc outsidc journulism. tlut wlut u rcportcr
nccds morc tlun unytling is tlc ubility to writc wcll is not cvcn tlc lull
ol it. litcrury ubility is only purt ol tlc job. und oltcn not tlc lurgcst purt.
Ncitlcr is good rcporting u muttcr ol ucquiring u littlc bug ol tricks und
tools. out ol wlicl tlc uppropriutc onc is sclcctcd uccording to circum-
stuncc. Wlut is nccdcd to succccd us u rcportcr urc tlc riglt uttitudcs
und cluructcr.
Tlc most importunt cquipmcnt rcportcrs luvc is tlut wlicl is curricd
uround bctwccn tlcir curs. Somc ol tlcsc uttitudcs urc instinctivc. otlcrs
urc lcurnt quickly. but most urc built up tlrougl ycurs ol cxpcricncc ÷
by rcscurcling und writing. rc-rcscurcling und rc-writing lundrcds und
lundrcds ol storics.
Rcporting is onc ol tlosc trudcs tlut you lcurn by muking mistukcs. ln
my lirst wcck in journulism. lor instuncc. l wus working on u smull
wcckly pupcr in soutlcrn lnglund und. by u combinution ol luck und my
dctcrminution to mukc un impuct. got on to u good story ubout rivcr
pollution. l wcnt oll. did tlc rcscurcl und tlcn ruslcd buck to tlc ollicc
drcuming ol tlc uccoludcs tlut would bc coming my wuy wlcn l turncd
in tlc story. 'Wlut tlc lcll is tlis.' sloutcd tlc ncws cditor wlcn lc rcud
it. 'Wlcrc urc ull tlc numcs.' l lud bccn so tlrillcd witl tlc story tlut l
lud lorgottcn to usk tlc numcs ol tlc pcoplc l lud intcrvicwcd. Tlcrc
wcrc lots ol good quotcs but ull ol tlcm wcrc lrom 'worricd rcsidcnt'.
'wutcr cnginccr'. 'sulcty inspcctor'. ctc. l spcnt tlc ncxt 24 lours rusling
uround. gctting numcs. rc-intcrvicwing pcoplc und rcpuiring most ol tlc
dumugc. And tlc story lcd tlc pupcr tlut wcck. l luvc sincc bccn so
grutclul lor my stupidity. lor l lcurnt two invuluublc lcssons in my vcry
lirst wcck. Unc wus tlut quotcs urc not mucl good witlout numcs
uttuclcd to tlcm. Tlc otlcr. cvcn morc importunt. wus tlut rcporting
wus u vcry dillicult job. Clcurly bcing cntlusiustic und luving u good
dcgrcc wus not cnougl: you ulso nccdcd tlc riglt uttitudcs. Tlc
lollowing urc tlc kcy oncs:
Õ»»² ²»©- -»²-»
You nccd tlis ÷ und lor tlrcc rcusons. lirst. in tlc positivc scnsc ol
knowing wlut mukcs u good story und tlc ubility to lind tlc csscntiul
ncws point in u muss ol dross. Sccond. in tlc ncgutivc scnsc ol not
wusting timc by pursuing storics tlut will ncvcr umount to mucl. Ultcn
you luvc to usk yourscll: 'Wlut is tlc bcst tlis story cun bc. Wlut is tlc
strongcst ncws point it will luvc il l gct ull tlc inlormution l nccd.' And
somctimcs tlc unswcr is tlut it will not bc mucl ol u tulc. So drop it. Tlc
tlird rcuson is tlut il you don't luvc u ncws scnsc. or luvc it but don't
usc it. you will miss tlings und mukc u lool ol yourscll. Tukc tlc cusc ol
luncombc }cwcll. u rcportcr lor tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó¿·´ in its curly duys. Hc wus
scnt to covcr tlc luuncl ol HMS ß´¾·±² ut tlc Tlumcs lronworks in
london und in duc coursc rcturncd to tlc ollicc witl u piccc ol purplc
prosc tlut wus. in lis own words. 'tlc ncurcst tling to u Turncr sunsct
tlut you could gct in munuscript'. As lc lundcd it in. ncws rcuclcd tlc
pupcr tlut ?u pcoplc lud drowncd ut tlc luuncling. His ncws cditor wus
bcsidc limscll witl ungcr. 'Wcll.' suid }cwcll. 'l did scc somc pcoplc
bobbing ubout in tlc wutcr us l cumc uwuy but...'
п--·±² º±® °®»½·-·±²
As u ncws cditor. tlis is tlc onc uttributc l vulucd morc tlun uny otlcr
in rcportcrs. Could l rcly on tlcir work und trust tlcir uccurucy. As u
rcportcr you ulso spccdily upprcciutc tlut your rcputution lor uccurucy
und not cxuggcruting. citlcr in print or bclorclund. is u vuluublc
commodity. losc it. und it will bc vcry dillicult to rcguin.
Prccision mcuns tlrcc tlings. lirst. tlc obvious onc ol rccording und
writing uccurutcly wlut pcoplc tcll you. Sccond. tuking curc tlut
lowcvcr uccurutc cucl littlc purt ol your story. tlc wlolc tling is truc to
tlc spirit und utmosplcrc ol tlc situution or cvcnts ÷ wlicl mcuns
udding buckground und contcxt. Tlird. not lulling into tlc dungcrous
und widcsprcud lubit ol suying. 'Wcll il tlut luppcncd und tlc otlcr
luppcncd. tlcn tlis otlcr tling must bc truc.' You slould not wisl but
rcport your storics into print. ll tlcrc urc uny gups in u scqucncc ol cvcnts
tlut you urc rcporting. lind out prcciscly wlut is missing: don't tlink
tlut il A luppcncd. tlcn somctling clsc und tlcn C. tlcn tlc missing
purt must bc B. lt muy not bc.
Ò»ª»® ³¿µ» ¿--«³°¬·±²-
Tlis upplics to ull ussumptions ÷ citlcr ol logic. idcntity. luct or motivcs.
Tlc grcut problcm witl ussumptions is tlut most ol tlcm turn out to
bc corrcct: tlut is wlut mukcs tlcm so dungcrous und tcmpting. Pluy
sulc. rcport only wlut you know. not wlut you tlink you know. Tlut
wuy you will uvoid bcing inuccurutc. disloncst und mislcuding ÷ or
Tlcrc wus u lumous occusion wlcn u lrccluncc plotogruplcr guvc u
Britisl muss-murkct ncwspupcr u picturc ol Princc Clurlcs putting lis
urms uround u ludy wlo wus not lis wilc ut u timc wlcn lc wus known
to bc unluppily murricd. Tlc pupcr publislcd tlc picturc undcr u
lcudlinc tlut suggcstcd u romuntic rclutionslip. bccuusc tlc cditors
ussumcd tlut wus wlut wus tuking plucc. Tlcy wcrc wrong. Lnknown
to tlcm. tlc picturc wus tukcn ut tlc luncrul ol tlc womun's clild. wlo
lud dicd ol lcukucmiu ut tlc ugc ol lour. Tlc Princc wus doing wlut uny
ol us miglt luvc donc in u similur situution ÷ lc wus comlorting tlc
distrcsscd motlcr.
Ò»ª»® ¾» ¿º®¿·¼ ¬± ´±±µ -¬«°·¼
Howcvcr rudimcntury you muy imuginc your ignoruncc to bc. il you
don't know. usk: il you don't undcrstund. rcqucst un cxplunution. lon't
worry il unyonc luugls ut you. Tlc rcully stupid rcportcrs urc tlc oncs
wlo prctcnd to know. wlo sit tlcrc nodding tlrouglout un intcrvicw
tlcy only purtly undcrstund und wlo tlcn try to writc tlc story ÷ und
lind tlut tlcy cun't. Tlc plucc to slow your ignoruncc is wlcn
qucstioning pcoplc. not on pupcr in your subscqucnt story.
Þ» -«-°·½·±«- ±º ¿´´ -±«®½»-
An csscntiul gcncrul uttitudc lor rcportcrs. indccd ull journulists. is to bc
suspicious ol ull sourccs. Wly is tlis pcrson tclling mc tlis. Wlut is tlcir
motivc. And urc tlcy rcully in u position to know wlut tlcy cluim to
know. Tlis complcx issuc is dcult witl in Cluptcr 0.
Ô»¿ª» §±«® °®»¶«¼·½»- ¿¬ ¸±³»
You cunnot bc cxpcctcd to slcd ull your clcrislcd bclicls. but you slould
ncvcr ullow tlcm consciously to ullcct your work. Rcportcrs slould
uccurutcly rclutc wlut luppcncd. not struin cvcrytling tlrougl tlc sicvc
ol tlcir own prcjudiccs. culturcd und intclligcnt tlougl tlcy imuginc
tlcsc to bc.
Tlis invocution upplics to ncwly mintcd prcjudiccs us wcll us old oncs.
lon't lct tlc opinions you lorm curly on in tlc rcscurcl prcmuturcly
colour your judgcmcnt ol tlc story. A grcut sin ol somc rcportcrs. pur-
ticulurly tlosc oltcn uskcd to writc colour und utmosplcrc picccs. is tlut
tlcy will writc tlc intro in tlcir lcuds on tlc wuy to un intcrvicw. Tlcir
intro muy bc smurt. it muy bc u bcuutilul piccc ol writing. but tlc clunccs
urc tlut it will suy morc ubout tlcm tlun tlcir subjcct.
λ¿´·-» §±« ¿®» °¿®¬ ±º ¿ °®±½»--
Rcportcrs urc subjcct to wlut cditors wunt. By ull mcuns urguc witl
tlcm. slout ut tlcm und try to swcct-tulk tlcm. but. in tlc cnd. you luvc
to ucccpt tlcir dccision ÷ or go und work clscwlcrc. Tlut is prolcssion-
ulism. So. too. is tlc ucccptuncc ol tlc disciplinc ol tlc sclcdulc ol your
pupcr. A lot ol rcportcrs tlink it is somclow u murk ol u litcrury tulcnt in
lull llowcr to bc lutc und ovcr lcngtl. lt is not. lt is tlc sign ol un unrcliublc
umutcur. So too is tlc rcportcr wlo. wlcn out on u story. luils to cull into
tlc ollicc rcgulurly. You cun oltcn. lowcvcr. usc tlc pupcr's nccds to
your udvuntugc. gctting promincncc lor your storics by culculuting wlcn
in your pupcr's production cyclc tlcy urc most in nccd ol curly storics or
oncs illustrutcd by picturcs. gruplics. sidcburs. ctc. ÷ und dclivcring tlcm.
Û³°¿¬¸§ ©·¬¸ ®»¿¼»®-
Lnlcss pcoplc rcud your story. you miglt us wcll bc muttcring it to
yourscll in u durkcncd room. Tlcy will rcud it il you considcr tlcm ÷
wlcn you writc. but cspcciully wlcn you rcscurcl. Wlut will rcudcrs
wunt to know. Wlut do tlcy nccd cxpluincd. And wlut will bring tlis
story lomc to tlcm. lind unccdotcs. slow low tlc cvcnts will impuct
on rcudcrs' livcs. or impuct on otlcr livcs: usc cxumplcs tlut will bc
rclcvunt to tlcir own cxpcricncc: ubovc ull. wlcrc possiblc. tcll tlc story
in tcrms ol rcul pcoplc.
̸» ©·´´ ¬± ©·²
Sooncr or lutcr tlc ncw rcportcr cxpcricnccs tlc duwning rculisution
tlut tlc rcst ol tlc world is not run lor tlc convcnicncc ol ncwspupcrs.
Storics luppcn ut bud timcs und in uwkwurd pluccs. tclcploncs urc not
ulwuys uvuilublc or working: und. il you urc out ol tlc city or country.
you cun bc running out ol moncy. timc. lood. drink und cncrgy. You nccd
u strong dcsirc to bcut wlutcvcr circumstunccs urc strcwn in your putl.
gct to tlc story und tlcn lilc us lust us possiblc. To bc likc ld Cody ol tlc
É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬. Mort Roscnblum's cxccllcnt book ɸ± ͬ±´» ¬¸» Ò»©-á
tclls tlc story ol low Cody wus in Puris onc niglt in lcccmbcr 1º××
wlcn word rcuclcd lim tlut u Pun Am jumbo jct lud cruslcd on
lockcrbic. u littlc town in Scotlund. lt wus ×.2u p.m. und tlc lust lliglt
to Brituin tlut cvcning lud ulrcudy lclt. Cody lound u clurtcr opcrutor.
pcrsuudcd lis lorcign cditor in tlc Lnitcd Stutcs to uutlorisc tlc cost
und. u lcw lours lutcr. tlc rcportcr wus in Clusgow. lockcrbic wus 0u
milcs soutl und by tlut timc lud bccn sculcd oll by policc roudblocks.
Miruculously. Cody lound u cub drivcr wlo wus lrom tlc town und. witl
lis locul knowlcdgc und contucts. Cody mudc it to tlc sccnc. Tlc drivcr
cvcn lud u lricnd wlo owncd u pub. wlicl lc opcncd up so tlut tlc
rcportcr could cull Wuslington to lilc lis story.
Tlc crusl. in wlicl ull 25º pusscngcrs und 11 pcoplc on tlc ground
dicd. wus onc ol tlc biggcst storics ol tlc 1º×us. Cody's cxccllcnt job on
it wus possiblc bccuusc lc lud tlc will to win. Hc muy ulso luvc lud u
pupcr prcpurcd to puy S0.uuu lor u clurtcr uircrult. but. on most
occusions. u rcportcr's dcsirc to gct to tlc story will not cost us mucl und
it will ulwuys bring rcwurds.
Í»²-» ±º «®¹»²½§
Ncwspupcrs wunt tlcir rcportcrs to lilc tlc curlicst und lullcst uccount
ol u story tlut tlcy cun gct. A littlc lcultly. or cvcn unlcultly.
compctition to bc lirst is purt ol tlc rculity ÷ und lun ÷ ol tlc job. And it
scrvcs rcudcrs wcll. just so long us not too muny corncrs urc cut.
Bcuting tlc rivul ugcncy. lor instuncc. wus uppcrmost in tlc minds ol
tlc Associutcd Prcss (AP) und Lnitcd Prcss lntcrnutionul (LPl) plotog-
ruplcrs wlo wcrc ussigncd to tukc picturcs ol tlc lului lumu us lc llcd
Tibct in 1º5º. Botl clurtcrcd pluncs und orguniscd rcluys ol motorcy-
clists so tlut tlcy could gct tlcir picturcs lrom tlc Clincsc bordcrs to tlc
ncurcst trunsmittcr in lndiu. Wlcn tlc lului lumu cmcrgcd lrom lis
uircrult. tlc plotogruplcrs lcupt lorwurd. took tlcir picturcs und run to
tlcir ulrcudy-rcvving pluncs. Altcr u brcuk-ncck rucc in tlc uir und on
tlc ground. LPl won.
Tlc AP mun wus dcvustutcd. Hc wcnt buck to lis lotcl room und sut
tlcrc. lull ol rccriminution ubout wlut miglt luvc bccn und tlc slumc
ol bcing bcutcn. Tlcn lc rcccivcd u cublc lrom lis ollicc: 'Upposition's
lului lumu lus long sluggy luir. Yours buld. How plcusc.' Tlc AP mun
cublcd buck: 'Bccuusc my lului riglt lului.' ln lis dcspcrution to bc lirst.
tlc LPl mun lud plotogruplcd tlc intcrprctcr.
Acccptublc rivulry lus its limits. lowcvcr. und tlcy wcrc surcly
rcuclcd ÷ und considcrubly cxcccdcd ÷ by tlc lormcr Ò»© DZ®µ б-¬
journulist Stcvc lunlcuvy wlo us u young mun workcd us u rcportcr
wlcn lis lutlcr wus witl tlc opposition pupcr. Botl wcrc ussigncd tlc
sumc story und lc wus so kccn to bc lirst to tlc sccnc tlut lc immobiliscd
lis lutlcr's cur by slusling its tyrcs.
All uround tlc world govcrnmcnts urc gctting cvcr morc soplisticutcd in
tlcir munugcmcnt ol ncws. tigltly controlling wlut inlormution tlcy
distributc und wlo gcts it. ln somc pluccs ucccss to tlcsc clunncls cvcn
involvcs rcportcrs joining u kind ol inlormul 'club'. witl rulcs ubout wlut
constitutcs 'rcsponsiblc' bcluviour und tlc tlrcut ol cxclusion lrom tlc
olliciul inlormution lor tlosc wlo struy. Tlis is unlcultly. us is tlc lubit
ol rcportcrs somctimcs to co-opcrutc witl cucl otlcr. sluring quotcs und
plonc numbcrs. But good rcportcrs slould ulwuys bc prcpurcd to strikc
out on tlcir own wlcn ncccssury. to go wlcrc no onc clsc is going. und
÷ wlcn it docs not work out ÷ tukc tlc lluk. Tlcy urc rcudy to spurn prc-
digcstcd mculs lrom tlc olliciul spoon bccuusc tlcy know tlcrc is
somctling lur tusticr to bc lound il only tlcy go loruging lor tlcmsclvcs.
Almost uny intclligcnt lumun bcing cun. witl sullicicnt upplicution.
lcurn low to bc u compctcnt rcportcr. But to risc ubovc tlut. to bc good
or grcut. you must luvc rcul tulcnt und lluir lor citlcr rcscurcl. or
writing. or botl. And you slould luvc tlc riglt kind ol cluructcr: lor il
tlcrc is onc tling tlut scpurutcs outstunding rcportcrs lrom tlc ordinury.
it is tlis.
Most ol wlut l know ubout tlc pcrsonulity ol u truc rcportcr l owc to
onc mun. Hc wus tcn ycurs my junior und l only kncw lim lor u lcw bricl
ycurs bclorc lc dicd lrom lcukucmiu ut tlc ugc ol ?2. but lc wus us ncur
to pcrlcction us u rcportcr us l cvcr cxpcct to mcct. Hc wus tlc clicl
rcportcr ol tlc london Ѿ-»®ª»® und lis numc wus }oln Mcrritt. Tlis slim.
slurp-luccd young mun lud cvcry virtuc. und most ol tlc viccs. nccdcd
in u grcut rcportcr. Tlc lirst tling tlut struck mc ubout }oln. cvcn bclorc
l rculiscd lc wus u grcut rcportcr. wus tlut pcoplc likcd lim. Hc wus opcn-
looking und lc could bc lunny. but tlc rcuson pcoplc wurmcd to lim wus
bccuusc lc wus intcrcstcd in tlcm und slowcd it witl lis ±«¬¹±·²¹ ²¿¬«®».
Tlis did not mcun tlut lc tourcd tlc world witl u lixcd grin on lis lucc.
oozing ploncy lricndslip. grccting pcoplc likc u gumc slow lost. But tlc
ubility to strikc up rclutionslips witl pcrlcct strungcrs wus ol rccurring
ussistuncc to lim. Witl rougl und rcudy typcs (likc lcllow journulists)
lc could drink. smokc und swcur. und witl bislops lc could drink tcu
und tulk tlcology. Wlutcvcr lc tlouglt ol pcoplc. lc could bc cusy witl
tlcm und mukc tlcm lccl ut cusc witl lim.
Tlis plcusuntncss muskcd. until lc wuntcd it uncovcrcd. tlc cluruc-
tcristic wlicl is typicul ol ull clussy rcportcrs ÷ ¼»¬»®³·²¿¬·±². }oln lud u
rcsolvc botl to lind storics ol tlc riglt stundurd und to liglt tlrougl ull
tlc obstuclcs. dcluys und cvusivcncss tlut lc lound bctwccn lim und tlc
linislcd urticlc. His dctcrminution wus cspcciully visiblc wlcn u
purticulur piccc ol inlormution wus proving dillicult to lind. Tlcn lc wus
prcpurcd to sit ut lis dcsk lor lours on cnd. muking plonc cull ultcr
plonc cull. trying ull kinds ol unlikcly pluccs until lc lud got wlut lc
lt lclpcd u grcut dcul tlut tlis dctcrminution wus ullicd to considcr-
ublc umounts ol tlut otlcr grcut rcporting quulity ÷ ½¸»»µ. Hc lud tlc
uuducity to ring tlut top olliciul ut lomc. usk lor u copy ol tlut rcport or
tlut luvour lrom u pcrlcct strungcr. You ncvcr lcurd lrom lim tlc poor
rcportcr's wlinc ol 'Ul. it's no good usking lor tlut. tlcy would ncvcr
spcuk to mc'. Hc wus curclul ubout tlc timing ol lis upproucl. but ncvcr
slicd uwuy lrom muking tlc cull. 'Tlc worst tlcy cun suy is buggcr oll.'
lc would suy us lc pickcd up tlc plonc to try onc lust cull ÷ und oltcn
tlut cull produccd tlc goods. }oln wus ncvcr ulruid to usk.
Ncitlcr wus lc ulruid ol mucl clsc. lcust ol ull tlrcuts. lurd work. big
numc olliciuls or govcrnmcnts. Tlis wus not duc to urroguncc (ultlougl
lc lud plcnty ol tlut ut timcs). but tlc °¿--·±² ¿²¼ -»²-» ±º ·²¶«-¬·½» tlut
lc brouglt witl lim to work. }oln wus not u suint (unybody wlo
disugrccd witl lim in tlc ollicc wus soon uwurc ol lis slurp tonguc). but
lc curcd dccply ubout tlc victims ol socicty und govcrnmcnts. Hc suw it
us u mujor purt ol lis job to givc u voicc to tlosc wlo did not luvc onc.
lor lim. impurtiulity did not mcun indillcrcncc: it did not mcun bcing
inoculutcd uguinst curing ubout wrongs in socicty. Hc bclicvcd tlut ungcr
und u scnsc ol injusticc slould constuntly inspirc journulists. inlorming
tlcir judgcmcnts ubout tlc subjccts to bc tucklcd und powcring tlcir
cnquirics to tlcir cnd. }oln could writc liglt storics. but lc wus distin-
guislcd lor tlc storics lc wrotc ubout tlc victims ol torturc tlrouglout
tlc world. tlc lomclcss und tlcir cxploitution by grccdy lundlords. und
tlc uppulling conditions in wlicl tlc mcntully lundicuppcd wcrc kcpt
in pluccs likc Crcccc. But lc wus ulwuys prolcssionul ÷ lc ncvcr lorgot
tlc dillcrcncc bctwccn u story und u scrmon.
Hc ulso lud. to un cxtcnt tlut wus ovcrwlclming ut timcs. »²¬¸«-·¿-³.
lt is cusy lor u rcportcr to bc cxcitcd by u big story. but tlc tcst ol tlcir
quulity is wlctlcr tlcy luvc tlc uppctitc to mukc tlc bcst ol tlc
unpromising-looking story. }oln lud tlis cntlusiusm. ulwuys prcpurcd
to comc in curly und stuy lutc wlcn ncccssury. And not just in tlc ollicc.
Rcportcrs wlo lly into mcctings or prcss conlcrcnccs or uny otlcr
ussignmcnt ut tlc lust minutc und tlcn lcuvc ut tlc curlicst opportunity
muy tlink tlis is low tlc grown-ups bcluvc. but it isn't. Cood rcportcrs
oltcn gct storics by bcing ut mcctings curly or lunging uround lutc und
tulking to olliciuls.
Tlcn tlcrc wus lis inccssunt ½«®·±-·¬§. Hc uskcd qucstions. Constuntly.
}oln Mcrritt wus intcrcstcd in unytling und cvcrytling. Hc wuntcd to
lind out wly tlings urc likc tlcy urc. wlut tlcy urc. wly tlcy work. or
don't work. Wlcrcvcr lc wcnt. lc ncvcr stoppcd usking qucstions. Hc
could probubly luvc lound u story in tlc middlc ol un cmpty licld.
ß ¹®»¿¬ ®»°±®¬»®
ll onc wus to sclcct onc piccc ol rcporting tlut in its quulity und impuct
rcprcscnts tlc bcst ol journulism. onc could do u lot worsc tlun go buck
u ccntury und u quurtcr to u Ccntrul luropc rivcn by nutionulist cluims
und systcmutic violcncc. ln wlut lollows. uny rcscmbluncc to contcm-
porury cvcnts in tlut purt ol tlc world is ulmost ccrtuinly not u
coincidcncc. Tlc story sturtcd witl ullcgutions ol utrocitics. tlc simul-
tuncous lying ol scvcrul govcrnmcnts. ccnsorslip und u dying cmpirc. lt
drcw in Turkcy. Russiu. Brituin und u nusccnt Bulguriu. continucd witl
lcroism und u wur. und concludcd witl notling lcss tlun tlc crcution
ol scvcrul ncw nutions in tlc rc-druwing ol tlc mup ol luropc. And wlut
drcw ull tlcsc dispurutc strunds togctlcr wus u lormcr St. Pctcrsburg cor-
rcspondcnt. un lrisl-Amcricun cullcd }unuurius Aloysius MucCulun.
lvcn by tlc udvcnturous stundurds ol lis duy. MucCulun wus u tlrill-
scckcr ol tlc lirst ordcr. ln un ugc wlcn mcn in un intcrnutionul lurry
uscd tlc lorsc und tlc stcumslip. MucCulun in livc lusty ycurs rcportcd
lrom tlc Puris Communc (wlcrc lc wus imprisoncd). tlc court ol St.
Pctcrsburg. Ccntrul Asiu. Cubu. tlc Arctic. tlc Cuucusus und tlc
Pyrcnccs. lumously distinguislcd lor lis impurtiulity und slurp cyc.
MucCulun wus ulso ncvcr onc to slirk u clullcngc. ln 1×75 lc suilcd
tlrougl tlc Arctic's icc-clokcd wutcrs in u woodcn bout und two ycurs
curlicr lc dclicd u Russiun cmburgo on rcportcrs to mukc u rcmurkublc
ridc ovcr tlc Ccntrul Asiun stcppcs. His goul wus to cutcl up witl u
Russiun militury cxpcdition on its wuy to Turkcstun. Cossucks bcnt on
lis dcstruction pursucd lim lor ncurly 1.uuu milcs but ultcr 2º duys.
uccompunicd by two uttcndunts. somctimcs lorccd to wudc kncc-dccp in
sund und scvcrul timcs lost. lc rcuclcd tlc cump. His towcring
rcputution lor rcliubility und bruvcry rcuclcd ncw pcuks.
By tlc summcr ol 1×70. tlis ?2-ycur-old rcportcr wus in london witl
lis Russiun-born wilc. Burburu. und u young son. Hc wus plunning u
tlird book und somc rcst. But lis rcluxution wus slort-livcd. Tlc Ü¿·´§
Ò»©-. u promincnt libcrul london pupcr. contuctcd lim. Tlcy lud un
urgcnt ussignmcnt.
Tlc Ò»©- wus in somc troublc. A duy or so bclorc. on 2? }unc. tlcy
lud publislcd u story lrom tlcir mun in Constuntinoplc. Sir ldwin Pcurs.
buscd on rumours ol tcrriblc utrocitics in soutlcrn Bulguriu by Turkisl
lorccs uguinst tlc Clristiun populution. Tlc Britisl lorcign Ullicc wus
lurious. So too wus tlc pro-Turkisl Primc Ministcr. Bcnjumin lisrucli.
lcscribing tlc rcports us 'collcc-lousc bubblc'. lc llutly dcnicd tlcm und
opcnly clurgcd tlc pupcr witl misrcporting und witl. tlut old stundurd
wlinc ol tlc politiciuns. 'irrcsponsibility'. Tlc Turks. wlo lud imposcd
u totul ccnsorslip on cvcnts. dcnicd tlc wlolc tling.
lt wus now up to tlc Ò»©- to provc tlcir clurgcs. or lumiliutingly to
climb down. So tlcy scnt lor MucCulun und commissioncd lim to go to
Bulguriu und try to discovcr tlc trutl. By curly }uly lc wus on lis wuy:
by tlc middlc ol tlc montl lc wus tlcrc. invcstiguting und intcrvicwing
lundrcds ol survivors. Wlut lc lound wus bcyond cvcn lis lurdcncd
imuginings: tlc lrcnzicd und wlolcsulc butclcry ol somc 12.uuu
Bulguriun mcn. womcn und clildrcn.
ln tlc lirst ol lis disputclcs. publislcd by tlc Ò»©- on 2× }uly.
MucCulun wrotc: 'l tlink l cumc in u luir und impurtiul lrumc ol mind .
l lcur l um no longcr impurtiul. und l um ccrtuinly no longcr cool .'. His
most tclling uccount wus lrom tlc villugc ol Butuk. lcspitc lis own
rcmurks ubout impurtiulity. it is u modcl ol low tlc controllcd rcporting
ol lucts. rutlcr tlun cmotions. is tlc most cllcctivc lorm ol journulism:
Tlc lillsidcs wcrc covcrcd witl littlc liclds ol wlcut und ryc tlut wcrc
goldcn witl ripcncss. But ultlougl tlc lurvcst wus ripc. und ovcr ripc
. tlcrc wcrc no sign ol rcupcrs trying to suvc tlcm. Tlc liclds wcrc us
dcscrtcd us tlc littlc vullcy. und tlc lurvcst wus rotting in tlc soil.
. At lust wc cumc to u littlc plutcuu on tlc lillsidc . Wc rodc
towurd tlis. witl tlc intcntion ol crossing it. but ull suddcnly drcw
rcin witl un cxclumution ol lorror. lor riglt bclorc us. ulmost bcncutl
our lorscs' lcct. wus u siglt tlut mudc us sluddcr. lt wus u lcup ol
skulls intcrminglcd witl boncs lrom ull purts ol tlc lumun body.
skclctons. ncurly cntirc. rotting clotling. lumun luir. und putrid llcsl
lying tlcrc in onc loul lcup. uround wlicl tlc gruss wus growing
. ln tlc midst ol tlis lcup l could distinguisl onc sliglt skclcton
lorm still cncloscd in u clcmisc. tlc skull wruppcd ubout witl u
colourcd lundkcrclicl. und tlc bony unklcs cncuscd in tlc
cmbroidcrcd lootlcss stockings worn by tlc Bulguriun girls.
. Un tlc otlcr sidc ol tlc wuy wcrc tlc skclctons ol two clildrcn
lying sidc by sidc purtly covcrcd witl stoncs. und witl lrigltlul subrc
cuts in tlcir littlc skulls. As wc upprouclcd tlc middlc ol tlc town.
boncs. skclctons. und skulls bccumc morc numcrous. Tlcrc wus not u
lousc bcncutl tlc ruins ol wlicl wc did not pcrccivc lumun rcmuins.
und tlc strcct bcsidcs wus strcwn witl tlcm. Tlc clurcl wus not u
vcry lurgc onc. und it wus surroundcd by u low stonc wull. cnclosing
u smull clurclyurd ubout lilty yurds widc by scvcnty-livc long. At lirst
wc pcrccivc notling in purticulur. . but upon inspcction wc discovcr
tlut wlut uppcurcd to bc u muss ol stoncs und rubbisl wus in rculity
un immcnsc lcup ol lumun bodics covcrcd ovcr witl u tlin luycr ol
. Wc wcrc told tlcrc wcrc tlrcc tlousund pcoplc lying lcrc in tlis
littlc clurclyurd ulonc . Tlcrc wcrc littlc curly lcuds tlcrc in tlut
lcstcring muss. cruslcd down by lcuvy stoncs: littlc lcct not us long
us your lingcr on wlicl tlc llcsl wus dricd lurd by tlc urdcnt lcut
bclorc it lud timc to dccomposc: littlc buby lunds strctclcd out us il
lor lclp: bubcs tlut lud dicd wondcring ut tlc briglt glcum ol subrcs
und tlc rcd lunds ol tlc licrcc-cycd mcn wlo wicldcd tlcm: clildrcn
wlo lud dicd slrinking witl lriglt und tcrror: young girls wlo lud
dicd wccping und sobbing und bcgging lor mcrcy: motlcrs wlo dicd
trying to slicld tlcir littlc oncs witl tlcir own wcuk bodics. ull lying
tlcrc togctlcr. lcstcring in onc lorrid muss.
Tlcy wcrc silcnt cnougl now. Tlcrc urc no tcurs nor crics. no
wccping. no slricks ol tcrror. nor pruycrs lor mcrcy. Tlc lurvcsts urc
rotting in tlc liclds. und tlc rcupcrs urc rotting lcrc in tlc clurclyurd.
MucCulun's rcports (wlicl wcrc rcprintcd ucross tlc world und lutcr
publislcd us u booklct in muny lunguugcs) instuntly dctonutcd u cluin
rcuction ol cnormous proportions. Amid tlc worldwidc indignution tlut
lollowcd. tlc Britisl govcrnmcnt wus lorccd to conccdc tlc trutl.
prcssurc lor militury intcrvcntion built up und. in tlc spring ol 1×77.
Russiu luunclcd u wur uguinst Turkcy.
×u corrcspondcnts urrivcd to covcr tlc Russiun sidc but sucl wcrc tlc
rigours ol tlc cumpuign tlut by its cnd lcss tlun u ycur lutcr. only lour
ol tlc originul rcportcrs wcrc still in tlc licld. MucCulun. ol coursc. wus
umong tlcm. Hc lud gonc oll to wur witl onc loot in plustcr. ultcr
injuring it in u lull. Hc ignorcd tlis und two lurtlcr uccidcnts wlicl
scriously cripplcd lim. und curricd on rcporting. wutcling tlc liglting
lrom u gun curriugc. Six montls und two trcutics lutcr. tlc nutions ol
Bulguriu. Scrbiu. Montcncgro und Romuniu lud comc into bcing. Russiu
wus cnlurgcd und tlc Britisl lud Cyprus.
MucCulun. lowcvcr. wus not ulivc to rcport it. A lcw wccks ultcr tlc
cnd ol tlc wur lc wcnt to Constuntinoplc to nursc lis lricnd. lruncis
Crccnc. tlrougl typloid lcvcr. Crccnc survivcd. but MucCulun cuuglt
it limscll und on º }unc 1×77 lc dicd. ugcd ?4. Tlc Bulguriuns. wlo
lud ulrcudy clristcncd lim 'Tlc libcrutor'. buricd lim in Pcru. musscs
wcrc suid lor lis soul in St. Pctcrsburg und lc wus mourncd in london.
Puris und Amcricu. ln Soliu u stutuc wus crcctcd to lim und lor ycurs
ultcrwurds lis dcutl wus commcmorutcd witl un unnuul rcquicm ut
livc ycurs lutcr lis body wus brouglt by un Amcricun wurslip to Ncw
York. wlcrc it luy in stutc in City Hull. und tlcncc wus tukcn to its linul
rcsting plucc in Ncw lcxington. Ulio. His wilc. wlo lud bccn tlc Russiun
corrcspondcnt ol tlc Ò»© DZ®µ Ø»®¿´¼. crosscd tlc occun witl lcr
lusbund's body und bccumc tlc Amcricun corrcspondcnt lor tlc
Moscow pupcr. Ϋ--µ¿§¿ Ê·»¼³±-¬·. lutcr tlut ycur un olliciul inquiry
conlirmcd. in tlc cool culm ol lindsiglt. cvcrytling tlut MucCulun lud
writtcn lrom tlc cluotic killing liclds ol Bulguriu. Lnivcrsul journulism
is notling ncw.
ɸ»²»ª»® §±« º·²¼ ¸«²¼®»¼- ¿²¼ ¬¸±«-¿²¼- ±º -¿²» °»±°´» ¬®§·²¹ ¬± ¹»¬ ±«¬
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H.R. Knickcrbockcr
̸» Ô·³·¬¿¬·±²- ±º Ö±«®²¿´·-³
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lvcry duily ncwspupcr ouglt to print u discluimcr in cucl issuc. lt would
rcud somctling likc tlis:
Tlis pupcr. und tlc lundrcds ol tlousunds ol words it contuins. lus
bccn produccd in ubout 15 lours by u group ol lulliblc lumun bcings.
working out ol crumpcd olliccs wlilc trying to lind out wlut luppcncd
in tlc world lrom pcoplc wlo urc somctimcs rcluctunt to tcll us und.
ut otlcr timcs. positivcly obstructivc.
Tlcrc urc limits to tlc proccss ol journulism. Slortugc ol timc und tlc
lrcqucnt unuvuilubility ol inlormution urc two wlicl urc cndcmic. So
too urc tlc crrors tlut journulists mukc wlcn working undcr prcssurc.
Tlcrc urc ulso limitutions on good journulism wlicl urc crcutcd by
journulists tlcmsclvcs und by tlosc wlo control or own ncwspupcrs.
Unc ol tlis trudc's grcut mytls is tlut covcrugc ol cvcnts is slupcd by u
pupcr's stylc und ncws vulucs. Would tlut it wus ull us simplc us tlut.
lnstcud. tlc quulity und nuturc ol u pupcr's journulism is ulso slupcd by
tlc owncrs' prioritics. tlc prcvuiling journulistic culturc und wlut
rcudcrs' vulucs urc pcrccivcd to bc. And tlcrc is oltcn conllict bctwccn
tlcsc luctors.
Ñ©²»®-K °®·±®·¬·»-
Uwncrs muy puy lip scrvicc to conccpts ol trutl. liglt und tlc virtuous
wuy. but tlcy urc gcncrully in tlc busincss to mukc moncy or
propugundu or botl. Tlc wuy tlosc wlo control ncwspupcrs' pursc
strings usc tlcm lor propugundu is so wcll uttcstcd tlut it docs not nccd
rc-stuting witl ull its gory dctuils lcrc. Promotion ol tlcir own vicws.
cxclusion ol opposing oncs. slunting covcrugc to lit u point ol vicw or
commcrciul intcrcsts und pursuing pcrsonul vcndcttus urc mujor tlcmcs
ol prcss listory.
Unc cxumplc will sullicc. lt involvcs Willium Rundolpl Hcurst. tlc
Amcricun ncwspupcr mugnutc wlo bcluvcd ull lis lilc us il lc und
loncsty lud ncvcr bccn propcrly introduccd. Hc it wus wlo. wlcn u lilm
cullcd Ý·¬·¦»² Õ¿²» wus mudc putcntly buscd on lis lilc. ollcrcd moncy to
tlc studio to luvc tlc mustcr und ull prints dcstroycd bclorc distribution.
Wlcn tlut luilcd lc lud lis gossip columnist. loucllu Pursons. ring
studio cxccutivcs und distributors und tlrcutcn tlcm witl tlc cxposurc
ol pcrsonul dctuils. Slc told tlcm: 'Mr Hcurst suys tlut il you boys wunt
privutc livcs. lc'll givc you privutc livcs.'
Notling. lowcvcr. bcttcr illustrutcs Hcurst's uttitudc towurds
journulism. und tlut ol muny otlcr proprictors down tlc ycurs. tlun onc
cxclungc ol cublcs lrom 1׺×. Hcurst wus vcry unxious. lor pcrsonul
politicul rcusons und circulution purposcs. tlut tlcrc slould bc u
Spunisl÷Amcricun wur ovcr Cubu. His muin pupcr. tlc Ò»© DZ®µ Ö±«®²¿´.
run sluntcd. jingoistic storics witl lurid. distortcd lcudlincs ('lccding
Prisoncrs To Tlc Slurks' und 'Tlc Worst lnsult to tlc Lnitcd Stutcs ln lts
History'. ctc.). Hc ulso scnt lis stull on ull kinds ol cscupudcs to lind
cvidcncc ol Spunisl 'utrocitics'. Tlc loncst oncs lilcd notling (und lound
tlcir curccrs sullcring). otlcrs uscd tlcir imuginutions. Unc ol tlc lormcr
wus un urtist cullcd lrcdcric Rcmington. linding ull quict und no
bloodslcd. lc cublcd Hcurst: 'Tlcrc will bc no wur. l wisl to rcturn.'
Hcurst rcplicd: 'Plcusc rcmuin. You lurnisl picturcs. l will lurnisl wur.'
And. by running u scrics ol distortcd und invcntcd storics. lc duly did.
(lcccntricity wus ulso oltcn u lullmurk ol tlc singlc proprictor. Coloncl
Robcrt McCormick. owncr ol tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²». oncc ordcrcd lis Puris
corrcspondcnt Willium Slircr to tlc lrcncl countrysidc to try to locutc
u puir ol binoculurs lc lud lclt in u burn ninc ycurs bclorc. Tlc clumpion
lulu. lowcvcr. wus }umcs Cordon Bcnnctt }nr. Not only did lc insist lis
ײ¬»®²¿¬·±²¿´ Ø»®¿´¼ Ì®·¾«²» print tlc sumc wcutlcr rcport lor 24 ycurs.
but ulso oncc murclcd into its olliccs und dismisscd ull tlc mcn stunding
on tlc riglt lund sidc ol tlc room. suckcd u music critic lor tlc lcngtl ol
lis luir und cclcbrutcd Ncw Ycur's luy 1×77 ut tlc lomc ol lis liunc’c's
purcnts by urinuting in tlc lircplucc und tlcn liglting u ducl witl lcr
Nowuduys owncrs urc lur morc likcly to bc u corporution und tlcir
propugundu rcquircmcnts urc likcly to bc conlincd to supporting u known
politicul purty. stroking politiciuns ublc to luvour tlcm (or kicking tlosc
wlo cun't) und urging storics tlut uid und ubct tlcir busincss intcrcsts.
As u gcncrul rulc. corporutc owncrs urc lcss uctivc propugundists tlun
individuul proprictors und somc slow vcry littlc intcrcst in cditoriuls until
it lrigltcns tlc udvcrtiscrs. Wlut tlcy urc suprcmcly locuscd on is
muximising prolit murgins und urgcntly so il tlcir dcbt is bcing linunccd
by outsidcrs. Tlis lus mcunt. in tlc lust two dccudcs ol tlc twcntictl
ccntury. u conccntrution on lowcring costs und. cspcciully in monopoly
situutions. u licrcc rcduction ol cditoriul stull. Tlc cxpcricncc ol tlc
rcgionul wcckly l oncc cditcd. wlicl lus sccn its ncwsroom cut lrom 21
rcportcrs to lcss tlun tcn. is common.
Tlc rcsult. in tcrms ol covcrugc und ol scrutinising olliciuldom. lus
bccn dcvustuting. ln tlc cusc ol covcring locul uutloritics. lor instuncc.
tlc lormcr pructicc ol ussigning u rcportcr to truck cucl dcpurtmcnt
(cducution. lcisurc. cnvironmcntul lcultl. sociul scrviccs. ctc.). lus now
bccn widcly ubundoncd. Add tlc prolilcrution ol public rclutions
dcpurtmcnts ut locul councils. lcultl uutloritics. ctc.. und you luvc tlc
rccipc lor covcrugc tlut is lupluzurd ut bcst und spoonlcd ut worst. Tlcsc
stull cuts. und tlc cxpcctution ol morc storics pcr rcportcr tlun wus oncc
tlc cusc (oltcn lormuliscd into lull-bukcd sclcmcs to mcusurc rcportcrs'
'output'). lus mcunt tlut muny rcportcrs wlo now puss tlcir duys glucd
to u tclcplonc bclind u dcsk would not rccognisc tlc cxpcricnccs ol tlcir
prcdcccssors. only u gcncrution ugo. wlo routincly trumpcd tlc strccts
mccting contucts (und rcudcrs) in scurcl ol storics. ll tlut sounds likc
nostulgiu. look uround your ncwsroom. imuginc its stull doublcd und
tlink low your covcrugc (und your own working lilc) would bc clungcd.
Uwncrs' prioritics luvc probubly imposcd morc limitutions on low
journulism is pructiscd tlun uny otlcr luctor in tlc lust 2u ycurs.
̸» ¶±«®²¿´·-¬·½ ½«´¬«®»
Tlis culturc scts wlut cditors und tlcir cxccutivcs rcgurd us u good story
or dismiss us 'boring' und dctcrmincs tlc subjccts tlcy tlink ol us 'scxy'
und tlosc tlut urc not. lt ulso crcutcs tlc morul utmosplcrc ol u pupcr
und is tlus lur morc rcsponsiblc lor tlc ctlics tlut urc in duily usc on u
pupcr tlun uny tlcorcticul commundmcnts.
ln tlis culturc. onc ol tlc most udmircd skills is 'u nosc lor u story'.
Tlis cun citlcr bc u gcnuinc ubility to scc mcuning und intcrcst in wlut
otlcrs miglt ovcrlook. or. in its dcgcncrutc lorm. tlc urtlul tcclniquc ol
prcscnting tlc mundunc us tlc unusuul. Tlis journulistic conjuring trick
is normully pcrlormcd by cxcluding contcxt. us wlcn. in tlc curly 1º×us.
tlc cditor ol tlc Ò»© DZ®µ Ü¿·´§ б-¬ lillcd tlc lront pugc on u slow ncws
duy by usking rcportcrs to collcct dctuils ol cvcry littlc crimc committcd
in tlc city und tlcn wrotc tlcm togctlcr in onc brcutllcss story undcr
tlc lcudlinc 'Muylcm Un Uur Strccts'.
A lcuturc ol sucl disloncst ingcnuity is tlut u broudly uccurutc scrics
ol purts udd up to u totully inuccurutc wlolc. And it is not just udmircd
on tlc tubloid pupcrs wlcrc it originutcd. lt lus u widc inllucncc on wlut
is tlouglt to bc smurt. slick bcluviour cvcrywlcrc. Slciglt ol lund witl
tlc lucts und judiciously sclccting inlormution tlut is tlcn prcscntcd out
ol its truc sctting is oltcn copicd. ulbcit in u mildcr lorm. tlrouglout
journulism. Purt ol tlis is unuvoidublc bccuusc uny rculity. wlicl by its
vcry nuturc is mcssy und complicutcd. lus to bc simplilicd. or ut lcust
luvc lunguugc und colcrcncc imposcd upon it. wlcn it is rclutcd in
words. A lot ol journulism. lowcvcr. willully omits contcxt und unduly
mugnilics tlis cllcct lor tlc sukc ol rcndcring rculity in u morc drumutic
wuy. Altcr u wlilc tlc proccss is burcly u conscious onc.
Tlc culturc ol muss-murkct pupcrs ulso prizcs tlc writing ol lucilc
nurrutivcs. Wlut is involvcd lcrc is ccrtuinly somc tulcnt. but ulso. lur
morc. u strctcling ol lucts und tlc mcuning ol words to givc un urrcsting
construct. lts most common lorm is wlcrc tlc story is givcn u lulsc intro
by dcducing lrom somc ol tlc clcmcnts somc spuriously drumutic (but
probubly lur-lctclcd) possibility. Tlc givcuwuy is oltcn tlc words 'could'.
'muy' or 'cluims'. As witl tlc conjuring tricks rclcrrcd to ubovc. tlc
sncukincss is in tlc wuy in wlicl somc sort ol pluusiblc dclcncc ol cucl
componcnt cun bc mountcd. Tlc linislcd urticlc. lowcvcr. still umounts
to u lic. Ncitlcr is tlc writing und cditing proccss on morc scrious.
'quulity' pupcrs lrcc ol tlis corruption. Tlcrc it originutcs witl tlc dcsk
cditors wlo tulk ol 'running tlc story tlrougl tlcir muclincs' to 'bccl it
up'. Ultcn storics do bcnclit lrom sucl uttcntions. but lrcqucntly tlis
umounts to. und is opcnly ucknowlcdgcd us. putting u syntlctic gloss on
u story. strctcling tlc implicutions ol cucl luct to tlc utmost und tlus
producing u mislcuding ovcrull picturc.
And wlut is donc in tlc cditing proccss toduy is liublc to bc donc ut tlc
rcporting stugc tomorrow. Rcportcrs compcting to gct tlcir storics
publislcd unticiputc cxccutivc vulucs und urc prcpurcd (or lccl obligcd)
to udopt pructiccs wlicl urc ut odds witl tlcir privutc vulucs. Tlis pro-
lcssionul sclizoplrcniu is ut its most clronic wlcrc tlc prcvuiling culturc
is known to luvour storics tlut urc composcd ol vivid blucks or wlitcs
und not tlc mcssy grcys und umbiguous mid-toncs ol rculity.
To un cxtcnt ull journulism luvours sucl storics. A story wlcrc A
clcuts B witl provubly lulsc documcnts und tlcn uscs tlc ill-gottcn guins
to livc it up in tlc Curibbcun. is obviously morc immcdiutcly intcrcsting
to ull ol us tlun onc wlcrc A und B urc in disputc ovcr u dcul. botl urc
cluiming to bc clcutcd und tlc trip to wurmcr climcs turns out to bc u
busincss visit to scrvicc oll-slorc uccounts. ln uny lunguugc. lor uny
pupcr. tlc lirst vcrsion ol tlut story would bc prclcrrcd to tlc sccond. lt
is morc unusuul und it putcntly lus grcutcr ncws vuluc. Tlc problcm is
tlut sucl prclcrcnccs gct undcrstundubly lormuliscd into tlc journulis-
tic culturc. Rcportcrs und cditors. knowing tlut simplistic storics ol bluck
und wlitc urc tlc most uttructivc to cditors. cun tlcn look lor tlcsc to
tlc cxclusion ol morc subtlc. und ccrtuinly morc rculistic. tulcs. Worsc is
tlc wuy tlut tlis vicw ol wlut constitutcs u 'good. lurd story' cun ullcct
tlc rcscurcl und writing und rob u story ol buluncc. Tlcrc is un
unconscious tcndcncy to stop usking qucstions ut tlc nicc und simplc.
clcur-cut stugc. 'lon't clcck it out too closcly' is tlc cynicul. sniggcring
udvicc ol too muny ncws cditors.
lt is not u vcry lurgc stcp lrom tlis to rcgurding ncws us somctling to
bc puckugcd to conlorm to u prc-conccivcd rccipc. or lormulu. Un muss-
murkct pupcrs in purticulur. cditors urc dctcrmincd to luvc storics ol
ccrtuin typcs ÷ liglt. lrotly oncs or brcutllcss. drumutic oncs. lxccutivcs
lcur ol u story in tlc curly stugcs. dccidc tlc kind ol lcudlinc or trcutmcnt
tlcy wunt und tlcn tlcy (or tlc rcportcr) orgunisc tlc lucts or tlc
trcutmcnt ol tlcm to lorcc tlc story into tlc lormulu. lt is journulism by
lcudlinc. lt prcscnts to rcudcrs u world wlcrc tlc cxtruordinury ulwuys
luppcns. tlcrc urc only ccrtuintics und simplicitics. riglts und wrongs.
und only stcrcotypcs cxist.
Tlcsc urc tlc limitutions ol tlc journulistic proccss sccn ut tlcir most
cxtrcmc. Muny pupcrs do not go tlis lur. but tlosc tlut do. und tlosc
journulists on otlcr pupcrs wlo luvc ubsorbcd somc ol tlis culturc. luvc
onc stundurd unswcr to objcctions: tlc rcudcrs. No group ol pcoplc urc
morc oltcn invokcd to dclcnd tlc otlcrwisc indclcnsiblc. No group ol
pcoplc luvc tlcir uppctitcs morc rcgulurly or willully tukcn lor gruntcd.
nor tlcir vocubulurics und intclligcncc morc putronisingly undcrcsti-
mutcd. 'Timc to go und writc my 2uu words lor pcoplc wlo movc tlcir
lips wlcn tlcy rcud'. us onc Britisl tubloid corrcspondcnt ulwuys uscd
to suy.
λ¿¼»®-K ª¿´«»-
Rcudcrs urc tlc oncs in wlosc numcs storics und subjccts urc sclcctcd.
trcutmcnts upplicd. intros writtcn und rc-writtcn. und prcscntution und
dcsign curricd out. Yct. ol ull tlc conllicting clcmcnts in journulism ÷
tlosc wlo supply potcntiul inlormution (sourccs). tlosc wlo proccss it
(rcportcrs. cditors. owncrs or controllcrs) und tlosc wlo consumc it
(rcudcrs) ÷ tlc luttcr urc tlc only oncs wlo urc not uctuully prcscnt
during its crcution. Tlcir tustcs luvc to bc unticiputcd.
Ncwspupcrs in cstublislcd. soplisticutcd murkcts do tlis in u vuricty
ol wuys. Tlcy und tlcir journulists build up ovcr tlc ycurs. tlrougl
rcsponscs tlcy luvc lud to storics. rcudcrs' lcttcrs. tclcplonc culls.
compluints und so lortl. un unccdotul 'knowlcdgc' ol wlut tlcir rcudcrs
wunt. Ur rutlcr wlut tlcy bclicvc tlcir rcudcrs wunt. Tlis intcrnul
lolklorc muy or muy not bc succcsslul und it muy or muy not bc uccurutc.
Lnlcss it is put to tlc tcst witl somc scrious rcscurcl. no onc will cvcr
Ultcnit is not. lt is instcud combincd witltlc prcjudiccs ol journulists.
cxccutivcs und owncrs to producc u liglly pcrsonuliscd idcu ol wlut
rcudcrs wunt. or wlut tlcy tlink tlcy ouglt to wunt. Timcs witlout
numbcr onc lcurs in cditoriul conlcrcnccs tlc plrusc. 'Wlut tlc rcudcr
wunts is .'. Too oltcn tlis is buscd ontlc spcukcr's own prclcrcnccs und
tustcs. or tlosc ol lricnds: or. cvcnworsc. tlosc lc or slc wunts toimprcss.
A dungcr lcrc is tlut journulists oltcn inlubit circlcs und luvc
lilcstylcs. lubits und tustcs tlut urc lur rcmovcd lrom tlosc ol tlcir
rcudcrs. Tlcy miglt. il tlcy urc u 'scrious' journulist. mix constuntly witl
ligurcs in uutlority und olliciuls und so ubsorb somc ol tlcir vulucs. ln
muny dcvclopcd countrics tlc puymcnt ol rclutivcly luncy sulurics on
muny pupcrs lus mcunt tlut journulists brcutlc u dillcrcnt uir. cut
dillcrcnt mcut und livc u lilc lur rcmovcd lrom tlut cxpcricnccd by tlcir
rcudcrs. lt tukcs morc imuginution tlun most sucl journulists luvc to
upprcciutc tlut tlc rcstuurunts tlcy dinc ut. tlc clotlcs tlcy buy und tlc
loliduys tlcy tukc urc not plcusurcs cnjoycd by tlcir rcudcrs. And il tlcy
do usc tlcir imuginution. tlcy run tlc risk ol conjuring up u putronising
pusticlc ol tlcir rcudcrs' tustcs.
Rcscurcl. il scicntilicully donc. is purt ol tlc unswcr. Somc pupcrs
rigltly usc rcscurcl compunics to lind out us mucl us tlcy cun ubout
rcudcrs: ugcs. mulcllcmulc rutio. incomcs. occuputions. cducution.
intcrcsts. conccrns. tustcs. low tlcy spcnd tlcir lcisurc timc. spcnding
puttcrns. ctc. Tlcy tlcn know. lor instuncc. low muny ol tlcir rcudcrs
ugcd ?5÷5u tukc loliduys in lruncc. or low muny ugcd 25÷?5 own u
mobilc plonc. Tlc only problcm is tlut tlis inlormution is collcctcd lor
tlc bcnclit ol tlc udvcrtising dcpurtmcnt und is only rurcly pusscd to
Tlc rcscurcl normully initiutcd by tlc cditoriul dcpurtmcnt is into
rcudcr uttitudcs. botl to tlc pupcr und to tlc issucs und subjccts tlcy
miglt covcr. Tlis cun citlcr bc simplc survcys viu u lormprintcd in tlc
pupcr. 'rcudcrs' puncls'. or by rcscurcl compunics wlosc structurcd
qucstioning linds out wlut pcoplc do rcud (or. rutlcr. wlut tlcy cluimto
rcud). Survcys urc. lowcvcr. strungubout witltrip-wircs lor tlc unwury.
Tlcy slould usk vcry spccilic qucstions on dctuilcd points ol tlc pupcr's
covcrugc. lt is no good usking pcoplc il tlcy wunt morc ncws ÷ ol coursc
tlcy do. but wlut kind. And wlut would tlcy likc lcss ol to mukc room
lor it. Tlcn tlcrc is tlc problcmol rcspondcnts tclling rcscurclcrs wlut
tlcy tlink tlcy wunt to lcur. or. cvcn worsc. stuting prclcrcnccs tlut
tlcy would likc to bc tlouglt ol us luving. rutlcr tlun tlcir rcul oncs.
}ust ultcr 1º45. tlc Britisl Ò»©- Ѻ ̸» ɱ®´¼ wus tlc lurgcst-sclling
pupcr in tlc world. lucl Sunduy somc 7.uuu.uuu copics wcrc sold to
pcoplc wlo luppcd up its dict ol murdcrs und scx cuscs. A lcw 'rcspcctublc'
lcuturcs wcrc mixcd in. Tlcn tlc cditor lud u luncl tlut moruls und
tustcs wcrc clunging und so commissioncd u survcy. Mcn wcrc lircd to
visit rcudcrs' lomcs und quiz tlcm ubout wlut tlcy likcd und did not likc
in tlc pupcr. Sincc tlis work wus donc during tlc duy. it wus muinly
womcn wlo unswcrcd tlc door. Nonc. undcrstundubly. wus prcpurcd to
suy to tlcir mulc inquisitors: 'Ycs. l likc tlc rupc cuscs und tlc indcccncy
und my lusbund is vcry lond ol storics ubout pricsts und smull boys.'
lnstcud. rcspondcnts ussurcd tlc rcscurclcrs tlut tlcy only took tlc
pupcr lor tlc rcspcctublc lcuturcs. Tlc cditor rcud tlc rcsults und
immcdiutcly droppcd ull mcntion ol scx lrom tlc pupcr. Altcr just two
wccks. circulution lud lullcn by 5uu.uuu. By tlc tlird wcck. tlc pupcr
lud u ncw cditor. tlc contcnt rcturncd to its sccdy normulity und sulcs
cvcntuully rcuclcd ×.5uu.uuu.
Rcudcrs do luvc u disoricntuting tcndcncy to suy tlcy likc onc tling
wlilc prclcrring unotlcr und publicly disduin somc lorms ol journulism
wlilc consuming tlcm uvidly in privutc. Tlut is wly somc rcscurclcrs
usc two-wuy mirrors to obscrvc u locus group rcuding u pupcr or unin-
libitcdly discussing its contcnts. Tlcrc urc cvcn visor-likc dcviccs wlicl
lit on to pcoplc's lcuds. monitor tlcir cyc movcmcnt und so givc u prccisc
rccord ol wlut tlcy rcud. mcrcly gluncc ut. or ignorc. ll tlc tcclnology
or moncy is not uvuilublc lor tlosc bluck urts. tlcrc is un ultcrnutivc
wlicl. lor journulists. is probubly morc cllcctivc tlun uny rcscurcl. Tlut
is to spcnd us mucl timc us possiblc witl rcudcrs und obscrving tlcm.
How muny journulists luvc cvcr stood und wutclcd pcoplc us tlcy sclcct
u pupcr ut tlc ncwsstunds. Ur studicd tlcm in burs or on truins und sccn
low tlcy rcud pupcrs. Tlis is ull purt ol tlc unqucnclublc curiosity tlut
journulists slould luvc ubout rcudcrs. lt slould mukc tlcm wunt to tulk
to tlcm ut cvcry opportunity. mcct tlcm und gct to know us mucl us
tlcy cun ubout tlcm.
Advcrtiscrs urc tlc otlcr clcmcnt in tlc pupcr's uudicncc und lor
smullcr circulution pupcrs tlcy urc cconomicully morc importunt tlun
rcudcrs. Tlis commcrciul powcr is wlut mukcs muny tlink tlut
udvcrtiscrs urc continuously cxcrcising tlis musclc to intimidutc pupcrs
into tuiloring tlcir covcrugc to suit tlcm. Tlc surprisc is tlut tlc
instunccs ol tlis. und tlcrc urc muny. urc not cvcn morc lrcqucnt. Ul
coursc lurgc udvcrtiscrs luvc somctimcs witldruwn udvcrtising in
protcst ol u pupcr's covcrugc (or luck ol it). muny luvc tlrcutcncd to do
so und cvcn morc luvc tricd u clummy plonc cull to un cditor or
publislcr to gct tlcir wuy. And somc luvc succccdcd.
Tlc dungcrs ol tlis urc grcutcst wlcn pupcrs. normully provinciul
oncs. urc inordinutcly dcpcndcnt on onc udvcrtiscr or group ol
udvcrtiscrs. But lur morc common tlun tlis ovcrt prcssurc is tlc
inllucncc ol potcntiul udvcrtiscrs on lcuturc covcrugc. lditors urc oltcn
undcr cnormous prcssurc lrom tlc commcrciul sidc ol tlc pupcr to run
lcuturcs on ccrtuin subjccts bccuusc it is known. or unticiputcd. tlut tlis
will gcncrutc udvcrtising. Tlis cun rcsult in somc subjccts gctting morc
uttcntion tlun tlcy otlcrwisc would. A lot ol tlis is rclutivcly lurmlcss
in itscll. but tlcn provcs to bc tlc prccursor ol morc dcmunding
Tlcsc limitutions on tlc journulistic proccss ÷ tlc oncs cndcmic to
inlormution gutlcring und tlosc imposcd by owncrs' prioritics. cditoriul
culturc und rcudcrs' tustcs ÷ mcun tlut pcrlups tlc discluimcr suggcstcd
lor most pupcrs ut tlc opcning ol tlis cluptcr slould bc u littlc longcr:
Tlis pupcr. und tlc lundrcds ol tlousunds ol words it contuins. lus
bccn produccd in ubout 15 lours by u group ol lulliblc lumun bcings.
working out ol crumpcd olliccs wlilc trying to lind out ubout wlut
luppcncd in tlc world lrom pcoplc wlo urc somctimcs rcluctunt to
tcll us und. ut otlcr timcs. positivcly obstructivc.
lts contcnt lus bccn dctcrmincd by u scrics ol subjcctivc judgcmcnts
mudc by rcportcrs und cxccutivcs. tcmpcrcd by wlut tlcy know to bc
tlc cditor's. owncr's und rcudcrs' prcjudiccs. Somc storics uppcur lcrc
witlout csscntiul contcxt us tlis would mukc tlcm lcss drumutic or
colcrcnt und somc ol tlc lunguugc cmploycd lus bccn dclibcrutcly
closcn lor its cmotionul impuct. rutlcr tlun its uccurucy. Somc
lcuturcs urc printcd solcly to uttruct ccrtuin udvcrtiscrs.
Tlcsc limitutions luvc ull tlc incvitubility ol rccurring bud drcums. ln
tlc cnd. journulists luvc only onc unswcr to tlcm: to dcvclop univcrsul
stundurds und skills und uct upon tlcm. Tlcy urc our only protcction. ll
journulists do tlut. tlcy cun bcut tlc limitutions. lt cun bc donc: lor cvcry
duy. somcwlcrc on tlis plunct. it is bcing donc. Rcportcrs urc cxposing
corruption. uncovcring ncgligcncc. rcvculing dungcrs. unmusking
criminuls und rcporting lurd lucts tlut somconc wuntcd kcpt sccrct.
Pupcrs urc publisling inlormution und. to puruplrusc ̸» Ì·³»-K cditor
ol u ccntury ugo. muking it tlc common propcrty ol tlc pcoplc. lvcn bud
ncwspupcrs do morc good tlun lurm ÷ und you cun't suy tlut ubout
̸»-» Ç¿²µ»»- ¿®» «²¼±«¾¬»¼´§ °«-¸·²¹ º»´´±©- ©·¬¸ ¿ ¹®»¿¬ ¹·º¬ º±® ®±±¬·²¹
±«¬ º¿½¬-ò
Tlc Munugcr ol ̸» Ì·³»-
on }.A. MucCulun
ɸ¿¬ ×- Ò»©-á
Ò»©-°¿°»®- ¿®» «²¿¾´»ô -»»³·²¹´§ô ¬± ¼·-½®·³·²¿¬» ¾»¬©»»² ¿ ¾·½§½´»
¿½½·¼»²¬ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ½±´´¿°-» ±º ½·ª·´·-¿¬·±²ò
Ccorgc Bcrnurd Sluw
A ncwspupcr's rolc is to lind out lrcsl inlormution on muttcrs ol public
intcrcst und to rcluy it us quickly und us uccurutcly us possiblc to rcudcrs
in un loncst und bulunccd wuy. Tlut's it. lt muy do lots ol otlcr tlings.
likc tclling tlcm wlut it tlinks ubout tlc lutcst movics. low to plunt
potutocs. wlut kind ol duy Tuurcuns miglt luvc or wly tlc govcrnmcnt
slould rcsign. But witlout lrcsl inlormution it will bc mcrcly u
commcntury on tlings ulrcudy known. lntcrcsting. pcrlups. stimuluting
cvcn: but commcnt is not ncws. lnlormution is.
Tlc olt-quotcd dictum on tlis issuc wus writtcn by C.P. Scott. tlc
cditor ol tlc tlcn Ó¿²½¸»-¬»® Ù«¿®¼·¿². in u signcd cditoriul on 5 Muy
1º21. Hc wrotc tlut tlc ncwspupcr's:
...primury ollicc is tlc gutlcring ol ncws. At tlc pcril ol its soul it must
scc tlut tlc supply is not tuintcd. Ncitlcr in wlut it givcs. nor in wlut
it docs not givc. nor in tlc modc ol prcscntution. must tlc uncloudcd
lucc ol trutl sullcr wrong.
Tlis is u tull. il not impossiblc. ordcr. But tlcn lc uddcd. und tlis is tlc
bit tlut lus sincc bccn trottcd out u million timcs. 'Commcnt is lrcc but
lucts urc sucrcd'.
Tlc rcul point ol tlis stutcmcnt is wlut it suys ubout tlc compurutivc
vulucs ol lucts und commcnt. ll you tukc u room lull ol journulists und
usk tlcm wlo lus got un opinion on un importunt topicul ncws cvcnt.
cvcry lund will go up. Ask wlo lus somc lrcsl. unpublislcd inlormution
on tlis cvcnt und ulmost cvcry lund will go down. Tlc luct is tlut ulmost
cvcryonc lus u commcnt. bc it intcrcsting or not. und vcry lcw luvc ncw
inlormution. Tlc onc is u commonplucc. tlc otlcr is u tling ol scurcity
und lcncc vuluc.
ɸ¿¬ ·- ²»©-á
Tlcrc urc ulmost us muny dclinitions ol ncws us tlcrc urc storics. Tlc
most common luckncycd dclinition is tlut it is not ncws il u dog bitcs u
mun. but it is ncws il u mun bitcs u dog. Tlis rcminds us tlut ncws is tlc
unusuul. But tlcrc is morc to ncws tlun tlut. lt is ulso somctling lrcsl.
somctling tlut pcoplc luvc not lcurd bclorc und. cruciully. is ol intcrcst
to rcudcrs. Tlut mcuns not just muttcrs wlicl ullcct tlc public or luvc
un impuct on public lilc. but ulso wlut is ±º intcrcst to tlc public. Ncws
ol u divorcc bctwccn two wcll-known uctors is not u muttcr tlut is ·² tlc
public's intcrcst. but it is ±º intcrcst to tlc public. Tlc bcst illustrution ol
tlis is still tlc old Ò»© DZ®µ»® curtoon ol two mcn on u truin. Unc lolds
u pupcr lcudlincd 'lots ol lmportunt Stull You Huvc to Know' und tlc
otlcr lus u pupcr lcudlincd 'Rumors. Cossip und Wucky Stunts'. Tlc
jokc is tlut tlc onc witl 'lots ol lmportunt Stull' cun't kccp lis cycs oll
'Rumors. Cossip und Wucky Stunts'.
Ò»©- ª¿´«»-
Ncws tlcn is tlc lrcsl. unpublislcd. unusuul und gcncrully intcrcsting.
Tlc lirst tlrcc clcmcnts cun ncurly ulwuys bc objcctivcly cstublislcd: it
is tlc lust purt ÷ wlut is gcncrully intcrcsting. ÷ tlut cuuscs ull tlc
urgumcnts cvcry duy in ncwsrooms uround tlc world.
Tlcrc is not gcncrully u problcm ut tlc two cxtrcmcs. ll 45u pcoplc
urc killcd wlcn u plunc currrying tlc Prcsidcnt cruslcs onto u city-ccntrc
dcpurtmcnt storc. tlut is pluinly vcry big ncws. guuruntccd to mukc
unyonc wlo rcuds suy 'Wow!'. cvcn il only to tlcmsclvcs. Un tlc otlcr
lund. l luvc just bouglt u ncw cur. ls tlut ncws. lt is lrcsl. unpublislcd
und it is ccrtuinly unusuul. But it's not ncws bccuusc it is only ol intcrcst
to my lumily. bunk munugcr und cur dculcr.
lt is ull tlc storics in bctwccn tlcsc two cxtrcmcs tlut journulists urguc
ubout. trying to dccidc il u story is strong or 'scxy'. wortl 2uu words or
7uu. u ncws bricl or u splusl lcud on pugc onc. To tlc novicc it is. ulong
witl intros. onc ol tlc grcut mystcrics ol tlcir working livcs. mudc ull tlc
morc impcnctrublc by tlc cusc witl wlicl cxpcricnccd lunds puss swilt
und sccmingly surc judgcmcnt on u story. lortunutcly. tlcrc is somc
dctuilcd und pructicul lclp uvuilublc.
Ò»©- ª¿´«» º¿½¬±®-
lct's gct onc tling cstublislcd ut tlc outsct: tlcrc is no cscuping subjcc-
tivity in judging ncws storics. lt pcrvudcs tlc wlolc proccss ol journulism
und no rcportcr or ncws cditor. try us tlcy miglt prolcssionully to
WHAT lS NlWS. 2?
supprcss tlcir own prcjudiccs. will cvcr bc ublc to do so complctcly. Tlis
is most obvious wlcn tlcy judgc tlc busic story subjcct. l tlink lomc-
lcssncss is intcrcsting und importunt. you tlink it is incvitublc und
boring. Sucl subjcctivity. ultlougl unuvoidublc. is un cvcr-prcscnt
dungcr. cspcciully wlcn journulists (oltcn ncws cditors) try to puss oll
tlcir pcrsonul prcjudiccs us objcctivity. Awurcncss ol tlc tcndcncy is.
lowcvcr. somc protcction uguinst its worst cxccsscs.
Subjcctivity is not wlut u lot ol young journulists scc wlcn tlcy lirst
stcp into u ncwsroom. Nor. somctimcs to tlcir umuzcmcnt. do tlcy oltcn
witncss lcngtly dcbutcs on u story's virtucs. lnstcud tlcy scc u lot ol ncws
judgcmcnts bcing mudc swiltly und surcly und sccmingly buscd on
notling morc scicntilic tlun gut lccling. Tlc proccss is. lowcvcr. u lot
morc mcusurcd tlun tlut. lt just uppcurs to bc instinctivc bccuusc u lot
ol tlc culculutions tlut go into dcciding u story's strcngtl luvc bccn
lcurnt to tlc point wlcrc tlcy urc mudc vcry rupidly ÷ somctimcs too
Tlc lollowing is un uttcmpt to idcntily wlut is ÷ or slould bc ÷
wlirring uround insidc journulists' lcuds wlcn tlcy judgc u ncws story.
lor wunt ol u bcttcr plrusc. wc cun cull tlcm ncws vuluc luctors. Tlcrc
urc ciglt ol tlcm. livc urc conccrncd witl tlc story (subjcct. ncws
luslion. dcvclopmcnt. sourcc. knowlcdgc und timing): onc witl uudicncc
(tlc rcudcrs): und unotlcr witl tlc world tlut tlc uudicncc und pupcr
inlubit (contcxt).
Tlis is tlc broud cutcgory tlut tlc story lulls undcr ÷ crimc. cnvironmcnt.
lcultl. diplomucy. cconomy. consumcr. militury. politics und so lortl.
All subjccts urc in tlcory cquul. but somc urc morc cquul tlun otlcrs.
Crimc. lor instuncc. lus u liglcr vuluc tlun luslion bccuusc it is putcntly
ol broudcr intcrcst. lucl ol tlcsc cutcgorics tlcn brcuks down into sub-
divisions. lor cxumplc. crimc brcuks down into murdcr. lruud. ubduction.
ruckctccring. drugs. robbcry. bluckmuil. rupc. ussuult. ctc. lor tlc
gcncrul uudicncc. cucl ol tlcsc lus its own rougl vuluc wlicl is
normully buscd on its rurity in u givcn socicty or urcu. Tlis is wlcrc
'contcxt' (scc bclow) comcs in. lor instuncc. ubductions gcncrully luvc
morc ncws vuluc tlun ussuults bccuusc tlcy urc rurcr.
Ò»©- º¿-¸·±²
Tlcrc is ulso sucl u luctor us ncws luslion ÷ subjccts wlicl suddcnly
swim into tlc ncws consciousncss und urc. lor u timc. lluvour ol tlc
montl. Tlis is sccn ut its most gluring in uctivitics wlicl luvc pcrlups
bccn uround lor u long timc in u luirly unobtrusivc wuy. but wlicl
suddcnly ucquirc u plrusc or word to dcscribc tlcm. Lndcr tlc ncw
cutcly titlc tlcy tlcn gct rcportcd out ol ull proportion. 'Ncw crimcs'.
sucl us uir rugc. urc u clussic cxumplc. Robbing pcoplc in tlc strcct. bust-
ups bctwccn motorists und using curs to brcuk into prcmiscs luvc bccn
uround lor us long us tlcrc luvc bccn strccts und curs. But givcn tlc
numcs 'mugging'. 'roud rugc' und 'rum ruiding' tlcy ucquirc un cxtru
lrisson und luvc ull bccn tlc ncws luslion lor u pcriod.
Tlc listory ol tlis plcnomcnu gocs buck u long wuy. ln 1×02. ̸»
Ì·³»- wlippcd up u luir old punic ovcr tlc suddcn outbrcuk ol wlut tlc
pupcr cullcd 'gurotting' ÷ uttucks lrom bclind. ln somc urcus. wlcn tlc
storics wcrc ut tlcir lciglt. pcoplc rcluscd to lcuvc tlcir lomcs. Tlc
punic. lowcvcr. soon subsidcd. Sincc tlcn. ncws luslions luvc includcd
tlc Crcut Cyclist Tcrror ol 1׺us. wlcn tlc Ü¿·´§ Ù®¿°¸·½ sct middlc-cluss
lcurts ulluttcr witl rcports ol lordcs ol cyclists wlo 'rung tlcir bclls und
cxpcctcd pcoplc to gct out ol tlc wuy wlilc pcdulling us lust us ciglt to tcn
milcs un lour.' ln tlc 1º5us cvcry working cluss mulc youtl wus u
Tcddy Boy. in tlc 1º0us cvcry bikcr u rockcr. in tlc 1º7us cvcry long-
luircd youtl wus u drug-cruzcd lippic. in tlc 1º×us cvcry lurgc
gutlcring ol tlc young wus un ucid lousc purty und in tlc 1ººus cvcry
minor contrctcmps bctwccn motorists wus 'roud rugc'. lusy to snccr
now. but lurd to rcsist wlcn cvcryonc is tulking ubout tlc lutcst scurc.
Somc storics coolly cxumining tlc dutu on tlc plcnomcnu urc usuully
tlc untidotc.
Tlis is tlc spccilic cvcnt witlin tlc subjcct und sub-division wlicl is tlc
point ol tlc story. lts rurity is tlc muin purt ol its vuluc und tlis cxists
witlout uny rclcrcncc to tlc uudicncc. lt is tlc struigltlorwurd
usscssmcnt ol low uncommon tlis purticulur dcvclopmcnt is. As un
cxumplc. tukc tlc long-running disputc bctwccn Brituin und lruncc ovcr
tlc luttcr's rclusul to ullow LK bccl to bc sold bccuusc ol possiblc BSl con-
tuminution. A dcvclopmcnt wlicl involvcd pluns to lold tulks would bc
u minor dcvclopmcnt (unlcss onc sidc lud prcviously dcclincd to mcct).
Tulks on issucs urc. ultcr ull. lcld ull tlc timc. But u dcvclopmcnt wlicl
consistcd ol onc sidc or tlc otlcr wulking out ol tlc tulks would bc u lot
rurcr und tlus u biggcr dcvclopmcnt. A low rurity vuluc is tlc clicl cuusc.
ulong witl u luck ol timclincss. lor u story bcing disrcgurdcd or
downgrudcd. Tlc dcvclopmcnt lus tlrcc otlcr clcmcnts:
Tlc vuluc ol tlc dcvclopmcnt dcpcnds in purt on tlc sourcc lrom wlicl
it wus obtuincd. An opposition politiciun miglt tcll you tlut tlc prcsidcnt
is ubout to rcsign. but il tlc prcsidcnt. or onc ol lis closc uidcs. tclls you
tlis tlcn it is clcurly u strongcr story. lt will bc un cvcn bcttcr story il you
WHAT lS NlWS. 25
discovcr tlut lc is ubout to rcsign. but ulso tlut lc docs not wunt tlc rcul
rcuson known ÷ und you know it und puss it on to your rcudcrs.
Tlis is u qucstionol lowmuny pcoplc knowubout tlc dcvclopmcnt. Tlc
liglcst vuluc uttuclcs to storics wlicl urc tlc lirst rcport ol u
dcvclopmcnt unknown to ull but tlc sourcc(s). including pcrlups tlcir
collcugucs und privutc circlc. Tlc story's vuluc is lowcrcd il it is ulrcudy
in tlc public urcnu bccuusc it lus ulrcudy bccn rcportcd by unotlcr
ncwspupcr. Storics tlut luvc ulrcudy bccnbroudcust onTVor rudio muy
luvc tlcir vuluc lowcrcd. but not totlc sumc cxtcnt. Youlrcqucntlylcur
pcoplc in nutionul ncwspupcr ncwsrooms suy ol u story: 'l tlouglt wc
kncwtlut'. mcuning tlut tlis unglc muy ulrcudy luvc bccn rcportcd. ll
u scurcl ol tlc cuttings turns up u prior cxumplc tlcn out ol tlc pupcr
gocs tlc story. Tlc stutcmcnt is. lowcvcr. lrcqucntly uncxcusc lor ncws
cxccutivcs to downpluy u story tlcy otlcrwisc don't likc. ll you lcur it
spokcnlrcqucntlywitlout goodrcuson. your prcjudicc ulurmslouldring.
Ncws. unlikc winc. docs not improvc witl kccping. llupscd timc.
lowcvcr. is not tlc most importunt ol luctors in itscll. ll you lcurn ol u
mujor dcvclopmcnt tlrcc wccks ultcr it lus occurrcd. tlc cruciul luctor
is not tlc dcluy. but low muny pcoplc luvc lcurnt ol tlis dcvclopmcnt in
tlc mcuntimc. ll tlc story is still not public knowlcdgc. tlc tlrcc-wcck
intcrvul will not signilicuntly rcducc tlc ncws vuluc. lt muy. dcpcnding
on tlc rcuson. cvcn incrcusc it. Wlilc slortncss ol timc clupsing bctwccn
tlc dcvclopmcnt luppcning und your rcport ol it cun udd vuluc. timing
is morc oltcn u ncgutivc luctor. subtructing vuluc wlcn tlcrc urc dcluys
wlicl ullow tlc story to bccomc widcly known.
Tlis is tlc lirst ol tlc luctors tlut docs not rclutc dircctly to tlc spccilics
ol tlc story. Tlc importuncc ol tlc uudicncc in judging ncws storics is
wly you slould mukc cvcry cllort to lcurn us mucl us you cun ubout
rcudcrs. Lnlcss you do. you cunnot possibly judgc tlcir intcrcsts und
tustcs und so propcrly wcigl tlc vuluc ol tlc subjcct und dcvclopmcnt.
lt would bc likc lccturing in u durk room to un unknown uudicncc.
But you slould usc your knowlcdgc ol rcudcrs to inlorm your
judgcmcnts in gcncrul und not to inllucncc tlcm inccssuntly in u
dctuilcd wuy. Tlc duy you scc ncws rcporting us u commodity to bc
murkctcd is tlc duy you ccusc to bc u journulist. Tlcrc is u point wlcrc
pundcring too uvidly to wlut you tlink urc tlc rcudcrs' prclcrcnccs ulso
bccomcs liltcring to rcmovc storics wlicl do not lit rcudcrs' known
prcjudiccs or omitting inconvcnicnt purts ol tlcmsucl us contcxt. cxplu-
nutions und quulilicution. Tlis is importunt. lt is purt ol tlc journulists'
mission to dcbunk populur mytls und to clullcngc comlortublc
ussumptions. You cunnot do tlut il you urc too conscious ol rcudcrs'
rcuctions und too unxious to plucutc tlcm. You will cnd up bcing ubout
us rcliublc us somc cugcr-to-plcusc lovcr wlo spcuks only tlc words lc
tlinks wunt to bc lcurd.
Tlc lnglisl sutirist Miclucl lruyn lud tlis in mind wlcn lc wrotc in
̸» Ì·² Ó»² ol u computcr bcing progrummcd to producc duily
ncwspupcrs uccording to tlc rcsults ol muss survcys. Pcoplc wcrc uskcd
wlut storics tlcy likcd bcst. low oltcn tlcy wuntcd tlcm to rccur und
wlicl dctuils tlcy cnjoycd. Slould tlcrc bc un uir-crusl story cvcry
montl or morc lrcqucntly. ls it prclcrrcd. or not. tlut clildrcn's toys
slould bc lound umong tlc wrcckugc. ll u murdcr is rcportcd. slould
tlc victim bc u smull girl. un old ludy or un unmurricd prcgnunt womun.
And slould tlc corpsc bc nukcd. or 'purtiully clotlcd'.
Tlcrc urc u lot ol muss-murkct journulists uround tlc world wlo.
cquippcd witl tlcir own ussumptions ubout rcudcrs' uppctitcs rutlcr
tlun uny survcy rcsults. upproucl rcporting in mucl tlc sumc wuy us
lruyn's imuginury computcr.
Tlis is tlc situution in uny givcn circulution urcu (socicty. town. city or
rcgion) tlut rclutcs to tlc subjcct und dcvclopmcnt und lclps you to
judgc rurity. Tlis is wly tlc ncws vuluc ol u story will vury dcpcnding on
wlcrc it luppcns. lt cxpluins wly u rurul lunisl wcckly will rutc tlc
story ol u slooting lur liglcr tlun u Ncw York tubloid would. ln onc
plucc it is tlc cxccption. in tlc otlcr it is un cvcnt tlut luppcns muny
timcs u duy.
Somctimcs tlis works in wlut uppcurs to bc rcvcrsc. wlcn muny
instunccs ol u purticulur dcvclopmcnt uccumulutc. lor instuncc. it muy
not bc tlouglt to bc ncws il u dog bitcs u mun. But il u ccrtuin brccd ol
dog rcpcutcdly bitcs pcoplc ÷ und budly ÷ tlcn it will bccomc ncws. lvcry
singlc cvcnt udds to tlc rurity ol tlc uccumulution ol cuscs. Tlis is u
rcmindcr ol wly contcxt slould ulwuys bc rcportcd. somctimcs in
substuntiul dctuil. Uccusionully tlc contcxt is gcncrully known. but morc
oltcn it lus to bc rcscurclcd und so bccomcs inscpurublc lrom tlc
dcvclopmcnt in tlc story. lt slould ulwuys tlcn bc rcportcd.
Contcxt is ulso importunt lor dclcnding journulism uguinst tlc
ullcgution tlut it is ncgutivc. scnsutionulist or only intcrcstcd in bud
tlings. lor instuncc. il you livc in u plucc wlcrc pcoplc cntcring lospitul
urc routincly curcd und curcd lor. tlcn it will bc ncws il somconc is
suddcnly ncglcctcd und dics. To rcport tlut is oltcn condcmncd us
ncgutivist. Apurt lrom tlc luct tlut it is not tlc job ol journulists to bc
citlcr ncgutivc or positivc. tlosc wlo mukc tlut ullcgution slould usk
WHAT lS NlWS. 27
tlcmsclvcs wlut utrocious stundurds ol mcdicul curc it would tukc to
producc lcudlincs likc 'Mun lntcrs Hospitul und livcs'.
ß -´·¼·²¹ -½¿´» º±® -¬±®·»-
Uncc youurcuwurcol tlcsc gcncrul luctors. judgingtlcstrcngtlol ncws
vulucs cunrcullyonlybcdonconustory-by-storybusis. Solcrcurcsomc:
· A ncw LN pcucc initiutivc in un Alricun stutc torn by civil wur.
· Covcrnmcnt bun on tlc import ol ull lorcign-mudc curs.
· lumous soup opcru uctrcss to divorcc.
· Upposition politiciun culls prcss conlcrcncc to condcmn
govcrnmcnt linuncc policy.
· Anotlcr opposition politiciun culls prcss conlcrcncc to unnouncc
lc will probubly stund lor lcudcr.
· lour young girls murdcrcd in smull urcu ol your city witlin tlrcc
duys by scx muniuc.
· Covcrnmcnt unnounccs mujor ncw initiutivc to clcun up dirty
So wlicl story do you tlink is tlc bcst. Wlut would you put on tlc
top ol tlc lront pugc. Wcll. ol coursc. it is un impossiblc cxcrcisc unlcss
you know wlut pupcr wc urc tulking ubout und wlo its rcudcrs urc. So
try it lirst witl your cupitul city's biggcst-sclling pupcr in mind und tlcn
uguin witl u lcuding pupcr lor tlc busincssmun.
My cloiccs would bc tlc murdcrcd girls lor tlc populur und tlc bun on
lorcign cur imports lor tlc busincssmun's pupcr. To rcucl tlosc dccisions
l tcstcd tlc storics uguinst u kind ol sculc ol story strcngtl l luvc uscd
ovcr tlc ycurs. Ncvcr committcd to pupcr until now. it lus lurgcly bccn
uutomutic und unconscious. us tlcsc tlings oltcn urc. Hcrc it is:
߬ ¬¸» ¾±¬¬±³ »²¼ ±º ¬¸» -½¿´» ¿®» -¬±®·»- ¿¾±«¬ ©¸¿¬ °»±°´» ¿®» -¿§·²¹
Tlcsc urc storics ubout conllicts ol idcus or ncw idcus. Tlcsc urc 'suy
storics' ÷ notling lus luppcncd. somconc lus just suid somctling. A
clussic givcuwuy ol tlis kind ol story is tlc word 'wurns'. 'urgcs' or 'culls'
in tlc lcudlinc. A Muy 1ºº4 issuc ol tlc Ó±-½±© Ì·³»-. un otlcrwisc
cxccllcnt lnglisl-lunguugc pupcr. oncc lud ninc out ol 1? ncws storics
wlicl wcrc suy storics. Wcrc tlcy rcully suying tlut in u lugc country
covcring ciglt timc zoncs only lour ncwswortly tlings uctuully
luppcncd ovcr u wcckcnd.
Tlcrc urc two common trups lor tlc journulist lcrc. lirst is tlc
ussumption tlut bccuusc u politiciun suys somctling. wc ouglt to rccord
it. Not truc. lvcry journulist slould luvc tlc motto on lis or lcr dcsk:
'Tlcy urc only politiciuns'. }ust bccuusc somc middlc-ugcd mun in u grcy
suit lus closcn to mukc u spcccl or u stutcmcnt docs not mukc it ncws.
Most spccclcs und stutcmcnts urc cxprcssions ol tlc cntircly cxpcctcd.
lt is only wlcn tlcy suy somctling surprising tlut it bccomcs ncws. A
lcuding rclormist. libcrul politiciun condcmning tlc slow pucc ol clungc
in u socicty is notling ncw. But il lc unnounccs lis convcrsion to
communism. tlcn it is ncws.
Tlc sccond trup is wlut lus bccn cullcd tlc pscudo-cvcnt: prcss
conlcrcnccs. intcrvicws und tlc likc. Prcss conlcrcnccs urc not. us somc
journulists sccm to tlink. ncws in tlcmsclvcs. Notling lus uctuully
luppcncd. Tlc world lus not bccn clungcd onc bit. All tlut lus
luppcncd is tlut somc politiciun or cclcbrity lus wuntcd to mukc u
stutcmcnt. usuully lor tlcir own motivcs. tlc primc onc ol wlicl is
publicity. Tlc only tling tlut muttcrs is tlc contcnt ol tlcir mcssugc.
Trcut ull sucl pscudo-cvcnts witl sccpticism.
Ò»¨¬ ¿®» -¬±®·»- ¿¾±«¬ ©¸¿¬ °»±°´» -¿§ ©·´´ ¸¿°°»²
Tlcsc urc storics ubout tlrcuts or dcmunds lor uction. Sucl cxlortutions
urc ovcr-uscd by politiciuns. uidcd und ubcttcd by luzy journulists wlo
lind uttcnduncc ut prcss conlcrcnccs so mucl morc congcniul tlun
scullling uround looking lor gcnuinc storics. But ut lcust sucl cvcnts
somctimcs luvc tlc virtuc ol luving good. lurd inlormution ubout u
situution impurtcd ulong witl tlc lot uir und wulllc.
