Top Ten Improv Games

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Top Ten Improv Games
Ah, improv comedy: the slacker's favorite alternative to writing comic material with any
deep thoughtfulness. Improv, however, shouldn't be simply discounted as being lesser
than any other true comedic artform. It takes a certain wittiness, recalling ability, and
fertile repertoire by which comedy can be engendered on the spot. An improv comedian
is always on his toes and tapping every resources available, intrinsic and extrinsic (e.g.
the scene, given characters, verbal cues, etc.). Some improvisers can adapt the art to fit
an entire 90 minute stand-up routine (i.e. Robin Williams, with the help of 800 water
bottles in lieu of former coke habit), while others work as a troupe or cast in a show (live
or televised), consisting of a series of games that come straight out of some manual.
While Whose Line Is It Anyway? is the most recognizable source of improv exposure
(due a lack of televised competition), improv theater is a big thing in big cities and a
heavily-tapped resource for SNL cast members (Second City, Upright Citizen's Brigade,
Groundlings, etc.). While Whose Line opts to only display a topical sampling of what can
be found in an improv performance, here is a sampling of some of the best participationfriendly improv games that both can and can't be found on any rerun of the series (in
either case fun to play in any acting class or at any party in need of some liveliness).

Scare Off the Bench
The key to this game is repulsion: consisting of a "bench resident" and a newcomer, it is
the job of each newcomer to find an imaginitive way to, as the name of the game implies,
scare the bench dweller off so as to assume their position (and so on). This game invites
a maximal amount of players, more heads to provide more inventive ways of inducing
unsettling horror (respecting laws of public decency of course, no need to re-enact a Jim
Morrison, as long as it's all pantomimed). Bench dwellers, to increase intensity, can be
resistant at first (to up the ante), so long as they don't play Mr. Brave and ruin the entire
game for everyone.

Foreign Film Dub
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This game specifically calls for four people, two to perform the scene (provided
beforehand and speaking in a gibberish alternate resembling a given foreign language,
making meaningful actions and facial expressions all the while) and two to translate for
each gibberish-speaker (off to the side). The comedy comes from the interplay between
the translator and his respective speaker and how faithfully he chooses to interpret what
the speaker is supposedly saying. For instance, if a performer speaks some heavy
sentiment, spouting verbal nonense of course, while providing a determined frown of
dissapproval, it'd be amusing if the translator had his words be something completely
pathetic and silly to get worked up over. This game allows both parties a separate sense
of satisfaction, speakers a channel through which to emote nonverbally (and perhaps
some lingual parody) and translators the gift of literal meaning. As a result, alternating
roles isn't such a bad thing, fulfillment can be had on both sides of the language barrier.

Freeze Tag
This game is literally open to interpretation: involving two in an introductory scene, who
to an extent may wish to exaggerate gestures and physical actions, at any point an
outside participant can shout "freeze," at which point all action and dialogue ceases
(bodies frozen in place) and the person can then go and tag whichever player he wishes
to replace. What ensues is up to the literal scene stealer, as he must resume where it all
left off, though redirecting the scene however he chooses. The idea is that the newcomer
will inevitably make use of the last line spoken or pose assumed for a humorous effect.
For instance, say a player says something like, "take two and call me in the morning,"
while extending two pairs of pinched finger tips (as if to hold two pills); a scene stealer
might come in, taking the place of the patient, and resume by saying, "But Doc, what am
I going to do with an extra set of nipples?" The make this game less frustrating, it'd be
best to let a scene grow to be longer than two seconds before selfishing ousting someone
for a cheap laugh (that is to say, be courteous, as a spectator/participant who'd hate to
be denied a decent amount of spotlight yourself).

The Dating Game
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This game is fun as it involves a bit of mystery: the assorted "bachelors" (any more than
three would be over-indulgent) are comprised of any given identity in a hat, as selfinvented or supplied by a pooling audience, which the chooser must identify after each

has been given a moderate amount of time to express themselves (perhaps two or three
rounds, so the game doesn't drag on and/or other participants can get a turn). The
chooser, in order to get a juicy response from each contestant, should ask
provocative/evocative questions to up the hilarity and revelation opportunities.

