User Interface Requirements Specifications

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User Interface Requirements Specifications



[Company Name]
[Company Group, Division, Location]
Product Name: [Product Name]
Document Title: User Interface e!uirements "pecifications
Document Num#er: [Document Num#er]
Document $ilename: [Document $ilename]
Number Description of Revision
YY-00000 Draft Author Name
1.00 DD/MM/Y
YY-00000 Initial Release Author Name
C%NT%LL&D C%P'( )*"T& C%P'
"T*)P +&&
"T*)P +&&
"Compan# Name$ %ser Interface Re&uirements 'pecifications
[Company Group, Division, Location] [Document Num#er]
[Product Name] ev ,-,, DD())(''
able of Contents
1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purose 1
1.! "on#entions........................................................................................................................................1
1.$ Intended Audience.............................................................................................................................1
1.% &tructure.............................................................................................................................................1
1.' &uortin( Documents.......................................................................................................................1
1.) *lossar+1
!.0 &+stem ,#er#ie-..........................................................................................................................................!
!.1 &+stem Architecture...........................................................................................................................!
$.0 .ser Interface Architecture...........................................................................................................................$
$.1 "omonent Model..............................................................................................................................$
$.! Tas/ Model.........................................................................................................................................$
%.0 .ser Interface Re0uirements........................................................................................................................$
%.1 1&lash2 Panel...................................................................................................................................%
%.! .ser &creen 1.....................................................................................................................................'
able of !i(ures
Fi(ure 1. 3Product Name4 Ph+sical Architecture.......................................................................................!
Fi(ure !. "omonent ,#er#ie-.................................................................................................................$
Fi(ure $. 1&lash2 Panel............................................................................................................................%
Fi(ure %. 1.ser &creen 12 Panel................................................................................................................'
[Document $ilename] COMPANY PROPRIEARY AND CON!IDENIAL Pa.e / of 0
"Compan# Name$ %ser Interface Re&uirements 'pecification
[Company Group, Division, Location] [Document Num#er]
[Product Name] ev ,-,, DD())(''
)*+ Intro,uction
This document defines the user interface re0uirements for the 3Product Name4 soft-are. The s+stem is
desi(ned to mana(e atient data durin( larascoic and 5ronchosoic sur(ical rocedures.
)*) Purpose
The urose of this document is to define the user interface re0uirements for 3Product Name4.
)*- Conventions
References to 6soft-are6 or 6alication6 in this document refer to the 3Product Name4 P" soft-are
unless other-ise defined.
In order to distin(uish re0uirements from narrati#e te7t8 the 5oldface -ord shall is used to
distin(uish each re0uirement defined in this document. The 5old faced shall not is used to state
e7licitl+ if an item is not re0uired in the s+stem.
“TBD” indicates incomlete information necessar+ to comlete a re0uirement or e7lanation.
)*. Inten,e, Au,ience
It is assumed that the reader of this document has familiarit+ -ith comuter s+stems and the
3Product Name4. It is further assumed that the reader has read the 3Product Name4 soft-are
re0uirements document.
This document contains confidential information rorietar+ to 3"oman+ Name4 This document
is not to 5e coied8 circulated or su5stanti#el+ discussed -ithout rior -ritten aro#al.
)*/ 'tructure
This document consists of the follo-in( sections9
&ection 1 Introduction - This section descri5es the intent and structure of the document.
&ection ! &+stem ,#er#ie- - This section (i#es a 5road o#er#ie- of the s+stem. It is resented
in terms of use case descritions and the s+stem architecture.
&ection $ .ser Interface Architecture - This section descri5es the architecture of the P"
soft-are. It is 5ased uon the information in the &+stem ,#er#ie-.
&ection % .ser Interface Re0uirements - This section descri5es the re0uirements for the
3Product Name4 user interface soft-are comonent. It is 5ased uon the information
in the &oft-are Re0uirements document.
)*0 'upportin( Documents
:3Product Name4 &oft-are Re0uirements &ecification:.
:3Product Name4 Functional Re0uirements &ecification:.
)*1 2lossar#
The follo-in( terms or acron+ms -ill 5e used throu(hout this document9
)*1*) 3utton
A *.I feature -hich allo-s a su5se0uent descriti#e action to ta/e lace -ith a sin(le
left clic/ of the mouse on the feature. The descrition is al-a+s te7tuall+ contained
-ithin the feature itself.
)*1*- 'creen
The oerati#e -indo-. ;ach has a uni0ue identifier8 i.e.8 1screen num5er on the ri(ht
side of the title 5ar.
[Document $ilename] COMPANY PROPRIEARY AND CON!IDENIAL Pa.e / of 0
"Compan# Name$ %ser Interface Re&uirements 'pecification
[Company Group, Division, Location] [Document Num#er]
[Product Name] ev ,-,, DD())(''
)*1*. itle 3ar
An inoerati#e8 descriti#e 5lue rectan(le at the to of the screen. The screen title and
screen num5er are contained -ithin.
