Tips How to Be a Good Server

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1. You represent the restaurant
You might not own the restaurant or cook the food, but for better or for worse, patrons will always
view you as "the restaurant". As such, you're in the lucky position of getting all the praise when the
customer is happy, but also being at the end of the stick when they're not, even if it's due to
something out of your control.
Anda mungkin bukan pemilik restaurant atau tukang masak, tetapi untuk lebih baik atau untuk lebih
buruk, tamu akan selalu melihat anda sebagai bagian restaurant. Semakin banyak, anda akan pada
posisi yang untung untuk mendapatkan semua pujian saat tamu kita senang, tapi juga ada saat akhir
menusuk saat mereka tidak senang, meskipun itu terjadi diluar kendali anda.
As the representative, when a customer is happy, let them know that you appreciate their business
and look forward to having them back. When they're unhappy, find out why and what you can do to
make it better.

Sebagai wakil,saat tamu senang, biarkan mereka tahu bahwa anda menghargai usaha
mereka dan melihat kedepan untuk mereka dapat kembali. Saat mereka tidak senang,
temukan bagaimana dan apa yang anda lakukan untuk membuat lebih baik.
Part of the playing the role of a good server is letting the customers feel like you're in charge. A lot of
this can be done simply with how you phrase yourself. For example, phrases that make you sound in
charge begin with:
Bagian aturan bermain seorang pelayan yang baik adalah biarkan tamu merasakan pelayanan anda.
Kebanyakan ini bisa selesai dengan bagaimana anda menyatakan diri anda. Sebagai contoh, ucapkan
yang membuat anda seperti

I can ..

I will ..

I have ..

On the other hand, you won't impress your customers as much with phrases like these:
Di sisi lain, Anda tidak akan mengesankan pelanggan Anda sebanyak dengan ungkapan-ungkapan
seperti ini

Hang on ..Tunggu

Let me check ..Akan saya periksa

I don't know ..Saya tidak tahu

Using positive, take-charge phrases will help you gain your customer's respect, which in turn improves
your image in their eyes. If a customer thinks of you as just someone that takes their order or a
runner/busser, it's going to be harder to break out of the standard 15% tip mold.
Menggunakan positif, mengambil-charge frase akan membantu Anda mendapatkan rasa hormat
pelanggan Anda, yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan citra Anda di mata mereka. Jika pelanggan

menganggap Anda sebagai hanya seseorang yang mengambil pesanan mereka atau seorang pelari /
busser, itu akan lebih sulit untuk keluar dari standar 15% tip cetakan.

2. Your opinion does matter (Tidak masalah dengan pendapat anda )
The one thing that we absolutely hate to hear from our server when we ask for recommendations is,
"Everything is good."
Satu hal yang kita benar-benar benci mendengar dari server kami ketika kita meminta rekomendasi
adalah, "Semuanya baik."
Now while you might think to yourself that someone should really be able to figure out what they want
from a menu, many diners need a little prodding or just want to know what's good from the expert
(you). So when you say that everything is good, this unfortunate is heard as "I don't know", "I can't
be bothered" or "I'm scared of recommending a meal that you won't like." Remember, you are the
restaurant's representative and it doesn't look good if you don't know your own products.
Sekarang sementara Anda mungkin berpikir untuk diri sendiri bahwa seseorang harus benar-benar
dapat mengetahui apa yang mereka inginkan dari menu, banyak pengunjung membutuhkan sedikit
dorongan atau hanya ingin tahu apa yang baik dari ahli (Anda). Jadi, ketika Anda mengatakan bahwa
segala sesuatu yang baik, ini disayangkan terdengar sebagai "Saya tidak tahu", "Aku tidak dapat
diganggu" atau "Aku takut merekomendasikan makanan yang Anda tidak akan suka." Ingat, Anda
adalah wakil restoran dan tidak terlihat baik jika Anda tidak tahu produk Anda sendiri.
We want to hear what you like. Most likely, your own passion and enthusiasm will rub off on us. Of
course, you don't want to build up expectations unreasonably high (e.g., "This is the best duck confit
you'll ever have!"), but we do appreciate that you know your dishes. If you must play it safe, you can
always point out dishes that are popular with other patrons. You also stand a good chance of upselling appetizers or desserts if your customers think you know your stuff.
Kami ingin mendengar apa yang Anda sukai. Kemungkinan besar, gairah Anda sendiri dan antusiasme
akan melekat pada diri kita. Tentu saja, Anda tidak ingin membangun harapan terlalu tinggi
(misalnya, "Ini adalah yang terbaik bebek confit yang pernah Anda harus!"), Tapi kami menghargai
bahwa Anda tahu selera Anda. Jika Anda harus bermaindengan aman, Anda selalu dapat
menunjukkan hidangan yang populer dengan pelanggan lain. Anda juga memiliki kesempatan yang
baik meningkatkan penjualan makanan pembuka atau makanan penutup jika pelanggan Anda berpikir
Anda tahu barang-barang Anda.
However, don't take it personally if you recommend something that a customer doesn't enjoy. The
number of customers that enjoy your recommendation will probably exceed the few customers that
don't. And hey, they asked for your opinion after all Customers also like to hear that they made a good
choice after placing their orders. Your affirmation (e.g., "Great choice, the veal is wonderful!") is like a