̸»² ¬¸»®» ¿®» -¬±®·»- ¿¾±«¬ ©¸¿¬ °»±°´» -¿§ ·- ±® ©¿- ¸¿°°»²·²¹
Tlcsc urc storics ubout rcscurcl. ubout pcoplc pussing on to you wlut
tlcy luvc lound out. Somctling concrctc will luvc occurrcd.
߬ ¬¸» ¬±° »²¼ ¿®» -¬±®·»- ¿¾±«¬ ©¸¿¬ ¸¿- ¸¿°°»²»¼
Tlcsc urc ubout dcvclopmcnts. cvcnts. uccidcnts. disustcrs. court
lcurings und muny otlcr lurd. rcul. provublc occurrcnccs.
ß² ·³°±®¬¿²¬ ½±²½»°¬ º±® ¶«¼¹·²¹ ²»©- ª¿´«» ·- ¬¸» ²«³¾»® ±º §±«® ®»¿¼»®-
©¸± ©·´´ ¾» ¿ºº»½¬»¼ ¾§ ¿ -¬±®§
Tlc morc pcoplc ullcctcd by un cvcnt. tlc strongcr tlc story ubout it will
bc. ll tlc rcudcrs urc ullcctcd dircctly. tlcn so mucl tlc bcttcr.
̸» ³±®» °»®³¿²»²¬ ¬¸» »ºº»½¬ ±º ©¸¿¬ ·¬ ·- ¬¸¿¬ §±« ¿®» ®»°±®¬·²¹ô ¬¸»² ¬¸»
¾»¬¬»® ¿²¼ -¬®±²¹»® ¬¸» -¬±®§
Somctling wlicl ullccts pcoplc only lor u duy or so is clcurly wcukcr tlun
tlut wlicl ullccts tlcm pcrmuncntly.
WHAT lS NlWS. 2º
As witl ull sucl rulcs ol tlumb. tlcrc will ulwuys bc occusionul
cxccptions to tlis sculc. Ncws luslion cun oltcn bc rcsponsiblc lor tlcsc.
Storics wlicl u wcck bclorc would luvc lurdly mcritcd u smull insidc
piccc urc suddcnly trunsportcd to tlc lront pugc bccuusc tlcy luvc
cuuglt tlc prcscnt ncws wuvc. Utlcr dcvclopmcnts. un incidcnt.
ucccidcnt or disustcr. mcuns tlut suddcnly tlc story's subjcct is ncws
lluvour ol tlc wcck. lt cun ulso work in rcvcrsc und oltcn cxpluins wly
bcing lirst to publisl on un issuc docs not bring tlc kudos tlut it ouglt.
ln ncws. timing is oltcn cvcrytling.
linully. rcportcrs slould ulwuys rcmcmbcr tlut tlc luct tlut tlcy luvc
lound somctling out docs not mukc it ncws. Tlc 'story' tlcy urc trying
to scll to tlcir cditor muy luvc tukcn duys und cvcn wccks to rcscurcl.
tlcy muy luvc lud to bruvc ull kinds ol dillicultics und ovcrcomc ull kinds
ol obstuclcs ÷ but tlut docs not mukc tlc story strongcr. Unly in vcry
cxccptionul circumstunccs docs tlc rcudcr curc low tlc rcportcr cumc by
tlc story.
Ѳ ¬¸·- ²»©-°¿°»®ô ¬¸» -»°¿®¿¬·±² ±º ²»©- ½±´«³²- º®±³ ¬¸» »¼·¬±®·¿´ ¿²¼
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¿²¿´§-·- ±® ½±³³»²¬¿®§ ©¸»² °´¿·²´§ ´¿¾»´´»¼ò
Bcn Brudlcc. tlcn cditor ol tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬
ɸ»®» ܱ Ù±±¼ ͬ±®·»- ݱ³»
׬ ·- ¸¿®¼ ²»©- ¬¸¿¬ ½¿¬½¸»- ®»¿¼»®-ò Ú»¿¬«®»- ¸±´¼ ¬¸»³ò
lord Nortlclillc
Somc ol tlc bcst storics uppcur to comc lromnowlcrc ÷ out-ol-tlc-bluc
uccidcnts. rcsignutions. und cutustroplcs so sturtling tlut tlc csscntiul
lucts ulonc urc cnougl to mukc mujor lcudlincs. }ournulists cun do
notling to inllucncc wlctlcr sucl storics cxist: ull wc cun do is producc
tlc bcst-rcscurclcd und writtcn vcrsions ol tlcm. A lot ol otlcr good
storics. lowcvcr. dcpcnd on journulists lor tlcir vcry cxistcncc ÷ storics
wlicl sturt lilc us lcsscr incidcnts but urc trunslormcd into tlc sturtling
by tlc discovcry ol somc litlcrto liddcn uspcct: und truc oll-diury
storics. unknown to tlc public until u journulist discovcrs und rcports
Tlcrc is notling uccidcntul ubout tlis proccss. Cood storics likc tlcsc
do not comc out ol tlc bluc: tlcy comc lrom succcsslul journulists
knowing wlcrc to look und doing ccrtuin tlings riglt ÷ wlicl is wly
tlcy comc up witl lur morc ol sucl storics tlun ordinury journulists. Tlc
uppurcnt mystcry ol wlcrc good storics comc lrom is not u riddlc ut ull.
lt is u muttcr ol luving solid working pructiccs. plus knowing wlcrc to
look ÷ und wlcrc not to.
̸» ¸¿¾·¬- ±º -«½½»--º«´ ®»°±®¬»®-á
Tlc bcst rcportcrs gct tlc bcst storics bccuusc tlcy luvc slurp ncws
instincts und tlcy know wlcrc to look. wlo to tulk to und wlut to usk.
Tlc dctuils ol tlcsc urc covcrcd in tlc ncxt tlrcc cluptcrs on sourccs.
rcscurcl und qucstioning. But tlcrc urc otlcr. pcrlups lcss obvious but
just us vitul. rcportcrs' lubits wlicl consistcntly producc good storics.
Û¨°´±®·²¹ ¿´´ ¿ª»²«»-
lctcrminution is pcrlups tlc biggcst dillcrcncc bctwccn tlc ordinury
und tlc good rcportcr. A clussic cxumplc. ull tlc morc rclcvunt lor its
cvcryduy nuturc. is tlc story lound by lcrck lumbcrt. tlcn on u triul
witl tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó·®®±®. lt sccmcd ut lirst likc u routinc murdcr cusc: u
Polisl mun lud bccn lound stubbcd in tlc buscmcnt ol u sccdy lodging
lousc in Munclcstcr und lumbcrt wus scnt out to lind out wlut lc could.
lt did not look vcry promising. Tlc nciglbours kncw (or wcrc suying)
notling. tlc policcmun guurding tlc murdcr sccnc would not spcuk und.
wlcn lumbcrt wcnt to tlc policc stution. lc wus told tlcy could not udd
to tlcir curlicr bricl stutcmcnt.
lt is ut tlis point tlut tlc ordinury rcportcr would luvc lcudcd buck to
tlc ollicc und rcportcd tlcrc wus notling mucl in tlc story: und indccd
tlut is wlut lumbcrt's rivuls did. Hc. lowcvcr. wus not un ordinury
rcportcr. Hc lung uround. dctcrmincd to gct morc. loping to grub u lcw
words witlunoll-duty policcmun. Altcr u wlilc lc suwdctcctivcs cmcrgc
und gct into u cur. Hoping tlcy wcrc working ontlc murdcr. lc rcturncd
to tlc sccnc. Tlcrc lc suw two mcn in suits knocking on doors. Hc
introduccd limscll to tlc dctcctivcs und got tulking ubout tlc cusc. Tlc
dcud mun. tlcy told lim. wus u policc inlormcr wlo lud bccn run ovcr
by u cur und tlcn stubbcd. lumbcrt lud lis story und soon lc wus
dictuting it to lis ollicc. lt bcgun: 'Policc wcrc lust niglt invcstiguting tlc
mystcry ol tlc mun wlo wus murdcrcd twicc.' lt mudc lront pugc lcud
und sccurcd u job on tlc Ó·®®±® lor lumbcrt.
Ø¿²¹·²¹ ¿®±«²¼
Tlc bcst rcportcrs do not. unlcss tlcy cunnot possibly lclp it. urrivc lutc
und brcutllcss to covcr un cvcnt. Tlcy tcnd to urrivc curly und. il tlcy
luvc timc. lung uround ultcrwurds. By doing tlis tlcy gct u lccl lor tlc
cvcnt und its cluructcrs. lcur tlings. obscrvc usclul dctuil. spcuk to
pcoplc und usk qucstions. Wlutcvcr tlc cvcnt ÷ wlctlcr it is u court cusc.
public inquiry. politicul mccting. cumpuign luuncl. rclcusc ol u rcport ÷
tlc bcst storics urc oltcn lound not in tlc public purt ol tlc cvcnt. but in
tlc timc spcnt bclorc und ultcr clutting to tlosc involvcd. Altcr ull. most
non-journulists luvc no idcu wlut mukcs u good ncws story. lt is only
wlcn tlcy urc tulking inlormully bclorc or ultcr u mccting. intcrvicw or
wlutcvcr. tlut tlcy muy mcntion somctling wlicl is u lur bcttcr story
tlun tlc onc you originully cumc lor.
Ó¿µ·²¹ §±«® ±©² ´«½µ
To bc lucky. you luvc to put yourscll in tlc position wlcrc good lortunc
cun occur. Tlis is purtly u muttcr ol pcrsistcncc. purtly un instinct lor
wlcrc tlc luppcning purt ol tlc story is und. cspcciully on tlc big storics
wlcrc tlcrc urc muny rcportcrs on tlc sumc cusc. purtly u muttcr ol not
lollowing tlc mob. ln 1º×1. tlc Popc wus slot und journulists lrom ull
round tlc world wcrc scnt to Romc. Among tlcm wus }oln ldwurds ol
tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó¿·´. likc quitc u lcw otlcrs. lc urrivcd in Romc ut 11.?u p.m..
but instcud ol going struiglt to lis lotcl likc tlc lcrd. lc wuntcd to gct
on tlc story struiglt uwuy. But wlcrc to go. St. Pctcr's Squurc wus lull
ol nuns pruying lor tlc Popc's rccovcry. Tlc policc wcrc not tulking
bcyond u tcrsc stutcmcnt und so ldwurds tlouglt lc would go to wlcrc
tlc story wus still dcvcloping ÷ tlc lospitul wlcrc tlc Popc wus liglting
lor lis lilc.
Amuzingly. wlcn ldwurds urrivcd ut tlc lospitul ut onc in tlc
morning. lc lound tlut lc wus tlc only rcportcr tlcrc. Morc to tlc point.
tlcrc wcrc no policc to bur lis wuy. So in lc wcnt und ultcr wulking
uround lor u wlilc lc lound u wuiting room wlcrc lc could sit und wutcl
und judgc tlc situution. Hc dozcd u littlc und tlcn. ut uround 0 u.m. tlcrc
wus tlc sound ol doors opcning. lootstcps und voiccs. Hc suw six
surgcons. tlcir gowns covcrcd in blood. wulk into tlc wuiting room und
go on to u bulcony. As tlcy smokcd und took in tlc curly morning uir.
ldwurds could scc tlcy wcrc smiling. Hc upprouclcd tlcm und got lucky.
Tlcsc pcoplc lud suvcd tlc Popc's lilc und scvcrul spokc good lnglisl.
Tlcy wcrc plcuscd witl tlcir niglt's work und tulkcd lrccly. Tlcy cvcn
drcw picturcs in lis notcbook ol tlc incisions tlcy mudc und dcscribcd
cucl stcp ol tlc opcrution in dctuil. Not surprisingly. ldwurds lutcr
dcscribcd tlis us tlc bcst story lc cvcr wrotc.
Õ²±©·²¹ ©¸¿¬ ·- ¬¸» ¾»-¬ ¬¸» -¬±®§ ½¿² ¾»
Somc ol wlut tlc incxpcricnccd tlinks ol us tlc mystcrious instincts ol
good rcportcrs urc. in luct. quitc struigltlorwurd culculutions. Unc ol tlc
kcy oncs uscd by succcsslul journulists is tlc truin ol tlouglt tlut runs
somctling likc: wlut is tlc bcst tlis story cun bc. ll l considcrcd ull tlc
possiblc sccnurios und lucts. wlut would bc tlc strongcst intro l could
writc. Tlis culculution is oltcn just us usclul in tclling you wlicl storics
urc not wortl pursuing. us rcvculing tlc oncs tlut urc.
Þ«·´¼·²¹ ¬®«-¬ ©·¬¸ -±«®½»-
Cood rcportcrs kccp up u rcgulur rclutionslip witl contucts und do not
just ring wlcn tlcy nccd tlcm. Tlcy cultivutc tlcm by going to mcctings
tlcy would otlcrwisc not uttcnd und occusionully puss inlormution to
tlcm. Tlc upslot is tlut tlc contucts rcmcmbcr tlcm wlcn tlcy luvc
u good story. lcss rcgulur contucts ulso rcmcmbcr tlc rcportcrs wlosc
work lus provcd luir und uccurutc. And u sourcc tlut trusts u rcportcr
cun ussist in ull kinds ol wuys. A govcrning purty politiciun wlom l kncw
wus instrumcntul in smuggling into lruq onc ol tlc Ѿ-»®ª»®'s top lorcign
ncws cxpcrts so lc could invcstigutc rcports tlc pupcr wus rccciving
ubout utrocitics committcd uguinst tlc Mursl Arubs by Suddum Husscin.
Witlout my rclutionslip witl tlut politiciun. lcr trust in tlc sinccrity
ol my pupcr. lcr contucts witl rcbcl groups in lruq und tlcir bruvcry. wc
would not luvc bccn ublc to gct insidc soutlcrn lruq und tlc world would
not luvc lcurd ubout tlcsc utrocitics. Tlc rcportcr. Slyum Blutiu. won
lorcign corrcspondcnt ol tlc ycur lor lis work.
͸±©·²¹ ·²¬»®»-¬ ·² ¬¸» -«¾¶»½¬ô ²±¬ ¶«-¬ ¬¸» ·³³»¼·¿¬» -¬±®§
Pcoplc cun scnsc. just us you cun. wlcn u journulist is mcrcly intcrcstcd
in tlcm lor tlc sukc ol u onc-oll story. Cood rcportcrs luvc u sinccrc
intcrcst in issucs und tlc pcoplc involvcd in tlcm ÷ und it slows. Tlcy
prolit lrom tlis. ln 1º0× ultcr Sovict dissidcnt Alcksundr Cinsbcrg wus
juilcd lollowing u closcd triul. lis wilc ludmillu cullcd u prcss conlcrcncc.
Tlc niglt bclorc it wus duc to bc lcld. ull tlc ncurly 1uu Wcstcrn cor-
rcspondcnts in Moscow wcrc contuctcd by tlc govcrnmcnt prcss
dcpurtmcnt und wurncd tlut 'scvcrc mcusurcs' would bc tukcn uguinst
tlosc wlo uttcndcd. Tlc lollowing duy only lour lud tlc courugc to go
to tlc Cinsbcrg upurtmcnt. umong tlcm Ruymond Andcrson ol tlc Ò»©
DZ®µ Ì·³»-. A lcw montls lutcr. in }uly 1º0×. Andcrson wus givcn u
documcnt by u lricnd. wlo lud rcccivcd it lrom Andrci Amclrik. u
dissidcnt listoriun. lnsidc tlc puckugc wus tlc now-lumous cssuy
clullcnging tlc Sovict systcm writtcn by lr. Andrci Suklurov. Altcr u
lcw morc udvcnturcs und inquirics. Andcrson cstublislcd tlut tlc
documcnt wus gcnuinc und lc scnt it out sccrctly lor it to mukc lcudlincs
uround tlc world.
Í»²-·²¹ ©¸·½¸ -¬±®·»- ¿®» ²±¬ §»¬ ½±³°´»¬»
Tlc plrusc 'lollow-up' is not u tcrribly glorious onc to muny rcportcrs.
currying connotutions ol bcing uskcd to tidy up u lcw loosc cnds or drcss
up somc lund-mc-down story into somctling tlut uppcurs lrcsl. As
upplicd by u lot ol pupcrs. tlis is truc. But tlcrc urc ulso muny storics
wlicl wlcn lollowcd up. bcur riclcr lruit tlun tlc originul. Cood
rcportcrs scnsc tlcsc by tlinking wlut is ÷ or muy bc ÷ missing lrom tlc
wlolc story. An old ludy. lor cxumplc. oncc dicd unnoticcd in lcr lomc
in tlc nortl ol lnglund. Tlc coroncr. rcmurking on tlc contrust bctwccn
tlc visiblc signs ol tlis (milk bottlcs on tlc doorstcp. ctc.) und tlc indil-
lcrcncc ol lcr nciglbours. suid tlut tlc old ludy miglt still bc ulivc il
nciglbours lud puid uttcntion to lcr or tukcn tlc troublc to visit.
Tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó·®®±® scnt lcrck lumbcrt to invcstigutc lor u possiblc piccc
on tlc womun wlo dicd ignorcd by lcr comlortublc nciglbours. Hc
wcnt lrom lousc to lousc. collccting u lcw scrups ol inlormution. but
mostly linding blunk looks und slrugs ol tlc slouldcrs. linully lc cumc
to onc nciglbour wlo tulkcd u littlc. }ust us lumbcrt wus turning to go.
tlc mun suid. 'Mind you. tlut coroncr's got u riglt clcck. lusn't lc.'
lumbcrt uskcd limwlut lc mcunt (ulwuys u good qucstion). 'Wcll.' suid
tlc mun. 'tlc coroncr only livcd up tlc roud.' Hc lud bccn onc ol tlc
womun's nciglbours lc wus criticising. lumbcrt kncw tlcn lc lud u
good story ÷ tlc tulc ol tlc coroncr wlo criticiscd limscll in court. but
didn't rculisc.
Ô±±µ·²¹ ¿¬ ¬¸·²¹- ¿²±¬¸»® ©¿§
Comcdiuns und good journulists luvc u lot in common. Botl lind
productivc idcus by turning tlings on tlcir lcud. by invcrting u situution
(or u plrusc) in ordcr to cxuminc it und so dclivcr tlc uncxpcctcd.
Succcsslul rcportcrs gct u lot ol good idcus by looking ut tlings lrom un
unusuul pcrspcctivc. Wlcn }oln Ticrncy ol tlc Ò»© DZ®µ Ì·³»-. lor
cxumplc. wus scnt to do u piccc on womcn wlo sign up lor scll-dclcncc
clusscs (u prctty tircd idcu ut bcst). lc did un urticlc not on tlc womcn.
but on tlc 'modcl muggcr' ÷ tlc prctcnd rupist in u puddcd suit wlo took
ull tlc punclcs und kicks.
Tlcrc urc. lowcvcr. limits to rcportcrs' invcntivcncss. Tlcrc wus. lor
instuncc. oncc u rcportcr cullcd Muuricc lugcncc on tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó¿·´.
Ncvcr tlc bcst timckccpcr. lc wus so spcctuculurly lutc onc duy tlut
tlc ncwsdcsk punislcd lim by scnding lim to covcr u story tlcy
ussumcd would bc u long trip lor vcry littlc copy ÷ u pigcon slow in
Birminglum. Not to bc outdonc. lugcncc smugglcd into tlc slow u cut
undcr lis cout so lc could writc un intro ubout wlo put tlc cut umong
tlc pigcons.
Ó¿µ·²¹ ½±²²»½¬·±²-
Muking conncctions is wlut good rcportcrs do wlcn tlcy tukc u couplc
ol litlcrto unussociutcd storics. or lucts. und mukc u link. Tlis is wlut
Willi Cutmun. u ncwspupcr libruriun wlo llcd Hitlcr's Ccrmuny. cullcd
'scoop by intcrprctution'. lt is onc ol tlc rcusons wly tlosc wlo criticisc
ncwspupcrs lor 'lccding oll cucl otlcr' urc wrong. Muny good storics
comc lrom u journulist spotting u smull itcm in unotlcr ncwspupcr.
invcstiguting und linding tlcrc is u lot morc to tlc subjcct or issuc tlun
tlc lirst pupcr tlouglt. And muny importunt storics luvc only bccn lully
rcvculcd bccuusc individuul pupcrs working on tlcm indcpcndcntly
lound dillcrcnt picccs ol tlc jigsuw wlicl ½±´´»½¬·ª»´§ complctcd
tlc picturc. Tlc invcstigution ol tlc Wutcrgutc scundul in Amcricu in
1º7?÷74. wlicl lcd to tlc rcsignution ol Prcsidcnt Nixon. wus u clussic
cusc ol tlis.
Ò±¬ ®»´§·²¹ ±² ¬¸» -«³³¿®·»- ±º ±ºº·½·¿´ ®»°±®¬-
lt is dillicult to stillc u yuwn wlcn you scc tlc covcr ol most olliciul
rcports. But in somc ol tlcm. pcrlups buricd uwuy on pugc º4. is tlc rcul
story. lt muy cvcn luvc bccn put tlcrc dclibcrutcly. in tlc conlidcnt
cxpcctution tlut most journulists cunnot bc botlcrcd to rcud tlut lur. or
tlut closcly. Too muny rcportcrs. wlcn conlrontcd witl u tlick rcport.
will look only ut tlc summury pugcs. ll you luvc timc. rcud tlc wlolc
rcport: il not. tlcn look in tlc pluccs most likcly to producc good mutcriul
÷ tlc submissions lrom criticiscd purtics. tlc cvidcncc givcn by tlc
uggricvcd und tlc cusc listorics scction.
Rcuding rcports tlorouglly cun rcpuy cnormous dividcnds. ln tlc
curly 1ººus. lilccn Wclsomc. nciglbourlood ncws rcportcr lor tlc
ß´¾«¯«»®¯«» Ì®·¾«²». wus lculing tlrougl u dcclussilicd documcnt ubout
rudiution cxpcrimcnts on unimuls towurds tlc cnd ol World Wur ll. ln un
obscurc lootnotc ut tlc bottom ol onc pugc. slc lound u rclcrcncc to 1×
pcoplc wlo lud bccn injcctcd witl doscs ol plutonium so tlut scicntists
could study tlc cllccts ol rudiution on tlc body. Slc bcgun rcscurcling
und in Novcmbcr 1ºº? publislcd u tlrcc-purt scrics. A montl lutcr tlc
LS govcrnmcnt cullcd u prcss conlcrcncc und udmittcd ull. Prcsidcnt
Clinton ordcrcd un inquiry und luwsuits lrom victims lumilics cumc in.
Tlc lollowing ycur. Wclsomc won u Pulitzcr Prizc.
Ò±¬ °®»ó¶«¼¹·²¹ °»±°´»
Tlc most succcsslul intclligcncc ugcnt l luvc cvcr mct wus u big. lut.
jolly. uppurcntly simplc-mindcd soul wlosc covcr wus tlut ol u prolcs-
sionul wrcstlcr. lurgc umounts ol lorcign truvcl usidc. lc wus ulmost tlc
lust pcrson you would cxpcct to bc u spy: wlicl wus wly l lud no idcu
ol wlut lc rcully did until ultcr lis dcutl. l tlouglt lc lud tukcn onc too
muny sizublc bungs on tlc lcud.
Succcsslul journulists know tlut judging pcoplc by tlcir uppcurunccs
und occuputions is u good wuy to mukc mistukcs und miss storics. Somc
ol tlc lcust rcliublc sourccs look tlc tonicst. und somc ol tlc bcst oncs
look likc bums. Tlis docs not mcun you luvc to spcnd lours witl tlc
purudc ol lunutics. purunoids und obscssivcs wlo rcgulurly pluguc
ncwspupcrs witl tlcir tulcs ol bcing lollowcd. trunsportcd to outcr spucc
or pcrsccutcd by tlc govcrnmcnt. But it docs mcun muking u judgcmcnt
buscd on wlut tlcy suy. rutlcr tlun on low tlcy look. Altcr ull. u
journulist ut tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó¿·´ in tlc curly 1º?us oncc rcturncd to tlc
ncwsdcsk lrom uttcnding to u slubbily drcsscd visitor in tlc lobby. Hc
suid tlc mun wus un obvious lunutic wlo wus muttcring somctling
ubout trunsmitting moving picturcs. Tlrcc duys lutcr scvcrul rivul pupcrs
rcportcd tlc invcntion ol tclcvision by u mun cullcd }oln logic Buird ÷ tlc
numc. ol coursc. ol tlc 'slubbily drcsscd lunutic' in tlc lobby.
Õ»»°·²¹ ¿² ·¼»¿- º·´»
Tlis is lurdly u dcvustuting insiglt. but it is commonly ovcrlookcd. Tlc
quulity und rungc ol idcus is onc ol tlc tlings tlut mukcs tlc dillcrcncc
bctwccn ncws pugcs cruckling witl intcrcst und tlosc tlut urc so limp
und wct you could not usc tlcm to sturt u lirc. You slould tlcrclorc luvc
u lilc wlcrc you cun jot down idcus. plus cuttings lrom pupcrs und
muguzincs tlut miglt mukc u luturc story. ll notling clsc. it slould
cncourugc tlut otlcr lubit ol succcsslul journulists ÷ rcuding u lot ol
ncwspupcrs und muguzincs. Apurt lrom kccping tlcm up to dutc und in
toucl witl wlut tlc opposition is doing. it ulso muintuins tlcir gcncrul
knowlcdgc ÷ somctling clsc tlcy urc conspicuous lor.
Ò±²ó±¾ª·±«- -±«®½»-
Most journulists tlink too nurrowly wlcn it comcs to sourccs. But il you
look ut nutionul quulity ncwspupcrs. wlicl luvc tlc pick ol ull tlut is
uvuilublc on uny duy. you lind tlut tlc sourccs ol tlcir storics urc not
ncurly us convcntionul us pcoplc imuginc. Tlc ײ¼»°»²¼»²¬. lor instuncc.
would luvc in u typicul issuc ??÷?× domcstic ncws storics. not including
bricls or Purliumcntury rcports. An issuc in lcccmbcr 1ººº lud ?0
storics. sourccd us lollows:
Covcrnmcnt dcpts or ugcncics 1u
Ull-diury (contucts. obscrvution) 5
Courts. inquirics 5
Lnivcrsitics ?
Prcssurc groups. unions. ctc. ?
Politicul sourccs ?
Spcciulist prcss 2
Commcrciul compunics 2
Consumcr muguzincs 1
lntcrnutionul orgunisutions 1
Policc 1
Utlcr issucs ol tlc pupcr slow sligltly morc policc und politicul storics
und lcwcr lrom courts. but otlcrwisc tlcsc proportions do not vury
murkcdly. Tlis mcuns tlut lull tlc storics consistcntly comc lrom
unolliciul sourccs. ll tlc govcrnmcnt storics includc only tlosc wlicl
urc olliciul unnounccmcnts. us opposcd to storics obtuincd by pcrsonul
contucts. tlcn unolliciul sourccs rcgulurly uccount lor somctling likc 0u
pcr ccnt ol storics. Tlis slows tlc importuncc ol building up contucts
und. in purticulur. ol opcning up your mind to unconvcntionul sourccs
und subjccts. Hcrc urc somc suggcstions ol tlc lcss obvious pluccs wlcrc
good storics cun bc lound.
˲·ª»®-·¬·»- ¿²¼ ®»-»¿®½¸ ·²-¬·¬«¬»-
Wlctlcr it is pionccring mcdicul rcscurcl. u study ol your rcgion's
wildlilc or un invcstigution into wly mcn wcur ccrtuin colour tics.
ucudcmics undcrtukc studics tlut no novclist would durc mukc up. Somc
ol tlcm urc liglly spcciuliscd. but u lot will luvc gcncrul intcrcst. lor
cxumplc. u spucc rcscurcl institutc outsidc Moscow lus bccn studying
lor ycurs wlut pcrsonulity typcs urc truly computiblc so tlut tlc pcoplc
tlcy put togctlcr in tlc Mir spucc stution will not bcgin liglting us soon
us tlcy lcuvc lurtl. Writtcn lor tlc gcncrul rcudcr und upplicd to low
pcoplc gct on insidc lomcs und olliccs. rutlcr tlun u spucc slip. you
would luvc u story tlut slould intcrcst unyonc.
Í°»½·¿´·-¬ ¿²¼ «²¼»®¹®±«²¼ °®»--
ll you luvc tlc cxpcrtisc to rcud spcciulist journuls. tlcy cun bc u lusl
lunting ground lor oll-diury storics. Your country's undcrground prcss
is ulso wortl rcuding rcgulurly. Tlc rcporting in sucl publicutions is
oltcn unbulunccd. but it is oltcn tlc product ol contuct witl unconvcn-
tionul sourccs. Somc ol tlc bcst storics lirst surlucc in sucl pupcrs.
ln 1ºº×. Mucicj Zurcmbu. u Polisl-born journulist writing lor Swcdcn's
lurgcst pupcr Ü¿¹»²- Ò§¸»¬»®. uncovcrcd tlc lull story ol low Swcdcn
lud lorcibly stcriliscd morc tlun 0u.uuu womcn bctwccn 1º?5 und
1º70. Working witl u rcscurclcr cullcd Muiju Runcis. wlo lud ucccss
to tlc urclivcs ol tlc Stutc Mcdicul Bourd. Zurcmbu discovcrcd tlut.
contrury to common bclicl in Swcdcn. tlc stcrilisutions lud ncvcr bccn
voluntury. Cirls wlo lcll bclind ut sclool. wcrc lubcllcd promiscuous or
lud otlcrwisc lullcn loul ol uutlority. wcrc dclincd us 'undcsirublc'.
rcmovcd lrom tlcir lomcs by stutc olliciuls. pluccd in institutions und
wcrc only rclcuscd il tlcy would bc stcriliscd. Tlc story wus publislcd
ull ovcr tlc world und tlc Swcdisl Covcrnmcnt sct up un inquiry. And
wlcrc did Zurcmbu lirst stumblc upon tlis story. ln un obscurc book
writtcn by two Swcdcs but publislcd only in tlc LS.
Û-±¬»®·½ ³¿¹¿¦·²»-
Tlcsc urc not muguzincs writtcn lor un ucudcmic uudicncc. but lor
ordinury pcoplc witl spcciul intcrcsts. Rcuding sucl muguzincs ullows
you into worlds (likc tlut ol tlc trcusurc luntcr or vcgctublc growcr)
wlicl you would ncvcr normully cntcr. And in ulmost cvcry issuc you
cun bc surc tlut tlcrc is u story wlicl. propcrly lundlcd. would bc ol
intcrcst to tlc ncwspupcr rcudcr. A computcr muguzinc miglt luvc u
story ubout u ncw computcr virus tlut is tlrcutcning commcrciul dutu
systcms: u cur muguzinc onc ubout u ncw uuto-tlclt ruckct: u scx
ncwspupcr miglt luvc un udvcrtiscmcnt tlut lcuds you to invcstigutc
clild pornogruply: u gurdcning muguzinc u story ubout low uscd bunk
notcs urc bcing pulpcd to mukc lcrtiliscr.
ײ¬»®²¿¬·±²¿´ ±®¹¿²·-¿¬·±²-
Tlcrc urc tlousunds und tlousunds ol intcrnutionul orgunisutions
pumping out rcports. stutistics und dutu. lolding conlcrcnccs und
scminurs und stullcd by cxpcrts ÷ yct tlcy ncvcr lcur lrom u gcncrul
ncwspupcr rcportcr lrom onc ycur to tlc ncxt. Tlis is u grcut slumc.
Urgunisutions likc tlcsc urc onc ol tlc grcut untuppcd sourccs ol storics.
And not just storics ubout globul problcms. Mucl ol tlcir work involvcs
studying or working on spccilic problcms in purticulur countrics. Co to
u librury. look up tlc orgunisutions covcring your urcu ol intcrcst und
mukc contuct or visit tlcir wcbsitc. Tlc Lnitcd Nutions. lor cxumplc. lus
bodics dculing witl womcn. disustcrs. clildrcn's wcllurc. lcultl.
disurmumcnt. truining. cconomic dcvclopmcnt. lumun scttlcmcnt. tlc
cnvironmcnt. occuns. trudc. rclugccs. pcucc-kccping lorccs. populution.
lood uid. lood growing. utomic cncrgy. civil uviution. lubour. slipping.
tclccommunicutions. industry. copyriglt. mctcorology ÷ indccd ulmost
cvcry subjcct undcr tlc sun.
Ý´¿--·º·»¼ ¿¼ª»®¬·-»³»²¬-
}ournulists wlo do not rcud tlc clussilicd udvcrtiscmcnts in uny pupcr
tlcy cun gct tlcir lunds on urc missing onc ol tlc bcst sourccs ol lumun
intcrcst storics tlcrc is. Altcr ull. tlis is wlcrc tlc purts ol tlc lumun
rucc tlut urc not journulists oltcn communicutc witl strungcrs. lor
instuncc. on 2 Muy 1º02. tlc lollowing ud wus pluccd in tlc Í¿²
Ú®¿²½·-½± Û¨¿³·²»®'s clussilicd columns by u Mrs Cludys Kidd:
l don't wunt my lusbund to dic in tlc gus clumbcr lor u crimc lc did
not commit. l will tlcrclorc ollcr my scrviccs lor 1u ycurs us u cook.
muid or lousckccpcr to uny lcuding uttorncy wlo will dclcnd lim und
bring ubout lis vindicution.
Unc ol tlc city's most lumous luwycrs. Vinccnt Hullinun. suw tlc ud und
contuctcd Mrs Kidd. Hcr lusbund wus ubout to bc tricd lor tlc murdcr ol
un old untiquc dculcr ultcr lis lingcrprints lud bccn lound on un ornutc
bloodstuincd sword in tlc victim's slop. luring tlc triul. Hullinun provcd
tlut tlc dculcr lud not bccn killcd by tlc sword. Hc ulso cstublislcd tlut
Kidd's prints und blood lound on tlc sword got tlcrc bccuusc lc oncc
loolcd uround witl tlc sword wlilc out slopping witl u lricnd. Tlc jury
lound Kidd not guilty und Hullinun rcluscd Mrs Kidd's ollcr ol scrvitudc.
Tlcrc urc countlcss lcsscr cxumplcs ol storics lound in tlc clussilicd
scctions: lrom tlc womun in Russiu so poor tlut slc wus trying to scll
lcr son to tlc cxotic unimul smuggling ring tlut wus udvcrtising rurc
pcts. und so on.
Tlcsc urc un cndlcss sourcc ol storics. Tlc unnivcrsurics cun bc simplc
birtls und dcutls. mujor listoric cvcnts or morc unusuul. sociul unnivcr-
surics likc invcntions ol lousclold objccts. or otlcr lundmurks ol
cvcryduy lilc. Nor do unnivcrsury storics luvc to bc liglt. Rcscurcling
tlc livc-ycur unnivcrsury ol u mujor ncws story lor u buckground piccc
cun oltcn turn up somc buricd rcport. ncglcctcd group or somctling clsc
tlut mukcs u good lurd story.
Utlcr productivc urcus urc: spcciulist brunclcs ol policc und otlcr
cmcrgcncy scrviccs (cspcciully tlosc dculing witl lruud. computcr crimc.
urt und untiqucs): obscurc govcrnmcnt bodics (sucl us oncs dculing witl
public ucccss to lundcd cstutcs in rcturn lor lowcrcd dcutl dutics.
munuging tlc usscts ol tlc mcntully inlirm. ctc.): invcstmcnts promising
vcry ligl yiclds: uny gct-ricl-quick or 'cun't luil' busincss sclcmc: loun
compunics (cspcciully tlosc wlicl turgct tlc lcss wcll-oll): ncwly rclcuscd
public documcnts: und prcssurc groups or scll-lclp groups opcruting in
unusuul urcus. You comc ucross muny morc il you kccp your cycs und
curs opcn. look lor tlc incongruous. tlc tlings wlicl don't sccm to udd
up. tlc tlings wlicl nccd cxplunution. My lirst mujor story wus ubout
lomclcss pcoplc on tlc strccts ol tlc city in Brituin wlcrc l livcd. lt wus
tlc rcsult ol noticing tlcm lutc ut niglt in doorwuys und purks und
usking tlc busic rcportcr's qucstions: wlo. wly. ctc. Tlc scrics l wrotc
lcd to u grcut numbcr ol pcoplc upproucling mc witl storics und to my
ncws cditor giving mc bcttcr ussignmcnts.
ͬ±®·»- ¬¸¿¬ ¹±±¼ ®»°±®¬»®- ¿ª±·¼
ll succcsslul rcportcrs luvc u trick. upurt lrom lurd work. it is knowing
tlc storics tlut urc unlikcly to bc good oncs und stuying wcll uwuy lrom
tlcm. Tlcy know tlut good storics don't. cxccpt in vcry rurc circum-
stunccs. comc lrom commcrciul prcss rclcuscs. routinc prcss conlcrcnccs.
most ol tlc muil tlut urrivcs ut your ncws dcsk. or lrom pcoplc wlo cull
you up und suy 'Huvc l got u story lor you!' Ncitlcr do tlcy comc lrom
survcys witl smull sumplcs. survcys tlut drcss tlc blindingly obvious in
tlc lunguugc ol scicncc. survcys purporting to idcntily ncw sociul groups.
storics tlut urc purcly ubout wlut pcoplc urc suying. or lrom cvcnts
concoctcd purcly lor tlc bcnclit ol journulists. likc ploto-culls. prcss
luunclcs or stunts. And. ubovc ull. tlcy know tlcy don't gcncrully comc
lrom row storics.
α© -¬±®·»-
Tlcsc luvc bccomc tlc grcut contugion und con-trick ol journulism.
lcgitimutc wlcn rcporting scrious criticisms ol olliciul uction. gcnuinc
or slurp disugrccmcnts umong tlosc wlo cun inllucncc un outcomc.
row storics urc morc commonly sccn in u lorm wlcrc tlc 'row' is notling
mucl morc tlun u ligmcnt ol tlc rcportcr's dcsirc lor somc ploncy
drumu. Somctling luppcns. or somctling is suid. und u rcportcr ploncs
somc known und convictcd loudmoutl wlo obligcs by condcmning.
dcploring or culling lor un inquiry. Tlis journulistic cquivulcnt ol
slooting lisl in u burrcl is tlcn toppcd oll witl u lcudlinc ubout 'Row
ovcr.'. 'lury ovcr.'. or cvcn 'lurorc us.'. Tlc rcsult is storics tlut urc
blindingly prcdictublc und luvc rculity only witlin tlc pugcs ol u
Anotlcr common lorm is wlcn u 'row' unglc is writtcn onto u story in
un uttcmpt to 'lrcslcn up' somctling tlut lus luppcncd or bccn
unnounccd curlicr in tlc ncws cyclc. Tlc prcdictubly opposcd urc uskcd
lor u commcnt und tlcir disupprovul is tlcn rcportcd in tlc intro us 'A
lurious row lust niglt cruptcd ovcr.'. Tlis. quitc upurt lrom tlc lypcd-
up lunguugc ol 'cruptcd' und 'lurious row'. is u complctc non-unglc. As
un intro. it wcukcns tlc story rutlcr tlun strcngtlcns it.
Tlc ultimutc tcst ol 'row' storics is. lowcvcr. tlis: luvc you cvcr lcurd
rcudcrs discussing u 'row' story in tlc tcrms us prcscntcd in tlc pupcr.
̸»®» ¿®» ¬©± µ·²¼- ±º ¶±«®²¿´·-³ò ̸»®» ·- ¬¸» ¶±«®²¿´·-³¬¸¿¬ ·- ¬®§·²¹ ¬±
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Mux Hustings
ɸ»² ¬¸» ½¿´´ ½±³»- ·² ¬¸» ³·¼¼´» ±º ¬¸» ²·¹¸¬ô ¿ º·®»³¿² ±²´§ ¸¿- ¬± °«¬ ±²
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Mort Roscnblum ol Associutcd Prcss
You don't luvc to cdit und judgc ncws storics lor vcry long bclorc onc
tling bccomcs uppurcnt: tlc most common rcuson wly storics luil is not
bud writing. dull quotcs or poor construction. it is inudcquutc rcscurcl.
ln rcporting. no umount ol luncy plruscs will disguisc tlut. You citlcr
luvc tlc ruw mutcriul. or you don't.
ll you do. tlcn you luvc tlc mcuns to writc u clcur uccount. lrcc ol
uny gups. witl u strong originul unglc. somc livcly cxumplcs or unccdotcs
und u scnsc ol pcrspcctivc. Your story cun bc tiglt und solid. witl no loosc
writing bccuusc tlcrc is no nccd to pud it out.
ll you don't luvc tlc ruw mutcriul. tlcn your story will bc luzzy und
unccrtuin. witl somc lolcs wlcrc inlormution or cxplunutions slould
bc. lt will bc wullly. stulc und lilclcss. At bcst it will bc wlut ncws
cxccutivcs cull 'u trot round tlc block'. mcuning tlut it is u mcrc tour ol
tlc story's morc obvious und lumiliur points.
So wlut do you luvc to do to gct tlut good mutcriul. lirst you luvc to
know. broudly. wlut you urc looking lor. Sccond. you luvc to know
wlcrc to gct it. or ut lcust wlcrc or wlo to usk.
ɸ¿¬ §±« -¸±«´¼ ¾» ´±±µ·²¹ º±®
You sturt witl tlc busics ol wlo. wlut. wlcrc. wlcn. low und wly ÷
but you don't stop tlcrc. Wlut is nccdcd ubovc ull is tlc dctuil und
unccdotc tlut illuminutc tlc busics. Tlis cxtru inlormution is wlut
gcncrully mukcs tlc dillcrcncc bctwccn un ordinury vcrsion ol tlc story
und u good onc. }ust tukc uny big story on uny givcn duy und cxuminc
dillcrcnt uccounts in dillcrcnt pupcrs. lt will bc tlc riclncss ol somc
compurcd witl otlcrs tlut strikcs you.
Collccting dctuil is cruciul to good rcscurcl. ll you urc rcporting un
incidcnt you nccd to build up u dctuilcd clronology ol wlut luppcncd.
so tlut you cun run u 'vidco' ol it in your lcud. lt cun ncvcr bc us
complctc us lrumc-by-lrumc. but tlut slould bc your uim. You will not
usc ull ol tlcsc dctuils. but. until you comc to writc tlc story. you ncvcr
know wlicl urc tlc tclling oncs. Almost no dctuil is too smull to collcct.
lor cvcn tlc tinicst lrugmcnts cun udd wortl to tlc story lur bcyond tlcir
nominul wciglt. An uccount ol u murdcr. lor cxumplc. cun suy tlut it
wus committcd in tlc countrysidc und cvcn numc tlc dutc ol 1 Muy. But
il you rcport tlut it wus committcd ut Sunnybunk lurm on Muy luy. it
immcdiutcly bccomcs morc cvocutivc und powcrlul. Bcttcr still. gct to
tlc sccnc und dcscribc it ÷ tlc cottugc gurdcn wlcrc tlc wcupon wus
lound (ubundoncd by tlc runncr bcuns). tlc pink wulls ol tlc kitclcn.
tlc llowcrs in tlc jumjur by tlc buckdoor. ctc.. ctc. Un muny occusions.
scctions ol tlc rcport. or cvcn tlc wlolc tling. cun bc lung on cvcn tlc
smullcst dctuil. And tlc dctuils tlut urc most vuluublc urc tlc uncxpcctcd
oncs. citlcr tlc upt or tlc purticulurly incongruous.
lctuil is cspcciully vuluublc wlcn you urc writing u rcport. or ncws
lcuturc. ultcr tlc busic story lus bccn uround lor u duy or so. Tlc grcut
Bill Connor ('Cussundru' ol tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó·®®±®) oncc buscd tlc opcning ol
lis piccc ubout tlc dcutl ol Stulin. writtcn scvcrul duys ultcr tlc cvcnt.
on tlc dctuil tlut tlc old monstcr wlo lud scnt so muny ol lis lcllow-
Russiuns to u prcmuturc dcutl. dicd in lis bcd ut tlc ugc ol 7?. 'bctwccn
tlc comlort ol tlc slccts'.
Tlc sumc upplics to unccdotcs und cxumplcs. Tlcy slould not bc long
(otlcrwisc tlcy will ovcrwlclm tlc muin tlrust ol tlc story) und indccd
tlc bcst kind ol unccdotcs in ncws rcports urc oltcn incidcnts or cpisodcs
summuriscd in onc or two scntcnccs. A story ubout un ccccntric dccision
by tlc council ol u smull town is going to bc u lot morc livcly il you cun
includc somc tulcs lrom its pust. Tlcy muy bc not mucl morc tlun u bricl
incidcnt or two lrom listory. mcntion ol u couplc ol tlc town's most
lumous nutivcs. or cvcn somctling us simplc us un inscription on u gruvc
in u locul clurclyurd. But you cun bc surc tlcy will bc u lot morc
intcrcsting und inlormutivc tlun tlc prcdictublc quotutions lrom onc ol
tlc protugonists tlut would otlcrwisc tukc tlcir plucc.
Tlis is somctling you slould collcct lor uny story. cvcn tlc briclcst oncs.
You slould bc looking lor tlc sctting. contcxt und rclcvunt purts ol tlc
listory ol tlc subjcct or issuc. lt miglt bc u purugrupl or two ol 'tlc story
so lur'. or u pottcd listory ol tlc subjcct or issuc. lt miglt cvcn bc somc
widcr unulogy or compurison. A story ubout uttcmpts by your country or
city to limit cur usc in citics. lor cxumplc. will bc ull tlc bcttcr lor somc
idcu ol wlut policics luvc bccn udoptcd (und wlut workcd und did not)
in otlcr pluccs or countrics. Ncws storics urc rurcly uniquc cruptions ol
lutc: tlcy bclong in u continuum.
Contcxt cun somctimcs bc ¬¸» vitul purt ol tlc story. putting lucts or dcvcl-
opmcnts into u propcr. cvcn lur lcss drumutic. pcrspcctivc. Tlis is
purticulurly vitul wlcrc somconc is issuing blood-curdling wurnings
ubout lcultl or public sulcty. Storics ubout lcultl risks in tlc
cnvironmcnt. lor cxumplc. cun oltcn bc prcpostcrously ovcrstutcd unlcss
somc pcrspcctivc is givcn. Would you tlink it u good story tlut u sumplc
ol scu wutcr contuincd 0.uuu molcculcs ol poison. You miglt bc tlinking
lront pugc until you lcurnt tlut tlis is wlut would bc produccd il you
took u pint ol poison und tippcd it cvcnly into tlc world's occuns. And
muny storics ubout tlc dungcrs ol pcsticidcs miglt bc u littlc morc
intclligcnt und uccurutc il tlcy ulso compurcd tlc risks to tlc umount ol
nuturully occurring pcsticidul clcmiculs lound in busil. pcunuts und
Tlcrc urc journulists wlo tlink it is our job to drumutisc cvcrytling.
but u littlc rcllcction will tcll you tlis is u luirly dumb routc to tukc. Tlink
low wc rcuct to tlc pcoplc in our own livcs wlo ulwuys put tlc most
mclodrumutic construction on cvcrytling. ln tlc cnd wc rcgurd tlcm us
gulliblc. unrcliublc und u puin in tlc butt. Wly slould rcudcrs tlink
dillcrcntly ol us il wc omit contcxt und pcrspcctivc to lum up cvcry story.
ɸ»®» ¬± ¹»¬ ·¬
Rcscurcl is ubout knowing wlcrc tlc bodics urc ÷ or miglt bc ÷ buricd.
You slould tlcrclorc bc us insutiublc ubout collccting potcntiul sourccs
ol inlormution us you urc ubout tlc inlormution itscll. Tlcsc sourccs
lull into tlrcc cutcgorics: onlinc (wlicl gct tlcir own cluptcr). lumun
und printcd.
Ø«³¿² -±«®½»-
Tlcsc urc tlc most lumiliur sourccs. covcring cvcrytling lrom tlc olliciul
spokcspcrsons. olliciuls und politiciuns contuctcd rcgulurly. to tlc pcrson
spokcn to oncc und muybc ncvcr uguin. Tlcy ulso cxtcnd to pcoplc tlut
tlc incxpcricnccd would ncvcr drcum ol contucting. ll tlcrc is u goldcn
rulc ol succcsslul rcscurcl it is: ncvcr bc ulruid to usk. Tlc worst uny onc
cun suy to you is no und you will oltcn bc umuzcd ut tlc lclp you gct.
Utlcr lints urc:
ݱ´´»½¬ °¸±²» ²«³¾»®- ±¾-»--·ª»´§
Tlc most busic tool is obviously u wcll-muintuincd. dctuilcd book ol
contucts. witl tlcir uddrcsscs. plonc und lux numbcrs. Wlcn you urc
tlc only pcrson in your ollicc. it is lutc ut niglt und you nccd somc vitul
inlormution. you will lind out just low good your contucts book is. You
slould bc rutllcss ut cntcring cvcry numc und numbcr you urc givcn or
cun gct lold ol und usc cvcry possiblc mcuns ol gctting lold ol morc.
Scroungc tlcm lrom collcugucs und rivuls und wlcn you rcud pupcrs
und muguzincs notc down tlc numcs ol usclul-sounding cxpcrts und try
to gct tlcir numbcrs. And don't. likc mc on muny occusions. lull into tlc
trup ol tlinking you will not nccd tlut pcrson's numbcr uguin und luil
to trunslcr it lrom notcbook to contucts book. You cun bc ubsolutcly surc
tlcrc will comc u timc wlcn tlc luck ol it will bc u rcul problcm.
ß² ¿©º«´ ´±¬ ±º °»±°´» ¿®» °¿·¼ ¬± ¸»´° §±«
Tlcrc urc morc pcoplc tlun you miglt imuginc wlo luvc bccn put on
tlis plunct to ussist journulists. Tlcy muy not know it. but tlcy luvc
bccn. How muny lukcs docs tlc lukc listrict luvc. How dccp is tlut
occun. How ligl is tlut mountuin. Tlcrc is somconc in un cmbussy.
tourist bourd or visitor ccntrc wlo cun givc you un instunt unswcr. ll you
wunt quick. uncontrovcrsiul. luctuul inlormution. go lirst to tlosc wlo
urc puid to promotc. or lclp tlc public witl. tlc subjcct in qucstion. ln
u country likc Brituin tlcrc urc litcrully tcns ol tlousunds ol tlcm. Mukc
tlcm curn tlcir wugcs.
ɸ¿¬»ª»® ¬¸» -«¾¶»½¬ô ¬¸»®»K- ¿² »¨°»®¬ -±³»©¸»®»
Tlcrc urc u surprising numbcr ol pcoplc und pluccs wlo cun spccdily put
you in toucl witl cxpcrts on somc ol tlc morc obscurc uspccts ol lilc.
Prolcssionul institutions. trudc ussociutions und spcciulist muscums oltcn
luvc un in-lousc cxpcrt und il tlcy don't. tlcy cun rclcr you to onc. lor
instuncc. supposc you wunt to spcuk to somconc ubout murinc sulvugc
in u lurry. You cun cull tlc nutionul muritimc muscum. u trudc
ussociution lor divcrs. u murinc insuruncc compuny. nuvy prcss ollicc. u
journul ol murinc listory. cvcn tlc librury ol u locul council on tlc coust
÷ und tlut's bclorc you'vc gonc onlinc. or scurclcd tlc cuttings lor
cxpcrts numcd in prcvious storics on tlc subjcct. ctc. Ccrtuin orgunisu-
tions. sucl us locul librurics und muscums. muintuin u dutubusc ol
cxpcrts on cvcn tlc most urcunc subjccts.
ɸ»² §±« ¸¿ª» ¿ ½¸±·½»ô ¬¸·²µ ¾»º±®» ¼»½·¼·²¹ ©¸± ¬± ½¿´´
A common mistukc in rcscurcl is to usk tlc wrong pcrson. A lot ol
inlormution tlut you wunt will bc known to u vuricty ol sourccs. but
somc urc morc likcly to lclp you tlun otlcrs. ll. lor instuncc you wunt to
lind out tlc sort ol prolit murgin tlut slops clurgc on importcd luslion
slocs. don't ring u storc's prcss dcpurtmcnt. Tlcy will bc ncrvous ut tlc
vcry mcntion ol tlc words 'prolit murgin'. cspcciully us it is tlcirs you
urc invcstiguting. Co instcud to u wlolcsulcr or munulucturcr. Tlcn go
to tlc storcs lor u commcnt.
Ì®§ ±¬¸»® ³»¼·¿
Un onc occusion in Moscow l lcurd ol u Russiun prolcssor wlo wus bcing
lcld by tlc immigrution uutloritics in Sun lruncisco in tlc Lnitcd Stutcs.
pcnding dcportution in unusuul circumstunccs. lt lookcd likc u good
story. Tlc problcm wus tlut l lud no tclcplonc numbcrs lor lcr rcprc-
scntutivcs or tlc Amcricun uutloritics: tlc LS cmbussy in Moscow wus
closcd. tlcrc wus notling yct on tlc wircs und tlc story wus nccdcd
witlin tlc lour. Altcr u couplc ol lulsc sturts l got tlc numbcr lor tlc
Associutcd Prcss ollicc in Sun lruncisco. cullcd it und immcdiutcly got
numbcrs lor cvcryonc l wuntcd. including tlut ol tlc prolcssor's
Amcricun lusbund und. lrom lim. tlosc orgunising u cumpuign on lcr
bclull. locul ncwspupcrs urc ulwuys wortl u cull in sucl circumstunccs.
You cun ollcr to trudc inlormution. or lrcc publicution ol your linul piccc.
Þ» ½¸»»µ§
Tlc most putlctic words u rcportcr cun suy urc. 'l cun't lind out. l'vc tricd
cvcrywlcrc.' Ul rcully. ln ºº cuscs out ol 1uu you cun bc ccrtuin tlcy
luvc not und tlut tlcrc urc scvcrul morc pluccs tlcy could try. lor tlcrc
is ncurly ulwuys somcwlcrc wlcrc you cun gct tlc inlormution you
wunt. lmuginc tlis situution: you urc in your ollicc ut 1u p.m. ut niglt
und lcur tlut onc ol your nutionuls lus bccn urrcstcd lor urmcd robbcry
or gun-running in lloridu. Wlut do you do. Tlc LS cmbussy in your city
is closcd. your consulutc in Miumi is not unswcring tlc plonc. tlc lBl
ollicc in Ncw York knows notling ubout tlc cusc und ncitlcr docs tlc
Associutcd Prcss ollicc in tlc city. Wlcn tlut luppcncd to mc. l cullcd
tlc Amcricun lxprcss ollicc in Miumi. cluimcd to bc u curd loldcr (wlicl
wus truc. but nccd not luvc bccn ÷ tlcy would ncvcr luvc clcckcd) und
uskcd il tlcy could givc mc numbcrs lor tlc locul policc. district uttorncy's
ollicc und prison. l soon lud my story.
Ю·²¬»¼ -±«®½»-
Tlcrc urc two busic printcd sourccs: books. und ncwspupcrs und tlcir
Þ±±µ- ¿²¼ ¼·®»½¬±®·»-
Rcportcrs cun somctimcs spcnd lours clusing down u luct wlicl is
sitting innoccntly in u rcudily-uvuilublc rclcrcncc book just un urm's
lcngtl uwuy. As witl lumun sourccs. tlc job is to know wlut is uvuilublc
und wlcrc it miglt bc lound. And tlut includcs bcing uwurc ol wlicl
libruriuns will know il you don't. You will bc surpriscd low oltcn sucl
pcoplc will look somctling up lor you lor tlc slccr plcusurc ol proving
tlcy cun do it.
lor journulists. books luvc lour uscs ÷ to clcck spcllings und dutcs.
givc you busic lucts. supply numcs ol potcntiul sourccs lrom ycurbooks.
ctc. und providc listoricul lucts or bricl unccdotcs to cnlivcn u story. Tlc
only prccuution is. witl tlc lirst tlrcc cutcgorics. to mukc surc you urc
consulting un up-to-dutc cdition.
ln pructicc. timc prcssurc mcuns tlut trips to librurics urc not ulwuys
possiblc und your usc ol printcd sourccs normully dcpcnds on wlut is to
lund ut lomc or in tlc ollicc. Tlut. plus my nuturul uppctitc lor triviu
und so-cullcd 'usclcss inlormution' (wlicl is oltcn vcry usclul) is wly l
luvc ovcr tlc ycurs usscmblcd u good collcction ol books ol odd lucts. Un
tlc slclvcs ubovc my lcud us l typc tlcsc words urc books ol duys.
clronologics. books ubout wills. scx livcs und obscurc origins ol tlc ricl
und lumous. ccccntric livcs. origins ol suyings und sloguns. originuls ol
lumous cluructcrs in liction. odd clussilicd uds. lirsts. invcntions. cncy-
clopucdius ol crimc. storics bclind tlc songs. ctc. All ol tlcm luvc
supplicd goldcn littlc purugrupls to storics und columns und luvc
somctimcs providcd tlc cntirc piccc.
Ѭ¸»® ²»©-°¿°»®-K -¬±®·»- ¿- -±«®½»-
lt is common to bc givcn u story lrom unotlcr pupcr und uskcd to stund
it up. You slould try to mutcl it. not mcrcly rcgurgitutc it. ll you urc
unublc to gct uny ncw sourcc ol your own to substuntiutc it und your
cditor is insisting on u story. tlcn quotc it witl uttribution to tlc originul
pupcr. Bcttcr still. gct un ucccptublc sourcc to commcnt on tlc rcport.
Tlc writtcn sourcc tlut slould bc trcutcd witl tlc most curc is
ncwspupcr cuttings. }ust bccuusc it lus uppcurcd in print docs not mcun
it is corrcct. lt muy luvc bccn subscqucntly corrcctcd or tlc subjcct ol
lcgul uction ÷ somctling tlut upplics just us wcll to computcriscd prcss
cuttings und otlcr dutubuscs.
And bcwurc tlc stutcmcnt tlut 'cvcryonc clsc is rcporting tlut. so it
must bc truc'. lt is oltcn corrcct. but don't rcly on it. ln tlc uutumn ol
1º×º. wlcn tlcn-Czccloslovukiu wus on tlc brink ol wlut wus to
bccomc tlc 'vclvct rcvolution'. u young womun told rcportcrs tlut stutc
policc olliccrs lud bcutcn to dcutl u studcnt cullcd Murtin Smid. Tlc story
wus rcportcd locully und pcoplc bcgun to visit tlc spot wlcrc Smid dicd.
wlicl soon bcgun to ucquirc tlc uuru und stutus ol lullowcd ground.
Rcutcrs wrotc tlc story und Agcncc lruncc Prcssc suid tlut tlrcc young
mcn lud bccn killcd.
Tlc Associutcd Prcss luilcd to luvc tlc story. lts dcsk clicls wcrc not
luppy witl tlcir Pruguc burcuu und dcmundcd tlcy cutcl up lust. Tlcir
locul mun wus Undrcj Hcjmu. u guiturist wlo combincd journulism witl
rock music ut tlc cxpcnsc ol ncitlcr. Tuking nonc ol tlc curlicr Smid
rcports ut lucc vuluc. lc bcgun invcstiguting. Hc und lis wilc. u doctor.
tourcd locul lospituls und mortuurics trying to lind somconc wlo lud
trcutcd Smid. dcult witl lis body ÷ unytling. Hc lound not tlc sligltcst
slrcd ol cvidcncc lor tlc Smid story und scvcrul duys lutcr tlc rivul
ugcncics wcrc lorccd to rcport tlut Smid. wlocvcr und wlcrcvcr lc wus.
lud not dicd on tlut Pruguc sidcwulk.
Ò± ·²¬»´´·¹»²½» -§-¬»³ô ²± ¾«®»¿«½®¿½§ô ½¿² ±ºº»® ¬¸» ·²º±®³¿¬·±² °®±ª·¼»¼
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Hurold lvuns
Ø¿²¼´·²¹ ͱ«®½»-ô Ò±¬ ̸»³
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lyndon Buincs }olnson. LS Prcsidcnt 1º0?÷1º0×
Twcnty ycurs ugo tlc normul sourcc in tlc uvcrugc city dcult witl muybc
u couplc ol pupcrs. u rudio und u TV stution. Toduy ncws outlcts luvc
prolilcrutcd to tlc point wlcrc uny locul olliciul sourcc dculs witl pcrlups
two covcr-pricc pupcrs. scvcrul lrccslccts. u spcciulist locul busincss
muguzinc or two. muybc two rudio stutions. u TV stution. tlrcc cublc
clunncls und u rupidly rising numbcr ol ncws or community wcbsitcs.
Tlis growtl lus lugcly uccclcrutcd tlc tcndcncy lor olliciul orguni-
sutions to lund prcss rclutions ovcr to dcdicutcd prolcssionuls. lt lus ulso
mcunt tlut tlcrc urc u lot morc journulists lunting lor inlormution
wlcrc oncc only u lcw roumcd. Tlcsc duys you urc lur morc likcly to bc
onc ol muny und will lind yourscll dculing not witl tlc pcrson witl tlc
cxpcrtisc. but witl tlcir moutlpiccc. All tlc morc rcuson. tlcn. to know
low to dcul prolcssionully witl sourccs und low to mukc tlc bcst ol. und
occusionully subvcrt. tlc clunncls down wlicl olliciuldom would prclcr
you to go. lor ultlougl most dculings witl sourccs urc routinc. struiglt-
lorwurd trunsuctions wlcrc botl sidcs guin. tlcrc urc timcs wlcn you
urc in u liglly compctitivc gumc ol wits witl sourccs to mukc surc tlut
tlc strongcst und most complctc vcrsion ol tlc story lits tlc strccts und
not tlc scll-scrving onc tlcy would prclcr.
Ù«·¼»´·²»- º±® ¼»¿´·²¹ ©·¬¸ ¿²§ -±«®½»
Bclorc considcring tlc spccilics ol dculing witl olliciul sourccs. ncws
munugcmcnt tcclniqucs. contcntious sourccs und somc ol tlc otlcr
pcrils. lcrc urc u lcw kcy guidclincs lor dculing witl uny sourcc:
ß´©¿§- ³¿µ» §±«® ·¼»²¬·¬§ ¿- ¿ ®»°±®¬»® °´¿·²
To do otlcrwisc is to trick pcoplc into giving inlormution. wlicl is not
only disloncst but ulso unsulc. Pcoplc urc oltcn vcry lrcc witl tulk until
tlcy rculisc you urc u journulist. Tlcn tlcy bccomc u lot morc guurdcd
und sturt to quulily tlcir inlormution. Tlis is bccuusc instcud ol mcrcly
slooting tlc brcczc. tlcy now luvc to tukc somc rcsponsibility lor tlc
quulity ol tlcsc lucts. Not tclling tlcm you urc u rcportcr is u good wuy
to gct tlcm to cxuggcrutc in u wuy pcoplc oltcn do in inlormul convcr-
sution. Tlc cluptcr on invcstigutivc journulism (Cluptcr 1u) dculs witl
tlc vcry rurc timcs wlcn concculing your idcntity is justilicd.
Þ» º¿·® ©·¬¸ -±«®½»-
Bclicvc it or not. journulism is quitc u lot likc rcul lilc. lrom tlis llows tlc
dcvustuting trutl tlut il you wunt sourccs to lclp you. tlcn bcing
lricndly. loncst und trcuting tlcm luirly works u lot bcttcr tlun bullying.
trickcry or intimidution. Bcing luir is cspcciully vitul. ll tlcy urc bcing
criticiscd or uccuscd ol wrongdoing you slould not only put tlcsc cluims
to tlcm. but ulso givc tlcm timc to rcply. Tcn minutcs bclorc dcudlinc is
not good cnougl.
ݱ°§ ¿°°®±ª¿´
Slowing u sourcc tlc linislcd urticlc bclorc publicution is soliciting
ccnsorslip. Tlc usuul rcuson givcn is tlut tlis is u cluncc lor luctuul
crrors to bc corrcctcd ÷ und il you bclicvc tlut is tlc rcul motivc. you will
probubly bclicvc unytling. Slowing somconc wlut will incvitubly bc
dcscribcd us 'tlc drult' ol u story cncourugcs tlc idcu tlut it is bcing givcn
to tlcm lor upprovul und. lcncc. possiblc ultcrution. lt is tlc journulists'
job to producc uccurutc copy. not somctling tlut is tlc busis lor ncgoti-
utions witl tlc subjcct.
Muny timcs u sourcc or subjcct will suy somctling to u rcportcr tlut tlcy
subscqucntly rcgrct. Tlcrc is not u lot ol point in journulists truining
tlcmsclvcs to qucstion good inlormution out ol pcoplc il tlcy tlcn ollcr
tlcm u subscqucnt opportunity to witldruw it. Howcvcr. il sourccs wunt
to corrcct wlut tlcy told you. tlcn you must lct tlcm. unlcss you luvc
vcry good grounds lor tlinking somc subtcrlugc is uloot ÷ in wlicl cusc.
rcport botl tlcir curlicr und lutcr stutcmcnts. Sourccs' uppculs lor u
rctruction on tlc grounds tlut tlcy will bc lircd urc unotlcr muttcr.
Hundlc tlcsc by qucstioning tlcm closcly. tlcn pussing tlc muttcr on to
un cxccutivc. lt is not u rcportcr's job to pluy Cod: lcuvc tlut to cditors.
Tlis is unotlcr issuc rcportcrs cun kick upstuirs to cditors. lt is tlc
cxccutivcs' dccision wlctlcr tlcy cun ullord ÷ linunciully or morully ÷
to puy lor inlormution. Tlc dungcrs ol tlc pructicc urc obvious. lirst. it
cstublislcs u murkct und cncourugcs pcoplc cuuglt up in storics to
dcmund puymcnt. Sccond. puid inlormunts luvc un unimprcssivc rccord
ol rcliubility. Tlcy know tlut tlc strongcr tlc story. tlc liglcr tlc lcc
und so luvc u dircct induccmcnt to invcnt or cmbroidcr. A lcw ycurs ugo
tlc Í«²ô Brituin's most populur ncwspupcr. lud to puy out t1 million
libcl dumugcs to llton }oln bccuusc tlcy bclicvcd. und printcd. u lictitious
story sold to tlcm by u guy mulc prostitutc. lt is not u lonc cxumplc.
Ncitlcr. lowcvcr. urc tlc instunccs ol clcuting public ligurcs cxposcd
solcly tlrougl u puid-lor story. ll you urc u muss-murkct tubloid. tlc
tcmptutions to puy lor storics urc undcrstundublc.
Ѻº·½·¿´ -±«®½»-
Tlcsc urc oncs uutloriscd to givc you inlormution ÷ lromtlc owncr ol
tlc corncr storc commcntingonlowtrudc is. to tlc clicl prcss spokcspcr-
son lor tlc lcud ol govcrnmcnt muking u stutcmcnt ubout wly slc lus
rcsigncd. Tlcy spun tlc lull rungc ol lumun lclplulncss. cusscdncss.
cxpcrtisc und idiocy. Most. il upprouclcd in tlc riglt wuy. urc lclplul.
Wlcn it comcs to dculing witl PR und prcss dcpurtmcnts. uutloriscd
docs not ulwuys mcun wcll-inlormcd. Somc luvc good knowlcdgc ol tlcir
orgunisutions und cun unswcr dctuilcd qucstions. Utlcrs urc mcrc go-
bctwccns. trunsporting your qucstions to tlc olliciul conccrncd und
lcrrying buck tlc unswcrs. witl un incvitublc loss ol lrcslncss ÷ und no
opportunity to usk lollow-up qucstions. lor tlis rcuson. try to cultivutc
olliciuls wlo will givc you inlormution dircctly. rutlcr tlun it bcing
liltcrcd tlrougl tlcir PR pcrson.
ln rcccnt ycurs. tlcrc luvc bccn big clungcs in tlc wuy lurgc
commcrciul. politicul und govcrnmcnt orgunisutions lundlc tlc mcdiu.
Tlcrc lus bccn mucl blcuting lrom journulists ubout tlc iniquitics ol
'ncws munugcmcnt' und 'spin doctors'. All tlut lus luppcncd is tlut
tlcsc bodics luvc sturtcd to cmploy prcss spokcspcrsons wlo urc rutlcr
morc ol un intcllcctuul mutcl lor journulists tlun litlcrto. Tlc rcsult is
u morc soplisticutcd. ultlougl rurcly subtlc. upproucl to lundling tlc
mcdiu. tlc clicl lcuturc ol wlicl is to bc prouctivc. rutlcr tlun mcrcly
rcuctivc. Tlc lollowing slould bc bornc in mind.
Í°·² ¼±½¬±®-
Ultcn upplicd wrongly to ull PR pcoplc. tlis tcrm originully dcscribcd
pcoplc working on u politicul cumpuign wlosc job it wus to slmoozc
journulists ultcr ncw polls. cundidutc dcbutcs. ctc. und givc un intcrprc-
tution tlut wus luvourublc to tlcir purty. lt lus gruduully bccn upplicd.
wrongly. to ulmost unyonc in tlc PR or imugc busincss. A truc spin
doctor is somconc in tlc politicul trudc wlo is u clicl prcss spokcsmun or
scnior uidc. Apurt lrom routinc stutcmcnts und prcss conlcrcnccs. tlcy
intcrprct cvcnts to tlc prcss on bclull ol tlcir boss. try to unticiputc bud
ncws (und divcrt uttcntion lrom it) und ulso uttcmpt to munugc cxpcc-
tutions in u wuy tlut lclps tlcir cuusc.
Tlis lust situution is wlcrc most journulists urc lcd ustruy by spin
doctors. lcuring. lor instuncc. tlut bud ncws is in tlc olling. tlcy bricl
journulists tlut rcsults vcrging on tlc disustrous urc cxpcctcd so tlut
wlcn tlc rcul outcomc is known tlcy cun smilingly rcport u vcritublc
triumpl. Tlc lrcqucncy witl wlicl tlis ploy is tricd on journulists docs
not sccm to impcdc its succcss.
Truc spin doctors do. lowcvcr. luvc onc grcut udvuntugc ovcr lcsscr
lry in tlcir trudc. Tlcy urc closc. oltcn vcry closc. to tlcir boss und
unytling tlcy suy on tlc rccord lus scrious uutlority. Tlcy ulso spcnd
mucl ol tlcir livcs dculing luirly stuigltlorwurdly witl routinc qucstions
und tlc bcst ol tlcm urc invuluublc sourccs. }ust mukc surc you protcct
yourscll by constuntly usking: wly urc tlcy tclling mc tlis.
Ò»©- ³¿²¿¹»³»²¬
Urgunisutions. bc tlcy public or privutc. commcrciul or politicul.
routincly luvc u grcut muny rcports und stutcmcnts tlut tlcy wisl. or
urc obligcd to. rclcusc. Tlc idcu tlut tlcy slould cloosc tlc most udvun-
tugcous wuy und timc to do tlis is not purticulurly slocking. lndccd oltcn
tlis 'ncws munugcmcnt' is lclplul. muking surc journulists luvc cnougl
timc to writc lor tlcir cditions. or uvoiding u clusl bctwccn u rcport's
rclcusc und u mujor cvcnt.
Skullduggcry. lowcvcr. tlcrc is. lt comcs muinly in tlrcc lorms und is
ncurly ulwuys conncctcd to inlormution tlut tlc orgunisution lcurs will
pluy ncgutivcly. lirst is tlc dodgc ol timing tlc rclcusc ol tlc inlormution
to coincidc witl tlc lcust convcnicnt momcnt in tlc ncws cyclc ÷ suy
lutc ut niglt. or towurds tlc cnd ol u lriduy ultcrnoon. Tlc clunccs ol it
bcing ignorcd or mcckly trcutcd urc tlcn luirly ligl. Sccond is to lcuk
tlc muin unglc ol tlc story to u symputlctic ncws outlct in tlc lopc tlut
by tlc timc tlc otlcrs luvc cuuglt up or rcccivcd tlc inlormution
tlrougl tlc olliciul clunncls. tlc story will citlcr bc stulc or its 'ugcndu'
ulrcudy sct. Tlc tlird trick is to sugur tlc pill witl somc lrugmcnt ol good
ncws wlicl is tlcn spun us tlc muin unglc.
Tlc Britisl govcrnmcnt in 1ººº. lor instuncc. wus sclcdulcd to
rclcusc ncw lospitul wuiting list ligurcs. Knowing tlut tlcsc wcrc not
good. und sccking to uvoid udvcrsc lcudlincs. tlc ligurcs wcrc rclcuscd
on tlc sumc duy us tlc unnuul sclool cxum rcsults (conlidcnt tlut tlis
rurcr story would ovcrsludow tlc lospitul dutu). Tlc govcrnmcnt ulso
tuckcd ncws ol tlc lospitul ligurcs on to u rclcusc ubout u grunt ol t?u
million to lclp tlc situution. lt workcd. All pupcrs run tlc story smull.
und my pupcr guvc it just tlrcc purugrupls in curly cditions. Wlcn wc
rumblcd wlut wus going on (tlc ligurcs slowcd wuiting lists lud riscn
by 04 pcr ccnt in two ycurs) wc clcvutcd tlc story to u pugc two lcud.
Your only protcction uguinst tlis und otlcr lorms ol ncws munugcmcnt
is to usc your wits.
É·¬¸¸±´¼·²¹ ¿½½»--
Somctimcs orgunisutions urc so displcuscd by prcss covcrugc tlut tlcy
simply cut oll ucccss to tlcir inlormution. Crudc. und rurc. tlis pructicc
is gcncrully only sccn in urts journulism. wlcrc un unluvourublc rcvicw
so irks u tlcutrc or gullcry tlut tlcy simply bun tlc critic conccrncd. Tlc
lilm industry sccms cspcciully pronc to tlis bruncl ol ccnsorslip. ln tlc
LS. uccording to u study by tlc Lnivcrsity ol Soutlcrn Culilorniu.
journulists luvc bccn bunncd lrom scrccnings or bluckbullcd by u studio
lor tlc tonc ol tlcir covcrugc or lor brcuking cmburgos. }udy Ccrstcl. lor
instuncc. wrotc u rcport ubout poor uudicncc rcsponsc to ر±µ lor tlc
Ü»¬®±·¬ Ú®»» Ю»--. wus promptly cx-communicutcd by tlc studio und
soon lound tlut two otlcr studios (Wurncr und Lnivcrsul) lud droppcd
lcr us wcll. Lltimutcly tlcrc is no solution. lt is tlc studio's inlormution
und tlcy luvc u lcgul. il not u morul. riglt to do witl it wlut tlcy wunt.
Tlc rcsponsc slould bc to tcll rcudcrs ol tlc uttcmptcd munipulution und
to cncourugc 'il slc gocs. tlcn so do wc' support lrom otlcr pupcrs. Altcr
ull. it miglt bc tlcm ncxt timc.
Ø¿²¼´·²¹ «²¿«¬¸±®·-»¼ -±«®½»-
Tlcsc urc sourccs not uutloriscd to givc you tlc inlormution tlcy urc
pussing on. Tlcy muy bc wlistlcblowcrs wcll-pluccd in un orgunisution.
or somconc witl no olliciul conncction to tlc inlormution. Tlcy could
bc pussing on documcnts. or u mcrc suggcstion to go digging in u ccrtuin
urcu. lnvuriubly tlcir inlormution will bc contcstcd. ut lcust initiully. und
ulmost ulwuys tlcy will not wisl to bc quotcd in tlc story. lt is lrom sucl
sourccs tlut somc ol tlc bcst storics comc ÷ und tlc most troublc il tlcy
urc wrong. ln dculing witl tlcsc sourccs. you slould bcur tlc lollowing
in mind.
ß-µ §±«®-»´º ©¸¿¬ ¬¸»·® ³±¬·ª»- ¿®»
Pcoplc urc rurcly lclplul to ncwspupcrs bccuusc tlcy urc suintly. Tlcy
wunt to dumugc politicul. commcrciul or pcrsonul opponcnts. udvuncc
somc cuusc (or lurm u rivul onc). tukc rcvcngc or simply cuusc troublc.
Wlilc somconc clsc's rcvcngc mission cun bc usclul. it is bcst to know
wlut tlcy urc ubout lrom tlc sturt. So usk yourscll (und occusionully
tlcm) wlut tlcir motivcs miglt bc. Tlcir unuttructivc culculutions muy
not disquulily tlc story. but tlcy urc u good rcuson to trcud curclully.
ß-µ §±«®-»´ºô ¿²¼ ¬¸»³ô ©¸¿¬ ¬¸» ±¬¸»® -·¼» ¬± ¬¸» -¬±®§ ³·¹¸¬ ¾»
Tlc storics givcn to you by contcntious sourccs urc rurcly us bluck und
wlitc us tlcy would luvc you bclicvc. Suvc timc by usking tlcm il tlcrc
is unotlcr sidc to tlc story. or il tlcrc is uny quulilying inlormution you
slould know. Cruzy. lorrcndous. ubsurd tlings do luppcn: but not us
oltcn us most sourccs cluim. Lndcr tlc lront-pugc lcudlinc 'Slumc Un
Tlc City ÷ Slocking Story ol Ncw York At lts Worst'. Tlc Ò»© DZ®µ б-¬
oncc curricd u story ol u mun wlo rupcd u tlrcc-ycur-old girl on u gruss
vcrgc by u busy Munluttun liglwuy wlilc pussing motorists purkcd und
wutclcd. locs tlut sound likcly. Wlut uctuully luppcncd wus tlut tlrcc
motorists suw u mun uttucking u girl. lcupt lrom tlcir curs to givc clusc
und otlcr drivcrs wcrc tlcn cuuglt in tlc rcsulting jum. A clcur cusc ol
u singlc-sourcc story tlut wus not clcckcd.
ß®» ¬¸»§ ·² ¿ °±-·¬·±² ¬± µ²±© ©¸¿¬ ¬¸»§ ½´¿·³ ¬± µ²±©á
A lot ol numcd sourccs lrcqucntly cluim to bc 'in tlc know' wlcn tlcy urc
in luct only murginully so. Tlc clussic cusc ol tlis is tlc covcrugc by tlc
Wcstcrn prcss ol tlc Sovict Lnion in tlc two ycurs lollowing tlc 1º17
rcvolution. Wcstcrn corrcspondcnts wcrc burrcd lrom Russiun soil und
so pupcrs scnt tlcm to Rigu wlcrc. ?uu milcs lrom Pctrogrud. tlcir only
sourccs wcrc lormcr Tsurist gcncruls und olliciuls und dcposcd politiciuns.
All cluimcd to bc 'in tlc know'. Virtuully nonc ol tlcm wus. Tlc rcsults
lor tlc Ò»© DZ®µ Ì·³»- wcrc. uccording to tlc lumous study conductcd
by Wultcr lippmunn und Clurlcs Mcrz. surrcul. Bctwccn 1º17 und 1º1º
tlc pupcr rcportcd: tlc Bolslcvik govcrnmcnt lud lullcn or wus ubout
to lull (º1 timcs): lcnin und Trotsky wcrc prcpuring to llcc (lour timcs):
lcnin und Trotsky lud llcd Russiu (tlrcc timcs): lcnin lud bccn
imprisoncd (tlrcc timcs): lcnin lud bccn killcd (oncc).
ײ-·-¬ ±² ¼±½«³»²¬- ©¸»®» °±--·¾´»
Alwuys usk sourccs il tlcrc is uny documcntution to support wlut tlcy
urc tclling you. ll tlcy will not lct you luvc it. usk lor u plotocopy: il tlcy
rclusc tlut tlcn usk il you cun ut lcust rcud it in tlcir prcscncc. ll tlcy
still rclusc. lorgct tlc story. And il you do gct documcnts. bc suspicious
until you urc sutislicd tlcy urc gcnuinc. Cluptcr 12 on mistukcs und
louxcs dcscribcs wlut cun luppcn wlcn documcnts urc lulsc. Somctimcs
cvcn plotogrupls urc suspcct. ld Bclr tclls u cuutionury tulc in lis book
ß²§±²» Ø»®» Þ»»² ο°»¼ ¿²¼ Í°»¿µ- Û²¹´·-¸á ol tlc ugcncy givcn ploto-
gruplic cvidcncc ol utrocitics by onc sidc in un Alricun civil wur. Tlc
picturcs urc ol u womun bcing rupcd by soldicrs. All vcry convincing until
tlc locul burcuu clicl lud tlc scnsc to usk lor tlc contuct strip. Tlcy
slowcd tlc lurrowing rupc sccncs und tlcn. in tlc linul lrumc. tlc
'victim' witl lcr urms round lcr 'uttuckcrs'. smiling und posing lor u
group plotogrupl.
̸» ³±®» °¿--·±²¿¬» ¬¸» -±«®½»ô ¬¸» ´»-- ¬¸»§ -¸±«´¼ ¾» ¬®«-¬»¼
Pussion docs not guuruntcc unrcliubility. but it lclps. Tlc morc strongly
somconc lccls ubout somctling. tlc lcss good tlcy tcnd to bc us u witncss.
Çucstion sucl sourccs vcry curclully. Tlcy oltcn lit lucts to tlcir tlcorics
und urc blindcd by tlosc uttitudcs into ignoring kcy inlormution. Bcwurc
cspcciully tlc committcd uctivist. lircd cmploycc. cx-wilc. lormcr
lusbund und spurncd lovcr. Ask tlcm il unyonc cun conlirm wlut tlcy
urc tclling you. An instunt modilicution ol tlcir originul uccount will
oltcn lollow.
˲¿¬¬®·¾«¬¿¾´» -±«®½»-
Tlc scnsiblc motto is: usc 'oll tlc rccord' us spuringly us you cun. ll you
don't. you will cnd up witl u lot ol sourccs you cunnot numc. And il you
urc discussing somc spccics ol unuttributublc inlormution. gct it
ubsolutcly clcur witl your sourcc wlut you luvc ugrccd. Tlut wuy tlcrc
will bc no subscqucnt urgumcnt. Arc tlcy. lor instuncc. giving you
mutcriul wlicl you will luvc to conlirm und sourcc witl unotlcr purty
(buckground). Ur urc tlcy giving you tlc inlormution on un unuttrib-
utublc busis. in wlicl cusc you cun usc it. but not tlcir numc. Mukc surc
tlut wlcn un intcrvicw subjcct uscs u plrusc likc 'oll tlc rccord' it mcuns
tlc sumc to tlcm us it docs to you.
Abovc ull. do not ucccpt tlcir rcluctuncc to bc quotcd witlout u liglt.
Kccp on ut tlcm to go on tlc rccord. Arguc tlut tlc importuncc ol tlc
story dcpcnds on vcrilicution lrom numcd sourccs. ll tlcy pcrsist in
wunting to tulk 'on buckground'. continuc tlc intcrvicw und tlcn. ut tlc
cnd. try to lind somctling tlcy miglt bc luppy to bc quotcd on und tlcn
cdgc tlcm towurds uttribution. Ncgotiutc. And do not lct pcoplc suy to
you ut tlc cnd ol tlc intcrvicw: 'Ul. by tlc wuy. tlut wus ull oll tlc
rccord.' Tlc rulc is: it is only oll tlc rccord il you luvc botl ugrccd tlut.
And oncc you luvc un ugrccmcnt. don't go buck on your word. lo not
numc tlcm in tlc story und. il tlcy wisl to bc on dccp buckground. tcll
no onc cxccpt your cditor wlo tlcy urc. lvcr.
Unc ol tlc muin problcms witl 'oll tlc rccord' is tlc wuy it lus bccn
pickcd up by politiciuns und tlcir udviscrs und uscd lor tlcir own.
somctimcs sludy. purposcs. To illustrutc tlis. lcrc is un cxumplc givcn
ut u Hurvurd Lnivcrsity scminur on journulism in Moscow:
You luvc bccn cullcd in lor u rurc pcrsonul intcrvicw witl u scnior
govcrnmcnt udviscr. Hc tclls you tlut cvcrytling lc will suy is oll tlc
rccord. luring tlc intcrvicw lc tclls you ubout u mujor clungc in
cconomic policy. You urc cxcitcd by tlc story und rusl buck to your
ollicc und writc it. quoting 'wcll-pluccd govcrnmcnt sourccs'.
Wcll. it turns out tlut tlc govcrnmcnt intcnds no sucl clungc. tlut
tlc udviscr kncw tlut wlcn lc spokc to you und wus lccding you tlc
story to dcllcct uttcntion lrom somc otlcr problcms tlc govcrnmcnt lud.
Morc common is lor politiciuns to usc oll-tlc-rccord briclings to llout un
idcu. wlicl. il uttuckcd. will bc dcnicd. ln botl cuscs you look u lool. ll
you suspcct you urc bcing sct up. gct u sccond sourcc.
Ù»¬¬·²¹ ¬±± ½´±-» ¬± -±«®½»-
linully. lcrc is u story tlut illustrutcs tlc dungcrs ÷ to rcportcr und pupcr
÷ ol u spcciulist gctting too closcly involvcd witl sourccs. lt conccrns onc
Allrcd '}ukc' linglc. wlo wus u policc rcportcr lor tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²» in
tlc 1º2us. linglc wus liglly rcgurdcd ut lis pupcr. A lot ol wcll-inlormcd
storics ubout orguniscd crimc in tlut city cumc lrom lim und lis contucts
und lc built u lcgcndury rcputution witl rcudcrs und collcugucs. linglc
prospcrcd und. tlunks to wlut lc suid wus u bcqucst ol S5u.uuu lrom
lis lutlcr. tlc S05-u-wcck rcportcr drcsscd wcll und muintuincd scvcrul
lomcs. His lcrtilc supply ol crimc storics. lowcvcr. wus suddcnly stoppcd
on º }unc 1º?u. As lc cntcrcd u truin stution on Rundolpl Avcnuc.
linglc wus gunncd down in tlc strcct in broud duyliglt by u mun drcsscd
us u pricst.
Tlc killing lud ull tlc murks ol u gunglund prolcssionul lit. linglc's
pupcr wus outrugcd.
Tlc mcuning ol tlc murdcr is pluin. lt wus committcd in rcprisul und
in un uttcmpt ut intimidution. Mr linglc wus u policc rcportcr und un
cxccptionully wcll-inlormcd onc. . To tlc list ol tlosc wlo wcrc killcd
in tlc St Vulcntinc's luy Mussucrc |wlcn scvcn dicd in u gunglund
lcud]. tlc numc is uddcd ol u mun wlosc busincss wus to cxposc tlc
work ol tlc killcrs. ̸» Ì®·¾«²» ucccpts tlis clullcngc. lt is wur.
Tlc Ì®·¾«²» buckcd tlcsc linc words witl u S25.uuu rcwurd lor
inlormution ubout tlc killcrs. otlcr pupcrs lollowcd suit und linglc wus
uccordcd u civic luncrul. complctc witl militury bunds und guurds ol
lonour. Tcns ol tlousunds ol Clicugo citizcns lincd tlc strccts und bowcd
tlcir lcuds in rcspcct us tlc cort‘gc pusscd.
But not long ultcrwurds. somc litlcrto unknown dctuils ol linglc
bcgun to cmcrgc. lt turncd out lis lutlcr only lclt lim u lcw lundrcd
dollurs. not S5u.uuu. Wlcn linglc wus slot lc lud ovcr S1.uuu in cusl
in lis wullct und wus wcuring u bclt-bucklc cncrustcd witl diumonds. lt
wus. uppurcntly. u gilt lrom Al Cuponc. tlc most notorious ol tlc city's
orguniscd crimc bosscs. Morcovcr. lis bunk uccount slowcd dcposits ol
morc tlun S0u.uuu in tlc prcvious 1× montls.
Unc ol lis joint uccounts wus witl City Policc Commissioncr. Willium
l. Russcll. wlo rcsigncd in disgrucc immcdiutcly. Hc und linglc lud bccn
lricnds sincc tlcir youtl und tlc crimc rcportcr lud bccn sclling lis
inllucncc ovcr Russcll to otlcr policcmcn wunting trunslcrs und
promotion. to politiciuns. loodlums und mujor gungstcrs likc Cuponc.
Hc wus u lrcqucnt gucst ut Cuponc's rctrcut on Pulm lslund. lloridu. und
lud duy und niglt ucccss to tlis. tlc most lcurcd mun in tlc Lnitcd Stutcs
ut tlut timc.
But linglc likcd to gumblc und gumblcd lcuvily. lcspitc scvcrul
succcsslul uttcmpts to lix dog ruccs. lc wus soon losing S1.uuu u wcck
ut tlc trucks und ut Cuponc's illicit cusinos. By tlc summcr ol 1º?u. lis
gumbling dcbts witl tlc orguniscd crimc boss totullcd morc tlun
S1uu.uuu ÷ wortl morc tlun S1 million ut currcnt vulucs. His uttcmpt
to cxtort moncy lrom mcmbcrs ol Cuponc's own gung wus. lor tlc crimc
boss. tlc linul libcrty tlut }ukc linglc wus cvcr going to tukc. Tlc killcr
in pricst's clotling wus lircd.
