vldeo ls Lhe hoLLesL form of medla on Lhe lnLerneL Loday. 1hey say, ºvldeo
kllled Lhe 8adlo SLar", buL lL has been slowly desLroylng LexL-based medla
for decades. 8ooks, magazlnes, newspapers, and now wrlLLen webslLes
are slowly loslng Lrafflc Lo vldeo-based slLes llke ?ou1ube and
lL's a very good ldea Lo sLarL Laklng advanLage of Lhls form of medla now.
lL can be used for many dlfferenL Lhlngs for your buslness. ?ou can use lL
Lo generaLe leads by sendlng vlewers Lo a squeeze page. ?ou can use lL Lo
geL Lrafflc or search englne ranklngs. ?ou can use lL Lo geL sales. ?ou can
even use lL Lo brand your name or your company's name.
ln Lhls reporL, l'm golng Lo Leach you some of Lhe besL ways Lo use vldeo
markeLlng for your buslness. l wlll show you how Lo geL quallLy vldeos
made cheaply, how Lo submlL Lhose vldeos efflclenLly, and how Lo ensure
Lhey geL a loL of vlews LhaL LranslaLe lnLo vlslLors.
1here are Lwo ways Lo geL Lrafflc from vldeo markeLlng. lor one Lhlng,
vldeo markeLlng ls a greaL way Lo geL someLhlng you conLrol ranked well ln
Coogle. Coogle really loves vldeos, especlally on ?ou1ube. lf you creaLe a
"#$% 4
vldeo based on a keyword and submlL lL Lo ?ou1ube, Lhere ls a good
chance lL could rank on Lhe flrsL page.
AnoLher way vldeo can beneflL your buslness ls by helplng Lo esLabllsh you
as an experL ln you nlche. 1hls ls easy Lo do lf you creaLe hlgh-quallLy
vldeos LhaL are full of good lnformaLlon. lf people can see you presenLlng
Lhlngs ln an lnLelllgenL manner, Lhey wlll belleve you really know whaL
you're Lalklng abouL.
1here are Lhree maln secreLs of vldeo markeLlng. ?ou have Lo creaLe
quallLy vldeos. ?ou have Lo submlL Lhem correcLly. llnally, you have Lo
promoLe Lhem. MosL people sklp LhaL lasL parL, buL lL's very crlLlcal LhaL
you acLually promoLe your vldeos. 1hls wlll brlng a loL more vlewers Lo
your vldeos, whlch wlll evenLually mean even MC8L vlews.
LeL's geL sLarLed Lalklng abouL creaLlng vldeos. 1hls ls Lhe flrsL sLep. ?ou're
golng Lo have Lo elLher creaLe Lhem yourself, or ouLsource Lhem. l'll glve
you some Llps for dolng elLher.
"#$% 3
+)&,% -$,.#)%"
l encourage you Lo learn how Lo make your own vldeos. lf you're golng Lo
be brandlng yourself as an experL ln your nlche, lL ls a very good ldea for
you personally Lo appear ln your vldeos. Lven lf you are Loo shy Lo appear
on camera, lL's a good ldea Lo use your own volce ln your vldeos. 1hls wlll
help solldlfy you as an experL ln Lhe nlche more Lhan lf you use varlous
volce acLors ln your vldeos, or worse, lf you use only muslc.
1here are Lwo maln ways Lo creaLe vldeos:
1. ?ou can fllm Lhe vldeos uslng a sLandard vldeo camera and Lransfer
Lhem Lo your compuLer, or you can use a webcam. 1hese meLhods
are boLh ºllve acLlon" vldeo meLhods.
2. ?ou can creaLe Lhe vldeos dlrecLly on your compuLer uslng a
slldeshow formaL or screen recordlng.
lL ls preferable LhaL you shooL llve acLlon vldeo whenever posslble. 1hls
Lype of vldeo ls Lhe klnd LhaL ls mosL lnLeresLlng Lo vlewers, and lL wlll be
much more llkely Lo go vlral Lhan vldeo creaLed dlrecLly on your compuLer.
?ou may noL have a vldeo camera, or you may be Loo shy Lo appear or
even speak on camera. 1hls ls undersLandable, buL you wlll have Lo accepL
"#$% 6
Lhe facL LhaL your vldeos mlghL noL be qulLe as effecLlve as Lhey would be
lf you creaLed llve vldeos.
lf you're golng Lo creaLe vldeos on your compuLer, you wlll need sofLware
Lo do so. 1here are a loL of good programs for Lhls, buL Lhere are Lwo ln
parLlcular LhaL are used by a loL of markeLers.
