To Find Out Lost Mobile

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To Find Out Lost Mobile



To find out Lost / stolen Mobile
An IMEI number-The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is an
international identity number used to uniquely identify a mobile phone. The 15-digit IMEI
number is an eletroni fingerprint transmitted e!ery time a phone is used" #hih re!eals the
identity of the mobile handset.
$o# an I find out my IMEI number% IMEI numbers are independent of the phone number and
are usually #ritten underneath the battery or on the ba& of the handset. Mobile phone users an
also he& their 15 digit IMEI number by dialing '()*( on their mobile handset. Mobile phone
o#ners should ma&e a note of their IMEI number and &eep the details in a safe plae.
+hen your phone get stolen" you an phone your ser!ie pro!ider and gi!e them this ode. They
#ill then be able to blo& your handset so e!en if the thief hanges the ,IM ard" your phone #ill
be totally useless. -ou probably #on.t get your phone ba&" but at least you &no# that #hoe!er
stole it an.t use/sell it either. If e!erybody does this" there #ould be no point in people stealing
mobile phones.
If u lost your mobile" send an e-mail to #ith the follo#ing info.
-our name2
3hone model2
4ast used 5o.2
E-mail for ommuniation2
Missed date2
IMEI 5o.2
65o need to go to polie station6
,oure2 T$E $I578" 19.5.)*
Attribution2 http2//**-simple-find-lost-mobile.html(i;<<1;8#=:i#0

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