U of O FOI Suzuki Speech

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Valerie Picard

Helaina Gaspard
Au gust-25 -15 4:40PM
Kevin Page
Sahir Khan
Re: Possible Speech - Science and the 2015 Federal Election, University of Ottawa,
September 21?



This is


On Aug 25 , 20 15. at 3:39 PM, Kevin Page


Bulls eye
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Deanna Bayne
Date: August 25 "
To: Kevin Page
Subject: RE: Possible Speech -Science and the 2015 Federal Election,
Univer sity of Ottawa, September 21?
Thank you fo r your email. Duvid has given your invita tion his consideration and
indicated he's up for de livering a talk on September 21 at UOttawa . If you would kindly
give me a ca ll to d1scuss details regard ing his travel antl accommodation and the timing
and location fo r the talk be fore we move forward with confirmi~
arrangements, I would appreciate it. My nu111ber at the office i·- - Thank you kindly. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dea nna l. Bayne
Exrcu tive Assistant lo Dr. David Suzuki

Datil [ "terprise'

PO Box 19011. West •1''' lwen L•e

Vancouver, BC V6K 4R8 CANADA
DJvid Suzuki 11 IS
"ruut t:w•r fut



r:.•w bc;ok


1•1 ~?tters to

H·· -:lvllell(;•"i tilt m to .p

,11 l' urport tilL it'CI H:'> the-• l.tr k o f

:•Ide>•, .tn J .,r

M y Grandchildren f1p pe ·k~ p.F,)tllr.Jt( ly
k c. Jt .1110 lCt o , tlwu 'Jf 11efs • ,pi-Jtn•. "'h'i port >
HlriJ. cHl'nt•; in th~ livt'•:; o f trl<lllV peopl. •, t'·•JW•:i,llly

rrnrlllgr 1••t ., v t h·lll ;JIOrl, lht• 1n•port 11C • r ''


............. .......... ...................................................................... .......... ......................................


Valerie Picard

Deanna Bayn e August -3 1-15 ~
Helaina Gaspard
RE: Possible Speech - Science and the 2015 Federal Election, University of Ottawa,
September 21?




Thanks fo r your call, and for discussing what you have in mind with David. I find it's better with th ese sorts of events if
he speaks directly with the organizers to lny out the land.
Thank you for your call to discuss the logistics for your event with David Suzuki on September 21 ta t the University of
Ottawa. rhe following points and questions are presented to help in your planning and in the meantime I will organize
the a1 r travel. As mentioned I will book the air travel and Mayu Takasaki David's bookkeeper will invoice you after the
trip for the airfare from Winnipeg to Ottawa and back to Vancouver and any out of pocket expenses associa ted with
your eve nt. As discussed he will waive his speak ing fee to keyno te at you r event.
David can either take taxis to and from the airport to the hotel, and invoice after the event or if you prefer to arrange
for someone to pick him up and take him to his hotel and then back to the airport on the 22"'J, either is perfectly
fine. Just let me know so I can put down his arriva l and departure instructions on to his itinerary.
David will at this time need a hotel for two nights (SEP 20/21) near to the venue if possible and with a gym facility if
possible. King Bed, Wifi. He may be arriving late and will leave early (likely 700 .:~m) on the morning of the 22'"1. If he
arrives on the 20th it will be just after midnight ... a taxi would be best.
As I understand it the schedule for the 21st is as follows.
He'd be on his own from morning until430 when he has to arrive on si te. Will there be dinner before or after or should
he eat· be fore he arrives.
If th ere are media requests please run them by David (via myself) before scheduling anything. The name o f the
journalist and media outlet, as we ll as time and location fo r proposed interviews shall be approved by David in
Advance. A media serum is not ideal, however a moderated press conference if you were to arrange one would
probably be ok. Or a one to one interview or two (pre-.1pproved) might also work, depending on whe n he orrives.

