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TITLE: NOW THAT THE WORLD HAS ENDED, WHAT’S NEXT? by George Elerick    (www.crosscultureconsultancy.com) (scproductions.moonfruit.com)  


Overview To!y revol"#io$ %!& beco'e ! (!, ! wor, !$ $o#%i$g 'ore) I# %!& iro$ic!lly bee$ c!*#iv!#e by c!*i#!li&' !$ co$&"'*#io$) +ro' +ro' i#& *!roy o( #%e "b!$ revol"#io$!ry revol"#io$!ry,, %e G"ev!r! o$#o !$y#%i$g !$ every#%i$g #o i#& c"rre$# %eig%# o( celebri#y (!&%io$, !$y %o*e (or re!l revol"#io$ %!& bee$ e&&e$#i!lly '!rgi$!li-e !$ !b!$o$e (or &o'e#%i$g 'ore &#erile !$ co''o$*l!ce) To %!ve ! revol"#io$ #o!y, we &i'*ly %!ve #o &%ow "* wi#% o"r #o*ic o( c%oice, billbo!r&, b"ll%or$&, &#!$ !$ &%o"# !$ le!ve #%e *l!ce %ow we le(# i#) I( we’re %o$e&#, !$y %o*e (or ! revol"#io$ %!& lo$g ie be(ore i# eve$ begi$&)  This will be an investigation into the the curr current ent cultural phenomen phenomena a of Revolution. Revolutio n. The language of revolution today has been exhausted and overused through Leftist ideology. Although this book will look at certain historical revolutions it will mainly look at how the idea itself has been co!opted co! opted by pop!culture (i.e. "he #uevara on a T!shir T!shirt) t) and has been reduced to nothing more than a fad. $t will look l ook also at where %talin went wrong and the positive outcomes of a new kind of &concentrated communism' communism' (i.e. what is mine is yours and etc.) might be the only way forward. .)  $t will explore the dierent forms of revolution from ccupy *all %treetactual to sit!ins sit!in s and provide provid key elements to process cr create eateactually and apply plausible stepseto creating a revolution that will change global (rather than the typical idealist approach of revolution happening on a small scale + i.e. every little thing matters) systems institutions ideologies and identities, where people think small changes matter, this book is against that) systems in the argument that systems are that which mediate us from ever having a real revolution. /) T%e '!i$ !r !rg"'e$ g"'e$## o( #%i& boo book k will be ce$#re ce$#re  !ro"$ #% #%e e #%e&i&, #%!# re!l0#i'e revol"#io$ i& #%e o$ly o*#io$ we %!ve le(# !$ #o *rovie vi!ble &#e*& #o e$!c# &"c% ! revol"#io$) 1) All the title presents itself a tour!guide the main reason for this title is to attract the widest audience as possible as this will be written for the everyday person who tends to get lost either in academic rhetoric or political -ockeying.


2) ther areas explored in this book will be current events under the banner of revolution revolution $%$% R Religious eligious privati/ation of belief 0erguson American 1olitics $nstitutional 2ias "ultural 2ias #lobali/ation #ender 1olitics. /) o$#e$#&

Revol"#io$: I o$’# #%i$k yo" k$ow w%!# 'e!$&  There is a phenomena phenomena erupting in the * *est est that situates th the e idea of revolution right in the middle of everyday life. 2ut the idea of revolution as something we can -ust talk about tames the very spirit of revolution. This chapter is an introduction to where we have gone wrong to the pop! culture appropriation appropriation of revolution and to the virtual domestication of real change (i.e. facebook as a place to talk about revolution but not do it, the place of revolution as having been controlled by government (i.e. you can come here for 3 hours and picket and then make sure you clean up after yourselves). We '"&# Re'e'ber #o +orge#: Le# T%e De! 3"ry T%e De!  This will be a historical exploration exploration of the notion and development of revolution. *hat were the conditions (social religious ethical ecological and everyday conditions) that demanded the impossible4 %talin will be a main point of feature as many look to him as a leader in communist thought. $t will also look at his misinterpretation of 5arx6s herm hermeneutic eneutic of how a society needed to 7rst be an industrialist one before "ommunism could work. This will also be a critical engagement with how communism has developed today and where it has gone wrong and why we need a more ecumenical kind of communism. *e *e will also investigate my approach to a 8concentrated communism6 and why we need that. A Novel Revol"#io$ 9ostalgia today is typically marginali/ed as something too idealistic restraining or too steeped in the past. %omething so melancholic andtoo wistful that we would never be able to engage with the future. :owever this chapter is an investigation into why the current structur structure e surrounding the desire for revolution lacks this integral element. $t is not that we need to be nostalgic for some primordial loss on the contrary we need to be nostalgic for what we have yet to grasp namely the future. (*hich is where $ think many books on Revo Revolution lution fall short). Do$’# 3elieve 4o" !$ T%e Worl: %!$ge I#  The overused idealist maxim maxim stolen fr from om #handi wher where e we are mean meantt to &be the change;' doesn6t take into account that the world is itself a community and so #handi6s axiom only splinters us back into our western lull of minimal philanthropy (i.e. $ can go to <enya and help reduce poverty) all the while hiding our own implicit role in creating it (i.e wealth