-*+ '#stem Overvie4
This section ro#ides the conte7t for the more detailed user interface re0uirements secified in later
sections. The &oft-are Architecture ro#ides a hi(h le#el #ie- of the ma<or functions ro#ided 5+ the
soft-are from all of the s+stem6s the architecture8 the hard-are en#ironment -here the soft-are
oerates and the interfaces to oerational ersecti#es. The &oft-are Desi(n descri5es the comonents
and or(ani=ation to 5e used to imlement hard-are de#ices that are controlled 5+ the soft-are.
In summar+8 the s+stem is desi(ned to cature8 archi#e8 #ie-8 and communicate still ima(es8 motion
ima(es8 and atient data recorded durin( sur(ical and non-sur(ical medical rocedures and e#aluations
in #arious medical healthcare settin(s.
-*) '#stem Architecture
This section ro#ides a 5rief summar+ of /e+ asects of the s+stem architecture to ro#ide a
conte7t for the soft-are re0uirements. It summari=es the hard-are en#ironment -here the
soft-are oerates and the interfaces to hard-are de#ices that are controlled 5+ the soft-are. The
s+stem >Fi(ure 1? is comosed of9
• "omuter s+stem@
• Ae+5oard@
• Mouse@
• Disla+ monitor for oerator to confi(ure s+stem arameters@ and
• Printer to roduce hardcoies of data.
Figure 1. [Product Name] Physical Architecture.
-*)*) '#stem Architecture
3Insert s+stem architecture descrition here4.
-*)*- Computer '#stem
The "omuter s+stem ro#ides a latform for9
• Runnin( the 3Product Name4 alication@
• Interfacin( the #arious e7ternal de#ices9
Bideo "amera
Di(ital "amera
.*+ %ser Interface Architecture
This section descri5es all of the or(ani=ation of the 3Product Name4 .ser Interface soft-are.
.*) Component Mo,el
The 3Product Name4 soft-are is di#ided into comonents >Fi(ure !. "omonent ,#er#ie-?
reflectin( its #arious functions8 5eha#iors8 and the e7ternal elements associated -ith the s+stem.
[Document $ilename] COMPANY PROPRIEARY AND CON!IDENIAL Pa.e 1 of 0
"Compan# Name$ %ser Interface Re&uirements 'pecification
[Company Group, Division, Location] [Document Num#er]
[Product Name] ev ,-,, DD())(''
The 3Product Name4 .ser interface is comosed of a hierarch+ of Bie-s that encasulate (rous
of co-oeratin( related controls. ;ach Bie- is resonsi5le for a set of 5asic controls that handle a
sin(le tas/8 e.(. ima(e and #ideo cature. ;ach Bie- is resonsi5le for initiali=in( its 5asic
controls and re(isterin( for data and e#ents to 5e mana(ed or disla+ed.
Figure 2. Component Overview
Craer encasulatin( all imlementation details. Interface to and 5oundar+ -ith oeratin(
en#ironment. The alication is a &in(leton.
.*)*) 5ie4
Craer encasulatin( the user interface imlementation. Interface to and 5oundar+
-ith -indo- disla+ elements. A hierarch+ of increasin(l+ detailed disla+ elements
containin( secific sets of information. Resonsi5le for rocessin( user inut e#ents and
data udate e#ents. ,5ser#es #arious data elements -ithin s+stem - test data8 de#ice
data8 alerts >messa(e? list8 etc.
.*)*- Data
The Data class is a -raer encasulatin( the data mana(ement imlementation. It
ro#ides in memor+ stora(e for all -or/in( data #alues. The Transient Data class is a
-raer encasulatin( the in memor+ data mana(ement imlementation. Data is /et
-hile a Test is in ro(ress. Data is destro+ed -hen a Test is comleted. The Persistent
Data class is a -raer encasulatin( the ermanent data mana(ement imlementation.
Data is stored durin( and after a Test is comleted.
.*- as6 Mo,el
The 3Product Name4 .ser Interface -ill utili=e the sin(le8 main -indo- user interface thread for
rocessin( all udates. This thread is started -hen the oeratin( s+stem launches the alication.
All e#ents that are si(nificant to the user interface -ill use this threads messa(e 0ueue to si(nal
#ie-s. &i(nificant e#ents include timer comletion8 data chan(e notification8 5arcode entr+8
/e+5oard8 and mouse inut.
/*+ %ser Interface Re&uirements
This section descri5es all of the re0uirements that define the 3Product Name4 .ser Interface.
The la+out of the oerator screens -ill focus on ease of use8 comrehension8 and safet+. The desi(n -ill
a#oid elements that co#er or hide information such as menus8 ou dialo(s8 or8 messa(es 5o7es.