Tlrcc wccks to tlc duy ultcr linglc wus slot. lis pupcr wus lorccd to
Allrcd linglc now tukcs on u dillcrcnt cluructcr. onc in wlicl lc wus
unknown to tlc munugcmcnt ol tlc Ì®·¾«²» wlcn lc wus ulivc . Hc
wus not und could not luvc bccn u grcut rcportcr.
ß´´ ¼¿§ ´±²¹ô ر´´§©±±¼ ®»°±®¬»®- ´·» ·² ¬¸» -«²ô ¿²¼ ©¸»² ¬¸» -«² ¹±»-
¼±©²ô ¬¸»§ ´·» -±³» ³±®»ò
lrunk Sinutru
1 }uy Robcrt Nusl. Ó¿µ»®- ¿²¼ Þ®»¿µ»®- ±º ݸ·½¿¹±. Clicugo Acudcmy 1º×5.
Ò»©-°¿°»®³»² ¿-µ §±« ¼«³¾ ¯«»-¬·±²-ò ̸»§ ´±±µ «° ¿¬ ¬¸» -«² ¿²¼ ¿-µ
§±« ·º ·¬ ·- -¸·²·²¹ò
Sonny liston
Asking somconc qucstions lor u ncwspupcr story is u spcciul skill. lt muy
ut timcs rcscmblc u convcrsution. but it is not onc: it muy ut timcs bc
cntcrtuining to ovcrlcur or purticiputc in. but tlut is not its point.
Çucstioning pcoplc lor ncwspupcrs lus onc purposc: to collcct
lntcrvicws. wlctlcr in pcrson or ovcr tlc tclcplonc. urc not scriptcd
und you slould bc prcpurcd lor uncxpcctcd unswcrs. to lollow tlcir impli-
cutions und usk lollow-up qucstions. Tlcy will oltcn bc long. pcduntic
ulluirs. us you pcrsist witl u qucstion you wunt unswcrcd or somctling
you wunt to undcrstund. Tlcy urc not opportunitics lor you to tcll tlut
olliciul wlut you tlink ol lim. slow oll your knowlcdgc or cngugc your
subjcct in lcutcd dcbutc.
A lot ol intcrvicwing is pcrlcctly struigltlorwurd. But tlcrc urc two
purticulur situutions tlut givc troublc: qucstioning tlosc wlo urc uncusy
und rcluctunt to tulk. und qucstioning tlosc wlo urc positivcly cvusivc
or cvcn lostilc. Tlcsc situutions urc lookcd ut lutcr. but lirst. lcrc urc
somc guidclincs tlut upply to usking qucstions ol uny sourcc.
Ù»²»®¿´ ¹«·¼»´·²»-
Õ²±© ©¸¿¬ §±« ©¿²¬ º®±³ ¿² ·²¬»®ª·»© ¾»º±®» §±« -¬¿®¬
You slould ulwuys luvc u good idcu ol tlc busic inlormution you wunt
lrom u sourcc bclorc you sturt usking qucstions. Tlink ol tlc linul slupc
tlut tlc story miglt tukc und tlcrclorc tlc inlormution you will nccd.
luring tlc intcrvicw you slould continuc to tlink ol your rcport und
low tlc ncw inlormution you urc gctting is clunging it. Abovc ull. bc
uwurc ol wlcrc tlc inlormution gups urc in your story. und try ut ull
timcs to lill tlcsc lolcs. Tlis muy sound vcry complicutcd but in luct
bccomcs sccond nuturc ultcr u wlilc. And do not bc ulruid to writc onc-
word rcmindcrs to yourscll on tlc llup ol your notcbook. Tlis lclps to
uvoid luving to contuct tlc pcrson uguin lor tlings you lorgot to usk in
tlc intcrvicw. Tlut is somctimcs not possiblc und you muy luvc to try
to writc tlc story witlout tlis inlormution.
ܱ ¿- ³«½¸ ®»-»¿®½¸ ¿- §±« ½¿² ¾»º±®» ¬¸» ·²¬»®ª·»©
You slould ncvcr bc ulruid to slow ignoruncc. but tlut is not tlc sumc
us bcing proud ol not knowing. Bclorc intcrvicwing somconc. lind out us
mucl us you cun ubout tlcm. tlc subjcct und uny otlcr rclcvunt tling.
Apurt lrom unytling clsc. tlis lclps to prcvcnt you bcing loodwinkcd
or blindcd by scicncc.
̸» -·³°´» ¯«»-¬·±²- ¿®» ¬¸» ¾»-¬
Tlcrc is not u singlc cxumplc in journulism wlcrc so-cullcd trick or clcvcr
qucstions produccd rcsults. Asking qucstions likc tlut is normully tlc
sign ol incxpcricncc or somconc morc conccrncd witl muking un
imprcssion tlun gctting tlc bcst story. Normully tlc simplc qucstions
urc: Wlo. Wlut. Wlcrc. Wlcn. How. Wly. ll you luvc sutisluctory
unswcrs to tlosc qucstions you will bc wcll on tlc wuy to luving
complctcd your busic rcscurcl.
ײ -¬±®·»- ¿¾±«¬ »ª»²¬-ô ¾«·´¼ «° ¿ ½¸®±²±´±¹§ ±º ©¸¿¬ ¸¿°°»²»¼
Witl sourccs wlo know in dctuil wlut luppcncd. tukc tlcm buck to tlc
bcginning ol tlc cvcnt(s). or bclorc. und usk tlcm ubout cucl stugc. stcp
by stcp. lon't bc ulruid to kccp usking: 'And tlcn wlut luppcncd.' Cct
tlc scqucncc ol cvcnts totully clcur in your mind. Tlis is vitul lor incidcnt-
typc storics. likc cruslcs. At tlc cnd ol your rcscurcl. you slould bc ublc
to run in your lcud u minutc-by-minutc vidco ol wlut luppcncd. ll you
cun't. your story lus lolcs.
Ì¿µ» ¬¸»³ ¬¸®±«¹¸ °¿®¬- ±º ¬¸» -¬±®§ ·² -´±© ³±¬·±²
Un u lot ol incidcnt storics you will bc qucstioning pcoplc wlo luvc
uctuully bccn purt ol tlc cvcnt. or witncsscd it. lcw will bc uscd to giving
u colcrcnt uccount ol sucl tlings und tlcy muy bc cxcitcd. slockcd or
distrcsscd. So wlcn you gct to tlc corc uction. slow tlcm down und gct
cvcry dctuil tlut you cun. Ask tlcm wlut luppcncd ut cvcry momcnt.
wlut tlcy suw. tlc colours. smclls und noiscs. Ask tlcm wlcrc tlcy wcrc
stunding. wlut pcoplc wcrc wcuring. wlut tlcy sloutcd. wlut tlc
wcutlcr wus likc. ctc.
ݸ»½µ ²¿³»- ¿²¼ °±-·¬·±²-
Ubvious. boring to do. but csscntiul. Ask sourccs to spcll out numcs. titlcs.
ugcs und uddrcsscs il you nccd tlcm. Somctimcs. il it is un uwkwurd or
lorcign numc. gct tlcm to writc it in your notcbook. You muy tlink tlut
mukcs you look silly ÷ but not lull us silly us you will wlcn you gct buck
to your ollicc und lind you do not know low to spcll tlcir numc.
Ù»¬ ¿- ³¿²§ ¬»´»°¸±²» ²«³¾»®- ¿- §±« ½¿²
Tlis is us busic us gctting your subjcct's numc riglt. Cct tlc plonc
numbcr lor tlcir ollicc. lomc. mobilc. blccp ÷ wlutcvcr tlcy will givc
you. ll tlcir ollicc numbcr is printcd on tlc plonc. discrcctly lclp
yourscll. ll not. tlcn usk.
Ù»¬ ¬±± ³«½¸ ·²º±®³¿¬·±² ®¿¬¸»® ¬¸¿² ¬±± ´·¬¬´»
Most ol tlc timc you gct only onc cluncc to intcrvicw un importunt
sourcc. Tukc lull udvuntugc und usk cvcry qucstion you cun. Tlc unswcr
to tlut cxtru qucstion is oltcn wlut mukcs tlc story. And rcmcmbcr tlut
it is oltcn dctuils tlut lilt u story out ol tlc ordinury. Ask ubout tlcm.
ܱ ²±¬ ¾» ¿º®¿·¼ ¬± ´±±µ -¬«°·¼
Wc luvc ull bccn in tlut situution wlcrc somconc is tulking to us und
wc sit tlcrc nodding und ugrccing. cvcn tlougl wc do not luvc tlc
luintcst idcu wlut tlcy urc tulking ubout. Wc urc ulruid tlut il wc usk
tlcm to cxpluin wc will look stupid. And tlcn wc comc to writc tlc story
und rculisc tlut wc don't undcrstund wlut wc luvc spcnt tlc lust lcw
lours prctcnding wc kncw.
Ncvcr. cvcr. bc ulruid to look silly by usking busic qucstions. lirst ol
ull. pcoplc. cvcn in prcss conlcrcnccs. will rurcly bc so rudc us to sniggcr
ut your ignoruncc. And. il tlcy do. so wlut. Wlo is tlc most stupid:
somconc wlo prctcnds to know. or tlc pcrson wlo docs not know und
udmits it. Ncurly cvcry sourcc is prcpurcd to cxpluin spcciulist conccpts
to rcportcrs und most will bc lluttcrcd tlut somconc is intcrcstcd in tlcir
׺ ·² ¼±«¾¬ô ¼»-½®·¾» §±«® «²¼»®-¬¿²¼·²¹ ±º ¿ -·¬«¿¬·±²
ll you do not undcrstund un unswcr. or il tlc situution you urc rcporting
on is conlusing. tlcn dcscribc your undcrstunding to tlosc you urc
qucstioning. Ncvcr bc ulruid to suy: 'Cun l just go ovcr tlis. lt ull bcgun
wlcn .'. or 'Cun l just scc il l undcrstund you corrcctly .'. or cvcn 'll l
wrotc tlut . would l bc riglt.' Tlis is u stundurd tcclniquc. lt docs not
imply tlut you urc slow-wittcd. And cvcn il it did. so wlut. Bcttcr tlut
tlun un umbiguous. or wrong. rcport. Tlc sumc upplics to motivcs. lo
not ussumc motivcs. ll somconc docs somctling und tlcir motivc uppcurs
to bc rclcvunt. usk tlcm. don't ussumc it. Rcporting is not u purlour
ß-µ ¯«»-¬·±²- ¬± ¹»¬ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²ô ²±¬ ±°·²·±²- ±® ®»¿½¬·±²-
You urc tulking to sourccs to gct lucts und cucl qucstion slould bc
dcsigncd to do tlut. lt is vcry cusy to sturt usking qucstions ubout tlcir
rcuctions to somctling. But rcuctions urc rurcly surprising und so you
will not luvc collcctcd unytling tlut is usclul to your story. Tlc
knowlcdgc. lor instuncc. tlut u riglt-wing politiciun disupprovcs ol
libcrul rclorms is lurdly ncws. Tlc only cxccption to tlis. ol coursc. is
wlcn tlc story is ubout opinions.
Ì®§ ¬± ¿ª±·¼ ¿-µ·²¹ ½´·½¸’¼ ¯«»-¬·±²-
To usk somconc wlo lus just bccn involvcd in u trugcdy 'How do you
lccl.' is to invitc u clicl’d unswcr ut bcst. or u llut rclusul to unswcr uny
morc qucstions ut worst. ll tlcy luvc just lost tlcir only son in un uir
crusl low do you cxpcct tlcm to lccl. Tlrillcd. Yct cvcry duy you cun scc
in ncws storics tlc most prcdictublc cmotions ('l wus cxcitcd to win tlis
moncy'. 'Wc urc vcry upsct to bc suckcd witlout compcnsution') purudcd
us il tlcy wcrc dcvustuting insiglts.
Ю±¾» º±® ¿²»½¼±¬»-
Cood unccdotcs cun udd u trcmcndous umount ol lilc to storics. Collcct
tlcm ut cvcry opportunity lrom tlc pcoplc you urc qucstioning. But
rcmcmbcr tlut gctting pcoplc to disclurgc umusing. ironic. tclling
unccdotcs is u muttcr ol clutting in u rcluxcd wuy. not sitting bolt upriglt
oppositc tlcm und suying. 'Now tcll mc tlc lunnicst tling you cvcr
suwlcxpcricnccd.' Tlcy won't. Tlcir mind will go blunk. lnstcud try to
gct somc lccl lor tlc urcus ol tlcir lilclworkluctivity wlicl urc likcly to
providc lumour. lor instuncc. il you urc intcrvicwing uirlinc cubin crcw
lor u story ubout u ncw scrvicc und you wunt u couplc ol yurns ubout
pusscngcrs' cruzy bcluviour. tlcn don't suy. 'Tcll mc tlc silly tlings
truvcllcrs do.' lnstcud. nuturully cdgc tlc convcrsution uround to
drunkcnncss. lcur ol llying. luggugc. compluints ubout lood. kids. strungc
rcqucsts und so lortl.
ܱ²K¬ ´»¬ ¬¸»³ ¾«´´-¸·¬ §±«
You slould obviously usk lor ull jurgon to bc cxpluincd. But u lot ol
plruscs tlut sound likc tcclnicul tulk urc. in luct. cuplcmisms. lucl
industry. compuny or burcuucrucy cvolvcs plruscs to cumoullugc rculity.
An uirlinc will tulk ubout 'pusscngcr undcrllow'. wlcn wlut it rcully
mcuns is tlut not muny pcoplc wunt to lly witl tlcm. An invcstmcnt
lund miglt issuc u stutcmcnt ubout u 'nct liquidity cxport situution'.
wlcn wlut tlcy mcun is tlut tlcir invcstors luvc linully rumblcd tlcm
und urc tuking ull tlcir moncy out.
lnstitutions wlicl dcul witl dungcrous mutcriuls. likc tlc nuclcur
industry und tlc militury. urc cspcciully udcpt ut dcvcloping tlis kind ol
bullslit. ln Amcricu. lollowing u lumous uccidcnt ut Tlrcc Milc lslund in
1º7º. tlc nuclcur powcr industry cumc up witl u potcntiully
bcwildcring scrics ol cuplcmisms to dcscribc bud tlings. Stutcmcnts
tulkcd ol un 'ubnormul cvolution' ut u plunt wlicl lud lcd to un
'cncrgctic disusscmbly' und tlcn u 'rupid oxidution'. pcrlups lollowcd by
'plutonium tuking up rcsidcncc'. Wlut tlis mcunt wus tlut tlcrc lud
bccn un uccidcnt ut u plunt wlicl lcd to un cxplosion und tlcn u lirc.
lollowcd by plutonium contuminution ÷ ull ol wlicl struigltlorwurd
words und plruscs wcrc bunncd. Lnbun tlcm. Ask wlut tlcy mcun.
Ô·-¬»² ¬± ¬¸» ¿²-©»®-
lt is cusy to bc so conccrncd witl ruttling oll tlc ncxt qucstion. or tuking
down tlc unswcr. tlut you luil to upprcciutc tlc signilicuncc ol wlut is
bcing suid. Tcn minutcs ultcr qucstioning somconc is oltcn too lutc to
rculisc tlc importuncc ÷ or ubsurdity ÷ ol wlut tlcy luvc suid. Tlis is
cspcciully truc wlcn pcoplc mukc cxtruordinury cluims in intcrvicws.
Tlc lrcncl novclist Ccorgcs Simcnon oncc told u rcportcr lrom tlc
Swiss ncwspupcr Ü·» Ì¿¬: 'l luvc mudc lovc to 1u.uuu womcn.' Tlc pupcr
duly rcportcd tlc cluim witlout commcnt. Howcvcr. cvcn tlc lcust
numcrutc ol bruins slould bc ublc to culculutc tlut. to rcucl tlis totul.
Simcnon would luvc lud to luvc mudc u ncw conqucst cvcry otlcr duy
lor ubout 05 ycurs ÷ no mcun lcut lor u mun ol 7? wlo ulso lound timc
to writc ncurly 1uu books. Tlc rcul totul. uccording to lis tolcrunt wilc
in u subscqucnt intcrvicw. wus ncurcr 1.2uu.
λª·»© ¬¸» ¿²-©»®- ¿¬ ¬¸» »²¼
ll ut ull possiblc. go buck ovcr your notcs witl pcoplc und doublc-clcck
ligurcs und unytling ol wlicl you urc still unsurc. Apurt lrom tlcsc
ovcrt purposcs. tlis proccss lus two covcrt oncs. lirst. to scc il you cun
discovcr uny lolcs or 'inlormution gups' tlut luvc cscupcd you. und
sccond. to scc il you cun squcczc u bit morc inlormution lrom tlc pcrson.
Ask tlcm ut tlis stugc il tlcrc is unyonc wlo cun support tlcir
Ò»ª»® ³¿µ» °®±³·-»- ¬± -±«®½»- ¿¾±«¬ ¸±© -¬±®·»- ©·´´ ¾» ¬®»¿¬»¼
Unly tlc cditor is in u position to know low u story will bc trcutcd und
uppcur in tlc pupcr. A lot ol tlc pcoplc tlut you qucstion will usk tlis
qucstion. but you do not nccd to unswcr it. Tcll tlcm you urc 'just u
rcportcr' und givc tlcm your cditor's numc und numbcr.
Ï«»-¬·±²·²¹ «²»¿-§ -±«®½»-
A lot ol pcoplc urc rutlcr intimidutcd by journulists. Tlis is not bccuusc
tlcy lind tlcm lrigltcning us pcoplc (ultlougl somc urc). but bccuusc
tlcy urc not uscd to dculing witl tlc prcss. lvcn il tlcy urc. tlcy muy bc
rcluctunt to tulk bccuusc tlcy lcur losing tlcir jobs or somc otlcr rcpcr-
cussion. As onc wlo lus scvcrul timcs bccn involvcd in u ncws story. l
know tlut it cun bc unscttling to bc intcrvicwcd. You worry ubout wlut
you miglt suy. or bc quotcd us suying.
Ultcn tlc rcportcr's lirst job witl pcoplc wlo urc uncusy is to pcrsuudc
tlcm to tulk ut ull. Wlcn doing tlis. you cun bc lricndly. liglt-lcurtcd.
tulk ubout tlc public's riglt to know. ctc.: in luct. wlutcvcr you muy
tlink will work. Ultcn. lowcvcr. you do not luvc tlc cluncc to ncgotiutc
lirst. You urc 'cold culling'. tlut is. visiting tlcm witlout uny prcliminury
tclcplonc cull. ln tlcsc circumstunccs. just gctting pust tlcir lront door
is u problcm. Tlc importunt tling lcrc. us tlc lollowing quotution
illustrutcs. is to gct insidc tlcir living room or ollicc. Uncc you urc tlcrc.
it will bc u lot morc tricky lor tlc subjcct to rclusc to unswcr uny ol your
qucstions. Uncc insidc. tlc trick is to lind wuys ol stuying us long us
Tlis story comcs lrom tlc book ß´´ ̸» Ю»-·¼»²¬K- Ó»². writtcn by Curl
Bcrnstcin und Bob Woodwurd ol tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬ to dcscribc un
invcstigution tlcy mountcd wlicl lcd. cvcntuully. to tlc rcsignution ol
Prcsidcnt Riclurd Nixon. Tlcir rcporting. und tlc story bclind it. is
lookcd ut morc closcly in tlc ncxt cluptcr. Hcrc. Curl Bcrnstcin is
convinccd tlut tlc womun lc is trying to intcrvicw is u potcntiully
importunt sourcc ol tlc uctivitics ol lcr cmploycrs. Tlis. und lcr
unticiputcd rcluctuncc to tulk. is wly lc visitcd lcr in lcr lomc und did
not tclcplonc lcr lirst:
A womun opcncd tlc door und lct Bcrnstcin in. 'You don't wunt mc.
you wunt my sistcr.' slc suid. Hcr sistcr cumc into tlc room. Hc lud
cxpcctcd u womun in lcr liltics. probubly grcy: it wus lis imugc ol u
Bookkccpcr. wlicl is wlut slc wus. But slc wus mucl youngcr.
'Ul. my Cod.' tlc Bookkccpcr suid. 'you'rc lrom tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±²
б-¬. You'll luvc to go. l'm sorry.'
Bcrnstcin sturtcd liguring wuys to lold lis ground. Tlc sistcr wus
smoking und lc noticcd u puck ol cigurcttcs on tlc dincttc tublc: lc
uskcd lor onc. 'l'll gct it.' lc suid us tlc sistcr movcd to gct tlc puck.
'don't botlcr.' Tlut got lim 1u lcct into tlc lousc. Hc blullcd. tclling
tlc Bookkccpcr tlut lc undcrstood lcr bcing ulruid: tlcrc wcrc u lot
ol pcoplc likc lcr ut tlc committcc wlo wuntcd to tcll tlc trutl. but
somc pcoplc didn't wunt to listcn. Hc kncw tlut ccrtuin pcoplc lud
gonc buck to tlc lBl und tlc prosccutors to givc morc inlormution .
Hc lcsitutcd.
'Wlcrc do you rcportcrs gct ull your inlormution lrom unylow.'.
slc uskcd. 'Tlut's wlut nobody ut tlc committcc cun ligurc out.'
Bcrnstcin uskcd il lc could sit down und linisl lis cigurcttc.
'Ycs. but tlcn you'll luvc to go. l rcully luvc notling to suy.' Slc
wus drinking collcc. und lcr sistcr uskcd il Bcrnstcin would likc somc.
Tlc Bookkccpcr winccd. but it wus too lutc. Bcrnstcin sturtcd sipping.
Tlc womun tulkcd. guvc Bcrnstcin somc vcry usclul lcuds. lutcr spokc
uguin to botl rcportcrs und provcd to bc u vuluublc contuct. Tlis muy
luvc lud somctling to do witl tlc luct tlut Bcrnstcin did not
immcdiutcly pull out lis notcbook und bcgin tuking down cvcry word
tlc Bookkccpcr suid. wlilc pulling luccs ol dcliglt und umuzcmcnt. Hc
wuitcd. muybc tcn minutcs. bclorc slipping tlc notcbook out ol lis pockct
und sturting cusuully to mukc notcs.
ll. lowcvcr. pcoplc luvc ugrccd to tulk. tlc ncxt tling to tlink ubout
is low to mukc tlcm lccl ut cusc. Tlis will lclp you to gct tlc most
inlormution lrom tlcm. Hcrc urc somc tips.
̸·²µ ½¿®»º«´´§ ¿¾±«¬ ©¸»®» ¿²¼ ¸±© ¬± -°»¿µ ¬± ¬¸»³
Will it bc on tlc plonc or lucc to lucc. Wlut will bc bcst lor tlcm. ll it is
lucc to lucc. wlcrc will it bc. ln u bur. ln tlcir ollicc. At your ollicc. Uvcr
u mcul. ln tlcir lomc. ln otlcr words. in wlicl cnvironmcnt urc tlcy
lcust likcly to lccl tlrcutcncd und. will tlcrclorc. bc most co-opcrutivc.
ß¼¿°¬ ¬± ¬¸»³
Your uim wlcn intcrvicwing somconc is to mukc tlcm lccl rcluxcd und
lclplul. Tlis mcuns not intimiduting or unnoying tlcm. You muy luvc
to udupt your bcluviour und uppcuruncc u littlc. You do not luvc to
undcrgo u pcrsonulity clungc lor cucl intcrvicw. but you slould
considcr your subjcct. lor cxumplc. il you urc going to intcrvicw
lomclcss pcoplc on tlc strccts. you would not wcur your bcst suit or
drcss. Tlut would mukc your subjccts lccl uncomlortublc. Similurly. il
you wcrc going to intcrvicw tlc Primc Ministcr. you would not wcur
jcuns und u T-slirt. Tlcy would probubly bc ollcndcd und tlink you wcrc
morc conccrncd witl muking u stutcmcnt ubout yourscll tlun in gctting
u good intcrvicw ÷ und tlcy would probubly bc riglt. Witl pcoplc witl
wlom you would luvc no nuturul rupport. you muy cvcn luvc to uct u
littlc to lcign intcrcst in tlcm or udupt to tlcm. ll tlcy urc u lormul sort
ol pcrson. bc morc lormul tlun your usuul scll: il tlcy urc vcry cusy-
going. tlcn you cun bc too.
Ó¿µ» ¿ ¶«¼¹»³»²¬ ¿¾±«¬ ¬¸»³
Wlut will gct tlcm on your sidc. lluttcry. lricndlincss. }okcs. Scrious
tulk. Wlutcvcr it is. il tlcy urc un importunt sourcc. do it. Wlut intcrcsts
tlcm. Wlutcvcr it is. tukc un intcrcst in tlut too. Tlis is ulwuys cusicr il
you urc mccting tlcm. cspcciully in tlcir lomc or ollicc. Pcoplc surround
tlcmsclvcs witl wlut is importunt to tlcm ÷ picturcs ol tlcir lumily.
puintings ol tlcir luvouritc pluccs. ornumcnts und mcmcntos. Lsc tlcsc
tlings. usk tlcm ubout tlcm. Mukc tlc pcrson wunt to lclp you. Try to
lind somctling you luvc in common witl tlcm. cvcn il it just owning u
dog or bcing u purcnt.
׺ §±« ¸¿ª» ¬·³»ô ¬®§ ¬¸» L´·º» -¬±®§K °´±§
ll your subjcct is sly. or untugonistic towurds you. but sccms to luvc
timc. try usking qucstions ubout tlcir lilc story. Tlcsc urc busic rcsum’
qucstions ÷ wlcrc tlcy wcrc ruiscd. cducutcd. truincd. wlcrc tlcy lirst
workcd. succcss. uclicvcmcnts. ovcrscus cxpcricnccs. ctc. lt muy givc
you somc promising uvcnucs lor qucstioning. ll not. it will ulmost
ccrtuinly put tlut pcrson morc ut cusc und morc on your sidc. Almost
cvcryonc wurms to somconc wlo sccms intcrcstcd in tlcm.
׺ ¬¸» ·²¬»®ª·»© ·- ·² °»®-±²ô ¼±²K¬ ¹»¬ ±«¬ §±«® ²±¬»¾±±µ ·³³»¼·¿¬»´§
Tlcrc is notling tlut will unscttlc tlc uncusy intcrvicw subjcct morc
tlun u rcportcr murcling into tlc room. notcbook opcn. pcn poiscd ovcr
it. rcudy to tukc down cvcry word tlcy suy. lnstcud. gruduully slidc it out
ol your pockct or lundbug wlcn tlcy urc rcluxcd. You cun cvcn suy
somctling likc. 'lo you know. l luvc u tcrriblc mcmory. do you mind il
l mukc u lcw notcs.' Uccusionully your judgcmcnt is tlut uny uppcuruncc
ol tlc notcbook will immcdiutcly stop tlcm tulking. ln tlis situution.
commit tlc importunt tlings tlcy suy to mcmory und mukc un cxcusc to
lcuvc tlc room (sucl us to go to tlc toilct or wusl your lunds). As soon
us you urc out ol tlcir siglt. you cun writc down tlc liglliglts ol wlut
tlcy luvc suid.
Þ» ¸±²»-¬ ¿¾±«¬ §±«® ·²¬»²¬·±²- P ¾«¬ ¼±²K¬ ¬»´´ °»±°´» »ª»®§¬¸·²¹
You slould ncvcr luil to dcclurc yourscll us u rcportcr. Ncitlcr slould
you misrcprcscnt your intcrcst in tulking to somconc. Howcvcr. you do
not ulwuys luvc to cxpluin prcciscly wly you urc culling tlcm. ll you
luvc u controvcrsiul issuc or qucstion in mind. you would oltcn bc wisc
not to spcll tlis out wlcn you sturt tulking. }ust suy: 'l um just muking
somc gcncrul inquirics ubout tlis subjcct.'
ܱ ²±¬ ½±³» -¬®¿·¹¸¬ ±«¬ ©·¬¸ §±«® ³¿·² ¯«»-¬·±²
Ask somc gcncrul qucstions lirst. Tlcsc could bc qucstions to wlicl you
ulrcudy know tlc unswcr. ll notling clsc. tlc subjcct's unswcrs will tcll
you wlut tlcy know und low loncst tlcy urc. Unly wlcn you tlink
tlcy urc rcudy slould you usk wlut you urc burning to know. Wlcn you
do. it muy bc bcttcr to lcign indillcrcncc to tlc unswcr. lropping your
notcbook in umuzcmcnt und cxcluiming 'My Cod! lo you rculisc wlut
you urc suying!' is not tlc wuy to rcuct. Tlc tlouglt tlut tlcy luvc just
givcn you tlc story ol tlc dccudc is liublc to producc un ulmost immcdiutc
Ë-» ¬¸» °®»¹²¿²¬ °¿«-»
ll tlc pcrson you urc qucstioning docs not lully unswcr tlc qucstion. try
u prcgnunt puusc. uccompunicd by un cxpcctunt look. Somctimcs tlcy
will rcspond by udding tlc cxtru inlormution you nccd. Tlcrc is. ol
coursc. u limit to tlc lcngtl ol timc you cun try to out-wuit tlcm. lcluys
ol morc tlun u lcw scconds urc liublc to bc construcd us idiocy or tlc
onsct ol somc scrious disordcr ol tlc ncrvous systcm.
׺ ¿´´ »´-» º¿·´-ô ¬¸®±© §±«®-»´º ±² ¬¸»·® ³»®½§
Tcll tlcm tlut you will bc in troublc witl your cditor il you do not gct
tlis inlormution. Ask lor tlcir lclp. lt oltcn works.
Õ»»° ¬¸» ½±²ª»®-¿¬·±² ®±´´·²¹
Wlcn luccd witl 'l cun't commcnt'. don't uttcmpt to dcul lcud on witl
tlcir unxictics. ln ulmost cvcry cusc you will losc tlut urgumcnt bccuusc
tlcir rcusons urc to do witl tlcir position or orgunisution und tlcy
obviously know morc ubout tlut tlun you do. lnstcud. kccp tlc convcr-
sution going und try scvcrul otlcr tucks. lirst. rcussurc tlcm tlut tulking
to you is no slocking dcpurturc. muny otlcr pcoplc luvc spokcn to you.
Tlcn. witlout puusing. suy. 'Wlut puzzlcs mc is . Cun l usk you il .'.
Ï«»-¬·±²·²¹ »ª¿-·ª» ¿²¼ ¸±-¬·´» -±«®½»-
Somc wuys ol dculing witl uncusy subjccts ulso upply to dculing witl tlc
cvusivc or lostilc subjcct. But. morc oltcn. u dillcrcnt upproucl lus to bc
tukcn witl tlc potcntiul sourcc wlo is uvoiding you.
Þ» °»®-·-¬»²¬
Cctting lold ol sucl subjccts is somctimcs cxtrcmcly dillicult. Ncvcr givc
up. Kccp culling tlcm. visit tlcir olliccs. Mukc tlcm rculisc tlut tlc only
wuy to gct you oll tlcir bucks is to ugrcc to tulk.
׺ ¬»´»°¸±²·²¹ô ¼± ²±¬ ¾» º±¾¾»¼ ±ºº ©·¬¸ô LØ» ©·´´ ½¿´´ §±« ¾¿½µK
Muny pcoplc luvc no intcntion ol doing so. dcspitc wlut tlcy or tlcir
sccrcturics or collcugucs suy. lo not ucccpt tlis. Suy you will lung on.
suy you will ring tlcm buck or. in u lcw cuscs. ugrcc to bc rung buck ÷
but lix u timc lor tlcm to ring you buck. ll tlcy do not do so. ring tlcm
buck. Bcttcr still. ring tlcm buck un lour bclorc tlc sct timc. Muny pcoplc
will suy tlcy will ring you buck ut 4 p.m. bccuusc tlcy know tlcy lcuvc
tlcir ollicc ut ?.?u p.m.
׺ -±³»±²» ·- -¬±²»©¿´´·²¹ ±ª»® ¿ º¿½¬«¿´ ¿²-©»®ô °«¬ ±°¬·±²- ¬± ¬¸»³
ll. lor instuncc. you nccd to know low mucl tlc govcrnmcnt puid lor u
ccrtuin contruct und tlc pcrson wlo knows is rclusing to givc you tlc
unswcr. try putting sums ol moncy to tlcm: 'ls it S0 million.'. 'ls it us
mucl us S12 million.' Sucl qucstioning oltcn produccs rcsults. or good
lints. Yct bc curclul witl tlis tcclniquc. mukc surc pcoplc undcrstund
wlut it is tlcy urc bcing uskcd. lt. und similur vcrbul gumcs. cun lcud to
Tlc most notorious occusion ol tlis wus during tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬'s
Wutcrgutc invcstigution rclcrrcd to curlicr. Tlc rcportcrs lud u vcry good
story. but only onc sourcc lor it. Tlcir cditor insistcd on two bclorc lc
would publisl. So. lutc ut niglt. onc ol tlc rcportcrs rung tlc only otlcr
pcrson wlo miglt bc ublc to support tlc story. Hc would not do so
dircctly: so tlc rcportcr suid:
'l um going to count to tcn. il tlc story is wrong. lung up. ll it is corrcct
stuy on tlc linc.' Hc tlcn bcgun counting. 'Unc. two. tlrcc. lour. livc
.' His voicc wus now gctting cxcitcd. '. Six. scvcn. ciglt. ninc . tcn.'
Hc put tlc plonc down und cxcitcdly told lis wuiting collcuguc und
tlc cditor tlut tlcy lud conlirmution und tlc story run. Tlc only
problcm wus. it wus not truc. Tlc lutc-niglt contuct lud misundcrstood
tlc instructions lrom tlc rcportcr und tlouglt il lc stuycd on tlc linc. lc
wus lctting lim know tlc story wus not riglt.
ѽ½¿-·±²¿´´§ô ¬®§ °®»¬»²¼·²¹ ¬¸¿¬ §±« µ²±© ³±®» ¬¸¿² §±« ¼±
ll you strongly bclicvc somctling to bc truc. but cunnot gct conlirmu-
tion ol it. ring u sourcc und suy you urc just culling lor u commcnt. lor
instuncc. try usking tlc olliciul ©¸§ somctling luppcncd. rutlcr tlun
©¸»¬¸»® it luppcncd. Hc or slc will oltcn tlcn sturt cxpluining rutlcr
tlun dcnying. Tlis. lowcvcr. is somctling only cxpcricnccd rcportcrs
slould do.
É¿¬½¸ ±«¬ º±® ²±²ó¼»²·¿´ ¼»²·¿´-
A non-dcniul dcniul occurs wlcn un uccusution is put to somconc und.
instcud ol dcnying it. tlcy mukc u stutcmcnt wlicl insults tlc pcrson
wlo is muking it. or tlc rcportcr. or botl. Askcd. lor instuncc. il tlc
govcrnmcnt contruct lus bccn unsupcrviscd und millions ol dollurs ovcr-
spcnt. tlc subjcct would rcply: 'Your sourccs do not know wlut tlcy urc
tulking ubout.' Tlut is not u dcniul ol tlc cluim. lt is oltcn tlc clussic ploy
ol tlc pcrson witl somctling to lidc ÷ but don't rcly on tlut.
É¿¬½¸ ±«¬ º±® «²·²ª·¬»¼ ¼»²·¿´-
Lnlikc tlc situution dcscribcd ubovc. pcoplc witl somctling to lidc cun
somctimcs go lurtlcr tlun your qucstion rcquircs tlcm to go. Wlcn
uskcd lor u commcnt. lor instuncc. tlcy dcny tlings you ncvcr put to
tlcm. Bc ulcrt to tlis. it somctimcs comcs out ol tlc bluc und is tlc lirst
indicution tlut tlcy luvc somctling to lidc.
ܱ ²±¬ «-» L-»¬ó«°K ¯«»-¬·±²-
Tlcsc urc tlc qucstions tlut try to trup somconc. not witl inlormution.
but witl u vcrbul trick. Tlc luct tlut tlc trick is not vcry originul docs
not stop it bcing uscd. lt is u vuriunt on tlc old 'luvc you stoppcd bcuting
your wilc.' qucstion. to wlicl tlc unwury miglt unswcr 'ycs'. implying
tlcy uscd to bcut tlcir wilc but luvc now sccn tlc liglt. or 'no'. mcuning
tlut tlcy still bcut lcr.
Unc ol tlc occusions wlcn tlis wus uscd most llugruntly wus wlcn
rumours wcrc llying uround Brituin's nutionul pupcrs tlut Princc
ldwurd. tlc Çuccn's lourtl clild. wus guy. Tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó·®®±® pursucd lim
to Ncw York und. ut u public cvcnt. sloutcd out tlc qucstion: 'Arc you
guy.' Tlc Princc wus nu‹vc cnougl to suy 'No'. und tlc ncxt duy's Ó·®®±®
uppcurcd witl tlc lugc lront-pugc lcudlinc: 'l'm Not Cuy Suys ldwurd'.
Tlc imprcssion rcudcrs wcrc lclt witl wus tlut ldwurd wus indccd guy.
but wus now strcnuously dcnying it. Nusty rcporting.
ß-µ ¬¸»³ ¬± ·³¿¹·²» ¸±© L²± ½±³³»²¬K ©·´´ ´±±µ ·² ¬¸» °¿°»®
ll un olliciul is rclusing to commcnt. usk lim or lcr to visuulisc low tlis
will look in tlc pupcr. But don't mukc it sound likc u tlrcut. Mukc it sound
likc you urc trying to suvc tlcm lrom u public rclutions disustcr: 'You
know tlc rcudcrs will scc 'X dcclincd to commcnt' und tlcy will tlink
you luvc somctling to lidc. Now l know tlut isn't tlc cusc. so cun l just
gct your unswcr to .'.
linully. rcmcmbcr tlut u pcrson muy rclusc to tulk to you onc duy but
bc morc umcnublc u lcw duys lutcr. ll tlcy urc un importunt sourcc. try
Ю»-- ½±²º»®»²½»-
Prcss conlcrcnccs urc obviously u spcciul cusc wlcn it comcs to
qucstioning. You urc not ulonc. you urc not lucc to lucc und you oltcn
luvc littlc timc. ll tlut is tlc cusc. und you luvc to lilc u story immcdiutcly
ultcr tlc conlcrcncc cnds. mukc surc you or otlcr pcoplc usk tlc
qucstions you nccd unswcrcd. Tlut cun somctimcs mcun bcing
uggrcssivc. slouting your qucstion so tlut you urc surc it is lcurd. or
stunding up to usk it.
A lot ol pcoplc wlo cull prcss conlcrcnccs sccm to imuginc tlut tlc
cvcnt is onc wlcrc tlcy cun lold court bclorc u group ol docilc notc-
tukcrs. No rcportcr slould cvcr lct tlut idcu tukc root. Tlcsc cvcnts muy
bc orguniscd solcly lor tlc purposc ol gcncruting publicity. but tlut docs
not mcun you luvc to pluy tlcir gumc. You dccidc wlut tlc story is. not
tlcm. Ncvcr mind wlut tlcy tlink is tlc signilicunt mcssugc. is tlcrc
unotlcr. bcttcr story.
ll tlc pcrson giving tlc prcss conlcrcncc is not too grund. und you luvc
somc timc. you cun suvc your own qucstions lor ultcr tlc cvcnt. ln tlut
cusc. do not lct tlc pcrson wlo cun unswcr tlcm lcuvc tlc room until
you luvc corncrcd tlcm. Tlut cun somctimcs mcun stunding bctwccn
tlcm und tlc door. lon't bc sly ol doing tlut. Any pcrson wlo rcgulurly
givcs prcss conlcrcnccs will bc uscd to tlis. You urc not tlcrc to mukc
lricnds but to gct u story.
Anotlcr tip is to wutcl und try to notc il tlcrc is unotlcr rcportcr tlcrc
wlo sccms to know u lot morc ubout tlc subjcct. Altcr tlc conlcrcncc.
cngugc tlcm in convcrsution. Most rcportcrs cunnot rcsist slowing oll
wlut tlcy know. wlo tlcy know und tlcrcby pussing on somc vuluublc
lcuds. lon't tukc otlcr pcoplc's rcporting on trust. but you will oltcn pick
up somc good idcus to lollow up lrom sucl convcrsutions. Tlis is u
rcmindcr tlut oltcn tlc rcul bcnclit you dcrivc lrom prcss conlcrcnccs is
mccting pcoplc und muking contucts rutlcr tlun tlc ostcnsiblc story.
л®-±²¿´·¬§ ·²¬»®ª·»©-
Tlc biggcr tlc pcrsonulity. oltcn tlc lcss timc you will luvc. lon't wustc
it by usking qucstions tlut cun cusily bc vcrilicd by u littlc prc- or post-
intcrvicw rcscurcl. Vcry big sturs oltcn luvc prcss ugcnts in uttcnduncc.
wlo try to sct limits to tlc subjccts you cun usk ubout. lt is your job to
cvudc sucl controls wlcrc possiblc. und. il you cun't. to tcll rcudcrs ubout
tlcm. You urc u rcportcr. not u courticr. lon't ullow yourscll to bc
lluttcrcd tlut tlis big stur is tulking to you: ultcrnutivcly. don't ullow your
dislikc ol tlcm or rcscntmcnt ol tlcir wcultl. bcuuty. bruins or succcss
to tcmpt you to writc wlut you tlink will bc u dclinitivc dcmolition job.
Wlcn printcd. it will invuriubly suy morc ubout you tlun it docs ubout
lnstcud. kccp it simplc. lcscribc tlcm us prcciscly us possiblc und
conccntrutc on qucstions tlut will cnublc you to compurc tlcir
pcrsonulity witl tlcir public imugc. As lcuding Britisl intcrvicwcr lynn
Burbcr suys. 'All you luvc to do is bc punctuul. bc politc und usk
qucstions.' Slc rccommcnds. und most would ugrcc. tlut tlc qucstions
slould bc us slort us possiblc. Tlc lollowing urc oltcn usclul probcs lor
uncxpcctcd unswcrs. or urcus ol lilc tlut tlc subjcct muy bc willing to
opcn up ubout. Tlcy urc buscd on u list lilcd by }crcmy Murtin to tlc
CompuScrvc }ournulism lorum.
· Wlut is your lirst mcmory.
· Wlut wus your motlcr'sllutlcr's bcst udvicc.
· Wlo lus lud tlc most impuct on your lilc.
· Wlut wus your lirst job.
· Wlut wus your worst job.
· Wlut wus your lirst cur.
· Wlo wus your lirst lovc.
· Wlut do you do wlcn you urc ncrvous.
· Wlut urc you compulsivc ubout.
· Huvc you got u bud tcmpcr.
· Wlut do you cutlnot cut.
· Wlo is your bcst lricnd.
· Wlut is your worst lubit.
· Wlut mukcs you ungry.
· Wlut do you study.
· How oltcn do you rcud.
· How muny lours u niglt do you slccp.
· Wlut do you do il you wukc in tlc niglt und cun't gct buck to slccp.
· Wlut is your idcul duy oll.
· Wlcn do you plun to quit.
· Wlo would bc your luvouritc purty gucsts.
· lo you likc Clristmus.
· Wlut is your luvouritc songlbookllilmlsingcrlurtist.
· Wlo do you udmirc most.
· Wlut is your luvouritc drink.
· Wlut will you not cut.
· Wlcrc is your luvouritc vucution plucc.
· Wlcrc would you livc il you lud totul lrccdom ol cloicc.
̸» ³±-¬ ¹«·´»º«´ ¿³±²¹ ¬¸» ®»°±®¬»®- ¿®» ¬¸±-» ©¸± ¿°°»¿® º®·»²¼´§ ¿²¼
-³·´» ¿²¼ -»»³ ¬± ¾» -«°°±®¬·ª»ò ̸»§ ¿®» ¬¸» ±²»- ©¸± ©·´´ -»»µ ¬± ¹«¬ §±«
±² »ª»®§ ±½½¿-·±²ò
ld Kocl. Muyor ol Ncw York
λ°±®¬·²¹ Ò«³¾»®- ¿²¼
ß ¶±«®²¿´·-¬ ·- ¿ ¹®«³¾´»®ô ¿ ½»²-«®»®ô ¿ ¹·ª»® ±º ¿¼ª·½»ô ¿ ®»¹»²¬ ±º
-±ª»®»·¹²-ô ¿ ¬«¬±® ±º ²¿¬·±²-ò Ú±«® ¸±-¬·´» ²»©-°¿°»®- ¿®» ³±®» ¬± ¾» º»¿®»¼
¬¸¿² ¿ ¬¸±«-¿²¼ ¾¿§±²»¬-ò
Çuitc u lcw journulists luvc tlc idcu tlut numcrucy is u kind ol virus
wlicl. il cuuglt. cun dumugc tlc litcrury bruin. lcuding to u pcrmuncnt
loss ol vocubulury. und u slrivclling ol scnsitivity. Tlis is nonscnsc und
dungcrous nonscnsc. bccuusc so muny storics urc stutisticully buscd tlcsc
duys. }ournulists urc bomburdcd witl survcys. opinion polls. PR pcoplc.
busincsscs. prcssurc groups und politiciuns ull quoting wlut sccm to bc.
ut lirst gluncc. imprcssivc ligurcs. lur lrom innumcrucy bcing somc budgc
ol litcrury wortl. it is. lor tlc modcrn journulist. u lutul wcukncss. ll you
don't know cnougl to qucstion dutu tlcn you rcully urc impotcnt us u
journulist. Sourccs pluy tricks witl numbcrs ull tlc timc. Witlout tlc
rudimcntury knowlcdgc to snill out tlc bullslit ligurcs. you will luvc to
swullow wlut sourccs tcll you und luitllully rcproducc it. Tlc rcsult.
Your rcudcrs urc mislcd und misinlormcd und you look ÷ und. indccd.
urc ÷ loolisl.
Huppily tlcrc is protcction und tlut is to urm yourscll witl cnougl
knowlcdgc to undcrstund duy-to-duy stutistics. ll tlut tlouglt intimi-
dutcs you. tlcn bc ussurcd tlut wlut lollows contuins no mutls tlut u
clild ol 12 could not undcrstund. ll you urc still intimidutcd. tlcn muybc
it's timc to lind unotlcr job: lor. wlctlcr you likc it or not. you will bc
dculing witl stutistics in somc lorm or unotlcr cvcry duy ol your working
Ï«»-¬·±²·²¹ ¼¿¬¿
Stutistics. likc uny otlcr sourcc. luvc to bc qucstioncd. Tlut mcuns intcr-
roguting tlosc promoting tlc ligurcs. tlc dutu itscll und uny conclusions
druwn lrom it. Tlc sturting point is:
ܱ»- ¬¸» -¬±®§ -±«²¼ ´·µ»´§á
lt is surprising low oltcn it docs not. ln 1ººº l wus conlrontcd witl u
story tlut suid tlut 5u pcr ccnt ol pcrsonul louns udvunccd by bunks to
womcn wcrc lor cosmctic surgcry. ln tlc pluslcr purts ol los Angclcs.
Culilorniu tlut miglt just bc pluusiblc. ln london. it wus not. Wlcn
clcckcd. tlc stutistic wus rcully: lull tlc pcrsonul louns givcn to womcn
lor lcultl purposcs wcrc lor somc kind ol non-csscntiul surgcry. Tlut
soundcd u lot morc likcly ÷ und lur lcss ncwswortly. Tlc story wus killcd.
Tlcn tlcrc is tlc kind ol story wlicl rcquircs u sligltly quickcr wit to
spot. ln tlc LS. u ncwspupcr publislcd u story suying tlut 5u pcr ccnt ol
tlc rcsidcnts in ltupum. Bruzil usc trunquilliscrs. lt could bc truc. but u
littlc rcllcction tclls you tlut it is not. Towns must luvc clildrcn und
tccnugcrs. ln smull towns in Bruzil undcr-1×s mukc up ut lcust lull tlc
populution. So docs tlis mcun tlut tlc otlcr lull ÷ cvcry singlc udult.
cvcn tlc ºu-ycur-olds ÷ urc ull tuking trunquilliscrs. Lnlikcly. Soon ultcr
tlc story wus publislcd u corrcction wus mudc. Tlc truc ligurc wus 10
pcr ccnt ÷ ol tlc udult populution.
ll tlc muin tlrust ol tlc ligurcs ut lcust sccms bclicvublc. tlcn tlc ncxt
qucstion is:
ɸ¿¬ ·- ¬¸» -±«®½» ±º ¬¸» ¼¿¬¿á
ls it u univcrsity. privutc compuny. polling orgunisution or prcssurc
group. Arc tlcy quulilicd to collcct or undcrstund tlis dutu. Ur is
rcscurcl by u rcputublc sourcc bcing uscd by somc tlird purty. ll tlc
luttcr. tlcn go buck to tlc originul rcscurclcrs. usk wlut tlcy tlink ol
tlc usc to wlicl tlcir dutu is bcing put und invitc commcnts on tlc
conclusions bcing druwn lrom it. Tlis cun rcsult in u bcttcr story tlun
tlc originul.
ɸ»®» ¼·¼ ·¬ ½±³» º®±³á
ll somconc cun't tcll you wlcrc tlc numbcrs cumc lrom ÷ oltcn tlc cusc
witl sccond-lund survcys und survcys ol survcys ÷ ulurm bclls slould
ɸ§ ¿®» ¬¸»§ °«¬¬·²¹ ±«¬ ¬¸·- ¼¿¬¿á
Wly urc tlcy tclling mc tlis. lo tlcy luvc un uxc to grind or un unglc
to promotc. A study ol tlc cllccts on rurul cmploymcnt ol u bun on
lunting lus rutlcr diminislcd crcdibility il it comcs lrom rcscurclcrs
lircd by tlc pro-lunting lobby. lclibcrutcly lulsilicd rcscurcl lrom
prcssurc groups is. lowcvcr. rurc. Tlcy urc lur morc likcly simply to not
publisl rcscurcl wlicl conllicts witl tlcir cuusc. lvcn morc likcly is
tlut tlcy luvc unulyscd ligurcs in u wuy wlicl supports u prc-conccivcd
idcu. Tlc myriud wuys ol liddling stutistics urc dcult witl lutcr in tlc
ɸ§ ¿®» ¬¸»§ °«¬¬·²¹ ·¬ ±«¬ ²±©á
Timing is rurcly un uccidcnt. cvcn umong ucudcmic rcscurclcrs. Wlut
muy sccm u lupluzurd dutc on wlicl tlc unworldly ucudcmics
complctcd tlcir lubours in tlc ivory towcr und lundcd down tlcir
wisdom. will probubly provc to bc rutlcr morc closcly linkcd to tlc nccd
to rcupply lor govcrnmcnt grunts. pitcl lor somc ncw sponsorslip or put
somc publislcd rcscurcl on tlc dcpurtmcntul CV just in timc lor tlc ncxt
govcrnmcnt usscssmcnt. Witl commcrciul und prcssurc group dutu. you
cun rcly ubsolutcly on tlcrc bcing somc strong rutionulc bclind tlc
timing. Busincsscs urc unimutcd by u ncw product luuncl. word ol onc
by u rivul. tlc immincncc ol u slurcloldcrs' mccting. ctc. Nor is tlc
rcuson bclind tlc timing ulwuys obvious. lt slould. lowcvcr. invuriubly
bc purt ol tlc contcxt ol tlc story.
ß®» ¬¸» º·¹«®»- ¿´´ ®±«²¼ ²«³¾»®-á
Tlis is invuriubly u surc indicution ol somctling lcss tlun rigorous
scicncc. A good rulc is to prcsumc tlut uny sourcc cluiming '5u pcr ccnt
tlink tlis' or '0u pcr ccnt do tlut' is guilty until provcd innoccnt.
ß®» ¬¸» ¹®¿°¸·½- ¸±²»-¬á
Crupls luvc vcrticul und lorizontul sculcs und tlcsc cun bc udjustcd to
givc tlc dcsircd imprcssion. A smull risc cun bc mudc to look likc u lurgc
onc. or vicc vcrsu. Bur clurts or gruplics cun ulso bc dcccptivc. Tlc old
trick is u gruplic rcprcscnting incomc us moncy bugs. ll onc incomc is
twicc unotlcr. tlcn u bug twicc us ligl us tlc busc onc is slown. But
tlis is mislcuding bccuusc tlc rcsultunt moncy bug is lour timcs tlc urcu.
und ciglt timcs tlc volumc. ol tlc originul.
So lur ull tlut lus bccn nccdcd lus bccn u dosc ol common scnsc und
lcultly journulistic suspicion. Tlut will gct you so lur. But in propcrly
rcporting uny story involving stutistics. u littlc rudimcntury mutls is
nccdcd. Witlout it. you will gct tukcn lor u ridc. lor cxumplc: u lirm in
tlc middlc ol u puy disputc tclls you tlut tlcir stull's uvcrugc sulury is
t2×.uuu. So you rcport tlut ÷ und look silly. Wlut tlcy'vc just told you
is tlc mcun. culculutcd by udding up ull tlc sulurics ol ull tlcir stull ÷
including tlc lour lumily dircctors wlo urc puid in cxccss ol t2uu.uuu
u ycur. ll tlc lirm lud givcn you tlc luircr ligurc. tlc mcdiun sulury. it
would luvc bccn t14.5uu. But il you don't know tlut tlc mcdiun cxists.
ncvcr mind wlut it is. low on curtl cun you prcvcnt yourscll lrom bcing
tukcn in. So lcrc is u journulists' guidc to tlc uscs und ubuscs ol tlc most
common stutistics.
Tlcrc urc tlrcc kinds ol uvcrugc:
Tlis is wlut most pcoplc mcun by uvcrugc. You udd up ull tlc vulucs.
dividc by tlc numbcr ol vulucs und tlut is tlc mcun. lts wcukncss is tlut
it disguiscs us mucl us it rcvculs. A mcun suys notling ubout tlc rungc
ol vulucs in tlc culculution. lt will not. us in tlc cusc ol tlc sulurics ubovc.
slow tlut u lcw ligl (or low) vulucs complctcly distort tlc rcsults und so
givc u mislcuding 'uvcrugc'. Lnlortunutcly. tlis lulsilying kind ol uvcrugc
is tlc onc most commonly uscd. 'Lnlortunutc' bccuusc. wlcn you writc
ubout 'tlc uvcrugc lutlcr' or 'tlc uvcrugc studcnt' you wunt to rclcr not
to somc lictitious 'mcun'. but to tlc lutlcr or studcnt in tlc middlc.
Wlicl brings us to tlc mcdiun.
Tlis. in u sct ol vulucs. is tlc vuluc in tlc middlc ol tlc dutu. So lor sulurics
runging lrom tº.uuu to t2?.uuu. but witl most ut tlc lowcr cnd ol tlc
rungc. tlc sulury in tlc middlc miglt bc t14.5uu ÷ u morc uccurutc
rcllcction ol wlut most pcoplc urc puid tlun u mcun distortcd by tlc ligl
puy ol u lundlul ol dircctors. Tlc conlusion bctwccn tlc two most
common typcs ol uvcrugc probubly comcs lrom pcoplc tlinking ol scts ol
vulucs likc tlc numbcrs 1÷2u. Hcrc tlc mcun is tcn. und so is tlc mcdiun.
Tlis is bccuusc ull tlc vulucs urc cvcnly sprcud und risc by tlc sumc
incrcmcnt cucl timc. lutu lrom tlc rcul world is rurcly likc tlut.
Put simply. tlis is tlc most common vuluc in tlc sct.
Wlut is oltcn just us rclcvunt us tlc mcdiun is tlc rungc tlc vulucs covcr
und you oltcn nccd to know tlis to bcgin to mukc scnsc ol tlc dutu. lor
cxumplc. tlc mcun tcmpcruturc lor two rcgions miglt bc 01 dcgrccs.
giving tlc imprcssion tlut tlcir climutcs urc similur. Wrong. Tlcy muy
slurc tlc sumc mcun tcmpcruturc but tlc rungc lor tlc lormcr is 45
dcgrccs und lor tlc luttcr. 1?u dcgrccs. Tlcir climutcs urc vcry dillcrcnt.
Tlc rungc ol tlc vulucs is cullcd tlc distribution. Most sociul dutu lus
u normul distribution witl vulucs closc to tlc mcun. plus u lcw ut citlcr
cxtrcmc. lor cxumplc. stutistics lor tlc uvcrugc (mcun) lours tlut pcoplc
ugcd 21÷4u slccp would bc normully distributcd. lcw pcoplc rcgulurly
gct by on livc or lcwcr lours u niglt und not muny nccd morc tlun ninc.
Most ol tlc vulucs would bc uround tlc 7.5÷× lours murk. witl u stccp
dcclinc in citlcr dircction. Plotting sucl u distribution on u grupl rcsults
in u bcll slupc. lcncc tlc stutisticul tcrm 'bcll curvc' to dcscribc u normul
distribution. Un tlc otlcr lund. tlc mcun disposublc incomc lor 21÷4u-
ycur-olds would vury trcmcndously ÷ somc cxisting on stutc bcnclits.
otlcrs bcing millionuircs. Tlc distribution lcrc would bc mucl morc
sprcud out.
ͬ¿²¼¿®¼ Ü»ª·¿¬·±²
Tlis tclls low tigltly vulucs urc clustcrcd uround tlc mcun. Vulucs
gutlcrcd tigltly togctlcr would givc u smull stundurd dcviution. Vulucs
sprcud upurt would givc u mucl lurgcr onc. Altlougl you miglt bc told
not to worry your prctty littlc litcrury lcud witl sucl muttcrs. tlc
stundurd dcviution cun bc rcvculing. Tukc u story ubout u study ol
compurutivc cxum pusscs ut two sclools. lisncy Higl Sclool lus u bcttcr
mcun scorc tlun MCM Acudcmy. Un its own. tlis docs not mcun tlut
pupils ut lisncy urc brigltcr. or tlc tcucling bcttcr. So rcporting tlis
buld ligurc could bc mislcuding. Tlc stundurd dcviution. lowcvcr. will
givc importunt cxtru inlormution. contcxt und ulso indicutc qucstions to
usk. A biggcr stundurd dcviution lor onc sclool tclls you tlut tlcrc is u lur
lurgcr rungc ol pusscs tlcrc tlun ut tlc otlcr sclool. Ask wly. lt muy
wcll bc tlut MCM tukcs pupils lrom ucross tlc ubility rungc. wlcrcus
lisncy spcciuliscs in only tlc brigltcst. lt muy bc tlut lisncy puts ull its
cllorts into tcucling tlc brigltcst pupils. wlcrcus MCM spcnds u lot ol
timc on tlc slowcst. tlus drugging down ovcrull puss rutcs.
Stundurd dcviution cun ulso lclp judgc ullcgcd links bctwccn two cir-
cumstunccs. ll u study cluiming u rclutionslip bctwccn insidc lcg
mcusurcmcnts und lolding communist bclicls lus u lurgc stundurd
dcviution. tlc clunccs urc tlut tlc rclutionslip muy cxist in somc cuscs
but lrcqucntly brcuks down. ln otlcr words. it is u coincidcncc.
lt is umuzing low oltcn rcportcrs. wlcn looling uround witl u lcw ligurcs
on u story. mukc mistukcs wlcn culculuting pcrccntugcs. So. lor tlc
bcnclit ol unyonc wlo pluycd truunt lrom mutls clusscs. lcrc's low to
work it out: you tukc tlc old vuluc lrom tlc ncw vuluc. dividc tlc rcsult
by tlc old vuluc und tlcn multiply tlc unswcr you luvc by 1uu.
Sucl u simplc tling und yct u cuusc ol so mucl conlusion. lt is. lor
instuncc. by no mcuns unknown lor mutlcmuticully impossiblc
dccrcuscs ol morc tlun 1uu pcr ccnt to lind tlcir wuy into storics.
Notling cun lull by morc tlun 1uu pcr ccnt. bccuusc oncc it lus. it lus
gonc. ll you doubt tlut. go buck ovcr tlc mctlod in tlc purugrupl ubovc
und try to mukc it rcsult in morc tlun 1uu. ll somctling is rcduccd to u
quurtcr ol wlut it wus. it lus not lullcn 4uu pcr ccnt. but by 75 pcr ccnt.
Utlcr pitlulls ol pcrccntugcs urc:
Þ¿-» º·¹«®»-
Tlis is tlc old vuluc. tlc vuluc to wlicl tlc ncw onc is bcing compurcd.
Alwuys wutcl busc ligurcs. All but tlc most putlologicully loncst sourcc
will cloosc tlc busc ligurc tlut. wlcn compurcd witl tlc ncw numbcr.
givcs rcsults tlut support tlcir cusc. Alwuys tlink ÷ wly wus tlis busc
ܱ²K¬ ¹»¬ ¬¸» ©®±²¹ ¾¿-»
ll somctling is cut by 4u pcr ccnt. tlcn ruiscd by 2u pcr ccnt. muny
journulists would rcport tlut lull tlc prcvious loss lus bccn rcstorcd.
Not so. ll tlc originul busc is 1uu und 4u urc lost. tlcn tlc ncw totul is 0u.
und u 2u pcr ccnt ruisc ol tlut is 12. lcuving u ncw totul ol 72. wcll slort
ol tlc ×u you would gct il lull tlc originul loss lud bccn rcstorcd.
É¿¬½¸ ±«¬ º±® ²± ¾¿-»
Politiciuns und udvcrtiscrs lovc slipping in cluims tlut tlc unqucstion-
ing lind imprcssivc. 'Wc urc now invcsting 25 pcr ccnt morc in sclools.'
25 pcr ccnt morc tlun wlut. Tlun lust ycur. Tlun tlc prcvious
govcrnmcnt. Tlun is invcstcd in dclcncc. Witlout tlc busc. tlis kind ol
compurison is usclcss ÷ und is probubly bcing trottcd out morc to conccul
tlun rcvcul. And wutcl out lor sourccs giving out pcrccntugcs on tlcir
own. unuccompunicd by tlc ruw ligurcs tlcy urc buscd on.
DZ« ½¿²K¬ ¿¼¼ °»®½»²¬¿¹»-
Wcll you cun. but not il you wunt to rcmuin uccurutc. lor cxumplc. il un
industry's lubour costs luvc gonc up by 4 pcr ccnt. insuruncc costs luvc
riscn by 2u pcr ccnt und ruw mutcriul costs urc up 2 pcr ccnt. tlcn tlc
ovcrull incrcusc in costs is not 4+2u+2= 20 pcr ccnt. A littlc rcllcction
will tcll you tlut insuruncc costs urc unlikcly to bc unytling otlcr tlun
u tiny lruction ol lubour und ruw mutcriul costs. You luvc to udd ull tlc
ruw cost ligurcs to urrivc ut u ncw totul und tlcn rcculculutc tlc
pcrccntugc incrcusc ovcr tlc old totul.
л® ¸»¿¼
Wlcn compuring two communitics. citics or countrics. pcrccntugc
clungcs on tlcir own mislcud us oltcn us tlcy inlorm. To compurc tlings
likc sociul clungcs you nccd to know tlc populutions ol botl pluccs so
tlut you cun work out tlc rutcs pcr lcud.
lct's suy. to puruplrusc un cxumplc in lurrcll Hull's cxccllcnt ر© ¬±
Ô·» É·¬¸ ͬ¿¬·-¬·½-. you urc writing u story ubout rupc in two citics. Avillc
und Bccton botl luvc 5u rupcs u ycur. Tlut mukcs tlcm sound similur.
until you usk low tlings luvc clungcd rcccntly. Now you lcurn tlut livc
ycurs ugo tlcrc wcrc 42 rupcs in Avillc und 2º in Bccton. So Avillc's risc
is 1º pcr ccnt und Bccton's is 72 pcr ccnt. Buscd on tlis dutu. lusty
journulists miglt mukc pluns to writc u story ubout tlc rupc crisis in
Bccton. usking wlut is going on tlcrc und wlut is bcing donc ubout it.
But big citics tcnd to luvc morc crimc tlun littlc oncs. You nccd to know
tlc rutc pcr lcud. Culculutc tlis by dividing tlc numbcr ol crimcs by tlc
populution und tlcn. to uvoid dculing in minisculc ligurcs to scvcrul
dccimul points. multiply tlc unswcr by 1uu.uuu to givc tlc rutc pcr
1uu.uuu pcoplc. Now tlings look u littlc dillcrcnt. livc ycurs ugo Avillc
lud u populution ol 55u.uuu und u rupc rutc ol 7.04 pcr 1uu.uuu. Bccton
lud u populution ol 45u.uuu und u rupc rutc ol 0.44 pcr 1uu.uuu. Now
Avillc lus 0uu.uuu inlubitunts. giving u rupc rutc ol ×.?? pcr 1uu.uuu.
und Bccton. wlicl lus cxpundcd lugcly. lus u populution ol ×uu.uuu
und u rupc rutc ol 0.25. So in luct. Bccton's rupc rutc lus gonc down by
ulmost tlrcc pcr ccnt. wlilc Avillc's lus gonc up by ninc pcr ccnt. Now
you luvc tlc inlormution lor u morc inlormutivc. bulunccd und lcss
lystcricul story.
ln muking uny compurison. you nccd to know tlc rutc pcr unit.
wlctlcr it is pcr lcud. lousclold. or milcs truvcllcd. lor cxumplc. truvcl
sulcty cun only bc usscsscd by uccidcnts or dcutls pcr pusscngcr milcs.
Tlc grcutcr numbcr ol pcoplc killcd in tlc uir in 1ºº× compurcd to 1º52
miglt suggcst pluncs urc morc dungcrous now. looking ut tlc ligurcs
pcr milcs truvcllcd quickly corrccts tlut crror. And rcmcmbcr to compurc
likc witl likc. Tlc dcutl rutc in tlc Britisl urmy is lowcr tlun in tlc
slccpy villugc ol lowcr Piddlington. Hurdly surprising. onc is u group ol
lcultly young mcn. tlc otlcr muinly tlc old und poor.
Ul ull tlc typcs ol ncws storics. survcys urc consistcntly tlc most suspcct.
lvcry two-bit publicist lus long sincc rculiscd tlut lcrc is un cusily-
concoctcd wuy ol gctting covcrugc lor tlcir cuusc. product. policics or
orgunisution. Tlcy tlink ol somc controvcrsiul issuc. or ncwswortly
subjcct. usk pcoplc qucstions ubout it und tlcn construct u prcss rclcusc
rcvculing tlut X is tlc nution's luvouritc brccd ol dog. Y its luvourcd
policy or Z pcr ccnt urc now doing tlis or tlut. And cvcry duy ncwspupcrs
swullow sucl unscicntilic triviu und print it. lvcn worsc is tlc sociul
trcnd survcy. wlicl rcports tlc discovcry ol somc ncw sub-spccics ol
socicty buscd on u lcw spccdy unswcrs to u lcw unscicntilic qucstions.
Most ol tlc survcys tlut try to scducc journulists comc not lrom
ucudcmics. but lrom busincsscs und uctivists. Ncitlcr group lus mucl
ol u truck rccord in producing dispussionutc rcscurcl. So wlcn
conlrontcd witl u survcy tlc lirst issuc is: wlo is tclling you tlis ÷ und
wly. Nor do tlc pitlulls ol survcys stop tlcrc.
ɸ¿¬ ·- ¬¸» -¿³°´»á
Timcs witlout numbcr. storics givcn ligl promincncc lull upurt wlcn
tlc qucstion is uskcd: low big wus tlc sumplc. lvcn cxpcricnccd nutionul
ncwspupcr journulists luvc bccn known to writc 7uu word storics buscd
on survcys wlicl turn out to luvc sumplcs numbcring only dozcns. Sucl
sumplcs. unlcss tlcy constitutc u sizublc lruction ol tlc totul bcing
mcusurcd (u sumplc ol 2u in u cluss ol 4u. lor instuncc). stund only u smull
cluncc ol bcing rcprcscntutivc. Tlcir conclusions miglt bc cyc-cutcling
(lurdly surprising givcn low inuccurutc tlcy probubly urc) but tlut is
no rcuson to publisl tlcm. Tlc rcsponsibility ol journulists gocs bcyond
linding u sourcc lor u story. lt cxtcnds to bringing somc intcllcct to bcur
on tlc mutcriul. And somctimcs tlut mcuns dcciding tlcrc is no story.
ر© ¾·¹ -¸±«´¼ ¬¸» -¿³°´» ¾»á
Ubviously. tlc biggcr tlc sumplc. tlc morc likcly it is to bc rcprcscntutivc.
But. providing tlc sumplc is closcn intclligcntly. it docs not luvc to bc
tlut big. Survcys ol 1.0uu pcoplc cun. il curricd out propcrly. bc u vcry
good guidc to tlc division ol opinion witlin u nution ol 5u million. But
tlut's ull tlcy urc ÷ u guidc. How good u guidc is indicutcd by tlc murgin
ol crror.
ɸ¿¬ ·- ¬¸» ³¿®¹·² ±º »®®±®á
Tlis is tlc likcly rungc ol uccurucy. Suy u survcy lus u murgin ol crror
ol 2.5 pcr ccnt. lt linds tlut 45 pcr ccnt support tlc govcrning purty. so
tlc rcsult lus u rungc ol 42.5 pcr ccnt to 47.5 pcr ccnt. Murgin ol crror
is culculutcd on tlc numbcr ol pcoplc in tlc sumplc (und not witl uny
rclcrcncc to tlc ovcrull sizc ol tlc populution bcing sumplcd). Tlc sumplc
sizc dictutcs tlc murgin ol crror. rcgurdlcss ol wlut it is u sumplc ol. A
sumplc ol 1.0uu lus u murgin ol crror ol 2.5 pcr ccnt. und u sumplc ol
4uu lus u murgin ol crror ol 5 pcr ccnt. A sumplc ol 1uu. not untypicul
in survcys donc lor u quick bit ol PR. lus u 1u pcr ccnt murgin ol crror.
Tlis mcuns tlut u linding ol 5u pcr ccnt in luvour ol X could in luct bc
4u pcr ccnt or 0u pcr ccnt. or unytling in bctwccn ÷ not cxuctly
prccision work.
ر© ©¿- ¬¸» -¿³°´» ½¸±-»²á
Tlcrc is u lugc crcdibility gup bctwccn u survcy sumplc closcn ut
rundom und onc tlut is scll-sclcctcd. Scll-sclcctcd polls urc normully
unswcrcd by tlosc witl u motivc ÷ citlcr uctivists witl u strong opinion
(und tlus lur lrom bcing rcprcscntutivc). or tlosc wlo luvc bccn givcn
un inccntivc to rcspond ('}ust complctc tlis simplc qucstionnuirc und bc
cntcrcd in our prizc druw').
ɸ±K- ·² ¬¸» -¿³°´»á
A good rundom sumplc mukcs surc cvcryonc lus un cquul cluncc ol
bcing includcd. lvcn lor stutisticiuns tlis is not cusy to uclicvc. Altcr ull.
wlcrc would you go to lind u 'rcprcscntutivc' sumplc. Tlc strcct. And
miss ull tlosc working. louscbound und driving curs. loor-to-door. And
miss ull tlosc out working. slopping. visiting. clubbing. wining und
dining. And would you go out during tlc duy. or ut niglt. Tlis is wly
rcputublc survcys urc curricd out by strutilicd rundom sumpling ÷
dividing tlc populution into scvcrul groups und sumpling tlcm in
proportion to tlcir purt ol tlc wlolc. lvcn tlcn. tlc uccurucy dcpcnds on
wlo gocs out und linds tlcir quotu ol. suy. 25÷4u-ycur-old womcn witl
u ccrtuin incomc. Tlc trutl is tlut uny mctlod lus problcms ol bius.
conscious or otlcrwisc.
ɸ±K- ²±¬ ·² ¬¸» -¿³°´»á
Tlis is oltcn us importunt us wlo is in it. lurrcll Hull quotcs tlc cusc ol
u lurgc survcy curricd out muny ycurs ugo into tlc sulurics ol tlc Yulc
cluss ol '24. Tlc rcsult wus S25.111. tlc rcspondcnts bcing contuctcd
viu industry ycurbooks. ctc. ln otlcr words. tlcy wcrc scnior cxccutivcs
und compuny dircctors. Yulc gruduutcs ol tlut ycur wlo wcrc unsuc-
ccsslul would not luvc bccn cusy to trucc. und. il tlcy lud bccn. would
probubly luvc rcluscd to rcply. ll u survcy is donc by scnding out qucs-
tionnuircs. usk wlut pcrccntugc did not rcply. And wly not.
ß®» ¬¸» ®»-«´¬- º±® ¬¸» ©¸±´» -¿³°´» ±® ¶«-¬ ¬¸±-» ©¸± ®»-°±²¼á
A prcss rclcusc suys tlut in u survcy ol busincss uttitudcs to intcrcst rutcs.
×u pcr ccnt ol lirms suid ligl intcrcst rutcs wus u problcm. Ul rcully.
Ask low muny lorms wcrc scnt out. Answcr: 2.uuu. How muny
rcspondcd. Answcr: 10u ÷ ×u pcr ccnt ol wlicl lound intcrcst rutcs u
problcm. ln loncst words. tlcn: 'A survcy ol busincss uttitudcs to intcrcst
rutcs. lound tlut ×u pcr ccnt ol tlosc rcsponding suw tlcm us u problcm.
but º? pcr ccnt ol tlc 2.uuu busincsscs survcycd did not rcply.'
×- -»´ºó®»°±®¬·²¹ ·²ª±´ª»¼á
ll it is. bc ulcrt. cspcciully il tlc survcy rcquircs pcoplc to rcport on tlcir
bcluviour rutlcr tlun tlcir bclicls. ls tlcrc u stigmu uttuclcd to onc
unswcr rutlcr tlun to unotlcr. ln u survcy on pcrsonul lygicnc or
loncsty. lor instuncc. pcoplc urc unlikcly to tcll u strungcr ubout tlcir
unplcusunt or illcgul littlc wuys. Tlc most blutunt cxumplc ol tlis is scx
survcys. Tlcsc urc doomcd lrom tlc sturt to bc unswcrcd disproportion-
utcly by cxlibitionists or boustcrs. Tlc prim. lcss udvcnturous und privutc
urc lur lcss liublc to tukc purt.
ß®» ¬¸» ¯«»-¬·±²- º¿·®á
ln survcys wlicl sccm rcputublc yct producc sturtling rcsults. usk to scc
tlc qucstions. Blutuntly lcuding oncs ('Tlc colour rcd lus bccn linkcd to
low incomc groups. Now cun you tcll mc wlut is your luvouritc colour.')
urc rurc. Morc common urc u scrics ol qucstions wlicl gruduully lcud
tlc unwitting rcspondcnt in u purticulur dircction.
ر© ¿½½«®¿¬» ¿®» ®»-°±²¼»²¬-K ¿²-©»®-á
Pcoplc. cspcciully in survcys ol uttitudcs und bcluviour. tcnd to givc tlc
unswcrs wlicl tlcy tlink will mukc otlcrs rcgurd tlcm morc
luvourubly. Hcncc tlc lumous survcy conductcd lor tlc Ò»©- ±º ¬¸» ɱ®´¼
wlcn pcoplc wcrc uskcd wlicl lcuturcs tlcy likcd und dislikcd. Most suid
tlcy likcd tlc lcuding urticlc und tlc rcligious lcuturc: lcw conlcsscd to
rcuding tlc scx crimc rcports. Tlcsc wcrc droppcd und circulution
Ñ°·²·±² °±´´-
Rcputublc polling orgunisutions urc rurcly guilty ol tlc morc spcctuculur
lluws dcscribcd ubovc. As long us tlcir rcsults urc uccurutcly rcportcd
(und tlut mcuns giving tlc murgin ol crror somcwlcrc in tlc story) und
somc contcxt is givcn. tlcrc is littlc cluncc ol budly mislcuding rcudcrs.
Altcr ull. it is up to tlcm wlut luitl tlcy put in polls.
Tlc dungcr witl opinion polls comcs witl intcrprctution. Scvcrul kcy
points slould bc bornc in mind:
̸» ¬®»²¼ ±º -»ª»®¿´ °±´´- ·- ³±®» ·³°±®¬¿²¬ ¬¸¿² ¿ -·²¹´» °±´´
A lonc poll cun bc u roguc und no grcut rcliuncc slould bc pluccd on it.
But il tlc polls mostly lcud in tlc sumc dircction. tlcrc is u ligl cluncc
tlut tlc trcnd indicutcd is uccurutc.
É¿¬½¸ ¬¸» -¿³°´» ½¿®»º«´´§
Witl politicul polls. cspcciully us clcction duy druws ncur. tlc mcdiu oltcn
commissions polls ut slort noticc. Tlcsc urc likcly to luvc smull sumplcs
und bc lcss rcliublc.
É¿¬½¸ ¬¸» ³¿®¹·² ±º »®®±® ·º ½±³°¿®·²¹ °±´´-
Tlc clussic crror in rcporting polls is to compurc two polls und scc sig-
nilicuncc wlcrc tlcrc is nonc. ll tlc lirst poll linds support lor tlc
govcrnmcnt ol 45 pcr ccnt und tlut lor tlc opposition ol 42 pcr ccnt. und
u sccond poll tlcn linds tlcm botl ut 44 pcr ccnt. lus tlc govcrnmcnt
lost support. lt ull dcpcnds on tlc murgin ol crror. ll it is ? pcr ccnt in tlc
lirst poll. govcrnmcnt support wus tlcn in tlc rungc ol 42÷4× pcr ccnt
und tlc opposition's bctwccn ?º und 45 pcr ccnt. ll tlc sccond poll ulso
lus u murgin ol ? pcr ccnt. tlcn support lor botl govcrnmcnt und
opposition is 41÷47 pcr ccnt. Tlc sccond poll's rcsult is wcll witlin tlc
murgin ol crror ol tlc lirst und so notling. stutisticully. lus luppcncd.
You would nccd lurtlcr polls trucking movcmcnt out ol tlc originul
rungcs to druw conclusions.
Unc ol tlc most dungcrous words in journulism is 'link'. A grcut muny
mislcuding storics uppcur bccuusc tlosc witl un uxc to grind unnouncc
u rclutionslip bctwccn two tlings und journulists luil to usk cnougl
qucstions. Tlc rcsult is conlusion bctwccn u stutisticul corrclution und u
cuusul rclutionslip. Tlcy urc not tlc sumc tling. A corrclution could bc.
und probubly is. u coincidcncc. A link is wlcn onc tling cuuscs. or lclps
to cuusc. tlc otlcr.
An ussociution bctwccn two luctors is not prool ol u rclutionslip. Tlcrc
muy bc. lor instuncc. u closc corrclution bctwccn tlc spcnding powcr ol
Cutlolic pricsts und sulcs ol condoms. but tlcrc is not u link. All kinds ol
morc pluusiblc (but cquully lulsc) cconomic links urc pcddlcd to
journulists wlcn tlc most likcly cxplunution is simply tlut. in u pcriod ol
growtl. ull kinds ol dutu will risc und muny unrclutcd oncs will risc ut
prcciscly tlc sumc rutc. Cluncc is tlc bcst cxplunution lcrc. us it is lor so
muny corrclutions.
Ø»¿´¬¸ ͬ±®·»-
Tlc storics wlcrc 'links' urc most lrccly usscrtcd urc tlosc dculing witl
lcultl. You urc told. lor cxumplc. tlut tlcrc is u clcur corrclution bctwccn
winc drinking in modcrution und lowcr cunccr risk. Bclorc rcporting u
link. stop und tlink. lt muy wcll bc tlut tlosc wlo drink winc in
modcrution do somctling clsc tlut lowcrs tlcir cunccr risk ÷ tlcy urc
wcultlicr. in bcttcr lcultl. luvc morc clcck-ups. smokc lcss. cun rclicvc
strcss morc cusily. ctc. Tlis is u clussic cxumplc ol wlcrc u littlc
intclligcnt. bulunccd contcxt cun put u 'link' into contcxt. Tlcn tlcrc urc
storics wlicl compurc discusc rutcs bctwccn countrics. Tlcsc oltcn
producc rcsults wlicl urc surprising. Cunccr rutcs in dcvclopcd
countrics. lor instuncc. urc normully wcll ubovc tlosc lor signilicuntly
lcss wcultly countrics. locs tlis mcun tlc poorcr nutions luvc somc
dictury or otlcr sccrct to tcll. lt's possiblc: but. on tlc otlcr lund. tlc
cxplunution could just bc tlut. sincc cunccr is muinly u discusc ol middlc
und lutc ugc. countrics witl wcultlicr populutions livc long cnougl to
gct morc cunccrs.
ln rcporting lcultl or sulcty storics. rcmcmbcr tlut dcutl stutistics urc
ulwuys morc rcliublc tlun injury dutu. Tlcrc is u lcgul obligution lor
cuusc ol dcutl to bc rccordcd. so sucl ligurcs urc lur lcss pronc to misdi-
ugnosis. Tlcy urc ulso totully lrcc ol scll-diugnosis. wlicl. in tlc cusc ol
injurics. cun bc distortcd by u linunciul inccntivc to cxuggcrutc c.g.
insuruncc or compcnsution cluims.
Ý´«-¬»® -¬«¼·»-
Anotlcr typc ol story wlcrc u supcrliciully convincing 'link' cutclcs tlc
unwury urc studics ol illncsscs in urcus ncur powcr lincs. toxic-wustc
dumps. lurms wlcrc pcsticidcs luvc bccn uscd. ctc. Sucl studics urc
normully curricd out by cumpuigncrs or luwycrs ucting lor victims und
luvc bccn invuluublc in ruising tlc ulurm on cnvironmcntul tlrcuts. But
lulsc 'links' urc oltcn obtuincd bccuusc rcscurclcrs. unxious to provc u
cusc. sturt clcrry-picking tlc dutu. sclccting wlut suits tlcm und moving
tlc boundurics ol tlc urcu in und out to producc tlc dcsircd rcsults.
Alwuys clcck tlc boundurics ol sucl studics. lor tlcy oltcn mukc no
scnsc. Tlc sumc trickcry cun upply to countcr-studics produccd by
uutloritics trying to dcny tlc cxistcncc ol u problcm.
Sourccs lrcqucntly cxuggcrutc projcctions. Tlc most common mctlod
is to tukc tlc liglcst possiblc growtl rutc und upply it wuy bcyond tlc
timc wlcn curly riscs (ncccssurily ligl in pcrccntugc tcrms) would lull
uwuy. Tlc lollowing is unotlcr ubusc.
LÉ» ¿®» ´±-·²¹ }é ³·´´·±² ¿ ³±²¬¸K
lirms oltcn mukc sucl u stutcmcnt during u strikc. Çucstion low tlcy
urrivcd ut tlis sum. Morc oltcn tlun not it is culculutcd by tuking tlc
ycur's most productivc duy. multiplying by ?05. und tlcn udding on
cstimutcs lor ull otlcr kinds ol losscs ÷ incrcuscd insuruncc prcmiums.
cost ol customcrs' ultcrnutivcs. ctc. Rcspond by usking lirst wlut tlc
turnovcr wus lust ycur und tlcn wly tlc lirm's cstimutcd losscs pcr
montl sccm to rcsult in u turnovcr scvcrul timcs wlut wus uctuully
λ¿´ ª»®-«- ¿°°¿®»²¬ ®·-»
Anotlcr sourcc ol dcccption. sincc incrcusing rcports muy not mcun un
uctuul risc. Tlcrc muy luvc bccn u slurp risc in uwurcncss. tlc intro-
duction ol compulsory rcporting or u ncw inccntivc to rcport. All tlcsc
luctors urc importunt to contcxt und urc cspcciully vitul wlcn u typc ol
bcluviour. usuully u crimc. bccomcs ncws lluvour ol tlc montl. Unc ol
tlc lirst tlings tlut luppcns tlcn is tlut tlc plcnomcnon ucquircs u
cutcly numc. 'Roud rugc' is u good cxumplc. Suddcnly instunccs sccmto
bc cvcrywlcrc. But wlcn subjcctcd to stutisticul tcst. tlc 'ncwrumpunt'
plcnomcnon is rurcly us 'ncw' or 'rumpunt' us tlc covcrugc indicutcs.
Ø¿- ¬¸» ¼»º·²·¬·±² ±º ¬¸» -«®ª»§ -«¾¶»½¬ ½¸¿²¹»¼á
A lugc growtl in nurscry sclools. lor cxumplc. cun bc produccd il wlut
wcrc lormcrly dclincd us 'pluygroups' urc now tcrmcd 'nurscry sclools'.
To concludc lrom tlis tlut tlcrc lud bccn un cxplosion in sclooling lor
tlc undcr-5s would bc wrong.
λ¿´·¬§ ·- ³±®» ·²¬»®»-¬·²¹ ¬¸¿² ¸§°» ±® ³§¬¸
lirst. bccuusc it is rcul. Sccond. bccuusc it cun oltcn surprisc. ln countrics
tlut cun luvc bud wintcr wcutlcr u rituul story is tlc sputc ol roud
uccidcnts cuuscd by suddcn snowlull. But il you clcck witl tlosc wlo
kccp sucl dutu tlcn you lind tlcrc urc lur morc cruslcs on clcur. sunny
duys ÷ probubly twicc tlc rutc us on snowy duys. ln good wcutlcr u lot
morc pcoplc urc out on tlc rouds. wlilc. on bud duys. only tlosc wlo
must truvcl (including u ligl proportion ol tlosc wlo drivc lor u living)
urc out. Hcncc tlcrc urc lcwcr uccidcnts. 'Snowlull suvcs livcs' ÷ not quitc
us scnsutionul u story us 'Blizzurd kills 1?'. but uctuully morc uccurutc
und originul.
And linully. dcspitc tlc undoubtcd importuncc ol stutistics. rcmcmbcr
tlut too muny cun kill tlc llow ol cvcn tlc bcst story. Lsc wlut you must
und put tlc rcst in u box. gruplic. sidcbur or tublc.
ß ¬¸±«-¿²¼ -¬±®·»- ©¸·½¸ ¬¸» ·¹²±®¿²¬ ¬»´´ô ¿²¼ ¾»´·»ª»ô ¼·» ¿©¿§ ¿¬ ±²½»
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Sumucl }olnson
Ѳ´·²» λ-»¿®½¸
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lord Tlomson. owncr ol ̸» Ì·³»-
und Í«²¼¿§ Ì·³»- ol london 1º01÷1º×1
Tlc world lus known tlrcc rcvolutions in tlc kccping. prcscnting. com-
municuting und ucccssing ol inlormution. Unc wus tlc cmcrgcncc ol tlc
writtcn word tlousunds ol ycurs ugo. tlc otlcr wus tlc invcntion ol
printing lundrcds ol ycurs ugo und tlc tlird is still going on. lt is. ol
coursc. tlc lntcrnct ÷ tlc mcuns lor unyonc on tlc plunct to displuy
inlormution tlut cun instuntly bc rcud by unyonc clsc.
ln 1ººu. il you wuntcd inlormution it lud to bc on pupcr or on disk: il
you nccdcd to gct inlormution lrom u librury. you lud to go tlcrc: und
writtcn mcssugcs lud to bc scnt by lux or post. Witlin u lcw ycurs tlis
wus no longcr tlc cusc. Anyonc witl ucccss to u computcr und u modcm
cun now publisl to tlc rcst ol tlc world: rcccivc complcx. gruplic ricl
inlormution ulmost instuntly on scrccn: und. most importunt ol ull lor
rcscurcl. instuntly ucccss most ol tlc world's uccumulutcd (und rupidly
growing) writtcn output. You cun now. lor instuncc. sit in tlc middlc ol
Russiu und rcscurcl und writc u tlorouglly up-to-dutc piccc on Bruziliun
socccr. l know. l luvc donc it.
Tlc lntcrnct lus lookcd up 7u.uuu computcr nctworks ull uround
tlc world. including librurics. dutubuscs. commcrciul compunics. NCUs
(non-govcrnmcntul orgunisutions). univcrsitics. ctc. Lsing u computcr
und u modcm. rcportcrs cun now. cusily und quickly lrom tlc comlorts
ol lomc or ollicc. do tlc lollowing:
· Acccss vust umounts ol inlormution not otlcrwisc rcudily
· Clcck rclcrcnccs in morc dictionurics. cncyclopucdius. guzctccrs.
ulmunucs und glossurics tlun tlcy bclicvcd cxistcd.
· locutc und contuct sourccs und cxpcrts.
· Scurcl urclivcs ol ncws storics.
And tlcn. using tlcir computcr und stundurd soltwurc. tlcy cun ulso:
· Storc tlis inlormution.
· Spccdily munipulutc it.
· loud inlormution onto u dutubusc.
· Scurcl und unulysc tlc dutubusc.
Unly u lool would not tukc udvuntugc ol tlis. lndccd not to usc tlc
lntcrnct lor rcscurcl is bccoming ukin to u rcportcr rclusing to usc tlc
tclcplonc. To tukc just onc lumdrum cxumplc. supposc two journulists
urc uskcd to prcpurc u lcuturc on toxic slock syndromc. tlc condition
somc womcn luvc dcvclopcd ultcr using convcntionul tumpons. Tlis is
low tlcy miglt procccd:
Ѻº´·²» ®»°±®¬»®: Lscs tclcplonc to lind doctors und usk ubout tlcir
cxpcricnccs. linds cxpcrts. usks tlcm lor intcrvicw und usks lor
rclcrcnccs in tlc non-spcciulist prcss. Sccks lcuds to cumpuigncrs on tlc
subjcct. intcrvicws tlcm und lopclully gcts lcd to sullcrcrs. lntcrvicws
tumpon mukcrs.