creates poverty). $t was 5arx who made the point that philosophy will not change anything belief is part of such a philosophy philosophy.. That we must go beyond belief to action. 2eyond rhetoric (as seen in 2rand6s media! fren/ied revolution). To see a revolution cannot be messianic but must be communally initiated. How To S#!r# A Revol"#io$  This chapter as the title title says will be looking at practical practical steps. Again not simply looking to history to dictate such a move but looking at Revolution on a global scale. $t will entail investigation into the work of sociology psychoanalysis cultural theory and the voices that have become prominentt in the last => years (including %lavo- ?i/ek 9oam "homsk prominen "homsky y Russel 2rand 9icaraguan Revolution @oices from 2osnia $sis and etc.).  This is where where the book will be uite dier dierent ent and mor more e visual and action! based (i.e. will include concrete stages to develop, i.e. lifestyle changes beliefs setting up communities utili/ing all types of media and how to re! create a new world beyond the laws in place).

1) Re!er&%i*  The geographic market market will be centered centered initially in the * *est est with of course the goal being international. The whole notion of this book is that we can have a revolution without everyone, hence why it has to be written in a marketable way for as wide an audience as possible. 2) o'*e#i$g #i#le& A description of the book in relation to competing titles.  This should include T%e 4e!r o( Dre!'i$g D!$gero"&ly D!$gero"&ly by  by %lavo- ?i/ek (=>B=)  

Revol"#io$ by Russel 2rand (=>B3)


Occ"*y by 9oam "homsky (=>B=) Occ"*y by


T%i& %!$ge& Every#%i$g Every#%i$g by  by 9aomi <lein (=>B3)

 The main dierence dierence between my work work and the above is that tthese hese are theoretical explorations explorations into why things need to change (minus <lein6s). 5y book is concentrated on making it happen in real!time. •

 $ am currently working on a documentary where BC prominent voices in the world have committed to being interviewed on the importance of revolution 9oam "homsky for example has already committed amongst others. %o this would be a great compatible book for this.


5) O#%er relev!$# i$(or'!#io$ •

 D  Dour our timetable what what stage are y you ou at now and when do you hope to complete the manuscript4 %tage "hapter B "ompletion 5ayEFune =>BC

:ow long is the 7nal manuscript manuscript lik likely ely to be4 BC> pages (3=C>>) + any bigger would not be attractive the lay!person :ow many line diagrams and photograp photographs hs will ther there e be4 (Last "hapter) + C to B> photos *ill there be any unusual text features such as colour or fold! outs4 9o.



"ultural Theorist

5) Abo"# #%e !"#% !"#%or6& or6&78ei# 78ei#or6&7 or6&7 9i-ek Dic#io$!ry Dic#io$!ry Routledge =>B3, "hapter 1arallax + Gditor Rex 2utler    

 e&"& 3oo#legge 3oo#legge Fohn :unt 1ublishing =>BB #eorge Glerick GHI"AT$9

;A: "l#"r!l < Soci!l T%eory %taordshire Iniversity I< 


>o&#0Gr!"!#e er#ic!#e: E#%ic&, Religio$ < Socie#y >o&#0Gr!"!#e %upervisors Hr 5ark *ynn *ynn ! Hr Gsther Reed Gxeter Iniversity Gxeter Hevon I<  3A: 4o"#% Develo*'e$#, 3e%!vio"r!l Scie$ce < T%eology "alifornia 2aptist Iniversity "alifornia (I%A) ;!#%& 637 E$gli&% 6A7 S*!$i&% 6A7 o"r$!li&' 6A7 :emet :igh %chool :emet "alifornia (I%A) A"AHG5$" A9H RGLATGH A":$G@G5G9T% Glob!l e$#re (or Av!$ce S#"ie& 0aculty 0ellow


httpEEwww.globaladvancedstudies.org Glob!l Ar#& Ie!& Ne@"& 0ellow



 !w!%!rl!l Ne%r" Ne%r" $iver&i#y, $iver&i#y, New Del%i I$i! J =>B3 Theme 5aterial Theology >rogre&&ive %ri&#i!$ Ne#work, B    Theme "hristian 5aterialism