SE P 21 David is spea king vt the University o f Ottowa, exac t Location Tf3C I Street Address required
Will someone come for hirn and accompany him to the even t or will he take a taxi there?
Docs the eve11t have <.1 name/title? Wha t is the theme of the event?
Do you have any more tnformc~tion about the other paneli sts ancl speake rs and what they will he discu ssing that you can
share w1th us at this time?
He's to Jrrive on site


4 30 1nd will be greeted by: WHO ,Jnd cell number


Jnd Practitio11e r~ Panels from 500 7l5 PM
Davtd to Speak at 7:30 PM- 1 ho ur keynotP
... anythmg after that ?
W ho will he his main on o;i te co ntact:


wd Cell Number

Will this person also be his chaperone and if not the n na me and cell of the chaperone dlso please. This person should
be we ll prepa retl to help deflect requests from the genera l pub lic for se lfies, posed photos, hugs and reques ts ford
minut e o f his time ... etc ...
If phot os are required it works well to schedule a time and pli'lce for f:VENT and VIP photos.
Wha t stze is the audience in the room?(# of attenrlees) What is the composi tion of the audience?
Will his ta lk be record ed and if so how w ill the recording be used ...
Will it be live strei'lmed?
Speaking requiremen ts for David . He's pretty low m aintenance.
He speaks from a podium or lectern as he speaks fro m ha nd writ ten notes w hich he rests on the podium. A tall glass of
tap w ater (no bottled wa ter please) within reac h while he talks.
A podium o r ha nd held m ic is requested as a ha nd held is not idea l give n he handles his notes when he speaks. He has
no power point and does not req uire any visual aid s wh en he speaks.

And tha t's about it for now, if I thin k of anything else I will let you know and do feel free to call if you have any media
pitches, questions o r th oughts you want me t o run by David w hile you are preraring the i tinerary fo r this even t.

Thank you.
Dea nna
Deanna L. Bayn e
Executive Assistant t o Dr. David Suzuki
New Data Ent eq.H ises
PO Box L901 t , West

'r" Avenue

Vancouver, BC V6K 4R8 CANADA
Letters to My Grandchildren he o;ppa!..s pi!sstonately dbout thPtr future. He ~..h .tl!enge> lhem
to specik out ,J nd ac t on their bC'Iiefs, <~.<p iJins w hy c.port s ilre irn p o r L.111 t, dec riE's th~ lack of <'lders ond g ran dparen t s rn the lives of
rnony people, r·,pectd lly irn llli l~fd liS, .111d clhllllp r on~ th!' rmportilnce of h"'ro\:!5
David Suzuki has J rH!w book out. In

Confid en tia li ty Disclaime r : Priv legeLI/Co'lfiden•oa l nforn',llion may be con·ainecilll this mess,Jge ,JIId ~UbJ<!Ct to legal prrvrl<!p,e 1\.:ces~ to thrs
<!-r'J',lol by anyone other than the 111ten<led rs unauthor•sed If yuu are not th;:o rntended rc:crprl!nt (or n';pon5tble for de!rvery of the me~soye to such

person), you on,1y no t use, topy, distributP or d eliver to .1nyon e t'rr> mes'iilge (or :~n y oart u l it s contents or dttachoncnts) or take di1Y dCtion 111
rr>lrance on ot 11 you have recerved thrs <!rnarlrn o> rrnr, pl-'d~(> no tofy us immedrately ,lnd delete the e-nnrl. You rnay not shdoe tho! "marl address of
· he se11der without lwr >:>~press permr;sron. The ontegroty .1nd ~ecu11ty of thos rrE'ss~g<> cannot be gu.Hdntl?ed on the Internet.

From: Helaina Gaspard [mailto :[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 10:17 AM
To: Deanna Bayne
Subject: Re: Possible Speech - Science and the 2015 Federal Election, University of Ottawa, September 21?

I am happy to wait until our ~ch cdu lcd call at II AM.
I wi ll you call you then.