&imle controls li/e o#ersi=ed 5uttons8 radio 5o7es8 chec/ 5o7es8 sliders8 sin controls and selecta5le
lists -ill 5e fa#ored o#er edit controls that re0uire t+in( in num5ers or characters.
Requirement UIRS-10. All screens shall 5e oera5le #ia a /e+5oard or mouse.
Requirement UIRS-20. All oerator errors shall 5e ac/no-led(ed -ith an ;rror Tone.
Requirement UIRS-25. All 5uttons and te7t 5o7es shall 5e disa5led unless intended action is
Requirement UIRS-27. If selecta5le list 5o7es8 te7t 5o7es8 or ictures contain more information than
is ermissi5le in the allotted anel sace8 scroll 5ars shall 5e acti#ated.
Requirement UIRS-30. If the oerator selects a anel 5+ clic/in( a 5utton8 the selected anel shall
5ecome acti#e.
Requirement UIRS-32. A selected anel shall 5e disla+ed tomost on the Cindo-s des/to.
Requirement UIRS-33. A selected anel shall contain at least these s+stem controls9
The use of /e+5oard and mouse -ill simlif+ interaction -ith some screens.
An oerator error is defined as an une7ected or inaroriate data entr+8 e.(. 5utton ress8 s+nta7
error. This is suerceded 5+ an+ other defined error resonse.
[Document $ilename] COMPANY PROPRIEARY AND CON!IDENIAL Pa.e 2 of 0
"Compan# Name$ %ser Interface Re&uirements 'pecification
[Company Group, Division, Location] [Document Num#er]
[Product Name] ev ,-,, DD())(''
/*) 7'plash8 Panel
The slash anel contains the roduct identification materials.
Requirement UIRS 40. This anel shall aear as sho-n in Fi(ure $8 1&lash2 Panel.
Requirement UIRS 50. This anel shall contain at least the fields descri5ed in &ection %.1.18
1&lash2 Panel Field Definitions.
Requirement UIRS 60. This anel shall 5e disla+ed until an+ /e+ is ressed or until the anel
is left-clic/ed.
Requirement UIRS 65. This slash anel shall 5e disla+ed as earl+ as ossi5le after the
soft-are 5e(ins e7ecution.
Figure 3. “Splash” Panel
3Insert slash anel here4.
/*)*) /*)*) 7'plash8 Panel !iel, Definitions
/*)*)*) 7Press an# 6e# to 3e(in8 3utton
• ,ens the .ser Interface &creen 1 .
• Acti#ated 5+ clic/in( on an+ /e+5oard /e+ or left- or ri(ht-clic/in(
an+-here on the 1&lash2 Panel.
• Deft-clic/in( directl+ on Eutton animates it
/*)*)*- Pro,uct I,entit#
• "ororate lo(o and coman+ identification contained -ithin to half of
• Product identification contained -ithin title 5ar.
• Product descrition contained -ithin lo-est of three te7t 5o7es on ri(ht
side of screen
/*)*)*. 5ersion
• Product #ersion identification contained -ithin title 5ar and hi(hest of
three te7t 5o7es on left side of screen
/*)*)*/ e9t
• "ontact information contained -ithin hi(hest of three te7t 5o7es on ri(ht
side of screen
• "ustomer lo(o and identification contained -ithin middle and lo-est of
three te7t 5o7es on left side of screen and middle of three te7t 5o7es on
ri(ht side of screen
/*- %ser 'creen )
This anel allo-s the user to (enerate ne- or edit atient information. Accessi5le throu(h the
1&lash2 &creen.
Requirement UIRS 70. This anel shall aear as sho-n in Fi(ure %8 .ser Interface &creen 1.
Requirement UIRS 80. This anel shall contain at least the fields descri5ed in &ection %.!.18
.ser Interface &creen 1 Definitions.
Requirement UIRS 90. None7istin( /e+-ords entered in section %.!.1.' fields shall 5e laced
in the 1Notes2 te7t 5o7 if section %.!.1.) 5utton is ressed.
Requirement UIRS 100. The secialt+ te7t 5o7 shall disla+ information ertinent to the
h+sician disla+ed in the 1Ph+sician2 dro-do-n com5o 5o7.
[Document $ilename] COMPANY PROPRIEARY AND CON!IDENIAL Pa.e 3 of 0
"Compan# Name$ %ser Interface Re&uirements 'pecification
[Company Group, Division, Location] [Document Num#er]
[Product Name] ev ,-,, DD())(''
Figure 4. “User Screen 1” Panel
/*-*) Patient Information Panel !iel, Definitions
/*-*)*) Re&uire, !iel,s
• 3Descri5e re0uired fields4.
/*-*)*- 7E9it8 3utton
If an+ fields are filled out8 romts oerator to sa#e data. If data is not sa#ed8
e7its the ro(ram. If no fields are filled out8 e7its the ro(ram.
[Document $ilename] COMPANY PROPRIEARY AND CON!IDENIAL Pa.e 0 of 0

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