Location T2A

=>BC =>B3


Dr"ry $iver&i#y, S*ri$gel ;O, 6SA7  6SA7    Title "an postmodernism postmodernism live in the "hurch4 "hurch4 wE1eter Rollins "layton "rockett Fohn "aputoM


!'brige $iver&i#y, Avello o$(ere$ce  o$(ere$ce    Theme 1sychoanaly/ing 1sychoanaly/ing the Grrata of :egel :egel J 9ewton



Gree$3el# O"#oor o$(ere$ce&  Title Homesticating Homesticating 5onsters

Socie#y (or #%e S#"y o( T%eology, Sco#l!$ B   =>BB Title: Exorcising Hegel's Ghost: A social re-alignment of the Holy Spirit  The notion of the Holy Spirit has been a controversial topic since the inception of the idea. or some it !as nothing more than another name for God" and for others it emerged as a living" breathing third entity in the extra-biblical theology of the Trinity Trinity.. or  a select fe!" it !as the Geist or Ghost of the !orld #$elt Geist%" the abiding principal that  has shaped reality as !e c&rrently engage !ith it. Ho!ever"" for Hegel" it !as something entirely dierent. (n the ideological Ho!ever constellations of Hegel lie a re-assessment and re-alignment of the role of the Holy Spirit that ( thin) history history"" o&t of sacrilegio&s apprehension has marginali*ed. ( thin) if !e are to ta)e the role of the Holy Spirit #and by implication" God% serio&sly as a pivotal component in assisting in the development of a !orld +lled !ith potential no! is the time to revisit Hegel and his vie! of the Holy Spirit as the H&man ,ond and ho! that !ill forever transform the global #political" social" economic" ecological and s&bective empiricism% landscapes !e inhabit. laremont School  School of Theology "alifornia (I%A)  Theme 1ostmodernE1r 1ostmodernE1rocess ocess Theology wE wE Fohn "obb

 !w!%!rl!l Ne%r" $iver&i#y $iver&i#y,, New Del%i Del%i I$i!


=>BC J =>B3

 Theme 5aterial Theology Theology

>rogre&&ive %ri&#i!$ Ne#work, B    Theme "hristian 5aterialism

Location T2A


Dr"ry $iver&i#y, S*ri$gel ;O, 6SA7  6SA7    Title "an 1ostmodernism 1ostmodernism Live Live $n The "hurch4 wE1eter Rollins "layton "rockett Fohn "aputoM (Nincluding doing recorded interviews with the above named)


!'brige $iver&i#y, Avello o$(ere$ce  o$(ere$ce    Theme 1sychoanaly/ing 1sychoanaly/ing The Grrata of of :egel J 9ewton


Gree$3el# O"#oor o$(ere$ce&  Title Homesticating Homesticating 5onsters The 1erversion of %ocial Fustice



Socie#y (or #%e S#"y o( T%eology, Sco#l!$ B  


Title: Exorcising Hegel's Ghost: A social re-alignment of the Holy Spirit  The notion of the Holy Spirit has been a controversial topic since the inception of the idea. or some it !as nothing more than another name for God" and for others it emerged as a living" breathing third entity in the extra-biblical theology of the Trinity Trinity.. or  a select fe!" it !as the Geist or Ghost of the !orld #$elt Geist%" the abiding principal that  has shaped reality as !e c&rrently engage !ith it. Ho!ever" for Hegel" it !as something entirely dierent. (n the ideological Ho!ever" constellations of Hegel lie a re-assessment and re-alignment of the role of the Holy Spirit that ( thin) history history"" o&t of sacrilegio&s apprehension has marginali*ed. ( thin) if !e are to ta)e the role of the Holy Spirit #and by implication" God% serio&sly as a pivotal component in assisting in the development of a !orld +lled !ith potential no! is the time to revisit Hegel and his vie! of the Holy Spirit as the H&man ,ond and ho! that !ill forever transform the global #political" social" economic" ecological and s&bective empiricism% landscapes !e inhabit. laremont School  School of Theology "alifornia (I%A)  Theme 1ostmodernE1r 1ostmodernE1rocess ocess Theology wE wE Fohn "obb

 !w!%!rl!l Ne%r" $iver&i#y $iver&i#y,, New Del%i Del%i I$i!