Valerie Picard
Helaina Gaspard
September-03 -15 11:56 AM
Brigi tte Genier St-Jean
Re: Important note ... Pod ium or LAPEL mic please ... not hand held ...
imageOOl.png; imageOOl.png; imageOOl.png


Please uon't fo llow-up yet w ith Deanna. We have a few other issues to work out (hotel etc.).
We can discuss keynote together. We may cut a panel.

On Sep 3, 2015, at 9:5 I AM, Brigitte Genier <Brigittc.St-Jc:m @uOuawa.ca> wrote:
Oh just noticed his keynote is an hour?? In the past the keyno tes have been 20 -30 minutes . .. that will
mean a la te reception. Might want to either shorten the panels or start the entire event at 4pm imtead
of 4:30pm .. .
I will follow up with Dea nna.
Brigitte Gcnier St-Jean
CoordonncJlrice, communication et marketing I Communication and Marketing Coord inator
raculte des sciences sociales I Facu lty o f Social Sciences
Universite d'Ottawa I Unrversity of Ottawa
613-:i62-5800 (3895) I brigitte.st· jean@uOttawa .ca
.,Nouvelle adresse I New address*
120 Universit e 1 Universi ty (piece I room 4043)
From: Helaina Gaspard
Sent: Se ptem ber-03- 15 9:37AM
To: Brigitte Genie r <Brigitte.St ·[email protected] >
Subject: FW : Important note ... Podium or LAPEL mic please .. . not hand held ...
Dr. Suzuki's notes.
From: Deanna Bayne
Date : Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 1:35PM
To: Helaina Gaspard <Helaina.Gaspard@uottawa .ca>
Subject: Important note... Podium or LAPEL m ic please ... not hand held ...
~i clgillll

Hclc1ina. 1 JU', t nonced an err0r in my rf-quir~>nwnts for [)avid when lle's speakine.

1w rote: A porlium o r hand held rnic is requeo; ted <1:. d hdncf held is notrdeal given he handles his notes

whe n lle speaks.


Valerie Picard

Helaina Gaspard
September-08-15 1:47PM
Brigitte Genier St-Jean
Re: David Suzuki 1s bio and photo options FW: Quick Questions

Thanks Brig itte!!

On Sep 8. 20 15. at 12:33 PM , Brigitte Genicr

<Bri!!ill~.S t -J can ff~' uOtt:nva. ca>


I JUSt sen t the bio fo r translation to French for noon on Thursday.
Brigitte Genier St-Jean
Coordon natrice, communication et marketing I Com rnunicJtion and Marketing Coordinator
filc ulte des sciences sociales I FJculty uf Soci<J I Sciences
Universite d'Ottawa I University of Ot tawa
613·562·5800 (3895) I [email protected]
"' Nouvelle adresse I New address*
120 Universite 1 University (piece I room 4043)
From : Hela ina Gaspard
Sent: September-08-15 11:34 AM
To: Sara Minaeian
Stephanie Seiler
Cc: Brigitte Genier <Brigitte.St-Jean @uOttawa.ca>; Sahir Khan <Sahir. Khan @uot ta wa.ca>
Subject: David Suzuki's bio and photo options FW: Quick Questions

From: Deanna Bayne
Date: Tuesday, Septem
To: Helaina Gaspard <Helai [email protected]>
Subject: RE : Quick Questions

fh,1nk fou for your >"rnJrl. Davie!'<; shan bio is JttJcred, I am afrnid I only hJve rt in En~lish not ·n
rrench. And ht:re is a lrnk to 'l selection of roydlty free photos you Lan choose to use in •to ur
promotioJns for the event. http://www.davidsuzuki.org/media/press photos/

ThcJnk :,,

r'\1 INC.>h'l ·.•,e'"-~ •"•lrnn·itt~d tl) '/OUr t,•;tl·
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12 00 PM •

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do our ~-h~:'i


Valerie Picard


Deanna Bayne
September- 18-15 2:38 PM
Alvin Singh
Helaina Gaspard
RE: uOttawa Event - Sept 21

Hi Alvin and Helaina,
When I asked David to confi rm that he would not be saying anything parti san in his talk at UOttawa he said that his
speech is actually going to be tou ching on things thi.lt could be constru ed <'15 partisan whirh means unfortunate ly he's
not in a position to advise that t he Foundation con nect o n the F<'lceboo k oppo rtuni ty to ampl ify his message to all th e
DSF/David SU7uki Facebook Followers.
I' m sorry Heldina, but it won't wo rk for this speech to do the Facebook p<:~ rt nership.