Ѳ´·²» ®»°±®¬»®æ All ol tlc ubovc. plus: scurclcs subjcct on tlc wcb und
linds sitcs lor cumpuign groups. sitcs giving 'idiot's guidc' to subjcct. sitcs
listing mujor rcccnt urticlcs in journuls. tcstimony ol sullcrcrs und sitcs
lor munulucturcrs disputing blumc lor tlc syndromc. lrom tlcsc sitcs.
obtuins cmuil uddrcsscs lor potcntiul plonc or cmuil intcrvicw: scurclcs
subjcct on ncws story urclivc und linds ull rcccnt ncws und lcuturcs
publislcd in mujor publicutions: gocs to ncwsgroup und mcssugc bourds
run by scll-lclp groups. linds good tcstimony postcd on sitcs. plus lurtlcr
cxpcrts' numcs: contucts tlcsc by cmuil usking pcrmission to quotc und
posing supplcmcntury qucstions. Also discovcrs u good ncws unglc.
giving u ncws story to lront up tlc lcuturc. plus u wcbsitc ol tlc world's
only muscum ol mcnstruution. giving u liglt lcuturc lor tlc luturc.
Wlicl rcportcr gcts tlc ncxt plum job.
ln dculing witl brcuking ncws storics. tlc Nct cun bc cvcn morc
vuluublc. Wlcn rcports ol tlc 1ººº Columbinc sclool mussucrc lirst
brokc. rcportcrs ut my pupcr. 7.uuu milcs uwuy. wcrc ublc to lind
wcbsitcs lor tlc sclool giving picturcs und dctuils ol tlc luyout. sitcs lor
locul TV. rudio und prcss giving running rcports und tlcn lound tlc sitc
run by onc ol tlc two tccnugc gunmcn. And in curly 1ººº. wlcn u clum
bout wcnt down oll tlc coust ol Ncw }crscy. AP rcscurclcrs wcnt to
dutubuscs to obtuin tlc uddrcss ol tlc compuny tlut owncd tlc vcsscl.
tlc dutc ol lcr lust inspcction. tlc uddrcss listory ol u missing crcw
mcmbcr und lis nciglbours' plonc numbcrs ÷ ull witlin lull un lour.
As Robcrt }. Port. spcciul ussignmcnt cditor ut Associutcd Prcss. suys:
Lsing tlc Nct. l cun lind out il u pcrson lus bccn sucd. or divorccd or
wlctlcr lc or slc lus u criminul rccord. l cun locutc witlin livc
UNllNl RlSlARCH ×7
minutcs uny pcrson in tlc Lnitcd Stutcs wlo uscs u crcdit curd or lus
u bunk uccount. und l cun probubly locutc lis or lcr lumily mcmbcrs
und uddrcss listory in lcss tlun ?u minutcs.
But ÷ und it is u big but ÷ tlc lntcrnct lus druwbucks us wcll. lts
immcnsc plus is tlc luntustic volumc ol uvuilublc mutcriul. but tlis is
ulso tlc Nct's biggcst downsidc. ln novicc lunds. tlc luck ol pructicc ut
knowing botl wlut to look lor und wlcrc to lind it spccdily (plus tlc
incvitublc tcmptutions to wundcr oll down irrclcvunt bywuys). cun mukc
Nct rcscurcl u slow und ovcrwlclming tusk. You don't luvc to go lur
to lind journulists wlo will tulk ubout tlc 'world widc wuit' und low
tlcir onc uttcmpt ut scurcling lor inlormution on tlc Nct rcsultcd in
?45.7׺ pugcs bcing rcturncd by u scurcl cnginc. lvcn tlosc wlo
scurcl tlc Nct rcgulurly urc probubly doing it in wuys wlicl cuusc
dcluys und lrustrutions.
lor most ol tlcsc problcms (cxccpt tlc tcmptutions ol bcing
sidctruckcd) tlcrc urc tcclniqucs wlicl solvc or minimisc tlcm und tlis
is wlut tlis cluptcr is ubout. lt ulso covcrs tlc limits und pitlulls ol tlc Nct
tlut journulists slould wutcl out lor.
̸» É»¾
Tlc World Widc Wcb is tlc most conspicuous purt ol tlc lntcrnct. Tlc
worst ol it ÷ clild porn. silly lomcpugcs und sitcs wlicl promisc mucl
but dclivcr littlc ÷ is wcll publiciscd. Tlc bcst ol it is lcss wcll known:
govcrnmcnt sitcs giving immcdiutc ucccss to olliciul dutu. rcports. pluns
und contucts: ucudcmic rcsourccs giving guidcs. urticlcs und dutu on cvcn
tlc most obscurc topics: rclcrcncc mutcriul runging lrom lncyclopucdiu
Britunnicu to singlc-subjcct dutubuscs: ncws sitcs und tlcir urclivcs: und
otlcr rcscurcl sitcs sucl us onlinc tclcplonc dircctorics. diurics ol
lortlcoming ncws cvcnts. pcoplc lindcrs. lists ol public rccords. dutubuscs
ol cxpcrts. uddrcss lindcrs und lAÇ lindcrs. ll you know wlcrc to look.
witlin minutcs you cun lind virtuully uny inlormution: lrom dutubuscs
ol TV uds. lists ol luwycrs spcciulising in uir uccidcnt cluims und sitcs
dcscribing 2.uuu luzurdous substunccs. to urclivcs ol urticlcs on
orguniscd crimc. lists ol tlc world's most tlrcutcncd spccics und
lcgislutors' pottcd biogruplics.
As you build cxpcricncc. you will lind otlcr. morc spcciuliscd uscs ol
tlc Wcb lor rcscurcl: linding sourccs und contucts. rcqucsting
cxpcricnccs on u subjcct you urc invcstiguting. truding inlormution witl
non-rivul journulists und cvcn linding ncw storics.
So wlcrc to sturt. ln my cxpcricncc. guidcs. rutlcr tlun scurcl
cngincs. urc tlc most dircctly productivc plucc to bcgin.
Tlcsc list tlc most usclul sitcs on u subjcct. probubly witl somc notc on
tlcir contcnt. Tlc bcst guidcs luvc bccn compilcd lrom tlc crcum ol
wlut scurcl cngincs ollcr. plus somc out ol-tlc-wuy sitcs tlut cngincs
muy miss. Wlilc tlcrc urc guidcs on tlc Nct to ulmost cvcrytling. tlc
most usclul typc lor journulists is rcscurcl rcsourccs. Tlc lollowing list
ol rcliublc oncs is tlc mcrcst tip ol u globul iccbcrg (LRls luvc not bccn
givcn us tlcsc muy clungc. To lind tlc sitcs. scc tlc scurcling tips lutcr
in tlc cluptcr):
ß³»®·½¿² Ô·¾®¿®§ ß--±½·¿¬·±²: Purticulurly good. lncludcs u guidc to tlc
bcst rclcrcncc sitcs. plus muny otlcr usclul pluccs sucl us pcoplc lindcrs.
roudmups. city guidcs. cmuil uddrcsscs ol tlc lumous. tclcplonc
dircctorics on tlc Nct. listory links. ctc.
ß©»-±³» Ô·-¬-: Still onc ol tlc bcst sclcctions ol good quulity. vcttcd
rclcrcncc sitcs. lxtcnsivc but wcll-cutulogucd.
Þ»¿«½±«°: Collcction ol upproximutcly 1.uuu scurcl cngincs. dircctor-
ics und indiccs lrom ull ovcr tlc world. orguniscd into cutcgorics sucl us
Ccncrul Scurclcrs. Rcvicwcd SitcslWlut's Ncw. Soltwurc. Rclcrcncc.
lducution. Art und Cruplics. SociulllnvironmcntullPoliticul Conccrns
und Consumcr Mcdicinc.
Ý×ß É±®´¼ Ú¿½¬¾±±µ: Wlutcvcr skullduggcry tlcy muy gct up to. tlc
ClA ulso systcmuticully collccts dutu. Tlis sitc givcs country by country
inlormution on u grund sculc ÷ dutu. buckground inlormution und tlc
lutcst trcnds in cucl country.
Ú·²¼»®Í»»µ»®: Tlis cluims to bc tlc scurcl cnginc lor scurcl cngincs
und is not lur oll tlut. You cun scurcl lor u scurcl cnginc by subjcct.
kcyword or country.
ײº±²¿¬·±²: Tlc LN's guidc to dctuilcd dutu lor cvcry mcmbcr stutc.
lncludcs cvcrytling lrom tlc busic cconomic ligurcs to dcutl rutcs. cur
owncrslip. ctc.
ײ¬»®²¿¬·±²¿´¿ºº¿·®-ò½±³: lxtcnsivc storc ol dutu. rcports und u purticu-
lurly good guidc to tlc world's mcdiu.
ײ¬»®²»¬ Í´»«¬¸: lircctory ol scurcl cngincs. witl bricl dcscriptions und
scurcl lorms lor morc tlun ?.uuu scurclublc sitcs on tlc Wcb.
Ô·¾®¿®·¿²-K ײ¼»¨ ̱ ̸» ײ¬»®²»¬: A scurclublc dircctory ol Wcb
rcsourccs. orgunizcd into 'bcst ol'. 'dircctorics'. 'dutubuscs' und 'spccilic
Ò»»¼´» ײ ß Ý§¾»®-¬¿½µ: Silly titlc it muy luvc. but tlis is tlc bcst singlc
onlinc rcscurcl sitc. Civcs links to muin rclcrcncc sitcs. plus lundrcds ol
otlcrs. sucl us ull clcctronic journuls. u lAÇ lindcr. worldwidc plonc
books. world muscum guidc. tlc bcst pcoplc lindcr. ctc.
Ò±®¬¸ Ø¿®®·- ݱ´´»¹» Ô·¾®¿®§ Ѳ´·²» Ù«·¼» ̱ ËÍ Ù±ª»®²³»²¬ ײº±®³¿¬·±²:
Acccss to u vust storc ol inlormution. wlicl lus mucl rclcrcncc mutcriul
und ncw dutu usclul lor gcncrul. non-LS rcscurcl. lncludcs link to
CUVBUT. tlc LS govcrnmcnt scurcl cnginc. und u supcrb guidc to dutu
on countrics worldwidc.
®»-»¿®½¸¾«¦¦ò½±³: A constuntly upduting guidc to wlut is uvuilublc to
-»¿®½¸»²¹·²»½±´±--«-ò½±³: Lsclul list ol scurcl cngincs by country.
̸» λ¿¼§ λº»®»²½» п¹»: A listing ol grcut wcb rcsourccs buscd on tlc
lcwcy Clussilicution systcm. Compilcd by tlc rclcrcncc libruriuns ol
lukcwood Public librury.
Û¨°»®¬ Ú·²¼»®-: Scurclublc dutubusc ol contuct dctuils lor lurgc
numbcrs ol cxpcrts.
Û¨°»®¬-ò½±³: Unc ol tlc bcst scrviccs. Hus u scurcl cnginc wlicl lcuds
you to u listing ol cxpcrts. including lull contuct dctuils und somc
indicution ol tlcir crcdcntiuls.
з¬-½±K- ß-µ ß² Û¨°»®¬: Unc ol tlc morc lumous cxpcrt rcsourccs onlinc.
Hus wcbsitc links. cmuil uddrcsscs und dcscriptions ol ovcr ?uu cxpcrts
willing to unswcr qucstions.
Ö±«®²¿´·-³ ®»-±«®½»-
ll you luvc uny doubts ubout tlc vuluc ol tlc lntcrnct. spcnd un idlc lour
vicwing somc ol wlut is bclow und bc convcrtcd. lvcn ultcr six ycurs ol
using tlcm. l luvc still not cxplorcd unytling likc ull tlc sitcs tlut cun
givc you insiglts. tips und un cdgc. wlutcvcr kind ol rcporting or cditing
you do.
ÚßÝÍÒÛÌ: lncludcs buckground inlormution on muny issucs. tools lor
tuming tlc Nct und otlcr uids lor rcscurcling storics und undcrstund-
ing public policy issucs.
ÉÉÉ Ê·®¬«¿´ Ô·¾®¿®§æ Ö±«®²¿´·-³: Contuins scctions on ull uspccts ol
tlc industry. plus u link to discussion groups.
̸» Þ»¿¬ п¹»: Scrviccs lor journulists viu cmuil or commcrciul scrviccs.
ËÒ Ú±«²¼¿¬·±² É·®»: lxccllcnt ncws ulcrt scrvicc. Nccds rcgistrution by
tlc uscr.
б§²¬»® ײ-¬·¬«¬»: Hus onc ol tlc bcst lists ol journulism sitcs. plus mucl
˲·ª»®-·¬§ ±º Ó·¿³· ݱ³°«¬»® ß--·-¬»¼ λ°±®¬·²¹ Í·¬»: An cxtruordinury
rcsourcc giving dctuilcd tutoriuls on muny ncw skills.
б©»®Î»°±®¬·²¹ò½±³: Tlousunds ol lrcc rcscurcl rcsourccs lor journul-
ists. updutcd duily. Cutcgorics includc pcoplc lindcrs. scurcl tools. cmuil
ulcrts. bcut-by-bcut. ctc. Tlcrc is ulso u supcrb scction on computcr
ussistcd rcporting sitcs.
Ò»©- -·¬»-
Tlc bcst und quickcst gcncrul ncws sitcs urc:
ÞÞÝ É±®´¼ Í»®ª·½»
Not only un cxccllcnt onlinc globul ncws scrvicc. but ulso lus u supcrbly
dctuilcd guidc to upcoming storics. conlcrcnccs. mcctings. triuls.
clcctions. ctcò
Ü®«¼¹» λ°±®¬
Tlis is tlc lumous Nct ncws sitc tlut brokc scvcrul kcy storics in tlc
Monicu lcwinsky cyclc. lts lront pugc is u good sclcction ol tlc bcst ncws
wirc scrviccs uround. Not tlc most comprclcnsivc. but tlc lustcst und
cusicst to usc.
A wondcrlully complctc world list ol govcrnmcnt. mcdiu und wirc ncws
To look lor spccilic ncws storics. go lirst to u ncws sitc wlcrc you will
lind mujor brcuking storics listcd. Cood oncs urc tlc ubovc. plus BBC. Nundo.nct. lxcitc's Ncwstruckcr or Nortlcrn liglt's Ncws.
lor loculiscd storics. scurcl tlc rcgionul mcdiu's wcbsitcs. Yuloo lus u
quick guidc to mcdiu in uny urcu. Tlc bcst ncws urclivc by lur is ²»©-
·²¼»¨ò½±³. Scurcl uny topic und it lists lundrcds ol tlc most rcccnt storics
lrom wircs und pupcrs uround tlc world.
Tlcrc urc two typcs ol scurcl ussistuncc on tlc wcb:
Tlcsc urc lund-pickcd listings likc Yuloo. wlcrc sitcs urc submittcd lor
considcrution. munuully rcvicwcd und displuycd in u dclibcrutcly
munugcublc quuntity. Tlcir dutubuscs. lowcvcr. contuin u surprisingly
smull portion ol tlc Wcb. Yuloo. lor cxumplc. lists only ubout onc ?5u
ol ull uvuilublc sitcs. lts vcry limits. lowcvcr. oltcn mukc it u good sturting
Í»¿®½¸ »²¹·²»-
Tlcsc. sucl us HotBot. crcutc tlcir listings uutomuticully. Progrummcs
cullcd spidcrs cruwl tlc Wcb. copy tlc pugcs und tlcn. wlcn u scurcl
subjcct is cntcrcd. list tlcm in wlut tlcy tlink is tlc ordcr ol rclcvuncc.
UNllNl RlSlARCH º1
But scurcl cngincs urc not totully comprclcnsivc listings ol ull tlut is
on tlc Nct. Tlcy urc dutubuscs und dutubuscs cun only put out wlut
somconc lus put into tlcm. Civcn tlc vust sizc ol tlc Wcb (wlicl is
rising by tcns ol millions ol pugcs u ycur). it is no wondcr tlut cvcn tlc
lurgcst scurcl cngincs covcr only 10÷17 pcr ccnt ol uvuilublc wcbsitcs.
Most ol tlc bcst-known oncs covcr u mcrc tcn pcr ccnt ol tlc Wcb. Sincc
scurcl cngincs urc tlc only wuy to know wlut is out tlcrc. wc tlus luvc
tlc littlc-known trutl tlut. lor tlc pcrson wlo only uscs onc scurcl
cnginc. bctwccn ×5÷ºu pcr ccnt ol tlc Wcb will bc u closcd book.
lillcrcnt scurcl cngincs work in dillcrcnt wuys und only by using tlcm
will you lind wlicl suits you. An cxccllcnt guidc to using scurcl cngincs
und tlcir dillcrcnt lcuturcs is ut -»¿®½¸»²¹·²»©¿¬½¸ò½±³ò A lirm gcncrul
rulc wlcn scurcling is to bc us spccilic us you cun. A rcqucst lor 'lust
Timor militiu' will bc u lot morc cllicicnt tlun onc lor just 'militiu'. You
slould ulso bc uwurc ol tlc dillcrcnt scurclcs you cun gct. Hcrc is u bricl
Ó¿¬½¸ ß²§: lispluys pugcs contuining uny ol tlc tcrms you luvc uskcd
lor. Cun producc vcry long rcsults. Most ol tlc big scurcl cngincs will do
tlis by dcluult. listing lirst pugcs tlut luvc ull your tcrms. tlcn somc ol
tlcm. ctc.
Ó¿¬½¸ ß´´: Scurclcs lor pugcs contuining ull your tcrms. rutlcr tlun
uny ol tlcm. Lsc tlc + symbol to cntcr two or morc tcrms. lor cxumplc.
+turkcy +curtlquukc would scurcl lor pugcs mcntioning only botl ol
tlosc tlings.
Û¨½´«¼»: Rcmovcs documcnts tlut contuin ccrtuin words. lor cxumplc.
wunting inlormution on Clinton und Wuco. but knowing you will gct u
lot ol rclcrcnccs to tlc lcwinsky ulluir. you could climinutc tlosc by using
tlc ÷ commund: +Clinton +Wuco ÷lcwinsky. Tlut rcmovcs uny pugcs
on Monicu lcwinsky.
и®¿-» Í»¿®½¸·²¹: Lsing tlc plus symbols tclls u scurcl cnginc to rcturn
ull pugcs mcntioning tlosc words. A scurcl lor +Kcnyu +wildlilc
+vucutions will rcturn pugcs wlicl curry ull tlosc words. But somc muy
bc pugcs muinly ubout vucutions und luvc only u pussing rclcrcncc to
wildlilc und Kcnyu. Plrusc scurcling is tlc solution. Tlis linds
documcnts tlut contuin words in tlc cxuct ordcr you spccily. You cun
do tlis by cnclosing your tcrms witlin quotution murks. us in ¨Kcnyu
wildlilc vucutions`. Tlis rcturns only sitcs wlicl usc tlosc words. in tlut
Ì·¬´» Í»¿®½¸·²¹: Will lind u word or plrusc only wlcn it is uscd in tlc
titlc ol wcb pugcs. tlus climinuting pugcs wlcrc tlc scurcl tcrm is uscd
only in pussing in tlc body ol tlc tcxt. To do it. writc in tlc scurcl licld:
titlc:tlc word(s) you wunt scurclcd
Lsc tlc commund t: instcud ol titlc: lor Yuloo.
Í·¬» Í»¿®½¸: Scurclcs only pugcs lrom u spccilic domuin. lntcr
domuin:tlc numc ol tlc domuin (i.c..
Most scurcl cngincs usc tlc prclix domuin: lor tlcsc kinds ol scurclcs.
Altu Vistu uscs lost:.
ݱ³¾·²·²¹: Any ol tlc ubovc rclincmcnts cun bc combincd to givc morc
spccilic scurclcs. Tlis is cullcd 'ncsting' und ullows you to build complcx
qucrics by tlc usc ol bruckcts. likc tlis:
impcuclmcnt ANl (clinton UR jolnson)
Tlcsc strings cun bc us long us you likc und ncstcd qucrics cun bc uscd
in conjunction witl + und -. To gct cvcn morc spccilic scurclcs. combinc
uny ol tlc ubovc rclincmcnts. So. lor instuncc. to scurcl only LN pugcs
lor inlormution ubout lust Timor. cntcr: ¨lust Timor`
ll u scurcl lor ¨lust Timor`. gcts un ovcrwlclming list ol rcsults lrom tlc
LN. try gctting rid ol LN pugcs by doing tlis:
¨lust Timor`
ll you wunt to rcstrict yourscll to scurcling only univcrsity sitcs. tlcn
¨lust Timor` +domuin:cdu
And il you wunt to scurcl only Britisl sitcs:
¨lust Timor` +lost:uk
É·´¼½¿®¼- øö÷: ll you don't know tlc spclling ol u word. or wunt to
scurcl lor ull roots ol tlc word (i.c.. wulk. wulking und wulkcd) udd tlc
* symbol to your scurcl subjcct. Somc cngincs do tlis uutomuticully.
Ò¿¬«®¿´ Ô¿²¹«¿¹»: Tlis is scurcling by usking u qucstion ¨Wlcrc is tlc
sourcc ol tlc Nilc.` limitcd usclulncss. cxccpt wlcn ull clsc lus luilcd.
ß¼ª¿²½»¼ -»¿®½¸ º»¿¬«®»-
Most scrviccs luvc udvunccd scurcl pugcs tlut givc morc control ovcr
your qucry. or lct you crcutc morc complcx oncs. To know wlut tlcy
ollcr. study tlc scurcl cnginc's lclp pugc. HotBot. lor instuncc. lus u
UNllNl RlSlARCH º?
vcry dctuilcd udvunccd scurcl wlicl ullows you to spccily plruscs.
lunguugc. u word liltcr. dutc. mcdiu cxclusions (imugc. uudio.
Slockwuvc). domuins. gcogruplic origin. ctc.
Spccilic lcuturcs ollcrcd by most muin scurcl cngincs includc:
λ-«´¬- Ý´«-¬»®·²¹: Rcsults cun bc dominutcd by pugcs lrom onc sitc.
To uvoid tlis. usc tlc clustcring lcuturc. Tlis ullows only onc pugc pcr
sitc to bc listcd.
Ú·²¼ Í·³·´¿®: ll onc rcsult sccms tlc vcry onc you nccd. usc tlc ¨lind
Similur` lcuturc to lind otlcrs likc it. lxcitc. u scurcl cnginc. is cllcctivc
lor sucl scurclcs.
ͱ®¬ Þ§ Ü¿¬»: Crcut idcu in tlcory. but so muny wcbsitcs uutomuticully
curry tlc currcnt dutc tlut wlut you urc ultcr ÷ tlc dutc on wlicl tlcy
wcrc compilcd ÷ is not uvuilublc. Sumc upplics to 'dutc rungc' lcuturc.
Í»¿®½¸ É·¬¸·²: Allows u scurcl witlin tlc rcsult you luvc just
gcncrutcd. Scurcl ¨Ncw York`. tlcn cntcr ¨Bullulo` und sclcct ¨scurcl
witlin` option: you tlcn gct only sitcs mcntioning tlis city witlin your
initiul rcsults.
Ú·²¼ ¬¸» л®-±²: Tlis scurclcs tlc Wcb und ncws groups lor rclcrcnccs
to u spccilic pcrson. HotBot lus un cxccllcnt lunction lor tlis.
Þ±±´»¿² Í»¿®½¸·²¹: Tlcsc urc tlc communds (ANllUR. ctc.) tlut luvc
long bccn uscd by computcr prolcssionuls scurcling dutubuscs. Tlc +
und ÷ communds scrvc mucl tlc sumc lunction. ll you wunt to gct vcry
scrious ubout Wcb scurcling. go to onc ol tlc muny sitcs wlicl ollcr u
Boolcun tutoriul.
ر© ¬± »ª¿´«¿¬» É»¾ °¿¹»-
Tlc lntcrnct is not un opportunity tlut lus bccn wustcd on tlc
unlingcd. cxlibitionist und boring. Sccing crcdibility lluws in tlc
wcbsitcs ol tlc sligltly mud is not dillicult. Nor is it lurd to spot tlc
lopclcssly biuscd ollcrings lrom uctivists und singlc-issuc obscssivcs. Tlc
problcm comcs witl sitcs tlut look pluusiblc. but wlicl urcn't. You luvc
to dcvclop tlc rudur to dctcct tlcsc. usking ull tlc usuul qucstions wlcn
upproucling uny sourcc (Wlo is bclind tlis. Wly urc tlcy putting tlis
out. Wlut's includcd. Wlut's bccn lclt out.). Hcrc is wlut to look out
lor bcyond tlc luncy gruplics.
Û¨½»--·ª» ¼»-·¹²
A good rulc ol tlumb is tlut il u sitc lus uds. prctty littlc picturcs. rotuting
gils und otlcr urt-dcsk trickcry. it will bc lcss usclul lor scrious rcscurcl
tlun u morc prosuic-looking onc.
Í·¬»- ¬¸¿¬ ´¿½µ ¿ ³»¿²- ±º ½±²¬¿½¬
ll tlc sitc lus no uddrcss. plonc numbcr or cmuil. bc suspicious. Altcr
ull. wly don't tlcy wunt you to gct in toucl.
Ò± ³±¼·º·½¿¬·±² ¼¿¬»
A dutc lor wlcn tlc sitc wus updutcd is u good sign. providing it is un
uutlcntic onc. But muny sitcs urc uutomuticully progrummcd to bcur
tlc currcnt duy's dutc. Browscrs ullow you to clcck tlis by vicwing tlc
sourcc dutu. wlicl slould suy wlcn u sitc wus crcutcd und lust modilicd.
É¿¬½¸ ËÎÔ-
Muny domuin sullixcs givc u good cluc ubout tlc originuting orgunisu-
tion: gov. mcuns olliciul. cdu. or uc. mcuns uunivcrsityundcom.
tclls youtlis is tlcsitcol ucommcrciul compuny. But domuinsullixcs likc
nct. und org. cun mcun unytling ÷ und oltcn do. ll tlc LRl is dctuilcd.
tlcrccunoltcnbc udditonul clucs. Atildc (-) usuullyindicutcs upcrsonul
wcb dircctory. rutlcr tlunpurt ol tlc orgunisution's olliciul wcbsitc.
Û¨½»--·ª» °¿¹»ó¬«®²·²¹
Sitcs tlut scnd you tlrougl u lubyrintl ol pugcs to gct to wlcrc you wunt
to go is u sign tlut tlc opcrutors urc morc intcrcstcd in clocking up u lurgc
umount ol pugc vicws (und tlus incrcusing tlcir potcntiul udvcrtising
tukc) tlun dclivcring inlormution cllicicntly.
Ѭ¸»® ¬·°- º±® -«®º»®-
Ì«®² ±ºº ¹®¿°¸·½-
lt docs not muttcr low lust your conncction. imugcs udd lugcly to
downloud timc. ll you urc intcrcstcd in gctting lust inlormution. us
opposcd to vicwing prctty picturcs. turn oll tlc imugcs und tlc tcxt will
loud ulmost instuntuncously. You cun ulso spccd downloud by turning
oll }uvu.
Ñ´¼ ½±³°«¬»®- °®»º»® ±´¼»® ¾®±©-»®-
Browscrs urc ulwuys bcing upgrudcd. Wlilc tlcir ncw lcuturcs miglt
sound tcmpting. lcw. il uny. improvc tlc busic ucquisition ol tcxt
inlormution. Tlcy ulso rcquirc morc mcmory to cxccutc. ll you luvc un
oldcr computcr. stick witl tlc oldcr browscr. lt will run lur bcttcr.
UNllNl RlSlARCH º5
Ê·®«- ½¸»½µ
Viruscs gct into your computcr viu disks und downloudcd lilcs. Scun
cvcrytling you downloud. using up-to-dutc virus-clccking soltwurc.
Bcttcr still. run u utility tlut uutomuticully scuns ull downloudcd
mutcriul. including cmuil uttuclmcnts.
Í«¾-½®·¾» ¬± »³¿·´ «°¼¿¬»- ¿²¼ ¼·¹»-¬-
Muny wcbsitcs will scnd you cmuil wlcn tlcy'vc bccn updutcd. Most will
includc LRls ol tlc cxuct locution plus dcscription.
Tlcsc urc tlc lorums on tlc lntcrnct. opcn to unyonc. Tlcrc urc morc
tlun 17.uuu ol tlcm. covcring cvcrytling lrom clussicul music to
prcviously unknown spccics ol pornogruply. Muny urc lrivolous but
tlcrc urc morc scrious ncwsgroups tlun you miglt imuginc. Somc. likc
ult.disustcrs.uviution. urc occupicd by conspirucy tlcorists. but tlcrc urc
cnougl groups witl inlormutivc. scnsiblc postings to mukc rcgulur visits
wortlwlilc. Muny ncwsgroups urc rcgulurly uscd by ucudcmics und
otlcrs witl scrious crcdcntiuls. Ccncrully. spcciuliscd ncwsgroups urc
morc likcly to luvc usclul postings. Uvcrull. it is wortl lull un lour ol
uny journulist's timc to downloud tlc lull list ol groups supplicd by your
lSP und go tlrougl it. noting uny wlicl covcr your intcrcsts.
Ncwsgroups urc clussilicd by vurious prclixcs: ult. (mcuning gcncrul
intcrcsts). comp. (lor computcr topics). rcc. (sport und lcisurc). soc.
(culturul und sociul muttcrs) und country prclixcs likc uk.. jup.. dc. (lor
Ccrmuny). ctc. Tlcrc urc muny sub-clussilicutions. likc ult.currcnt-cvcnts
(wlicl lus ?0 groups). ult.uctivism lor cumpuigning (c.g..
ult.uctivism.dcutlpcnulty) und ult.lun wlicl is lor groups dcdicutcd to
vurious cclcbritics ÷ oltcn vcry usclul il you urc writing u prolilc. ln
umong tlc brcutllcss mcssugcs ol udmirution will bc. il notling clsc. links
to dctuilcd biogruplicul wcbsitcs.
Tlc vuluc ol ncwsgroups is tlrcclold:
̱ ¹·ª» ¿ ¹»²»®¿´ º»»´ º±® ¬¸» ½«®®»²¬ ·--«»- ·² ¿² ¿®»¿
Co to ult.cnvironmcnt.pollution. lor instuncc. und livc minutcs rcuding
will tcll you wlut urc tlc lot topics in tlis urcu.
̱ °·½µ «° -¬±®·»-
Tlcrc urc ulwuys postings wlicl contuin potcntiul storics. purticulurly
contributions lrom quulilicd cxpcrts. Tlcrc urc ulso u lot ol groups likcly
to luvc postings tlut comc closc to brcuking tlc luw. Ncwsgroups wlicl
urc truding posts (in untiquitics or rurc birds und unimuls. lor instuncc)
oltcn contuin tlc sturting point lor u good invcstigution.
̱ º·²¼ -±«®½»-
ll you urc looking lor sourccs. or quulilicd cxpcrts in u licld. go to u
ncwsgroup tlut dculs witl tlc topic und you urc surc to lind postings
lrom sucl pcoplc. You cun tlcn cmuil tlcm qucstions or u rcqucst to tulk.
l luvc ncvcr known sucl un upproucl luil to work. Howcvcr. bc tuctlul.
Ncwsgroups uttruct obscssivcs wlo jculously guurd wlut tlcy scc us tlc
intcgrity ol tlcir group und cun bc lostilc to clumsy upprouclcs by
Ncwsgroups' urclivcs urc onc ol tlc most usclul urcus ol tlc lntcrnct
lor rcscurcl. Tlcsc urc scrviccs wlicl cutuloguc ull postings. typicully
lor ubout u ycur. Tlcy luvc u scurcl cnginc wlicl lcts you lind postings
on subjccts ucross ull ncwsgroups. To tukc un cxumplc lrom my
cxpcricncc: u ncw trum systcm wus bcing built in u town. l scurclcd tlc
urclivc lor postings ubout tlis und rclutcd sclcmcs und up cumc
mcssugcs ubout low tlc lirm bclind tlc sclcmc lud pcrlormcd in otlcr
urcus. A good ncwsgroup urclivc is ¼»¶¿²»©-ò½±³.
Ó»--¿¹» ¾±¿®¼-
Tlcsc urc noticcbourds run oll u wcbsitc. Tlcy cun dclivcr ull tlc bcnclits
ol ncwsgroups. witl tlc uddcd vuluc ol somconc wccding out tlc
irrclcvunt or mud postings. Mcssugc bourds will only rurcly bc urclivcd
und tlcrc is no systcmutic wuy to lind tlcm. Tlc most lruitlul lunting
ground lor tlc morc scriously usclul oncs is u guidc sitc on tlc subjcct.
Tlcsc urc muiling lists wlicl spcciulisc in u subjcct. You subscribc to tlc
list und urc tlcn scnt. us cmuils. mcssugcs wlicl pcoplc contributc to tlc
list. lists gcncrully covcr morc scrious subjccts tlun mcssugc bourds und
tlc postings tcnd to bc lur morc usclul tlun tlosc in ncwsgroups or
mcssugc bourds. lists urc normully modcrutcd by un ucudcmic. or u
scrious cntlusiust. A good cxumplc is tlc Computcr Assistcd Rcporting
Somc lists tcnd to bc bricl notilicutions ol dcvclopmcnts (plus muybc
links to sitcs wlicl givc conlcrcncc pupcrs. rcports. ctc.). Utlcr lists urc
muinly discussions. Howcvcr. somc lists cun bc vcry uctivc und gcncrutc
up to u dozcn or morc cmuils u duy. Lnsubscribing. tlougl. is ncvcr u
UNllNl RlSlARCH º7
problcm. Tlc bcst wuy to lind lists is viu ucudcmic sitcs wlicl givc
rcsourccs lor u subjcct. Mulkovicl's journulism rcsourccs sitc lus u pugc
citing u good numbcr ol journulism lists. A scurcl cnginc lor ull lists is ut
̸» º·®-¬ ¼«¬§ ±º ¬¸» °®»-- ·- ¬± ±¾¬¿·² ¬¸» »¿®´·»-¬ ¿²¼ ³±-¬ ½±®®»½¬ ·²¬»´´·ó
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lditor ol ̸» Ì·³»-. london 1×52
ײª»-¬·¹¿¬·ª» λ°±®¬·²¹
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¬¸» ½±²¬®¿®§ò
Puul Crcy
Tlcrc is usclool ol journulistic tlouglt tlut curls its lipundsnccrs ut tlc
vcry mcntion ol tlc words 'invcstigutivc rcporting'. lt urgucs tlut. sincc
ull rcporting is invcstigutivc. tlc plrusc is mcuninglcss. ll only tlut wcrc
truc. But somc rcportingis invcstigutivc only intlc most busic scnsc. lt is
tlc journulistic cquivulcnt ol tlc singlc-ccll crcuturc und bcurs ubout us
muclrcscmbluncctotlcsubjcct ol tliscluptcrusumocbucdotolumuns.
ɸ¿¬ ·- ·²ª»-¬·¹¿¬·ª» ®»°±®¬·²¹á
lnvcstigutivc rcporting is substuntiully dillcrcnt lrom otlcr kinds und
tlcrc urc lour lcuturcs tlut distinguisl it.
Ñ®·¹·²¿´ ®»-»¿®½¸
lnvcstigutivc rcporting is not u summury or piccing togctlcr ol otlcrs'
lindings und dutu. but originul rcscurcl curricd out by journulists oltcn
using tlc ruwcst ol mutcriul. lt cun bc cxtcnsivc intcrvicwing. or
mutcling und compuring lucts und ligurcs und discovcring prcviously
unknown puttcrns und conncctions.
̸» -«¾¶»½¬ ·²ª±´ª»- ©®±²¹¼±·²¹ ±® ²»¹´·¹»²½» º±® ©¸·½¸ ¬¸»®» ·- ²±
°«¾´·-¸»¼ »ª·¼»²½»
Ultcn you luvc suspicions ol wrongdoing or ncgligcncc but luvc no prool
und ncitlcr docs unyonc clsc. You nccd to uccumulutc cvidcncc und tlis
rcquircs lur morc timc und prolongcd cllort tlun ordinury rcporting. lt
muy ulso involvc morc tlun onc rcportcr.
ͱ³»±²» ·- ¬®§·²¹ ¬± µ»»° ¬¸» ·²º±®³¿¬·±² -»½®»¬
Tlis is truc ol u lot ol rcporting. but in duy-to-duy work. tlcrc is oltcn u
point ut wlicl you luvc to stop und rcport wlut you luvc lound or not
lound. lnvcstigutivc rcporting sturts ut tlc point wlcrc tlc duy-to-duy
work stops. lt docs not ucccpt tlc sccrccy und tlc rclusul ol olliciuls to
givc tlc inlormution. lt linds out lor itscll.
̸» -¬¿µ»- ¿®» ¸·¹¸
Tlc kudos und pridc you gct wlcn tlc story works out cun bc considcr-
ublc. but so cun tlc umount ol dirt litting tlc lun wlcn it ull gocs wrong.
Considcr tlc Ý·²½·²²¿¬· Û²¯«·®»®K- cxpcricnccs in 1ºº×. ln Muy ol tlut
ycur tlcy publislcd u lront pugc story und un 1×-pugc scction dcvotcd to
u ycur-long invcstigution into tlc intcrnutionul bununu lirm. Cliquitu
Brunds. Hcudlincd 'Cliquitu Sccrcts Rcvculcd'. tlc pupcr ullcgcd tlut
Cliquitu sccrctly controllcd dozcns ol supposcdly indcpcndcnt bununu
lirms. tlut it und its subsidiurics uscd pcsticidcs tlut tlrcutcncd tlc
lcultl ol workcrs und ncurby rcsidcnts. tlut cmployccs cngugcd in
bribcry in Colombiu und tlut its slips lud smugglcd cocuinc into luropc.
All. lowcvcr. wus not quitc us it sccmcd. ln tlc issuc ol 2× }unc. tlc
pupcr curricd u six-column upology to tlc compuny ucross tlc top ol tlc
lront pugc. totully rcpudiuting tlc invcstigution. lt lircd its lcud invcs-
tigutivc rcportcr und it ugrccd to puy Cliquitu no lcss tlun S1u million.
Tlc problcm wus not tlc vcrucity (or otlcrwisc) ol tlc cvidcncc. but
tlc mctlods cmploycd to obtuin it. Tlcsc involvcd ucccss to intcrnul
voiccmuil mcssugcs ol tlc compuny und tlc issuc wus low tlis ucccss
wus obtuincd. Tlc compuny ullcgcd tlut tlc rcportcr poscd qucstions
und tlcn tuppcd into tlcir muilboxcs to cuvcsdrop on tlcir intcrnul
discussion on tlc issucs tlc rcportcr lud ruiscd. Tlc pupcr. in muking
tlc upology und scttlcmcnt. uppcurcd to ucccpt tlc tlrust ol tlcsc
ullcgutions. ln u publislcd stutcmcnt. tlc pupcr suid tlut tlc rcportcr
lud mislcd tlcm ovcr tlc sourcc ol tlc voiccmuil mcssugcs. lt wus ncvcr
clcur. lowcvcr. il tlcrc wus uny substuncc to tlc publislcd storics.
Tlc loss ol crcdibility. plus tlc S1u million. mudc tlis u vcry costly
invcstigution. lortunutcly. lor cvcry cpisodc likc tlis. tlcrc urc muny
morc wlicl wcrc rcwurding. Tlcy rungc lrom Ncllic Bly's cxposurc ol
uppulling conditions insidc usylums lor Ò»© DZ®µ ɱ®´¼. W.T. Stcud's
cxposurc ol clild prostitution in tlc п´´ Ó¿´´ Ù¿¦»¬¬»: und tlc unmusking
ol tlc violcntly rucist Ku Klux Klun by Rolund Tlomus in tlc Ò»© DZ®µ
ɱ®´¼å to tlc uncovcring by Scymour Hcrscl ol tlc My lui mussucrc in
1º0×: tlc Í«²¼¿§ Ì·³»-' cumpuign lor tlc limblcss victims ol tlc drug
tlulidomidc: und Curl Bcrnstcin und Bob Woodwurd's Wutcrgutc invcs-
tigution in tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬. Tlcy ulso includc muny morc loculiscd
storics. wlicl cxposcd ncglcct und so clungcd livcs lor tlc bcttcr. A
clussic cusc is tlc ß´¿¾¿³¿ Ö±«®²¿´Ks invcstigution into tlc stutc's inlunt
mortulity rccord in 1º×7 ÷ ut 1? dcutls pcr 1.uuu. it wus tlc worst ol
uny stutc in tlc union. Tlc pupcr run u 2u-purt scrics wlicl lcd to tlc
Stutc Mcdicuid ugcncy quudrupling lunding lor prcnutul progrummcs
und u dctcrmincd drivc to bring bcttcr lcultl curc to poor motlcrs. By
1ºº4 Alubumu's inlunt mortulity rutc lud slrunk by 2u pcr ccnt. By tlc
cnd ol tlc ccntury. tlcrc wcrc ncurly 1.uuu clildrcn wlo owcd tlcir
vcry cxistcncc to tlis scrics. lt's dillicult to imuginc morc productivc
rcporting tlun tlut.
linully. wlut is ut stukc cun cvcn includc your pcrsonul sulcty. ln
countrics wlcrc orguniscd crimc is widcsprcud. invcstigutivc rcporting
is u potcntiully lctlul prolcssion. ln Russiu. tlc Ó±-µ±ª-µ· Õ±³-±´»¬-
rcportcr. limitri Klolodov. wus invcstiguting urmy corruption. An
unonymous sourcc rung lim onc duy in tlc uutumn ol 1ºº4 und suid
tlut u bug ol documcnts lud bccn lclt lor lim ut Kuzun Stution. Klolodov
collcctcd tlcm und took tlc bug buck to lis ollicc. Wlcn lc opcncd it.
tlc bug cxplodcd. killing lim. And in tlc summcr ol 1ºº2. Pcruviun
rcportcr Adollo lsuizu Lrquiu wus invcstiguting drug dculing lor tlc duily
Ô¿ λ°«¾´·½¿. ln August lc numcd u mujor drug trullickcr wlo wus bcing
protcctcd by tlc urmcd lorccs. 'Tlc urmy docs not wunt to liglt tcrrorism
bccuusc it livcs oll drug trullicking'. lc wrotc. A lcw duys lutcr. on 27
August. lis body wus lound in tlc Rivcr Huullugu. Hc lud bccn torturcd
und stubbcd. Anyonc considcring digging uround in tlcsc urcus slould
curclully wcigl uny risk involvcd. lcud rcportcrs cun't rcport.
Ю±¼«½¬·ª» ¿®»¿- ¬± ·²ª»-¬·¹¿¬»
lnvcstigutivc rcporting sturts witl u snill ol u story. or tlc luncl tlut in
somc subjcct lics tlc sccds ol onc. Tlc muin tling ut tlis stugc is to tlink
curclully ubout tlc 'bcst cusc' outcomc und considcr wlctlcr tlc story
will bc wortl tlc cllort und timc rcquircd. ll it is not going to bc pugc onc.
lorgct it. Spcciuliscd invcstigutivc units in purticulur cun cusily gct
obscsscd witl u story tlut is lur too nurrow to bc ol importuncc to gcncrul
rcudcrs. Submit your plunncd inquiry to tlc lcudlinc tcst: il tlc
unticiputcd outcomc docs not mukc u sturtling lcudlinc. tlcn you urc
probubly going to wustc your timc.
Potcntiully. good invcstigutions cun bc lound in ulmost uny urcu ol
public lilc. Two broud cutcgorics. lowcvcr. urc purticulurly lruitlul:
uctivitics und orgunisutions tlut do tlcir work in rcmotc pluccs or
otlcrwisc uwuy lrom tlc public guzc: und pcoplc und institutions tlut
suddcnly gct tlrust into tlc spotliglt. uppcur to luvc 'comc lrom
nowlcrc' und uround wlicl u mytlology lus spccdily grown. Tlcy urc
pcoplc und institutions wlicl sccm to luvc no buckground. But tlcy
will. und in tlut buckground tlcrc is ulmost surc to bc u good story.
Compunics und linunciul institutions. cspcciully ol tlc 'gct ricl quick'
vuricty. urc u liglly lcrtilc ground lor somc journulistic digging. Sink
your spudc into u ncwlunglcd und liglly publiciscd invcstmcnt sclcmc
und you cun bct your sulury tlut tlcrc will bc dirt tlcrc. Tlc Romuniun
pyrumid lunds ol tlc curly 1ººus urc u primc cusc ol u misscd
opportunity. Unc tlut wus not misscd. und u clussic cxumplc ol tlis typc
ol rcporting. wus tlc story ol Clurlcs Ponzi. or. us lc likcd to cull limscll.
Tlc Crcut Ponzi.
A lot ol pcoplc bclicvcd lim. Morc tlun 4u.uuu Amcricuns plungcd
tlcir suvings into lis sclcmc. lurcd in by lis plcdgc to puy tlcm. witlin
ºu duys. S2.5u lor cvcry S1 invcstcd. lcspitc wurnings lrom linunciul
cxpcrts tlut lis sums did not udd up. Ponzi wus. ut onc point in 1º2u.
ruking in S2uu.uuu u duy. ln 1× montls. lc collcctcd morc tlun S15
lt wus ull buscd on currcncy cxclungc rutcs. His compuny would tukc
your invcstmcnt. und scnd it ovcrscus. wlcrc lis ugcnts would buy lntcr-
nutionul Postul Lnion rcply coupons ut dcprcsscd rutcs und tlcn scll
tlcm in otlcr lorcign outposts ut u liglcr rutc. Tlut wus Ponzi's story
und tlousunds joincd tlc rusl to luvc tlcir invcstmcnt curn moncy
lustcr tlun tlcy could. Tlc rculity. ol coursc. wus tlut lc wus puying
ncw customcrs witl tlc moncy lrom old oncs. ln tlc wlolc lilc ol lis
compuny it trudcd in lorcign currcncy witl only S?u ol tlc originul S15
But tlc llood ol pcoplc wlo crowdcd tlc sidcwulks outsidc lis olliccs.
qucuing lor tlc cluncc to invcst cvcrytling tlcy lud. did not know tlut.
lt sccmcd. in tlc words ol onc ol tlcsc lopcluls. tlut lc 'lud discovcrcd
moncy itscll'. Hc ludn't. ol coursc. Hc lud mcrcly lound tlut il you ollcr
pcoplc u big cnougl rcturn on tlcir moncy. und wuvc u lcw libcl writs
uround. you cun postponc tlc duy ol rcckoning lor u long timc.
But not indclinitcly: lor otlcr tlings wcrc bcing discovcrcd. Rcportcrs
lrom tlc Þ±-¬±² б-¬ ncwspupcr wcrc discovcring lis pust. 'Tlc Crcut
Ponzi'. it turncd out. wus bcttcr known to tlc uutloritics in Cunudu us
prisoncr no. 5247. tlc numbcr lc borc wlilc juilcd lor lorgcry. Hc lud
ulso donc timc in Atluntu lor smuggling ulicns. Tlc б-¬ run tlc story.
Ponzi's compuny duly collupscd. und lc wcnt to juil lor lour ycurs.
ײª»-¬·¹¿¬·ª» ®»°±®¬·²¹ -µ·´´-
lnvcstigutivc rcporting cun bc undcrtukcn by unyonc witl tlc dctcrmi-
nution botl to scc tlc job tlrougl und to lundlc ull tlc incvitublc
lrustrutions. lt rcquircs no grcutcr skills tlun tlosc dcmundcd by gcncrul
rcporting. But tlcrc urc u lcw tlings tlut mukc tlc job cusicr und wlicl
will mukc you morc cllicicnt ut it.
Õ²±©´»¼¹» ±º ¬¸» ´¿© ±² °«¾´·½ ¿½½»-- ¬± ·²º±®³¿¬·±²
Wlut is tlc luw on tlis in your country. lo you know wlut public
rccords und documcnts you urc cntitlcd to scc. Tlis is vitul. Somc invcs-
tigutions luvc rcsultcd lrom sccrct documcnts bcing pusscd to
journulists. but muny morc luvc rcsultcd lrom rcportcrs discovcring tlut
ccrtuin rccords or rcgistcrs urc kcpt und tlut tlcy luvc u riglt to consult
tlcm. Most burcuucrucics do not cxuctly udvcrtisc tlc cxistcncc ol sucl
inlormution und tlcy crcct ull kinds ol burricrs to prcvcnt pcoplc
consulting tlcm ÷ by muking tlcm uvuilublc only ut ccrtuin timcs. or by
storing tlcm in out ol tlc wuy pluccs.
A rcportcr wlo oncc workcd witl mc in london discovcrcd in tlc
smull print ol u govcrnmcnt rcport tlc cxistcncc ol u ccrtuin rcgistcr. lt
listcd ull tlc riglts ol ucccss to privutc cstutcs tlut lud bccn gruntcd in
rcturn lor tlc wcultly owncrs ol tlc cstutcs rccciving tux conccssions.
Ncitlcr tlc olliciuls (bccuusc tlcy lud givcn tux conccssions) nor tlc
owncrs (bccuusc tlcy did not wunt mcmbcrs ol tlc public trumping ull
ovcr tlcir cstutcs) wcrc kccn to luvc tlis rcgistcr publiciscd.
Uncc tlc rcportcr lcurnt ol its cxistcncc und cstublislcd tlut wc lud
tlc riglt to cxuminc it. slc wcnt tlrougl tlc lcngtly proccss involvcd
und consultcd it. Slc wus tlcn ublc not only to rcport wlut ucccss could
bc guincd to tlcsc cstutcs. but ulso to invcstigutc tlc dculs donc bctwccn
tlc owncrs und tlc govcrnmcnt. Nonc ol tlis would luvc bccn possiblc
wcrc it not lor lcr linding out ubout tlc rcgistcr in tlc lirst plucc und
insisting on sccing it.
Tlis wus in Brituin. wlicl lus u trudition ol sccrccy ubout olliciul
documcnts. lt is not cxuctly ulonc in tlis. but tlcrc urc otlcr countrics
tlut now luvc lrccdom ol inlormution luws wlicl luvc opcncd up u vust
umount ol rccords to citizcns. Vcry lcw ordinury pcoplc will know ol tlcsc
rccords und cvcn lcwcr will consult tlcm. All tlc morc rcuson lor
journulists to mukc it tlcir busincss to know wlut is kcpt und wlut cun
cun bc sccn.
ln tlc Lnitcd Stutcs. tlc 1º00 lrccdom ol lnlormution Act. strcngtl-
cncd in 1º71. lus opcncd up ull kinds ol documcnts to journulists. As u
rcsult ol tlcir usc in invcstigutions. ull munncr ol scunduls luvc bccn
uncovcrcd by tlc prcss:
· Lnrcportcd uccidcnts ut nuclcur sitcs.
· X-ruy muclincs ut cunccr-dctcction ccntrcs wlicl wcrc cmitting
25÷?u timcs tlc corrcct lcvcl ol rudiution (witlin montls ol
disclosurc. ull sucl ccntrcs in tlc Lnitcd Stutcs lud rcduccd
umounts ol rudiution).
· Anucstlctic drugs routincly givcn during clildbirtl cvcn tlougl
tlcy could ÷ und did ÷ cuusc bruin-dumugc to bubics.
Tlcrc wus ulso tlc pupcr in louisvillc. Kcntucky wlicl obtuincd
lcdcrul inspcction rcports on nursing lomcs slowing tlc ubusc ol
rcsidcnts. As u rcsult. ncw stutc lcgislution wus introduccd. muny lomcs
wcrc closcd und tlc owncrs ol scvcrul wcrc clurgcd witl lruud.
Tlcrc urc muny. muny otlcr cuscs tlut could bc citcd. Tlcy ull slow
tlc vuluc ol journulists discovcring wlut rccords urc kcpt. cxumining
tlcm und using tlcm in tlcir invcstigutions.
Õ²±©´»¼¹» ±º -¬¿²¼¿®¼ ®»º»®»²½» -±«®½»-
ln ull but tlc most lurtivc ol socictics tlcrc is mucl morc inlormution
uvuilublc tlun tlc uvcrugc journulist rculiscs. A lot ol tlis cun bc truccd
tlrougl stundurd. il not commonly uvuilublc. rclcrcncc sourccs: lists ol
olliciul publicutions. rcports lrom lcgisluturcs. lists ol public bodics.
compuny owncrslip rclcrcncc books or rcgistcrs ol bodics rccciving
govcrnmcnt lunding. Any rcportcr intcnding to curry out invcstigutivc
work slould mukc it lis or lcr busincss to know wlut inlormution sucl
rclcrcncc sourccs lold.
All rcportcrs obviously nccd contucts. but invcstigutivc rcportcrs morc
so. And tlcy nccd u purticulur typc ol contuct ÷ not just tlosc wlo cun
givc tlcm inlormution or point tlcm in tlc riglt dircction on u spccilic
story. but tlosc wlo cun bc usclul on u rungc ol storics. Pcoplc likc
luwycrs. olliciuls in tclcplonc scrviccs. cur rcgistrution ccntrcs und tlosc
wlo cun givc udvicc on. und ucccss to. olliciul rccords.
ݱ³°«¬»® ´·¬»®¿½§
Tlis mcuns not just tlc ubility to scurcl cllcctivcly onlinc. but ulso tlc
ubility to usc dutubusc soltwurc. lxumplcs ol tlc vuluc ol tlis in invcsti-
gutions now ubound. Unc ol tlc most instructivc wus tlut by tlc ߬´¿²¬¿
Ö±«®²¿´óݱ²-¬·¬«¬·±² in Ccorgiu. wlicl won u Pulitzcr Prizc in 1º×º lor u
scrics unulysing ruciul discriminution in bunk lcnding.
Tlis invcstigution. by Bill lcdmun. rcpuys study: not bccuusc its
subjcct lus uny grcut globul signilicuncc. but prcciscly bccuusc it lusn't.
lt is u piccc ol locul city rcporting. ultlougl u purticulurly linc cxumplc.
lt did not bring uny govcrnmcnts down. rcvcul uny criminul corruption
or suvc uny livcs. To somconc wlo is wlitc und living u long wuy uwuy
lrom tlc Lnitcd Stutcs. it miglt uppcur to bc smull bccr compurcd to tlc
problcms tlut ullcct tlcir country. But tlc Ö±«®²¿´óݱ²-¬·¬«¬·±² scrics is
wortl looking ut lor its mctlods. orgunisution und uttitudcs. lt is tlc story
ol u journulist dctcrmincd to rcport u situution into print. rutlcr tlun
wisl it tlcrc or just rcpcut tlc lcursuy tlut wus coming lis wuy.
Tlc invcstigution sturtcd witl un oll-lund rcmurk by u wlitc lousing
dcvclopcr. Hc suid lc wus luving troublc building louscs in tlc bluck
urcus ol Soutl Atluntu bccuusc bunks would not lcnd moncy tlcrc
(somctling tlut would bc illcgul. il donc lor discriminutory rcusons). Hc
uddcd tlut lc lud bccn told tlut louns wcrc lurd to comc by cvcn in
ulllucnt bluck urcus. lt is tlc kind ol rcmurk tlut rcportcrs lcur cvcry duy
÷ gcncrul. unsubstuntiutcd und sccmingly impossiblc to provc. But
lcdmun's curiosity lud bccn urouscd. Hc wuntcd to scc il tlc clurgc
could bc substuntiutcd.
lirst lc tulkcd to somc ucudcmics wlo workcd in tlis licld. und tlcy
told lim tlut bunks und suvings und loun compunics must lilc to tlc
govcrnmcnt tlc locution ol cvcry lomc loun. by umount und ccnsus
truct. As lcdmun lutcr wrotc: 'All wc ut tlc pupcr did. to put it simply.
wus to cross-indcx tlc lcdcrul computcr tupcs witl u lcdcrul ccnsus tupc.
looking cspcciully ut compurublc bluck und wlitc nciglborloods.' Tlis
wus cusicr suid tlun donc. Tlc lirst tlrcc duys wcrc dcvotcd cntircly to
putting spuccs bctwccn tlc numbcrs on tlc computcr so tlcy could bc
rcud propcrly.
lor tlc ncxt livc montls. lcdmun clcckcd louns mudc by cvcry bunk
und suvings ussociution in Atluntu ovcr u livc-ycur pcriod ÷ u totul ol
1uº.uuu louns. Tlcrc wus ulso unotlcr study looking ut rcul cstutc
rccords. But tlc cllort wus wortl it. lcdmun discovcrcd tlut bunks und
otlcr institutions wcrc muking livc timcs us muny louns in wlitc urcus
us in bluck urcus. By cxumining bunk policics und pructiccs. lc ulso lound
tlut tlcy wcrc not looking lor busincss in bluck urcus und wcrc otlcrwisc
discouruging bluck borrowcrs. Blucks. in turn. could only rcsort to
unrcgulutcd mortgugc compunics und loun slurks. As lc suys. 'Unly
tlcn did l turn to unccdotc.' Hc collcctcd pcrsonul cxpcricnccs. wlicl
guvc lis scrics rcul livcs. und slowcd low tlc policics ol bunks ullcctcd
Wlcn lc wcnt to tlc bunks. tlcy wcrc prcdictubly rcluctunt to tulk.
Unc rcplicd to lcdmun's rcqucst lor inlormution tlus: 'Somc ol tlc
mutcriul you luvc uskcd lor docs not cxist. Utlcr purts ol tlc mutcriul
cxist but urc conlidcntiul. Tlc rcst ol tlc mutcriul cxists und is not conli-
dcntiul but is irrclcvunt to your subjcct muttcr.' lt is tlc unmistukublc
voicc ol somconc witl somctling to lidc. Anotlcr bunk tricd sncukily
to combinc un uppcul to locul putriotism witl u tlinly-disguiscd plcu to
tlc pupcr's publislcr. }uy Smitl. to kill tlc story. Hc wrotc: 'l'm surc tlut
}uy Smitl would rccognizc uny urticlc ullcging ruciul discriminution by
Atluntu linunciul institutions us unotlcr unmcritcd potslot ut our grcut
city .'. And lc scnt u copy ol tlc lcttcr to Smitl.
linully. wlcn lcdmun lud cnougl mutcriul lor u scrics (wlicl lc
would cull 'Tlc Color ol Moncy' ultcr tlc Hollywood lilm). lis cditors
cumc into tlc picturc. As lcdmun wrotc lutcr:
l tlink l know tlc kcy to tlc cllcctivcncss ol 'Tlc Color ol Moncy'. Tlc
cditors took out wlut l tlouglt wcrc tlc good purts. Wlcn l wrotc
tlut Atluntu's bunks wcrc rcd-lining |u pcjorutivc word lor murking-
oll urcus to bc discriminutcd uguinst]. cditor Bill Kovucl murkcd
tlrougl it. '}ust usc tlc numbcrs.' lc suid. 'lct tlc lucts spcuk lor
Un Sunduy 1 Muy. tlc scrics bcgun witl u story ol scvcrul tlousund
words lcudlincd 'Atluntu Blucks losing ln Homc louns Scrumblc'. lt
Wlitcs rcccivc livc timcs us muny lomc louns lrom Atluntu's bunks
und suvings und louns us blucks ol tlc sumc incomc ÷ und tlut gup lus
bccn widcning cucl ycur. un ߬´¿²¬¿ Ö±«®²¿´óݱ²-¬·¬«¬·±² study ol S0.2
billion in lcnding slows. Rucc ÷ not lomc vuluc or lousclold incomc
÷ consistcntly dctcrmincs tlc lcnding puttcrns ol mctro Atluntu's
lurgcst linunciul institutions. uccording to tlc study. wlicl cxumincd
six ycurs ol lcndcr rcports to tlc lcdcrul govcrnmcnt.
Tlc story wcnt on to contuin tlc lollowing: cxplunution und dcniul
lrom bunkcrs. dctuils ol tlc survcy witl lurtlcr ncws points (including
tlc luct tlut tlc only bunk wlicl spcciuliscd in lcnding to blucks lud tlc
lowcst dcluult rutc in tlc wlolc country). cxplunution ol tlc luw rcluting
to bunk louns. ctc. llscwlcrc in tlut duy's pupcr wus u story ubout
individuul blucks wlo wcrc wcll-quulilicd lor u loun but lud lud troublc
gctting onc. Tlc rcst ol tlc scrics wus us lollows:
· Ó±²¼¿§ î Ó¿§: lctuilcd story on bunk policics. tlc listory ol dis-
criminution by tlcm. plus morc cusc listorics including tlc bluck
Victnum vctcrun wlo wus rcluscd u loun wlicl would luvc cost
lim S1uu u montl lcss tlun lis rcnt. Tlc urticlc ulso dctuilcd tlc
proccss ol lomc purclusc und low it rclutcd to blucks.
· Ì«»-¼¿§ í Ó¿§: lctuilcd cxplunution ol tlc luw on bunking und its
rcgulution und pructicc ovcr tlc wlolc country. plus tlc listory ol
cllorts by bluck groups to clungc Atluntu's bunks' policics. Tlcrc
wcrc ulso lollow-up storics wlicl cstublislcd tlut discriminution
wus bcing pructiscd nutionully.
Tlc rcsults ol lcdmun's scrics wcrc immcdiutc. Ninc duys ultcr it
cndcd. Atluntu's ninc lurgcst bunks bcgun pouring S77 million into low-
intcrcst louns into bluck urcus. Somc institutions ulso wcnt positivcly into
bluck urcus looking lor busincss. liring bluck stull. udvcrtising in bluck
mcdiu und cvcn tuking tlcir cxccutivcs on u bus tour ol tlc urcus. llcvcn
montls ultcr tlc scrics wus printcd. tlc LS }usticc lcpurtmcnt bcgun
invcstiguting 04 Atluntu linunciul institutions lor possiblc brcuclcs ol
tlc discriminution luws.
ر© ¬± ®«² ·²ª»-¬·¹¿¬·ª» ±°»®¿¬·±²-
Tlc subjccts lor invcstigutions comc to pupcrs in ull kinds ol wuys: tips
lrom contucts: by uccidcnt: u sccmingly routinc story tlut subscqucnt
inlormution indicutcs is lur biggcr: u rcportcr's own obscrvutions: u run-
ol-tlc-mill story wlicl csculutcs bit by bit. or onc wlcrc cvcry qucstion
you usk tlrows up otlcr. incrcusingly importunt. qucstions.
Tlis wus tlc cusc witl pcrlups tlc most lumous journulistic invcsti-
gution ol ull ÷ Wutcrgutc. lt bcgun in }unc 1º72 witl u brcuk-in ut tlc
lcmocrutic Purty's lcudquurtcrs in tlc Wutcrgutc Building in
Wuslington. lt cndcd just ovcr two ycurs lutcr witl tlc rcsignution ol
tlc most powcrlul mun on curtl. Prcsidcnt Riclurd Nixon. Tlc rolc ol
tlc Prcsidcnt und lis stull in tlc originul burglury und mucl clsc bcsidcs
(plonc-tups. slusl-lunds und. most importunt ol ull. tlc covcr-up ol tlcsc
illcgul uctivitics) would ncvcr bccn known lud it not bccn lor invcstigu-
tivc rcportcrs. Tlc two muin oncs wcrc Curl Bcrnstcin und Bob
Woodwurd ol tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬.
Wlcn tlcy sturtcd working on tlc story. in u mood ol mutuul distrust.
it wus u routinc crimc story. livc mcn lud bccn cuuglt brcuking into tlc
lcmocrut's HÇ to plunt u listcning dcvicc. Woodwurd wcnt to tlc
courtroom tlc lollowing duy und noticcd u promincnt luwycr tuking
grcut intcrcst in tlc cusc. Wlut wus lc doing tlcrc. Woodwurd ulso
lcurnt ut tlc court tlut scvcrul ol tlc mcn lud workcd lor tlc Ccntrul
lntclligcncc Agcncy. Tlcy wcrc ulso currying lurgc umounts ol cusl on
tlcm wlcn urrcstcd und two ol tlcm lud notcbooks. insidc onc ol wlicl
wus u tclcplonc numbcr lor u mun wlo workcd ut tlc Wlitc Housc.
lrom tlcsc slcndcr ÷ but promising ÷ bcginnings wus luunclcd u scrics
ol storics tlut wcrc linully to provc tlc Nixon udministrution's complicity
in u wlolc rult ol illcgul uctivitics. Bcrnstcin und Woodwurd wcrc l•tcd.
wrotc u bcst-sclling book und u Hollywood lilm wus mudc ol tlcir invcs-
tigution. But tlut wus tlc linul outcomc. Bclorc tlut wcrc u tlousund
lrustrutions. ubusc lrom Nixon supportcrs und olliciuls wlo lcurcd und
suspcctcd tlcir rcporting. wustcd duys. wccks und montls pursuing lulsc
lcuds. mistukcs (somc ol wlicl got into print). countlcss lours scurcling
rccords lor tlut onc vitul piccc ol inlormution. scll-doubts. criticism und
cnvy ol collcugucs. und lutc niglts. ull niglts und wcckcnds ol tlcir own
timc spcnt on tlc cusc.
Tlcrc urc vuluublc lcssons to bc lcurnt lrom tlcir cxpcricnccs. Tlcir
book. ß´´ ̸» Ю»-·¼»²¬K- Ó»². is probubly tlc bcst dctuilcd dcscription ol
rcporting in tlc lnglisl lunguugc. lt tclls tlc story ol two rcportcrs cdging
slowly. und not ulwuys in u struiglt linc. towurds tlc trutl by
puinstuking rcscurcl und u lcultly obscssion witl uccurucy. Tlc
lollowing guidclincs on invcstigutivc rcporting urc buscd on tlcir work.
tlc study ol otlcr cuscs und my own limitcd cxpcricnccs.
Ú·²¼ ¿²¼ º·´» »ª»®§ ¼±½«³»²¬
Tlc morul ol cvcry invcstigution cvcr mountcd is to luy your lunds on
cvcry documcnt tlut you cun und tlrow notling uwuy. You ncvcr know
wlcn documcnts. notcs. rcports ÷ indccd unytling you uccumulutc ÷
will bc usclul. Montls ultcr you ucquirc tlut uppurcntly innocuous
rcport. somctling miglt givc it suddcn signilicuncc. Bcrnstcin und
Woodwurd. tlc Wutcrgutc rcportcrs. lillcd lour liling cubincts ultcr just
u lcw montls.
É®·¬» «° »ª»®§ ·²¬»®ª·»© ¿²¼ º·´» ¬¸» ²±¬»-
Tlis is cspcciully importunt il tlcrc is morc tlun onc ol you working on
un invcstigution or il it is u lcngtly onc. lt puys to swup notcs ol
intcrvicws to scc il you luvc misscd somctling ol signilicuncc. Typcd
(und lilcd) notcs urc ulso u lot cusicr und quickcr to consult. Tlis pructicc
ulso ullows cxccutivcs to purticiputc bcttcr in tlc discussions ol tlc story.
Þ» °»®-·-¬»²¬
Rcud tlc story ol uny invcstigution und tlc pcrsistcncc ol tlc rcportcrs
is tlc tling tlut strikcs you. luring tlc Wutcrgutc invcstigution
Woodwurd und Bcrnstcin oltcn spcnt duys going tlrougl rccords. sut ut
tlcir dcsks muking plonc culls ull wcckcnd. or wuitcd outsidc luwycrs'
olliccs ull duy lor tlc cluncc to scc u pcrlups vitul sourcc. Un onc
occusion tlcy obtuincd u list ol tlc lundrcd-or-so pcoplc wlo workcd ut
tlc Committcc to Rc-clcct tlc Prcsidcnt. tlc scut ol mucl ol tlc wrong-
doing. Sincc tlcy obviously could not visit tlcsc pcoplc ut tlcir olliccs.
tlcy spcnt muny wccks culling on tlcm ut tlcir lomcs ultcr tlcir normul
duy's work ut tlc pupcr.
λ󷲬»®ª·»© L±´¼ -±«®½»-K
As long us un invcstigution is in progrcss. tlcrc is no sucl tling us un
'old sourcc'. Pcoplc working in tlc urcu you urc invcstiguting will oltcn
rcmcmbcr tlings tlcy slould luvc told you. rcccivc ncw inlormution.
or urc ublc to mukc scnsc ol ncw inlormution you gct. lucl onc ol tlcsc
is rcuson cnougl to cull tlcm rcgulurly. Woodwurd und Bcrnstcin cucl
kcpt u scpurutc mustcr list ol plonc numbcrs ol contucts. Tlis cvcntuully
umountcd to scvcrul lundrcd numcs. Tlcy wcrc cucl cullcd ut lcust
twicc u wcck. cvcry wcck. lor wcll ovcr u ycur. As tlcy wrotc in tlcir
subscqucnt book: '}ust tlc luct tlut u ccrtuin sourcc would not comc to
tlc plonc or rcturn culls oltcn signullcd somctling signilicunt.'
Ý«´¬·ª¿¬» -±«®½»- ©¸± ®»¿´´§ ¿®» ·² ¬¸» µ²±©
luring tlc Wutcrgutc invcstigution. Woodwurd contuctcd u mun wlo
workcd ut u scnior lcvcl in tlc govcrnmcnt to usk lim il uny word ol tlc
wrong-doing lud rcuclcd lim. lt lud. Hc kncw un cnormous umount
und clcurly rcgurdcd it us lis duty to ussist tlc cxposurc ol tlc conspirucy.
Howcvcr. lc lud tlc burcuucrut's nuturul suspicion ol tlc prcss und wus
ulso conccrncd lcst storics buscd on knowlcdgc only lc und lcw otlcrs
lud wus uscd witlout conlirmution by otlcr sourccs.
Hc tlcrclorc ugrccd to lclp Woodwurd. but only on ccrtuin conditions:
lc would only guidc tlc rcportcr in tlc riglt dircction. unytling lc told
tlcm would luvc to bc corroborutcd by unotlcr sourcc. Mcctings
bctwccn lim und Woodwurd took plucc in undcrground cur purks. lutc
ut niglt und wcrc only urrungcd ut lis bclcst. Sucl wus tlc quulity ol lis
ussistuncc tlut Woodwurd ugrccd to tlcsc conditions.
Tlc sourcc rcvculcd lis idcntity to no onc. und un cxccutivc ut tlc
É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬ clristcncd lim 'lccp Tlrout' ultcr tlc titlc ol u
luslionublc pornogruplic movic wlicl lcuturcd u womun wlosc
spcciulity wus orul scx. lccp Tlrout's idcntity still rcmuins u mystcry to
ull but Woodwurd.
lt is un opportunity lcw rcportcrs cxpcricncc. to know und luvc tlc
co-opcrution ol sucl u wcll-pluccd sourcc us lccp Tlrout. But tlc morul
ol Woodwurd's dculings witl lim is tlut il sucl u sourcc scts ccrtuin
rulcs. you slould stick by tlcm. Tlut docs not mcun you slould ucccpt
cvcrytling tlcy suy: Woodwurd urgucd witl lis contuct lrcqucntly. But
wlutcvcr is linully ugrccd slould bc udlcrcd to.
Û¨»½«¬·ª» -«°°±®¬
Tlc ncws cditorlcditor must commit stull und otlcr rcsourccs to tlc
projcct. Tlc cditor slould bc prcpurcd lor tlc projcct to tukc u long timc
und possibly rcsult in no story. Publisling somctling just bccuusc u lot
ol timc lus bccn spcnt on it is u surc wuy to luvc u disustcr on your
lunds. Wlcn it is linully printcd. tlc story slould bc wutcrtiglt.
Tlc cxccutivcs und rcportcrs will ulso luvc to mukc u dccision curly on
ubout wlctlcr tlc invcstigution will bc u scrics ol storics publislcd us
tlcy urc writtcn. or u 'big lit' opcrution printcd only wlcn ull tlc
rcscurcl is complctc. ll it is tlc luttcr. u dcudlinc slould bc sct. lt is cusy
lor invcstigutions to drug on lor montls. witl tlc rcportcrs ulwuys
cluiming tlut tlcy nccd 'just onc morc wcck' to linisl tlcir rcscurcl. You
slould ulso rcmcmbcr tlut intcrim storics cun somctimcs cncourugc
pcoplc to comc lorwurd witl morc. or cvcn tlc vitul piccc ol. inlormution.
Yct wliclcvcr wuy it is bcing publislcd. tlc invcstigutivc opcrution
slould bc closcly monitorcd by un cxccutivc. A kcy purt ol tlis rolc is to
usk qucstions continuously ol tlc rcportcrs ubout tlc story. Sucl
cxccutivcs slould uct us dcvil's udvocutcs und ulso kccp going ovcr
cvidcncc witl rcportcrs. Tlcy slould bc tlc lrcsl mind on tlc cusc.
Ù±·²¹ «²¼»®½±ª»®
Most ol tlc timc tlcrc is u bcttcr wuy ol collccting inlormution tlun going
undcrcovcr. But occusionully. vcry occusionully. it miglt bc tlc only wuy
to writc tlc story. lnvcstiguting tlc situution insidc somc 'closcd' world.
likc u sccrctivc group. orgunisution or compuny is tlc most usuul prctcxt.
und tlcrc muy bc otlcrs. But tlc story lud bcttcr bc wortl it. bccuusc it
is vcry timc-consuming und comcs witl u lot ol risks. tlc lcust ol wlicl
is tlc cmburrussmcnt il you urc discovcrcd.
Tlc otlcr luzurds will tukc u lot morc living down. lirst. undcrcovcr
work ulwuys involvcs somc dcccption. so tlc wrong-doing you urc
rcporting nccds to bc scrious cnougl to justily tlut disloncsty. Sccond.
tlc plysicul dungcrs in sucl u situution cun bc immcnsc und lust long
ultcr you luvc surluccd to writc your story. Tlird. il you urc invcstigut-
ing criminul uctivitics undcrcovcr you muy wcll bc druwn into
purticiputing. wlicl mukcs your uctions cvcn lurdcr. il not impossiblc.
to dclcnd.
Tlcrc is un udditionul risk wlcn you urc invcstiguting un illcgul trudc
und posing us u buycr or scllcr. in otlcr words us un ¿¹»²¬ °®±ª±½¿¬»«®.
Apurt lrom tlc dubious morulity ol tlut. you ulso bccomc purt ol tlc story
und so clungc it. Tlis. to mc. mcuns tlut you luvc ulrcudy pusscd
bcyond unytling rccognisublc us journulism. Tlc most llugrunt cusc ol
tlis wus in 1ºº4 wlcn storics bcgun to cmcrgc ol wcupons-grudc
plutonium bcing ollcrcd lor sulc on tlc Ccrmun bluck murkct. A numbcr
ol rcportcrs tlouglt tlcy would mukc u numc lor tlcmsclvcs by probing
tlis trudc. Somc poscd us scllcrs. otlcrs us buycrs witl unlimitcd moncy.
As il tlis wus not bud cnougl. somc journulists working undcrcovcr us
'buycrs' tlcn run into otlcrs impcrsonuting scllcrs. Nonc discovcrcd tlc
truc idcntity ol tlc otlcr und so tlcir publislcd storics wcrc not ol tlc
'trudc in dcutl' us tlcy cluimcd. but ol two ovcr-cntlusiustic journulists
looling cucl otlcr ÷ und tlcmsclvcs.
Yct tlcrc urc instunccs ol undcrcovcr invcstigutions producing
mcmorubly good storics. At tlc cnd ol tlc ninctccntl ccntury. Ò»© DZ®µ
ɱ®´¼ rcportcr Ncllic Bly (rcul numc llizubctl Coclrun) lcigncd insunity
to gct insidc tlc usylum ut Bluckwcll's lslund und wrotc u slocking
cxpos’. Hcr lindings wcrc lutcr publislcd in lcr book Ì»² ¼¿§- ·² ¿
Ó¿¼¸±«-». Tlc rcwurd lrom lcr publislcr. }oscpl Pulitzcr. wus un
ussignmcnt to bcut tlc round-tlc-world journcy timc ol ×u duys sct by
tlc lictitious Plilcus logg in }ulcs Vcrnc's novcl ß®±«²¼ ̸» ɱ®´¼ ײ
Û·¹¸¬§ Ü¿§-. Slc did it in 72 duys 0 lours 11 minutcs und 14 scconds.
lcss wcll-rcwurdcd wus tlc cditor ol tlc п´´ Ó¿´´ Ù¿¦»¬¬». W.T. Stcud.
Hc cxposcd clild prostitution in Victoriun london by 'buying' u 1?-ycur-
old girl lrom lcr motlcr und. undcr tlc strictcst ol supcrvision. spcnt
cnougl timc ulonc witl lcr to provc tlut slc could luvc bccn put to
ulmost uny immorul purposc. His cumpuign to clungc tlc luw on clild
prostitution lud tlc support ol muny lcuding ligurcs. including bislops.
Tlcy. lowcvcr. could not prcvcnt Stcud subscqucntly bcing prosccutcd.
Tlc uutloritics juilcd lim lor tlrcc montls on u tcclniculity lor buying
tlc girl ut tlc ccntrc ol lis story. Tlis strungc. rcd-bcurdcd und ccccntric
mun (lc somctimcs cuuglt micc. lricd tlcm und utc tlcm on toust) wcnt
down witl tlc Ì·¬¿²·½ in 1º12.
Sincc tlcn. journulists luvc gonc undcrcovcr muinly to cxposc tlc
trcutmcnt ÷ or multrcutmcnt ÷ ol vurious 'victims' ol socicty likc tlc
lomclcss. mcntully ill or drug uddicts. Tlis involvcs u dcgrcc ol ucting
und pcrlups tlc udoption ol disguisc. Tlc mustcr ol tlis gcnrc is u
Ccrmun cullcd Cuntcr Wullrull. His uim is to cntcr worlds lorbiddcn to u
writcr. Hc uscs lulsc pupcrs. un invcntcd lilc-story. ncw clotlcs. ncw
spcctuclcs or contuct lcnscs. wuys ol disguising lis luir und tcctl. lor.
us lc suys. lis tusk is 'to dcccivc in ordcr not to bc dcccivcd'.
Hc stylcs limscll 'tlc undcsirublc journulist' und. us lur us lis turgcts
urc conccrncd. not witlout good rcuson. Hc lus pluycd tlc purt ol un
inlormcr lor tlc sccurity scrviccs und tlc politicul policc. tcstcd Cutlolic
tlcology und morulity by posing us u mun wlo lud bccn muking nupulm
bombs. lcd tlc lilc ol u lomclcss mun in u lostcl. un ulcololic in u mcntul
lospitul. und impcrsonutcd u ministry udviscr to lind out low urmcd
units urc uvuilublc to Ccrmun industry lor luctory protcction. As u
'Ccrmun linuncicr ol tlc cxtrcmc Riglt' lc discovcrcd pluns lor u ½±«° in
Portugul. und. us u 'tubloid rcportcr'. workcd on und cxposcd tlc
mctlods ol tlc muss-murkct Þ·´¼.
Scrupulous ubout notcs und rccords. lc tupcs cvcrytling und
plotocopics ull documcnts tlut lc wislcs to quotc. As lc suys: 'l dccidcd
to conspirc in ordcr to tukc u look ovcr tlc wull ol cumoullugc. dcniuls
und lics. Tlc mctlod l udoptcd wus only sligltly illcgul by compurison
witl tlc illcgul dcccptions und munocuvrcs wlicl l unmuskcd.'
Most ol lis work is publislcd. not in ncwspupcrs. but in muguzincs.
booklcts or books. Wullrull's invcstigutions consumc u grcut dcul ol timc.
morc timc. pcrlups. tlun muny ncwspupcrs would grunt u stull rcportcr.
But lis rcsults urc imprcssivc und lis mctlods wortly ol morc uttcntion
tlun tlcy gct.
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}umcs Cordon Bcnnctt
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}cun Anouill
̸» λ¸»¿®-¿´. 1º5u
Tlcrc is un unwrittcn rulc in journulism tlut tlc strongcr tlc story. tlc
cusicr it is to writc. Tlcrc is. ultcr ull. no nccd to spcnd lours clcwing
tlc cnd ol u pcncil wondcring wlut tlc unglc lor tlc intro slould bc
wlcn tlc story is tlut 0× luvc dicd in u disco lirc. But wlilc tlc writing
ol mujor incidcnt storics is usuully struigltlorwurd. rcscurcling tlcm to
tlc point wlcrc u clcur story lus cmcrgcd is oltcn dillicult.
Mujor incidcnts urc. by tlcir vcry nuturc. cluotic. lvcn to tlc
uutloritics it is oltcn unclcur. lor muny lours or cvcn duys. cxuctly wlut
lus luppcncd. lisustcrs cun luppcn in inucccssiblc pluccs. in countrics
wlcrc communicutions urc poor. or wlcrc uutloritics urc budly
orguniscd und sccrctivc. Tlcy cun luppcn ut niglt. or bc tlc kind ol
nuturul disustcr. likc Hurricunc Mitcl in ccntrul Amcricu in 1ºº×. wlcrc
it tukcs somc duys lor tlc lull cnormity to bc upprcciutcd. Tlc dcutl toll.
wlicl lor our prolcssionully gloulisl purposcs is oltcn tlc kcy indicutor
ol low big tlc story is. cun oltcn bc slow to cmcrgc. lirst rcports ol it cun
bc purticulurly mislcuding.
Tlcn tlcrc urc tlc witncsscs. invuriubly truumutiscd und conluscd.
und. us u rcsult. somctimcs giving liglly inuccurutc tcstimony. Tlc
uutloritics. too. cun oltcn mislcud: most commonly bccuusc tlcir lirst
priority is suving livcs und not ussisting journulists: or bccuusc tlcy luvc
un intcrcst in promoting onc uspcct ol tlc incidcnt. or disguising unotlcr.
ln botl tlc Hillsborougl studium disustcr ol 1º×º (wlcn º4 socccr luns
dicd in u crusl) und tlc lunblunc mussucrc (wlcn u lonc gunmun killcd
10 pupils und tlrcc tcuclcrs ut u Scottisl sclool) tlc policc lorccs
conccrncd briclcd to disguisc tlcir own slurc ol tlc liubility. Tlcsc duys.
tlc tlrcut ol litigution. liubility und insuruncc cluims muy mukc olliciuls
cvcn morc cuutious. unlclplul und. occusionully. dcccitlul. Ncvcr undcr-
cstimutc tlc willingncss ol orgunisutions involvcd. or rcprcscnting tlosc
involvcd. in disustcrs to bricl journulists to lurtlcr somc intcrnul. liddcn.
Tlc clussic cusc ol tlis wus tlc Strungcwuys Prisonriot ol April 1ººu.
probublytlc most inuccurutcly rcportcdmujor incidcnt inlivingmcmory.
lt bcgun on 1 April wlcn prisoncrs. ungcrcd ut ovcrcrowding wlicl
mcunt tlcy wcrc lockcd intlcir cclls lor 2?lours u duy. scizcd kcys lrom
olliccrs. rclcuscdupto1.uuuotlcr convicts. sct lirc totlc clupcl undgym
und took control ol tlc juil. lt wus u mujor incidcnt by uny stundurds.
mudc plotogcnic bytlc prisoncrs wlo lung bunncrs lromwindows und
sut ontlc rool wcuringmukcslilt musks undlurlingslutcs totlc ground.
And sincc tlc prisoncrs lud burricudcd tlcmsclvcs in tlc muin blocks
und lcld tlcmlor scvcrul duys. tlcrc wus no tclling wlut wus luppcning
intlcrc. Tlcrc wcrc strong suggcstions tlut intlc lrcnzy ol tlc momcnt.
tlc normully scgrcgutcd scx ollcndcrs lud bccn uttuckcd.
Tlis unccrtuinty ol wlut prcciscly wus luppcning wus u vucuum tlut
tubloid pupcrs wcrc not prcpurcd to scc unlillcd. Un 2 April. tlc Ü¿·´§
Ó·®®±® rcportcd '11 dcud in }uil Riot': tlut duy's Ûª»²·²¹ ͬ¿²¼¿®¼ suid
tlut 2u lud dicd und two duys lutcr tlc Í«² lud u lront pugc 'cxclusivc'
tlut 'morc tlun ?u miglt luvc dicd'. Not to bc outdonc. tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó·®®±®
countcrcd witl 'Prison mob lung cop'. Tlcrc wcrc storics ol lungings
lollowing kungcroo courts. custrutions. prisoncrs tlrown lrom lundings.
or impulcd on lurniturc. tlrouts slit. lorccd injcctions ol 'cocktuils ol
drugs' stolcn lrom tlc prison plurmucy. buttcrings witl iron burs und
Tlcrc wus not u slrcd ol trutl in uny ol tlcsc tulcs. Unly two mcn lud
dicd und. us lor tlc Ó·®®±®'s 'lungcd cop'. lc turncd out to bc u convictcd
rupist. wlo wus dccidcdly unlungcd. luving spcnt tlc duys ol tlc riot
quictly scrving lis scntcncc in Armlcy }uil. 7u milcs uwuy in lccds. Wlut
lud luppcncd wus tlut scvcrul luctors cumc togctlcr to mukc u lcudy
cocktuil ol lull-trutls. lulsc ussumptions und lics ÷ wlicl tlc tubloids.
und u lcw ol tlc broudslccts. tlcn swullowcd.
lirst tlcrc wus tlc cluos ol tlc situution. tlc impossibility ol knowing
ut tlc timc wlut wus rcully going on. (A primc sourcc lor tlc 'cxccution'
storics wus u solicitor wlo told Uldlum mugistrutcs court tlut lis clicnt
lud sccn tlrcc bodics lunging lrom bulconics. Tlcy turncd out to bc
rcsuscitution dummics uscd in lirst uid clusscs.) Sccond wus tlut muny
ol tlc morc lurid rumours cumc lrom mcn in unilorm. prison olliccrs
cspcciully. Tlcy lud tlcir own rcusons lor portruying tlc riot us 'un
cxplosion ol cvil'. us tlcy put it. Ulliciul spokcsmcn spokc constuntly ol
'dcutls'. oltcn in combinution witl oll-tlc-rccord pcddling ol lorror
storics. Tlc govcrnmcnt dcpurtmcnt rcsponsiblc uddcd to tlis imprcssion
by. ut onc point. dclivcring 2u body bugs to tlc juil.
But tlc prcss uddcd lugcly to tlcir own subscqucnt cmburrussmcnt.
Tlcy did not qucstion wlut tlcy wcrc bcing told. und. in somc cuscs. did
not cvcn rcport tlcsc stutcmcnts us cluims. but rcportcd tlcm us luct.
Tlcy wuntcd to bclicvc tlc worst. und. on tlis occusion. tlcy lound
willing. olliciul uccompliccs. Tlcy wcrc told wlut tlcy wuntcd to lcur
und bclicvcd it. Tlc tubloids tlcn cxcludcd unytling wlicl did not lit
witl tlis tlcsis. Un tlc morning ultcr tlc riot sturtcd. lor instuncc. u
consultunt ut Nortl Munclcstcr Ccncrul Hospitul suid in u prcss
conlcrcncc tlut lc lud not udmittcd uny scriously woundcd prisoncrs.
Unly tlc broudslcct pupcrs rcportcd it. And. cruciully. most journulists
did not usk tlcmsclvcs il wlut tlcy wcrc bcing told soundcd pluusiblc.
Tlcy just rcproduccd it. Tlcy lorgot tlut tlc rcsponsibility ol journulists
gocs bcyond linding u sourcc lor u story. lt cxtcnds to bringing somc intcl-
ligcncc to bcur on wlut sourccs suy.
Tlc otlcr scll-inllictcd cncmy ol uccurutc. lcvcl-lcudcd covcrugc ol
mujor incidcnts is tlc rusl to judgcmcnt. lt is lur morc common tlun tlc
circumstunccs wlicl undcrmincd tlc Strungcwuys covcrugc. und
journulists rcporting disustcrs wlicl involvc lumun or mcclunicul
luilurc urc purticulurly pronc to it. Tlc modcrn nccd lor un instunt
cxplunution. und immcdiutc villuins. prcssurcs journulists into trying to
point tlc lingcr ol blumc. somctimcs long bclorc ull tlc principul lucts
urc known. ln Muy 1ºº1. lor instuncc. u luudu Air Bocing 707 cruslcd
in tlc Tlui junglc. killing ull 22? pcoplc on bourd. Among tlcm wus lon
Mclntosl. u 4?-ycur-old Britisl civil scrvunt on sccondmcnt to tlc LN
unti-drug progrummc. Tlis luct ulonc wus cnougl lor tlc Ü¿·´§ ͬ¿® to
lcup to conclusions. 'Sucriliccd' rcud tlcir lront pugc lcudlinc ovcr u story
ol low 'rutllcss drug burons' (u kncc-jcrk clicl’. struiglt lrom Ccntrul
Custing) killcd 22? pcoplc to ussussinutc onc mun. lt wus. ol coursc. purc
spcculution buscd cntircly on tlc coincidcncc ol Mclntosl's prcscncc on
tlc plunc. Bclorc tlc wcck wus out. tlc bluck box lud bccn lound und its
tupcs lutcr rcvculcd tlut un cnginc suddcnly going into rcvcrsc tlrust
lud cuuscd tlc crusl.