=>BC J =>B3

 Theme 5aterial Theology Theology

>rogre&&ive %ri&#i!$ Ne#work, B    Theme "hristian 5aterialism Dr"ry $iver&i#y, S*ri$gel ;O, 6SA7  6SA7  

Location T2A




 Title "an postmodernism postmodernism live in the "hurch4 "hurch4 wE1eter Rollins "layton "rockett Fohn "aputoM !'brige $iver&i#y, Avello o$(ere$ce  o$(ere$ce    Theme 1sychoanaly/ing 1sychoanaly/ing the Grrata of :egel :egel J 9ewton



Gree$3el# O"#oor o$(ere$ce&  Title Homesticating Homesticating 5onsters

Socie#y (or #%e S#"y o( T%eology, Sco#l!$ B   =>BB Title: Exorcising Hegel's Ghost: A social re-alignment of the Holy Spirit  The notion of the Holy Spirit has been a controversial topic since the inception of the idea. or some it !as nothing more than another name for God" and for others it emerged as a living" breathing third entity in the extra-biblical theology of the Trinity Trinity.. or  a select fe!" it !as the Geist or Ghost of the !orld #$eltgeist%" the abiding principal that has shaped reality as !e c&rrently engage !ith it. Ho!ever"" for Hegel" it !as something entirely dierent. (n the ideological Ho!ever constellations of Hegel lie a re-assessment and re-alignment of the role of the Holy Spirit that ( thin) history history"" o&t of sacrilegio&s apprehension has marginali*ed. ( thin) if !e are to ta)e the role of the Holy Spirit #and by implication" God% serio&sly as a pivotal component in assisting in the development of a !orld +lled !ith potential no! is the time to revisit Hegel and his vie! #political" of the Holy Spiriteconomic" as the H&man ,ond and that !ill forever transform the global social" ecological and ho! s&bective empiricism% landscapes !e inhabit. laremont School  School of Theology "alifornia (I%A)  Theme 1ostmodernE1r 1ostmodernE1rocess ocess Theology wE wE Fohn "obb



 o"r$!l: ;!r@ ;!r@ < >%ilo&o*%y >%ilo&o*%y  ;!r@ Dic#io$!ry Dic#io$!ry by I!$ +r!&er +r!&er  o"r$!l: I$#er$!#io$!l I$#er$!#io$!l o"r$!l o"r$!l o( 9i-ek S#"ie& S#"ie&  (Article pending) ORID ;e'ber&%i* Researcher 2ooks A 9i-ek Dic#io$!ry wERex 2utler

9i-ek < E"c!#io$ wEAntonio #arcia >erver#& G"ie #o >o* ;"&ic  forthcoming INCOLCE;ENT8OTREAH CE;ENT8OTREAH O;;NIT4 INCOL

T"#ori$g : S*!$i&%, E$gli&%, Dr!'! 6c"rre$#7 o''"$i#y Develo*'e$# wi#% Tee$!ger& 6o$goi$g7 Eve$# ;!$!ger: I$$er0ci#y +e&#iv!l +e&#iv!l wi#% '"l#i*le ;>’& 6/=..7 H"'!$ Rig%#& Develo*'e$# /=.=  "rre$#, #%ro"g% >!r#$er&%i*: ro&& "l#"re o$&"l#!$cy 6o# co'7 TEAHING AREAS8ORSES >RE>ARED TO TEAH

A >%ilo&o*%y o( E#%ic& 9i-ek < O$#ology $er&#!$i$g L!c!$ ;!#eri!li&# T%eology I$#ro"c#io$ #o >%ilo&o*%ic!l ;!#eri!li&'


I$#ro"c#io$ #o o$#i$e$#!l >%ilo&o*%y +il' !$ #%e G!-e A#%ei&# T%eology Se'io#ic& o( Ie$#i#y A$ I$#ro"c#io$ #o Ie$#i#y8Ie$#i#y Ie$#i#y8Ie$#i#y >oli#ic& A$ i$#ro"c#io$ #o +re" LANGAGES

3ili$g"!l 6Re!, T!'il Wri#e, S*e!k7: S*!$i&% Novice 6S*e!k7: +re$c%: $er#!ki$g %A51LGM A11G9H$O HGTA$L% 0 RG%GAR": $9TGRG%T% GT:$"% T:G HG@GL15G9T J %"$AL "9%TRI"T$9

