ABSTRACT: This project is to implement the GPS and GSM practically and interface them with microcontroller. Their codes were written on AT AT89C51.This 89C51.This project shows us the location of the vehicle through coordinates.
EXPLANATION: In vehicle tracking system we send message to initiate the process in the form of yes, this message is send to the GSM. The GSM will send string to the micro, micro which will match that string. On the other hand GPS will be loading coordinates continuously. Those coordinates are stored in the microcontroller. Now, micro will copy and send latest location with respect to the coordinates and send it back to the GSM. GSM will now send those coordinates back to the mobile/LCD.
BENEFITS: We can locate the vehicle so that it’s security can be
Easy to monitor. Stolen vehicle easy to recover
In this project we have taken two microchips. These micro chips have different functionalities. Now, micro on right has GPS connected. This GPS is sending strings continuously. These strings have latitude and longitude of GPS placesd at certain position. That position is shown on the lcd connected
to that micro chip. Micro placed on right is connected to the GSM. When the person calls GSM not only cancel that call but also send text in repl replyy which are the coordinates given by GPS OR show coordinates on LCD.
find_comma(); //Function to detect position of comma in the string lcd_latitude(); //Function to show Latitude lcd_longitude(); //Function to show Longitude check=0; IE=0x90;