Deanna L. Bayne
Execu tive Assistant to Dr. David Suzuki
New Data Enterprises

PO Box 19011. We>t <l'" Avenue

Vancouver, BC V6K 4R8 CANADA
David Suzuki h.Js tl new book out. In betters to My Grandchildren hr> \j)!'al<•; p;J~sionatt·ly ,1boutth:ir f utL.re. He ch.11i enges them
10 ;peak out t~nd •1Ct en th•~rr belu f:>, t•xpldrns w'l'/ -,purls .Jr rmportJn l. d.•crw~ tiH' 1.1rk ci .. •ldf•• ~ .1nd (i,rJndpMnnt·, rn th•~ irvE:s of
m<1ny peoplE', r>~peci,JIIy imn·1gr HllS, .Jnd chamoiorh the 1rnportancr> or 'l•'ro" s

Confi d e nti ality Discla ime r: p,,vtle~eri/Co <Jfid enti.Jitnforrn alion m:Jy be conrain•)d in rh•s message ~n tl s11bject ro legal ~nvdege. 1\ccess to thts
e-mail by dnyone other than the tntend<!tl ts lll1dllthon~etl. If you Me not the 1111ended n•c.ip1t>11t (01 rt?spo,~rhle for delrvt!IY of che rne~1age to such

person), you may not use, copy, distr ibute or deliver t o Jnyone this message (or any pan of its contents or attachments) or take <Jny action in
teliance o n tt. If you have 1eceoved tillS nrnail •n t'ITOr, pl ·~d~~ notify us unnJP.Ji.Jt<>ly ;;nd d€'1de tbe e-mail. You•nay not ~ho~re the entdli 1ddress of
the sender wtthout her expres; pt>nn•ss•on. fl>e integrtty .1n<J secunty of thrs n••>ss.h~P canno t~" :;uMJnt.~ed on tr.e Internet

From: Alvin Singh
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:46AM
To: Dea nna Bayne
Cc: Nadege Vince
Subject: Re: uOttawa Event- Sept 21
Hi Deanna,
1 just spoke with Helaina at uOttawa and it all sounds great. As long as the content of David's speech isn't partisan . we
can broadcast the event on facebook . Deanna, can you confirm thi s?

I've asked Helaina to get in touch with Nadege to make intros to the Facebook people. Nadege. are you aware of this
opport unity?


Valerie Picard



Hefaina Gaspard
September-20-15 4:48PM
Danika Gagnon
David Suzuki Interviews

Hi Danika,
If there are any interview requests Monday for David Suzuki, please let me know directly (instead of with Deanna Bayne). Mr.
Suzuki has to personally approve any requests for interviews and will not serum.


Valerie Picard
Helaina Gaspard
Septernber-21- 1S 12:03 PM
Marie-Anne Burgess
Re: Guests of David Suzuki's




They can use t heir profess ional judgement.

From : Marie-Anne Burge
Date: Monday, September 21, 201S at 1l:S2 AM
To: Helaina Gaspa rd <Hel<linJ.Gc1SPMd(tll•1Qita•Na.ca>

Subject: RE: Guest s of David Suzuki's
Thank you,

1 simply wJnted to confirm thilt Epicure CJtcring w ill Jrrive at 3 p.rn. today. Eve ry thing will be ready for 3:30p.m .
On the contrdct, I noticed that a che f is requested to be present during ali :3 events. There will be one for sure tonight
but Epicure was asking if a chef really needs to be there for the othe r 2 events, instead of waiters .
Thank you,
Mar ie-An ne Bu rge ss
Coordonnatrice, marketing e t communicJlion I Marketing and Cornmunicatiom Coordinator
Faculte des sciences sociales I Faculty o f Social Sciences
Universite ci'Oltawa I University of Ottawa
'!.!._ww.sciencessociales. uO ttawrt ra
613-562-SSOO (2521)

De : Helaina Gaspard
Envoye : 21septembre 201S 11:17

A : Marie-Anne


Objet : Re: Gues ts of David Suzuki's
Copy of list I printed for you.

