Top 10 Considerations for Structured Cabling_v4

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Top 10 Considerations for Structured Cabling_v4



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1he S|emon Company Ltd
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1op 10 Cons|derat|ons for Structured Cab||ng for Un|vers|ty I1 Managers
Gathered as a response to the UCISA I1 Work|ng w|th Lstates Lvent
1. Cab||ng Spec|f|cat|ons - gett|ng |t r|ght f|rst t|me
CreaLlng a hlgh quallLy cabllng speclflcaLlon documenL ls an essenLlal sLarLlng polnL for any pro[ecL.
lacLors such as bulldlng concepLs, Lermlnology and cabllng opLlons are key. CuesLlons such as ºwhy
do we need Lhem?" and "whaL do Lhey need Lo lnclude?" should be consldered as well as Lhe
poLenLlal reslsLance Lo Lhem. A good speclflcaLlon musL lnclude groundlng and bondlng, LMC
proLecLlon, laser safeLy, lnsLallaLlon pracLlces and many oLher lmporLanL facLors.
2. Convergence of Low-vo|tage IÞ App||cat|ons and ÞCL
undersLand how Lo Lurn a sLrucLured cabllng sysLem lnLo a crlLlcal bulldlng asseL. 1hls lncludes
reduclng cosL, slmpllfylng appllcaLlon deploymenL, enhanclng Lhe workplace experlence and
maxlmlzlng Lhe poLenLlal Lo quallfy for all physlcal layer and audlovlsual lnnovaLlon Lechnology
credlLs, proposed by 8lCSl's Creen 8ulldlng 1echnology Alllance. Þlus, uLlllslng Þower over LLherneL
(ÞoL) Lo achleve Lhls has many oLher beneflLs, lncludlng slmpllfled lnfrasLrucLure managemenL,
lowered power consumpLlon, reduced operaLlonal cosLs ln Lhe case of appllcaLlons such as volce
over lnLerneL proLocol (volÞ), and even lmproved safeLy due Lo separaLlon from Lhe bulldlng's maln
AC power rlng.
3. 1he Iuture of Coo||ng |n the Data Centre
urlven by new and emerglng Lechnologles such as vlrLuallsaLlon, cloud compuLlng and consolldaLlon,
heaL denslLy ls lncreaslng ln Lhe daLa cenLre. WlLh Lhese Lechnologles comes more cabllng, whlch,
wlLhouL forward plannlng, can resulL ln alr flow resLrlcLlons such as ºalr dams". 1herefore, as well as
lncludlng supplemenLal coollng ln your deslgn, early conslderaLlon musL also be glven Lo Lhe cabllng
requlremenLs of equlpmenL, plus Lhe resulLlng cable managemenL.
4. Data Centre Arch|tecture
1here are a number of opLlons avallable when conslderlng daLa cenLre archlLecLure and deslgn. 8y
developlng a well LhoughL ouL daLa cenLre deslgn before a pro[ecL commences, lL ls posslble Lo save
money and rack space, Lhus leavlng room for fuLure expanslon. Clvlng careful conslderaLlon Lo Lhe
full range of Lopologles, lncludlng Lop of rack, end of row, any Lo all and polnL Lo polnL, plus Lhe role
of sLrucLured cabllng, can reap long Lerm rewards.
S. 1he ko|e of Standards |n Structured Cab||ng Des|gn
Lxamlne Lhe lSC and 1lA SLandards and how Lhese dlrecLly lmpacL a bulldlng's sLrucLured cabllng
sysLem, lncludlng Lhe physlcal lmpacL on deslgn, lnsLallaLlon & elecLromagneLlc compaLlblllLy (Ln
30174), Lhe requlremenLs for groundlng, bondlng & elecLrlcal safeLy (Ln 30310), Luropean
ParmonlsaLlon of elecLrlcal sLandards for safeLy & lC1 (Pu 60364)and whaL SLandardlsaLlon &
compllance really means (lSC 11801 Amd 1 & Amd 2).