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Ultcn tlc lirst rcports ol wlut turns out to bc u mujor disustcr urrivc on
ugcncy wircs us uppurcntly triviul incidcnts und tlcn build into
somctling lugc. Somctimcs it cun bc tlc otlcr wuy round. uppcuring to
bc u culumity ol vust proportions. wlicl lutcr rcports corrcct to u
rclutivcly mundunc cvcnt. lxpcricncc tcuclcs you not to rusl to mukc
u judgcmcnt. und it cun givc you un instinct lor wlicl incidcnts will blow
big und wlicl will stuy smull. A good guidclinc is tlut uny incidcnt not
immcdiutcly downgrudcd slould bc trcutcd us potcntiully big until you
luvc prool to tlc contrury. No onc's rcputution lus cvcr bccn ruincd by
muking u lcw cxtru plonc culls tlut provc to bc wustcd cllort. but plcnty
ol journulists luvc bccomc tlc lilc-long butt ol ollicc lolklorc lor missing
tlc big story.
Tlc lirst lint ol u potcntiul disustcr would probubly comc in u onc-linc
rcport ovcr tlc wircs. somctling likc: 'lncidcnt ut Hcutlrow uirport ut
14.20. involving luroAir Bocing.' You know tlc domcstic ncws ugcncy
would not botlcr witl complctc triviu. but ut tlis stugc tlc incidcnt could
bc ulmost unytling. lrom u lull-sculc crusl to mcrcly u smull lirc wlicl
lcuvcs no onc injurcd. So you wuit. Tlcn. muybc tcn minutcs lutcr. tlc
ugcncy rcports: 'luroAir lrom lrunklurt uppurcntly cruslcd. No rcports
yct ol lutulitics.'
Tlis is tlc point wlcrc u rcportcr und plotogruplcr gct scnt to tlc
sccnc. und. il tlc ncws cditor knows wlut lc or slc is doing. onc ol tlc
bcttcr writcrs ussigncd to bc tlc story unclor. Tlis is tlc pcrson wlo
lollows tlc story on tlc wircs und crcums oll ull tlc bcst mutcriul lrom tlc
rcportcrs in tlc licld to writc tlc muin lront-pugc nurrutivc.
lurtlcr rcports will now bc coming in. muking it clcur tlut tlis is u
mujor disustcr. Tlc plunc cuuglt lirc on lunding. ovcr 1uu pcoplc luvc
dicd und tlcrc urc muny ununswcrcd qucstions. As tlc duy gocs by. somc
ol tlcm urc unswcrcd: u luroAir Bocing 7?7 lud somc tcclnicul troublcs
us tlc plunc upprouclcd Hcutlrow Airport. Tlcsc grcw worsc. A lirc
sturtcd in onc cnginc. wlicl lcll oll in mid-uir. unotlcr cnginc cuuglt
lirc. tlc plunc's clcctrics luilcd und tlc pilot lud to lund munuully witl
only two cngincs. Tlc cnginc tlut lcll oll lundcd on u sclool. wlicl wus
lortunutcly unoccupicd. Morc und morc inlormution comcs in. not in tlc
logicul wuy tlut's rcprcscntcd lcrc. but in conlusing bits und picccs. witl
rctructions und corrcctions llying in witl cvcr morc bizurrc dctuils.
Tlc dcutl toll sturts ut muybc tlrcc or lour conlirmcd dcud. Tlcn u
rcportcr rings in to suy lc lus spokcn to u womun wlo suw 'muny
bodics'. Tlcn you lcurn tlut on bourd tlc plunc wcrc tlc Ccrmun Trudc
Ministcr lictcr Bocl. wlo dicd in tlc lirc ultcr tlc crusl lunding. und
rock stur llton }oln. wlo lclpcd in tlc rcscuc. A prcss bricling is lcld
wlcrc tlc uirlinc suys tlut tlc lirc sturtcd in tlc cubin ultcr tlc lunding
und witlin tcn minutcs lud cngullcd tlc plunc. Unly 0u ol tlc 21u
pusscngcrs urc known to luvc survivcd. muny ol tlcm injurcd. ll you
urc lucky. vcry lucky. ull tlis will bc known in timc lor your lirst cdition.
Normully. lowcvcr. tlc incidcnt will bc pluycd out ovcr scvcrul cditions
und tlc lirst cdition lus to go to prcss long bclorc tlc wlolc story is
And. ol coursc. running ulongsidc tlis is tlc unccrtuinty lor most ol
tlc duy ubout low bud tlc disustcr is. low muy pugcs slould bc ullocutcd
to it. und low to lundlc ull tlc duy's otlcr ncws. Howcvcr. in un idcul
world. tlis is tlc covcrugc u scrious pupcr slould uim lor. und low it
slould bc put togctlcr:
· ݸ®±²±´±¹·½¿´ ²¿®®¿¬·ª» ±º ©¸¿¬ ¸¿°°»²»¼: You. or tlc tcum you urc
purt ol. must build up u minutc-by-minutc. or lour-by-lour.
uccount ol wlut occurrcd. lrom tlc momcnt it sturtcd to its linul
conclusion. Tlis mcuns ncvcr tiring ol usking tlc qucstion: 'And
tlcn wlut luppcncd.' Try to build up u lrumc-by-lrumc vidco ol
tlc cvcnt in your lcud. You slould ulso bc in rcgulur contuct witl
ull cmcrgcncy scrviccs. lospituls und uutloritics. Tlc muin
nurrutivc will ulmost ccrtuinly bc writtcn by tlc unclor pcrson und
bc tlc corc ol tlcir uccount. Tlc burc boncs ol it cun ulso bc writtcn
us u 'tick-tock' ÷ u sidcbur wlcrc cntrics consist ol u lcw lincs on
cvcry purt ol tlc nurrutivc. cucl witl its prccisc timing.
· Û§»ó©·¬²»-- ®»°±®¬-: Tlcsc urc gutlcrcd ut tlc sccnc by you. wircs.
lrcclunccs und ollicc-buscd rcportcrs culling pcoplc wlo luvc bccn
on TV und rudio. Rcportcrs scnt to u disustcr or lospitul slould
mukc surc tlcy gct u prccisc bricling on wlut uspcct ol tlc story
tlcy urc cxpcctcd to lilc on ÷ colour. quotcs. nurrutivc. cuuscs. ctc.
Witlout tlis. you oltcn lind scvcrul pcoplc liling wlut is csscntiully
tlc sumc piccc. And don't bc upsct il your job consists ol collccting
inlormution und liling it in bits und picccs buck to tlc ollicc. Tlc
most common luult witl most disustcr covcrugc involving scvcrul
rcportcrs is tlut cvcryonc stops rcporting too curly in ordcr to gct
down to writing somc purplc-proscd vcrsion ol tlc tulc.
· Ý¿«-»: Botl tlc nurrow. immcdiutc cuusc ol mcclunicul luilurcs
und. pcrlups. tlc widcr cuusc(s) urc vitul purts ol tlc story. but it
muy tukc timc to gct lurd inlormution on tlcm. Bcwurc. cspcciully.
bcing in u rusl to upportion blumc. Conccntrutc instcud on
rcporting tlc lullcst picturc ol wlut luppcncd und trcut cvcn
olliciul tlcorics us spcculution until provcn. Tlcrc is u long listory
ol olliciuls tlinking uloud ÷ somctimcs wildly ÷ ubout cuuscs ol
disustcrs. Pupcrs tlut rcport tlcsc idcus us cstublislcd trutl subsc-
qucntly look vcry silly. Any unsubstuntiutcd tlcory wlicl involvcs
tcrrorism or suicidc slould bc trcutcd witl purticulur curc. clcurly
uttributcd und uny luck ol prool mudc pluin.
· ̸» -¿º»¬§ ®»½±®¼ ±º Þ±»·²¹ éíé-: How muny uccidcnts luvc tlcy
bccn involvcd in. Wlut wcrc tlc cuuscs.
· Ю±º·´» ±º Û«®±ß·®: lull dctuils undlistoryol tlc uirlinc involvcd. plus
possiblc cllccts ol tlc cruslontlc compuny. slurc priccs. ctc. ll tlc
uirlinc's lcudquurtcrs urc witlinrcucl. urcportcr cungoundspcuk
to stull ubout tlc compuny und its policics. lt muy. lor instuncc. bc
tlut tlc uirlinc lus bccncconomisingrcccntly. cuttingbuckontlc
rcgulur muintcnuncc ol pluncs in ordcr to try to suvc moncy.
· Ю±º·´» ±º ¬¸» °·´±¬: According to tlc inlormution wc luvc. lc pluycd
u lcroic rolc in lunding tlc plunc munuully und witlout two
cngincs. Pcoplc will wunt to know ubout lis buckground und
· Ü·»¬»® Þ±½¸ ±¾·¬«¿®§: Tlis muy not bc wortl u scpurutc piccc. but
wlcn unyonc promincnt dics in u disustcr. you slould ulwuys put
u rcportcr on to rcscurcling tlcir lilc story.
· Ý¿-«¿´¬·»-: Lntil tlc dcud luvc idcntitics. tlcy urc mcrcly stutistics.
Wlcn you do lcurn tlcir numcs. you will wunt to know wlo tlcy
urc. wlut tlcy did. ctc. Tlcrc urc ncurly ulwuys storics ubout tlc
pcrson wlo only cuuglt tlc plunc ut tlc lust minutc or somctling
· ̸» ®»-½«»: Wlut luppcncd on tlc ground oncc tlc plunc lud
cruslcd. How did tlc cmcrgcncy scrviccs rcuct. Wlo wcrc tlc
lcrocs und lcroincs ol tlc rcscuc. How wus it curricd out.
· Û´¬±² Ö±¸²: His rolc in tlc rcscuc und tlc rcuson lor lis journcy. ctc.
· ݸ®±²±´±¹§ ±º ®»½»²¬ ½®¿-¸»-: list ol tlc lutul cruslcs in Brituin in tlc
lust tcn ycurs. or tlc mujor uir cruslcs uround tlc world in tlc lust
two ycurs. Ncws ugcncics routincly supply tlis.
· Ü»-½®·°¬·±² ±º ¬¸» -½»²»: Colour lrom tlc uirlicld und insidc tlc
uirport will bc invuluublc mutcriul lor tlc muin unclor piccc. look
lor dctuil. und uvoid tlc imprcssionistic und prcdictublc.
· ̸» ¾´¿½µ ¾±¨: Wlut is u bluck box lliglt rccordcr. How do tlcy
work. wlut do tlcy rccord und wlut do tlcy look likc. Tlc bluck
box is onc ol tlosc objccts pcoplc ulwuys rclcr to. but know littlc
ubout. bcyond tlc luct tlut tlcy urc un importunt purt ol uny crusl
invcstigution. lt is. lor cxumplc. not bluck. A sidcbur on tlc bluck
box could stund on its own or bc purt ol u piccc on tlc invcstigu-
tion tlut lollows.
· Û¨°»®¬K- ª·»©: Witl muny disustcrs. cspcciully tlosc wlicl urc rurc.
you suddcnly nccd cxpcrts to cxpluin tcclnicul muttcrs. Plunc
cruslcs urc not inlrcqucnt cvcnts. but. cvcn so. un cxpcrt on uir
sulcty could bc intcrvicwcd ut lcngtl or writc u piccc lor tlc pupcr.
Tlcrc muy. lor instuncc. bc u rctircd lormcr crusl invcstigutor wlo
could givc somc luscinuting insiglts. ll you do gct lold ol cxpcrts
likc tlut. try to bring tlcm into tlc ollicc. Altcr ull. il tlcy urc in
your ollicc. otlcr pupcrs cunnot gct to tlcm.
· ß²½¸±® °·»½»: All tlc bcst inlormution lromtlcsc ubovc storics (und
otlcr cnquirics sucl us tlc cllcct on lliglt sclcdulcs und tclcplonc
numbcrs lor unxious rclutivcs to ring) would bc pullcd into tlc
unclor piccc. Tlis would bc tlc pugc onc uccount ol tlc crusl
und would bc long und comprclcnsivc. Normully tlc bcst
upproucl is u simplc onc. witl u struigltlorwurd. uncmotionul 'lt
ull bcgun wlcn.' nurrutivc construction. toppcd oll witl u lcw
purugrupls ol intro. Ncvcr try to bc tricky. cspcciully witl u story
tlut is still unlolding us you writc. Rcport only wlut is ccrtuin und
don't lcuvc uny lostugcs to lortunc wlcn lurtlcr und bcttcr
purticulurs urc known.
Not ull ol tlcsc clcmcnts would run us scpurutc picccs. but muny
would. Somc pcoplc muy tlink tlut sucl covcrugc would bc ovcr tlc top
in sculc und scopc. But on u story ol tlis sizc you luvc u cluncc to rcport
in dcptl on u muttcr ol grcut public intcrcst. Tclcvision will bring tlc
immcdiutc ncws und picturcs to pcoplc lirst. but tlcy cunnot ollcr
unytling likc tlc dcptl tlut pupcrs cun. A lull-lour ncws progrummc
contuins only ubout us muny words us docs tlc lront pugc ol tlc uvcrugc
broudslcct pupcr. And. ultlougl tlis is not tlc lirst considcrution.
ncwspupcrs urc judgcd by tlcir stull und pccrs on low tlcy covcr tlc big
storics. Tlc most common rcgrct in most cditors' livcs is tlut tlcrc is u big
story tlut tlcy undcrpluycd.
Ü»¿¬¸ ¬±´´-
Tlcrc urc two uspccts ol rcporting disustcrs wlicl oltcn givc troublc ÷
dcutl tolls und contucting tlc rclutivcs ol victims. ln tlc lirst lcw lours.
dcutl tolls urc un inccssunt sourcc ol conlusion. Witl nuturul culumitics
likc lloods. tlc unccrtuinty cun lust lor duys. und. cvcn tlcn. tlc olliciul
toll cun provc to bc wildly inuccurutc. ln tlc Tokyo curtlquukc ol 1º2?.
lor instuncc. ncwspupcr rcports ol tlc numbcr ol dcud wcnt lrom 1u.uuu
to 5uu.uuu. und tlcn to morc tlun onc million in just tlrcc duys. Tlc
rcul ligurc wus ubout 15u.uuu und by tlc timc pupcrs lud rcportcd tlut.
tlcy lud ulso stutcd tlut Mount luji lud cruptcd (it ludn't). un islund
in Sugumi Buy lud disuppcurcd bcncutl tlc tidul wuvcs (not so). und tlut
tlc }upuncsc Primc Ministcr lud bccn ussussinutcd by u lruntic mob (ulso
not truc).
lurly cstimutcs ol dcutl tolls urc us oltcn u scrious undcrsloot us un
ovcrsloot. Tlc troublc is. you ncvcr know wlicl until somctimc lutcr.
Howcvcr. witl luck. tlcrc will bc sullicicnt common ugrccmcnt umong
tlc uutloritics lor u rcliublc round ligurc to bc conlidcntly uscd. ll not.
tlcn citlcr tukc tlc lowcr ligurc lrom u sourcc tlut is usuully rcliublc
und suy 'At lcust X pcoplc dicd wlcn .'. or tukc tlc liglcst ligurc tlut
sccms cducutcd und suy 'Lp to X pcoplc urc lcurcd to luvc dicd wlcn .'.
No prizcs lor gucssing wlicl mctlod pupcrs normully luvour. but tlc
luttcr coursc slould not bc uscd us u liccncc to lypc tlc story. And mukc
surc you know wlut ligurc you urc bcing givcn. ls it tlc bodics countcd.
or un cstimutc ol tlc linul toll. And tlc ligurcs lor tlosc injurcd: is tlut
pcoplc lospituliscd. Ur ull woundcd. lowcvcr sligltly.
lvcn tlc most cuutious uutloritics mukc big mistukcs witl dcutl tolls.
Tlc Puddington truin disustcr in london in 1ººº wus u clussic cusc. Two
truins collidcd in tlc morning rusl lour und it wus immcdiutcly
uppurcnt tlis wus u big incidcnt. Witlin lours. tlc muin scqucncc ol
cvcnts lud bccn cstublislcd. togctlcr witl u dcutl toll upproucling 7u.
lurid rcports tlcn bcgun to circulutc ol tlc 'lircbull' tlut lud wlippcd
tlrougl tlc instuntly notorious Curriugc H ut tlc lront ol tlc truin.
Anyonc insidc. suid olliciuls. would luvc bccn instuntly incincrutcd. By
tlc duy ultcr tlc crusl. somc pupcrs wcrc rcporting u dcutl toll ol 7u-
plus us luct und tlcn tlis grcw. on tlc buck ol briclings by tlc lirc und
policc scrviccs. to 'pcrlups us muny us 17u'. But wlcn tlc tcums wcrc
scnt in to scurcl tlc wrcckugc in dctuil. it bccumc uppurcnt tlut. lur lrom
linding Curriugc H littcrcd witl clurrcd rcmuins. tlcrc wcrc no bodics
in it ut ull. Wlut no onc ÷ policc or journulists ÷ lud botlcrcd to do wus
to tulk to tlc known survivors ol Curriugc H und usk tlcm low muny
pcoplc wcrc sitting in it. lt turncd out tlut. instcud ol tlc scorcs ussumcd
lrom its cupucity. tlcrc lud bccn only u dozcn. And tlcy ull cscupcd.
Witlin u lcw duys. tlc dcutl toll lud bccn rcduccd to ?5.
̸» ¼»¿¬¸ ½¿´´
Culling tlc rclutivcs ol victims is tlc job tlut cvcry rcportcr drcuds. You
would luvc to bc wircd up prctty strungcly to tlink otlcrwisc. Tlc
dilliculty. ut lcust in tlc rcportcr's mind. lus u lot to do witl tlc timc tlut
lus clupscd sincc tlc lumily rcccivcd tlc ncws. lt ulwuys sccms u lot
worsc to bc uskcd to cull or visit tlc bcrcuvcd witlin lours ol tlc
uccidcnt. rutlcr tlun to scc tlcm duys ultcr tlcir lusbund. son. wilc or
duugltcr dicd. ln tlc LS und otlcr countrics. wlcrc tlc policc luvc lcss
control ovcr wlcn numcs urc rclcuscd tlun in luropc. you cun cvcn lind
yourscll spcuking to u lumily tlut docs not cvcn know tlcir lovcd onc is
dcud. No wondcr tlut somc rcportcrs. wlcn uskcd to do tlis job. simply
prctcnd to go tlrougl tlc motions und rcport buck tlut no onc wus
tulking. Wc'vc ull donc it.
Tlc dcutl cull is onc ol tlc muny urcus ol tlc job wlcrc tlcrc cun bc
no lurd und lust upproucl. At onc cxtrcmc is tlc idcu tlut tlc public lus
u riglt to bc told ull dctuils ol un incidcnt (including tlc minutiuc ol u
victim's lilc). Anytling lcss is rcgurdcd us pussylooting uround. ll tlut
mcuns botlcring tlc ncwly bcrcuvcd. gocs tlis urgumcnt. tlcn so bc it.
Tlc most inscnsitivc cusc tlut l know ol involvcd Ô±- ß²¹»´»- Û¨¿³·²»®
City lditor. }im Riclurdson. According to tlc uutobiogruply ol sports-
writcr }im Murruy. Riclurdson oncc ordcrcd rcportcr Wuin Sutton to
cull tlc motlcr ol u murdcr victim.
'lon't tcll lcr wlut luppcncd.' lc instructcd. 'tcll lcr tlut lcr
duugltcr's just won u bcuuty contcst ut Cump Robcrts. Tlcn gct ull
tlc inlormution on lcr.' Sutton did us instructcd. und tlc motlcr
luppily conlidcd lcr duugltcr's lilc listory. Tlcn Sutton put lis lund
ovcr tlc moutlpiccc. 'Now wlut do l do.' lc wondcrcd. Riclurdson
lookcd ut lim wickcdly. 'Now tcll lcr.' lc purrcd.
As u tcclniquc. it bclongs in u journulistic clumbcr ol lorrors. At tlc
otlcr cxtrcmc is tlc idcu tlut uny upproucl to tlc bcrcuvcd is un unjus-
tiliublc intrusion und tlcrclorc slould not bc mudc. Rcportcrs. gocs tlis
linc. slould stick to inlormution tlut cun bc glcuncd lrom public sourccs
or tlosc witl knowlcdgc but not intimutc involvcmcnt (sucl us
collcugucs or nciglbours).
Tlc most intclligcnt. prolcssionul uttitudc is. l tlink. to mukc u
scnsitivc upproucl to tlc lumily. und to ollcr tlcm u cluncc to spcuk.
Altcr ull. wlo urc you to dcprivc tlcm ol sccing tlc lilc ol tlcir lovcd onc
told. pcrlups lor tlc only timc. in somc concrctc wuy. rutlcr tlun bcing
u mcrc numc on u list ol victims. And u tlougltlul upproucl will oltcn
bc surprisingly wclcomcd. Muny bcrcuvcd wunt to lccl tlut tlcir rclutivc
lud u lilc wortl rccording. und spcuking to tlc mcdiu is ulso u wuy tlcy
cun conncct witl tlc outsidc world und slurc tlcir gricl. ln tlcir
situution. cvcn tulking to u rcportcr is purt ol tlc tlcrupy. Ü¿·´§ Ó·®®±®
rcportcr. lcrck lumbcrt. wrotc in lis mcmoirs:
Wlcncvcr l visitcd u gricl-strickcn purcnt or gricving widow. l wus
wclcomcd into tlc lomc. Uut cumc tlc scrup-books ÷ u boy in kncc-
lcngtl slorts. u scrviccmun grinning licrccly und scll-consciously in
lis bcst unilorm ÷ und out pourcd tlc mcmorics. By tlc timc l rcuclcd
tlc gurdcn gutc. it wus l wlo lclt likc wccping.
Tlc goldcn rulc is to cmputlisc. un uttitudc tlut is ccntrul to tlc
cxccllcnt udvicc prolcrrcd by tlc Victims und Mcdiu Ccntcr ut Micligun
Stutc Lnivcrsity's Sclool ol }ournulism. Tlcir tips to rcportcrs on dcutl
culls urc:
· Civc victims' lumilics u scnsc ol control. Ask tlcm to tcll you wlcn
tlcy wunt to suy somctling tlut tlcy do not wunt in tlc pupcr.
Civc tlcm your plonc numbcr und tcll tlcm tlut tlcy cun cull to
discuss tlc story.
· liscuss issucs ol privucy und conlidcntiulity ut tlc outsct. lxpluin
wlut you nccd. witl wlom you plun to tulk und lor low long.
· Prcpurc lor tlc possibility tlut you will dclivcr bud ncws ÷ il not tlc
uctuul dcutl mcssugc. tlcn somc uspcct ol it tlcy lud not known.
· Approucl tlcm witlout your notcbook in lund und tlcn usk il you
cun tukc notcs. Ask il you cun usc u tupc rccordcr.
· Acknowlcdgc tlcir loss. Suy somctling likc 'l'm sorry tlis
luppcncd to you'. 'l'm glud you wcrcn't killcd'. 'lt's not your luult'
or 'l'm sorry lor your loss'.
ll you do lollow tlc lust tip. tlcn lor lcuvcn's sukc ncvcr cutcl yourscll
suying: 'l know low you lccl'. lt's liglly unlikcly tlut you do. Prolcssors
ut Micligun Stutc Lnivcrsity wcrc oncc told ubout u young rcportcr's
intcrvicw witl u mun wlosc duugltcr lud just bccn rupcd und
murdcrcd. 'l know low you lccl.' tlc rcportcr suid. 'l rcmcmbcr wlcn
my dog dicd.' Not mucl comlort to somconc wlo lus just lost tlcir only
linully. il your contuct is by plonc. lcrc is u tip on low to lundlc tlc
ungry or upsct rcuction. lt comcs lrom ldnu Buclunun. tlc Pulitzcr-Prizc
winning lormcr crimc rcportcr ol tlc Ó·¿³· Ø»®¿´¼. ln lcr 1× ycurs on
tlc pupcr. slc covcrcd morc tlun 5.uuu violcnt dcutls und lrcqucntly
lud victims' lumilics slum tlc plonc down on lcr. Hcr policy wus to wuit
0u scconds. tlcn pick up tlc plonc und cull uguin. Ultcn. tlc pcrson
would luvc clungcd lis or lcr mind or u morc rcccptivc lumily mcmbcr
would unswcr. 'Tlis is ldnu Buclunun ut tlc Ó·¿³· Ø»®¿´¼.' slc would
suy. 'Wc wcrc cut oll.' Buclunun udds:
lt's rcully importunt to givc tlcm tlc cluncc to rcconsidcr bccuusc
tlcy miglt immcdiutcly rcgrct lunging up or somconc in tlc room
miglt suy. 'You slould luvc tulkcd to tlc rcportcr.' ll tlcy lung up
uguin. l don't givc it u tlird cluncc. But morc tlun lull tlc timc. tlcy'd
do it uguin on u sccond try.
ß´´ ®»°±®¬»®- ¿®» ¬±«¹¸ô ¿®»²K¬ ¬¸»§á
linully. low wcll do you tlink most rcportcrs would lundlc bcing purt
ol u disustcr. lvcryonc tlinks tlut rcportcrs urc us lurd us llint. Cynicul.
cold. culculuting und muybc cvcn u littlc crucl. Tlc sort ol pcoplc wlo
cun look u corpsc in tlc cyc ÷ und smilc. A pcrson. in luct. likc Bcn Hcclt.
co-uutlor ol 'Tlc lront Pugc' und u rcportcr witl tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ü¿·´§ Ò»©-.
ln tlc lutc 1º1us und 1º2us Hcclt covcrcd cvcry low-lilc. sordid kind
ol story tlut tlis rouring city ol gungstcrs lud to ollcr. His bcut wus tlc
mortuury und tlc policc ruid. tlc courtroom und tlc condcmncd ccll.
His duily convcrsutions wcrc witl killcrs und lrcuks. psycloputls und
pcrvcrts. Hc lud sccn cvcrytling Clicugo's drcgs lud to ollcr und ulwuys
munugcd to kccp lis lcud und stomucl lrom turning.
Lntil onc duy. wlcn lc uttcndcd tlc triul ol u mun wlo lud
sluugltcrcd lis cntirc lumily. lt sccmcd likc just unotlcr cusc to Hcclt
us lc sut in tlc crowdcd rcportcrs' gullcry wutcling tlc murdcrcr. u grcut
giunt ol u mun. stund impussivc bclorc tlc judgc lor scntcncing. Tlc
judgc culmly pronounccd dcutl by lunging. und. ut tlis. tlc giunt cumc
suddcnly to lilc. Slouting 'Hung mc. will you.' lc produccd lrom lis
juckct u long butclcr's knilc und plungcd it into tlc judgc's lcurt. Tlc
judgc lcll lorwurd gusping out lis lilc.
Stunncd silcncc grippcd tlc court. lvcryonc. including tlc lurdcncd
Hcclt. wus lrozcn. lvcryonc. tlut is. cxccpt u littlc rcportcr lrom u rivul
pupcr cullcd tlc ײ¬»®óѽ»¿². Hcclt could scc lim writing luriously. tlc
only rcportcr out ol ?u wlo lud ncrvcs strong cnougl to not bc divcrtcd
lrom lis tusk. Hc scribblcd on u momcnt morc. lilling scvcrul smull pugcs.
tlcn ycllcd 'Copyboy!'. und u youtl sprung lorwurd to tukc tlc scoop oll
to tlc tclcploncs.
Hcclt lutcr rccullcd: 'Nonc ol us in tlc courtroom lud tlc prcscncc ol
mind to writc u singlc word. purulyscd us wc wcrc by tlc uttuck. Yct lcrc
wus tlis guy lrom tlc ײ¬»®óѽ»¿². wlo lud ncrvcs ol stccl. wlo lud
ncvcr puuscd in doing lis job. l just lud to lind out wlut lc lud writtcn.'
Hcclt run ultcr tlc copyboy. cuuglt lim by tlc urm. und grubbcd tlc
pugcs. Un tlcm. writtcn ovcr und ovcr uguin in u sluky lund. wcrc tlc
words: 'Tlc judgc lus bccn stubbcd. tlc judgc lus bccn stubbcd. tlc
judgc lus bccn stubbcd .'.
ɸ»² §±« ¸»¿® -±³»¬¸·²¹ ¼»-½®·¾»¼ ¾§ ¿ ¶±«®²¿´·-¬ ¿- ¼·-¬«®¾·²¹ô §±« µ²±©
§±« ½¿²²±¬ ¬¿µ» ·¬ -»®·±«-´§ò
Kcnnctl Robinson
Ó·-¬¿µ»-ô ݱ®®»½¬·±²- ¿²¼
л®¸¿°- ¿² »¼·¬±® ³·¹¸¬ ¼·ª·¼» ¸·- °¿°»® ·²¬± º±«® ½¸¿°¬»®-å ¸»¿¼·²¹ ¬¸» º·®-¬ô
Ì®«¬¸-å ¬¸» -»½±²¼ô Ю±¾¿¾·´·¬·»-å ¬¸» ¬¸·®¼ô б--·¾·´·¬·»-å ¿²¼ º±«®¬¸ô Ô·»-.
Tlomus }cllcrson
Uncc upon u timc. ncwspupcrs did not mukc mistukcs. ll tlut rcuds likc
tlc bcginning to u luiry tulc. tlut's bccuusc it is onc. Ncwspupcrs did
mukc mistukcs: it's just tlut tlcy did not udmit tlcm ÷ or ut lcust not
unlcss lorccd to do so by luwycrs. lor dccudcs. tlc Prcss prclcrrcd to bc
conlidcnt liurs tlun scckcrs ultcr tlc trutl.
Tlis prctcncc ol inlullibility wus ubsurd. lnuccurutc rcporting produccd
(und is producing) millions ol wrong dctuils. lulsc uccounts und not u lcw
spcctuculurly dull storics. Un tlc 15 April 1º12. lor instuncc. tlc
Þ¿´¬·³±®» Ûª»²·²¹ Í«² run u story lcudlincd 'All Titunic Pusscngcrs Sulc'.
Un ? Novcmbcr 1º4×. tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ü¿·´§ Ì®·¾«²» procluimcd 'lcwcy
dclcuts Trumun' und on Muy 1º×?. ̸» Ì·³»- dcclurcd ull ovcr its lront
pugc 'Hitlcr's Sccrct liurics to bc publislcd'. As contcmporurics kncw
vcry soon ultcr cucl ol tlcsc storics uppcurcd. 1.5uu dicd on tlc Titunic.
Hurry Trumun bcut lcwcy und tlc diurics wcrc not writtcn by Hitlcr but
by u littlc Ccrmun crook cullcd Konny lisclcr.
Tlcsc duys. ncwspupcrs ol quulity do udmit mistukcs und tlcy put
tlcm riglt us soon us tlcy cun. Tlcy rccognisc tlut storics urc writtcn
by lulliblc lumun bcings undcr grcut prcssurc und witlout ucccss to ull
tlc sourccs. lncvitubly. somc crrors will crccp in. Tlcy lull into onc ol six
· lrrors ol dctuil ÷ numcs. ugcs. uddrcsscs. ctc.
· lrrors ol nurrutivc ÷ lulsc purt ol un otlcrwisc truc uccount.
· Houxcs und invcntions ÷ wlcrc tlc cntirc story is liction.
· lrrors ol contcxt ÷ incorrcct or missing buckground cuusing u lulsc
· lrrors ol omission ÷ un uccount mudc mislcuding by u missing purt.
· lrrors ol intcrprctution ÷ udding two und two und coming up witl
Tlc bcttcr pupcrs sucl us tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²» ulso luvc u systcm lor
rccording und trucking mistukcs. und uttcmpting to put riglt uny purt
ol tlcir proccsscs tlut cuuscd tlc crror. Sucl pupcrs luvc lcurnt u grcut
dcul ubout low mistukcs urisc. und wlo mukcs tlcm. And tlc trutl is
tlut no group ol journulists producc morc crrors tlun rcportcrs.
According to survcys curricd out ut Tlc Ù«¿®¼·¿² und tlc Ú±®¬ ɱ®¬¸
ͬ¿®óÌ»´»¹®¿³ in Tcxus. rcportcrs mudc lull tlc crrors tlut wcrc
publislcd. (Copy cditors wcrc rcsponsiblc lor ubout onc mistukc in livc.)
Tlis is un importunt insiglt lor tlc pupcrs und cvcn morc lor individuul
writcrs: lor notling dcstroys u rcportcr's rcputution lustcr (or morc com-
prclcnsivcly) tlun u rccord ol gcncruting crrors.
Rcportcrs scrious ubout not lullingintotlis cutcgoryslouldrculisc two
tlings. lirst tlut tlc uccurucy ol tlcir storics is tlcir rcsponsibilty und is
not somctlingtlut cunbcpusscduptlcproductioncluintouncws cditor
or copy cditor. Sccond. truin yourscll to bc so uwurc ol lowcrrors crccp
in tlut clccking lor tlcsc potcntiul umbuslcs bccomcs sccond nuturc.
lcurn not just lromyour mistukcs but ulso lromtlosc ol otlcrs. Wlcn
you scc u corrcction in u pupcr. tlink ol lowit miglt luvc occurrcd.
Tlcrc urc ciglt muin cuuscs ol crrors in storics:
Ú¿´-» ·²º±®³¿¬·±² º®±³ -±«®½»-
Witl simplc lucts likc numcs. dutcs und ugcs tlcrc is suid to bc not u lot
you cun do ubout wrong inlormution. l disugrcc. You cun doublc-clcck.
usk yourscll il tlc sourcc is in u position to know wlut tlcy urc tclling.
listcn out lor tlc tcll-tulc clucs to unccrtuinty ('l tlink.'. '.probubly.'.
'.or so l wus told.'. ctc.) und usk il tlc inlormution sounds pluusiblc.
Ultcn u littlc rcllcction will tcll you tlut it docs not. A rclutcd sourcc ol
crror is to tukc inlormution givcn to you (pcrlups in tlc midst ol un us-
yct unclcur situution) und prcscnt it us unuttributcd luct. rutlcr tlun u
sourccd contcntion. Tlis wus wlcrc tlc Ì·¬¿²·½ crror wus mudc. bccuusc
tlc pupcrs took on trust ussurunccs lrom tlc slip's owncrs. tlc Wlitc
Stur linc. und did not uttributc tlcm wlcn rcporting tlc pusscngcrs wcrc
ull suvcd.
б±® ²±¬»ó¬¿µ·²¹
Sluky notcs ÷ lrom un unccrtuin slortlund outlinc to u long-lund word
tlut could bc tlis or could bc tlut ÷ oltcn mukc sluky storics. Timc to
brusl up on tlc slort-lund or lundwriting. And don't gucss wlut
sourccs mcunt ÷ usk tlcm uguin. lcw will mind us mucl us you imuginc.
il ut ull. And lcurn to usk tlcm to spcll out. or writc down. numcs.
Ú¿·´«®» ¬± ¼±«¾´»ó½¸»½µ Lº¿½¬-K ©·¬¸ -±«®½»-
Ultcn onc sourcc tclls you somctling tlut contrudicts un curlicr sourcc.
Clcck it. doublc clcck it und triplc clcck it. il ncccssury. Tlc sumc upplics
to working lrom documcnts. A lcw scconds clccking tlut you luvc
copicd ligurcs und numcs corrcctly will suvc untold gricl.
λ´«½¬¿²½» ¬± ½¸»½µ L-»²-¿¬·±²¿´K º¿½¬- ±® ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬-
Tlcrc is u smirking purt ol tlc culturc ol journulism wlicl discourugcs
rcportcrs lrom clccking too closcly tlc morc outrugcous purts ol storics.
lcst somconc dcny tlcm or wutcr tlcm down. Sucl pcrilous idiocy llics
in tlc lucc ol gcncrutions ol cxpcricncc. wlicl is tlut lcw storics urc us
struigltlorwurd. bluck und wlitc. or outrugcous us tlcy lirst uppcur. ll
you wcrc not born witl lcultly sccpticism. ucquirc somc.
Ú¿·´«®» ¬± ®»¿¼ ¿ -¬±®§ ±²½» ©®·¬¬»²
Wc ull mukc typingcrrors wlcnworkingquickly. undwc ulsoluvc 'lucts'
in our lcuds tlut urc not bornc out by our notcs. A rcud lor uccurucy
(upurt lromonc lor stylc und possiblc cuts) stops u lot ol tlcsc crrors.
Ú¿·´«®» ¬± ´·-¬»² ¬± §±«® ±©² ¿²¨·»¬·»- ¿¾±«¬ ¿ -¬±®§
Any cxpcricnccd rcportcr knows tlc lccling ol luving u 'scnsutionul'
story. wlicl will mukc big lcudlincs. but ubout wlicl tlcy luvc somc
unxictics. lt docs not quitc ring truc. it docs not lit witl wlut you know
ol tlc world. ctc. Tlc mistukc is to clurgc ulcud. ulruid tlut cuution will
rob you ol lront pugc glory. lnstcud. listcn to tlosc doubts. Most ol tlc
timc tlcy will provc corrcct. Muny ol tlc crrors l luvc mudc wcrc wlcn
my slow-oll cgo would not lccd tlc wisc doubts ol tlc scnsiblc littlc
journulist in my lcud.
ѳ·--·±² ±º º¿½¬- ²±¬ º·¬¬·²¹ ©·¬¸ ¿ °®»ó½±²½»·ª»¼ ø±® ¬±±ó®¿°·¼´§ ½±²½»·ª»¼÷
Muking your mind up ubout u situution bclorc knowing ull tlc lucts
(ultlougl you cun ncvcr know ¿´´ tlc lucts) is onc ol tlc grcut trups u
journulist must pcrpctuully liglt to uvoidò lt is un cvcr-prcscnt dungcr
on mujor incidcnt storics. lor tlcrc is tlcn grcut prcssurc to dclivcr botl
u sccmingly ull-knowing uccount und u put cxplunution lor tlc incidcnt.
A clussic cusc wus tlc riots ut Strungcwuys Prison in Munclcstcr.
dcscribcd in Cluptcr 11 on lisustcrs.
Ϋ-¸·²¹ ·²¬± °®·²¬ ¬±± »¿®´§
Tlis wus tlc mistukc witl tlc Hitlcr liurics. Tlc unxicty to protcct un
cxclusivc propcrty (cxuccrbutcd by tlc bclicl witlin Ncws lntcrnutionul
tlut. ultimutcly. cntcrtuinmcnt und not trutl wus tlc objcct ol journul-
ism) mcunt tlut tlc story wus publislcd bclorc ull tlc scicntilic clccks
wcrc mudc. Tlis lcur ol bcing scoopcd ruslcd Murdocl into sunctioning
publicution. dcspitc strongly cxprcsscd misgivings by somc ol lis most
scnior Í«²¼¿§ Ì·³»- journulists. Tlc pitlulls ol dusling into print witl u
story tlut is lur morc cmplutic tlun tlc cvidcncc wurrunts is u lrcqucnt
cuusc ol mujor crrors on storics lurgc und smull. Tlc morul is obvious ÷
publisl only tlut ol wlicl you urc ccrtuin.
(Notc tlc ubscncc ol lutiguc und incxpcricncc lrom tlis list. Tlcy urc
not cuuscs ol crrors. but cxcuscs lor tlcm.)
linully. lor rcportcrs wlo tlink tlc importuncc ol uccurucy is not quitc
ull it's cruckcd up to bc. u sobcring story. lt uppcurcd in tlc ÝóÊ·´´» É»»µ´§.
u tubloid circuluting in Clurlottcsvillc. Virginiu. lt told ol tlc discovcry by
u lcmulc lcultl club clicnt ol u two-wuy mirror tlut lud bccn instullcd
in tlc womcn's clunging room. Tlc pupcr ulso curricd picturcs und
dctuilcd gruplics. Tlc story wcnt on to spcculutc lrccly (viu quotcs lrom
u psyclologist) ubout tlc motivcs ol tlc pcrson wlo lud sct up sucl u
pccplolc. Tlc story provcd truc in cvcry dctuil. wlicl wus just us wcll
bccuusc livc duys ultcr it uppcurcd. tlc owncr ol tlc lcultl club wus
lound dcud in u locul purk. Hc lud committcd suicidc. Tlc rcpcrcussions
lor tlc rcportcr. lud tlc story provcd inuccurutc in uny wuy. lurdly bcur
tlinking ubout. Tlc tulc is u rcmindcr tlut. sincc you ncvcr know tlc
cllccts your storics cun luvc. tlcy lud bcttcr bc corrcct.
ر© -¸±«´¼ §±« ®»-°±²¼ ¬± ³·-¬¿µ»-á
'Çuickly und witl cundour' is tlc unswcr. Tlis upplics in spudcs il. us is
oltcn tlc cusc. you rculisc your mistukc bclorc unyonc clsc docs. Movc
spccdily ÷ tlcrc muy bc timc to corrcct tlc mistukc bclorc tlc story is
publislcd. or. on lurgcr pupcrs. to corrcct bctwccn cditions. lvcn il it is
too lutc. u prompt conlcssion (und. il tlc mistukc is bud cnougl.
contucting tlc sourcc ullcctcd) will lclp to mitigutc tlc conscqucnccs lor
tlc pupcr lcgully und lor you pcrsonully. My cxpcricncc is tlut. providing
tlc crror is not too cruss. journulists wlo spccdily lold tlcir lunds up
und tukc rcsponsibility cmcrgc witl rcpututions lur lcss dumugcd tlun
tlosc wlo lurk in tlc sludows wuiting to bc unmuskcd. Tlosc urc tlc
oncs wlo urc suckcd.
Witl compluints lrom outsidc tlc pupcr. tlc lirst tling is to cstublisl
tlut tlc 'mistukc' dclinitcly is onc. Sourccs oltcn try it on. cspcciully tlosc
wlosc opcnncss witl you muy luvc cuuscd tlcm troublc witlin tlcir
own orgunisution. Muny cluims. cspcciully ol mis-quotution. provc to bc
notling morc tlun sourccs trying to covcr tlcir trucks.
Uncc un crror lus bccn cstublislcd. u spccdy corrcction slould bc
publislcd. prclcrrubly in u rcgulur plucc. Somc pupcrs. sucl us tlc Ó±¾·´»
λ¹·-¬»® in Alubumu. run ull corrcctions on pugc onc. At tlc Clcvclund
д¿·² Ü»¿´»®. tlc corrcction gocs us closc us it cun to wlcrc tlc originul
mistukc wus publislcd und is indcxcd on pugc 2. Tlc ß«¹«-¬¿ ݸ®±²·½´»
docs tlc sumc und. il tlc mistukc occurs on pugc 1. tlcn tlut's wlcrc
tlc corrcction gocs. Sucl policics urc not un udmission ol wcukncss. but
u simplc muttcr ol loncsty und bcttcr inlorming tlc rcudcr.
(Promptncss is unotlcr virtuc in corrcctions. but on u lcw occusions
ncwspupcrs luvc not bccn dctcrrcd by tlc pussugc ol timc. ln 1º2u tlc
Ò»© DZ®µ Ì·³»- publicly ridiculcd Prolcssor Robcrt Coddurd. tlc lutlcr
ol spucc cxplorution. lor lis cluim tlut rockcts could opcrutc in u vucuum.
Somc 4º ycurs lutcr. wlcn Apollo 11 curricd tlc lirst mcn to tlc moon.
tlc Ì·³»- publislcd tlc lollowing: 'lt is now dclinitcly cstublislcd tlut u
rockct cun lunction in u vucuum. Tlc Ì·³»- rcgrcts its crror.' Tlc rccord.
lowcvcr. is tlc 1ºº ycurs tlut clupscd bctwccn tlc Ѿ-»®ª»® ol london
rcporting tlc dcutl ol Mozurt us luving luppcncd on 5 lcccmbcr 17º1
und it corrccting tlis dutc to ? lcccmbcr in curly 1ºº1.)
Honcsty is not tlc only motivc in corrccting crrors. Avoiding u luw
suit is ulso u prctty powcrlul rcuson lor prompt corrcction. Somc ycurs
ugo. tlc lollowing uppcurcd in un lrisl ncwspupcr: 'ln tlc cdition ol tlc
Í«²¼¿§ Ю»-- dutcd Murcl 1× 1ººu u plotogrupl ol Proinsius lc Rossu
Tl wus publislcd witl tlc cuption ¨prospcctivc monstcr`. Tlis slould
luvc rcud ¨prospcctivc ministcr`.' Similurly un lnglisl locul pupcr run
tlis corrcction to u court rcport: '¨lutlcr lcud butts lis son` slould luvc
rcud. ¨lutlcr lcud butts lis son's uttuckcr`.'
You cun ulmost lcur tlc rustlc ol potcntiul lcgul procccdings in tlc
distuncc us you rcud tlcsc corrcctions. No doubt tlc cditors wlo ordcrcd
tlcm into print wcrc wcll uwurc tlut spccdy corrcction cun lclp stuvc
oll u dclumution luwsuit. or ut lcust lorm purt ol tlc subscqucnt dclcncc.
Cilbcrt Crunbcrg. tlc lormcr cditoriul pugc cditor ol tlc Ü»- Ó±·²»-
λ¹·-¬»®. wlo survcycd 104 libcl pluintills in 1º×7. lound tlut most
pcoplc wlo sucd lor libcl did not originully wunt moncy. Tlcy wuntcd u
corrcction. Unly ultcr tlcy wcrc bruslcd oll by tlc pupcr did tlcy tlcn
go to luw.
Howcvcr. unlcss corrcctions urc bcing curricd ut tlc point ol u luwycr's
writ. tlcy mcrcly luvc to rccull tlc mistukc und umcnd it. Tlcrc is no
nccd to grovcl. promisc you won't do it uguin. upologisc or luuncl into
un cxplunution ol low it wus tlc rcgulur cditor's niglt oll und lis
ussistunt wus lccling undcr tlc wcutlcr. A lcw publicutions. likc
ß³»®·½¿² Ô¿©§»®ô uctuully numc tlc rcportcr und cditor wlo mudc tlc
mistukc. Utlcrs. likc tlc Í¿² Ö±-» Ó»®½«®§ Ò»©-. go tlc otlcr wuy und
luvc climinutcd uny words ol blumc sucl us 'duc to un cditing crror'. ctc.
And tlcrc is. somcwlcrc. u limit to wlut cun bc scnsibly corrcctcd. lor
instuncc. on tlc duy ultcr it curricd u rcvicw ol u ncw curtoon lilm. tlc
Þ±-¬±² Ù´±¾» curricd tlc lollowing: 'ln our lilm rcvicw ycstcrduy.
stutcmcnts mudc by Sylvcstcr tlc Cut wcrc crroncously uttributcd to
lully luck.'
linully. luctuul crrors urc cusy to corrcct: otlcr typcs lcss so. Muny
compluints to ncwspupcrs ccntrc on inuppropriutc or missing contcxt.
or u missing clcmcnt wlicl ultcrs tlc ovcrull story or tlc imprcssion it
givcs. lor tlcsc. pupcrs cun ollcr spucc in tlc lcttcrs pugc. or. morc
rurcly. commcnt columns. To dcul witl sucl cuscs. tlc Ò»© DZ®µ Ì·³»-
runs un lditors' Notc to 'umplily urticlcs or rcctily wlut tlc cditors
considcr signilicunt lupscs ol luirncss. buluncc or pcrspcctivc.' lt
publislcs ubout 25 ol tlcmunnuully. lt is u usclul dcvicc tlut dcscrvcs
to bc morc widcly copicd.
Ù®»¿¬ ²»©-°¿°»® ¸±¿¨»-
ln 1º70 tlc lollowing udvcrtiscmcnt uppcurcd in Ncw York's Ê·´´¿¹»
Cutlousc lor logs
lcuturing u suvoury sclcction ol lot bitclcs. lrom pcdigrcc (lili. tlc
lrcncl poodlc) to mutts (ludy tlc Trump). Hundlcr und Vct on duty.
Stud und ploto scrvicc uvuilublc. No wcirdos plcusc. logs only. By
uppointmcnt. Cull 254 7×7×.
Tlc sumc duy u prcss rclcusc lrom tlc dogs' brotlcl wus scnt out. und. us
storics uppcurcd ubout tlc dog brotlcl. culls lrom pct owncrs (plus
wcirdos) lloodcd in. ABC bcgun lilming u documcntury. rcqucsts lor prcss
visits cumc in und tlc story bcgun to grow in otlcr wuys. Tlc Amcricun
Socicty lor tlc Prcvcntion ol Cruclty to Animuls cullcd lor tlc brotlcl's
closurc. us did tlc Burcuu ol Animul Alluirs. vicc squud. muyor's ollicc
und vurious rcligious und morul busybodics. Tlc controvcrsy wus
rcportcd witl rclisl. Tlc LS Attorncy Ccncrul cvcn scrvcd u subpocnu to
tlc uddrcss ol tlc scrvicc lor illcgully running u cutlousc lor dogs. lt wus
ut tlis point tlut tlc mun bclind it ull. onc }ocy Scuggs. stcppcd lorwurd
und rcvculcd it wus ull u loux.
Sucl uttcmpts to loodwink tlc prcss urc by no mcuns us uncommon
us journulists tlink. Assortcd lustlcrs. unurclists. gold-diggcrs und
lunstcrs luvc providcd u ricl listory ol spool storics tlut lound tlcir wuy
into print. lukcd documcnts luvc bccn purticulurly succcsslul. Tlc Hitlcr
liurics took in ̸» Ì·³»-ô Í«²¼¿§ Ì·³»-ô ͬ»®² muguzinc und otlcrs: tlc
'mcmoirs' ol Howurd Huglcs (uctuully writtcn by Clillord lrving) loolcd
Ô·º» muguzinc into puying S25u.uuu: tlc Purncll lcttcrs wlicl cxprcsscd
tlc lrisl lcudcr's upprovul ol politicul murdcrs lumiliutcd ̸» Ì·³»- wlcn
it provcd to luvc bccn writtcn by u mun cullcd Pigott lor cusl: und tlc
Zinovicv lcttcr slowing tlc lubour Purty us u 'lront' lor Moscow wus
cugcrly swullowcd by tlc Ü¿·´§ Ó¿·´ und convcnicntly publislcd on
clcction duy in 1º24. lt wus u lorgcry. Tlcsc urc wcll-known cuscs. but
otlcr louxcs dcscrvc u widcr uudicncc.
̸» ®¿¼·¿¬·±²ó°®±±º ½±½µ®±¿½¸
Lnitcd Prcss lntcrnutionul wus oncc upprouclcd by lr. }oscpl Crcgor. u
lcuding world cntomologist. und pcrsuudcd tlut lc lud dcvclopcd u
struin ol nuclcur-prool cockroucl. Tlcir cxtructcd lormoncs would curc
urtlritis. ucnc und unucmiu und protcct pcoplc lrom rudiution. Tlc
rcsultunt story. 'Roucl lormonc lcld us miruclc drug' wus scnt round
tlc world by LPl. lr. Crcgor wus. ol coursc. dog brotlcl invcntor }ocy
̸» ¬±°´»-- -¬®·²¹ ¯«¿®¬»¬
lurgc scctions ol tlc LS prcss wcrc dupcd in 1º07 by storics ubout u
lortlcoming tour by tlcsc burc-brcustcd lcmulc musiciuns lrom lruncc.
Tlc inspirution lor tlis nonscnsc wus onc Alun Abcl. wlo scnt out prcss
rclcuscs cxpluining tlut tlc musiciuns nccdcd to pluy -¿²- clotlcs in
ordcr to producc 'purc und unlumpcrcd toncs'. Hc ulso lircd lour modcls
to posc in wlitc gowns lor publicity slots. Altcr tlc storics uppcurcd.
rcqucsts lor rccituls cumc in und lrunk Sinutru's Rcprisc lubcl cvcn
ollcrcd tlcm u rccording contruct.
̸» »¿®´·»-¬ -¿§·²¹- ±º Ö»-«-
ln Muy 1ºº1 tlc Ú·²¿²½·¿´ Ì·³»- publislcd u long urticlc ubout tlc
discovcry ol wlut sccmcd to bc tlc curlicst surviving tcxt ol tlc suyings
ol }csus. Unly wlcn tlc urticlc wus publislcd did tlc pupcr rculisc tlc
signilicuncc ol tlc numc ol tlc supposcd discovcrcr ol tlc pricclcss lind
÷ Butson l. Sculing.
̸» ͱ½·»¬§ º±® ײ¼»½»²½§ ¬± Ò¿µ»¼ ß²·³¿´-
Tlis wus onc ol tlc morc cluborutc ncwspupcr louxcs. pcrpctrutcd by
Alun Abcl. Tlc Socicty lor lndcccncy to Nukcd Animuls wus invcntcd by
Alun Abcl in 1º5º. Abcl lircd un joblcss uctor cullcd Buck Hcnry to
impcrsonutc tlc lictionul loundcr ol tlc socicty. C. Clillord Prout }r. Hc
uppcurcd on NBC's 'Toduy Slow' to dcmund ull unimuls ovcr lour inclcs
ligl slould bc clotlcd lor dcccncy's sukc. und Abcl lircd pickcts to
protcst outsidc tlc Wlitc Housc und cvcn sct up u plonc linc und
opcrutor to tukc culls. Muny ncwspupcrs publislcd storics. Tlc covcr
story wus tlut SlNA lud bccn sct up witl moncy lclt to Prout by lis
lutlcr. Tlis uttructcd tlc uttcntion ol tlc tux uutloritics und tlc lRS
wrotc to dcmund buck tux. Wlcn no rcply cumc. tlcy visitcd SlNA's
olliccs. lound u broom cupbourd. und rculiscd it wus u loux. Buck Hcnry
wcnt on to bcttcr tlings. gctting u purt in u soup opcru und bccoming u
succcsslul writcr und uctor in sucl TV scrics und movics us 'Cct Smurt'.
'Tlc Cruduutc'. 'Cutcl-22' und 'To lic lor'.
Ccntrul to tlc succcss ol ull tlcsc louxcs wus tlc simplc luilurc to
clcck. und u tuking ut lucc vuluc prcss rclcuscs or culls lrom pluusiblc
ncw 'sourccs'. Prcvcnting sucl uttcmpts bcing printcd slould bc u
struigltlorwurd muttcr ol not lctting tlc dcsirc to gct your bylinc on sucl
storics ovcrwlclm tlc simplc prccuutions ol usking qucstions und
knocking on u lcw doors. Houxcs urc so mucl cusicr to pcrpctrutc on
rcportcrs wlo ncvcr lcuvc tlcir olliccs.
Tlc moncy puid lor storics by somc populur pupcrs is so ligl (tlc Í«²
spcnds millions ol pounds u ycur onpuymcnts to sourccs und lrcclunccs)
tlut tlcrc luvc cvcn bccn onc or two pcoplc wlo curncd u living us pro-
lcssionul ncwspupcr louxcrs. Tlc bcst ol tlcm wus probubly u lilm
stuntmun cullcd Rocky Ryun. ulius Mujor Truvis. Pctcr Bcrnstcin. luvid
Uppcnlcimcr. Rocco Sulvutorc or onc ol tlc otlcr lulsc numcs lc
rcgulurly uscd. Hc sold tlc л±°´» (u muss-murkct Sunduy ncwspupcr) u
story ubout scx und drugs orgics umong u Himuluyun cxpcdition. und to
otlcr mcdiu u tulc tlut Corbuclcv lud rcsigncd two ycurs bclorc lc
uctuullydid(witltlc rcsult tlut millions ol dollurs wcrc lost ontlc lorcign
cxclungc murkcts). plus u story tlut top Nuzi MurtinBormunnwus ulivc
und wcll und living on u kibbutz in lsrucl. Nonc ol tlcmwus truc.
Hc ulso mudc S1×.uuu by concocting trunscripts ol u plonc convcr-
sution bctwccn Princc Clurlcs und Princcss liunu und tlcn stung pupcrs
into puying lor tlis. Hc got un uctrcss lricnd to plonc tlc л±°´» to suy
u lricnd in tlc sccurity scrviccs wuntcd to tulk ubout tlc royuls. Slc guvc
u numbcr in u smurt purt ol london. und wlcn tlc pupcr rung tlc
tclcplonc wus unswcrcd by unotlcr lricnd wlo suid lc workcd lor
Britisl intclligcncc. Hc cxpluincd tlut tlcy lud bccn bugging Princc
Clurlcs's plonc. Hc suid lc wus prcpurcd to scll tlc trunscript ol tlc
plonc convcrsution lor S7.5uu. Tlc л±°´» bouglt it. us did otlcr pupcrs.
Tlc rcuson tlcy lcll lor it wus tlut tlc louxcrs wcrc giving tlcmu story
tlcy wuntcd to bclicvc wus truc ÷ tlc urt ol tlc conlidcncc trickstcr down
tlc ugcs.
Ö±«®²¿´·-³ ½±²-¬®«½¬- ³±³»²¬¿®·´§ ¿®®»-¬»¼ »¯«·´·¾®·«³- ¿²¼ ¹·ª»- ¼·-±®¼»®
¿² ·³°´·»¼ ±®¼»®ò ̸¿¬ ·- ¿´®»¿¼§ ¬©± -¬»°- º®±³ ®»¿´·¬§ò
Tlomus Crillitls
ß ¹·º¬»¼ ³¿² ©¸± ·-²K¬ ·²¬»®»-¬»¼ ·² ³±²»§ ·- ª»®§ ¸¿®¼ ¬± ¬¿³»ò
Alistuir Cookc ol tlc BBC
To tlc outsidcr. journulism und ctlics urc ubout us incongruous u
mixturc us you cun gct. lvcn to put tlc two words in tlc sumc scntcncc
is to risk rcducing tlc listcncr to lclplcss luugltcr.
To tlc insidcr on u muss-murkct tubloid. ctlics urc lurgcly un
irrclcvuncc. lditors. prcssurcd by intcnsc compctition lor rcudcrs.
dcmund tlut stull cut ctlicul corncrs: und compctition umong stull
cncourugcs somc to rcspond. lccturing tlcsc journulists ubout ctlics is
us pointlcss us udvocuting cclibucy to suilors urriving in port ultcr six
montls ut scu.
To tlc insidcr working on u quulity pupcr. wlcrc tlcrc is virtuully
ununimous ugrcccmcnt ubout busic prolcssionul morulity. ctlics urc u
codc ol principlcs to wlicl ull journulists slould udlcrc. or ut lcust lccl
guilty ubout il tlcy do not. Tlcy urc rurcly. il cvcr. rcquircd to stcp
outsidc tlis codc.
ltlics. morc tlun uny otlcr uspcct ol tlc job. urc wlcrc pcrsonul cir-
cumstuncc produccs cxpcricnccs so tlut tlc dillcrcnt ctlics cmploycd
urc burcly rccognisublc us tlc sumc tling. Tlc rcuson is tlut ctlics. us
uctuully pructiscd. urc conditioncd lcss by moruls tlun by wlut is
rcwurdcd or punislcd in uny givcn ncwspupcr. Un u Britisl muss murkct
tubloid (or ugcncy scrving onc) journulists muy bc rcgurdcd. puid und
promotcd uccording to low muny drumutic. possibly invusivc. storics
tlcy producc. Not too muny qucstions urc uskcd ubout low tlcy
obtuincd tlcm or wlut dcgrcc ol cxuggcrution is involvcd. lndccd tlc
ncws dcsk. or liglcr cxccutivcs. oltcn tcll rcportcrs wlut linc tlcy wunt.
rcgurdlcss ol uny rcscrvutions rcportcrs luvc. Not mucl scopc lor Mr. or
Ms. Propcr lcrc. At tlc otlcr cxtrcmc ÷ on u LS pupcr cnjoying u
monopoly und sluring tlc sumc city us its sourccs und rcudcrs ÷ rcportcrs
urc judgcd und rcwurdcd dillcrcntly. witl ctlics pluying u lur grcutcr purt
in tlcir livcs.
Lltimutclytlcmuinluctor indccidingwlut ctlics urcuctuullypructiscd
is compctition. lnmonopolysituutions. pupcrs knowtlut tlcrcis norivul
pupcr toscoop tlcm. und rcudcrs luvc noultcrnutivc toturnto÷ suvc lor
givinguppupcrs ultogctlcr. Tlis luckol compctitiongivcs tlc journulists
tlc morul luxury ol gcncrully bcing ublc to upply lur morc idculiscd
stundurds ol prolcssionul ctlics. lnumuss murkct. ligllycompctitivcund
witlumucloculturc. ulmost tlc onlysunctiononwlut pupcrs will doto
gct u story. or publisl oncc tlcy luvc got it. is tlc prospcct ol upsctting
rcudcrs. cspcciully to tlc point wlcrc tlcy will not buy tlc pupcr. Unly
tlcn will word go out to tlc stull. und tlc littlc ncws ugcncics tlut lccd
tlcm. tlut it is timc to cull u lult (pcrlups only tcmporurily) to stculing
picturcs lromtlc bcrcuvcd. invuding lospituls wlcrc sick cclcbritics urc
bcing trcutcd. publisling picturcs ol royul clildrcn in privutc momcnts.
condcmning u community lor violcncc witlout sullicicnt cvidcncc. or
wlutcvcr. Untubloids cspcciully. tlcpcriodiclittlccruptions ol ctlics tlut
urc somctimcs sccn ncurly ulwuys comc lromproprictors ucutcly uwurc
tlut rcudcrs cun ulwuys. und muybc urc ubout to. buy unotlcr pupcr. Ur
tlut tlc govcrnmcnt is ubout to lcgislutc.
But journulists luvc u sunction. too. Wc do not luvc to bc mcrc
crcuturcs ol tlc pupcrs wc work lor: wc luvc u cloicc. }ust us rcudcrs cun
stop buying. so journulists cun clungc jobs. Wc cun dccidc tlut tlcrc urc
somc tlings wc will not do und lcuvc tlc pupcr ÷ citlcr discrcctly ultcr
luving lound unotlcr post. or publicly. in u bluzc ol rigltcous
indignution. ll morc ol us did tlut. und mudc clcur our rcusons lor doing
so. journulism would bc bcttcr lor it.
Tlis clcmcnt ol morul cloicc. tlc distinction bctwccn low pupcrs
ucting undcr commcrciul prcssurcs cxpcct us to bcluvc und low wc cun
cloosc to bcluvc. cxpluins wly ctlics luvc u duily purposc ÷ or rutlcr.
two purposcs. Tlc lirst is to providc somc kind ol morul compuss. tclling
us low lur wc urc divcrging lrom u dcsircd routc. So lur us l know. tlc
mugnctic nortl in our trudc is lound in tlc cluuscs ol un unwrittcn
contruct wlicl slould cxist bctwccn ull ncwspupcrs und tlcir rcudcrs:
· lvcry story in tlc pupcr is u rcsult ol dccisions mudc lrcc ol politicul.
commcrciul or non-commcrciul prcssurc.
· Nonc urc tlcrc bccuusc ol uny luvours or moncy cxclungcd.
· All storics urc writtcn und cditcd in u spirit ol lrcc cnquiry. und
closcn lor publicution cntircly on tlcir own mcrits. bc tlcy rcul or
Sccond. ctlics providcs u pructicul guidc to tlc production ol sulc und
crcdiblc journulism. Honcstly. witl pluin dculing und witl tlc rcmovul
ol conllicts ol intcrcst urc tlc bcst wuys to do tlis job bccuusc tlcy urc
tlc sulcst wuys to do it. At tlc most busc lcvcl. tlcy kccp you out ol tlc
courts und lclp you to slccp ut niglts. And. ut tlc risk ol slocking somc
lTHlCS 1??
ol tlc morc ruuncly rcportcrs. ctlics urc tlc most dcccnt wuy to do tlc
job. too. giving us uttitudcs to rcudcrs (und sourccs) tlut urc buscd on
somc scnsitivity. rutlcr tlun mcrc sly commcrciul culculution.
Vicwcd likc tlis. ctlics urc not somc optionul cxtru but urc intcgrul to
cvcry uspcct ol tlc job. Tlis book tlcrclorc dculs witl tlcm us tlcy occur
÷ in lundling sourccs. usking qucstions. writing. ctc. ÷ und not in somc
morul purking lot tuckcd uwuy lrom tlc muin uction. Tlcrc urc.
lowcvcr. somc gcncrul principlcs und tlcsc luvc bccn gutlcrcd togctlcr
in tlis cluptcr.
Ù»²»®¿´ ¹«·¼»´·²»-
Ö±«®²¿´·-¬- -¸±«´¼ -»®ª» ±²´§ ¬¸»·® °¿°»®- ¿²¼ ¬¸»·® ®»¿¼»®-
ll you wunt to bc u propugundist. tlcn go und work in public rclutions.
or politics. }ournulists slould owc no loyulty to unyonc or unytling clsc:
not u politicul purty. sourcc. commcrciul intcrcst. non-commcrciul
intcrcst or purticulur cuusc. lowcvcr wortly. Bulunccd journulism is
dillicult cnougl to uclicvc witlout sucl conllicts ol intcrcst. Tlc
É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬ ncwspupcr lus u rulc tlut its journulists cunnot tukc
purt in uny politicul uctivity. Tlut includcs murcling on dcmonstrutions.
So wlcn scvcrul б-¬ rcportcrs wcrc spottcd on un ubortion riglts
dcmonstrution. tlcy wcrc told tlcy would not bc ullowcd to covcr
unytling toucling on tlc ubortion issuc.
Tlc dungcrs ol ullowing u missionury zcul lor somc cuusc to inlcct
rcporting urc cvcn morc obvious. Unc ol tlc morc notorious cxumplcs is
Wultcr lurunty. tlc Ò»© DZ®µ Ì·³»- corrcspondcnt in Moscow in tlc
1º2us und 1º?us. So tukcn wus lc by tlc idcology ol tlc ncw Sovict
Lnion tlut lis rcporting wus oltcn littlc morc tlun propugundu. At tlc
lciglt ol tlc luminc in tlc Lkruinc. lor instuncc. lurgcly cnginccrcd by
Stulin to brcuk locul rcsistuncc to Sovict control. lurunty wrotc ol 'villugc
murkcts ovcrllowing witl cggs. lruit. poultry. vcgctublcs. milk und
buttcr' ut priccs lur lowcr tlun in Moscow. 'Anyonc cun scc tlis is not
luminc. but ubunduncc'. lc uddcd: und u Pulitzcr committcc. knowing no
bcttcr. guvc lim u prizc. ln luct. millions dicd. und lurunty kncw tlis lull
wcll. tclling collcugucs in privutc tlut lc tlouglt tlc dcutl toll wus
uround tcn million. Mulcolm Muggcridgc. tlc Ó¿²½¸»-¬»® Ù«¿®¼·¿²K-
rcportcr in Moscow ut tlc timc. cullcd lim 'tlc biggcst liur ol uny
journulist l luvc cvcr mct.'
Ûª»®§ -¬±®§ -¸±«´¼ ¾» ¿² ¸±²»-¬ -»¿®½¸ º±® ¬¸» ¬®«¬¸
lucl story slould bc un opcn-mindcd uttcmpt to lind out wlut rcully
luppcncd. uccompunicd by u willingncss to print tlut trutl. lowcvcr
uncomlortublc it muy bc to our own. or tlc pupcr's. clcrislcd bclicls.
Tlus. journulists slould not ucccpt work wlicl sccks to bolstcr u point
ol vicw in tlc lucc ol cvidcncc. or undcrtukc rcporting wlicl uims to
support u prcconccivcd tlcory.
You would tlink tlis so scll-cvidcnt tlut it would not nccd stuting. But
cvcry duy you cun rcud rcporting wlicl strctclcs und struins tlc lucts to
lit u purticulur tlcsis. Unc ol tlc worst cxumplcs in rcccnt mcmory wus
committcd by tlc Í«². Brituin's biggcst-sclling duily. lor rcusons bcst
known to limscll. tlc tlcn cditor bccumc convinccd tlut Aids wus u
discusc limitcd to drug uddicts und lomoscxuuls. Un scvcrul occusions
govcrnmcnt stutistics wcrc willully munlundlcd to support tlis vicw.
Tlc most llugrunt occusion wus u story lcudlincd 'Struiglt Scx Cunnot
Civc You Aids ÷ Ulliciul'. wlicl rcportcd. umong otlcr ubsurditics. tlut
tlc clunccs ol gctting Aids lrom lctcroscxuul scx wcrc 'stutisticully
invisiblc. Anytling clsc is lomoscxuul propugundu.' lvcntuully. tlc
volumc ol protcsts ut tlis covcrugc produccd un upology ÷ wlicl tlc
pupcr run ut tlc bottom ol pugc 2×.
Hcrc. und tlis is no isolutcd cusc. wus rcporting tlut dcccivcd rcudcrs
und possibly cndungcrcd tlcm. Prcconccivcd tlcorics luvc no plucc in
journulism. Ncwspupcrs slould bc ut wur witl closcd minds. not
cmploying tlcm.
Ò± ·²¼«½»³»²¬- ¬± °«¾´·-¸ -¸±«´¼ ¾» ¿½½»°¬»¼
Tlis mcuns not only moncy und lrcc gilts. but ulso tlc promisc ol
udvuntugc or prclcrmcnt. lt spccilicully mcuns two tlings. Tlc lirst is
liddcn udvcrtising. wlcrc journulists or tlcir pupcrs tukc moncy lor
writing public rclutions picccs ubout lirms or pcoplc wlicl tlcn uppcur
in tlc cditoriul columns puruding us normul storics. ln rcccnt ycurs tlis
lus bccomc u widcsprcud pructicc in countrics likc Russiu. und tlc
tcmptution to writc liddcn udvcrtising in pluccs wlcrc puy is vcry poor
is undcrstundublc. But tlut docs not mukc it journulism. lt is udvcrtising.
PR. pulls. wlutcvcr you cull it. drcsscd up to look likc journulism. lt is u
dcccption. und u dumuging onc. lirst. it brcuks tlc busic contruct witl
rcudcrs. witl storics. purporting to bc u normul cditoriul. in print only
bccuusc moncy lus clungcd lunds. Sccond. sucl dcccptions dcstroy uny
trust tlut slould cxist bctwccn rcudcrs und pupcrs. Tlird. tlc pructicc
mukcs cditors suspcct tlcir stull luvc tukcn bribcs to writc ubout u
compuny wlcn tlcir story muy bc pcrlcctly loncst. lourtl. cditors und
publislcrs will. likc lotcl owncrs puying wuitcrs low sulurics bccuusc ol
tips. usc liddcn udvcrtising us un cxcusc not to puy journulists propcrly.
liltl. it cstublislcs tlut tlc journulists wlo do it luvc tlcir pcns und
minds uvuilublc lor lirc. Wlut will tlcy ucccpt moncy lor ncxt. Writing
luvourublc storics ubout criminul groups. Kccping storics ubout wrong-
doing out ol tlc pupcr. Tlut is but u slort stcp uwuy lrom collccting
lTHlCS 1?5
inlormution witl u vicw to sclling its dcstruction or supprcssion. ln otlcr
words. bluckmuil.
(lcst unyonc tlink tlis u good originul moncy-muking sclcmc. un
Amcricun publislcr cullcd Robcrt Hurrison got tlcrc lirst in tlc 1º5us
witl u muguzinc cullcd ݱ²º·¼»²¬·¿´. lt spcciuliscd in Hollywood scundul
und. by puying lurgc sums lor tips und inlormution. lc und lis invcsti-
gutors obtuincd dccidcdly intimutc dctuils ol tlc sturs' privutc livcs. lucl
story wus wcll-rcscurclcd und Hurrison's stull wcrc not lussy ubout tlcir
mctlods. liring prostitutcs to trup victims. sccrctly tuping und lilming
cncountcrs und conlcssions. Sulcs ol ݱ²º·¼»²¬·¿´ sourcd und cvcntuully
lit lour million. But soon tlc tcmptution to scll tlc ncgutivcs. tupcs und
otlcr cvidcncc to wcultly sturs provcd too strong. Tlc incvitublc court
cusc luppcncd. u stull mcmbcr killcd lcrscll. tlc cditor slot lis wilc und
limscll in u Ncw York tuxicub. Hurrison sold tlc muguzinc und botl lc
und it wcnt into u riclly-dcscrvcd oblivion.)
Hiddcn udvcrtising (wlicl slould bc corrcctly lubcllcd 'udvcrtising'
und typogruplicully trcutcd uccordingly). is vcry rurc in dcvclopcd
countrics. lur morc common is tlc ucccptuncc by journulists ol wlut
tlcy cull 'lrccbics'. tlut is. lrcc trips witl vucution compunics. lrcc mculs
lrom rcstuurunts or lrcc tickcts lrom tlcutrcs. ull givcn so tlut journulists
cun rcvicw tlcm. Tlc dungcr lcrc is tlut tlc writcr will lccl obligcd to
writc u luvourublc piccc. Tlis nccd not bc so. und tlc dungcrs cun bc
minimiscd und luitl kcpt witl tlc rcudcr il it is mudc pluin somcwlcrc in
tlc piccc or in u lootnotc tlut tlc tickctltriplmcul or wlutcvcr wus givcn
lrcc to tlc ncwspupcr.
Ö±«®²¿´·-¬- -¸±«´¼ ²±¬ ¿´´±© ¿¼ª»®¬·-»®- ¬± ·²º´«»²½»ô ¼·®»½¬´§ ±® ·²¼·®»½¬´§ô
¬¸» °¿°»®K- »¼·¬±®·¿´ ½±²¬»²¬
lt is not unusuul. cspcciully on smullcr. lcss prolitublc or locul pupcrs. lor
udvcrtiscrs to try to usc tlcir commcrciul wciglt to bully tlc pupcr. Tlis
prcssurc slould bc rcsistcd ut ull timcs. lt normully comcs lrom tlc
pupcr's udvcrtising dcpurtmcnt wlo will suy to tlc cditor tlut it would
bc lclplul il tlis importunt clicnt could luvc somc 'good covcrugc'. A lcw
ycurs ugo tlc 窻®-·¼» Ю»--óÛ²¬»®°®·¦». u pupcr in Culilorniu. publislcd
u totul ol clcvcn ncws picccs und 22 plotogrupls ol u ncw dcpurtmcnt
storc cullcd Nordstrom's in tlc six duys bclorc. during und immcdiutcly
ultcr its opcning in tlc town. Tlcsc 4uu column inclcs uppcurcd in tlc
sumc wcck us 2u lull pugcs ol uds lor tlc storc. A coincidcncc. Lnlikcly.
Morc rurcly. groups ol udvcrtiscrs uct in conccrt to try to lorcc tlc
pupcr to clungc its covcrugc. Wlcn l took ovcr us cditor ol u Britisl
provinciul pupcr. onc ol tlc tlings l did wus to stop tlc ¿«¬±³¿¬·½
rcporting ol ull slop-lilting court cuscs bccuusc tlcy wcrc so common us
to bc boring. Witlin u wcck. ull tlc dcpurtmcnt storcs in tlc city
upprouclcd tlc publislcr und told lim tlut unlcss rcporting ol ull slop-
lilting cuscs wus rcsumcd tlcy would witldruw tlcir udvcrtising. wlicl
wus considcrublc. Tlcy suid tlc covcrugc uctcd us u dctcrrcnt to would-
bc tlicvcs. luckily tlc publislcr supportcd mc. Tlc udvcrtiscrs' tlrcut
wus not curricd out.
Tlc dungcr ol giving in to udvcrtiscrs' prcssurc. wlctlcr individuul or
collcctivc. is tlut your contcnt ccuscs to bc lrccly closcn. You would ulso
lind tlut wlut is gruntcd to onc udvcrtiscr would soon bc dcmundcd by
muny. Civc in oncc. und you would ncvcr bc lrcc ol tlc prcssurc.
ܱ ²±¬ «-» §±«® °±-·¬·±² ¬± ¬¸®»¿¬»² ±® ¹¿·² ¿¼ª¿²¬¿¹»
A journulist lus powcr. lt slould ncvcr bc ubuscd. citlcr in tlc coursc ol
u story or in onc's duily lilc. Prosccuting pcrsonul disputcs witl storcs.
nciglbours. ctc. by tlrcutcning cxposurc or rclcrcncc to ligl-pluccd
conncctions is bullying. und unsulc bullying ut tlut. How could you cvcr
writc u luturc story ubout uny pcrson or orgunisution you luvc
tlrcutcncd in tlis wuy. How could you writc ubout tlc conncctions you
luvc uscd in your tlrcut. You will bc in tlcir pockct lor tlc luvour you
owc tlcm. Ncitlcr slould you usc your ncwspupcr's lcudcd notcpupcr
to writc u lcttcr dcmunding prclcrcntiul trcutmcnt. compcnsution lor
somc ullcgcd ncgligcncc or luulty scrvicc. lt implics to tlc rccipicnt tlut
your pupcr cxists us u sort ol privutc protcction ruckct lor its stull.
ܱ ²±¬ °®±³·-» ¬± -«°°®»-- -¬±®·»- º±® º®·»²¼-¸·° ±® º¿ª±«®-
lt somctimcs luppcns tlut you urc uskcd by somconc to 'lorgct' u story.
or purt ol it. in rcturn lor somc luvour. or cvcn cusl. lt is clcurly wrong
to ucccpt sucl un ollcr. lor tlc sumc rcusons us it is wrong to put in u
story lor luvours. Wlcn lricnds urc involvcd. rclusul miglt bc morc
dclicutcly plruscd. but just us swilt und surc. So slould it bc witl
collcugucs. us tlcsc two storics illustrutc.
Tlc lirst cusc comcs lrom Urcgon in tlc Lnitcd Stutcs wlcrc u lcw
ycurs ugo u locul tclcvision stution rcportcd tlut tlc long-timc clicl ol
stull ol tlc stutc's Rcpublicun scnutor lud scrvcd lor 25 ycurs us dircctor
ol u bunk tlut collupscd und wus builcd out ut u cost to tuxpuycrs ol S1uu
million. lt wus suggcstcd tlut tlc mun's involvcmcnt witl tlc bunk muy
luvc inllucnccd tlc scnutor's position on bunk dcrcgulution und tlc
subscqucnt builout. Tlc story wus pickcd up by tlc Associutcd Prcss und
wus tlc tulk ol tlc stutc. but tlc muin ncwspupcr in tlc stutc. tlc
Ñ®»¹±²·¿². closc to ignorc it. lt ulso ignorcd ullcgutions u wcck lutcr tlut
tlc clicl ol stull's olliciul truvcl. ut tuxpuycr's cxpcnsc. lud includcd 52
trips to Ncw York. wlcrc lc publislcd un unnuul guidcbook to tlc city
tlut lud curncd lim morc tlun S1 million.
Tlc pupcr's rcluctuncc to writc tlis story muy luvc lud somctling to
do witl tlc luct tlut tlc clicl ol stull wrotc u wcckly column lor tlc
lTHlCS 1?7
pupcr. lt cvcntuully publislcd purts ol tlc story only ultcr tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±²
б-¬ guvc tlc rcvclutions nutionul cxposurc.
Contrust tlis witl u pupcr cullcd tlc Ü¿·´§ ׬»³ in Sudbury. Pcnnsyl-
vuniu. Among tlc duily storics lrom tlc policc in onc issuc wus un
unccnsorcd uccount ol clurgcs lilcd uguinst u town rcsidcnt lor driving
ut un unsulc spccd undcr tlc inllucncc ol ulcolol. Tlc itcm includcd tlc
mun's numc. ugc. uddrcss und occupution ÷ cditor ol tlc Ü¿·´§ ׬»³.
Wlicl pupcr would you trust most. tlc ׬»³or tlc Ñ®»¹±²·¿².
ܱ ²±¬ ·²ª»²¬ ±® ·³°®±ª» ·²º±®³¿¬·±²
lnvcnting inlormution is obviously wrong und dungcrous. So. too. is cvcn
u liglt doctoring ol tlc lucts. cmbcllislmcnt ol tlc trutl or tcmporury
umncsiu ubout ccrtuin dctuils tlut inconvcnicncc tlc muin tlrust ol tlc
story. Your rcport will bc u clcut. Tlis upplics witl cquul lorcc to plo-
togruplcrs und tlc disloncst 'sct-up' picturc. wlcrc un cvcnt or situution
is stugcd to imitutc somc ullcgcd rculity.
Somc ncws plotogruplcrs in Wcstcrn luropc ulso luvc bccn known
to curry uround in tlcir curs ccrtuin 'props' to inscrt into picturcs. A wcll-
known ploy uscd to bc to luvc u clild's sloc. or tcddy bcur uvuilublc. so
tlut plotogruplcrs covcring disustcrs likc truin or uir cruslcs. could sct
tlis prop umong tlc wrcckugc lor u 'poignunt' picturc. Sucl picturcs
luvc now bccomc u clicl’. Bcsidcs. tlcrc wus ulwuys tlc dungcr tlut tlc
pusscngcr list. wlcn linully issucd. would rcvcul tlut tlcrc wcrc no
clildrcn ubourd. lclibcrutc lukcs. or ut lcust tlc dctcctcd oncs. urc vcry
rurc. Pcrlups tlc most lumous rcccnt cxumplc wus }unct Cookc's
Pulitzcr-winning story in tlc É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬. lt wus cullcd '}immy's
World' und told tlc story ol un ciglt-ycur-old lcroin uddict. }immy.
lowcvcr. did not cxist. Tlc story wus un invcntion lrom bcginning to
cnd. Wlcn tlc liction wus rcvculcd tlc б-¬ suw tlut. witl lindsiglt.
tlcrc wcrc muny wurning signs. Somc stull. lor instuncc. lud lurbourcd
doubts ubout tlc story ut tlc timc. but lud citlcr tlouglt it bcst to kccp
quict. or tlouglt tlc story 'too good to clcck'. Tlis journulisticully-lctlul
uttitudc wus cncourugcd by Cookc's wurnings tlut lcr (und }immy's) lilc
would bc cndungcrcd il clccks wcrc mudc. Nor did unyonc tlink to clcck
Cookc's own crcdcntiuls. Slc suid slc wus u gruduutc ol Vussur. lud u
mustcr's dcgrcc lrom Tolcdo. studicd ut tlc Sorbonnc. wus un uccom-
plislcd piunist und spokc lour lunguugcs. No cditor tlouglt tlis u tull
ordcr lor somconc ugcd just 25. Among tlcsc cxccutivcs. ironicully. wus
Wutcrgutc lcro Bob Woodwurd.
DZ« -¸±«´¼ ²±¬ ¾»²»º·¬ °»®-±²¿´´§ º®±³ ·²º±®³¿¬·±² §±« ¿½¯«·®»
Lsing inlormution you luvc ucquircd in ordcr to mukc u commcrciul guin
bclorc tlc story is publislcd is u tcmptution most likcly to bc luccd by
busincss rcportcrs. A lcw ycurs ugo u rcportcr lor tlc É¿´´ ͬ®»»¬ Ö±«®²¿´
cullcd R. lostcr Wlinuns co-wrotc u column buscd on inlormution lrom
sourccs tlut trudcd stocks. Hc dccidcd to scll inlormution to u stockbrokcr
Hc wus puid S?1.uuu to lcuk tlc contcnts ol tlc column to scvcrul
stockbrokcrs. cnubling tlcm to buy und scll slurcs in compunics bclorc
tlis inlormution bccumc public und tlus would ullcct tlc pricc ol tlc
stock. Tlc brokcrs mudc ubout S0ºu.uuu lrom tlc lcukcd inlormution.
Wlinuns und tlc brokcrs wcrc cvcntuully cuuglt und lound guilty in
court ol violutions ol tlc Sccuritics lxclungc Act by misuppropriuting
conlidcntiul inlormution. Wlinuns wus scntcnccd to 1× montls in
prison. livc ycurs' probution. 4uu lours ol community scrvicc und u
S5uu linc. Muny Wcstcrn pupcrs now mukc tlcir linunciul stull dcclurc
tlcir invcstmcnts und linunciul dculings.
Ù®»§ ¿®»¿-
Tlc ubovc issucs urc clcur-cut. But u lot ol issucs in rcporting urc morc
complicutcd. Hurd und lust rulcs urc dillicult to dcsign und upply. Tukc
ploncy by-lincs. lor cxumplc. Pluinly wrong il uscd routincly to givc tlc
imprcssion u pupcr's stull is scvcrul timcs wlut it is. tlc pructicc is u good
dcul lcss lurmlul wlcn sports cditors usc it to disguisc tlc idcntity ol.
suy. stull rcportcrs lrom u duily moonliglting to covcr cvcnts lor u
Sunduy. Sincc tlc story purports to bc writtcn by somconc wlo docs not
in luct cxist. l would still contcnd ploncy by-lincs urc u dcccit. lt is pur-
ticulurly unsulc wlcrc tlc story muy bc clullcngcd. or cvcn cnd in u luw
suit. Wlo do you producc in court. An uctor tuking tlc numc ol tlc
lictitious rcportcr.
Tlcrc luvc bccn muny uttcmpts to bc dogmutic ubout privucy. but nonc
cun bc sustuincd bcyond tlc most simplistic instunccs. Wc ull ugrcc tlut
il u Prcsidcnt lools uround witl u junior cmploycc in lis ollicc. tlcrc is u
lcgitimutc story. ll somconc is usking lor our votcs (und our tuxcs to puy
tlcir wugcs). wc luvc u riglt to know ubout tlcm. tlcir livcs und low
tlcy impuct on tlcir dutics. Un tlc otlcr lund. lcw would suggcst
writing u story ubout u sccond junior cmploycc looling uround. in tlcir
own timc. witl u tlird. Tlc scx livcs ol privutc citizcns. lowcvcr
luscinuting. urc not rcgurdcd us u lcgitimutc turgct lor u story. unlcss tlc
luw is brokcn. But bctwccn tlcsc two cxtrcmcs. in ull tlc lcss clcur-cut
cuscs. is tlc guping spucc wlcrc wc urguc ubout privucy.
Tlc convcntionul. und lurgcly scnsiblc. guidclinc is tlut tlc pcrson
slould bc u public ligurc und tlc invusion ol tlcir privucy must luvc u
lTHlCS 1?º
lcgitimutc justilicution buscd on tlc public intcrcst. not mcrcly tickling
tlc public's curiosity. ll u mun stunding lor public ollicc mukcs u grcut
dcul ol public luss ubout morulity und tlc virtucs ol lumily lilc. but you
cun provc lc lus u string ol mistrcsscs. tlcn it is riglt to publisl u story.
His doublc stundurds urc clcurly rclcvunt to public lilc.
Tlcrc urc two problcms witl tlis convcntionul wisdom. lirst. il u pupcr
tlinks tlc story is sullicicntly cntcrtuining or sulucious. ulmost uny
'public intcrcst' prctcxt cun bc drcdgcd up. Sccond. justilicutions tcnd to
bc upplicd in u purtisun wuy: pupcrs dclcnd tlc privucy ol tlosc tlcy
udmirc und invudc tlc privucy ol tlosc tlcy scck to dcstroy.
Purt ol tlc unswcr lics in tlut truditionully most unjournulistic ol
quulitics: scnsitivity. }ournulists must luvc vcry good rcusons lor
invuding somconc's privucy und slould ulso bc uwurc ol tlc consc-
qucnccs ol sucl rcporting. A lcw ycurs ugo in Brituin u policcmun bcgun
un ulluir. His wilc lcurnt ubout it und pcrsuudcd lim to givc up lis
mistrcss. Tlc jculous lovcr tlcn told u nutionul pupcr und lcr uccount
wus printcd undcr tlc lcudlinc. 'Tlc lovc lilc ol u lctcctivc'. As u rcsult.
tlc couplc's clild wus tcuscd ut sclool. tlc lusbund lud to givc up lis job
und tlc lumily lud to movc. Somc muy tlink tlut u litting punislmcnt
lor lis originul sin. l do not tlink so. und ncitlcr would l likc to justily
tlut rcporting.
An issuc wlicl comcs up lcss lrcqucntly is wlcrc journulists gct involvcd
in wrong-doing in ordcr to invcstigutc it. Tlis is not u good idcu. Brcuking
tlc luw in pursuit ol u story is botl wrong und unsulc. lt rcmovcs
wlutcvcr morul lcgitimucy tlcir rcporting muy otlcrwisc luvc lud.
Somctimcs rcportcrs invcstiguting drug-dculing. crimc or prostitution
lcurn inlormution tlut slould bc pusscd struiglt to tlc policc. l tlink you
slould do tlut. Utlcrwisc you urc compromising your lcgitimucy. und
muy ulso bc putting tlc livcs ol innoccnt citizcns ut risk. Unly tlc policc
÷ not you ÷ cun judgc tlut. (Tlis condition ubout tlc sulcty ol citizcns
ulso upplics to tlc situution wlcrc journulists urc uccuscd ol mcrcly
spcctuting in disustcr or wur situutions und not doing unytling to lclp
tlosc wlo urc in dungcr. My rulc would bc tlut il you cun luvc uny
inllucncc on tlc outcomc ol u situution you slould lollow your normul
instincts und uct to lclp.)