compliment, which makes the customer feel like they did the right thing. If the customer enjoys the
meal, you can simply reiterate that it was a good choice after all to leave a positive impression.
Namun, jangan tersinggung jika Anda merekomendasikan sesuatu yang pelanggan tidak menikmati.
Jumlah pelanggan yang menikmati rekomendasi Anda mungkin akan melebihi beberapa pelanggan
yang tidak. Dan hei, mereka meminta pendapat Anda setelah semua pelanggan juga ingin mendengar
bahwa mereka membuat pilihan yang baik setelah menempatkan pesanan mereka. Afirmasi Anda
(misalnya, "Pilihan terbaik, sapi indah!") Seperti pujian, yang membuat pelanggan merasa seperti
mereka melakukan hal yang benar. Jika pelanggan menikmati makanan, Anda hanya bisa mengulangi
bahwa itu adalah pilihan yang baik setelah semua meninggalkan kesan positif.

3. Attitude is everything (Tingkah laku adalah segalanya )
After reviewing hundreds of restaurants, the ones that stood out for service weren't necessarily those
with staff that crumbed our table, folded our napkins or had an army of bussers with water jugs. The
restaurants with notable service were those with enthusiastic servers who showed real personality.
In fact, we had a server at one restaurant who had forgotten a drink, mixed up an entree order and
ran out of cloth napkins. But the server was an example of superior service because of how
professionally he dealt with the situation: he admitted his mistake quickly, sincerely apologized and
comped the table. In return, we rewarded the server with a generous tip and the restaurant with a
solid review.
Setelah meninjau ratusan restoran, satu-satunya yang berdiri jauh dari pelayanan tidak semestinya itu
dengan staf yang crumbed meja kami, dilipat serbet kami atau memiliki pasukan bussers dengan
kendi air. Restoran dengan layanan terkenal adalah mereka dengan server antusias yang
menunjukkan kepribadian yang nyata. Bahkan, kami memiliki server di salah satu restoran yang lupa
minum, bercampur aduk pesanan hidangan dan berlari keluar dengan serbet kain. Tapi server ini
adalah contoh dari pelayanan yang unggul karena dengan profesional ia berurusan dengan situasi: dia
mengakui kesalahannya dengan cepat, dengan tulus meminta maaf dan comped meja. Sebagai
imbalannya, kami dihargai server dengan tip yang murah hati dan restoran dengan review yang solid.
We know that being a server is a stressful job, especially on those chaotic Friday nights. Smiling while
you're trying to juggle six to eight tables of hungry diners is never easy. However, just remember that
your demeanor should be pleasant and you should be relaxed when you're on the floor, even while
away from the customers. Your customers are there for a pleasant experience and if they see you
having a bad day (yes, they will notice), it will rub them the wrong way and lead to a downward spiral
of a bad day and bad tips.
By smiling and thanking your customers, you'll find that you'll reap the rewards of this small token of
appreciation many times over in the long run. Also, remember that a proper smile involves your whole

face, not just your mouth. So practice that smile and use it often! (PS: It's no coincidence many a
Hollywood star worked in the food service industry.)

4. Learn your wines
Depending on your restaurant, you may or may not have a dedicated sommelier who can guide
customers through that daunting 20-page wine list. Most likely, your wine list is far smaller and you
won't have a sommelier on hand. However, don't be scared, because knowing your wines and
appropriate pairings is a fantastic opportunity for you to look knowledgeable, impress your customers
and boost your tips.
Surprisingly, our servers have often been reluctant to recommend any specific wine or even a type of
wine and instead showed us what is generally popular. We're not asking you to know your entire wine
selection or educate us on the merits of the '95 Brunello versus the '08 Columbia Crest, but we would
like you to know enough about your wine selection to make some specific recommendations. It will
help you considerably in the long run.
The best part of learning your wines is that your education will go wherever you go. Although the wine
list will change, you will always have the understanding of the various types of varieties.

5. Be proactive with your tables
Each server knows that the people at some tables are amazingly easy to handle while other people at
other tables can be impossibly difficult. While luck deals the cards, there are things that you can do to
make things go as smoothly as possible when you do get a high maintenance group.
After entrees have been served to one of your tables, instead of asking whether they need anything in
general, ask about specific items such as condiments, utensils or refills. By specifically calling out
items, you'll avoid being called over a few minutes later for a bottle of ketchup or an extra spoon
because the customer forgot it the first time around. Also, you'll appear as detail-oriented and
genuinely caring of their comfort.
In addition, this goes without saying, but refilling drinks before they are empty is always a sign of
good service and really shows that you are paying attention.