1el: +44 (0)1932 371771
lax: +44 (0)1932 373070
Lmall: lnfo_uk[
1he S|emon Company Ltd
36-48 Wlndsor SLreeL
CherLsey, Surrey, k116 8AS, uk

6. Cab||ng L|fecyc|es and 1ota| Cost of Cwnersh|p
WlLh Lhe lLLL 802.3an 10C8ASL-1 sLandard compleLe, performance demands on cabllng
lnfrasLrucLures wlll conLlnue Lo lncrease, wlLh Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL acLlvlLy occurrlng ln Lhe move
from 10/100/1000 Mb/s Lo 10Cb/s over Lhe nexL few years. When looklng aL how Lhls appllcaLlon
performance progresslon lmpacLs cabllng cholces, lL ls lmporLanL Lo puL cabllng ln perspecLlve.
1yplcally represenLlng 2 - 3° of an overall neLwork hardware budgeL, cabllng ls noneLheless
expecLed Lo perform for 10 years, supporLlng 2 - 3 generaLlons of acLlve elecLronlcs. lL ls Lhe mosL
dlfflculL, labour lnLenslve and dlsrupLlve plece of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure Lo replace. Cverall llfecycle cosLs
should be closely consldered.
7. 1he Importance of Cert|f|ed Insta||at|on Þartners
1here ls a loL more Lo cabllng sysLem performance Lhan [usL buylng good quallLy cable and
connecLlng hardware. ln order Lo ensure full bandwldLh poLenLlal, a sLrucLured cabllng sysLem needs
Lo be properly deslgned, lnsLalled, and admlnlsLered. lmporLanL facLors Lo conslder when chooslng
an lnsLallaLlon parLner lnclude Lralnlng, warranLy, LesLlng, compllance, audlLs, eLc.
8. Data D|srupt|on due to LM |nterference
ln Lheory, perfecLly balanced LwlsLed-palr cabllng ls lmmune Lo lnLerference from ouLslde nolse
sources. ln acLuallLy, LwlsLed-palr cables are noL perfecLly balanced. 8alance can lmprove nolse
lmmunlLy up Lo 30 MPz. AfLer LhaL, screens and shlelds musL be relled upon Lo lmprove nolse
9. Any-to-A|| vs Þo|nt-to-Þo|nt Data Centre 1opo|og|es
1he concepL behlnd any-Lo-all ls qulLe slmple. Copper and flbre panels are lnsLalled ln each cablneL,
correspondlng Lo copper paLch panels lnsLalled ln a cenLral paLchlng area. All flbre ls run Lo one
secLlon of cablneLs/racks ln LhaL same cenLral paLchlng area. 1hls allows equlpmenL Lo be lnsLalled
and connecLed Lo any oLher plece of equlpmenL vla elLher a copper or flbre connecLlon. ÞaLhways
and spaces are planned up fronL Lo properly accommodaLe Lhe cabllng. Whlle Lhls meLhod may
requlre more cabllng up fronL, lL has slgnlflcanL advanLages over Lhe llfe of Lhe daLa cenLre. lf
planned properly, sLrucLured cabllng sysLems wlll lasL aL leasL 10 years, supporLlng 2 or 3 generaLlons
of acLlve elecLronlcs. 1he addlLlonal equlpmenL needed for a polnL-Lo-polnL sysLem wlll requlre
replacemenL/upgrade mulLlple Llmes before Lhe sLrucLured cabllng sysLem needs Lo be replaced. 1he
equlpmenL replacemenL cosLs, noL lncludlng ongolng malnLenance fees, wlll negaLe any up fronL
savlngs from uslng less cabllng ln a polnL-Lo-polnL sysLem.
10. 8est Þract|ce for Cab|e Þathway Des|gn
Worklng wlLh key sLakeholders such as archlLecLs, deslgners, consulLanLs and planners, before a
pro[ecL commences ls essenLlal. Larly collaboraLlon wlll ensure LhaL besL pracLlce cabllng deslgns are
lncluded ln Lhe speclflcaLlon documenL and lmporLanL facLors such as cable paLhway deslgn and
sLandards compllance are opLlmlsed, Lhus avoldlng unnecessary lssues once Lhe pro[ecL commences.

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