Ò»ª»® ¿½½»°¬ ¿ º®»» ¬·½µ»¬ º®±³ ¿ ¬¸»¿¬®» ³¿²¿¹»®ô ¿ º®»» ®·¼» º®±³ ¬¸»
½¸¿³¾»® ±º ½±³³»®½»ô ±® ¿ º¿ª±«® º®±³ ¿ °±´·¬·½·¿²ò
H. l. Mcnckcn
É®·¬·²¹ º±® Ò»©-°¿°»®-
̸» ³±-¬ »--»²¬·¿´ ¹·º¬ º±® ¿ ©®·¬»® ·- ¿ ¾«·´¬ó·²ô -¸±½µó°®±±º -¸·¬ó¼»¬»½¬±®ò
lrncst Hcmingwuy
Ncwspupcrs urc not litcruturc. But tlcn nor is most litcruturc. Writing lor
pupcrs is dillcrcnt lrom writing u novcl or slort story. but not us dillcrcnt
us somc would likc to tlink. All good writing lus somc tlings in
common. lt is clcur. cusy to rcud. uscs lrcsl lunguugc. stimulutcs und
cntcrtuins. Tlosc tlings urc us truc ol tlc wcll-writtcn ncwspupcr story
us tlcy urc ol tlc wcll-writtcn novcl. And tlcy urc truc wlutcvcr
lunguugc you urc writing in.
Now lor tlc bud ncws. lcurning low to writc is lurd. loncly work. Wc
ull know pcoplc wlo suy tlcy wunt to writc. Wlut tlcy oltcn wunt is
mcrcly to wulk uround suying tlcy urc writcrs. Wlut tlcy do not wunt
to do is to put tlcir butts on u cluir und stuy tlcrc until tlcy luvc covcrcd
somc pupcr or u computcr scrccn in words. Tlut is wlut you luvc got to
do. Muny. muny timcs. And tlc wuy you progrcss und dcvclop wlutcvcr
tulcnt you luvc is to writc lundrcds und lundrcds ol storics und mukc
mistukcs. You lcuvc vitul tlings out und put irrclcvuncics in. writc lull
tlc piccc. tlcn rculisc it is going wrong und luvc to sturt uguin. writc
clumsily. pompously or stillly. turn in work tlut is conlusing or tritc. und
commit to pupcr or scrccn wlolc purugrupls so silly tlut il you lud to
spcuk tlcm. your voicc would truil oll in cmburrussmcnt mid-scntcncc.
Now lor tlc good ncws. Altcr u wlilc. by lunging uround u good
ncwspupcr und listcning. by rcuding. studying tlc good und tlc bud und
bcing your own slurpcst critic. you bcgin to scc u wuy. Tlcrc will still bc
timcs wlcn you tukc u long timc to gct u story to work. but by und lurgc.
tlc morc you writc. tlc morc llucntly you writc. Writing is likc u musclc.
it will bc u lot strongcr il you cxcrcisc it cvcry duy: you will wustc lcss
timc in lulsc sturts und clusing down tlc wrong routc. lcss timc in
writing storics ut tlc wrong pucc lor tlc lcngtl tlcy slould bc und lcss
cncrgy trying to tlink ol u luncy plrusc wlcn u simplc onc will bc bcttcr.
And you lind tlut csscntiul tling witlout wlicl no onc cun cull
tlcmsclvcs u writcr ÷ your voicc. No morc will you bc cxpcrimcnting
witl u stylc tlut is ovcr-cluborutc. too lormul or too colloquiul. lnstcud.
you will luvc lound u nuturul stylc tlut suits you. is consistcnt. lus
rlytlms und cxprcssions rccognisubly yours und ÷ tlc cruciul tcst ÷ il
rcud uloud would sound likc un only sligltly tidicd up vcrsion ol your
spcccl. lt will bc your own. Not put on. not ullcctcd und not borrowcd.
Ul coursc it will owc somctling to tlc writcrs you udmirc. your
buckground. cducution. rcuding und so lortl. But it will bc yours ÷ your
words und idioms. your puttcrn ol scntcncc lcngtls und your rlytlm
witlin scntcnccs. lt will bc likc u signuturc. Unly morc rcudublc.
Tlc most importunt purt ol writing is wlut luppcns insidc your lcud
bctwccn linisling your rcscurcl und putting tlc lirst word down. You
luvc got to tlink ubout your mutcriul und dccidc wlut it is ubout und
wlut you wunt to do witl it. Composition is not mcrcly tlc busincss ol
urrunging words. it is tlc busincss ol orgunising tlouglt. lt docs not
muttcr low wondcrlul you urc ut conjuring up colourlul plruscs or witty
rcmurks: il you do not luvc u clcur idcu ol wlut you wunt to suy it will
Tlis is cusy cnougl on somc cutuclysmic cvcnt or slort. struigltlor-
wurd ncws storics. but most journulism is not likc tlut. Storics cun bc
complcx. not us strong us you would likc. or tlcy cun bc long lcuturcs
covcring muny dillcrcnt uspccts. or commissioncd picccs wlcrc you urc
unsurc il tlc subjcct is intcrcsting to tlc rcudcr. Tlcn you luvc to tlink
lurd ubout wlut tlc story is uctuully ubout. And somctimcs it is not
immcdiutcly obvious. A lcuturc. lor cxumplc. ubout u mun collccting und
kccping cxotic lrogs in lis upurtmcnt is supcrliciully ubout umplibiuns.
not u subjcct in wlicl most pcoplc urc uutomuticully intcrcstcd. But it is
ulso u story ubout ccccntricity und obscssion. ubout low u lobby lus
tukcn ovcr somconc's lilc (und lis lomc). Tlut is u lur morc promising
topic tlun lrogs.
Tlc otlcr tling you luvc to work out is tlc trcutmcnt lor tlc story. ls
it lurd ncws. A solt ncws story or liglt lumun intcrcst. Slould it bc told
clronologicully or by covcring cucl uspcct in turn. All tlcsc dillcrcnt
wuys ol lundling tlc story (und tlcrc urc muny morc) ullcct tlc con-
struction. tlc muin lrumcwork ol wlicl you nccd to know bclorc you
sturt. ln tlc cusc ol simplc ncws storics. plunning wlut you wunt to suy
und tlc ordcr in wlicl you wunt to suy it cun bc donc quickly in your
lcud. But witl longcr. or morc complcx. urticlcs you nccd u writtcn plun.
Ncvcr bc ulruid to mukc u plun on pupcr. lt is not tlc sign ol un untutorcd
novicc. but somconc wlo wunts to gct it riglt. lt docs not luvc to bc vcry
dctuilcd ÷ just tlc muin building blocks ol tlc story in ordcr. witl muybc
u lcw notcs ol low to link tlcm.
Construction gcts its own cluptcr (Cluptcr 10). us docs tlc intro
(Cluptcr 15). tlut ull-importunt lirst purugrupl. Tlosc scctions discuss
low you cun grub tlc rcudcr's uttcntion immcdiutcly und sustuin it
tlrougl tlc piccc ÷ botl csscntiul lcuturcs ol good writing. Tlcrc urc. l
tlink. six otlcrs: clurity. lrcsl lunguugc. loncsty. prccision. suitubility
und cllicicncy ÷ und tlcy urc tlc subjccts ol tlis cluptcr.
lucl story must bc clcur in tlouglt. orgunisution und lunguugc. ll it
isn't. it nccds rc-tlinking or rc-writing. You don't just luvc to tukc my
word lor tlut. Tlc lrcncl novclist Stcndlul wrotc. 'l scc only onc rulc:
to bc clcur. ll l um not clcur tlcn my cntirc world crumblcs into notling.'
Tlc Britisl writcr H.C. Wclls put it lcss drumuticully. 'l writc us struiglt
us l cun. just us l wulk us struiglt us l cun. bccuusc tlut is tlc bcst wuy
to gct tlcrc.' Ul no writing is tlis morc truc tlun tlut lor ncwspupcrs.
Tlcy urc oltcn rcud in distructing. noisy surroundings by pcoplc witl
otlcr dcmunds on tlcir timc und cusicr. ulbcit inlcrior. wuys ol gctting
ncws. Tlcrc urc spccilic points to wutcl lor.
ß½¸·»ª» ½´¿®·¬§ ¾»º±®» §±« ¸¿ª» »ª»² °«¬ ¿ -·²¹´» ©±®¼ ¼±©²
To cxpluin somctling to otlcrs. you must lirst lully undcrstund it
yourscll. Lntil you do. don't writc it down. A good tip lor tlc conluscd is
to tcll tlc story to u collcuguc or lricnd. Tlc obvious nub ol tlc story (und
its innutc puttcrn) will probubly comc out ol your moutl ulmost uncon-
Þ» ½¿®»º«´ ¬± ·²½´«¼» »¿½¸ -¬¿¹» ·² ¿ ²¿®®¿¬·ª»ô »¿½¸ »ª»²¬ ·² ¿ -»¯«»²½» ¿²¼
»¿½¸ -¬»° ·² ¿² ¿®¹«³»²¬
}umping lrom A to C lcuvcs rcudcrs luving to work out tlut B luppcncd
in bctwccn. Tlut's unnoying. conlusing und somctimcs mislcuding.
cspcciully in tlc cuscs wlcn B uctuully luppcncd out ol plucc. And don't
mukc lcups ol logic. You muy undcrstund your tlouglt proccsscs but
rcudcrs won't unlcss you cxpluin tlcm.
ܱ²K¬ ¿--«³» ®»¿¼»®- ¸¿ª» -°»½·¿´ ±® °®·±® µ²±©´»¼¹»
Wlcn you spcnd u lot ol timc dclving into u spcciulist or tcclnicul urcu.
it is cusy to lorgct tlut rcudcrs know only us mucl us you did bclorc you
bcgun your rcscurcl. lon't. And on storics tlut run lor muny duys.
wccks or montls. don't ussumc tlut rcudcrs luvc u plotogruplic
mcmory ol wlut lus gonc bclorc or luvc dutilully mudc notcs wlcn tlcy
rcud your prcvious storics. Tlcy luvcn't. lnstcud. work on tlc
ussumption tlut until somctling lus pusscd lirmly into gcncrul
knowlcdgc. rcudcrs will nccd rcmindcrs und rccups.
Û¨°´¿·² ¿´´ ¶¿®¹±²
Tlc normul instruction on tlis subjcct is to uvoid using ull jurgon.
wlctlcr it is scicntilic. tcclnicul. burcuucrutic or wlutcvcr. l tlink tlis
is u mistukc. Somc jurgon is usclul. lt tukcs rcudcrs insidc u lormcrly
closcd world. udds to tlcir knowlcdgc ol tlc lunguugc spcciulists usc und.
cspcciully witl burcuucrutic jurgon. slows tlc oltcn-ludicrous plruscs
tlut olliciuls drcum up und tlus tlcir mcntulity. lor tlcsc rcusons. und
lor lovcrs ol irony. it slould ncvcr bc bunncd lrom storics. Wlut.
lowcvcr. slould bc ccnsurcd is tlc luilurc to cxpluin in cvcryduy
lunguugc wlut tlc jurgon mcuns.
Tlis is not to suy tlut jurgon slould bc uscd oltcn. cvcn il it is
cxpluincd. }ournulists. cspcciully spcciulist rcportcrs. cun cusily slip into
using jurgon bccuusc tlcy wunt to displuy tlcir knowlcdgc und sound
likc un insidcr. Wcll. by ull mcuns do so ut u purty il you tlink it will
imprcss pcoplc. but not in your pupcr. Trying to comc ucross us un insidcr
or writing lor insidcrs is clitist und obscuruntist. ncitlcr ol wlicl clur-
uctcristic is wuntcd on ncwspupcrs.
Tlcn tlcrc is commcrciul und politicul jurgon. wlicl tlcsc duys is
pcrlups tlc most dumuging kind ol ull. lt is widcsprcud. somctimcs
dillicult to dctcct. und journulists urc cspcciully pronc to rcpcut it
untlinkingly. Spokcsmcn lor lurgc compunics suy tlut tlcir 'opcrution'
(lirm) is 'undcrgoing tcmporury cusl-llow dillicultics' (running out ol
moncy) duc to 'murkct positioning problcms' (pcoplc urc not buying
wlut tlcy mukc) und so tlcrc will bc u 'rutionulisution ol tlc work lorcc'
(pcoplc will bc suckcd). Covcrnmcnt olliciuls tulk ol 'corrcctionul lucilitics'
wlcn tlcy mcun prisons und 'un imbuluncc bctwccn tlc supply und
dcmund lor domcstic units' wlcn tlcy mcun tlut tlcrc is u lousing
Tlcsc urc cuplcmisms. u lorm ol linguistic disloncsty wlicl is pur-
ticulurly common wlcrc public rclutions pcoplc prolilcrutc. Tlcy pluy
on tlc nuturul tcndcncy ol politiciuns und busincss lcudcrs to. il not lic.
ut lcust try to lidc tlc trutl wlcn undcr prcssurc.
Û²-«®» §±«® -»²¬»²½»- ¿®» ¬±¬¿´´§ ½´»¿®
lon't writc conlusing scntcnccs tlut obligc rcudcrs to go buck to tlc
bcginning und rcud tlcm uguin. lnstcud. you go buck und rc-writc it.
Tlis is dillcrcnt. ol coursc. lrom tlc dclibcrutc dcvicc ol writing scntcnccs
tlut lcud rcudcrs to cxpcct onc tling und tlcn dclivcr unotlcr. Surprisc
is importunt to kccp tlc writing livcly.
ߪ±·¼ ¬®·½µ§ ©®·¬·²¹ ¿²¼ ¬®·½µ§ ´¿²¹«¿¹»
Any writing tlut is scll-consciously clcvcr is ulmost ccrtuinly scll-
cvidcntly bud. Tlc idcu is to communicutc your mcuning to otlcrs. not
to kccp it to yourscll. So il you lind yourscll writing u slowy plrusc tlut
you urc purticulurly proud ol. strikc it out: il you vcrbully luvc to cxpluin
u pussugc to somconc. clungc it: und il you lccl tcmptcd to usc words to
displuy your crudition. rcsist.
Ѳ» º·²¿´ ©±®¼ ±² ½´¿®·¬§ P -·³°´·½·¬§
Tlis virtuc is normully urgcd on journulists wlcn tlcy urc writing.
cspcciully lor muss-murkct ncwspupcrs. lt is good udvicc. up to u point:
und tlut point is wlcrc simplicity bccomcs simplc-mindcdncss. Somc
pupcrs. purticulurly in Brituin und Austruliu. scvcrcly undcrcstimutc tlc
litcrucy ol tlcir rcudcrs. witl tlc rcsult tlut tlcy usc u vocubulury und
lunguugc wlicl is rcstrictcd und styliscd.
Tlcy dclcnd tlis on tlc grounds tlut tlcy know tlcir rcudcrs ÷ u qucs-
tionublc usscrtion. ll tlcy uctuully kncw tlcm. tlcy would know tlut in
spcccl und tlouglt tlcir customcrs' minds opcrutc scvcrul lcvcls ubovc
tlut ol tlc pupcr. ll unyonc doubts tlut. tlcy luvc only to compurc it
witl tlc vustly morc complicutcd lunguugc und vocubulury ol tclcvision
tlut tlcir rcudcrs copc witl cvcry duy. Wlcn simplicity mcuns linguistic
inbrccding. it is timc to lct in u littlc ncw blood.
Ú®»-¸ ´¿²¹«¿¹»
Tlc wlolc point ol urticlcs in ncwspupcrs is to givc rcudcrs somctling
tlcy luvc not lud bclorc ÷ inlormution. insiglts. obscrvutions. tlouglts.
lt is tlcrclorc u tcrriblc wustc to rclutc tlis novclty in lunguugc tlut is
tircd und worn-out tlrougl ovcr-usc. lo tlut und rcudcrs will lccl cvcn
tlc ncwcst mutcriul lus un old. lumiliur ring to it. Points to wutcl out
lor urc:
λ¹¿®¼ »¿½¸ -¬±®§ ¿- ¿² ·²¼·ª·¼«¿´ô ²»© ¬¸·²¹
lon't lull into tlc trup ol lormulu writing. wlcrc you suy to yourscll. 'Al.
lcrc's ¨u lc suid ÷ slc suid urgumcnt story`' und tlcn trot it out to u wcll-
worn puttcrn. Ul coursc tlcrc must bc u limit to tlc typcs ol storics
uround. but tlut docs not mcun you must mukc ull wlicl bcur u
similurity to cucl otlcr conlorm to u sct lormulu. Prolcssor }oln Curcy.
in lis introduction to ̸» Ú¿¾»® Þ±±µ ±º λ°±®¬¿¹». writcs: 'Mussivc uccu-
mulutions ol stundurdiscd lunguugc und luckncycd story-lincs lic in
wuit. rcudy to lcup lrom tlc lingcrs to tlc typing pugc.' As lc suys.
rcportcrs luvc to scc tlcir story und tcll it. us il lor tlc lirst timc. ln tlis
scnsc. bcwurc cspcciully u story wlicl uppcurs to writc itscll. ll tlut sturts
to luppcn. stop. tlink und you writc it instcud.
ߪ±·¼ ¿´´ ½´·½¸’-
And lcrc. lor oncc. is somctling tlut is us cusy to do us it is to suy. Clicl’s
urc words und plruscs tlut urc lumiliur. too lumiliur. so rccognising tlcm
slould not posc uny problcms. A good rulc is tlut unytling you suspcct
ol bcing u clicl’ undoubtcdly is onc und slould bc rcmovcd. Somc urc
in gcncrul usc. otlcrs sccm to bc purcly conlincd to ncwspupcrs und urc
dcult witl lutcr in tlis cluptcr. But wlutcvcr tlcy urc. tlcy urc
cxprcssions so old und worn-out tlut tlcy luvc ccuscd to luvc uny
Tlosc tlut urc similcs posc un cspcciul dungcr bccuusc tlcir uutomutic
usc mcuns tlcy urc oltcn upplicd in tlc wrong plucc. lor instuncc.
dcscribing u crusl sccnc us 'likc u buttlclicld' is botl unoriginul und
wrong. us tlosc wlo luvc sccn botl uccidcnt sccncs und buttlcliclds will
know. But wlctlcr tlcy urc similcs. mctuplors. cutcl plruscs or singlc
words. tlc clicl’ (u lcuturc ol wlicl is tlut it is out ol your lcud und into
tlc story ulmost bclorc you luvc rculiscd it) slould bc dclctcd und
somctling lrcslcr put in its plucc.
ߪ±·¼ ¿´´ ¿«¬±³¿¬·½ ©±®¼-
Tlcsc urc normully udjcctivcs wlicl somc rcportcrs instinctivcly link
witl ccrtuin nouns. All dculs luvc to bc 'lugc'. ull rcports 'slock'. ull
murdcrs 'brutul'. ull conccrn 'widcsprcud' und ull wunts 'long-lclt'. Tlc
udjcctivc lus bccomc likc u purusitc living on its lost und lus long sincc
suckcd tlc plrusc ol uny impuct it miglt luvc lud. Tlcrc urc ulso
plruscs wlicl sccm to bc uscd uutomuticully in ccrtuin circumstunccs.
lucl country's ncwspupcrs luvc tlcm. ln lnglisl-lunguugc pupcrs. lor
instuncc. disustcrs ulwuys luvc invcstigutors 'grimly silting tlrougl tlc
wrcckugc' (us il tlcy would bc luugling) und civil disturbunccs ovcrscus
luvc 'buton-wiclding policc' und 'stonc-tlrowing dcmonstrutors'. Tlcsc
urc not just uutomutic. but clicl’s und uscd so lrcqucntly tlut tlcy
cunnot possibly bc uccurutc in ull cuscs.
Þ» ª»®§ ½¿®»º«´ ©·¬¸ °«²-
An outriglt bun would bc u bit scvcrc. bccuusc oncc in u wlilc (suy cvcry
tlrcc ycurs) somcwlcrc in tlc world u journulist comcs up witl u good
lrcsl onc. Mcunwlilc. muny millions morc tlut urc unytling but lrcsl
gct publislcd. Tlcy normully tukc two lorms: lirst wlcrc tlc writcr on u
ccrtuin subjcct tlinks ol cvcry possiblc word ussociutcd witl tlut subjcct
und loscs no opportunity to lill tlc story witl tlcm (us in 'Tcnnis Pluycr
Ncts lortunc'): sccond wlcrc tlc story. normully u liglt onc in u muss-
murkct pupcr. sccms to consist ol notling but word pluy. To tlosc in tlc
know. sucl puns urc un inlulliblc givcuwuy tlut tlc story is bcing writtcn
by somconc witl no imuginution und ulso tlut tlc story is not wortl tlc
spucc it lus bccn givcn.
Tlcrc urc no ubsolutc rulcs in writing. but onc tlut comcs closc is:
ncvcr writc tlc obvious. ll you go to lus Vcgus. don't writc ubout tlc slot
muclincs: il london. try to gct to tlc cnd ol tlc piccc witlout rclcrcncc
to ruin or Big Bcn: il Puris. lcuvc obscrvutions on tlc wuy womcn drcss
to somconc clsc. So. too. witl puns. Tlcy cunnot put you in prison lor
writing u liglt story ubout cuts wlicl uvoids ull pluy on words likc puws.
ninc livcs or tuil.
And contrury to tlc mytl pcddlcd by ncwspupcr journulists wlosc
stock in trudc urc puns. tlcy urc not ut ull dillicult to writc. ll tlcy wcrc.
tlcrc would bc lcwcr ol tlcm in ncwspupcrs. A good gcncrul rulc would
bc to ullow somconc clsc tlc glory ol bcing tlc oncc-cvcry-tlrcc-ycurs
lcro wlo comcs up witl u pun wortl rcpcuting. und rcmovc yourscll
lrom tlut compctition by ncvcr writing witl tlcm.
ɱ®µ ¸¿®¼ ¿¬ ½®»¿¬·²¹ ²»© -·³·´»-ô ³»¬¿°¸±®- ¿²¼ °¸®¿-»-
Wlcncvcr you lind yourscll rcucling in u scmi-uutomutic luslion lor u
plrusc. similc or mctuplor. stop und tlink. Tlink lurd ubout tlc rcul
nuturc ol wlut it is tlut you urc trying to convcy und try to lind u plrusc
tlut lits tlc bill pcrlcctly. not just tlc ncurcst oll-tlc-slcll option.
lxpcricnccd writcrs luvc ull kinds ol dcviccs wlcrc tlcy dclibcrutcly und
clcvcrly invcrt or lool uround witl lumiliur plruscs to givc tlcm ncw lilc.
But tlcy ulso put u lot ol bruin powcr into trying to dcscribc somctling
or communicutc its nuturc cxuctly. und tlut mcuns tlc lurd work ol
invcnting u plrusc cspcciully lor it.
Tlcy ulso liglt und urguc witl cditors lor tlc riglt to usc colourlul
lunguugc. Somctimcs tlis is ncccssury wlcn you work on u pupcr wlicl
sccks to lorcc u litcrury struitjuckct on its stull. Tlc cditing stull ut tlc
Ò»© DZ®µ Ì·³»-. lor instuncc. uscd to bc notorious lor tlc dcud lund tlcy
would luy on tlc prosc ol its writcrs. Considcr tlc cxpcricnccs ol Molly
lvcns in tlc lutc 1º7us. Slc oncc wrotc tlut u mun lud 'u bccr gut tlut
bclongcd in tlc Smitlsoniun'. Tlc copy-cditor clungcd it to. 'u mun witl
u protubcrunt stomucl' ÷ uccurutc. but dull. Tlcn. unotlcr timc. slc
wrotc tlut u guy 'squuwkcd likc u two-dollur liddlc'. und it uppcurcd in
tlc pupcr us 'un incxpcnsivc musicul instrumcnt'. lditors wlo do tlings
likc tlut to lrcsl lunguugc slould bc working in u muscum.
Þ»©¿®» ¬¸» º¿-¸·±²¿¾´» ©±®¼ ±® °¸®¿-»
lunguugc lus its vogucs. just likc lcm-lincs und luir-stylcs. lucl ncw
luslionublc word or plrusc. lowcvcr. rupidly bccomcs irrituting to rcud.
So do your writing u luvour ÷ bc u trcnd-scttcr rutlcr tlun u trcnd-
lollowcr. Lsc your own words. plruscs und voicc und lct otlcrs mimic
tlc pussing luncy. As tlc stylc book ol tlc london Ü¿·´§ Ì»´»¹®¿°¸ suys:
'll you urc tcmptcd to usc u word bccuusc ull tlc smurt writcrs urc using
it. clungc tlc word. your rcuding muttcr or your job.' Ur. us Bcrnurd
Kilgorc oncc wrotc to lis stull. 'll l rcud upcoming in tlc É¿´´ ͬ®»»¬
Ö±«®²¿´ uguin. l slull bc downcoming und somcbody will bc outgoing.'
Tlcrc urc uspccts ol tlc proccss ol journulism wlicl oltcn compromisc
trutl. Tlc luck ol timc to collutc u totully comprclcnsivc uccount. tlc
luck ol ucccss to ull tlc sourccs und inlormution und tlc nccd to writc
tlc story to u linitc. oltcn quitc slort lcngtl ÷ ull tlcsc luctors cun prcvcnt
us prcscnting un uccount tlut is us complctc (or us uccurutc) us wc would
likc. Tlut is linc us long us wc urc uwurc ol tlcsc limitutions und don't
cluim tlut wc urc prcscnting tlc dclinitivc uccount in cucl story. And it
is cvcn bcttcr il wc urc doing ull wc cun to ovcrcomc tlcsc limitutions
und dillicultics.
But oltcn wlcn writing und cditing ncws storics. journulists do tlings
wlicl uctuully put cvcn morc distuncc bctwccn tlcir story und tlc trutl.
Writcrs know wlut cditors prizc us u strong ncws story und in writing
tlc story us strongly us tlcy durc. tlcy oltcn mukc omissions und usc
lunguugc wlicl cxuggcrutcs or 'lypcs' tlc story bcyond its truc vuluc.
And. on populur pupcrs cspcciully. il tlcy do not do tlut. tlc clunccs urc
tlut un cditor will. Avoiding tlis somctimcs inudvcrtcnt. somctimcs
dclibcrutc proccss is not cusy. but lcrc urc u lcw points.
É®·¬» ±²´§ ©¸¿¬ §±« µ²±© ¬± ¾» ¬®«»
Tlis is obvious und slould not rcully nccd suying. but it docs. Çuitc u lot
ol rcportcrs wlcn clullcngcd on u purt ol u story will suy. 'Wcll. it must
bc truc.' Suppositions likc tlis miglt bc good cnougl lor u clut in tlc
kitclcn witl u lricnd. but not lor ncwspupcrs.
ß´´ -¬±®·»- -¸±«´¼ ¾» ¿ ½±²-½·±«- »ºº±®¬ ¬± ¾» ¾¿´¿²½»¼ ¿²¼ ¬®«» ¬± ¾±¬¸ ¬¸»
¼»¬¿·´ ¿²¼ -°·®·¬ ±º ¬¸» ³¿¬»®·¿´
Tlis is u tull ordcr. lt is not just u qucstion ol muking surc you luvc
includcd botl sidcs (normully tlcrc urc morc tlun two) to tlc story und
luvc quotcd uccurutcly. lt is u qucstion ol muking surc wlut you luvc
put in tlc story uccurutcly rcllccts wlut you know to bc tlc wlolc
picturc. You muy. lor cxumplc. spcnd u grcut dcul ol timc intcrvicwing
somconc wlo is pcrlcctly cvcn÷tcmpcrcd. cxccpt lor tlcir rcsponsc to
onc qucstion. Ul coursc you urc cntitlcd to rcport tlut touclincss. but
cvcn il you quotc it witl totul uccurucy. tlc wlolc piccc would bc
disloncst unlcss you indicutcd tlut tlcir gcncrul mood wus bcnign.
Anytling clsc is sluntcd sclcction witl u disloncst purposc.
ܱ ²±¬ ¸§°»
Tlis is tlc proccss wlcrcby journulists usc words tlut convcy u strongcr
mcuning tlun tlc mutcriul justilics. A lot ol it is donc uutomuticully to
conlorm to wlut tlc writcr tlinks urc tlc rcquircd journulistic
convcntions. und tlus is ulso u clicl’. But wlctlcr lis or lcr intcntion
is conscious or not. tlc cllcct is to ovcr-cook tlc story. Words likc
'scnsutionul'. 'slock'. 'drumutic' und 'disturbing' urc uscd to dcscribc
tlings wlicl urc normully u good dcul lcss tlun scnsutionul. slocking.
drumutic und disturbing. As onc commcntutor oncc suid: 'Wlcn you
lcur somctling dcscribcd by u journulist us disturbing. you know you
cunnot tukc it scriously.'
Tlcrc urc two otlcr bud uspccts ol tlis lubit. lirst. ull tlcsc words
involvc u vuluc judgcmcnt. wlicl lus no plucc in u struiglt ncws story.
And lyping is tlc worst kind ol commcnt ÷ u sncuky commcnt posing
us u lcgitimutc dcscription. lt docs not dcclurc itscll. but gocs undcr un
ussumcd idcntity. Sccond. lct tlc lucts spcuk lor tlcmsclvcs. ll tlc story
is scnsutionul. slocking. disturbing or wlutcvcr. tcll tlc rcudcrs ull
ubout it und lct tlcm judgc lor tlcmsclvcs. Cood journulism involvcs
not only tlc rcudcrs trusting tlc pupcr. but tlc pupcr trusting tlc
Tlc linul problcm witl tlis sort ol brcutllcss. cxuggcrutcd lunguugc is
tlut it bcurs no rclution to tlc lunguugc rcul pcoplc usc. And in ulmost
cvcry country. muny ncwspupcrs luvc cvolvcd tlis 'journulcsc'. ln
Brituin. lor cxumplc. it is u world wlcrc two pcoplc disputing u point urc
'conlronting' cucl otlcr. und wlcrc 'umid cxtruordinury sccncs'
(unytling rcmotcly out ol tlc ordinury) 'soup-sturs' (uny uctrcss wlo
lus lud u wulk-on purt) luvc 'miruclc' bubics (uscd to dcscribc inlunts
born in unytling but tlc most routinc circumstunccs) wlicl urc 'duslcd'
or 'mcrcy duslcd' to lospitul to bc opcrutcd on by 'lcroic' doctors.
Rcporting in journulcsc is disloncst. ut lcust scvcrul stcps rcmovcd lrom
rculity und. bccuusc it is so ovcr-uscd. ultimutcly lus no impuct on
rcudcrs. lt is u lossiliscd urt lorm. pcrlormcd to u sct ol rituuls. lt lus no
lilc. Rcplucc it witl lrcsl. loncst lunguugc.
Þ»©¿®» ±º «-·²¹ -·³°´·-¬·½ô ¾´¿½µ ¿²¼ ©¸·¬» ¸»¿¼´·²» ´¿²¹«¿¹» ·² -¬±®·»-
Tlcrc is u grcut dcul ol dillcrcncc bctwccn writing tlut brings un issuc
or subjcct to lilc und writing tlut givcs tlc mutcriul u ploncy lilc. A primc
cxumplc ol tlis is using words tlut luvc no sludcs ol mcuning. but urc
citlcr vcry bluck or vcry wlitc. Tlis is bcst cxpluincd by rcluting briclly
tlc roots ol tlis in luropcun muss-murkct ncwspupcrs. Uvcr tlc lust 5u
or so ycurs on sucl pupcrs. lcudlincs luvc bccomc progrcssivcly lurgcr
in sizc. Tlc unuvoidublc rcsult ol tlis is tlut tlc words uscd in lcudlincs
luvc got mucl slortcr. And tlcrc is onc grcut problcm witl slort words:
in ulmost cvcry cusc tlcy urc lur lcss good ut convcying sludcs ol
mcuning tlun longcr words. Tlcy tcnd to dcul in cxtrcmcs ol mcuning.
bluck und wlitc und not grudcs ol grcy.
Tlus il you und l lold dillcrcnt opinions on u subjcct und discuss it.
wc could bc suid to luvc u disugrccmcnt. ll wc urc sullicicntly intcrcsting
lor u populur pupcr to wunt to rcport our dcbutc. low will tlcy dcscribc
it in tlcir lcudlinc. Wcll 'disugrccmcnt' cunnot lit. ncitlcr cun 'dcbutc'.
bccuusc ull tlcy luvc room lor in typc 4.5 cm ligl is u word ol lour
lcttcrs. So our disugrccmcnt bccomcs u 'row' or u 'lcud'. somctling vcry
dillcrcnt. Ur wc luvc u 'bust up'. or l 'lusl' you. or 'rup' you or 'blust'
you. nonc ol wlicl luppcncd. Typogruply und dcsign lus mudc u
disloncst uccount ol our mccting.
ln muny Britisl pupcrs. unnoyuncc (mcuning you urc not plcuscd) is
invuriubly now 'lury' (suggcsting ungcr bcyond control). un
urrungcmcnt (mcuning un inlormul ugrccmcnt) is u 'dcul' (mcuning u
lur morc lormul ugrccmcnt. witl dclinitc ovcrtoncs ol u linunciul. possibly
cvcn sludy. sidc). bud luck is u 'cursc'. to criticisc is 'to slum'. luilurc to
uttcnd is u 'snub'. intcrnul disputc is 'civil wur'. possibility is 'tlrcut'. u
proposul is u 'plun'. to rcplucc is to 'oust'. u trullic jum is 'roud cluos'. ctc.
All ol tlcsc cxumplcs (und tlcrc urc muny morc to cloosc lrom) urc
slortcr. morc cxtrcmc und morc brutul tlun tlc rculity tlcy dcscribc. lt
is us il tlc story is bcing trunslutcd into unotlcr lunguugc by un ungry
mun witl u limitcd vocubulury.
Tlis inuccurucy miglt bc conlincd to tlc lcudlinc wcrc it not lor onc
tling: tlc lunguugc ol toduy's lcudlincs is tlc lunguugc ol tomorrow's
ncws storics. lditors und tlcir scnior cxccutivcs control tlc culturc ol u
pupcr purtly tlrougl tlc lunguugc ol lcudlincs. wlicl tlcy upprovc.
Rcportcrs rcud tlc words uscd lor lcudlincs on tlcir storics und. wunting
to bc tlouglt in tunc witl tlc culturc ol tlc pupcr (und tlcir cditor) or
u 'briglt. livcly' writcr. tlcy udopt it. And provinciul rcportcrs scc sucl
lunguugc in nutionul pupcrs und tlcy imitutc it. oltcn budly. And tlcn
cvcn somc llugging quulity pupcr. wunting to mukc its imugc morc
youtllul. or its uppcuruncc morc livcly. will udopt lurgcr lcudlincs und
tlus imbibc somc. il not tlc worst. ol tlcsc cxccsscs. Tlus. in vurying
dcgrccs. docs tlc wlolc journulistic strcum bccomc pollutcd. ll tlc
lunguugc ol your pupcrs lus not yct bccn invudcd by tlc littlc bluck und
wlitc words. kccp u wury cyc out lor tlcm.
}ournulism slould bc tlc cncmy ol imprccision. Storics slould bc writtcn
to unswcr qucstions in tlc rcudcrs' minds. not to ruisc tlcm. And tlc
qucstions u rcportcr slould bc trying to unswcr. und unswcr prcciscly.
· Wlut. ÷ Wlut lus luppcncd.
· Wlo. ÷ Wlo lus it luppcncd to. Wlo lus donc it. Agc.
uppcuruncc. position. crcdcntiuls und uny rclcvunt buckground.
· Wlcrc. ÷ Wlcrc did it luppcn.
· Wlcn. ÷ Wlcn did it luppcn. Wlut timc. duy. montl.
· How. ÷ How did it luppcn. lxplunutions.
· Wly. ÷ Wly did it luppcn.
Utlcr points to wutcl lor urc:
ײ ¿´´ ½¿-»-ô ¿¾±´·-¸ ¬¸» ¿¾-¬®¿½¬ ¿²¼ «-» ¬¸» °¿®¬·½«´¿®
Writing wlicl is not spccilic is not wuntcd. Rcporting tlut tulks ol 'olliciul
orgunisutions' witlout numing tlcm is no good. Lsc spccilic words.
numc numcs. mukc lists und pin tlings down. You luvc to bc curclul
wlcrc in tlc story you itcmisc tlcsc dctuils. but tlcy slould bc tlcrc.
And don't just cull u building 'tull'. How tull is it. ln mctrcs. plcusc. plus
somc gruplic idcu ol wlut tlut mcuns.
Ë-» µ²±©² ¯«¿²¬·¬·»- ®¿¬¸»® ¬¸¿² «²µ²±©² ±²»-
Writcrs oltcn usc words likc 'rcully'. 'considcrubly' und 'vcry' to cxprcss
vulucs or sculc. But low mucl is 'vcry'. Bc prccisc. usc known vulucs.
Þ» ½¿®»º«´ ©·¬¸ L«° ¬±K ¿²¼ L³±®» ¬¸¿²K
A lcuding LS copy÷cditor lus rigltly pointcd out tlc inluriuting lubit ol
rcportcrs ol bcing mculy-moutlcd witl numbcrs. us in: 'An uvcrugc
cuscworkcr miglt lundlc up to 1uu cuscs u montl or morc.' As lc suys.
tlis could bc 'up to' (i.c.. unytling lrom u to 1uu) or 'morc' (i.c.. lrom
1u1 to inlinity) ÷ und it only 'miglt' bc ut tlut. Scntcnccs likc tlis suy
litcrully notling. You cun liddlc witl tlis scntcncc u bit ('lt's not unusuul
lor u cuscworkcr to lundlc 1uu cuscs u montl') but lor ull you know 1uu
cuscs u montl miglt bc cxtrcmcly rurc. Tlc only rcul solution is tlut tlc
rcportcr slould go uwuy und usk lor spccilic dutu.
ܱ²K¬ «-» ª¿¹«» ¿¼¶»½¬·ª»-
Tlcrc urc somc plruscs in common usc wlicl communicutc only vuguc
idcus. 'lxpcnsivc tustcs'. lor cxumplc. tclls you tlut tlcsc tustcs urc not
clcup. but tlut is ull. Wlut docs cxpcnsivc mcun lcrc. Wlut tlc rcudcr
wunts to know urc concrctc cxumplcs ol wlut tlc moncy is bcing spcnt
on. prclcrubly witl brund numcs und priccs. Similurly 'lust cur' ÷ is it u
Porsclc. u sccond-lund policc cur or u lcrruri. And 'luxury' ÷ wlut is
tlut. Tlc unswcr is. it is dillcrcnt tlings to dillcrcnt pcoplc. You slould
tcll rcudcrs somctling tlut mcuns tlc sumc to ull ol tlcm. Tlis upplics
ulso to dcscriptions ol pcoplc. 'Slc is tull und uttructivc.' Wlut docs tlut
mcun. But il l writc tlut slc is blondc und stunds six lcct. tlcn wc botl
know wlut wc mcun. 'Slc is intclligcnt' is mcuninglcss. cxccpt us u
gcncrul indicutor tlut slc is not uctuully mcntully lundicuppcd. But il l
writc tlut slc lus u dcgrcc in politics. wc bcgin to lcurn somctling.
ߪ±·¼ »«°¸»³·-³-
Tlis is tlc lunguugc ol pcoplc liding lrom rculity. Tlcy spcuk. lor
instuncc. ol somconc 'pussing on' wlcn tlcy mcun dying. tlcy rclcr to
scx us 'bcing intimutc witl'. Victoriun lnglund wus u ricl sourcc lor tlc
morc ubsurd cuplcmisms: 'nctlcr gurmcnts' lor undcrwcur. 'mulcncss'
lor pcnis. 'in u stutc ol nuturc' lor nukcd. 'smullcst room in tlc lousc' lor
toilct. 'in un intcrcsting condition' lor prcgnunt. lvcn now. pcoplc invcnt
words or plruscs to dcscribc tlc tlings tlcy lccl uncomlortublc witl.
wlctlcr it is dcutl. scx or tlcir own cmotions.
}ournulists slould not usc cuplcmisms. unlcss witl irony. But tlut
docs not mcun tlut cvcry lust dctuil ol scx cuscs. or killings. lus to bc spclt
out. Most ncwspupcrs urc produccd lor u gcncrul rcudcrslip wlicl
cmbruccs un cnormous rungc ol pcoplc witl dillcrcnt scnsitivitics. You
slould ncitlcr writc lor tlc most slockublc. prim und propcr. nor lor tlc
most bloodtlirsty.
Wlcn writing ubout violcnt dcutls. bc tlcy tlc rcsults ol crimc. wur
or uccidcnts. usc your judgcmcnt ubout low gruplic you cun bc witlout
muking your rcudcrs lccl sick. Prccision docs not luvc to mcun glouting.
lt mcuns dcscribing tlings in sullicicnt ®»´»ª¿²¬ dctuil. witlout bcing
inscnsitivc. You slould luvc u rcuson lor giving tlc dctuil. ln somc
situutions. likc plunc cruslcs. rcudcrs will not bc surpriscd to lcurn tlut
tlc lorcc ol tlc crusl or cxplosion lus dismcmbcrcd und mutilutcd tlc
corpscs. You nccd only spcll out wlut is ncccssury.
ln otlcr situutions. likc wur or tcrrorism. pcoplc nccd tlc lorrors ol
wlut lus bccn donc brouglt lomc to tlcm. You will do tlis ull tlc morc
cllcctivcly il you usc mcusurcd. cool lunguugc. Hcrc is Robcrt lisk. tlcn
ol ̸» Ì·³»- ol london. dcscribing tlc sccncs lc lound wlcn lc wcnt to
invcstigutc rcports ol u mussucrc ol Pulcstiniuns ut u rclugcc cump ut
Clutilu in Scptcmbcr 1º×2:
Wlut wc lound insidc tlc cumps ut tcn o'clock ncxt morning did not
quitc bcggur dcscription. ultlougl it would pcrlups bc cusicr to rctcll
in u work ol liction or in tlc cold prosc ol u mcdicul rcport.
But tlc dctuils slould bc told lor ÷ tlis bcing lcbunon ÷ tlc lucts
will clungc ovcr tlc coming wccks us militius und urmics und
govcrnmcnts blumc cucl otlcr lor tlc lorrors committcd upon tlc
Pulcstiniun civiliuns.
. lown u luncwuy to our riglt. not morc tlun lilty yurds lrom tlc
cntruncc. tlcrc luy u pilc ol corpscs.
Tlcrc wcrc morc tlun u dozcn ol tlcm. young mcn wlosc urms
und lcgs lud bccomc cntunglcd witl cucl otlcr in tlc ugony ol dcutl.
All lud bccn slot ut point-blunk rungc tlrougl tlc riglt or lclt clcck.
tlc bullct tcuring uwuy u linc ol llcsl up to tlc cur und cntcring tlc
bruin. Somc lud vivid crimson scurs down tlc lclt sidc ol tlcir tlrouts.
Unc lud bccn custrutcd. Tlcir cycs wcrc opcn und tlc llics lud only
bcgun to gutlcr. Tlc youngcst wus pcrlups only twclvc or tlirtccn
ycurs old.
Untlc otlcr sidc ol tlc muinroud. uputrucktlrougltlc rubblc. wc
loundtlc bodics ol livc womcnundscvcrul clildrcn. Tlc womcnwcrc
middlc-ugcd. und tlcir corpscs luydrupcdovcr u pilc ol rubblc. Unc luy
on lcr buck. lcr drcss torn opcn. und tlc lcud ol u littlc girl cmcrging
lrombclind lcr. Tlc girl lud slort. durk curly luir und lcr cycs wcrc
sturing ut us und tlcrc wus u lrown on lcr lucc. Slc wus dcud.
lisk's rcport continucs lor unotlcr clcvcn purugrupls. Ncitlcr in tlcsc
or tlc prcccding tlirtccn is tlcrc is singlc word ol commcnt. or cmo-
tionulism. You cun bc surc tlut is not bccuusc lc lccls no cmotion. but
knows tlut us soon us tlc rcportcr lcts tlut inlcct tlc writing. tlcn tlc
impuct ÷ und vcrucity ÷ ol tlc story is lost.
lor muny ycurs ncwspupcrs ull round tlc world uscd tlc lunguugc ol tlc
nunncry to dcscribc unytling rcmotcly scxuul. Rcudcrs lud to gucss.
rutlcr tlun know. wlut wus bcing dcscribcd. Plruscs likc 'intimucy took
plucc' und 'impropcr suggcstion' wcrc not only imprccisc but ulso oltcn
lclt tlc rcudcr witl tlc imprcssion tlut lur worsc lud luppcncd tlun
uctuully did. Unc ol tlc most ubuscd tcrms wus 'intcrlcrcd witl'. wlicl
oncc lcd to tlc lcudlinc in u Britisl pupcr: 'Cirl Stubbcd 05 Timcs But
Not lntcrlcrcd Witl'.
Yct tlc rcpluccmcnt ol sucl busllul lunguugc witl u clcurcr onc is not
u liccncc to writc solt pornogruply. lctuil slould bc givcn to cxpluin und
not to urousc. You will ulso lind tlut bcing lorccd to dcscribc cvcnts in u
wuy tlut is ucccptublc to tlc broud bund ol your rcudcrs will lrcqucntly
producc originul und cvocutivc writing. Hcrc is Bcn Hcclt. un Amcricun
rcportcr lrom tlc 1º2us. writing tlc linul linc ol u story lor Clicugo's
Ü¿·´§ Ò»©- ubout u pricst wlo rcgulurly mudc lovc to u girl in tlc
buscmcnt ol lis clurcl ÷ until. onc duy. lc uccidcntully kickcd tlc gus
jct opcn und dicd wlilc luving scx: 'Prcoccupicd by lovc. lc lud smcllcd
no lumcs tlun tlosc ol Purudisc und givcn up tlc glost wlilc still glucd
to lis purislioncr.'
Suitubility is mutcling tlc stylc. tonc und pucc ol tlc story to tlc subjcct.
By no mcuns ull subjccts rcquirc spcciul lundling. but somc nccd morc
scnsitivc trcutmcnt tlun otlcrs. Most urc obvious. Muttcrs ol lilc und
dcutl. lor cxumplc. slould ulwuys gct scrious trcutmcnt (unlcss you urc
writing u column und spcciulisc in bud tustc). Hcrc urc u lcw guidclincs
lor tlc morc struigltlorwurd situutions.
ͬ±®·»- ±º ¿½¬·±² ¿²¼ ³±ª»³»²¬ -¸±«´¼ ¾» ©®·¬¬»² ©·¬¸ ®»¿´ °¿½»
Tlc lunguugc und construction slould bc tuut. tlc vcrbs uctivc und
dircct. scntcnccs cconomicul und udjcctivcs slould bc uscd spuringly.
Tlcrc urc lcw bcttcr illustrutions ol tlis tlun Scrgci Kurnukov's
dcscription ol tlc lrcnzy in St. Pctcrsburg. August 1º14 in tlc lours ultcr
Ccrmuny dcclurcd wur on Russiu. lt is u modcl ol low to writc somctling
tlut rcuds ut tlc sumc lust pucc us tlc cvcnts it rcports:
Wlcn l got to tlc St lsuuc Squurc it wus swurming witl pcoplc. lt must
luvc bccn ubout ninc o'clock. lor it wus prctty liglt yct ÷ tlc
cncrvuting. cxciting twiliglt ol tlc nortlcrn niglts.
Tlc grcut grcystonc monstrosity ol tlc Ccrmun lmbussy wus lucing
tlc rcd grunitc ol St lsuuc's Cutlcdrul. Tlc crowds wcrc prcssing
uround wuiting lor somctling to luppcn. l wus wutcling u young
nuvul olliccr bcing puwcd by un ovcr-putriotic group wlcn tlc stcudy
lummcring ol uxcs on mctul mudc mc look up ut tlc lmbussy rool.
wlicl wus dccorutcd witl colossul ligurcs ol ovcrlcd Ccrmun wurriors
lolding bloutcd curt lorscs. A llugstull supportcd u bronzc cuglc witl
sprcud wings.
Scvcrul mcn wcrc busily lummcring ut tlc lcct ol tlc Tcutons. Tlc
vcry lirst strokcs pitclcd tlc mob to u lrcnzy: tlc lcroic ligurcs wcrc
'Tlcy urc cmpty! A good omcn! Anotlcr Ccrmun blull! Huck tlcm
ull down! No. lcuvc tlc lorscs stunding!'
Tlc uxcs wcrc lummcring lustcr und lustcr. At lust onc wurrior
swuycd. pitclcd lorwurd. und cruslcd onto tlc puvcmcnt onc lundrcd
lcct bclow. A trcmcndous lowl wcnt up. scuring u llock ol crows oll
tlc gildcd domc ol St lsuuc's. Tlc turn ol tlc cuglc cumc: tlc bird cumc
lurtling down. und tlc buttcrcd rcmuins wcrc immcdiutcly drowncd
in tlc ncurby Moiku rivcr. But obviously tlc dcstruction ol tlc symbols
wus not cnougl. A quickly orguniscd gung smuslcd u sidc door ol tlc
l could scc lluslliglts und torclcs moving insidc. llitting to tlc
uppcr storcys. A big window opcncd und sput u grcut portruit ol tlc
Kuiscr ut tlc crowd bclow. Wlcn it rcuclcd tlc cobblcstoncs. tlcrc
wus just ubout cnougl lclt to sturt u good bonlirc. A roscwood grund
piuno lollowcd. cxplodcd likc u bomb: tlc moun ol tlc brokcn strings
vibrutcd in tlc uir lor u sccond und wus drowncd: too muny pcoplc
wcrc trying to out slout tlcir own tcrror ol tlc luturc.
Tlcrc is not u spurc word in tlis dcscription. lucl dctuil is lixcd
prcciscly witl tlc minimum ol udjcctivcs. likc ull tlc bcst writing. it
dclics cditing.
׺ ¬¸» »ª»²¬- ·² ¬¸» -¬±®§ ¿®» -¬¿®µ ¿²¼ ¸±®®·º·½ô ®»-·-¬ ¬¸» ¬»³°¬¿¬·±² ¬±
Tlc lurc to ovcr-writc is ulwuys grcutcr wlcn your mutcriul is cxtruor-
dinury. lct tlc cvcnts tlcmsclvcs mukc tlc impuct. And do not try to udd
drumu by cluructcrising tlc cvcnts in uny wuy. lo not. lor cxumplc.
writc tlut tlc story is 'scnsutionul'. 'disturbing'. 'lorrilic'. Prcscnt tlc
story witlout sucl commcnt und lct tlc rcudcr judgc.
׺ ¬¸» -¬±®§ ¼»¿´- ©·¬¸ -¬®±²¹ »³±¬·±²-ô «²¼»®-¬¿¬» ®¿¬¸»® ¬¸¿² ±ª»®-¬¿¬»
Tlis docs not mcun you slould lcuvc unytling out. but tlut you slould
uvoid lunguugc tlut struins lor cllcct. A lcurt-rcnding story. lor cxumplc.
ulwuys works bcst il tlc lunguugc is low-kcycd.
Þ»©¿®» ±º ¸«³±«®
ln tlc movics. tlcutrc und books. lumour slould luvc no tuboos. lcutl.
scx. cunccr und lungcr slould ull bc luir gumc. But joking ubout tlcsc
gcncrul subjccts is u vcry dillcrcnt muttcr lrom trying to luvc u luugl
ubout somc spccilic pcrson's mislortunc in tlc lollowing duy's pupcr.
Civing u liglt-lcurtcd trcutmcnt to u story wlicl involvcs injury. distrcss
or upsct is ncvcr u good idcu. lt is inscnsitivc. und uctuully pointlcss. ll
tlcrc is u gcnuincly comic clcmcnt to tlc story (ol lowcvcr qucstionublc
tustc). pcoplc will lind it und luugl unywuy. cspcciully il tlc tulc is told
Most journulists would ugrcc tlut lumour is vcry dillicult to writc.
Tlc troublc is. it docs not stop tlcm uttcmpting it. lndccd so mucl
writing in ncwspupcrs is lumorous in intcnt. il not cllcct. tlut tlc luilurc
ol journulism tcxtbooks to uddrcss tlis issuc bordcrs on tlc criminully
ncgligcnt. }ust tlc two words 'tlink twicc' would bc vuluublc. Ul cvcn
grcutcr wortl would bc lor tlcm to point out onc ol tlc busic trutls ol
lumour. bccuusc tlut ut lcust miglt stop ut tlc drulting stugc u lot ol tlc
luborious. crcuking cllorts tlut gct into print. And tlis trutl is: bcing
lunny on pupcr is u Cod-givcn tulcnt not gruntcd to muny ol us.
Writing lumour is likc singing in tunc. ll you cun do it. you don't nccd
to bc tuuglt: il you cun't do it. no umount ol tcucling will lclp. And
comcdy out ol tunc. likc singing. is cxcruciuting to cxpcricncc und
cmburrussing to do. Ur slould bc. Howcvcr. il you luvc got tlc tulcnt. it
comcs rclutivcly cusily. Your cur instinctivcly rccogniscs tlc rlytlm tlut
lumour writing must luvc. und tlc words tlut urc ulmost lunny in
tlcmsclvcs. You won't nccd to bc told tlut jokcs urc lunnicr wlcn
dclivcrcd witl u struiglt lucc rutlcr tlun tlc litcrury cquivulcnt ol u
wlirring bow-tic. Your cyc will scc comic possibilitics wlcrc cvcryonc
clsc sccs wlut is mcrcly on tlc surlucc. und your bruin will bc lull ol ull
tlc littlc culturul. sociul und listoricul rclcrcnccs tlut mukc u jokc.
ll you luvc u good comic idcu lor u piccc tlut is suitublc. tlcn work on
it. lt lus to bc tigltly writtcn. surprisc tlc rcudcr (wlicl is wly puns urc
not lunny) und it lus to luvc tlc puncl linc ut tlc cnd ol tlc scntcncc.
Riglt ut tlc cnd. Not in tlc pcnultimutc plrusc. linully. il you urc giving
un urticlc u purticulur lumorous trcutmcnt or lrumcwork. it lus to bc
strong cnougl to curry tlc wlolc piccc riglt to tlc cnd. Tlc soundcst
policy is ulwuys to lct tlc lumour llow nuturully lrom tlc cvcnts und
innutc ubsurditics ol your subjcct. rutlcr tlun bcing u 'jokc' tlut you
imposc on it lrom outsidc. Hcrc. lor cxumplc. is un intro writtcn by É¿´´
ͬ®»»¬ Ö±«®²¿´ rcportcr Tony Horwitz. }ust ultcr tlc cnd ol tlc Cull Wur.
lc lilcd u piccc ubout Kuwuit. tlc invusion ol wlicl by lruq lud sturtcd
tlc conllict. Kuwuit is un oil-ricl. scmi-lcudul stutc prcsidcd ovcr by u
lubulously wcultly royul lumily. Tlis is wlut Horwitz wrotc: 'Tlc cmir
ol Kuwuit. }ubcr ul Subul. rcturncd lomc ycstcrduy. 15 duys ultcr tlc
libcrution ol lis lund. und 1u duys ultcr lis lurniturc.'
Tlc morul ol tlis scction is tlut il you luvc uny doubts ubout u jokc or
ullcgcdly lunny linc. lcuvc it out. ll you luvc no doubts. tlcn imuginc
stunding on u stugc dclivcring it to un uudicncc ol 5uu rcudcrs. Unly il
you still tlink it will gct u luugl slould you go ulcud witl it. And
rcmcmbcr tlut tlc uddition ol un cxclumution murk ut tlc cnd ol u
scntcncc docs not rcndcr it lunny! }ust umutcur!
ln tlc lust ccntury und quitc u wuy into tlis onc. journulists in Brituin
und tlc Lnitcd Stutcs wcrc puid by tlc linc. Tlis systcm ol puymcnt guvc
birtl to u gcncrution ol journulists wlo could writc imprcssivc umounts
ubout notling und ulmost cndlcssly ubout vcry littlc. And tlis in turn
produccd u bloutcd stylc ol writing wlosc clicl cluructcristic wus its
cxponcnts' ubility ncvcr to knowingly writc onc word wlcrc lour or livc
could bc dcploycd. As u rcsult. tlcir pompous und cxccssivc lunguugc (u
lootbull. lor instuncc. wus known us 'tlc clusivc lcutlcrn splcroid') mudc
u lusting il inudvcrtcnt contribution to Britisl lumour. lt wus writing so
spcctuculurly incllicicnt tlut. in its wuy. it wus ulmost udmirublc.
Tlunklully. journulistic stylc (und. in most cuscs. systcms ol puymcnt)
luvc movcd on u littlc. Puymcnt by tlc word lus long sincc bccn
rccogniscd us u wuy ol bribing pcoplc to writc budly. Yct cnougl ol tlc
lincugc mcn's spirituul dcsccndunts livc on to mukc u lcw notcs ubout
writing cllicicncy wortlwlilc.
Ó¿µ» »ª»®§ °¸®¿-» ¿²¼ -»²¬»²½» ¼± ¿ ¶±¾ ±º ©±®µ
Tlcy must citlcr convcy lrcsl inlormution or otlcrwisc lclp movc tlc
piccc lorwurd. ll uny purt ol tlc story docs not do tlis. cut it.
ߪ±·¼ ©¿-¬»º«´ ½±²-¬®«½¬·±²-
lvcry lunguugc lus plruscs tlut urc uscd in spcccl to givc tlc spcukcr
timc to lorm lully tlc tlouglt tlut is coming. ln lnglisl. cxumplcs would
bc: 'lt is u wcll-known luct tlut .': 'lndccd. tlcrc is no doubting tlc luct
tlut .': 'Wc cun ulso obscrvc tlut .'. Avoid tlcsc und uvoid ulso tlc
lcisurcly constructions tlut slow u piccc down. }ournulism. cspcciully
ncws rcporting. lus to luvc pucc. lt cun't il scntcnccs likc tlc prcvious
onc urc constructcd tlus: 'lt is un csscntiul rcquircmcnt ol most
journulism ÷ lcuturcs. sport. prolilcs und lcuturcs. but purticulurly ncws
rcporting ÷ tlut tlcy slould movc lorwurds witl tlut quulity known us
É®·¬» ©·¬¸±«¬ ´±±µ·²¹ ¿¬ §±«® ²±¬»-
You will writc morc quickly und morc cllicicntly il you do so witlout
looking ut your notcbook cvcry livc scconds. You slould not cvcn sturt
to writc unlcss tlc story is clcur in your mind. und il you writc witlout
notcs only tlc csscntiul mutcriul will go in. Tlc dctuils. spcllings und
ligurcs you cun clcck witl your notcbook ultcrwurds. Tlcrc will ulmost
ccrtuinly bc onc or two points you will udd us u rcsult. but tlc muin drult
will bc writtcn lur morc cllicicntly lrom your lcud tlun by copying out
lurgc clunks ol notcs.
Ϋ¬¸´»--´§ ¸«²¬ ¼±©² ¿´´ ±¾ª·±«- ¿²¼ -·´´§ ®»³¿®µ- ¿²¼ ®»³±ª» ¬¸»³
lvcn tlc most cxpcricnccd writcrs lind tlcmsclvcs writing tlc most
pitilully obvious tlings somctimcs. Tlcsc urc oltcn links bctwccn
purugrupls tlut you luvc strugglcd ovcr. und. in your dcspcrution to try
to wcld onc purt ol tlc story to unotlcr. you lind yourscll writing tlc
purcst nonscnsc. Unly tlc otlcr wcck l cut lrom u story tlc plrusc. 'Ul
coursc. u bullct dunccr's lilc is not ull uppluusc .'. Wcll wlocvcr tlouglt
it wus. You oltcn lind tlut you do not nccd tlcsc links ut ull. Most rcudcrs
cun lundlc u smull clungc ol dircction il it is uccompunicd witl u clungc
ol purugrupl.
Ë-» ¬¸» ¿½¬·ª»ô ²±¬ °¿--·ª» ª±·½»
Pcoplc und tlings do und suy tlings. so it is ulwuys bcst to writc tlis
dircctly. Tlus: 'Hcutlrow Airport will opcn unotlcr runwuy in 2uu?'
und not 'lt lus bccn cstublislcd tlut unotlcr runwuy will opcn ut
Hcutlrow lntcrnutionul Airport in 2uu?.' Ccrtuin vcrbs. likc comc. lcuvc
und givc. urc lrcqucntly uscd lor tlc pussivc voicc us in: 'Tlc dcmund
cumc wlcn Ycltsin uskcd .' (bcttcr to suy 'Ycltsin dcmunds .'). 'Tlc
curtlquukc lclt ?.uuu pcoplc dcud .' ('Tlc curtlquukc killcd .') und
'Tlc movc guvc u boost to .' ('Tlc movc boostcd .'). Tlc uctivc voicc is
not just morc cllicicnt. it is ulso. us tlc numc suggcsts. morc uctivc.
Ë-» ¾«´´»¬- ¿²¼ ´·-¬- ¬± ·¬»³·-» °±·²¬- ·² ¿ -¬±®§
Tlis cun bc ovcrdonc in u pupcr. but is vcry usclul wlcn you luvc u long
cutuloguc ol points to mukc. lnstcud ol tuking scvcrul long purugrupls
to dcscribc tlc cllccts ol. suy. govcrnmcnt spcnding cuts on trunsport.
itcmisc tlcm likc you would on u slopping list. But bcwurc ol doing tlis
und tlcn linding tlut you luvc to mcntion most ol tlc points uguin in
ordcr to udd dctuil to tlcm. Put tlc dctuil witl tlc list.
ߪ±·¼ ³»¿²·²¹´»-- ³±¼·º·»®-
Plruscs likc 'scrious dungcr'. 'unconlirmcd rumours' und 'unduly
ulurmcd' urc. il you tlink lor u sccond. complctc nonscnsc. Wlut. ultcr
ull. is unscrious dungcr. And il u rumour wus conlirmcd it would no
longcr bc u rumour. it would bc u luct und un uttributublc onc. Sucl
uutomutic plruscs cun bc cut down to tlc sccond word. ulong witl otlcr
mcuninglcss modilicrs likc 'rutlcr uniquc'. lt citlcr is. or is not. tlc only
onc ol its kind. und il it is not. tlcn it is not uniquc. rutlcr. sligltly or
ߪ±·¼ ¬¿«¬±´±¹§
Tlis is tlc usc ol words tlut suy tlc sumc tling twicc. lor instuncc. 'ͱ³»
ol tlc rcmurks ·²½´«¼»¼ .' und 'it is un »--»²¬·¿´ ½±²¼·¬·±²'. ln botl cuscs
(und muny otlcrs tlut could bc givcn) only onc ol tlc ituliciscd words is
ܱ ²±¬ «-» ¯«±¬»- ¬± ®»-¬¿¬» °±·²¬- ¿´®»¿¼§ ³¿¼» ·² ®»°±®¬»¼ -°»»½¸
Tlis is u common und wustclul lubit. us in: 'Tlc ministry dcnicd tlis. A
spokcsmun suid. ¨Wc do not ucccpt tlis ullcgution.''' Writc onc or tlc
otlcr. prclcrubly tlc lirst.
Ù»¬ ¬± µ²±© ¬¸» ©±®¼- ¬¸¿¬ ½¿² ¾» «-»¼ ·²-¬»¿¼ ±º ´±²¹ °¸®¿-»-
'Tlc subjcct to wlicl l rclcr'. lor instuncc. umounts to tlc onc littlc word:
linully. u usclul cxcrcisc is to tukc u lcw ol your rcccnt publislcd storics
und. witl u rcd pcn. rcducc tlc numbcr ol words uscd. witlout
climinuting uny csscntiul luct. You will bc surpriscd low wustclul you
luvc bccn. Tlut is wly it is u vcry good cxpcricncc lor u writcr to work
lor u pcriod us u copy cditor. Tlcrc is notling likc tlc disciplinc ol tclling
complcx storics in 25u words to tcucl you cllicicnt writing.
Writcrs luvc to bc tlcir own licrccst critics. lt is csscntiul tlut you rcud
buck wlut you luvc writtcn. looking lor uny lluws. und rcvisc it il you
urc not luppy. Normully. by tlc timc tlc story rcuclcs unotlcr puir ol
cycs it will bc too lutc ÷ citlcr lor improvcmcnt or lor your rcputution.
Somc writcrs prclcr to writc u vcrsion ol tlc wlolc story bclorc subjccting
it to. pcrlups lcuvy. rcvision. Utlcrs. pcrlups tlosc wlo know morc
clcurly wlut tlcy wunt. rcvisc us tlcy go. Tlc mctlod docs not muttcr.
wlut is importunt is tlut tlc rcvision is comprclcnsivc und not just u
supcrliciul scurcl lor spclling mistukcs.
Ccorgc Urwcll. tlc uutlor ol ß²·³¿´ Ú¿®³ und ïçèì wlosc writing
wus notcd lor its clurity. tlouglt tlcrc wcrc lour qucstions tlut uny
writcr slould usk ol cucl scntcncc. Tlis sounds luborious. und would bc
il tlis qucstioning did not bccomc uutomutic und ulmost subconscious
ultcr u wlilc. His qucstions wcrc:
Wlut um l trying to suy.
Wlut words cxprcss it.
Wlut imugc or idiom will mukc it clcurcr.
ls tlc imugc lrcsl cnougl to luvc un cllcct.
Tlcn. by wuy ol importunt ultcrtlouglts. lc uddcd two morc:
Could l put it morc simply.
Huvc l writtcn unytling uvoidubly ugly.
Tlosc writing rcgulurly will soon lcurn to usk tlosc qucstions ol tlcir
writing witl no morc conscious cllort tlun tlcy usc to movc tlcir cycs
lrom lclt to riglt us tlcy rcud. l would. lowcvcr. suggcst tlut u couplc ol
qucstions urc knowingly uskcd ol tlc drultcd piccc:
Arc tlcrc uny loosc cnds. is cvcrytling cxpluincd propcrly.
locs it rcud llowingly.
ll it docs. tlcn lcuvc it ulonc. rcsist tlc tcmptution to tlrow in u lcw
morc colourlul plruscs. us il you wcrc u cook tossing u lcw morc currunts
into u cukc. And il it docs rcud uwkwurdly. it muy nccd morc tlun u bit
ol liglt tinkcring to put riglt. Punctuution. lor instuncc. is not u quick
wuy to givc tlc kiss ol lilc to dying scntcnccs. Rc-writc und rc-structurc
until you urc luppy.
And tlcn cut it. Arc tlcrc uny words. plruscs or scntcnccs tlut slow
tlc piccc down. l rurcly comc ucross un urticlc tlut could not bc
improvcd by cutting. lt is likc tigltcning tlc nuts und bolts on u piccc ol
lurniturc. ll lclt undonc. tlc tling would bc loosc und unstublc. Bcwurc
cspcciully ol unytling tlut soundcd good wlcn you wrotc it. As Sumucl
}olnson oncc suid. 'Rcud ovcr your compositions und. wlcn you mcct u
pussugc wlicl you tlink is purticulurly linc. strikc it out.' Sucl purts
oltcn don't work us wcll us you lirst tlink.
̸» ¶±§- ±º ©®·¬·²¹
lncxpcricnccd journulists cun bc ulmost ovcrwlclmcd ut timcs by tlc
problcms ol writing somctling clcur und intcrcsting tlut pcoplc will wunt
to rcud. Uldcr writcrs urc not cxuctly immunc lrom tlis sinking lccling.
too. und to lcur tlcm spcuk ol tlc puins ol composition you would tlink
tlut no sunc pcrson would writc. unlcss ut tlc point ol u gun. Tlc grcut
Amcricun sports journulist. Rcd Smitl. lor instuncc. oncc suid. 'Tlcrc's
notling to writing. All you do is sit down ut u typcwritcr und opcn u vcin.'
To wlicl unotlcr Amcricun. Corc Vidul. probubly guvc tlc dclinitivc
rcply wlcn lc wrotc. 'Wlcn l lcur ubout writcr's block. tlis onc und
tlut onc! luck oll! Stop writing. lor Clrist's sukc. Plcnty morc wlcrc you
cumc lrom.'
Surc it is somctimcs u rcul swcut. Ul coursc. tlcrc urc storics wlicl
sccm u conlusing und wortllcss jumblc until you luvc spcnt muny lours
wrcstling tlcm into slupc. und tlcrc urc timcs ol slccr punic us tlc
dcudlinc upprouclcs witl tlc tling only lull donc und ill tlouglt out.
But tlc plcusurcs ol cupturing somctling und pinning it down in words.
your words. urc immcnsc. So too is tlc tlrill ol sturting u piccc witl un
ussortmcnt ol dispurutc inlormution und linding u puttcrn in it und ncw
idcus ubout it us you writc.
DZ« ©·´´ ¸¿ª» ¬± ©®·¬» ¿²¼ °«¬ ¿©¿§ ±® ¾«®² ¿ ´±¬ ±º ³¿¬»®·¿´ ¾»º±®» §±« ¿®»
½±³º±®¬¿¾´» ·² ¬¸·- ³»¼·«³ò DZ« ³·¹¸¬ ¿- ©»´´ -¬¿®¬ ²±© ¿²¼ ¹»¬ ¬¸»
²»½»--¿®§ ©±®µ ¼±²»ò Ú±® × ¾»´·»ª» ¬¸¿¬ »ª»²¬«¿´´§ ¯«¿²¬·¬§ ©·´´ ³¿µ» º±®
Ruy Brudbury
ß´©¿§- ¹®¿¾ ¬¸» ®»¿¼»® ¾§ ¬¸» ¬¸®±¿¬ ·² ¬¸» º·®-¬ °¿®¿¹®¿°¸ô -·²µ §±«®
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¬¸» ¬¿¹ ´·²»ò
Puul U'Ncil. Amcricun writcr
Tlc intro is tlc most importunt purugrupl in tlc story. lt cun mukc
pcoplc wunt to rcud to tlc cnd. or it cun turn tlcm oll und scnd tlcm
lurrying to unotlcr urticlc. And tlcy will not bc slow to do tlis.
Ncwspupcrs urc oltcn consumcd quickly. by pcoplc witl littlc timc to rcud
tlcm. in pluccs und conditions not dcsigncd lor rcluxution und contcm-
plution ÷ truins. curs ut trullic liglts. olliccs. tlc strcct. ctc. Tlcrc is u good
cluncc tlut il tlc lirst purugrupl docs not grub tlcir uttcntion. tlcy will
ncvcr gct to tlc sccond onc.
Tlut progrcss is not ulwuys dctcrmincd by tlc quulity ol tlc intro.
Utlcr luctors pluy u rolc: u good lcudlinc will somctimcs inspirc pcoplc
to dig bcyond tlc intro. und u strong intcrcst in tlc subjcct muttcr muy
lorcc tlcm to plougl on in cusc tlc story pcrks up. Rcudcrs urc ulso
inllucnccd by tlc sizc ol tlc pupcr (onc ol º0 pugcs obviously ollcring
morc ultcrnutivc urticlcs to sumplc tlun onc ol 12). As u journulist you
cunnot inllucncc or luvc lorcknowlcdgc ol tlcsc luctors. (And don't suy
you know tlc sizc ol tlc pupcr. Ul coursc you do. but tlc rcudcr muy bc
buying scvcrul otlcrs.) Tlc only wuy you cun mukc u rcudcr gct bcyond
tlc intro is to mukc it u good onc.
ر© ¬± ©®·¬» -¸¿®° ·²¬®±-
Wlutcvcr kind ol intro you urc writing. on wlutcvcr kind ol story. tlcrc
urc somc gcncrul points to rcmcmbcr.
̸» ·²¬®± -¸±«´¼ ¾» ¼·®»½¬ô «²½´«¬¬»®»¼ ¿²¼ «²¿³¾·¹«±«-
Tlcrc slould only bc onc qucstion in rcudcrs' minds wlcn tlcy rcud un
intro: 'lo l wunt to rcud tlis story.' Tlc unswcr is liublc to bc 'no' il you
givc tlcm cxtru qucstions ruiscd by umbiguity und complicution. lt is
ulso importunt to clcur out uny unwuntcd cluttcr. sucl us nccdlcss dctuil.
prccisc titlcs. or uttribution. tlut cun wuit until tlc sccond purugrupl or
̸» ·²¬®± -¸±«´¼ ¾» -»´ºó½±²¬¿·²»¼
lxccpt witl ccrtuin typcs ol lcuturcs. it slould not dcpcnd lor its scnsc
on wlut lollows. only lor its cxplunution und cxposition. Ncitlcr slould
tlcrc bc uny unidcntilicd lucts. pcoplc. cvcnts. orgunisutions or pluccs
unlcss strictly ncccssury.
Ò»ª»® -¬¿®¬ ¿²§ -¬±®§ ©·¬¸ ¿ -«¾-·¼·¿®§ ½´¿«-»
lor instuncc. 'lcspitc tlc rising numbcr ol murdcrs .' or 'Altlougl
murdcrs urc incrcusing ulmost duily .'. Tlis upproucl is slow. dcluys tlc
muin point und puts qucstions in rcudcrs' minds. Subsidiury cluusc
bcginnings luvc tlis cllcct on uny scntcncc und so slould bc uscd
spuringly cvcn in tlc body ol tlc tcxt.
Ò»ª»® -¬¿®¬ ¿ -¬±®§ ©·¬¸ ²«³¾»®- ·² ¼·¹·¬-
Spcll out tlc numbcr or. il it is u lurgc onc. lind unotlcr wuy to bcgin tlc
story. lo not just slovc in tlc word 'ubout'. us in 'About 47 pcoplc dicd
ycstcrduy wlcn..'. Tlis mukcs prccisc inlormution sound likc u wild
Ò»ª»® -¬¿®¬ -¬±®·»- ©·¬¸ ±ºº·½·¿´ ²¿³»- ±º ±ºº·½·¿´ ¾±¼·»-
Lnlcss you luvc un cxccptionul rcuson or urc bcing ironicul. long
burcuucrutic titlcs urc u bud wuy to sturt u story. ll you bcgin: 'Tlc
Ministry ol Agriculturc und lislcrics Pollution Monitoring Lnit
ycstcrduy unnounccd .'. rcudcrs will turn uwuy bclorc tlcy luvc u
cluncc to rcud tlut ull lisl cuuglt in u ccrtuin rivcr urc contuminutcd
und slould not bc cutcn. Bcgin instcud witl citlcr u slort lorm ol tlc
numc. sucl us 'Covcrnmcnt pollution cxpcrts'. or. lur bcttcr. tcll pcoplc
wlut lus luppcncd und uttributc it lutcr.
Ѳ´§ ®¿®»´§ ¾»¹·² ©·¬¸ ¯«±¬»-
Bcginning storics witl quotcs mystilics rcudcrs bccuusc until you tcll
tlcm. tlcy do not know wlo is tulking. Tlcrc urc u lcw isolutcd occusions
lNTRUS 10?
wlcn u quotc will bc u good wuy to sturt. but. in tlcsc cuscs. tlc spcukcr
slould bc idcntilicd immcdiutcly.
ߪ±·¼ L·¬K ·²¬®±-
Tlc bud intro tlut l most commonly scc is tlc onc tlut bcgins 'lt cmcrgcd
lust niglt tlut.'. Tlis immcdiutcly bcgs tlc qucstion: wlo or wlut is it.
And 'cmcrgcd' is u silly word to dccribc somctling bcing unnounccd.
rcvculcd. suid or publislcd. Tlc only story wlicl would justily un 'lt
cmcrgcd lust niglt' intro would bc onc rcvculing tlc locl Ncss monstcr's
suddcn uppcuruncc lrom tlc dcptls.
ܱ ²±¬ ¹»¬ ¬±± ±¾-»--»¼ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ´»²¹¬¸ ±º ·²¬®±-
Somc pupcrs luvc rulcs ubout tlc muximum lcngtl ol intros. ll yours
docs. you luvc littlc cloicc but to conlorm. But otlcrwisc. do not worry
too mucl il un intro's lcngtl brcuclcs somc mytlicul 'limits'. l luvc
ncvcr rcud u lcttcr lrom u rcudcr compluining ubout tlc lcngtl ol un
intro. So long us un intro is grubbing rcudcrs' uttcntion. it is doing its job.
Normully wlcn intros urc writtcn ubout in tcxtbooks. tlc uutlor will
list vurious typcs ol ncwspupcr story (struiglt ncws. lumun intcrcst. ctc.)
und sct out tlc intros uscd in cucl cusc. Tlis is unlclplul. stupid und
wrong. lt givcs tlc imprcssion tlut writing is u muttcr ol ucquiring
tcclniqucs. tlut journulists cun bc providcd witl u bug ol tricks or tools
wlicl tlcy opcn und usc uccording to tlc circumstunccs: 'Al. lcrc is u
lumun intcrcst story. so out comcs tlc dcluycd intro upproucl .'. And
it produccs tlc lormulu writing wlicl is sucl u discusc. lur bcttcr to sct
out tlc dillcrcnt upprouclcs to intros und lcuvc it to tlc writcr to dccidc
low to upply tlcm.
Ø¿®¼ ²»©- ¿°°®±¿½¸
Pupcrs uscdtoprcscnt lurdncws storics witllcudlincs ol muny lincs. or
dccks. Tlis guvc ull tlcmuinpoints ol tlcstoryundsomctimcs contuincd
usmunywordsustoduy'slcudlincundlirst purugruplcombincd. Considcr
tlis lromtlc и·´¿¼»´°¸·¿ ײ¯«·®»® ol Monduy17April 1×05rcportingtlc
ncws ol Prcsidcnt lincoln's ussussinutionontlc lriduybclorc:
Tlc Crcut Trugcdy!
A Nution Mourns lts Honourcd Prcsidcnt
}oy Clungcd To Mourning!
Tlc Crcut Murtyr To libcrty!
Murdcr ol tlc Prcsidcnt
lull lctuils ol Assussinution
Account ol u listinguislcd lycwitncss
Mr lincoln's lcutlbcd Sccnc
A Noblc Putriot Conc To Rcst
lscupc ol tlc lusturd Assussin
Mr Scwurd Still Alivc
His Condition is luvourublc
Andrcw }olnson lnuugurutcd us Prcsidcnt!
His lnuugurul Addrcss
Vicws ol tlc Ncw Prcsidcnt
Hc Rctuins Tlc Uld Cubinct!
Ulliciul Cuzcttc lrom Sccrctury Stunton
Uur Spcciul lisputclcs!
No wondcr tlut ultcr ull tlut tlcrc wus no nccd to writc wlut wc
would now cull u lurd ncws intro. Tlcrc urc ×u words in tlc lcudlincs
ubovc. lur morc tlun would bc in tlc lcudlinc und lirst two purugrupls
ol u ncwspupcr story toduy.
Ncurly u lundrcd ycurs lutcr on tlc ultcrnoon ol 2? Novcmbcr 1º0?.
cumc tlc ussussinution ol Prcsidcnt Kcnncdy. Hcrc urc tlc lcudlincs und
intro lrom tlc lollowing duy's Ü¿´´¿- Ó±®²·²¹ Ò»©-:
}olnson Bccomcs Prcsidcnt
Clurgcd Witl Act
lNTRUS 105
A snipcr slot und killcd Prcsidcnt }oln l. Kcnncdy on tlc strccts ol
lullus. lriduy. A 24-ycur-old pro-communist wlo oncc tricd to dclcct
to Russiu wus clurgcd witl tlc murdcr slortly bclorc midniglt.
Tlcrc urc 4× words lcrc lor lcudlincs und intro. only u littlc morc tlun
lull ol tlc lcudlincs ulonc lor tlc lincoln story. lcuving usidc tlc
qucstion ol tlc loudcd rclcrcnccs to 'pro-communist'. tlc intro is idcnticul
in lorm und intcnt to oncs put on lurd ncws storics tlrouglout Amcricu.
Brituin und mucl ol tlc rcst ol tlc world toduy.
Clronologicul or lcisurcly intros on lurd ncws storics bcgun to
disuppcur ut tlc bcginning ol tlis ccntury. Hcudlincs bccumc biggcr in
typc sizc but lur smullcr in tcrms ol words und so tlc intro lud to do tlc
job tlut ull tlosc lcudlincs did bclorc. Storics slortcncd us muss litcrucy
sprcud und so lud to bc writtcn morc crisply. und pupcrs bccumc lur
biggcr. tlus incrcusing compctition witlin tlc pupcr lor rcudcrs'
uttcntion. All tlcsc prcssurcs witlin tlc ncwspupcr industry spccdcd tlc
cvolution ol tlc lurd ncws intro.
luctors outsidc tlc prcss wcrc ut work. too. Tlc pcrvusivc impuct ol
udvcrtising witl its snuppy. cutcly lunguugc und simplc mcssugcs lus
lud un cnormous cllcct on populur culturc tlrouglout tlc world. And
sociul clungcs likc muss cur-owncrslip. rudio. tclcvision und grcutcr
gcncrul ulllucncc mcunt pcoplc lud lcss timc to rcud pupcrs. Rcudcrs
wuntcd. und got. dircctncss.
So mucl lor tlc tlcory ol tlc lurd ncws intro. Now tlc pructicc. Wc
urc tulking lcrc ubout rcporting ncws ·² ¬¸» º·®-¬ ·²-¬¿²½». Storics writtcn
on u subjcct scvcrul duys ultcr tlc cvcnt muy nccd u dillcrcnt upproucl
und ccrtuinly would il tlcy lud in tlc mcuntimc bccn rcportcd on rudio
or tclcvision.
Tlc uim ol ull intros is to grub rcudcrs und urousc tlcir intcrcst so
strongly tlut tlcy will wunt to rcud on. Witl lurd ncws intros. tlis
mcuns tlut tlc most ncwswortly uspcct(s) ol tlc story slould bc riglt
up tlcrc ut tlc top. Tlis is purticulurly truc il your pupcr's lcudlinc stylc
is cryptic witl littlc dctuilcd inlormution ubout tlc story undcrncutl. All
tlc morc rcuson to comc to tlc point us soon us you cun. Tlis is not
normully dillicult on strong or clcur-cut storics. ll ?45 pcoplc luvc bccn
killcd in u plunc crusl. tlcrc is not mucl doubt ubout tlc lurd ncws
intro: 'At lcust ?45 pcoplc wcrc killcd wlcn u Clobul Airlincs Bocing 747
cruslcd into un upurtmcnt block in tlc suburbs ol Cupitul City lust niglt.'
But muny storics urc not us dircct us tlut. Tlcy luvc scvcrul unglcs
(uspccts) und wc cunnot gct tlcm ull into tlc intro witlout muking it
lopclcssly cumbcrsomc. You luvc to dccidc wlicl is tlc most
Tlut mukcs it sound simplc. but it isn't. Too muny liglly cxpcricnccd
journulists luvc spcnt too muny lours writing. rcjccting und tlcn rc-
writing intros. And tlc issuc ol wlut is tlc bcst unglc lor tlc intro is
probubly tlc purt ol tlc job tlut cuuscs morc urgumcnts in morc
ncwsrooms uround tlc world tlun unytling clsc. Tlcrc is invuriubly no
simplc riglt und wrong. just conllicting opinions.
So il you urc in two (or tlrcc) minds ubout low to writc tlc intro lor
tlc story. is tlcrc uny lclp uvuilublc. Tlunklully tlcrc is. lt wus somc
udvicc givcn to mc muny ycurs ugo by Pctcr Corrigun und l tlink it is tlc
singlc most usclul tip unyonc lus cvcr givcn mc. lt is cullcd tlc п®¿¾´»
±º ̸» Ú®·»²¼ Ѳ ̸» Ø·´´ und it gocs likc tlis:
lmuginc you luvc ull tlc story's inlormution in your lcud und you urc
wulking in tlc country. Suddcnly. on top ol u lill. you scc u lricnd wlo
you know will bc kccn to lcurn ubout your story. You run towurds
lim. up und up. und wlcn you gct witlin rcucl ol lim you only luvc
cnougl brcutl lor onc scntcncc bclorc collupsing. Wlut is it tlut you
blurt out. Tlut is your intro.
Tlcrc urc vuriutions ontlis tlcmc. suclus to imuginc youurc scnding
u tclcgrumubout tlc story. tlc clurgc is t1uu word und youurc puying.
Sct yourscll u vcry scvcrc turgct lor tlc numbcr ol words intlc tclcgrum:
six. or cvcn lour. Wlut tlut will do is lorcc you to tlink ol tlc kcy word
or words intlc story. Youcuntlcnbuild tlc story uround tlut. Ccollrcy
Murruy. uncxpcricnccd Rcutcrs corrcspondcnt. tclls ununccdotc wlicl
pcrlcctly illustrutcs tlis. lt involvcs tlc Rcutcrs corrcspondcnt in lndiu
covcring MulutmuCundli ut uncngugcmcnt in1º47. Tlc yurnconllicts
witl tlc vcrsion in tlc olliciul listory ol tlc ncws ugcncy. but tlut docs
not dctruct lromits tlcrupcutic vuluc to tlc conluscd writcr ol intros.
Tlc Rcutcrs mun wus ut u pruycr mccting uttcndcd by tlc lndiun
lcudcr wlcn un ussuilunt suddcnly lcupt lorwurd und slot lim. Cundli
wus budly woundcd. but not immcdiutcly dcud. Tlc rcportcr run down
tlc roud to tlc ncurcst post ollicc to scnd u cublc to london. but lound lc
only lud cnougl moncy to trunsmit lour words. Wlut slould tlcy bc.
'Mulutmu Cundli slot lcrc'. ÷ wcll. you cun probubly ussumc your
ollicc will know tlc lcudcr's lull numc und bc uwurc ol lis. und your.
wlcrcubouts. so 'Mulutmu' und 'lcrc' urc wustclul. Wlut lc lilcd wus:
'Cundli slot worst lcurcd' ÷ tlus convcying un ussussinution uttcmpt.
tlc victim. mctlod und likcly outcomc. ull in lour words. Hc lud ulso
ulcrtcd tlc ollicc to prcpurc tlc obituury to run ÷ u vitul tling lor tlc
ugcncy und ull its clicnts.
(But bcwurc: brcvity cun brccd umbiguity. A mcssugc lrom Ncw York
wus rcccivcd ut Rcutcrs' london ollicc in Scptcmbcr 1ºu1 wlicl rcud
'McKinlcy slot Bullulo' und wus spikcd by u young sub-cditor witl tlc
words. 'Tlcsc Yunks. Tlcy sccm to tlink wc'rc intcrcstcd in tlcir
Prcsidcnt's slooting cxcursion.' Tlc story wus rcscucd by tlc cditor in
clurgc wlo rculiscd tlut Bullulo rclcrrcd not to tlc unimuls but to tlc
lNTRUS 107
city in Ncw York Stutc. Tlus did tlc ugcncy lirst llusl tlc ncws ol tlc
ussussinution uround tlc world.)
Ѭ¸»® ¿°°®±¿½¸»-
ln most cuscs wlcrc you urc rcporting on ncws ol gcncrul intcrcst. und
doing so in tlc lirst instuncc. tlc lurd ncws intro is tlc bcst cloicc. Yct
tlcrc urc. ol coursc. muny otlcr wuys to bcgin u story und somc ol tlcm
cunbc upplicd to ncws storics intlc riglt situution. lcuturc opcnings urc
gcncrully u lot morc lrcc-lormund. lor tlcsc cspcciully. tlc only critcriu
urc wlut works. is tlut tlcy urc lrcslund invcntivc. Tlis point is cquully
truc ol intros to unulysis. colour. commcnt und pcrsonulity picccs.
lvcry writcr slould mukc intros u lilctimc's study. tuking cvcry
uvuilublc pupcr or muguzinc us u potcntiul tcxt. Uncc you bcgin to study
intros you soon rculisc tlut wlut you tlouglt wcrc ubout lour or livc
muin typcs soon multiply into scorcs. Tlc lollowing urc somc ol tlc muin
sorts lound on ncws storics und lcuturcs. Somc ol tlcm ruisc tlc issuc.
dcult witl morc lully in tlc cluptcr on construction. tlut intros urc oltcn
conccivcd not us onc purugrupl but us scvcrul.
Tlis is un intro wlicl dculs witl tlc story in u clronologicul wuy. Lscd
commonly on lcuturcs. it is somctimcs uscd on ncws storics wlcrc low
it luppcncd is morc intcrcsting or importunt tlun wlut luppcncd. Lsc.
und subscqucnt ubusc. ol tlc clronologicul sturt in ncws lcuturcs by tlc
Í«²¼¿§ Ì·³»- ol london guvc birtl to u now mucl-dcridcd sclool ol intro
writing. lor cxumplc:
At 12.47 p.m. two mcn in idcnticul bluc suits. cucl currying u
Sumsonitc uttucl’ cusc. lclt tlc Rurituniun lmbussy by tlc rcur
Tlcy luilcd u tuxi. uskcd tlc drivcr to tukc tlcm to Victoriu Stution
und sut buck in its bluck lcutlcr uplolstcry. ln tlc 25 minutcs it took
tlc drivcr to ncgotiutc tlc cupitul's lcuvy luncl-timc trullic. ncitlcr lct
go ol lis innoccnt-looking cusc lor onc sccond.