6. Practice good timing
Good timing serves a number of purposes: it reduces the number of trips to each table and makes you
look more attentive. The most crucial element of timing takes place immediately after a party has
been seated. This is when you'll be making introductions, mentioning specials, taking drink orders,
and most importantly, making your first impression.
As a server, it's your responsibility to keep things going. Groups that take a long time to settle down
and order are not good to either yourself or the restaurant.
One thing that happens to us often at Chef Seattle is being seated, then immediately asked if we
would like to get started on any drinks. This is normally a good thing, because this gives the customer
an immediate item and gives you time to put the order in while they look over the menu.

However, one thing that I don't like (and I admit this may be personal), is when a server asks if I
specifically would like a wine (or cocktail)... before seeing the actual drink menu. I realize some
customers are regulars and will sit down and order from memory, while others might always order a
merlot before dinner, but I don't like the act of being forced to say "No, but I would like a... " or "Let
me see the wine menu first". It just feels a bit pushy.
While you want to both meet the needs of your customer and also sell a drink, you also need to leave
room for the customer to look over the menu. "Here are your wine and cocktail menus, but would you
like to start with any drinks now?" sends the message that they can take their time with the menu,
and also addresses the frequent customers who always order the same drink.
After the drinks, outline the daily specials and then inform the table that you'll be back with drinks and
to take orders. Customers appreciate hearing the specials early, because it gets our appetites rolling
and also helps them decide what to order. If you mention the specials after you come back, then the
customers are forced to decide on the spot if they prefer the special, often delaying the ordering
The last note about good timing is when to deliver the bill. This is usually self-evident as the people
will be finished with eating and you'll have already asked them if they want dessert. Don't miss your
upsell by delivering a bill before you have asked if they want dessert; and obviously never while your
patrons are still eating because it's seen as wanting them to leave.
Catatan terakhir tentang waktu yang baik saat memberikan bill. Ini biasanya Nampak sekali sebagai
orang yang akan selesai makan dan anda akan tanyakan apakah mereka ingin makanan penutup.
Jangan pernah lupa untuk meningkatkan penjualan jangan pernah memberikan bill sebelum anda
menanyakan apakah mereka ingin dessert; dan ternyata tamu anda sedang menikmati makan itu
kelihatan seperti menginginkan mereka pergi.
With thinner margins, many restaurants these days tend to drop the tab a bit earlier, but it's hopefully
left with a smile and a note that it's there just for our convenience along with a "Please take your
time" or "No rush at all". After a good service, the last thing you want to do is mess up at the end.
Lastly, never forget to thank your customers! As rule #1 stated, you are the restaurant, so every
paying customer is your livelihood at the end of the day. A customer that feels appreciated will come
back and also tip more if they feel that the restaurant values their business.

6. Understand your customers
Some customers simply want their server to be an unobtrusive background experience. Other diners
prefer interaction and conversation. As any good salesperson knows, it's important to identify what
type of customer you have and to modulate your own personality accordingly to build rapport.
An experienced salesperson, for example, will often match your energy level and rate of speech
because it makes you feel more comfortable. Knowing how to interact with each group will improve
your experience as well as theirs.

In fact, one study in a mid-west diner showed that servers who were purposefully enthusiastic
received less than average tips compared to servers that simply did their job. This doesn't mean that
you should act like a robot, but it does goes to show that some customers are interested in interacting
with you, while others just want you to be a transparent part of their meal.

7. Learning to handle the negatives
Many front-line customer service jobs have the motto, "The job would be great if not for the
customers." It's true that one bad apple can ruin an otherwise great day, so the key is to find ways of
dealing with those bad apples so that you can continue doing your job and making your other
customers happy.
First, if a customer is unhappy, find out if they have a legitimate complaint (food prepared wrong,
lengthy delays, unruly neighbors), and if so, deal with it appropriately.
Sometimes a quick resolution will patch things over, but the customer may still be upset regardless.
Anger is usually a by-product of feeling helpless, which means angry customers want to have some
say over the situation. This can mean talking to the manager, making threats or leaving a bad tip.
To diffuse a simmering customer, try asking, "What can I do right now to make you happy?" It's a
great customer service line that puts the ball in the customer's court and forces them to vocalize their
needs. More often than not, it will snap them out of their bad attitude when they realize that they
have no more excuses to remain sour.
In the event that you snag a customer who is just irreparably negative, you should just tell yourself
that some people in the world are simply not happy, no matter what you do. Try not to take it
personally, because unfortunately they enjoy being miserable.

8. Smile!
We've mentioned it many times already, but we have to list it again as our last point. It's a fact:
happiness is contagious. If you smile at someone, chances are they'll smile back. Science also shows
that even if you're not happy, acting happy will actually make you feel better. We're not saying you
should carry a smile the whole night (it may even be creepy), but a few strategic smiles will go a long

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