 The investigation into the anthropology anthropology of ethics and its v value alue in society %"$AL $HG9T$TD J T:G 5$9H

Gmploying the work of Antonio Hamasio this is an investigation into the matrix of social identity "A9 9G 2G 0RGIH$A9 THAD4

0reudPs topological structure of the $d %uperego and Ggo has been an invaluable tool not only for psychoanalysis but also for cultural theory. theory. :owever one ma-or critiue that has been sustained throughout 0reudPs 0reudPs longstanding history is his binary claim that most of reality can be summed up either through sex or aggression. Hie!hard 0reudians know this is an under!appreciated reduction of 0reudPs context. :owever this reduction has also been in pop!culture if not co! opted by it. ne way out of such an ideological deadlock is to revisit 0reudPs 0reudPs work in these areas via pop!culture and discover how one can still maintain a certain cer tain proximity to 0reudPs 0reudPs initial claims (which $ claim belongs to a subset of other possibilities). The possibilities can be re!activated not only through a proper reading of 0reudian 0reudian thought but also via culture itself via the philosophy of postmodernism. 2 AIHR$LLARH 0RGIH A% A RGAHGR 0 2AIHR$LLARH

 Fean 2audrillard wasEis one of the most most prominent think thinkers ers erupting out of continentalEpostmodern philosophy. philosophy. :is notion of simulacrum is uite pivotal to understanding the media communication communi cation and identity. identity. :owever my claim is that his post!structural thought has a lot to add to 0reudPs 0reudPs framework. $f one takes seriously the notion of simulacrum via psychoanalysis then we are met with a series of endless possibilities not only in i n the act of psychoanalysis (i.e. the ethics of psychoanalytic practice) but also as a viable tool for interacting with the political unconscious pop!culture aect and aesthetics. This is a deeper look into the convergence of two philosophical giants and what would happen if that sat in a room together. 0RGIH 2$GT:$"% A9H 1%T!:I5A9$%5


 This is an area that that is still uite new in that (although 0reud 0reud had worked worked on Gthics at large) 0reud 0reud has directly never had to deal with a lot of the new technological changes of today. today. *hat would the psychoanalytic prophet have to say about 2ioGthics and where it is heading today4 1ost!humanism is becoming an ever! increasing philosophy that has immense merit due to the reality of technology becoming more central to our daily lives. *here would 0r 0reud eud stand on this4 :ow would a 0reudian synopsis allow for proper discourse4 +RED, LAAN, A++ET < S3ETICIT4: S3ETICIT4: 

"onsciousness (ego) for both 0reud 0reud and Lacan lie in the seat of the ego. Gmotions tend to be PlogicallyP ab-ect to that of reason. :owever 1rofessor and 9euroscientist Antonio Hamasio claims that where consciousness resides is the seat of emotions (he entitles it intelligent emotions). 0r 0reud eud claims that emotions would eventually 7nd us. *hat if this is i s the un!conscious attempting to break! through but not as consciousness rather the inaccessible Real (according to Lacan) traumatically erupts (this would w ould be dierent from the typical P0reudian slipP) via the seat of our emotions. This would imply that aect is central to our sub-ectivity and experience of everyday life. This would also mean that rather than embracing a culture of denial (symbolic) we would have to be horri7ed (Lacan) as we were to deal with unspeakable feelings head on (Real). $t would mean to be human is to stare the Real in the face and meet it. $t would challenge the general culture etiuette of feelings have their place and context. $9TGRG%T% A :uman Rights consultancy!based partnership with my wife entitled ro&&! "l#"re!o$&"l#!$cy  with my wife. A Think!TankEHevelopmentE%peaking 2usiness utili/ing philosophy and gender rights issues including sex traQcking domestic violence and etc.M to respond to some of todays biggest global issues. :aving taught and trained people in outdoor survival skills $ also am an avid rock!climber. RG0GRG9"G%

Han *ilson "alifornia 2aptist Iniversity 3K= 5agnolia Ave Riverside "A S=C33 1rofessor of Theology dwilsoncalbaptist.edu "reston Havis #lobal "entre for Advanced %tudies  %tudies  .2= 22#% S# SW, 3o@ .5F Wyo'i$g, ;ic%ig!$ 25. cre&#o$)!v cre&#o$)!vi&g'!il)co' i&g'!il)co' Gsther Reed Iniversity of Gxeter Iniversity of Gxeter The UueenPs Hr Gxeter Hevon GO3 3UF G.H.Reedexeter.ac.uk

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