This game, between two people, takes a given scene and requires the performers to
exchange dialogue in which the first word they speak must begin with the next letter of
the alphabet, starting with whichever letter is elected and finishing at the letter just
before (Z would loop back to A). The dialogue must propel the action in the given scene
(and ultimately conclude it).
Sample dialogue: "Are you coming to dinner?" "Before I wash my hands?!" "'Course not.
That'd be disgusting." "Disgusting indeed." "Everyone should be so sanitary." "Flushing
included." "Gross. I hope you flush." "Ha ha. Of course I do." "I was just testing you. You
passed in flying colors." "Just hope those 'flying colors' don't come up in whatever you're
making for dinner." "Keep it up, Mr." "Let me guess, something yellow and brown..."
"My speciality, baked beans and corn on the cob." "Nothing quite like eating like a
hobo." "Oh that reminds me...we're being evicted." "Please tell me you're joking..."
"Quite serious in fact. And it's your fault." "Really? How?" "School keeps you from
working. Paying the mortgage." "The mortgage? I'm in third grade!" "Usually that
matters, but not in this case." "Video games are my only bill!" "Whatever, somebody's
got to contribute." "Xylophones are what we learned about in school today, nothing
about financial responsibility!" "You need to grow up, because you're father is about as
useful, when it comes to feeding this family, as a box of Scooby Snacks." "Zoinks." Scene.
Certain letters are harder than others, but they always make for the most amusing
moments, where in which a player must somehow adapt a limited range of words (or
else more esoteric) to fit the scene. For the letter"x", "xylophone" "Xerox," and "x-ray"
are often opted for (and usually forcefully so), moreso than "xenophobia." A wordsmith
would excel at this game for sure, but remember that you're performing for an audience
of lay men, less your ego.

This game involves two teams of two (really embracing the "two heads are better than
one" adage), two sets of props, and some heavy Rorschach-style interpreting. This game
is a blast for those who love applying the nether-regions of their wild imaginations to the
ambiguous. Alternating back and forth, allowing for a short window of thinking time, all
of a sudden a pair of traffic cones can become giant crayon tips or a bra for Madonna,
and a coat hanger can become a bow and arrow that won't fire or a pirate hook for a
captain who will hang you out to dry (that is unless you are dryer-safe, at which point
he'd probably just take you to the cleaners). While household items work, wonkier items
allow for greater (i.e. more interesting) possibilities.
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Questions Only
Is this game any good? Would it be absurd to continue writing the rest of this section in
nothing but questions? This game involves two people, with any additional number of
people off to each side as sub-ins. The players must only interact inquisitively, that is
with questions only, to carry forth the given scene. As soon as one play slips up (offering
a statement, re-asking the previous question in a slightly different way, or simply taking
too long to respond), they are booted and replaced by the "player on deck" behind them
in the wings. The worst way to play this game is to drag it on too long with techically
acceptable questions, like kicking back the former question with, "Do you want me
to_____?" over and over again. The object isn't just to stay in the game as long a
possible (you can't win an improv game), but to carry forth the scene and evoke
interest/laughter through the content of the dialogue.
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Song/Movie Titles
by RedTimbre - 6/21/2011 01:20 PM
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Warning: this game is only to be attempted by die-hard music junkies and/or film buffs.
Played between two exceptionally honed players, It is as hard as it gets. It is certainly an
effort to recall a single song title to fit a single situation, but to carry on an entire scene
with nothing but back-and-forth title-dropping, that is both befitting of the scenario and
action propulsive, just makes things "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger." Like the
question game, two active players are given one or more tag-team players to step in
when an actual song title isn't offered (perhaps only a lyric, album title, or disqualitfying
fraction). If not to play, this game is a spectacle if recall ability is at top notch. Too many,
though, are forced to "Hit the Road Jack" because they can't take "The Weight" or "Beat
It" (they just think, "I'll Cry Instead"). Note: filler words, as I've used between puns, are
not allowed in actual gameplay, but I'm "Breaking the Law" to make a point.
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Scene Replay
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This game, involving two people, has a scene play out (based on a given scenario), then
requires the two players to replay or reinterpret the scene according to supplied
suggestions. Suggestions can be an emotion, time period, or particular genre of
TV/film/theater. The subsequent replays, in order to to fit in more suggestions, can be
shortened to keep things interesting. A lot of fun can be elicited from the juxtaposition
of starkly different genres (e.g. Drew Carey's favored "porno" follow-up after, say, a
more biblical setting).

Party Quirks
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This is another game involving some dramatic irony. The host of a party has no idea who
his three guests are, as they each come in one at a time making their identities
demonstrably known (without explicitly saying, "I am _____" of course). The identities
should be worked out beforehand, ideally allowing audience/dormant player
participation, while the host goes for a walk or puts on some loud headphones. As each
identity, or quirk, is guessed, that player can sit down until the rest share the same fate.

Watching the quirks interact with each other is fun by itself. Note: the "host" should
recognize beforehand that this game puts him at the backdrop of the spotlight
inherently and do his job nobly nonetheless.

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