Fill with a student


Valerie Picard



Kevin Page
September-22 -15 5:34 PM
david suzuki
Sa hir Khan; Helaina Gaspard

Dear David
We wi ll never be able to thank you enough
Your messages and commitment we re the talk of all the students to day on the cam pus and apparently on the buses as
we ll
You we re inspirationa l. The students needed to be inspired
We will work with our students to ensure the video get s ou t
We w ill forward pictures
We will work with your colleague to ensure recovery of all expenses.
With enormous respect
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 22, 2015, at 5:05 PM, david suzuki
w rote:
> Just got back to my office in Vancouver and wanted to thank you so much for the opportunity to shoot off my mouth.
1 am so pleased that it was covered on CSPAN as I've been anxious that it get out to a w ider audience than just the Lead
Now kids. It really was my o pportunity and I hope I don't get you or the university in trouble. It was a pleasure to meet
you and Sa hir and Helena. Co uld you please ask Sahir to send me the photos he got of me with each of you Thanks so much. All the best to you folks. You're doing great stu ff. David


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Page 1 de 1

23/09/2015-10:55.52 AM
200. boul. de Ia Tecf1nolcgie, suite 200. Gatineau. Qc. J8Z 3H6
Tel· t819) 775-3555 • Telec: (819) 775-3444- \o'MW.traiteuepicure.ca

Valerie Picard

Deanna Bayne
October-07 -15 11:40 AM
Helai na Gaspard
RE: Reaching David Suzuki



Hi Hel.lfl)il - thClnks for ,1 ~k i11g fir~t. Much apprecia ted.
While i t's fine 1f Mr. Chan from Facebook would like to e111a il here a
nd he should address his
me~silge to DJvid di rectly, I imagine I •..viii be putting hirn in touch with Alvin Singh asi [email protected] dt the David
Suwki Founclc~tion as DJvid does not persona lly use, miln Jge or own his Facebook handle . The David Suzuki Foundation
has exclusivi ty over tile use of DJvid Suwki on Facebook and so any cil mpaigning or par tn eri ng that Mr. Chan would like
to nPgo liate wi ll have to be done with the rountlation. !3ut su re, its ok pass along my email .1Jclress.
fh.1r1ks 1gain, D<Ptid really enjoyed his time at UOttavta. He came back co mmentr ng d~lightfully on you r ho~pitality Jncl
bow great rl1e even t wJs, which he doesn't usuJIIy do. So thank you for t,1kmg 'i uch good cc1re of him. He hJd


5rea t

Kincllv vourc;,

Deanna L. Bayne
E ·< •~Lutive /\'>sistant to Dr 0dvrd Stu:uki
Nt'W D 11.1 l "'l'r ;H ·.e~
1'0 RoY I 'Hl l I v1/t':'it r . ,\v t>f ••:l'


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To: Deanna Bayne
Subject: FW: Reaching David Suzuki
Hello Dea nnJ ,
I hope thi s m essage find s you we ll.

'""" '> ltiC ' ~d '~' ·bJ•,·t lt.' ' •\~. 11 p1'''-'~:;t:• ,\cr:F-~:, t~ r ~~~·)

•\-t;;f• (nr lll ','P.tf"

From : Helaina Gaspard [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 8:14AM

111 : ht•,

11 tt-·P ~ '·"d r•'f tOI~I ' I (.'U



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rriJ..• 1 ill/H'I·H'fl

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