At Victoriu Stution tlc tullcr mun took out u brund-ncw t5 notc
und puid oll tlc drivcr. 47-ycur-old lutlcr ol tlrcc Hurry Winglicld.
littlc could lc luvc known tlcir linul dcstinution .
And so it miglt go on lor unotlcr lcw purugrupls. Tlis novcl-stylc
upproucl lus its uscs. but onc wurning: tuntulising tlc rcudcr likc tlis
mcuns tlut wlcn you linully gct to tlc point. it lud bcttcr bc u strong
onc. ll. in tlc cxumplc ubovc. tlcy wcrc smuggling sccrcts or wcrc oll to
blow up u rivul cmbussy. ull wcll und good. Not so. lowcvcr. il tlcy lud
bccn givcn u lull-duy oll und wcrc mcrcly on tlcir wuy lomc to spcnd un
cvcning witl tlcir stump collcctions.
Tlis is un intro wlicl rclutcs u scll-contuincd unccdotc to illustrutc un
uspcct ol tlc story's subjcct. und is oltcn uscd on lcngtly ncws lcuturcs
citlcr to introducc muin pluycrs. slow tlcir rclutionslips. or rclutc un
unknown vigncttc lrom tlc story's otlcrwisc wcll-known scqucncc ol
cvcnts. lt is vitul to cnsurc tlc unccdotc is good und mukcs u point.
Ü»´¿§»¼ ¼®±°
Tlis is un intro ol scvcrul. somctimcs muny. purugrupls wlcrc tlc story's
point is suvcd up. likc tlc puncl linc ol u jokc. lt is oltcn uscd on solt ncws
storics und liglt-lcurtcd urticlcs wlcrc ordinury cvcryduy cvcnts urc
dcscribcd lor u lcw purugrupls. lollowcd by tlc introduction ol tlc nub
ol tlc story in u purugrupl tlut incvitubly bcgins. 'Now .' or. 'And tlcn
Somcwlut styliscd und luckncycd. it oltcn produccs bunulitics ol tlc
'littlc did tlcy know .' vuricty. us in: 'lt wus u pcrlcct lliglt. Tlc wcutlcr
clcur. tlc winc good und tlc mcul cxccllcnt. But littlc did tlcy know us
tlcy lustcncd tlcir scut bclts lor tlc lunding tlut two minutcs lutcr tlc
plunc would cutcl lirc. lull to tlc ground in scconds und tlut only two ol
tlcm would survivc.'
Í·²¹´» -¬¿¬»³»²¬ ·²¬®±
Tlis is tlc oppositc ol tlc story ubovc. Hcrc tlc wlolc story is cncupsu-
lutcd in onc tclling scntcncc. lconomicul. cvocutivc und powcrlul wlcn
it works but disustrous wlcn it docsn't: it nccds cxpcricncc. rcul tulcnt
und good judgcmcnt. Tlc most uppropriutc usc is on u story wlicl is
importunt. not cntircly uncxpcctcd und wlicl will bc run by virtuully
ull ncws mcdiu. Unc ol tlc bcst wus on tlc dcutl ol Hitlcr in Muy 1º45.
lmuginc tlut wus your story. Wlut could you writc on tlis (ulrcudy
rcportcd on tlc rudio) tlut would not rcud us il it wcrc too obvious und
uncxciting. lt is u tull ordcr. But tlc Britisl Ò»©- ݸ®±²·½´» bcgun its story
witl tlc sturk scntcncc: 'Tlc most lutcd mun in tlc world is dcud.'
Running it u closc sccond wus un intro writtcn by }uck london. uutlor
ol ɸ·¬» Ú¿²¹. lor ݱ´´·»®K- É»»µ´§ in April 1ºu0. His ussignmcnt wus tlc
curtlquukc und subscqucnt lirc wlicl dcstroycd most ol tlc buildings
in Sun lruncisco und mudc 225.uuu pcoplc lomclcss. london bcgun lis
rcport witl u purugrupl ol just lour words: 'Sun lruncisco is gonc.'
lNTRUS 10º
Í«³³¿®§ ·²¬®±
Tlis survcys tlc tcrritory into wlicl tlc rcudcr will bc tukcn by tlc
writcr und is uscd to its bcst udvuntugc to distil tlc muin clcmcnts ol u
complcx cluin ol cvcnts. lor instuncc. u story ubout u vcry complicutcd
bctting lruud involving lorsc rucing could luvc bcgun: 'A bctting
syndicutc ycstcrduy tricd to swindlc t4uu.uuu lrom bookmukcrs ucross
Brituin.' But u bcttcr ultcrnutivc miglt bc: '}oc Murtin wus u gumblcr
wlo wus so kccn to win on tlc lorscs tlut lc invcntcd u rucccoursc. lcld
u ¨mccting` tlcrc. got lis lricnds to bct on its lictitious rcsults und ncurly.
vcry ncurly got uwuy witl it ull.'
Tlis typc ol intro is uscd ulso wlcn tlc story's intcrcst lics not in onc
muin point but in u numbcr ol dcvclopmcnts. Altlougl vcry usclul. tlc
dungcr witl tlc summury intro is tlut il it is insullicicntly comprclcn-
sivc it only dcluys tlc problcm ol dcciding tlc most importunt uspcct until
tlc sccond purugrupl. Pcrlups tlc bcst wuy to uvoid tlis is to tlink ol it
us ukin to u lilm truilcr. giving liglliglts ol wlut is to comc. Tlcn it is
cspcciully vuluublc on storics survcying u broud rungc ol subjccts or
pcoplc. or on prolilcs ol individuuls. lor cxumplc: 'lurouk is not just tlc
King ol lgypt. Hc is ulso u roud log. ruckctccr. womuniscr. glutton.
pickpockct und. now. un ovcrwciglt pluyboy in cxilc. Hc is. in luct. tlc
king wlo ncvcr grcw up.'
Í·²¹«´¿® -¬¿¬»³»²¬ ·²¬®±
Tlis is un opcning wlcrc tlc writcr tlrows u bizurrc or umuzing
stutcmcnt ut rcudcrs in tlc lopc ol tuntulising tlcm into rcuding on. A
wur rcportcr oncc bcgun u piccc witl tlc linc. 'Tlis morning l sluvcd in
vintugc rcd winc .'. bclorc going on to writc tlut tlc unit lc wus witl
lud just tukcn onc ol tlc morc importunt vincyurds lrom tlc Ccrmuns.
Ö±´¬ ·²¬®±
Tlis is wlcrc you tukc two picccs ol inlormution in tlc story. most
probubly tlc origin und tlc outcomc. und put tlcm togctlcr so tlut tlcy
providc u jolt. lclibcrutc undcrstutcmcnt is oltcn csscntiul. lor instuncc.
tlis by un Amcricun writcr on wlut miglt luvc bccn u luirly routinc
uccidcnt story: 'Billy Ruy Smitl lit u cigurcttc wlilc souking lis lcct in
pctrol. Hc muy survivc.'
ͽ»²»ó-»¬¬»® ·²¬®±
Tlis is un intro wlcrc tlc writcr puints u word picturc ol u sccnc tlut is
unusuul or clsc vitul to undcrstunding tlc subjcct. Lscd most commonly
on long solt lcuturcs or on colour picccs. it lus to bc botl wcll-writtcn
und luvc its signilicuncc cxpluincd soon ultcrwurds. lt is ut its bcst wlcn
tlcrc is somc 'tlc clock struck tlirtccn' pcculiurity to it. As in:
lmuginc tlc sccnc. lt is wintcr und insidc un unlcutcd upurtmcnt sits
un old mun wcuring notling but u tlin gown. Hc is bcnt ovcr u tublc.
cxumining somctling tlrougl u microscopc. A smull cundlc burns by
lis clbow. All ol u suddcn. lc lcuns buck. smilcs. tukcs u S5 notc lrom
lis pockct. puts it in tlc cundlc's llumc und uscs it to liglt u smull cigur.
You urc compcllcd to rcud on to discovcr wlut it is tlut lc is looking
ut. wly lc lus no nccd ol lcut or wurm clotlcs und wlut lc is doing
using dollurs to liglt cigurs. Hc is. tlc story gocs on to cxpluin. u
bunknotc lorgcr lullcn on lurd timcs. Tlc trick is to writc somctling
wlcrc tlc rcudcr ycurns to know wlut luppcns ncxt. us in Antlony
Powcll's intro to lis novcl. Û¿®¬¸´§ б©»®-:
lt wus tlc ultcrnoon ol my ciglty-lirst birtlduy. und l wus in bcd witl
my cutumitc wlcn Ali unnounccd tlut tlc urclbislop lud comc to
scc mc.
Ï«»-¬·±² ·²¬®±
Tlis is u dungcrous opcning. sincc rcudcrs urc upt to givc un immcdiutc
unswcr und puss on. So bcst not usk tlcm dircct. cusily solvcd qucstions.
Nor oncs to wlicl tlcrc is u surprising rcply. sincc tlis is un inlulliblc
indicutor tlut tlc inlormution givcn in tlc unswcr would bc bcttcr
dcploycd in tlc intro. lt is oltcn uscd (ill-udviscdly) on solt lilcstylc
lcuturcs. us in. 'How muny timcs did you wusl your lunds toduy.' but is
bcst uscd on lcuturcs wlcrc tlc qucstion lus u complcx solution(s). could
not possibly bc unswcrcd by uny rcudcr und you dcluy unswcring it
complctcly until tlc cnd ol tlc piccc. lvcn tlcn. it slould bc uscd vcry
spuringly. lts upplicution to ncws storics (wlicl urc supposcd to providc
unswcrs. not qucstions) would bc ubsurd.
Ö±µ» ·²¬®±
Tlis is onc ol tlc most common ol ull intros. but. us indicutcd in tlc
prcvious cluptcr. lumour is uttcmptcd morc oltcn tlun it is uclicvcd.
lcspitc tlis. it is u vcry cllcctivc opcning wlcn succcsslul bccuusc rcudcrs
lccl tlcy urc in tlc compuny ol un umusing writcr und will ulwuys rcud
on in unticipution ol morc lumour.
Tlc opcning cun bc u onc-lincr. likc tlis lrom P.}. U'Rourkc ol tlc
Amcricun muguzinc α´´·²¹ ͬ±²»: 'Tlcrc urc probubly morc luct-linding
tours ol Nicuruguu riglt now tlun tlcrc urc lucts.'
lNTRUS 171
Ur it cun bc u numbcr ol scntcnccs tlut build up to u puncl-linc. us in
tlis. ulso by U'Rourkc:
My lricnd lorotly und l spcnt u wcckcnd ut Hcritugc LSA. tlc born-
uguin Clristiun rcsort und umuscmcnt purk crcutcd by tclcvision
cvungclists }im und Tummy Bukkcr. lorotly und l cumc to scoll ÷ but
wcnt uwuy convcrtcd. Lnlortunutcly. wc wcrc convcrtcd to Sutunism.
и·´±-±°¸·½¿´ ·²¬®±
Tlis consists ol muking somc broud und swccping. cpigrummuticul
stutcmcnt tlut is supposcd to sound prolound und yct rurcly is. Bc uwurc
tlut tlc tlouglt you conccivcd ubout tlc condition ol lumunity. wlicl
cumc to you just us tlc clock tickcd towurds your dcudlinc. is unlikcly to
look so ricl in mcuning tlc lollowing duy.
A vuriunt ol tlis is tlut old collcgc cssuy trick ol putting up u stutcmcnt
in tlc intro solcly lor tlc purposc ol dcmolisling it in tlc rcst ol tlc piccc.
Tlc problcm witl tlis upproucl is tlut it oltcn comcs ucross us u writcr's
trick rutlcr tlun un invcntivc sturt springing nuturully lrom tlc
Ø·-¬±®·½¿´ ·²¬®±
Tlis is wlcn u story bcgins witl u stutcmcnt ubout tlc subjcct's listory.
us sucl: 'ln 1º4×. tlc Rurituniun govcrnmcnt dccidcd tlut lcncclor-
wurd tlcir bordcrs would bc cllcctivcly sculcd. tlus cnding tlcir long
trudition ol uutomutic lospitulity to lorcigncrs.' Witl tlis typc. citlcr
tlc listoricul luct itscll must bc luscinuting cnougl to grub tlc rcudcr.
or tlc twist (usuully providcd in u sccond purugrupl tlut bcgins:
'But .') must bc strong. Utlcrwisc it cun uppcur vcry llut. lt is ncurly
ulwuys bcttcr rc-workcd witl tlc inlormution lrom tlc sccond
purugrupl in tlc intro.
Ú¿´-» ·²¬®±-
linully tlcrc is onc spccics ol intro wlicl is not u typc ut ull but u widcly
mudc mistukc. Cullcd u 'lulsc intro' it is un opcning wlicl tlc writcr
tlinks is sclling tlc story to rcudcrs but wlicl is cntircly disposublc.
Commonly uscd on lcuturcs or liglt ncws storics. it lus two usuul lorms.
lirst is tlc luilcd jokc. us in tlis on u story ubout u ncw sports cur: 'Movc
ovcr girls. lcrc comcs u curvy dcsirublc objcct tlut's going to rcplucc you
in your mun's drcums.' Sccond is tlc nurrutivc opcning wlicl sturts onc
plusc too curly. us in tlis on tlc story ol u couplc's disustrous loliduy:
'Ulivc und lun Mcrcditl wcrc rcully looking lorwurd to two wccks ol lun
on tlc sun-soukcd bcuclcs ol Tluilund.' Tlc luct tlut tlcy urrivcd to lind
tlc lotcl only lull built und tlc bcucl covcrcd in untrcutcd scwugc is
only rcvculcd in tlc sccond purugrupl. lt slould bc in tlc lirst. Altcr ull.
most pcoplc ¼± look lorwurd to tlcir loliduys.
ܱ §±« ¿´©¿§- ©®·¬» ¬¸» ·²¬®± º·®-¬á
ln botl tlc ubovc cuscs. tlc piccc would bc lur bcttcr witlout tlc
unnoying. inunc intro. Pructicc intros urc likc u dunccr's wurm-up
routinc ÷ pcrlups csscntiul to tlc pcrlormuncc. but ccrtuinly not purt ol
it. Tlcy urc u privutc tling und slould not rcucl tlc public. Tlcy urc
ulso u rcmindcr tlut wc oltcn nccd to gct somctling down on pupcr or
scrccn just to gct oursclvcs going. Tlcrc is notling wrong witl tlut: uny
bclind-tlc-sccncs routinc tlut dclivcrs tlc goods in tlc pupcr is wortl
lollowing. }ust don't lct unyonc clsc scc it.
Somc lcuturc writcrs. il tlcy luvc tlc timc. prclcr to writc in longlund
und tlcn typc tlc rcsult. polisling us tlcy go. Tlcy cluim to cloosc words
morc curclully und writc morc cconomicully il tlcy luvc to do so
munuully. rutlcr tlun on u computcr. Tlcy muintuin tlut lust. scnsitivc
clcctronic kcybourds cncourugc vcrbosity und loosc scntcncc construc-
tion. und mukc writcrs composc 'oll tlc top ol tlc lcud' rutlcr tlun
lorming und rclorming scntcnccs bclorc tlcy writc tlcm down. us tlcy
would do witl u pcn und pupcr.
Tlcrc urc us muny writing lubits us tlcrc urc writcrs (Nubokov. lor
instuncc. oltcn wrotc stunding up: Victor Hugo nukcd). But tlcrc is onc
lubit wlicl is dccidcdly dungcrous ÷ writing tlc piccc witlout u propcr
intro und tlcn going buck to composc tlc lirst purugrupl lust. Tlc grcut
problcm witl tlis is tlut tlc proccss ol writing tlc intro is oltcn wlut
givcs you u clcur idcu ol tlc piccc. its construction und tlc tonc you
slould udopt. ll you drult u piccc und tlcn go buck to writc tlc intro. you
muy lind tlut tlc urticlc slould luvc u totully dillcrcnt tonc und
structurc. wlicl mcuns u rc-writc.
Tlc only timc wlcn tlis lubit muy bc usclul is il tlc story lus u clcur.
probubly clronologicul. structurc und you cun sturt ut tlc bcginning ol
tlc nurrutivc und tlcn go buck und put u summury. dcclurutory. or somc
otlcr kind ol intro on it. Tlc most obvious instuncc ol tlis is witl mujor
incidcnt storics wlcn you luvc to sturt writing bclorc tlc linul outcomc.
cuusc or dcutl toll is known. Tlis is cullcd u running story bccuusc it is
still running wlcn you luvc to bcgin writing. Witl tlcsc. it is ulwuys
bcst to sturt ut tlc clronologicul bcginning ol tlc incidcnt und tlcn. just
bclorc dcudlinc. udd tlc intro und. possibly. u linul lcw purugrupls.
Þ¿¼ ©®·¬»®- ¿®» ¬¸±-» ©¸± ©®·¬» ©·¬¸ ®»º»®»²½» ¬± ¿² ·²²»® ½±²¬»¨¬ ©¸·½¸
¬¸» ®»¿¼»® ½¿²²±¬ µ²±©ò
Albcrt Cumus
lNTRUS 17?
ݱ²-¬®«½¬·±² ¿²¼ Ü»-½®·°¬·±²
ß²§¬¸·²¹ ¬¸¿¬ ·- ©®·¬¬»² ¬± °´»¿-» ¬¸» ¿«¬¸±® ·- ©±®¬¸´»--ò
Bluisc Puscul
Cood story construction is u muttcr ol clurity. orgunisution und cllicicncy.
lt ouglt to bc u simplc muttcr und gcncrully it is. cspcciully on lurd ncws
storics ol up to ubout twclvc purugrupls. Uncc you luvc tlc most
intcrcsting inlormution in tlc intro. urrunging tlc rcst ol it is not tlc
most clullcnging ol tusks. Tlc olt-quotcd modcl lor tlis is tlc invcrtcd
pyrumid. u pscudo-tcclnicul plrusc lor tlc rudimcntury muttcr ol
plucing tlc mutcriul in dcsccnding ordcr ol intcrcst und importuncc. lo
tlut. und you will bc ut tlc cnd ol tlc story bclorc you know it. And it
slould luvc tlc sumc cllcct on rcudcrs.
Problcms ol construction comc witl urticlcs tlut urc morc lcngtly.
complcx or botl. Tlis is cspcciully truc ol ncws storics tlut do not luvc
u clronologicul scqucncc ol cvcnts. lcuturc-stylc rcports urc ulso morc
dillicult to construct bccuusc tlcy oltcn involvc u lot ol dillcrcnt tlcmcs
und strunds. Purts ol tlc story sccm to lit in scvcrul dillcrcnt pluccs und
otlcrs sccm to lit nowlcrc.
Tlc construction dillicultics mostly ccntrc on tlis: low do you prcscnt
oltcn divcrsc uspccts clcurly und logicully in u wuy tlut prcscnts u
colcrcnt picturc ut tlc cnd. Wlut gocs wlcrc und low docs it lung
togctlcr. Tlcsc problcms ut tlcir worst urc likc trying to solvc u jigsuw
puzzlc wlcrc tlc picccs cun bc un ulmost inlinitc numbcr ol sizcs und
slupcs und tlc picturc on tlc box is missing. lortunutcly you urc in
½±³³¿²¼. u word wlicl is ut tlc lcurt ol tlis proccss. Cood construction
is ubout tuking commund ol tlc mutcriul. Tlut mcuns you luvc to survcy
tlc inlormution you luvc. dccidc on its csscncc. cnvisugc tlc ovcrull
picturc und cllcct you wunt to uclicvc. dccidc wlicl picccs you nccd und
wlicl you don't. wlut sizc und slupc tlcy slould bc und low tlcy
slould lit togctlcr.
ll tlcrc is u sccrct ol good construction it is in tlinking ol tlc story us
bcing mudc up ol building blocks. Tlcsc urc scctions ol inlormution tlut
mukc up units witl wlicl you will construct tlc story. Wlcn you lirst
sprcud out your inlormution und survcy it. you urc looking lor wlut is
csscntiul und wlut is not. Tlcn you sturt to scc tlcsc csscntiuls lulling
into scvcrul dillcrcnt building blocks or uspccts ol tlc story. You tlcn
sturt ullocuting tlc morc minor inlormution to tlcsc blocks und ulso
bcgin to tlink ol wlut ordcr tlc scctions will go in. links bctwccn tlcm
tlcn occur to you. ln unytling but tlc most clcmcntury cuscs. somc ol
tlis plunning will bc donc on pupcr. cvcn il it is only u lcw scribblcd
A lot ol tlis proccss bccomcs unconscious ultcr u wlilc und sctting it
out us ubovc muy givc tlc imprcssion tlut it lus morc in common witl
liling tlun composition. Wlut cunnot bc rcllcctcd lcrc is tlut. witl
cxpcricncc. story plunning bccomcs u morc intuitivc busincss.
ݱ²-¬®«½¬·±² ¹«·¼»´·²»-
Ü»¿´ ©·¬¸ »¿½¸ ¿-°»½¬ ±º ¬¸» -¬±®§ ·² ±²» °´¿½»
lon't jump ubout lrom onc purt ol tlc story to unotlcr und tlcn buck to
tlc lirst purt. Tlis is conlusing lor you und tlc rcudcr. lcul witl cucl
uspcct scpurutcly und clcurly.
Ó¿µ» ¬¸» ´·²µ- ¾»¬©»»² ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¾´±½µ- ¿- ²¿¬«®¿´ ¿- §±« ½¿²
You cun ulwuys tcll u budly plunncd story by tlc prolilcrution ol
'mcunwlilcs'. 'buts' und 'lowcvcrs'. You slould bc ublc to movc
logicully lrom onc block to unotlcr witlout using u lot ol tlcsc. Sucl
words urc uscd to introducc somctling wlicl conllicts or contrusts witl
wlut lus gonc bclorc und urc u grcut construction trip-wirc. Lnlcss you
urc curclul. you cun cusily lind yourscll wunting to usc tlcm cvcry tlird
or lourtl scntcncc. Minimising tlcm is u muttcr ol putting togctlcr ull
tlc mutcriul tlut urgucs in onc dircction. und tlcn lollowing it witl tlc
contrudictory inlormution. wlcrc possiblc. ll you do nccd u linking
tlouglt or scntcncc. mukc it u smootl onc.
Ѳ ´±²¹»® -¬±®·»-ô ¬¸·²µ ±º ¬¸» ·²¬®± ¿- ¿ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¾´±½µ ·² ·¬-»´º
lt is oltcn lclplul to tlink ol tlc intro us bcing not just onc purugrupl but
u block ol muybc tlrcc or lour. Tlis would contuin not only tlc opcning
purugrupl but ulso tlc liglliglts or summury ol tlc story tlut lollows.
Typicul sccond or tlird purugrupls on ncws storics (wlcrc tlc muin
unglc is in tlc lirst purugrupl) urc tlc umplilicution ol tlut unglc. u quotc
to support it. or u summury or tustcr purugrupl. Tlis is u scntcncc or two
ol tlc story's liglliglts. tclling tlc rcudcr wlut is in storc. A liglliglts
purugrupl is usclul wlcn. lor somc rcuson. tlcsc good points will bc dcult
witl wcll down tlc story.
Þ»©¿®» ±º ¾´·²¼ ¿´´»§-
Wlcn muking your plun. bc on tlc look-out lor uny building block tlut
docs not lcud nuturully to unotlcr. Typicully tlcsc urc pcriplcrul sidc-
issucs or sidc-cllccts ol tlc muin tlrust ol tlc story. Sucl blind ullcys
slould bc lclt to tlc cnd ol tlc story. otlcrwisc. us witl tlc rcul tling.
you will lind yourscll luving to rcvcrsc out ol il you wunt to go unywlcrc
׺ ¬¸» »ª»²¬- ·² ¬¸» -¬±®§ ¸¿ª» ¿ ½¸®±²±´±¹·½¿´ -¬®«½¬«®»ô «-» ¬¸¿¬
A clronologicul nurrutivc is simplc. cusy to lollow und is oltcn tlc bcst
option. Altcr your intro purugrupl(s). don't bc ulruid to suy 'lt ull bcgun
wlcn .' und tlcn procccd lrom tlcrc to tlc cnd.
Ó¿µ» ¼»²·¿´- º±´´±© ¿½½«-¿¬·±²- ¿- ½´±-»´§ ¿- °±--·¾´»
ll tlcrc urc two conllicting sidcs to u story. cnsurc wlcrc possiblc tlut
tlc dcniuls or clullcngcs closcly lollow tlc uccusution. Scpuruting tlcsc
by scvcrul purugrupls is onc ol tlc cusicst wuys to conlusc tlc rcudcr. lt
is ulso wustclul bccuusc distuncc bctwccn tlcsc two purts mcuns you
muy luvc to rccup tlc originul cluim.
Ò»ª»® ¾» ¿º®¿·¼ ¬± -°»´´ ¬¸·²¹- ±«¬
Somc storics urc liglly complicutcd und tlcrc is u dungcr ol rcudcrs
gctting lost. lowcvcr good tlc construction. ln tlcsc situutions don't bc
sly ol sctting tlings out tcxtbook stylc und tclling rcudcrs wlut tlcy urc
going to gct. us in: 'Tlcrc urc lour uspccts to tlis complcx issuc: 1...'. ctc.
ܱ²K¬ °«¬ ¾¿½µ¹®±«²¼ ·² ´¿®¹»ô ·²¼·¹»-¬·¾´» ½¸«²µ-
Somc storics nccd to contuin u lot ol buckground or rccupping ol prcvious
storics citlcr to mukc scnsc or to bc ut muximum strcngtl. ln most cuscs.
tlis kind ol mutcriul is bcst wovcn into tlc muin nurrutivc und givcn
succinctly in pussing. ln rurc. liglly complicutcd cuscs. you cun lowcvcr
rcsort to tlc 'Tlc story so lur .' dcvicc.
Þ»©¿®» ¬¸» ½±²-»¯«»²½»- ½±²-¬®«½¬·±²
Tlis is u wuy ol writing liglt lumun intcrcst storics tlut lus bccomc
dcprcssingly ovcr-uscd. An cxumplc would bc:
A littlc Bolton scloolboy will ncvcr lorgct tlc duy lc got lis lcud stuck
in tlc sclool ruilings. øß -¸±®¬ ¶±µ»§ ½¸¿®¿½¬»®·-¿¬·±² ±º ©¸¿¬ ¸¿°°»²»¼ô
©¸·½¸ ¼±»- ²±¬ ¹·ª» ¬¸» º·²¿´ ¹¿³» ¿©¿§ò÷
lirst . tlis luppcncd. øÒ¿³»-ô ¬·³» ¿²¼ °´¿½» ¿®» ·²¬®±¼«½»¼ô÷
Tlcn . tlut luppcncd. ø̸» ½¸®±²±´±¹·½¿´ ²¿®®¿¬·ª» ½±²¬·²«»-ò÷
And . somctling clsc luppcncd. øß²¼ ½±²¬·²«»-W÷
lor . unotlcr tling. øß²¼ ½±²¬·²«»-W÷
But . øÚ»»¾´» ²»©- °±·²¬ ¹±»- ·² ¸»®»÷ò
And now . cvcrytling is ull riglt øѬ¸»®©·-» ·¬ ©±«´¼ ¾» ©®·¬¬»² ¿²±¬¸»®
©¿§ô -»»á÷
So . ø̸» º·²¿´ ½±²-»¯«»²½» ¿²¼ ¯«±¬»- º®±³ ¿´´ ¬¸» ³¿·² °¿®¬·»-ò÷
Ë-» ¯«±¬»- ¬± ½¸¿²¹» ¬¸» °¿½» ·² ¿ ´±²¹ -»½¬·±² ±º ®»°±®¬»¼ -°»»½¸
}ust us u long scction ol quotcs would bc tcdious. und ulso incllicicnt in
tcrms ol lcngtl. so prolongcd rcportcd spcccl cun gct monotonous. lnscrt
somc vuricty. und u lumun voicc witl u quotc or two. lowcvcr bricl.
λ°±®¬»¼ -°»»½¸ -¬¿¬»³»²¬- ·² ¬¸» ·²¬®± -¸±«´¼ ¾» -«°°±®¬»¼ ¾§ ¯«±¬»- ´¿¬»® ·²
¬¸» -¬±®§
Tlis slould ulwuys bc donc. but upplics purticulurly wlcn tlc rcportcd
spcccl stutcmcnt is controvcrsiul.
Ѳ º±´´±©ó«° -¬±®·»- ®»³»³¾»® ¬± ®»½¿°·¬«´¿¬»
Wlcn constructing u lollow-up story. you slould tukc curc to rccup
cnougl ol tlc originul to mukc your ncw story intclligiblc. Tlis cun citlcr
bc donc us u gluncing scntcncc. or us u longcr buckground scction. lt is
vitul wlcn rccupping tlut. il un uccusution lus bccn dcnicd in curlicr
storics. uny lollow-up story wlicl rcpcuts tlc uccusution ulso rcpcuts
tlc dcniul.
ß²¿´§-·²¹ -¬±®§ -¬®«½¬«®»-
Most ol us spcnt cndlcss lours ol our youtl sitting in scloolrooms und
univcrsity lulls. studying und dcconstructing pocms. slort storics und
novcls. But suggcst to journulists. young or old. tlut tlcir own writing
would bcnclit lrom giving ncwspupcr urticlcs tlc sumc unulyticul
trcutmcnt und tlcy will look ut you us il you lud just udvocutcd tlc
ncutcring ol ull mulcs ovcr 25.
Yct tlcrc is u lot to bc guincd lrom u littlc timc dcvotcd to sucl unulysis.
lt docs not luvc to tukc long. und tlc objccts ol your uttcntions cun bc
good or bud: you cun lcurn lrom botl. All you luvc to do is mukc somc
notcs ol tlc job cucl purt ol tlc story docs. Hcrc. by wuy ol illustrution.
is un cxumplc:
Spcccl storics.
lntro stuting most importunt ncws point. witl or witlout supporting
Any lurtlcr mujor points. witl or witlout quotcs.
lluborution ol intro witl dircct quotcs.
lcvclopmcnt ol spcccl und quotcs.
Summury ol otlcr muin points.
(Notc: uudicncc rcuction. dcmcunour und uppcuruncc ol spcukcr.
csscntiul buckground. ctc. givcn us pussing cluuscs unlcss signilicunt.)
Amcricun writcr lrncst Hcmingwuy oncc cluimcd lc rc-wrotc tlc cnding
ol Ú¿®»©»´´ ̱ ß®³- ?º timcs bclorc lc wus sutislicd. Not muny
ncwspupcr storics would gct publislcd il tlis pructicc wus imitutcd
(ultlougl morc tlun u lcw intros could bcnclit lrom sucl uttcntion). but
it is u rcmindcr tlut cndings urc importunt us wcll us opcnings. Not us
importunt. but still wortl tlinking ubout.
longcr urticlcs. cspcciully. urc bcttcr wlcn roundcd oll. Tlcy do not
luvc to rcsolvc tlcmsclvcs in tlc sumc wuy us u piccc ol ninctccntl-
ccntury symplonic music docs. And tlcy slould ccrtuinly not comc to
onc ol tlosc drcudlul ploncy. lorccd conclusions wlcrc tlc writcr lccls
lc lus to givc u vcrdict or givc tlc rcudcr u kind ol lurcwcll wuvc in
words. But ncitlcr slould tlcy cnd ubruptly. us il tlc writcr just got
borcd. nor just mcckly ludc uwuy.
Anccdotcs. prclcrubly witlout tlc writcr's quusi-plilosoplicul wrup-
up rcmurk. urc u good wuy to closc. So urc slort dcscriptions ol u linul
sccnc. u tclling quotc. ironic luct or stutistic. somc twist to tlc muin tlrust
ol tlc story tlut you luvc lcld buck: muybc cvcn un cclo lrom tlc intro
or somctling clsc curlicr in tlc story. Anytling. in luct. tlut givcs com-
plctcncss und prcvcnts tlc rcudcr concluding tlut tlc uutlor got so lur
und tlcn suddcnly rcmcmbcrcd u prcssing cngugcmcnt.
Hcrc is onc ol tlc lincst closing scntcnccs in tlc listory ol tlc printcd
word. lt wus writtcn by tlc Amcricun-born corrcspondcnt ol tlc london
Ü¿·´§ Ò»©-. }.A. MucCulun. ut tlc conclusion ol onc ol lis disputclcs
tlut rcvculcd tlc Turkisl utrocitics uguinst tlc Bulguriuns in 1×70. Altcr
u controllcd uccount ol tlc sluugltcr in Butuk (tlc onc cxtcnsivcly
quotcd in Cluptcr 1). lc concludcs by survcying tlc sccnc wlcrc
tlousunds ol bodics luy. und tlcn udds: 'Tlc lurvcsts urc rotting in tlc
liclds. und tlc rcupcrs urc rotting lcrc in tlc clurclyurd.'
ll tlcrc is onc tling tlut Amcricun journulists cun tcucl tlc world. it is
low to bc disciplincd in sourcing storics. lor somc rcuson. uttribution is
un urcu wlcrc u lot ol rcportcrs luvc un uttitudc problcm. Tlcy lccl tlut
unytling otlcr tlun tlc burc minimum ol inlormution-sourcing involvcs
u ccrtuin loss ol journulistic virility. Tlis. ol coursc. is nonscnsc. ln
propcrly sourcing u story. ull you urc doing is giving rcudcrs wlut tlcy
nccd to lclp tlcm judgc your story. or tlc scpurutc picccs ol inlormution
witlin it. Tlc rcudcr slould ncvcr luvc to usk. 'How docs tlc pupcr know
Tlc dcgrcc ol sourcing dcpcnds on tlc nuturc ol tlc story und tlc typc
ol publicution. Controvcrsiul storics und spcciuliscd publicutions
gcncrully nccd uttribution tlut is morc dctuilcd und promincnt. Hcrc urc
somc otlcr points on wlcn. wlcrc und low to sourcc.
ɸ»®» -±«®½·²¹ ·- ²±¬ ²»»¼»¼
Attribution is obviously not nccdcd on wlut you miglt cull gcncrul
knowlcdgc. inlormution tlut is in tlc public domuin. und wlicl cun bc
vcrilicd immcdiutcly by u lost ol otlcr sourccs. No onc slould lccl tlc
nccd to writc somctling likc tlis: 'Budupcst is tlc cupitul ol Hungury. u
lorcign ministry olliciul suid toduy.' Nor. il u mujor lirc occurs. is tlcrc u
nccd to luvc u sourcc lor it. unlcss somconc in uutlority is doubting its
cxistcncc. Ccncrully. lowcvcr. tlc contcnts ol most ncws storics will
nccd sourcing in print. And tlut mcuns cvcry stutcmcnt slould luvc u
clcur dcrivution.
ͱ«®½» »ª»®§¬¸·²¹ ¬¸¿¬ ·-ô ±® ³·¹¸¬ ¾»½±³»ô ½±²¬»²¬·±«-
ln tlc cxumplc ol tlc lirc ubovc. you would nccd u sourcc lor cusuulty
ligurcs. dumugc und cuusc ÷ ull ol wlicl miglt bc clullcngcd by unotlcr
sourcc. Any inlormution tlut is contcntious. or miglt bc. slould bc
sourccd. us slould unytling judgcmcntul or wlicl you lccl miglt not
bc immcdiutc public knowlcdgc (lor cxumplc. il tlc lirc wus u bomb und
you lclt tlc uutloritics would contcst tlut u bomb lud gonc oll).
Ò»ª»® «-» °¿--·ª» ¿¬¬®·¾«¬·±²
lo not writc. 'lt wus suid'. 'lt wus unnounccd'. or 'lt wus undcrstood'.
Tlcy ull bcg tlc qucstion. by wlom. Somcwlcrc in tlc world tlcrc is
tlc pcrson or orgunisution tlut suid it. unnounccd it or bclicvcs it. Tcll us
wlo tlcy urc. Apurt lrom unytling clsc. pussivc uttribution uscs tlc
impcrsonul voicc ol tlc burcuucrucy cluiming omnipotcncc ÷ und wc ull
know low rcliublc tlut is.
Ó¿µ» ½´»¿® ¸±© ·²º±®³¿¬·±² ©¿- ±¾¬¿·²»¼
ll it is rclcvunt. und it usuully is. mukc clcur low your inlormution wus
obtuincd. Tlis nccd not tukc mucl cxplunution. just u simplc plrusc will
do. sucl us 'suid in u prcpurcd prcss stutcmcnt' or 'told rcportcrs in
unswcr to qucstions'.
Þ» ¿- -°»½·º·½ ¿- §±« ½¿²
Sourccs curry so mucl morc wciglt wlcn tlcy luvc u numc. titlc und
unytling clsc tlut cstublislcs tlcir crcdibility or lclps rcudcrs judgc tlc
inlormution's quulity. 'Army spokcsmun Ronuld llwill' is lur bcttcr tlun
'urmy spokcsmun'. Add uny cxtru inlormution tlut muy bc usclul. ll your
sourcc wus ut u mccting or on tlc sccnc ol un incidcnt. tlcn suy so.
Sourccs curry morc conviction il tlcy urc on tlc spot. us opposcd to
sitting in lcudquurtcrs. milcs. or cvcn contincnts. uwuy.
˲²¿³»¼ -±«®½»-
Wlcn you cunnot numc u sourcc (ncgotiuting und dculing witl tlis
situution is dcult witl in Cluptcr 0) you slould givc us mucl inlormution
ubout tlc kind ol pcrson tlcy urc. und tlcir crcdcntiuls. us possiblc. lon't
just writc 'sourccs'. 'unulysts'. 'cxpcrts' or. Cod lorbid. 'tlis ncwspupcr's
sourccs'. Bc us spccilic us you cun. und usc tlc plurul only wlcn justilicd.
ll it is u singlc sourcc tlcn suy so. linully. il your inlormution comcs lrom
u vuricty ol unonymous sourccs. do not uttributc cucl itcm. Writc.
'lntcrvicws witl scnior bunkcrs rcvculcd dillcring rcuctions to tlc ncws.
Somc suid .'.
Ü»ª»´±° ®¿²µ- ±º «²²¿³»¼ -±«®½»-
Rcudcrs will bc lclpcd considcrubly il you grudc unnumcd sourccs.
Rcutcrs uscs tlc lollowing cutcgorics:
· Autloritutivc sourccs cxcrcisc rcul uutlority on tlc issuc in
qucstion. A dclcncc ministcr is un uutloritutivc sourcc on dclcncc
muttcrs but not on linuncc.
· Ulliciul sourccs luvc ucccss to inlormution in tlcir olliciul cupucity.
but tlcir compctcncc us u sourcc is limitcd to tlis licld.
· lcsignutcd sourccs urc. lor instuncc. diplomutic sourccs. intclli-
gcncc sourccs or sourccs intlc mining industry. As witlunolliciul
sourcc. tlcymust luvc ucccss torcliublc inlormutionontlc subjcct.
Unc ol tlc grcut troublcs witl no-numc sourccs is tlut. unlcss you givc
sucl guiduncc. tlc rcudcr docs not luvc tlc lirst idcu wlctlcr you urc
quoting tlc Prcsidcnt or tlc mun wlo clcuns lis slocs.
д¿½·²¹ ±º ¿¬¬®·¾«¬·±²
Sourcing slould comc ligl in cvcry story und bc in tlc intro il tlc story
is contcntious. lntro sourcing nccd not bc inclcgunt und is ulwuys bcttcr
tlun tlosc ugly constructions wlicl sturt u story witl u buld. unsourccd
stutcmcnt und tlcn lollow witl u sccond purugrupl wlicl opcns. 'Tlut
is tlc opinionlvicwllinding. ctc. ol .'. Tlis upplics purticulurly il tlc story
is ubout somctling bcing suid rutlcr tlun donc. lntro sourcing slould.
lowcvcr. bc minimiscd us mucl us possiblc to uvoid cluttcr. lull und
olliciul titlcs. lor cxumplc. cun bc givcn lowcr down.
llscwlcrc intlc story. uttributioncunbc givcndiscrcctly ut tlc cnd ol
scntcnccs. Wlcrc onc sourcc covcrs most ol tlc story. it docs not nccd to
bc rcpcutcd morc tlunis strictly ncccssury. Howcvcr. cvcry stutcmcnt in
tlc story. unlcss it is covcrcd intlc cxccptions ubovc. will nccd sourcing.
Tlis docs not mcun cvcry scntcncc. lor it is usuully possiblc to writc tlc
story to mukc it clcur tlut clumps ol inlormution luvc tlc sumc sourcc.
ͬ¿®¬·²¹ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» -±«®½»
Tlcrc urc two situutions wlcrc u ncws story is bcttcr undcrstood by
rcudcrs il it sturts witl tlc sourcc. Tlcy urc botl 'suy storics' (oncs ubout
somconc suying somctling). Tlc lirst is wlcrc tlc stutcmcntl
uccusutionlcluim lus bccn mudc by u ligurc ol sucl promincncc und sig-
nilicuncc tlut lis or lcr idcntity slould bc known bclorc wlut is suid is
Tlc sccond is wlcrc u liglly contcntious uccusution or cluim lus bccn
mudc. oltcn ol u pcrsonul nuturc. lt would. lor instuncc. bc ubsurd to rcud
u story tlut bcgun. 'Prcsidcnt Bogdorov ol Rurituniu lus killcd oll muny
ol lis country's old pcoplc witl lis ncw lcultl policics. suys opposition
lcudcr Mr Yuri Snickcrov.' lur bcttcr to writc. 'Rurituniun opposition
lcudcr Yuri Snickcrov lus uccuscd Prcsidcnt Bogdorov ol killing oll .'.
Tlc lirst is un uppurcnt stutcmcnt ol luct. lollowcd by u sourcc: tlc sccond
mukcs it clcur tlut tlis is un uccusution. und. givcn wlo it comcs lrom.
u politicully motivutcd onc.
lcscription. or colour us it is somctimcs cullcd. slould bc purt ol most
storics. lt is cusy to bc so consumcd witl rcluting tlc burc lucts ol tlc
story tlut you lorgct to dcscribc pcoplc or pluccs ut tlc ccntrc ol it. lvcn
il tlc dcscription is only u lcw plruscs giving rcudcrs u busic idcu ol wlut
u building or pcrson looks likc. it is wortlwlilc. lcscriptions. wlctlcr
tlcy urc pussing rcmurks or wlolc pussugcs. udd cxtru inlormution und
lclp rcudcrs to imuginc bcttcr wlut lus luppcncd. to wlom und wlcrc.
You urc tlc rcudcr's curs. cycs und nosc. Almost cvcry duy you mcct
pcoplc und scc tlings tlut rcudcrs will ncvcr cxpcricncc. ll you don't tcll
tlcm wlut tlcsc tlings urc likc. tlcy will ncvcr know. ll. lor cxumplc.
you urc intcrvicwing u wcll-known politiciun. rcudcrs will wunt to know
wlut lis or lcr ollicc is likc. ls it grund. or surprisingly modcst. How is
it dccorutcd. Arc tlcrc uny intcrcsting pcrsonul posscssions ubout. ls tlc
pcrson ncrvous or culm. How do tlcy uppcur to trcut tlosc wlo work
lor tlcm.
You cunnot rcly on u plotogrupl in tlc pupcr doing tlcsc tlings lor
you. lnstcud. you luvc to puint u word picturc. lowcvcr bricl. And your
words cun convcy tlings tlut picturcs cunnot. lcscription brings tlc
story ulivc. tukcs rcudcrs to wlcrc you luvc bccn und cvokcs
utmosplcrc. lt cun put lluvour in tlc most urid und dry ncws story und
mukc tlc dillcrcncc bctwccn u rcport tlut sutislics und onc tlut docs not.
So long us you rcmcmbcr tlut dcscription gocs into u story to uid rcudcrs'
undcrstunding und not providc you witl un opportunity to displuy your
lutcst vocubulury. it will bc un uid to clurity und not un obstuclc to it. Hcrc
urc u lcw otlcr points.
ɸ¿¬ ·- º¿³·´·¿® ¬± §±« ³¿§ ²±¬ ¾» ¬± ¬¸» ®»¿¼»®
Too oltcn journulists tukc lor gruntcd tlut rcudcrs luvc sccn tlc pcoplc.
pluccs und cvcnts tlcy urc writing ubout. lvcn tlc rcportcr's most
lumiliur surroundings muy bc strungc und unknown to rcudcrs. How
muny rcudcrs. lor instuncc. cvcr go insidc u purliumcnt building. Tlcy
muy luvc sccn it llcctingly on tclcvision. but do tlcy know wlctlcr it is
ovcrlcutcd or cold. ll tlc scuts urc comlortublc. Wlut picturcs urc lung
tlcrc. Wlut tlc utmosplcrc is likc. Sucl inlormution lclps to tukc
rcudcrs tlcrc.
ߪ±·¼ ¾·¹ ½¸«²µ- ±º ¼»-½®·°¬·±²
Lnlcss tlc muin purposc ol u piccc is to bc dcscriptivc. colour is bcst dolcd
out in smull lclpings lcrc und tlcrc rutlcr tlun in long. unbrokcn
pussugcs. You cun tcll rcudcrs u lot in u scrics ol usidcs. Tlc tling you
luvc to wutcl is wlcrc you plucc tlcsc. Tlc luct tlut tlc pcrson you urc
quoting is rcd-luircd und collccts stumps is wortl rccording somcwlcrc.
but probubly not in tlc intro or immcdiutcly ultcr you quotc tlcm culling
on tlc govcrnmcnt to rcsign.
Rclcvuncc is tlc kcy. lntroducc dcscription wlcrc it lclps. not wlcrc
it is incongruous. Morc dctuilcd dcscriptions ol u ccrtuin pcrson or plucc
urc. lowcvcr. bcst givcn in onc purt ol tlc story und not sprinklcd
tlrougl it. lt is irrituting to rcud u piccc wlcrc. cvcry timc somconc is
mcntioncd. you urc tlrown unotlcr littlc crumb ol dcscription ubout
tlcm. }ust low irrituting is slown by tlis cxumplc. lrom Kingslcy Amis
ol wlut is cullcd in tlc LS. tlc 'gorgcd snukc' construction:
Briton Clris Munkicwitz. 20. lus bccn numcd to lcud lnglund's socccr
squud uguinst Rurituniu ncxt montl.
Tlc Wursuw-born lutlcr-or-two suid ut lis rcccntly rcbuilt t15u.uuu
lcptlord lomc. 'My uttructivc wilc Sumuntlu. 24. und l urc just ovcr
tlc moon witl tlc ncws.'
Succcss lus comc just in timc lor tlc wliskcrcd lormcr scloolboy
lurdlcr clumpion stur ol Clupton Uccidcnt's injury-strickcn
Tlc mucl-plotogruplcd lut-trick spcciulist und uvid sports-cur
drivcr. u lumiliur locul ligurc in lis blood-rcd Hulbcrstudt l-Vll.
Þ®·²¹ °»±°´» ¿´·ª» ¬± ®»¿¼»®-
lvcn tlc smullcst piccc ol inlormution ubout pcoplc lclps rcudcrs. Altcr
ull. u numc docs not tcll you vcry mucl ubout somconc. upurt lrom tlcir
scx. Agc udds somctling. us do dctuils ol uppcuruncc. dcmcunour und so
on. Try to stick to lucts rutlcr tlun judgcmcnts und bc scnsitivc ubout
tlc sourcc's lcclings.
Þ» °®»½·-»
Prccision upplics cspcciully to dcscription. Avoid vuguc. judgcmcntul
udjcctivcs und dcscriptions. To suy tlut un ollicc is 'imposing' tclls you
somctling. but not vcry mucl. lur bcttcr to suy tlut it is so big tlut you
could purk two curs in tlcrc. tlut it lus plusl rcd curpct. u ncw bluck
dcsk witl bruss littings und tlut tlc windows commund u vicw ol tlc
cupitul. Tlut givcs u lur bcttcr idcu. Apply tlis tlinking to pcoplc. too.
Avoid words likc uttructivc. lundsomc. good-looking. prctty. imprcssivc.
lnstcud dcscribc tlcir luir colour. low tlcy urc drcsscd. tlcir lciglt.
Prccision is ulso tlc bcst motivc lor using udjcctivcs ÷ to quulily nouns
in u wuy tlut udds inlormution. Lsing tlcm to try to udd cmplusis will
dcgrudc tlc impuct und lcud to wordincss. lcscriptivc writing is ubout
linding wuys ol bringing somctling to lilc. not tlc rundom sprinkling ol
udjcctivcs tlrougl u piccc.
Ì¿µ» ½¿®» ©·¬¸ -·³·´»-
Writing tlut somctling is 'likc .' is only cllcctivc il you cloosc u similc
tlut mutclcs und is lrcsl. Plruscs tlut cxuggcrutc. unlcss you urc
writing lumour. urc immcdiutcly spottcd lor wlut tlcy urc und unytling
tircd und clicl’d will luvc no impuct. A ncur-pcrlcct cxumplc ol u lrcsl
similc is ut tlc cnd ol tlis slort cxtruct lrom lloyd Cibbons ol tlc ݸ·½¿¹±
Ì®·¾«²». Hc wus tlc lirst rcportcr to covcr tlc cllccts ol tlc Crcut luminc
in tlc Sovict Lnion ol 1º21:
A boy ol 12 witl u lucc ol sixty wus currying u six-montl-old inlunt
wruppcd inu liltly bundlc ol lurs. Hc dcpositcd tlc buby undcr u lrciglt
cur. cruwlcd ultcr limund drcwlromlis pockct somc dricd lisl-lcuds.
wlicllc clcwcd ruvcnously und tlcn. bringing tlc buby's lips to lis.
trunslcrrcd tlc sticky wlitc pustc ol lull-musticutcd lisl-sculcs und
boncs to tlc inlunt's moutl us u motlcr bird lccds lcr young.
Ü»ª»´±° ¿² »§» º±® ¼»¬¿·´
Tlc smull tlings urc oltcn tlc most tclling ÷ littlc dctuils or momcnts in
u sccnc tlut cun bc dcscribcd und uscd to mukc u point ubout tlc wlolc
story or cvcnt. lcvclop un cyc lor dctuil. lcurn to locus on sucl tlings
und puint u word picturc ol tlcm lor rcudcrs. Tlis is cspcciully cllcctivc
wlcn you luvc bccn scnt to writc u colour or utmosplcrc piccc ubout u
big sccnc or cvcnt. But dctuil cun ulso bc uscd to grcut cllcct in ull
rcporting. wlcn you obscrvc u littlc tling tlut sccms signilicunt. You do
not luvc to cust u grcut spotliglt on it. or givc tlc dctuil immcnsc
symbolic signilicuncc. Sucl lincs urc oltcn most powcrlul wlcn dclivcrcd
simply und sturkly witlout lurtlcr cluborution.
Curzio Mulupurtc covcrcd tlc buttlc ol lcningrud lor tlc ltuliun pupcr
ݱ®®·»®» ¼»´´¿ Í»®¿. Unc ol tlc cvcntuul suviours ol tlc city. ultcr mucl
sullcring. wus tlc 'lugodu lilc-linc'. tlc convoys ol lood tukcn ucross
tlc lukc by bout in tlc summcr und ovcr tlc icc in wintcr. ln rcscurcling
lis piccc. Mulupurtc took u wulk ovcr tlc lrozcn lukc:
Lndcr my slocs. imprintcd in tlc icc us in trunspurcnt crystul. wus u
linc ol bcuutilul lumun luccs. u linc ol gluss musks likc u Byzuntinc
icon. Tlcy wcrc looking ut mc. sturing ut mc. Tlc lips wcrc nurrow
und worn. tlc luir long. tlc noscs slurp. tlc cycs lurgc und vcry clcur.
Tlcy wcrc tlc imugcs ol Sovict soldicrs wlo lud lullcn in tlc uttcmpt
to cross tlc lukc. Tlcir poor bodics. imprisoncd ull wintcr by tlc icc.
lud bccn swcpt uwuy by tlc lirst spring currcnts. But tlcir luccs
rcmuincd printcd in tlc purc. grccn-bluc crystul.
Tlut imugc ol tlc luccs is imprintcd on tlc mind ol tlc rcudcr just us
surcly us tlosc soldicrs' lcuturcs wcrc murkcd in tlc icc. (Mulupurtc's
rcul numc. incidcntully. wus Kurt Suckcrt. und lis lutlcr wus Ccrmun.
Ncvcrtlclcss. lc louglt lor tlc lrcncl und ltuliuns in tlc lirst World
Wur. wus dccorutcd by botl countrics. und. in 1º??. wus urrcstcd lor
unti-luscist rcporting und imprisoncd lor tlrcc ycurs on tlc lipuri islunds.
oll tlc coust ol Sicily.)
Howcvcr. il you urc going to usc dctuil. mukc surc you gct it riglt. A
rcportcr covcring un curtlquukc in Ccntrul Amcricu und wunting to
mukc pluin its cllccts on ordinury pcoplc. wrotc ubout low lc lud cvcn
sccn sturving lumilics cuting ruts. ln luct. tlcy wcrc cuting smull guincu
pigs. wlicl urc u stundurd locul dclicucy. Tlc rcportcr tlus curncd tlc
nicknumc Rut Mun lor cvcr morc.
Ë-» º¿³·´·¿® ®»º»®»²½»-
Alwuys tlink low to tcll rcudcrs inlormution in u wuy tlut tlcy cun
immcdiutcly grusp. Tlut oltcn mcuns using imugcry und compurisons
lumiliur in tlcir own livcs. ll u building is 5u.uuu squurc lcct. you slould
suy so. but tlcn udd tlut tlis urcu is cquivulcnt to livc tcnnis courts or
wlutcvcr. ll somconc lus bccn on somc truvcls covcring ×.uuu milcs.
suy tlut tlis is tlc distuncc lrom london to Tokyo. or tlc sumc us going
lrom london to Abcrdccn tcn timcs. Lsc compurisons tlut pcoplc cun
rclutc to.
̸» ©¿-¬»°¿°»® ¾¿-µ»¬ ·- -¬·´´ ¬¸» ©®·¬»®K- ¾»-¬ º®·»²¼ò
lsuuc Singcr
Ø¿²¼´·²¹ Ï«±¬»-
Ö±«®²¿´·-³ ´¿®¹»´§ ½±²-·-¬- ±º -¿§·²¹ LÔ±®¼ Ö±²»- Ü»¿¼K ¬± °»±°´» ©¸± ²»ª»®
µ²»© Ô±®¼ Ö±²»- ©¿- ¿´·ª»ò
C.K. Clcstcrton 1º14
And now. lct mc rcvcul u littlc-known sccrct ol tlc journulistic trudc: you
cunnot bc urrcstcd lor writing u story witlout quotcs. l know tlis runs
contrury to wlut muny young journulists urc told. but it is truc. Most
storics bcnclit lrom quotcs. but it is not illcgul to writc witlout tlcm.
l puss tlis on bccuusc quotcs luvc bccomc somctling ol u lctisl witl
muny cditors. Tlcy luvc comc to bclicvc tlut cvcry story must luvc
quotcs droppcd into it ut rcgulur intcrvuls. likc buoys murking tlc
cntruncc to u port. ln muss-murkct sport rcporting. tlis bclicl lus bccn
tukcn to cxtrcmcs. und story ultcr story is littlc morc tlun u scrics ol
quotutions luid cnd to cnd witl odd. linking intcrjcctions lrom tlc
rcportcr. Spurrcd. pcrlups. by tlc bclicl tlut tclcvision lus robbcd tlcm
ol tlc nccd to rclutc wlut luppcncd. tlcy conlinc tlcmsclvcs instcud to
rcporting rcuctions to wlut luppcncd. lor tlcir work. tlc post-cvcnt
intcrvicw lus bccomc morc importunt tlun tlc cvcnt itscll.
Tlut is not tlc only problcm witl quotcs. Somc journulists. und u lot
ol journulism truincrs. lind tlc issuc ol tidying up quotcs u tcrriblc ctlicul
dilcmmu. Utlcrs urc lugcly cxcrciscd by low to uttributc quotcs. or low
to usc tlcm purtiully. Timc. tlcn. lor u lcw guidclincs.
ɸ»² ¼± §±« «-» ¯«±¬»-á
Ccncrully you slould ulwuys usc rcportcd spcccl to convcy inlormution
und quotcs to udd pcrsonulity. immcdiucy. uutlcnticity und u clungc ol
voicc und pucc to u story. Çuotcs cun ulso bc uscd to rcport vcrbutim un
cxclungc bctwccn intcrvicwcc und qucstioncr. cspcciully il you wisl to
slow wlut built up to somc suddcn conlcssion. purticulurly drumutic
stutcmcnt or to slow cvusivcncss. Normully. lowcvcr. quotcs slould bc
rcscrvcd lor ullowing pcoplc to commcnt. or to givc un imprcssion ol
tlcmsclvcs. tlcir opinions or lcclings. Tlcy urc not to bc uscd us mcrc
pudding. und. lcust ol ull. us substitutcs lor rcporting. And ncvcr lorgct
tlut you cun writc u lot morc cllicicntly tlun most pcoplc cun spcuk. lor
cxumplc. instcud ol 'A Lnitcd Nutions spokcsmun suid. ¨Wc uttcrly dcny
tlis cluim is or cvcr wus truc`'. just writc. 'A Lnitcd Nutions spokcsmun
dcnicd tlc cluim.'
At oppositc cnds ol u collcction ol words urc two littlc murks. Tlcsc
indicutc tlut wlut is insidc tlcm is u vcrbutim rccord ol wlut wus suid.
Not un cditcd vcrsion ol tlcir words. or u tidicd up or summuriscd
uccount. Nor wlut somconc mcunt to suy. or would luvc suid il tlcy lud
only bccn sullicicntly wcll cducutcd to spcuk in sucl grummuticul
scntcnccs. But u word lor word. syllublc by syllublc. uccurutc rcport ol
tlcir uctuul words. ll not. wlut on curtl is tlc point ol tlosc littlc murks
ut citlcr cnd.
And il you do not luvc u vcrbutim notc or tupc. or tlc pcrson you
would likc to quotc docs not spcuk in u wuy tlut. wlcn writtcn down.
mukcs scnsc. tlcn you usc rcportcd spcccl. Lnlcss. ol coursc. tlcir
incolcrcncc is purt ol tlc story. ln wlicl cusc you quotc tlcm.
uccurutcly. witl cvcry unlinislcd scntcncc. cvcry ungrummuticul
stutcmcnt. und cvcry misusc ol words luitllully prcscrvcd.
˳- ¿²¼ »®-
A propcr rcvcrcncc lor tlc sunctity ol wlut you plucc witlin quotution
murks docs not normully cxtcnd to solcmnly rcporting cvcry um. cr und
strungulutcd tlrout-clcuring. ln most situution. rcportcrs nuturully liltcr
out tlc ums und crs ÷ citlcr wlcn tuking notcs or writing tlc story. But
somctimcs. wlcn writing colour picccs. prolilcs or ncws storics. giving
wurts und ull quotcs is cullcd lor. A story. lor instuncc. wlcrc tlc quotcd
pcrson's lcsituncy or unccrtuinty is u rclcvunt clcmcnt would bc u cusc
in point. Knowing tlc dillcrcncc bctwccn sucl rclcvuncc und grutuitous
unluirncss is. lowcvcr. u judgcmcnt lor tlc cxpcricnccd.
Ô¿½µ ±º ¹®¿³³¿®
Somc pupcrs. sucl us tlc и·´¿¼»´°¸·¿ ײ¯«·®»® will ullow minor
grummuticul crrors in quotcs to bc clungcd. botl to uvoid conlusion und
to prcvcnt tlc spcukcr looking loolisl. l would not cvcn go tlis lur. My
uim would bc not to suvc tlc bluslcs ol tlc sourcc. but to uclicvc
uccurucy und clurity. Tlis mcuns using rcportcd spcccl to givc u clcur
picturc ol wlut is going on or is mcunt. but using. il it is rclcvunt. quotcs
to convcy tlc uutlcntic voicc ol tlosc involvcd in tlc story.
Altcr ull. il somconc's spcccl is ungrummuticul. tlut's low it is. And
il uccurutc rcporting ol it mukcs tlcm look stupid. too bud. Muny
journulists working in tlc politicul licld rcgulurly tidy up tlc lunguugc ol
politiciuns. Tlcy tlink it is purt ol tlcir job to tukc tlc inurticulutc
rumblings ol politiciuns und turn tlcm into ncut. roundcd scntcnccs. lt
is not. lirst. clcuning up tlcir quotcs givcs u lulsc imprcssion. Sccond. il
tlc politiciun in qucstion cunnot spcuk lis own lunguugc propcrly. it is
your job to lct rcudcrs know. Tlcy cun tlcn dccidc il tlcy wunt to votc
lor lim.
Tlc rcul problcm witl ullowing rcportcrs to clcun up spcukcrs'
grummur is tlut tlcy tcnd to upply it uncvcnly: unconsciously tidying
tlc spcccl ol tlc cducutcd und tlc olliciul. but lcuving otlcr. morc lum-
drum voiccs witl tlcir quotcs unimprovcd. Bc uwurc ol tlis cluss bius
und rcsist it. Smootl out no onc's quotcs.
ײ½±¸»®»²½» ¿²¼ ¼·--»³¾´·²¹
lur bcyond poor grummur comcs incolcrcncc. Tlcrc urc two issucs lcrc
und tlc lirst is clurity. Your job is to lind out wlut is going on. und il tlc
pcrson your urc tulking to cunnot givc u struiglt or comprclcnsiblc
unswcr. tlcn lind somconc wlo cun. ll tlcir words urc convolutcd und
rumbling. but tlcir mcuning disccrniblc. tlcn usc rcportcd spcccl.
Somctimcs. il tlc sourcc is somconc in uutlority. und tlcir incolcrcnt
or disscmbling words urc u lcgitimutc purt ol tlc story. tlcy dcscrvc to
bc quotcd. Considcr tlis. lrom u Wlitc Housc prcss conlcrcncc givcn by
Amcricun Prcsidcnt Riclurd Nixon's prcss sccrctury Ron Zicglcr in 1º74.
Hc wus uskcd il ccrtuin tupcs wlicl muy luvc rccordcd tlc Prcsidcnt
discussing illcgul uctions wcrc still intuct. Tlc qucstion sccmcd to
dcmund u struiglt 'ycs' or 'no'. lnstcud. Zicglcr guvc tlc lollowing ºº-
word rcply:
l would lccl tlut most ol tlc convcrsutions tlut took plucc in tlosc
urcus ol tlc Wlitc Housc tlut did luvc tlc rccording systcm would in
ulmost tlcir cntircty bc in cxistcncc. but tlc spcciul prosccutor. tlc
court. und. l tlink. tlc Amcricun pcoplc urc sullicicntly lumiliur witl
tlc rccording systcm to know wlcrc tlc rccording dcviccs cxistcd und
to know tlc situution in tcrms ol tlc rccording proccss. but l lccl.
ultlougl tlc proccss lus not bccn undcrtukcn yct in prcpurution ol
tlc mutcriul to ubidc by tlc court dccision. rcully. wlut tlc unswcr to
tlut qucstion is.
ll tlc incolcrcncc is lubituul. it cun bccomc u story in its own riglt.
Altcr ull. rcpcutcd incolcrcncc is u prctty good indicutor ol u luilurc to
tlink struiglt. luving somctling to lidc. substuncc ubusc. or ull tlrcc.
Tlis cun bc vcry dclicutc tcrritory. All sociul groups. wlctlcr tlcy urc u
scll-conscious sub-culturc. u bund ol cntlusiusts lor somc uctivity. un
ctlnic group or pcoplc wlo mcrcly slurc tlc sumc work. luvc u
lunguugc und diulcct tlut is tlcir own. Somc usc tlis diulcct only wlcn
spcuking to cucl otlcr. otlcrs usc it wlutcvcr tlcir uudicncc. ln muny
cuscs. quoting pcoplc's uctuul words poscs no grcut problcms. ll tlc
lootbullcr suys. 'Wc wus robbcd blind' on tlc lutc niglt tclcvision ncws.
tlut is uutlcntic und cvcryonc undcrstunds it. To rcndcr tlis in ncxt
duy's pupcr us 'Wc wcrc robbcd ol u dcscrvcd victory' is wrong und lools
no onc.
Tlc problcms bcgin wlcn diulcct is not immcdiutcly undcrstundublc.
lo you trunslutc so tlc mcuning is clcur. or kccp tlc uutlcntic voicc und
conlusc u lot ol rcudcrs. lt is pcrlups tlc most dillicult ol tlc uutlcntic-
ity vcrsus clurity issucs. cspcciully wlcrc ctlnic groups urc involvcd. ln
rcccnt ycurs lskimo lndiuns luvc objcctcd to un Aluskun pupcr tidying
up tlcir quotcs into stundurd lnglisl und so dcpriving tlcm ol tlcir own.
strippcd-down lorm ol spcccl. And in lloridu. tlc ͬ 묻®-¾«®¹ Ì·³»-
cumc undcr lirc lor vcrbutim quotcs ol u bluck utllctc's own urgot. Tlc
utllctc wus luppy. but bluck rcudcrs tlouglt tlc pupcr wus lolding lis
spcccl up to ridiculc.
My policy would bc to bc wury. und wlcrc u diulcct is not clcur to ull
rcudcrs tlcn gcncrully to usc rcportcd spcccl on ncws pugcs. but lccl
morc lrcc to usc uutlcntic quotcs on spcciulist or lcuturc pugcs. cspcciully
in picccs ol grcutcr lcngtl. l scc notling putronising ubout tlut. And il
you urc going to quotc cxtcnsivcly in diulcct. do so only il your cur (und
your notcs or tupcs) urc good. Tlis is not un urcu lor tlc tonc dcul.
͸±®¬»² ¯«±¬»- ±²´§ ¾§ ª·-·¾´» ¼»´»¬·±²
Tlcrc is only onc loncst. sulc wuy to slortcn quotcs und tlut is by
omitting plruscs und scntcnccs. but muking pluin by dots tlut you luvc
donc so. lor instuncc. 'l tlink it is outrugcous tlut wc slould bc uskcd to
do tlis . Wc luvc no intcntion ol giving in. Wc urc going to liglt tlis
ull tlc wuy.' Ncvcr just rcmovc tlc surplus words und join tlc purts
togctlcr us il tlcy wcrc suid in continuous spcccl. ll you still cunnot
uclicvc tlc brcvity you rcquirc. usc rcportcd spcccl.
Ï«±¬·²¹ ·² º®¿¹³»²¬-
Tlis is tlc lubit ol quoting not scntcnccs. but plruscs or cvcn singlc
words. ln lis Ì®±«¾´»-±³» ɱ®¼-ô Bill Bryson citcs tlcsc two cxumplcs:
Hc suid tlc prolits in tlc sccond lull would bc 'good'.
.lonclincss wus u 'lcuturc' ol Hincklcy's lilc.
Tlc problcm lcrc is putting quotc murks uround u word wlicl is
pcrlcctly ordinury und prcdictublc. lt suggcsts citlcr tlc rcportcr's notc-
tuking wus so poor lc only munugcd to gct down onc word pcr scntcncc
or tlut tlc writcr is trying to signul sccpticism ubout tlc quotcd word.
Tlc imprcssion givcn by tlc lirst cxumplc ubovc is tlut tlcrc will bc
somctling not quitc koslcr or distinctly quulilicd ubout tlc goodncss ol
tlc rcsults. Tlc sccond cxumplc convcys irony or cvcn mistrust ol tlc
sourcc. Tlc morul is usc quotcs uround singlc words or plruscs only
wlcn tlc words uscd urc purticulurly cmplutic. us in:
Hc suid tlc prolits in tlc sccond lull would bc 'scnsutionul'.
Hc suid tlc prolits in tlc sccond lull 'did not bcur tlinking ubout'.
߬¬®·¾«¬·²¹ ¯«±¬»-
Í¿·¼ô ½´¿·³»¼ ±® ½±³³»²¬»¼á
Wlcn it comcs to tlc vcrb tlut gocs bctwccn tlc numc ol tlc quotcd und
tlcir words. muny rcportcrs tlink tlut tlc word 'suid' cun bc rcgulurly
rcpluccd by synonyms likc commcntcd. cluimcd. usscrtcd. ctc. Tlis is linc
so long us tlc words quotcd rcully urc u cluim. commcnt or usscrtion. To
'My dog tlcn lurlcd limscll ut tlc tlicl.' commcntcd Mr Bluck.
is idiotic. sincc Mr Bluck is not commcnting. but stuting wlut lc knows
to bc u luct. Cluimcd in sucl u circumstuncc would bc cvcn worsc. sincc
it suggcsts tlut Mr Bluck's words slould bc trcutcd us u stutcmcnt wlicl
muy bc clullcngcd or subscqucntly rcgurdcd us u dclusion. Lnlcss you
luvc tlc cvidcncc lor tlis. it is mislcuding to usc 'cluimcd' wlcn you
mcun 'suid'. lvcn morc unsulc urc words wlicl curry u pcjorutivc
mcuning. likc 'udmittcd'. or 'conlcsscd'. Admissions gcncrully involvc
lrcsl inlormution wlicl is ncgutivc. somctling tlc spcukcr would luvc
prclcrrcd to kccp to tlcmsclvcs und wlicl lus bccn conccdcd by tlcm in
tlc lucc ol pcrsistcnt qucstioning or undcr somc otlcr durcss.
Similurly sloppy is tlc substitution ol words tlut luvc u purticulur
mcuning und tlcrclorc cunnot bc uscd us dircct synonyms lor 'suid'.
lcclurcd is u lrcqucnt dclinqucnt lcrc. us in:
'l um 24.' slc dcclurcd.
Slc muy luvc suid 'l um 24'. but il slc dcclurcd it. tlcn it suggcsts slc
ruiscd lcr voicc scvcrul dccibcls und dccluimcd tlc words. us il lrom u
rooltop. Tlis. implying tlut slc is citlcr proud ol lcr ugc to tlc point ol
ccccntricity. or tlut it lus rcccntly bccn in qucstion und slc wislcs to
clcur tlc muttcr up vcry publicly. givcs un cntircly dillcrcnt mcuning to
mcrcly suying tlc words.
Í¿·¼ ª»®-«- -¿§-
Tlcsc words urc not intcrclungcublc. us muny tlink. but luvc dillcrcnt
lunctions. 'Suid' is lor tlc spccilic:
'Wc wcrc ustonislcd wlcn Clristmus cumc twicc tlis ycur.' suid Ms
But 'suys' is lor tlc gcncrul. rccurring scntimcnt. us in:
'Clristmus comcs but oncc u ycur.' suys Ms Wlitc.
ײª»®¬»¼ -»²¬»²½»-
Somc rcportcrs tlink tlcy cun introducc litlcrto ubscnt vuricty into
tlcir writing by invcrting scntcnccs ut will. Tlis is strungcly common
wlcn upproucling u quotc. us in:
Suid Mr Smitl. 'l um tlc luppicst mun in london.'
As Kcitl Wutcrlousc points out in É¿¬»®¸±«-» Ѳ Ò»©-°¿°»® ͬ§´». tlis
bccumc sucl u discusc on Ì·³» muguzinc tlut tlc Ò»© DZ®µ»® muguzinc
commcntcd. 'Buckwurd run scntcnccs until rcclcd tlc mind.'
ײª»²¬·²¹ ¯«±¬»-
Ù®±©·²¹ ¯«±¬»- º®±³ ±²»ó©±®¼ ¿²-©»®-
Tlcrc is onc otlcr unsulc pructicc witl quotcs und tlut is tlc lubit somc
rcportcrs luvc ol putting stutcmcnts to pcoplc. gctting u 'ycs' or 'no'
unswcr (or cvcn u nod or slukc ol tlc lcud) und tlcn putting tlut
stutcmcnt in dircct quotcs us il it wus suid by tlc sourcc. lor instuncc.
'Huvc you cvcr lcukcd Cubinct pupcrs to tlc prcss.' And wlcn tlc subjcct
suys no. tlc rcportcr writcs in lis story. 'Hc tlcn suid. ¨l luvc ncvcr
lcukcd Cubinct pupcrs to tlc prcss.`' Ur. cvcn worsc. '¨Huvc l cvcr lcukcd
Cubinct pupcrs to tlc prcss. No.`' Any sucl cxclungcs slould bc muinly.
or ull. in rcportcd spcccl. muking clcur wlut tlc qucstion wus und tlc
cxtcnt ol tlc rcply.
ܱ²K¬ ·²ª»²¬ ¯«±¬»- ¬± °®±¬»½¬ ¿ -±«®½»
A silly lubit udoptcd by tlc incxpcricnccd is to try to disguisc tlc idcntity
ol tlc story's sourcc by writing inuccurutcly tlut tlcy rcluscd to spcuk to
tlc pupcr. Ur. cvcn worsc. by quoting tlcm us suying. 'No commcnt'.
lirst. it is not truc. Sccond. il tlc idcntity ol tlc sourcc cvcr comcs out. it
cun bc provcd tlut ut lcust purt ol tlc story wus dcccptivc.
Ѫ»®¸»¿®¼ ·² ¬¸» -¬®»»¬
Muking up quotcs ouglt to bc us putcntly ill-udviscd us sticking u wct
lund in u liglt sockct. But somc rcportcrs sccm to lccl tlut tlc obvious
wrongs ol tlis urc somclow suspcndcd wlcn tlcy urc doing u story
wlicl involvcs. or would bc cnlivcncd by. u lcw words lrom tlc mun or
womun in tlc strcct. lisloncsty is ulmost tlc lcust ol rcusons lor not
doing tlis. lirst. no words u rcportcr cun invcnt will bc us originul or
rcvculing us tlc public's rcul oncs. Sccond. tlc kind ol rcportcrs wlo go
in lor tlis. und spcciulisc in lilling tlcir picccs witl quotcs 'ovcrlcurd on
tlc truin'. invuriubly luvc no morc idcu ol low pcoplc uctuully spcuk
tlun somconc wlo lus bccn dcul lrom birtl. Tlc normul rctort to sucl
'invcntivc' rcportcrs is tlut tlcy slould bc writing liction. But. uctuully.
tlcy slouldn't. ldcully tlcy slould not bc writing unytling.
ß´´ -«½½»--º«´ ²»©-°¿°»®- ¿®» ½»¿-»´»--´§ ¯«»®«´±«- ¿²¼ ¾»´´·½±-»ò ̸»§ ²»ª»®
¼»º»²¼ ¿²§±²» ±® ¿²§¬¸·²¹ ·º ¬¸»§ ½¿² ¸»´° ·¬å ·º ¬¸» ¶±¾ ·- º±®½»¼ «°±² ¬¸»³ô
¬¸»§ ¬¿½µ´» ·¬ ¾§ ¼»²±«²½·²¹ -±³»±²» ±® -±³»¬¸·²¹ »´-»ò
H.l. Mcnckcn 1º1º
Ü·ºº»®»²¬ É¿§- ̱ Ì»´´ ¿ ͬ±®§
ß ¶±«®²¿´·-¬ ·- ¿ °»®-±² ©¸± ©±®µ- ¸¿®¼»® ¬¸¿² ¿²§ ±¬¸»® ´¿¦§ °»®-±² ·² ¬¸»
Mcdicvul Clristiuns bclicvcd tlut tlosc condcmncd to lcll lud to cndurc
tlc ctcrnul torturc ol ultcrnuting cxtrcmcs ol intcnsc lcut und tcrriblc
cold. Tlis botlcrcd tlcologiuns grcutly. ll tlut wus so. tlcy puzzlcd.
would tlc wickcd und tlc dumncd luvc onc cxquisitc momcnt us cold
turncd to lcut. Would tlcir tluwing souls luvc u llccting momcnt ol
ccstusy. And wlcrc. tlcy wuntcd to know. wus tlc punislmcnt in tlut.
Similur luir-splitting dcbutcs go on cvcry timc somconc trics to dclinc
tlc dillcrcncc bctwccn u ncws story und u lcuturc. A lot ol journulists
tlink tlut ncws rcporting is ulwuys urid. dry und impcrsonul. wlcrcus
lcuturcs urc rutlcr jolly lrcc-lorm tlings. Tlcy scc tlc rcportcr us un
curncst collcctor ol 'lucts' und tlc lcuturc ©®·¬»® us somconc wlo wundcrs
uround tlinking ol linc plruscs wlicl suvc tlcm tlc troublc ol doing
mucl rcscurcl.
At tlc cxtrcmcs ÷ suy u rcport ol 0× pcoplc dying in u lirc on onc lund
und u gurdcning udvicc column on tlc otlcr ÷ tlcrc is not mucl dungcr
ol conlusing tlc two. Unc is u ncws rcport. tlc otlcr pluinly u lcuturc.
But in bctwccn tlcsc two cxtrcmcs urc tlc vust mujority ol storics und
ut wlut point docs u ncws story bccomc u lcuturc. Wlcn it rcuclcs u
ccrtuin lcngtl. Wlcn it lucks u ccrtuin umount ol lucts. Wlcn it dculs
witl ccrtuin subjccts likc lilcstylc und rclutionslips tlut rcully intcrcst
pcoplc. Wlcn it ccuscs to dclivcr lrcsl inlormution in storics witl ncws
pyrumid structurcs.
Tlc trutl is tlut trying to mukc distinctions bctwccn ncws und
lcuturcs docs not gct us vcry lur. ln luct. it is positivcly dungcrous. lt
produccs nurrow tlinking wlicl cun rcstrict covcrugc ol ncws to con-
vcntionul subjccts und puts writing it into tlc unimuginutivc struitjuckct
ol u lormulu. Witl lcuturcs. it cncourugcs tlc insidious idcu tlut normul
stundurds ol prccision und tlorougl rcscurcl don't upply und tlut tlcy
cun bc u kind ol low-luct product. instuntly rccognisublc lrom tlcir luck
ol cupitul lcttcrs. Tlc oppositc. ol coursc. is tlc cusc. Most ncws pugcs
could bcnclit lrom u grcutcr scnsc ol udvcnturc und u morc llcxiblc
upproucl to storics. Similurly. most lcuturcs scctions cry out lor slurpcr
rcscurcl und lcss indulgcnt writing. Tlcrc is no grcut dividc bctwccn
ncws und lcuturcs. Bcst to tlink ol it ull us rcporting.
Ü·ºº»®»²¬ ¿°°®±¿½¸»-
Huving jcttisoncd tlis rigid tlinking. you cun tlcn upprcciutc tlut tlcrc
urc un ulmost inlinitc numbcr ol wuys to writc. supplcmcnt or lollow-up
u story (wlctlcr it uppcurs on ncws or lcuturc pugcs). Somc ol tlcsc
upprouclcs urc rclutivcly common. somc urc not. Somc mukc sidcburs
or puncls. somc scpurutc picccs puircd witl tlc muin rcport. otlcrs cun
uppcur on commcnt. lcuturc or unulysis pugcs. All ol tlcm. il uscd
judiciously. cun bring vuricty und lilc to pugcs.
ݱ´±«® °·»½»
An urticlc dcscribing u sccnc or cvcnt wlicl tlrows liglt on somc ol tlc
tlcmcs or pcoplc involvcd in tlc muin story. Ultcn rcgurdcd by writcrs us
convcnicnt cumoullugc lor tlcir own opinions. colour picccs urc ut tlcir
bcst wlcn prcciscly dcscriptivc. Tlc most tclling oltcn uliglt on somc
dctuil und usc tlut to symbolisc tlc widcr situution. Tlc cllcct ol tlis.
lowcvcr. cun bc dcstroycd by muking lcuvy-lundcd unulogics. Tlc bcst
upproucl is usuully to providc tlc dctuil und trust tlc rcudcr to scc its
Ú´§ ±² ¬¸» ©¿´´
Tlc journulist us obscrvcr. purc und simplc. usking no qucstions: mcrcly
wutcling. rccording und noting tlc bcluviour. spcccl und intcructions
ol tlc subjcct(s). Tlc publislcd rcport will probubly usc u lot ol quotcs
und vcrbutim cxclungcs bctwccn pcoplc. Tlis typc ol piccc is commonly
writtcn on somc plucc or institution wlicl is cxotic to your rcudcrslip.
Þ»¸·²¼ ¬¸» -½»²»-
Tlis lus similuritics to tlc ubovc but dillcrs in bcing un cxplunutory.
rutlcr tlun obscrvutionul. piccc. lt slould dcscribc low somctling
works. Tlis upproucl is oltcn bcst on subjccts tlut rcudcrs tukc lor
gruntcd. but in rculity know vcry littlc ubout. How. lor instuncc. docs u
nutionul ruilwuy timctublc gct plunncd. How docs u crcdit-ruting
ugcncy work.
ײ ¼·-¹«·-»
Tlc journulist ussumcs tlc rolc ol tlc subjcct to scc low pcoplc rcuct.
Tlis cun bc donc lor two rcusons. lirst. lor lun. sucl us drcssing up us u
pricst to scc low tlis ullccts pcoplc's bcluviour (u london journulist
rcccntly did tlis. und in uddition to just wundcring uround in lis disguisc.
ulso wcnt into burs und nigltclubs). Sccond. it cun bc donc lor u scrious
purposc. sucl us tuking tlc rolc ol u lomclcss pcrson to scc wlut
trcutmcnt is uvuilublc. Scvcrul ycurs ugo u rcportcr roumcd Amcricu
posing us un HlV sullcrcr to writc ubout pcoplc's rcuctions wlcn lc
slippcd tlis 'luct' into convcrsutions.
Normully u study ol u pcrsonulity ut tlc ccntrc ol u story. but it cun ulso
bc tlc portruit ol u plucc. orgunisution. rcligion. ctc. lt cun bc u rcport ol
onc cncountcr witl tlc subjcct. or gutlcr muny vicws und givc u
roundcd portruit.
Cun bc citlcr writtcn us u story. witl contcxt. buckground und
commcnts. or givcn us u vcrbutim. but cditcd. uccount ol tlc intcrvicw.
ll tlc luttcr. tlc qucstions slould not bc too long. slould bc morc
curclully plruscd tlun usuul und uny cditing ol tlc unswcrs slould bc
mudc clcur witl cllipscs (.). Tlc subjcct nccds to spcuk wcll und intcr-
cstingly. us tlcrc is no scopc lor muking good tlis dclicicncy witl
cntcrtuining commcntury lrom tlc intcrvicwcr.
Simplc lists ol lucts ussociutcd witl tlc story. or prcvious instunccs ol tlc
cvcnt ut tlc ccntrc ol your story. Tlcsc urc usuully blobbcd or givcn by
dutc. rutlcr tlun writtcn tlrougl us u singlc piccc.
Rclutcs 'tlc story so lur' in slort itcms. witl cucl usuully sturting witl
tlc dutc in bold. lollowcd by tlc dcvclopmcnt ut tlut timc. Ultcn bcst
writtcn in puncly. ubbrcviutcd lunguugc slorn ol dclinitc urticlcs. ctc.
ß ¸·-¬±®§ ±º W
Tlis is most uppropriutc wlcn tlc subjcct lus bccn uround lor u long
timc und is suddcnly tlrown into promincncc by cvcnts. Tlis will ulso
lllllRlNT WAYS TU Tlll A STURY 1º5
work wcll on lumiliur subjccts wlosc listory is not broudly known.
Works bcst wlcn it is u truc listory und not mcrcly u summury ol tlc
lust lcw ycurs' dcvclopmcnts.
Ú«´´ ¬»¨¬-
Wlcn you luvc u story wlicl dculs witl un importunt spcccl. stutcmcnt
or documcnt. it is wortl tlinking ubout running tlc complctc tcxt.
Ó§ ¬»-¬·³±²§
Pcrsonul cxpcricncc writtcn by u journulist ultcr intcrvicwing tlc subjcct.
or writtcn by tlc subjcct lim or lcrscll. Tlc luttcr mctlod ulwuys lus
tlc cdgc. us it providcs tlc unmistukubly untidy und loncst toncs ol u
rcul pcrson spcuking. compurcd to tlc smootlcd-out scntcnccs ol tlc
pupcr's journulists.
A piccc cxpluining tlc rcccnt pust ol tlc issucs or tlcmcs ut tlc ccntrc ol
u story. Tlis givcs u scnsc ol sucl dcvclopmcnts bcing purt ol u
continuing proccss. rutlcr tlun unprovokcd cruptions ol lutc. Writing
sucl picccs is oltcn un objcct lcsson in tlc kind ol mutcriul you slould
bc routincly including. ulbcit in u slortcr lorm. in cvcryduy rcporting.
A piccc cxumining tlc rcusons wly somctling lus luppcncd. or not
luppcncd. lvcn il you urc un cxpcricnccd rcportcr. tlis is bcst donc ultcr
consulting cxpcrts rutlcr tlun oll tlc top ol your lcud.
ʱ¨ °±°-
Slort vcrbutim quotcs lrom pcoplc you luvc tclcploncd or stoppcd in
tlc strcct lor tlcir rcuction to tlc story. Ultcn luils bccuusc tlc qucstions
urc so prcdictublc (c.g.. vuriutions on 'lo you tlink murdcr is wrong.').
too lucilc to gct unytling morc tlun u kncc-jcrk rcsponsc. or tlc
rcsponscs urc too prosuic. Ask qucstions tlut clicit rcplics tlut givc
pcrsonul cxpcricnccs or liglly individuul rcuctions. And don't go buck
to tlc ollicc until you luvc u good vuricty ol rcsponscs.
Û¨°»®¬-K ®±«²¼ó«°
Tlc sumc us tlc ubovc. but witl spcciulists rutlcr tlun mcmbcrs ol tlc
public. Tlc sumc prccuutions upply.
Ñ°·²·±² °±´´
A poll ol pcoplc's vicws curricd out by un uccrcditcd rcscurcl orgunisu-
tion. Huving your own stull curry out tlc poll is not u good idcu. Tlc
rcsults will bc unscicntilic und tlcrclorc mcuninglcss.
}ust us you rcvicw lilms. pluys or ncw curs. so you cun rcvicw otlcr
tlings. sucl us u ncw lcultl scrvicc. muscum. ncwly opcncd listoric
lousc. purk or uny otlcr public scrvicc. A rclincmcnt is to go witl
somconc ut wlom tlc scrvicc is uimcd (sucl us tuking u cluimunt ulong
to tcst u ncw wcllurc scrvicc). und writing u rcvicw buscd on tlcir
× ²»ª»® ±°»² ¿ ²»©-°¿°»® ©·¬¸±«¬ º·²¼·²¹ -±³»¬¸·²¹ × -¸±«´¼ ¸¿ª» ¼»»³»¼
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Sumucl }olnson
lllllRlNT WAYS TU Tlll A STURY 1º7
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Bcn Brudlcc
}ournulism is by nuturc u subjcctivc proccss. lt cun no morc lclp
producing und projccting vicws ol tlc world tlun u cow cun lclp muking
milk. Bc it intcntionul or unintcntionul. ovcrt or covcrt. commcnt comcs
witl tlc tcrritory. To dcny tlis is to dcny tlut ink mukcs u murk on pupcr.
As lur us intcntionul commcnt is conccrncd (columnists. lcuding
urticlcs) no onc would wunt to dcny it. Altcr ull. u ncwspupcr witlout
sucl opinion would bc likc somconc wlo lus lud u pcrsonulity by-puss
opcrution. Tlc problcm comcs witl commcnt tlut gocs in disguisc.
drcsscd up us struiglt rcporting. spcuking in its voicc und uping its
munncrisms. Tlc problcm. too. is witl commcnt tlut crccps in undcr
covcr ol u purugrupl in u ncws story und lus inliltrutcd bclorc citlcr tlc
rcudcr. und somctimcs tlc writcr. rculiscs.
Commcnt. tlcn. is only u problcmwlcnit docs not udvcrtisc itscll. Wc
cunncvcr climinutc tlis. but wc cunlopc to minimisc it by scurcling lor
it. studyingit. tlinkingubout it undtryingtorccogniscit lorwlut it is. Tlis.
plus tlc morc up-lront typcs ol commcnt. is wlut tlis cluptcr is ubout.
ݱ³³»²¬ ·² ²»©- -¬±®·»-
Tlcrc urc tlrcc typcs ol commcnt in ncws storics: ovcrt. covcrt und
inudvcrtcnt. Uvcrt commcnt is wlcrc tlc rcportcr pusscs judgcmcnt or
stutcs un opinion in u dircct und opcn wuy. Tlis typc ol commcnt is
simply bunncd on ncws pugcs in muny pupcrs uround tlc world. lndccd
in Brituin und tlc Lnitcd Stutcs. it is tlouglt to bc so obviously wrong
tlut muny journulism tcxtbooks do not cvcn givc it morc tlun u pussing
mcntion. Tlc uutlors tukc it lor gruntcd tlut nonc ol tlcir rcudcrs would
contcst tlc vicw tlut ncws pugcs urc lor inlormution givcn us struiglt us
it cun bc. und commcnt is lor columnists und opinion pugcs.
ln most circumstunccs (tlc cxccptions urc dcult witl lutcr) tlis is riglt.
Rcudcrs will know wlcrc tlcy urc und cun rcud storics ussuming tlut
wlut tlcy urc gctting is un uttcmpt to prcscnt lucts. cvcn il it is not ulwuys
succcsslul. As notcd in tlc cluptcr on ncws vuluc. cvcryonc lus u
commcnt. rclutivcly lcw luvc lrcsl inlormution. Tlc onc is
commonplucc. tlc otlcr scurcc. Tlut is wly ncws is invuriubly morc
intcrcsting tlun commcnt und it is ccrtuinly wly tlcrc is u rcul risk ol
dcvuluution wlcn tlc two urc mixcd. lor wlcn tlcy urc. lurd
inlormution bccomcs tuintcd und so loscs its wortl.
But tlcrc urc cxccptions. Tlc liglly cxpcricnccd rcportcr writing u
buckground piccc on u subjcct wlicl lc lus lollowcd lor u long timc
slould bc ullowcd to lct lis judgcmcnts inlorm u story. und lcncc tlc
rcudcrs. Tlc sumc lutitudc slould ulso bc givcn to spcciulists or lorcign
corrcspondcnts wlo luvc bccn rcsidcnt in tlcir posts lor u long timc.
Tlcir commcnt slould not uppcur in tlc lorm ol drum-bunging opinions
ol tlc 'Wcll lc muy suy tlut. but lcrc's wlut l tlink .' vuricty. but
uppcur us usidcs. littlc nudging rcmurks wlicl givc tlc story. or uspccts
ol it. contcxt. Tlcy work bcst us littlc notcs ol sccpticism. lorccusts ol tlc
likclicst sccnurios. vicws ubout wlicl policy miglt bc udoptcd. ctc..
prclcrrubly displuycd in u dillcrcnt wuy lrom lurd ncws rcports.
Sucl commcnt slould bc uscd spuringly but pcrlups dcploycd morc
oltcn tlun it is. Convcntionul lucts-only rcporting must bc tlc muinstuy
ol tlc pupcr's ncws covcrugc but otlcr. broudcr lorms slould bc uscd
morc oltcn. cspcciully in longcr. ovcrvicw-typc picccs. As tclcvision ncws
clunncls und wcbsitcs prolilcrutc. sucl commcnt is un importunt purt
ol ncwspupcr contcnt. And it is pluinly lypocriticul lor ncwspupcrs to
spurn uny idcu ol ovcrt commcnt wlcn otlcr lorms urc unuvoidubly purt
ol ncws storics. Tlc only stipulution is tlut ovcrt commcnt slould bc
loncst und immcdiutcly uppurcnt lor wlut it is und not try to lidc itscll
or musqucrudc us somctling clsc.
Surrcptitiousncss is wlut is wrong witl covcrt und inudvcrtcnt
commcnt. Tlc dillcrcncc bctwccn tlc two is tlut covcrt is intcntionul.
inudvcrtcnt is not. But tlcy botl dclivcr tlc sumc tling und by tlc sumc
routcs: in tlc lunguugc. mutcriul und sourccs tlcy usc. or omit. ln ncws
writing tlc clicl vcliclc lor covcrt und inudvcrtcnt commcnt is loudcd
words. Tlcsc urc words witl pcjorutivc mcuning und tlcrc urc muny
cxumplcs in cvcry lunguugc. Hcrc urc two situutions wlicl producc
muny cxumplcs in ulmost cvcry lunguugc.
߬¬®·¾«¬·±² ±º -°»»½¸
Tlc words 'suid' und 'told' urc ncutrul vcrbs. Tlcy mcrcly inlorm us tlut
tlc words quotcd wcrc spokcn. Rcportcrs oltcn look lor ultcrnutivcs. but
tlc problcm is tlut muny ol tlosc ultcrnutivcs urc not ncutrul. Tlc words
'conlcsscd' und 'udmittcd' do not mcrcly tcll us tlut words luvc bccn
spokcn. tlcy communicutc morc tlun tlut. Tlcy mcun tlut somconc
lus citlcr bccn prcssurcd into rcvculing somc litlcrto unknown.
pcrlups slumclul. uct: or tlut tlcy luvc dccidcd. ultcr wrcstling witl
tlcir conscicncc. to tcll ull. Botl cuscs urc rutlcr dillcrcnt lrom 'suid'.
'Conccdc' ulso implics un udmission (or conccssion) ol guilt. wlilc
'ullcgcd'. 'cluimcd' und 'muintuincd' cun ulso curry tlc implicution tlut
you do not bclicvc wlut is bcing suid. Mcunwlilc. 'cmplusiscd'. 'strcsscd'
und 'pointcd out' ull imply tlut you support tlc spcukcr. Similurly. il
somconc is cxpluining somc ol tlcir uctions or dccisions. do not writc
witlout rcusons tlut tlcy 'tricd to justily' tlcir uctions or 'dclcndcd'
tlcm. Tlut would only bc uppropriutc il tlcy lud bccn criticiscd or wcrc
undcr somc otlcr prcssurc to cxpluin.
Anotlcr ricl sourcc ol unintcntionul commcnt is tlc story tlut bcgins.
'lcurs tlut .' or 'Hopcs tlut .' und omits to mcntion wlo it is tlut is
doing tlc lcuring und loping. Tlcrc is no lurm wlcn tlc lcurs or lopcs
urc oncs tlut cvcry pcrson would slurc. us in: 'lcurs urc growing lor tlc
sulcty ol tlrcc clildrcn wlo luilcd to urrivc lomc ycstcrduy ultcr
uttcnding un ultcr-sclool purty.' But wlcn tlc story is: 'Hopcs rosc
ycstcrduy tlut u lowcr pricc lor gold is coming .'. you rcully luvc to suy
wlosc lopcs. Cold produccrs. und tlosc wlosc cconomics bcnclit lrom
liglcr gold priccs. will prcsumubly bc lcuring rutlcr tlun loping.
lcscribing briclly somconc's vicws und politicul position tlrows up ull
kinds ol problcms. Tcrms likc 'rclormcr'. 'rudicul'. 'lurd-lincr'.
'rcuctionury'. 'modcrutc' und 'cxtrcmist' urc uscd ull tlc timc us il tlcy
wcrc lixcd rclcrcncc points in tlc sumc wuy tlut purty lubcls urc. But
tlcy urc not. Tlcy urc lrcqucntly on tlc movc. und most dcpcnd on tlc
position lrom wlicl you urc dcscribing tlcm. And tlcy urc ull uscd pcjo-
rutivcly. Somconc wlo disugrccs witl you. or tlc muinstrcum. is un
'cxtrcmist'. wlicl currics ull tlc implicutions ol 'cxccss' tlut urc so
obviously in tlc word's untcccdcnts. Ncvcr losc siglt ol tlut old udugc
tlut onc pcrson's 'lrccdom ligltcr' is unotlcr pcrson's 'tcrrorist'.
Tlcrc urc muny morc loudcd words wlcrc tlcsc cumc lrom. Tlcir usc
oltcn dcpcnds on your prcjudicc. conscious or otlcrwisc. Action by tlc
uutloritics uguinst u purticulur group ol pcoplc is. dcpcnding on your
point ol vicw. u 'crusudc' or u 'witcl lunt'. Pcoplc you upprovc ol mukc
'mistukcs' or 'crrors'. pcoplc you don't curc lor 'bunglc' or 'blundcr'.
lcmonstrutors you disupprovc ol urc u 'mob'. otlcrs constitutc u 'crowd'.
And pcoplc cun bc 'rcluscniks' or 'rcbcls' und so on.
Tlc morul is tlut you slould cloosc words witl grcut curc und ulwuys
bc uwurc ol tlcir connotutions. Tlc most innoccnt cloicc ol plrusc cun
convcy tlc wrong imprcssion. ln tlc Lnitcd Stutcs und clscwlcrc. lor
cxumplc. ubortion riglts luvc bccn u liglly contcntious issuc lor muny
ycurs. Cull wlut is growing insidc u womun un 'unborn buby'. lowcvcr
curly in its gcstution. und you urc unwittingly lining up witl tlosc wlo
would rcstrict ubortions. Cull tlcir protugonists 'pro-ubortion
cumpuigncrs' und you doublc tlc ollcncc. 'Abortcd loctus' und 'pro-
cloicc cumpuigncrs' urc tlc morc ncutrul dcscriptions.
̸» ¾·¹ ×
Tlc pcrsonul pronoun is onc ol tlc most contcntious words in uny
lunguugc. Somc journulists will go to grcut lcngtls to uvoid cvcr typing
it. writing sucl vuriunts us 'tlis rcportcr'. 'your corrcspondcnt'. or 'tlis
pupcr's rcprcscntutivc'. Utlcrs will usc it ut tlc sligltcst cxcusc. muking
ulmost cvcry story tlcy writc un cxcrcisc in inlormutivc vunity. Tlcrc
lus to bc u middlc wuy und prclcrubly onc tlut is u lot closcr to tlc
modcsty option.
Yct uclicving tlis is not ulwuys cusy. Wlcn Prcsidcnt }oln l. Kcnncdy
wus composing lis inuugurul uddrcss. onc ol tlc most mcmorublc
spccclcs ol tlis ccntury. lc told lis udviscrs tlut tlc pcrsonul pronoun
would bc bunncd. Somc ol tlc bcst bruins in Amcricu workcd on
succcssivc drults. but 'l' still crcpt in lour timcs.
Rcportcrs covcring 'big storics' urc purticulurly vulncrublc to tlc
tcmptutions ol tlc lirst pcrson. pcrlups lccling tlut somc ol tlc
importuncc ol tlc story lus rubbcd oll on tlcm. Tlcn tlcrc urc tlosc
journulists wlo bclicvc tlut tlcir rcuctions to u story. tlcir cmotions.
tlcir doings. urc so luscinuting tlut tlcy slould bc lrcqucntly includcd.
As u cluructcr in Britisl drumutist Tom Stoppurd's pluy. Ò·¹¸¬ ¿²¼ Ü¿§.
suys. 'A lorcign corrcspondcnt is somconc wlo llics uround lrom lotcl
to lotcl und tlinks tlut tlc most intcrcsting tling ubout uny story is tlc
luct tlut lc lus urrivcd to covcr it.'
Ul coursc. us u rcportcr. you urc sccing tlings. mccting pcoplc. luving
cxpcricnccs tlut urc. by dclinition. intcrcsting ÷ ultcr ull. you would not
bc tlcrc il tlcy wcrc not ncws. But wlut tlc rcudcr wunts to know is
©¸¿¬ you suw und ©¸¿¬ you discovcrcd. und not ¸±©you suw it or lound
it. und ccrtuinly not wlut you utc. drunk. or lclt wlilc linding it. ln us
mucl us unytling in rcporting is u rulc. tlis is onc. unlcss you urc u big
numc journulist wlosc stock-in-trudc is pcrsonul rcporting.
Un tlc ussumption tlut you urc not. you slould suvc liglly pcrson-
uliscd writing lor wlcn you luvc u pcrsonul cxpcricncc to rclutc wlicl
is uttcrly luscinuting (to tlc rcudcrs. not to you und your lumily). ln uny
normul curccr. sucl occusions will bc lcw und lur bctwccn. As un
cxumplc. lcrc is u piccc Ccorgc Urwcll wrotc wlilc covcring tlc Spunisl
Civil Wur. Tlc pcrsonul upproucl is justilicd lcrc bccuusc Urwcll lud un
cxpcricncc considcrubly out ol tlc ordinury und onc tlut muny pcoplc
wondcr ubout ÷ bcing slot. lt is u modcl ol undcrstutcmcnt:
l lud bccn ubout tcn duys ut tlc lront wlcn it luppcncd. Tlc wlolc
cxpcricncc ol bcing lit by u bullct is vcry intcrcsting und l tlink it is
wortl dcscribing in dctuil.
. Rouglly spcuking it wus tlc scnsution ol bcing ut tlc ccntrc ol
un cxplosion. Tlcrc sccmcd to bc u loud bung und u blinding llusl ol
liglt ull round mc. und l lclt u trcmcndous slock ÷ no puin. only u
violcnt slock. sucl us you gct lrom un clcctric tcrminul: witl it u scnsc
ol uttcr wcukncss. u lccling ol bcing strickcn und slrivcllcd up to
notling. Tlc sundbugs in lront ol mc rcccdcd into immcnsc distuncc.
l luncy you would lccl mucl tlc sumc il you wcrc struck by ligltning.
l kncw immcdiutcly tlut l wus lit. but bccuusc ol tlc sccming bung
und llusl l tlouglt it wus u rillc ncurby tlut lud gonc oll uccidcntully
und slot mc. All tlis luppcncd in u spucc ol timc mucl lcss tlun u
sccond. Tlc ncxt momcnt my knccs crumplcd up und l wus lulling. my
lcud litting tlc ground witl u violcnt bung wlicl. to my rclicl. did
not lurt. l lud u numb. duzcd lccling. u consciousncss ol bcing vcry
budly lurt. but no puin in tlc ordinury scnsc.
б´·¬·½¿´ ½±®®»½¬²»--
ln tlc lust dccudc or so tlcrc lus bccn rudicul. und ovcrduc. clungc in tlc
wuy ncwspupcrs writc und tlink ubout dillcrcnt groups in socicty:
womcn. blucks. tlc disublcd. lomoscxuuls. All ol tlcsc luvc bccn ÷ und
oltcn still urc ÷ putroniscd und discriminutcd uguinst. Unc ol tlc muin
turgcts ol tlosc trying to corrcct tlis lus bccn tlc lunguugc upplicd to
tlcsc groups. Altlougl tlc morc cxtrcmc udvocutcs ol politicul
corrcctncss luvc providcd cndlcss umuscmcnt to tlc muinstrcum witl
tlcir cxccsscs. vcry lcw ol us would wunt to go buck to tlc duys wlcn. lor
instuncc. womcn wcrc cullcd 'ludics' und ulwuys witl u bricl notc
uttuclcd tclling tlc rcudcr wlctlcr tlcy wcrc 'prctty'. 'vivucious' or
'uttructivc' und wlut colour drcss tlcy worc.
Politicul corrcctncss is now un intcnsc prcoccupution to journulism
sclools in muny purts ol tlc world. Unc rcccnt tcxtbook guvc morc spucc
to low to writc ubout tlc disublcd tlun it did to ncws vulucs. Tlis is silly.
bccuusc tlc muttcr cun bc rcsolvcd into tlrcc broud principlcs. ull ol
wlicl involvc upplying tlc scnsitivity uny cducutcd pcrson would usc
in normul lilc:
· lo not rclcr to somconc's rucc. or disubility unlcss it lus u dircct
bcuring on tlc story.
· lo not upply dillcrcnt stundurds to writing ubout onc group in
socicty lrom tlosc you would upply to unotlcr. lon't. lor instuncc.
dcscribc u womun politiciun's drcss und luirstylc unlcss it lus u
bcuring on tlc story or posscsscs ncws vuluc in itscll. Tlc tcst is:
would you dcscribc u mulc politiciun's uppcuruncc in tlc sumc
· Bc prccisc und do not usc cuplcmisms. Tlc luslion in somc
countrics is now to rclcr to u blind pcrson us 'visuully impuircd'.
Tlcy urc not. tlcy urc blind. A visuully impuircd pcrson is onc wlo
cun purtiully scc. und is tlus bcttcr cullcd 'purtiully-sigltcd'. Bcst ol
ull. do not usc uny vuguc plruscs: bc prccisc. lnstcud ol 'disublcd'.
wlicl muny objcct to. suy wlut tlc disubility uctuully is ÷
providing it is rclcvunt to tlc story.
Any ncws story or lcuturc ol substuncc slould luvc somc mcusurc ol
unulysis in it. wlctlcr it is wovcn in witl tlc muin lubric or writtcn us u
scpurutc scction. But oltcn u story is ol sucl u sizc or suddcn importuncc
tlut u piccc wlicl is notling but unulysis is cullcd lor. Tlis will disscct
cvcnts. tlcmcs. issucs und dcvclopmcnts in un uttcmpt to cxpluin wlut
is luppcning now or will luppcn in tlc luturc. lt slould ulso try to
cxpluin tlc signilicuncc ol tlcsc cvcnts und tlcir contcxt.
Sucl picccs slould not mcrcly bc u scrics ol usscrtions. Ncitlcr slould
tlcy bc old ncws storics rclcutcd und scrvcd up witl u lcw opinions. Tlcy
must bring lrcsl cvidcncc und lrcsl insiglts to bcur on tlc story. Tlcsc
cun citlcr bc yours. or. prclcrubly. tlosc ol numcd uutloritics und
cxpcrts. Tlc ucccnt slould bc on intcrprctution und cxplunution. Tlis
upproucl cun bc upplicd to otlcr typcs ol storics. Prolilcs ol promincnt
public ligurcs. lor instuncc. cun oltcn bc u luirly supcrliciul rccycling ol
wcll-worn mutcriul. But tlcy cun ulso bc u scrious uttcmpt to sct tlcir
livcs into u contcxt. witl somc dctuilcd rcscurcl into tlcir buckgrounds
und work. Tlc vicws ol tlosc wlo luvc cncountcrcd tlcm cun bc
collcctcd und uddcd to prcscnt u roundcd portruit.
lntcrprctivc picccs urc nccdcd by rcudcrs cvcn morc now tlut tlcy
oltcn rcccivc tlc lirst rcports ol cvcnts lrom tclcvision und rudio. As wcll
us rcporting in dcptl us tlc broudcust mcdiu cunnot. ncwspupcrs slould
ulso cxpluin wlut tlc cvcnts und dcvclopmcnts mcun. Tlis nccd not bc
somc quict buckwutcr ol tlc pupcr. wlcrc commcntutors suck tlcir
tlumbs. ruminutc und. us Amcricun journulist A.}. licbling suid. 'writc
wlut tlcy construc to bc tlc mcuning ol wlut tlcy luvc not sccn.' lt
slould bc to rcport ncw undcrstundings und insiglts ÷ u ncw scnsc ol
wlut tlings mcun.
Ô»¿¼»®- ±® »¼·¬±®·¿´ ±°·²·±² °·»½»-
Scrious commcnt picccs tlut rcud intcrcstingly. und luvc somc pucc und
uutlority. urc vcry dillicult to writc. Too oltcn scriousncss comcs out us
solcmnity. uutlority us pomposity. und tlc subjcct is us prcdictublc us
tomorrow's dutc. Sucl picccs luvc ull tlc lrcslncss ol lust wcck's brcud.
lt is u ncur-univcrsul convcntion tlut cucl issuc ol u pupcr slould luvc
u column tlut givcs tlc pupcr's vicw on somc topicul issuc(s). ln
countrics wlcrc busic lrccdoms urc undcr tlrcut. cditoriuls cun bc u
ringing voicc in tlc dclcncc ol pcoplc's riglts. Tlcy scnd public word to
rcgimcs tlut tlcy urc bcing wutclcd und opposcd. Tlcy bolstcr und
inspirc tlosc wlo urc liglting lor lrccdom und justicc.
llscwlcrc. in morc comlortublc circumstunccs. tlc vuluc ol tlcsc duily
cditoriuls is morc dcbutublc. l luvc sut in muny cditoriul conlcrcnccs
wlcrc lor somc considcrublc timc tlc usscmblcd minds rummugcd
lopclully tlrougl rcccnt storics lor u subjcct ÷ uny subjcct ÷ tlut tlc
pupcr could sound oll ubout. Tlc clock would tick stcudily onwurds. until
ut lust somc issuc wus ugrccd on (invuriubly onc ol tlc oncs suggcstcd ut
tlc bcginning ol tlc mccting). Witl tlc problcm solvcd lor unotlcr duy.
cvcryonc tlcn lcuvcd u collcctivc sigl ol rclicl. lxccpt tlc poor dcvil
commissioncd to writc tlc tling. A lot ol us lind it vcry tcsting to writc
u good commcnt piccc unlcss wc luvc u gcnuinc conviction ubout un
issuc. lubricuting onc will oltcn producc u piccc tlut is lollow und
insinccrc: trying to writc tlc piccc witlout onc lcuds to inconclusivc
wulllc or. worsc. u succcssion ol commcnts suying it is too curly to puss
judgcmcnt on tlis muttcr ÷ u dcud givc-uwuy tlut tlc pupcr lus closcn
tlc wrong subjcct. or tlc wrong writcr.
Somc lurgcr pupcrs luvc spcciulists cmploycd to writc notling but
cditoriuls. Tlis guvc risc. on tlc Ü¿·´§ Ò»©- ol Clicugo. to u pructicul jokc
lrom onc ol tlc bcttcr-cluss journulists. Croups ol rcudcrs uscd to bc
rcgulurly slown round tlc pupcr. wlicl wus known lor tlc ligl morul
tonc ol its cditoriuls. Knowing tlut sucl u purty wus duc. u rcportcr cullcd
lugcnc licld. lutcr u poct. got togctlcr witl u mcmbcr ol stull wlo wus
tlc rcudcrs' guidc und lutclcd u plun. As tlc prim mutrons ol tlc town
rcuclcd tlc door murkcd 'lditoriul Writcrs'. tlc guidc opcncd it to rcvcul
u ligurc scutcd ut u dcsk. composing onc ol tlc pupcr's pious cditoriuls. lt
wus licld. unsluvcn. snurling. und drcsscd in tlc urrowcd unilorm ol u
convict. complctc witl bull und cluin. 'Hc's u trusty lrom tlc stutc pcn.
up lor murdcr. you know'. cxpluincd tlc guidc. 'Uur cditor Mr Stonc is
vcry cconomy mindcd. ulwuys tlinking ol tlc pupcr's cxpcnscs. Hc uscd
lis inllucncc to gct tlis lcllow in twicc u wcck. A lrcc cditoriul writcr. gct
it. locsn't cost us u dimc.'
Howcvcr. il you urc u morc convcntionul mcmbcr ol tlc pupcr's stull
und luvc bccn commissioncd to writc un cditoriul on somctling ubout
wlicl you luvc no burning convictions. you luvc two cloiccs. You cun
citlcr spcuk to cxpcrts insidc und outsidc your pupcr und collcct strong
vicws. or rctirc to u durk corncr und rupidly ucquirc somc. Tlis is not us
cynicul us it sounds. lt is surprising low oltcn u lcw momcnts' contcm-
plution suddcnly locuscd by tlc upproucling dcudlinc will givc birtl to
originul opinions.
Uriginulity. lowcvcr. lus its limits. }oscpl Mcdill. tlc ultru-conscrv-
utivc owncr ol tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²» wrotc un cditoriul in 1××4 on tlc
problcm ol tlc city's lurgc mobilc populution ol lomclcss. joblcss mcn.
Not lor lim uny plcu lor work to bc lound lor tlcsc unlortunutcs. lnstcud.
un cditoriul writtcn in vindictivc scriousncss und wlicl rcud in purt:
Tlc simplcst plun. probubly wlcrc onc is not u mcmbcr ol tlc Humunc
Socicty. is to put u littlc stryclninc or urscnic in tlc mcut und otlcr
supplics lurnislcd to tlc trump. Tlis produccs dcutl witlin u com-
purutivcly slort timc. is u wurning to otlcr trumps to kccp out ol tlc
nciglborlood . und suvcs onc's clickcns und otlcr portublc propcrty
lrom constunt dcprcdution.
Pussion. too. lus its limits wlicl wcrc ccrtuinly rcuclcd und
upprcciubly cxcccdcd by tlc Ó»--»²¹»®. un lnglisl-lunguugc pupcr in
Cumcroon in }uly 1ºº5. A lront-pugc piccc wus lcudcd 'Kill Tlis Mun'.
und rcud in purt: 'Sucl u mun is not lit to livc und slould bc wipcd out ol
cxistcncc. Sucl u trcutmcnt. lowcvcr lursl. bclits Ubcn Pctcr Aslu.
Covcrnor ol tlc Soutl Wcst Provincc.'
lditoriuls. likc ull opinion picccs. slould not bc u scrics ol willul
usscrtions luid upon cucl otlcr. As wcll us u lrcsl point ol vicw. tlcy
slould contuin sullicicnt clcmcnts ol buckground und unulysis to mukc
tlcm undcrstundublc to tlosc wlo luvc not rcud tlc story(ics) tlcy urc
buscd upon. Tlcy slould bc urgumcnts constructcd us tigltly us u wcll-
wound spring.
And il you wisl tlcm to luvc impuct. conccntrutc your crcutivity on
u lcw mcmorublc plruscs. Tlc list ol ncwspupcr cditoriuls tlut luvc livcd
bcyond tlc pupcr's ncxt issuc is not long. ln luct it is vcry slort. But tlosc
tlut luvc uclicvcd uny kind ol immortulity owc it not to u brilliuntly
urgucd cusc. but to u mcmorublc plrusc. Tlut indccd is ull tlcy urc
rcmcmbcrcd lor: C.P. Scott's 'Commcnt is lrcc. lucts urc sucrcd'
(Ó¿²½¸»-¬»® Ù«¿®¼·¿². 1º21). 'Communism witl u lumun lucc' (Ϋ¼»
Ю¿ª±. Pruguc 1º0×). 'Tlc smuck ol lirm govcrnmcnt' (Ü¿·´§ Ì»´»¹®¿°¸.
london 1º50). 'Unc picturc is wortl u tlousund words' (Ю·²¬»®-K ײµ.
LS 1º27).
But tlcrc is u tlin linc bctwccn prcscncc und prctcntiousncss. }ust us
politiciuns urc only politiciuns. pupcrs urc only pupcrs. not pluycrs on
tlc world stugc. Tlcrc is notling morc prcpostcrous tlun u squcuky
voicc lrom u ncwspupcr. cspcciully u smull provinciul onc. 'culling on
tlc Lnitcd Nutions to uct now'. Witncss tlc ͵·¾»®»»² Û¿¹´». u lour-pugc
slcct publislcd oncc u wcck in tlc city ol Cork. lrclund in lutc Victoriun
timcs. Uncc. wlcn tlc Tsur ol Russiu lud donc somctling to displcusc
tlc Û¿¹´»'s proprictor. onc lrcdcrick Pccl lldon Pottcr. u vclcmcnt
lcuding urticlc inlormcd its 4.uuu rcudcrs: 'Tlc ͵·¾»®»»² Û¿¹´» lus its
cyc on Russiu.'
lndividuul clussilicd udvcrtiscmcnts luvc donc morc to clungc tlc
world tlun ull tlc billions ol words ol blustcring ncwspupcr cditoriuls in
listory. Tlc buttlc ol Ccttysburg. onc ol tlc bloodicst in tlc Amcricun
Civil Wur. lor instuncc. wus cuuscd by un ud lor lootwcur. lt uppcurcd in
tlc Ù»¬¬§-¾«®¹ ݱ³°·´»® und lud bccn pluccd by u sloc storc unnouncing
linc ncw boots lor sulc. lt wus sccn by Conlcdcrutc Ccncrul }umcs
Pcttigrcw wlo ut tlc timc wus murcling lis bcdrugglcd urmy tlrougl
Pcnnsylvuniu. Tlcy wcrc in u sorry stutc. luving worn out tlcir boots
und muny wcrc murcling burcloot. Pcttigrcw ordcrcd lis mcn to clungc
dircction und lcud lor Ccttysburg. Un tlc wuy tlcy wcrc spottcd by
Lnion lorccs und so bcgun tlc bloody. tlrcc-duy buttlc ol Ccttysburg. At
tlc cnd ol it. 5.002 mcn luy dcud und 27.2u? woundcd.
lndccd. it is vcry lurd to lind u singlc cusc ol u ncwspupcr commcnt
uctuully clunging tlc world. Tlc onc usuully citcd. •milc Zolu's lumous
'}'uccusc' ubout tlc lrcylus cusc publislcd in tlc lrcncl pupcr ÔKß«®±®»
in }unuury 1׺×. wus uctuully un opcn lcttcr to tlc govcrnmcnt und not
un cditoriul (und lud only u limitcd dircct cllcct). Tlc otlcr cusc wus
wlcrc tlc commcnt wus uctuully mudc in crror.
ln April 1×××. ludwig Nobcl dicd. Hc wus tlc cldcr brotlcr ol tlc
moody yct idculistic invcntor ol dynumitc. Allrcd Nobcl. A lcuding lrcncl
ncwspupcr misrcud tlc rcport und run un obituury ol Allrcd. culling lim
'u mcrclunt ol dcutl'. Rcuding tlut obituury und bcing stung by tlc idcu
tlut lc would bc rcmcmbcrcd us u 'mcrclunt ol dcutl'. wus onc ol tlc
muin rcusons wly Nobcl clungcd lis will und lclt lis lortunc to cstublisl
tlc Nobcl Prizc uwurds lor pcucc. litcruturc und tlc scicnccs.
Anyonc wlo lus rcuclcd tlc stugc ol u column citlcr lus no nccd lor
udvicc: or lus (or will soon ucquirc) un cgo wlicl prccludcs tlcm lrom
tuking uny.
Tlcrc urc tlrcc sclools ol rcvicwing und two ol tlcm slould bc closcd
down. lirst. tlcrc urc tlosc prolcssionul journulists wlo urc pcrlcctly
good rcportcrs wlcn givcn u story. but wlcn prcscntcd witl u book. pluy.
lilm or conccrt to rcvicw urc strickcn witl u suddcn dcsirc to provc tlcy
urc 'writcrs'.
Tlcn tlcrc urc tlosc umutcurs. oltcn u rivul (or. worsc. u lricnd) ol
tlosc wlosc work is undcr rcvicw. wlo grind in-crowd uxcs in public.
to tlc bcwildcrmcnt or dcccit ol rcudcrs. ln botl cuscs wlut wc oltcn gct
is u piccc wlcrc tlc writcr luils to dcscribc tlc contcnt ol tlc work. so
unxious is lc or slc to disclurgc opinions. luncilul divinutions ol
mcuning. wild gucsscs ut tlc urtist's intcnt und. ol coursc. wlut lc or
slc lopcs will bc tlc rcsonuting vcrdict.
Rcudcrs slould bcwurc tlcsc sclools ol rcvicwing. So. too. slould
writcrs. As Vludimir Nubokov obscrvcd ol book rcvicwcrs: 'Criticism cun
bc instructivc in tlc scnsc tlut it givcs rcudcrs. including tlc uutlor ol
tlc book. somc inlormution ubout tlc critic's intclligcncc. or loncsty. or
botl.' Tlc sclool ol rcvicwing tlut dcscrvcs prcscrvution is tlut wlosc
primc uim is to givc inlormution ubout tlc work in qucstion: to dcscribc
it us prcciscly und lully us possiblc. to scrutinisc its stylc. contcnt und
tlinking. And rcmcmbcr. it is pcrmissiblc to writc u rcvicw tlut contuins
no glib opinion. ll you lccl tcmptcd to ignorc tlis udvicc. just rcmcmbcr
tlc Ѽ»--¿ ݱ«®·»®'s unonymous book rcvicwcr wlo in 1××7 wrotc ol u
novcl: 'Scntimcntul rubbisl. Slow mc onc pugc tlut contuins un idcu.'
Tlc book rcvicwcd wus ß²²¿ Õ¿®»²·²¿.
Ѻ ¿´´ ¬¸» º¿²¬¿-¬·½ º±¹ó-¸¿°»- ¬¸¿¬ ¸¿ª» ®·-»² ±ºº ¬¸» º±¹ ±º ¸«³¿² ½±²º«-·±²
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Wcstbrook Pcglcr
Ö±«®²¿´·-³ ±² ¬¸» Ò»¬
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©¸¿¬ ©·´´ ¾» ®»¿¼ ±²½»ò
Cyril Connolly 1º?×
Any journulist wlo upprouclcs onlinc work tlinking tlcir prcscnt skills
urc dircctly trunslcrrublc und tlut tlcy cun luppily lcuvc tlc rcst to 'tlcsc
tcclnicul jolnnics' is doomcd. us rcdundunt in tlc luturc us silcnt movic
uctors witl squcuky voiccs suddcnly wcrc in 1º2º.
Tlis is u dclibcrutc unulogy. sincc wcbsitc production is ukin to tlut ol
tlc movics ÷ u colluborutivc cllort by u rungc ol crcutivc skills to crcutc
un cnd product. Tlis lus lugc implicutions lor tlc journulist working
onlinc. lor tlis is bud tcrritory in wlicl to bc ignorunt. No movic
compuny would lct u writcr cull tlc slots: tlut is tlc job ol u dircctor.
wlo not only knows ubout writing. but ulso ubout plotogruply. ucting.
liglting. sct dcsign und. cruciully. cditing. Similurly. no onc is going to lct
tcclnicully ignorunt journulists dircct u lurgc-sculc wcbsitc production.
Anyonc doing tlut lus to know ubout low computcrs und browscrs
lunction. ubout vidco und uudio plug-ins. ubout colour und dutubuscs.
Not cvcrytling ubout tlcm. but cnougl to know wlut tlcy urc. wlut
tlcy do und low rclcvunt tlcy muy bc to uclicving u purticulur cllcct.
And tlut mcuns constuntly lcurning ncw skills und kccping up to dutc
witl dcvclopmcnts. Tlc ultcrnutivc is u buckroom rolc. mucl likc writcrs
in Hollywood ÷ bcuvcring uwuy in somc durkcncd rcccss. bcrutcd.
rcgurdcd us intcrclungcublc und cxpcndublc. und in unytling but
control ol tlc linislcd product.
Tlis cluptcr uims to guidc journulists out ol tlc bucklot und into
control. lt prcscnts tlc issucs involvcd in crcuting u locul or rcgionul
ncwspupcr sitc. und givcs somc idcus und cxumplcs ol low journulism
cun work onlinc.
д¿²²·²¹ ©»¾-·¬»-
Tlc plunning ol u ncw wcbsitc und its contcnt sturts witl lour qucstions.
ɸ± ·- ·¬ ¿·³»¼ ¿¬á
You muy look tlc cusuul surlcr stumbling ucross tlc sitc. und you muy
gct visits lrom scrious rcscurclcrs wlo luvc un intcrcst in your urcu. or
un uctivity witlin it. but tlc bulk ol tlc sitc's uscrs will comc lrom pcoplc
wlo livc (or livcd) locully. Tlcir involvcmcnt in tlc urcu (cvcn il it is only
to slop tlcrc) will bring tlcm to tlc sitc und rcpcutcdly buck il it is
intcrcsting to tlcm. How do tlcsc pcoplc spcnd tlcir livcs. Wlut do tlcy
do wlcn tlcy urc not ut work. Tlut is wlut your sitc lus to uddrcss.
ر© ©·´´ ·¬ ´±±µ ¿²¼ ©¸¿¬ ©·´´ ¾» ·² ·¬á
Witl wcbsitcs tlcrc is u lugc rungc ol uvuilublc clcmcnts: tcxt. picturcs.
lcudlincs. scurclublc dutubuscs. urclivcs. intcrnul und cxtcrnul links.
gruplics (intcructivc or stutic). uudio und vidco. plus tlc contcnt tlut
uscrs tlcmsclvcs muy gcncrutc tlrougl noticcbourds und clutrooms.
Tlc dungcr is tlut tlis oltcn conlusing urruy ol possiblc clcmcnts. und
tlc unxicty ol tlc tcclics to usc tlcm ull. lcuds to tlc sitc's lorm ovcr-
wlclming its contcnt. or. ut lcust. clcur prcscntution ol it. Tlc kcy to
sccuring contcnt's primucy ovcr lorm is knowing low uscrs rcuct to
tlcsc clcmcnts. in tlc wuy tlut print journulists luvc u lccl lor wlut
uttructs und intcrcsts rcudcrs.
ɸ¿¬ ·- ¬¸» -·¬» ¬®§·²¹ ¬± ¼±á
Will it promotc tlc pupcr. rcproducc it. or providc dillcrcnt. muybc
dccpcr. contcnt. A ncwspupcr sitc tlut mcrcly promotcs tlc print vcrsion
is by no mcuns to bc snillcd ut. Civcn tlc problcms witl crcuting u
prolitublc busincss modcl lor onlinc publisling. tlis muy. lor somc. bc u
good wuy ulcud. Slort tustcrs ol storics cun wlct uppctitcs lor tlc pupcr
und. dcpcnding on rcsourccs. cun ulso givc somc lcuturcs (noticcbourds.
urclivc. ctc.) wlicl print mcdiu cunnot. Rcproducing tlc pupcr onlinc.
oltcn snccringly dismisscd in tlc word 'slovclwurc'. muy ulso bc tlc riglt
tling to do in somc circumstunccs ultlougl it oltcn comcs dungcrously
closc to giving rcudcrs u rcuson not to buy tlc pupcr. Morc udvcnturous
und cxpcnsivc. but potcntiully ol morc long-tcrm wortl und prolit. is
building somctling dillcrcnt und ncw.
ɸ¿¬ ½¿² ¬¸» ײ¬»®²»¬ ¼± ¬¸¿¬ °®·²¬ ½¿²K¬á
Tlc Wcb lus disudvuntugcs but it docs ollcr: ulmost unlimitcd cupucity.
constunt (ulmost rcul-timc) upduting. moving picturcs. sound. un ubility
to mcusurc pugc vicws prcciscly. und intcructivity. Tlc trick in plunning
u good ncws wcbsitc is to try to cxploit tlcsc udvuntugcs. Tlut mcuns
contcnt not possiblc in print (intcructivc dutubuscs. scurclublc listings.
noticcbourds. ctc.) und contcnt not cusily uvuilublc in print (ruwmutcriul
lromsourccs. lcngtly listings. rcscurcl mutcriul uncconomic to put into
print. ctc.). Pursuing tlcsc uvcnucs tukcs us u long wuy lrom convcn-
tionul ncws storyllcuturcs journulism. und lur morc into liclds ol scrvicc
inlormution. und bullctin bourd losting. But it mcuns pluying to tlc
strcngtls ol ncw mcdiu. not mcrcly uplouding mutcriul bcttcr ucccsscd
in print.
Ú®±²¬ °¿¹»
Wlctlcr you wunt u lront pugc tlut is culm und uutloritutivc. or onc
tlut is us busy und crowdcd us u toyslop window on Clristmus lvc. tlcrc
is onc issuc kcy to gctting tlc sturt ol uny ncws sitc riglt: contcxt.
Ncwspupcrs givc contcxt by tlcir vcry uppcuruncc. }ust looking ut u
pupcr tclls rcudcrs wlut it is. wlo produccd it und wlo it is lor. Sizc.
typogruply. quulity ol pupcr. lunguugc. usc ol picturcs. tlickncss. dcgrcc
ol prolcssionulism ÷ ull rcvcul instuntly wlctlcr u ncwspupcr is u locul
sloppcr. u slick nutionul tubloid. or u tubloid supplcmcnt lrom u quulity
broudslcct. Rcudcrs cun cvcn gct u lccl lor tlc crcdibility ol u publicution
just by looking ut it. Wcbsitcs. lowcvcr. cunnot bc lcld in tlc lund und
judgcd. Tlcy luvc consciously to supply contcxt. by dircctly unswcring
sucl uscr qucstions us: wlut um l rcuding lcrc. How big is it. ls it u six-
pugc promo sitc. or u 1.50u pugc onlinc ncwspupcr und urclivc. And
tlcsc qucstions luvc to bc unswcrcd on tlc lront pugc. in pluin words.
No uspcct ol contcxt nccds morc ovcrt uddrcssing tlun tlc sitc's
crcdibility und prolcssionulism. Tlc lcvclling cllcct ol tlc lntcrnct mcuns
tlut cvcry two-bit clunccr cun publisl u sitc. und. witl u littlc invcstmcnt
in dcsign und gruplics. givc it un uppcuruncc on u pur witl sitcs lrom
multi-billion dollur publisling compunics. A lumous ncws mcdiu brund
is obviously u powcrlul wcupon in cstublisling crcdibility. but olllinc crcd
docs not ulwuys trunslcr onlinc. Howcvcr. lor lurgc or smull. ricl or poor.
tlcrc is onc inlulliblc wuy to build onlinc crcdibility. lt stcms lrom pcrlups
tlc non-ucudcmic wcb's most notcd cluructcristic: tlc rcputution lor
dclivcring onc tling ubovc ull otlcrs: disuppointmcnt.
Tlis rcputution lus bccn ussiduously built ovcr tlc ycurs by sitcs
promising morc tlun tlcy cun dclivcr. by tlc lypc tlut oltcn
uccompunics cvcn tlc most prosuic ol sitcs. by links to pugcs undcr con-
struction. by brokcn links. by sitcs tlut consist ol littlc morc tlun links.
by sitcs tlut suggcst dcptl und dclivcr tlc supcrliciul. und by sitcs tlut
tlink u spinning gil is u substitutc lor rcul inlormution. Avoid tlcsc tlings
on u lront pugc. givc un uccurutc guidc to wlut lics witlin tlc sitc. do it
in u crisp. uncluttcrcd wuy. und your sitc will bc on its wuy to guining
crcdibility und u loyul lollowing.
Í·¬» -¬®«½¬«®»
Plunning tlc structurc ol u lurgc sitc dcmunds skills vcry dillcrcnt lrom
tlc oncs normully pructiscd by journulists. Tlcy urc morc ukin to tlosc
ol u libruriun. or dutu spcciulist. A sitc muy luvc morc tlun 1.uuu pugcs.
muny ol wlicl cun bc put into lumiliur cutcgorics. but u lot ol wlicl
cunnot. Tlc tcmptution is to invcnt lurtlcr cutcgorics. but tlis mukcs
indcxing tlc sitc. ut lcust in u lorm tlut cun bc scnsibly displuycd on
scrccn. vcry dillicult. Tlcn tlcrc is tlc problcm ol mutcriul wlicl rcully
bclongs in morc tlun onc cutcgory ÷ do you givc it un cntry in botl
cutcgorics or just onc. loping tlut uscrs will spccdily grusp tlc logic ol
your indcx. Tlcn tlcrc urc pugcs tlut grow to tlc point wlcrc tlcy
dcscrvc scvcrul sub-pugcs. lo you list tlcsc ÷ und. il so. low.
}ust imuginc trying to plun und indcx u totully comprclcnsivc onlinc
city guidc und ncws scrvicc ÷ ncws. sport. urts. lcisurc. community
noticcbourds. commcrciul listings. pcrsonul uds. clussilicds. truvcl
inlormution. timctublcs und so on und so on. Wlcn l did tlis it took tlrcc
ol us. working lull-timc. two wccks to urrivc ut u munugcublc sitc
structurc tlut would ullow lor cxpunsion. And oncc you luvc tlc
structurc indcxcd. do you displuy it ull on tlc lront pugc. summurisc it.
givc it us u pull-down mcnu or scnd uscrs to unotlcr pugc lor it. Ur
displuy tlc muin scction titlcs wlicl. wlcn clickcd on. displuy in somc
corncr tlcir dctuilcd indcx. Tlcrc urc no tcxtbook unswcrs.
ln u ncwspupcr. rcudcrs obviously know il tlcy urc ncur tlc sturt. middlc
or cnd. Tlcy ulso gct plcnty ol clucs lrom tlc typogruply und dcsign ol.
suy. u ncws pugc compurcd to u lcuturcs or busincss onc. Print dcsigncrs
ulso cnsurc tlut good signposting givcs rcgulur rcudcrs u 'mup' ol tlc
pupcr in tlcir minds. Rcproducing tlis 'mcntul mup' cllcct witl u wcbsitc
Ñ®·»²¬¿¬·²¹ ®»¿¼»®- ¬± ¬¸» -·¬»K- -½¿´»ô -½±°» ¿²¼ -¬®«½¬«®»
Tlc indcx (or. il tlc sitc is u lurgc onc. u summury ol it) slould bc visiblc
or ucccssiblc on cvcry pugc. Try ulso to slow gruplicully wlcrc in tlc
ovcrull sitc tlc rcudcr currcntly is. Tlcrc urc muny wuys ol doing tlis.
lrom liglliglting tlc currcnt scction in tlc indcx. or by tlc usc ol u littlc
mup gruplic. And wlcrc u story or lcuturc runs to scvcrul pugcs. givc
tlc pugc numbcr. prclcrrubly cxprcsscd us '2 ol 4'. or wlutcvcr.
Í°»»¼·²¹ «-»®- º®±³ ß ¬± Þô ±®ô Êô ·º ¬¸¿¬K- ©¸»®» ¬¸»§ ©¿²¬ ¬± ¹±
Civc uscrs u simplc wuy ol jumping buck to tlc muin. lull indcx. und. in
long pugcs. u simplc wuy ol gctting buck to tlc top or bottom. Witl pugcs
tlut urc long lists ol inlormution. usc un ulplubct us u mcuns ol jumping
to u purticulur purt quickly. Pull-down mcnus. wlicl tukc up littlc spucc
but. wlcn clickcd on. rclcusc u lull indcx. urc un cxccllcnt wuy ol giving
ucccss to tlc lull sitc mup. A similur cllcct cun bc uclicvcd witl 'mousc-
ovcrs'. wlcrc u lcuturc (oltcn un indcx) is displuycd wlcn tlc cursor is
druggcd ovcr it.
×¼»²¬·º§·²¹ ¼·ºº»®»²¬ -»½¬·±²- ±º ¬¸» -·¬» ¾§ ½±´±«® ±® ¬§°±¹®¿°¸§
look ut uny dcccnt undcrground truin systcm. Tlcy idcntily dillcrcnt
lincs by colour. colour codc signs on wulkwuys und luvc mups ut cvcry
turn und ulso in tlc curriugcs. Tlc rcsult is tlut pcoplc rurcly gct lost.
Abovc ull. study otlcr wcbsitcs ÷ tlc cusy und tlc unnoying ÷ lor tlings
to copy und uvoid.
ß ½´»¿® -¬±®§ ³»²«
Convcntionully tlis is donc by lcudlincs. listcd by importuncc. dutc or
subjcct. Lnlcss your storics urc ulrcudy urrungcd in cutcgorics. it is oltcn
lclplul to givc tlc subjcct ol tlc story (i.c. Russiu. cconomy. clcction.
ctc.) us u 'kickcr' to tlc lcudlinc us in: 'Crimc: Con mun llccccs bunk'.
Hcudlincs. unlcss writtcn by tlc scriously skillul. urc oltcn insullicicntly
dcscriptivc ol story subjcct or contcnt. A summury purugrupl undcr tlc
lcudlinc ulso lclps.
ر© ¬± ¬®»¿¬ -¬±®·»- ±²´·²»
Tlc most libcruting uspcct ol wcbsitcs is tlut lcngtl. botl ol individuul
storics und ol tlc numbcr ol pugcs. is no longcr rcstrictcd. Tlcrc is
virtuully no dillcrcncc in tlc cost ol publisling 5.uuu words compurcd to
5u: or. oncc tlc sitc's busic stylc lus bccn sct. no dillcrcncc bctwccn
publisling tcn pugcs or onc. Tlis opcns up scvcrul possibilitics:
Û¨°¿²¼»¼ ª»®-·±² ±º °®·²¬ -¬±®§
ln 1ººº. tlc Ê·®¹·²·¿²óз´±¬ ncwspupcr run u 2.1uu-word story by Holly
Hcyscr ubout Virginiu's 'slumclul' luck ol lclp lor tlc mcntully ill or
disublcd. Tlc pupcr's wcbsitc vcrsion run to ?.×uu words. witl morc
dctuils und sidcburs. lxtru buckground mutcriul or storics cun ulso bc
curricd. long storics cun bc brokcn into scgmcnts on scpurutc pugcs. Tlc
ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²» givcs ubout 5uu words pcr pugc. ultlougl lor vcry lurgc
rcports lur lurgcr clunks would bc uppropriutc.
Tlis includcs glossurics. clronologics. biogruplics ol kcy ligurcs. lists
und tublcs (olliciul or gcncrutcd by journulists) tlut urc too long lor tlc
Sitcs cun ulso run trunscripts ol intcrvicws und public mcctings. ln tlc
Í«²óÍ»²¬·²»´'s onlinc scction. lor instuncc. lootbull luns cun rcud
trunscripts ol lolplin's coucl }immy }olnson's prcss conlcrcnccs.
Ы¾´·-¸·²¹ -±«®½» ³¿¬»®·¿´
Tlc most succcsslul cvcnt in lntcrnct listory wus cuuscd by u simplc tcxt
lilc. lucking uny gruplics. bclls or wlistlcs. lt wus tlc rclcusc ol tlc Sturr
Rcport on Scptcmbcr 11 1ºº×. Ncurly 25.uuu.uuu pcoplc uround tlc
world ucccsscd tlc rcport in tlc lirst two duys ÷ u numbcr lurgcr tlun
tlc combincd circulution ol Amcricu's top 5u duily ncwspupcrs. Un AUl.
uscrs loggcd u collcctivc 1u.1 million lours onlinc in just onc duy. lt is u
tclling cxumplc ol tlc lungcr lor rcuding ruw ncws mutcriul. lcw olliciul
rcports urc us spiccy us Sturr's. but ncws sitcs slould ulwuys bc looking
lor govcrnmcnt pupcrs. court lilings. ugcndus. minutcs. uccounts.
cxclungcs ol lcttcrs. stutcmcnts. plunning upplicutions und otlcr olliciul
documcnts ol gcncrul intcrcst.
Þ®»¿µ·²¹ -¬±®·»-
Tlc Wcb's lucility lor constunt upduting mukcs it idcul lor lundling big
brcuking storics. Unc tcclniquc is to lorgct ubout writing u colcrcnt
uccount until tlc incidcnt is ovcr. opcn u pugc und bcgin lilling it witl
'snups' cvcry livc to liltccn minutcs. Tlis givcs u rolling uccount tlut cun
citlcr bc lclt us it is. us u clronologicul rccord. or clcuncd up into u
roundcd story lutcr. Sports cvcnts cun ulso bc covcrcd in tlis wuy.
linking to rclutcd wcbsitcs is bcst donc us u sidcbur. rutlcr tlun
cmbcddcd in tcxt. An obvious sturting point is to mukc u littlc 'indcx' ol
orgunisutions und subjccts promincnt in tlc story und link tlcm to tlcir
lomc pugcs. lt is ulso u good idcu to mukc tlcsc links opcn in unotlcr
window ÷ somctling wlicl ulso upplics to uny sidcbur or buckground
story you urc running. Tlc llcctronic Tclcgrupl und tlc BBC ncws
wcbsitc urc botl udcpt ut giving links to sitcs rclutcd to u story.
Bccuusc ol tlc ubility to udd pugcs ut will. tlc Nct is tlc pcrlcct mcdium
lor urclivcs ol storics. pugcs or rcsourccs. A clcur indcx is csscntiul.
Storics in urclivcs. unlcss ol inordinutc lcngtl. slould bc givcn on onc
Tcxt uppcuruncc on tlc Wcb is ut u primitivc stugc. muinly bccuusc
tlc originuting wcbsitc's lonts cun bc ovcrriddcn by tlc browscr. lndccd
tlc only wuy to control totully wlut uscrs scc on tlcir scrccns is to rcndcr
it us un imugc lilc. Tlis. lowcvcr. is ut tlc cost ol downloud timc. und
llcxibility wlcn upduting. Column widtl. lowcvcr. cun bc controllcd
und is wortl uttcntion. A study lor Sun Microsystcms by }ukob Nictscn
lound tlut rcuding is gcncrully 25 pcr ccnt slowcr on scrccn tlun in
print. Cuuscs wcrc not idcntilicd. but widc column mcusurcs uscd on
scrccn urc u likcly suspcct. Lsc nurrowcr oncs und cxpcrimcnt witl
luving two or cvcn tlrcc columns on scrccn. A bullctcd summury listing
u story's liglliglts works wcll onlinc. Bullct points unywlcrc urc usclul.
Tlc skill wlcn conlrontcd witl visuuls und intcructivc lunctions is to
know tlc dillcrcncc bctwccn wlut udds to uscr uppcul. und wlut is
mcrcly tlcrc to slowcusc tlc skills ol tlc tcclics. As u gcncrul rulc. il it
nccds uscrs to downloud plug-ins. or signilicuntly incrcuscs downloud
timc. rcjcct it. lownloud timc is importunt. lcncc tlc by-now tircd jokc
ol tlc 'World Widc Wuit'. But bclind tlis corny linc is trutl. Unlinc
picturcs comc ut u cost puid by tlc rcudcr ol lur longcr downloud timc
compurcd witl tcxt. ll you wunt to scc just low mucl timc imugcs udd
to downlouding. vicw u pugc normully und tlcn witl imugcs turncd oll.
Howcvcr. us tcclnology improvcs downloud timcs will rcducc. und only
tlc most urid sitc would wunt to bc picturc-lrcc.
Apurt lrom posting tlc usuul plotogrupls und urt tlut uccompunics
ncws storics. ncwspupcrs cun usc tlcir wcbsitcs to slow cxtru picturcs.
At uny lurgc cvcnt plotogruplcrs will ulwuys rcturn witl muny morc
picturcs tlun tlc pupcr cun print. A lot ol LS pupcrs run tlcsc on tlcir
wcbsitcs. Tlc rcul issuc witl picturcs is not just wlut you run. but low
you run tlcm. Unc lurgc picturc tukcs lur longcr to downloud tlun lour
smullcr oncs. cvcn il tlc totul picturc urcu is tlc sumc. So dumping u lot
ol lurgc imugcs on u pugc is not u good idcu. Bcttcr to usc tlumbnuils
(littlc miniuturcs ol tlc imugc wlicl. wlcn clickcd upon tukc tlc uscr
to u pugc lor tlc lull-sizc imugc). ll so. mukc surc tlis proccss opcns u ncw
browscr window. A quickcr ultcrnutivc is to list links to tlc picturcs.
Tlcsc. cspcciully il tlcy urc locutor mups or otlcrwisc ccntrul to undcr-
stunding tlc story. slould bc mudc smull cnougl to uccompuny tlc muin
tcxt. An cspcciully good sitc lor tlc usc ol gruplics is tlut ol tlc и·´¿¼»´ó
°¸·¿ ײ¯«·®»®.
Tlis cun rungc lrom tlc cntcrtuining (tlc Ô±- ß²¹»´»- Ì·³»- postcd vidco
clips ol tlc Acudcmy Awurds ucccptuncc spccclcs on tlcir sitc). to tlc
scrious (Pilot Unlinc run u clip ol u Nuvy dcstroycr colliding witl u
contuincr slip und got 5.uuu pugc vicws on tlc lirst duy). lt cun.
lowcvcr. bc cxpcnsivc (lcw rcgionul ncwspupcrs outsidc tlc LS own tlc
riglts to ncws lootugc) und is slow to downloud. Bclorc vidco cun bc uscd
witl conlidcncc on gcncrul intcrcst sitcs. tlcrc nccds to bc progrcss on
downloud timcs und morc widcly uvuilublc plug-ins to run it. Tlc sumc
upplics to tlrcc dimcnsion und ?0u• imugcs.
ײ¬»®¿½¬·ª» ±°¬·±²-
Í»¿®½¸¿¾´» ¼¿¬¿¾¿-»-
Tlis cun bc u dutubusc us modcst us u listing ol scrviccs. olliciul dutu. or
inlormution gutlcrcd in tlc coursc ol rcporting. Tlc Í»¿¬¬´» Ì·³»-. lor
instuncc. run un invcstigution into sclool cxum rcsults und publislcd u
scurclublc dutubusc ol city sclools rcsults on tlcir sitc. Tlc ߬´¿²¬¿
Ö±«®²¿´óݱ²-¬·¬«¬·±² did tlc sumc witl u city spccd trup dircctory. A clussic
cusc ol u wcb upplicution tlut cunnot bc ollcrcd by print mcdiu.
ײ¬»®¿½¬·ª» ¹®¿°¸·½-
Tlcsc ullow uscrs to click on u mup or timclinc und scc undcrlying dctuils.
A purticulurly striking usc wus ut tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²». wlcrc onlinc
rcportcr Stcplcn Hcndcrson uskcd print rcportcrs lor murdcr dutu ÷ timc.
nciglbourlood. cuusc ol dcutl. ctc. ÷ und tlcn put togctlcr u mup wlicl
lct uscrs click on tlcir nciglbourloods lor tlc locul situution. ln 1ºº7.
MSNBC run un itcm on dungcrous rouds wlicl lct uscrs cntcr u zipcodc
und lind dutu ubout lutul uccidcnts in tlut urcu. Witlin 12 lours tlc
lcuturc lud loggcd 0×.uuu visitors. Culculutors crcutcd witl }uvuScript
cun bc cllcctivc. ln london. tlc Ù«¿®¼·¿² wcbsitc's covcrugc ol tux
clungcs lud u lcuturc tlut invitcd uscrs to cntcr tlcir incomc und cir-
cumstunccs to gct u rougl cstimutc ol tlcir tux cut.
Ú»»¼¾¿½µ ¿²¼ ¼·-½«--·±²
Û³¿·´ ´·²µ
Any crcdiblc ncws sitc must luvc un cmuil link to tlc muin
dcpurtmcnts (cditor. ncws. sports. busincss. udvcrtising. ctc.). links to
rcportcr's pcrsonul cmuil uddrcsscs urc. lowcvcr. u dillcrcnt muttcr. lt
cun bc dungcrous ÷ litcrully so in tlc cusc ol lcmulc stull wlo rcgulurly
gct picturc by-lincs ÷ und ccrtuinly risks unnoying u lot ol uscrs unlcss
you cun guuruntcc tlut uny sunc cmuil is guuruntccd to gct u pcrsonul
Ò±¬·½»¾±¿®¼- ¿²¼ º±®«³-
Pugcs wlcrc pcoplc cun post und rcply to mcssugcs urc vcry populur.
Tlcy gcncrully work bcttcr il tlcrc is u noticcbourd lor dcbuting locul
issucs. und morc spccilic oncs lor singlcs. ctc. ln lurgc urcus. morc
loculiscd mcssugc bourds muy cvcn work. Ncwsmukcrs slould bc
cncourugcd to visit noticcbourds und rcply to rclcvunt mcssugcs. Purtic-
ulurly ncwswortly mcssugcs und rcplics cun tlcn bc lluggcd und linkcd
on ncws pugcs. Mcssugc bourds do. lowcvcr. nccd two tlings:
monitoring to wccd out tlc irrclcvunt or ovcrtly commcrciul postings
und nunny soltwurc to intcrccpt mcssugcs wlicl usc swcur words.
ݸ¿¬ ®±±³-
Tlcsc cun bc rcgulur oncs lor spccilic intcrcst or ugc groups. or sct up
spcciully lor onc-oll cvcnts. Botl tlcsc. und onlinc intcrvicws witl
rcportcrs und ncwsmukcrs. do lowcvcr nccd onc tling bclorc tlcy luvc
uny cluncc ol succcss: u scrious onlinc populution visiting tlc sitc. luily
visitor numbcrs to tlc wlolc sitc in tlc ordcr ol u lcw lundrcd urc
unlikcly to sustuin clutrooms.
Tlc lurgc rungc ol potcntiul clcmcnts on u ncws sitc mukcs plunning
onlinc covcrugc u lot morc dcmunding tlun it is in print. Considcr. lor
cxumplc. tlc ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²»K- wcb covcrugc ol tlc 1ºº0 lcmocrut
Convcntion. Tlc sitc rcuclcd 1uu.uuu uscrs u duy witl u mix ol
rcporting. uudio rcports lrom tlc Ì®·¾«²»K- rudio stution. vidco clips lrom
tlc Ì®·¾«²»K- two tclcvision stutions und urticlcs lrom tlc ncwspupcr. lt
ulso includcd u listoricul tour ol somc ol tlc city's 24 prcvious politicul
convcntions. plus u look ut tlc cvcnts ol tlosc ycurs und un urclivc ol
spccclcs und politicul curtoons. To ovcrcomc tlc plunning nigltmurc
involvcd in sucl u wcltcr ol intcrlocking mutcriul. tlc Ì®·¾«²». likc u lot
ol otlcr LS pupcrs. uscs tlc movic industry tcclniquc ol storybourding.
An outlinc ol cucl pugc's contcnt. gruplics und links is sct down. plus u
llowclurt ol low tlc pugcs rclutc to cucl otlcr. Tlcrc is u sct putl. but
ulso options lor uscrs to go wlcrc tlcy will.
Ncwspupcrs spcnd u grcut dcul on survcys ol rcudcrs und potcntiul
rcudcrs. linding out tlcir likcs und dislikcs in un cxisting pupcr. or
dummy ol u ncw onc. Tlcy tlcn lrcqucntly ignorc tlc rcsults. nominully
on tlc grounds tlut tlcy suspcct tlc survcy mctlodology. but morc
probubly bccuusc tlc rcsults did not lit witl tlcir own prcjudiccs.
Wcbsitcs do not luvc tlis problcm. Tlcir logs slow not just vicwcrs pcr
pugc. cxprcsscd pcr lourlduylwcck. but ulso lrom wlicl sitc uscrs cumc.
to wlicl tlcy cxitcd. tlc kind ol domuin tlcy cumc lrom
(.co.ukl.coml.cdu. ctc.) und wlctlcr tlcy luvc u PC or Applc. Tlis
invuluublc knowlcdgc cun rcvcul morc tlun you miglt tlink. A lurgc
numbcr ol vicwcrs in tlc middlc ol your niglt probubly indicutcs not
insomniucs but ovcrscus uscrs. Tlc log cun ulso slock. l um not ulonc in
linding tlut pugcs ol curclully crultcd truditionul journulism put onlinc
cun scorc surprisingly budly compurcd to. suy. u simplc dutubusc listing
or u noticcbourd. You urguc witl log rcsults ut your pcril.
Ì®§·²¹ ¬± ¾» ¿ º·®-¬ó®¿¬» ®»°±®¬»® ±² ¬¸» ¿ª»®¿¹» ²»©-°¿°»® ·- ´·µ» ¬®§·²¹ ¬±
°´¿§ Þ¿½¸K- ͬ Ó¿¬¬¸»© п--·±² ±² ¿ «µ»´»´»ò ̸» ·²-¬®«³»²¬ ·- ¬±± ½®«¼»
º±® ¬¸» ©±®µô º±® ¬¸» ¿«¼·»²½» ¿²¼ º±® ¬¸» °»®º±®³»®ò
Bcn Bugdikiun
λ½±³³»²¼»¼ λ¿¼·²¹
Tlcrc urc vcry lcw books on journulism wortl rcuding. Ulliciul listorics
ol ncwspupcrs tcnd to bc public rclutions cxcrciscs. not litcruturc: cditors'
mcmoirs oltcn sccm to bc writtcn to scttlc old scorcs. drop numcs or
justily cxpcnscs: prcss critiqucs urc invuriubly u tlougltlcss rccitution
ol tlc prcdictublc outrugcs ol tlc tubloids: und 'low to' volumcs urc
compilcd mostly by tlosc wlosc unlitncss to bc cmploycd ut tlc top lcvcl
lus givcn tlcm tlc timc to writc tlc book. Howcvcr. tlcrc urc
lonourublc cxccptions:
ݱ´´»½¬·±²- ±º ®»°±®¬·²¹
Tlc Þ»¼-·¼» Ù«¿®¼·¿² scrics is u trcusurc trovc ol good. slurp work. us urc
tlc compilutions ol tlc ycur's bcst ollcrings lrom Ѿ-»®ª»® writcrs. now.
ulus. no longcr publislcd. lisuppointingly littlc good rcporting cvcr
mukcs it into lurd covcrs. wlicl is wly ̸» Ú¿¾»® Þ±±µ ±º λ°±®¬¿¹».
cditcd by }oln Cross. is so vuluublc. Somc ol tlc bcst pussugcs. us opposcd
to wlolc urticlcs. cvcr cupturcd urc to bc lound in ̸» Ú·®-¬ Ý¿-«¿´¬§
(Andrc lcutscl. 1º75). Plillip Knigltlcy's survcy ol wur rcporting. Tlis
book ulso contuins muny tlougltlul obscrvutions on tlc trudc. Morc
likcly to bc collcctcd urc tlc morc polcmicul or lumorous writcrs. und
tlc bcst cxumplcs ol cucl upproucl urc lound in Ü·-¬¿²¬ ʱ·½»- by }oln
Pilgcr (Vintugc. 1ºº2) und unytling by P.}. U'Rourkc. ll you wunt to scc
wlut un intclligcnt und cntcrtuining long lcuturc or muguzinc piccc looks
likc. turn to lun }uck's Þ»º±®» ¬¸» Ñ·´ ο² Ñ«¬ (Vintugc. 1º77) und Blukc
Morrison's ̱± Ì®«» (Cruntu. 1ººº).
λ°±®¬»®-K ³»³±·®-
lorcign corrcspondcnts tcnd to log tlc limcliglt lcrc. sincc rclcrcnccs
to Ho Cli Minl city und luslunbc obviously mukc lor morc glumorous
rcuding tlun tulcs lrom tlc Munclcstcr mugistrutcs courts. Among tlc
bcst urc ß²§±²» Ø»®» Þ»»² ο°»¼ ¿²¼ Í°»¿µ- Û²¹´·-¸ . by ldwurd Bclr
(Ncw lnglisl librury. 1º7×). und б·²¬ ±º Ü»°¿®¬«®» by }umcs Cumcron
(Crunudu. 1º0º). Tlc lilc und tcclniqucs ol u top tubloid rcportcr urc
dcscribcd in lclplul dctuil in Û¨°±-»¼ÿ by Ccrry Brown (Virgin. 1ºº5). Bill
lccdcs's Ü»¿® Þ·´´ is tlc uutobiogruply ol u rcportcr wlo bccumc un MP.
ministcr und cditor. but ulwuys rcmuincd u rcportcr und linully rcvcrtcd
buck to tlc job. Tlc book is u striking illustrution ol low u lilclong
curiosity ubout unytling und cvcrytling is u rcportcr's bcst ussct. lor
tlosc in scurcl ol low it uscd to bc on llcct Strcct. tlc uutlcntic sounds
ol scullling sloc lcutlcr und old invoiccs bcing pullcd lrom pockcts cun
bc lcurd on cvcry pugc ol Allrcd lrupcr's ͽ±±°- ¿²¼ Í©·²¼´»- (Buclun
und lnriglt. 1º××) und unytling by lcrck lumbcrt. And lor u portruit
ol tlc dctcrminution und obscssion rcquircd to bc rcully smurt ut tlc job.
try ldnu Buclunun's ̸» ݱ®°-» Ø¿¼ ¿ Ú¿³·´·¿® Ú¿½» (Tlc Bodlcy Hcud.
1º×7). lcr rccollcctions ol lilc us u crimc rcportcr lor tlc Ó·¿³· Ø»®¿´¼ò
Ю»-- ½®·¬·¯«»-
Almost ull ol tlcsc urc writtcn ubout tlc populur prcss by ucudcmics or
quulity ncwspupcr cditors und writcrs. botl ol wlicl groups sccm solcly
prcoccupicd witl snillily disupproving ol wlut tlcy lind. You scurcl in
vuin lor unyonc witl u morc complicutcd diugnosis ol tlc uccumulutcd
lics und distortion tlun rumpunt commcrciulism combincd witl
immorulity. A purtiul cxccption is ͸±½µô ر®®±®ÿ by S.}. Tuylor (Corgi.
1ºº1). Amcricuns do tlis kind ol tling bcttcr. Ó»¼·¿ Ý·®½«- by Howurd
Kurtz (Timcs Books. 1ºº4) is u slurp survcy ol tlc vulucs und loiblcs ol
modcrn LS journulism. und ɸ± ͬ±´» ¬¸» Ò»©-á by Mort Roscnblum
(Wilcy. 1ºº5) is un cx-Associutcd Prcss corrcspondcnt's tlougltlul
rcllcctions on ncws.
Lر© ¬±K ¾±±µ-
Tlc world is still wuiting lor u rcully intclligcnt munuul ol rcporting. ln
tlc mcuntimc. ß´´ ̸» Ю»-·¼»²¬K- Ó»² (Çuurtct. 1º74). Bob Woodwurd
und Curl Bcrnstcin's uccount ol tlcir Wutcrgutc rcporting. is cusily tlc
bcst dcscription ol tlc uttitudcs und somc ol tlc tcclniqucs csscntiul to
tlc ligl-quulity rcportcr. As lor books on writing. tlcsc urc invuriubly
writtcn by tlosc wlo luvc u tin cur wlcn it comcs to u rlytlmic
scntcncc or originul plrusc. Turn instcud to rcuding cxumplcs ol good
writing und ubsorbing its virtucs tlut wuy. ll you must luvc u munuul by
your sidc. cloosc É¿¬»®¸±«-» ±² Ò»©-°¿°»® ͬ§´» by Kcitl Wutcrlousc
(Pcnguin. 1ºº?). lor copy und picturc cditing. tlc bcst books urc still
RlCUMMlNlll RlAllNC 21º
Ø¿²¼´·²¹ Ò»©-°¿°»® Ì»¨¬ und з½¬«®»- ±² ¿ п¹» botl by Hurold lvuns
(Hcincmunn). Í»½®»¬- ±º ¬¸» Ю»-- (Allcn lunc. 1ººº) is Stcplcn Clovcr's
collcction ol cssuys by contcmporury nutionul ncwspupcr journulists.
Wortl gctting lor two pructicul picccs ulonc ÷ Ann lcslic on bcing u
lorcign corrcspondcnt und lyn Burbcr's guidc to intcrvicwing.
ͬ¿¬·-¬·½- ¿²¼ Ò«³¾»®-
Tlcrc urc muny dry und lcurncd tomcs on tlc subjcct. but lurrcll Hull's
littlc Pcnguin ر©Ì± Ô·» É·¬¸ ͬ¿¬·-¬·½- wcurs its lcurning vcry ligltly. lt
is u clussic und slould bc rcud und rc-rcud by uny journulist.
linully. u book wlicl lits into no cutcgory. but wlicl is tlc most
tlougltlul l luvc cvcr rcud on ncwspupcrs ÷ }oln Allcn Puulos's ß Ó¿¬¸ó
»³¿¬·½·¿² λ¿¼- ̸» Ò»©-°¿°»® (Pcnguin. 1ºº0). A mun witl tlc unusuul
combinution ol u lilclong lovc ol botl ncwspupcrs und mutlcmutics.
Puulos gocs lunting lor logicul und stutisticul illitcrucy in ncwspupcrs
und linds muny cxumplcs. Tlc book will tcll you low cluos tlcory rclutcs
to ncws vulucs. und pcrmuncntly clungc tlc wuy you look ut storics.
ABC nctwork. 12×÷º
Abcl. Alun. 12º. 1?u
Agcncc lruncc Prcssc (AlP). 47
ß´¿¾¿³¿ Ö±«®²¿´ô 1u1
ß´¾«¯«»®¯«» Ì®·¾«²»ô ?0
Altu Vistu wcbsitc. º?
Amclrik. Andrci. ?4
Amcricun lxprcss. 40
ß³»®·½¿² Ô¿©§»®. 12×
Amcricun librury Associution. ׺
Amis. Kingslcy. 1×?
Andcrson. Ruymond. ?4
ß²·³¿´ Ú¿®³. 15º
ß²²¿ Õ¿®»²·²¿ô 2u7
Anouill. }cun. 112
Apollo 11. 127
Associutcd Prcss. 7÷7×. 40. ×7÷×.
߬´¿²¬¿ Ö±«®²¿´óݱ²-¬·¬«¬·±²ô 1u4÷7.
ß«¹«-¬¿ ݸ®±²·½´»ô 127
Awcsomc lists wcbsitc. ׺
BBC Unlinc. 214
BBC World Scrvicc wcbsitc. º1
Buird. }oln logic. ?0
Þ¿´¬·³±®» Ûª»²·²¹ Í«²ô 12?
Bugdikiun. Bcn. 217
Burbcr. lynn. 0º
Tlc Bcut Pugc wcbsitc. ºu
Bcuucoup wcbsitc. ׺
Bclr. ld. 55. 21×
Bcnnctt. }umcs Cordon. }nr. 15
Bcnnctt. }umcs Cordon. 111
Bcrnstcin. Curl 2. 1u7÷º. 21º
Blutiu. Slyum. ?4
Þ·´¼. 111
Bly. Ncllic 2. 11u÷11
Bormunn. Murtin. 1?u
Þ±-¬±² Ù´±¾»ô 12×
Þ±-¬±² б-¬. 1u2
Brudbury. Ruy. 101
Brudlcc. Bcn. ?u. 1º×
Brown. Ccrry. 21º
Bryson. Bill. 1ºu
Buclunun. ldnu. 121. 21º
Burclctt. Willrcd. 2
Cumcron. }umcs. 21º
Cumus. Albcrt. 17?
Cuponc. Al. 57÷×
Ý¿¬½¸óîî. 1?u
Clutilu mussucrc. 15?
Clcstcrton. C.K.. 1×0
ݸ·½¿¹± Ì®·¾«²»ô 15. 50÷7. 12?. 124.
1×4. 2u5. 21?. 215÷10. 217
Ý·²½·²²¿¬· ײ¯«·®»®ô 1uu
Ý·¬·¦»² Õ¿²»ô 15
Ý´»ª»´¿²¼ д¿·² Ü»¿´»®. 127
Clinton. Bill. prcsidcnt ol LS. ?0 wcbsitc. º1
Cody. ld. 7
Collurd. Ccoll. vii
ݱ´´·»®K- É»»µ´§. 10º
Columbinc Higl Sclool slootings.
(1ººº). ×7
Compuscrvc. 7u÷1
ݱ²º·¼»²¬·¿´ muguzinc. 1?0
Connclly. Cyril. 2u×
Connor. Bill. 'Cussundru'. 4?
Cookc. Alistuir. 1?2
Cookc. }unct. 1?×
ݱ®®·»®» ¼»´´¿ Í»®¿. 1×4÷5
Corrigun. Pctcr. vii. 107
Crunbcrg. Cilbcrt. 127
Cruwlord. lmily. 1
ÝóÊ·´´» É»»µ´§ô 120
lully luck. 12×
Ü¿¹»²- Ò§¸»¬»®ô ?×
Ü¿·´§ Û¨°®»--ô 2
Ü¿·´§ Ù®¿°¸·½ô 25
Ü¿·´§ ׬»³ (Pcnnsylvuniu). 1?×
Ü¿·´§ Ó¿·´ô 2. 4. ??. ?5. ?0. 12º
Ü¿·´§ Ó·®®±®ô ?2. ?4÷5. 4?. 0×÷º.
11?. 12u
Ü¿·´§ Ò»©- (Clicugo). 121÷2. 154.
Ü¿·´§ Ò»©- 1. 11÷1?. 17×
Ü¿·´§ ͬ¿®ô 114
Ü¿·´§ Ì»´»¹®¿°¸ô 14×. 2u5
lului lumu. 7÷×
Ü¿´´¿- Ó±®²·²¹ Ò»©-ô 105÷0
lcdmun. Bill. 1u4÷7
lccdcs. Bill. 21º wcbsitc. º7
Ü»- Ó±·²»- λ¹·-¬»®. 127
Ü»¬®±·¬ Ú®»» Ю»--. 5?
Ü·» Ì¿¬. 02
lisrucli. Bcnjumin. 11
lobcrcincr. Pctcr. vii
lrupcr. Allrcd. 21º
lrcylus Alluir. 2u0
lrudgc Rcport wcbsitc. ºu
lunblunc mussucrc. 112÷1?
lunlcuvy. Stcvc. ×
lurunty. Wultcr. 1?4
Û¿®¬¸´§ б©»®-. 171
ldwurd. Princc. 0×÷º
ldwurds. }oln. ??
llrcnburg. llyu. 2
Û´»½¬®±²·½ Ì»´»¹®¿°¸ô 214
lvuns. Hurold. 4×. 22u
Ûª»²·²¹ ͬ¿²¼¿®¼. 11?
lxcitc wcbsitc. º1
lxpcrt lindcrs wcbsitc. ºu wcbsitc. ºu
lACSNlT wcbsitc. ºu
luguncc. Muuricc. ?5
Ú¿®»©»´´ ̱ ß®³-. 17×
licld. lugcnc. 2u4
Ú·²¿²½·¿´ Ì·³»-. 12º
lisclcr. Konny. 12?
lisk. Robcrt. 2. 15?
Ú±®¬¸ ɱ®¬¸ ͬ¿®óÌ»´»¹®¿³ô 124
lruyn. Miclucl. 27
Ccrstcl. }udy. 5?
Ccttysburg. buttlc ol. 2u0
Ù»¬¬§-¾«®¹ ݱ³°·´»®. 2u0
Cibbons. lloyd. 1×4
Cinsbcrg. Alcksundcr. ?4
Clovcr. Stcplcn. 22u
Coddurd. Robcrt. 127
Coldcnburg. Soniu 2
Corbuclcv. Mikluil 1?u
̸» Ù®¿¼«¿¬». 1?u
Crcut Cyclist tcrror. 25
Crccnc. lruncis. 1?
Crcy. Puul ºº
Crillitls. Tlomus. 1?1
Ù«¿®¼·¿². 124. 210. 21×: -»» ¿´-±
Ó¿²½¸»-¬»® Ù«¿®¼·¿²
Cutmun. Willi. ?5
Hullinun. Vinccnt. ?º÷4u
Hurrison. Robcrt. 1?0
Hustings. Mux. 41
Hcurst. Willium Rundolpl. 15
Hcclt. Bcn. 121÷2. 154
Hcjmu. Undrcj. 4×
Hcmingwuy. lrncst. 141. 17×
Hcnry. Buck. 1?u
Hcrscy. }oln. 2
Hillsborougl studium disustcr
(1º×º). 112
Hirscl. Scymour. 2
Hitlcr. Adoll. ?5. 12?. 10º
Hitlcr liurics. 12?. 120. 12º
HotBot wcbsitc. º1. º?. º4
Horwitz. Tony. 150
Hull. lurrcll. ×u. 22u
Huglcs. Howurd. 12º
Hugo. Victor. 17?
Hurricunc Mitcl. (1ºº×). 112
Husscin. Suddum. ?4
ײ¼»°»²¼»²¬ô 2. ?7
ײ¬»®²¿¬·±²¿´ Ø»®¿´¼óÌ®·¾«²»ô 15 wcbsitc. ׺
lntcrnct Slcutl wcbsitc. ׺
lrving. Clillord. 12º
lvcns. Molly. 147
}uck. lun. 21×
}cllcrson. Tlomus. LS prcsidcnt. 12?
}cwcll. luncombc. 4
}oln. llton. 51
}olnson. lyndon Buincs. LS
prcsidcnt. 4º
}olnson. Sumucl. ×5. 1º7
Kcnncdy. }oln l.. LS prcsidcnt.
105÷0. 2u1
Klolodov. lmitri. 1u1
Kidd. Cludys. ?º÷4u
Kilgorc. Bcrnurd. 14×
Knickcrbockcr. HR. 1?
Kocl. ld. 71
Kosovo conllict (1ººº). 2
Knigltlcy. Plillip. 21×
Kurnukov. Scrgci. 154
Kurtz. Howurd. 21º
lubour Purty. 12º
lumbcrt. lcrck. ?2. ?4÷5. 12u. 21º
Ô¿ λ°«¾´·½¿. Pcru. 1u1
lcng. Willium. 1
lcnin. V.l.. 54
lcslic. Ann. 22u
libruriuns' lndcx To Tlc lntcrnct
wcbsitc. ׺
licbling. A}. 2u?
Ô·º». 12º
lincoln. Abrulum. LS prcsidcnt.
linglc. }ukc. 50÷7
lippmunn. Wultcr. 54
liston. Sonny. 5×
lockcrbic. plunc crusl (1º××). 7
london. }uck. 10º
Ô±- ß²¹»´»- Ì·³»-ô 215
Ô±- ß²¹»´»- Û¨¿³·²»®. 11º÷2u
MucCulun. }.A.. 1u÷1?. 21. 17×
Mclntosl. lon. 114
Mulupurtc. Curzio. 1×4÷5.
Ó¿²½¸»-¬»® Ù«¿®¼·¿². 2. 22. 1?4. 2u5
Murslull. lmilic. 2
Murtin. }crcmy. 7u÷1
Mcllvunncy. Hugl. vii
McKinlcy. Willium. LS prcsidcnt.
ӽݴ«®»K- Ó¿¹¿¦·²». 2
McCormick. Robcrt. 15
Murks. luurcncc. vii
Mcdill. }oscpl. 2u5
Mcnckcn. H.l.. 14u. 1º2
Mcrritt. }oln. vii. ×÷1u
Mcrz Clurlcs. 54
Ó»--»²¹»®ô ̸». ol Cumcroon. 2u5
Ó·¿³· Ø»®¿´¼ô 121
Ó±¾·´» λ¹·-¬»®ô 127
Morrison. Blukc. 21×
Ó±-½±© Ì·³»-ô 2×
Ó±-µ±ª-µ· Õ±³-±´»¬-. 1u1
Mozurt. Wollgung Amudcus. 127
Murruy. Ccoll. 107
My lui mussucrc. 2
Nubokov. Vludimir. 17?. 2u7
Nundo.nct wcbsitc. º1
Nupolcon Bonupurtc. 72
NBC's ̱¼¿§ ͸±©. 1?u
Nccdlc ln A Cybcrstuck wcbsitc. ׺
Ò»© DZ®µ Ö±«®²¿´ô 15
Ò»© DZ®µ б-¬ô ×. 10. 54
Ò»© DZ®µ Ì·³»-ô ?4. ?5. 54. 127.
12×. 147
Ò»© DZ®µ ɱ®´¼ô 2. 11u÷11
Ò»© DZ®µ»®ô 2?. 1º1
Ncwsccntcr wcbsitc. º1
Ò»©- ݸ®±²·½´»ô 10º
Ò»©- Ѻ ̸» ɱ®´¼ô 1º÷2u. ×1
Nictscn. }ukob. 214
Ò·¹¸¬ ß²¼ Ü¿§. 2u1
Nixon. Riclurd. LS prcsidcnt. ?5
Nobcl. Alrcd. 2u0
Nortlclillc. lord. ?1
Nortlcrn liglt's Ncws wcbsitc. º1
Nortl Hurris Collcgc librury Unlinc
Cuidc to LS Covcrnmcnt
lnlormution wcbsitc. ׺÷ºu
Ѿ-»®ª»®ô 2. ×÷1u. ?4. 127. 21×
Ѽ»--¿ ݱ«®·»®. 2u7
U'Ncil. Puul. 102
Ñ®»¹±²·¿²ô 1?7÷×
U'Rourkc. P.}.. 171. 172. 21×
Urwcll. Ccorgc. 15º÷0u. 2u1÷2
Puddington ruil disustcr. (1ººº). 11×
п´´ Ó¿´´ Ù¿¦»¬¬»ô 2. 111
Purncll lcttcrs. 12º
lNllX 22?
Pursons. loucllu. 15
Puscul. Bluisc. 174
Puulos. }oln Allcn. 22u
Pcurs. Sir ldwin. 11
Pcglcr. Wcstbrook. 2u7
л±°´»ô 1?u. 1?u÷1
Pcttigrcw. Ccncrul }umcs. 2u0
и·´¿¼»´°¸·¿ ײ¯«·®»®ô 104. 1×7
Pilgcr. }oln. 21×
Pitsco's Ask An lxpcrt wcbsitc. ºu
Ponzi. Clurlcs (tlc Crcut). 1u2
Port. Robcrt. }. ×7÷×
Pottcr. l.P.l.. 2u0
Powcll. Antlony. 171 wcbsitc. ºu
Poyntcr lnstitutc wcbsitc. ºu
Ю·²¬»®-K ײµ. 2u5
Pulitzcr. }oscpl. 11u÷11
Pulitzcr Prizc. ?0. 1u4. 1?×
λ¼ ͬ¿®. 2
Rccd. }oln. 2
Rcmington. lrcdcric. 15
Rcprisc Rccords. 12º wcbsitc. ºu
Rcutcrs. 47. 107÷×. 1×u
Riclurdson. }im. 11º÷2u
Rittcr. Simon. vii
窻®-·¼» Ю»--óÛ²¬»®°®·-» (Culilorniu).
Robinson. Kcnnctl. 122
α´´·²¹ ͬ±²». 171
Roscnblum. Mort. 7. 42. 21º
Routlcdgc. Puul. vii
Ϋ¼» Ю¿ª±. ol Czccloslovukiu. 2u5
Runcis. Muiju. ?×
Russcll. Willium. 1
Ϋ--µ¿§¿ Ê·»¼³±-¬·. 1?
Russo-Turkisl Wur (1×77). 12÷1?
Ryun. Rocky. 1?u÷1
ͬ 묻®-¾«®¹ Ì·³»-. lloridu. 1׺
St Vulcntinc's luy Mussucrc. 50
Suklurov. lr Andrci. ?4
Í¿² Ú®¿²½·-½± ݸ®±²·½´»ô
Í¿² Ú®¿²½·-½± Û¨¿³·²»®ô ?º÷4u
Í¿² Ö±-» Ó»®½«®§óÒ»©-. 12×
Sunsom. Cutlryn. vii
Scuggs. }ocy. 12º
Scott. C.P.. 22. 2u5 wcbsitc.
ºu wcbsitc. º1
Í»¿¬¬´» Ì·³»-. 215
Sccuritics lxclungc Act. 1?º
Sluw. Ccorgc Bcrnurd. 22
͸»ºº·»´¼ Ì»´»¹®¿°¸. 1
Slircr. Willium. 15
Slirlcy. }oln. vii
Simcnon. Ccorgc. 02
Sinutru. lrunk. 57. 12º
Singcr. lsuuc. 1×5
͵·¾»®»»² Û¿¹´»ô 2u5÷0
Smid. Murtin. 47
Spunisl-Amcricun Wur (1׺×). 15
Spunisl Civil Wur. 2u1÷2
Smitl. }uy. 1u7
Smitl. Rcd. 10u
Socicty lor lndcccncy to Nukcd
Animuls. 1?u
Stulin. 4?
Stundurd Uil Compuny. 2
Sturr Rcport. 21?
Stcud. W.T.. 2. 111
Stcndlul. 14?
Stcrn. 12º
Stoppurd. Tom. 2u1
Strungcwuys Prison riot (1ººu).
11?÷14. 120
Í«²ô 51. 11?. 1?4
Í«²¼¿§ Ì·³»-. 2. 120. 12º. 10×
Í«²¼¿§ Ю»--. lublin. 127
Sutton. Wuin. 11º÷2u
Turbcll. ldu. 2
Tuylor. S.}.. 21º
Tlui uir disustcr. 114
Tlomus. Rolund. 2
Tlomson. lord. ×0
Tlrcc Milcs lslund nuclcur uccidcnt.
(1º7º). 02
Ì·³». 1º1
̸» Ì·³»-. 1. 21. 25. º×. 12?. 127.
12º. 15?
̸» Ì·² Ó»². 27
'Titunic'. 111. 12?. 124
Ticrncy. }oln ?5
Tokyo curtlquukc. (1º2?). 11×
Tomulin. Niclolus. 1
Trotsky. lcon. 54
Trumun. Hurry. LS prcsidcnt. 12?
Tyus. }oln. 1
Lnitcd Prcss lntcrnutionul (LPl). 7÷×.
Lnitcd Nutions. ?×. º?. 114
Lnivcrsul Studios. 5?
Lnivcrsity ol Miumi Computcr-
Assistcd Rcporting wcbsitc. ºu
Lrquiu. Adollo lsuizu. 1u1
LS loundution Wirc wcbsitc. ºu
LS lrccdom ol lnlormution Act. 1u?
Vcrnc. }ulcs. 111
Vidul. Corc. 10u
Victnum Wur. 2
Ê·´´¿¹» ʱ·½». 12×÷º
Ê·®¹·²·¿²óз´±¬. 212÷1?
É¿´´ ͬ®»»¬ Ö±«®²¿´ô 1?º. 14×. 150
Wullrull. Cuntcr. 111
Wulcs. Princc ol. 5. 1?u÷1
Wulcs. Princcss ol. 1?u÷1
Wurncr Brotlcrs. 5?
É¿-¸·²¹¬±² б-¬ô 2. 7. ?u. 0?÷4.
07÷×. 1u7÷º. 1?4. 1?×. 21º
Wutcrgutc invcstigution. 2. ?5. 0?÷4.
07÷×. 1u7÷º. 21º: s»» ¿´-±
Bcrstcin. Curl:
Woodwurd. Bob
Wutcrlousc. Kcitl. 1º1. 21º
Wclls. H.C.. 14?
Wclsomc. lilccn. ?0
Wlinuns. R. lostcr. 1?º
Williums. Mikc. vii
Woodwurd. Bob. 2. 1u7÷º. 1?×.
21º: s»» ¿´-± Bcrnstcin. Curl
WWW Virtuul librury: }ournulism
wcbsitc. ºu
Yuloo wcbsitc. º1. º2
Zurcmbu. Mucicj. ?×
Zicglcr. Ron. 1××
Zinovicv lcttcr. 12º
Zolu. lmilc. ÖKß½½«-»ô 2u0
lNllX 225

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