• MlcrosofL ÞowerÞolnL
• CamLasla
WlLh ÞowerÞolnL, you can creaLe slldeshow-sLyle presenLaLlons from sLaLlc
lmages LhaL you can add muslc Lo and exporL Lo vldeo. lL's a very slmple
process, and Lhe vldeos are nlce quallLy.
WlLh CamLasla, you can do Lhe same Lhlng, or you can record Lhe acLlons
LhaL you perform on your compuLer. 1hls ls called screen recordlng, and lL
ls especlally useful lf you wanL Lo creaLe vldeos LhaL show how Lo do
Lhlngs on Lhe lnLerneL or wlLh a compuLer.
LlLher meLhod ls accepLable, and you should use Lhe meLhod LhaL ls beLLer
sulLed Lo your nlche.
"#$% 7
?ou may prefer Lo ouLsource your vldeo producLlon. 1hls wlll be easler ln
some nlches Lhan oLhers. ?ou may noL be able Lo easlly flnd someone Lo
creaLe vldeos showlng people how Lo play plano or perfecL Lhelr golf
swlng, buL you could easlly flnd someone Lo do screen recordlngs of how
Lo make a header graphlc or how Lo submlL a slLe Lo ?ahoo.
1he cosL of vldeo producLlon can vary from $10 for a very slmple
slldeshow-sLyle vldeo of 13-30 seconds up Lo several hundred dollars for a
full-fledged, llve-acLlon vldeo wlLh acLors and volce. lor vldeo markeLlng
purposes, l recommend geLLlng vldeos wlLh volceover and Lhe very leasL.
Whlle you may noL always need llve acLlon, you really do need a volce
acLor Lo make vldeos lnLeresLlng.
?ou can flnd someone Lo creaLe a very lnexpenslve vldeo aL:
8e sure Lo ask for samples before you order, because quallLy can vary
slgnlflcanLly from producer Lo producer. Also, don'L pay more Lhan 30°
upfronL ln case you don'L llke Lhe quallLy or you geL sLlffed.
"#$% 8
+)&,% /'01)22)%"
Cnce you have vldeos creaLed, you need Lo submlL Lhem. Lach of your
vldeos should be creaLed based around one speclflc keyword. 1hls wlll
help you geL Lrafflc Lo your vldeos boLh from Lhe vldeo-sharlng slLes you
submlL Lo, as well as search englnes.
lf you use Coogle Lo conducL searches ofLen, you have probably seen
vldeos from ?ou1ube ln Lhe resulLs. 1hls ls Lhe blggesL reason Lo base all of
your vldeos on a speclflc keyword. vldeos are a greaL way Lo have a good
chance Lo geL a flrsL page ranklng qulckly.
Cf course, people also search for vldeos on Lhe vldeo-sharlng slLes
Lhemselves. 8y uslng common search keywords for your vldeo LlLles, you
wlll have a beLLer chance for your vldeos Lo appear when people search.
When you geL a loL of vlews, raLlngs, and commenLs on your vldeos, lL
naLurally lncreases Lhelr ranklng on mosL sharlng slLes. 1he more vlews
you geL, Lhe hlgher your ranklng, whlch, of course, resulLs ln even more
Some people submlL only Lo ?ou1ube, buL l recommend submlLLlng Lo
several of Lhe Lop slLes. 1hls wlll mulLlply your Lrafflc.
"#$% 9
3.$4,#)"5 )" +)&,%2
1here ls llLLle polnL creaLlng vldeos lf Lhey aren'L dolng anyLhlng for you,
buL you have Lo be falrly subLle. lf your vldeos are Loo promoLlonal, people
wlll noL be lnLeresLed ln waLchlng Lhem.
?ou wanL Lo make sure you puL a llnk Lo your slLe ln Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe
vldeo on any slLes LhaL allow lL. 1hls may counL as a backllnk on slLes LhaL
do noL have Lhe nofollow Lag on llnks, buL even on slLes LhaL do, lL makes
lL easy for people Lo vlslL your slLe.
l recommend uslng a four-parL markeLlng plan for each vldeo:
1. Þlace your u8L ln small LexL aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe vldeo for Lhe
enLlre duraLlon.
2. ÞuL your u8L ln large LexL on a blank screen for a few seconds aL Lhe
end of Lhe vldeo.
3. Speak your u8L aL Lhe beglnnlng and/or end of Lhe vldeo.
4. Add a llnk Lo your slLe ln Lhe descrlpLlon.
"#$% 10
lL ls mosL effecLlve ls you make sure Lo use all of Lhese meLhods LogeLher.
lf you wanLed Lo cuL down a blL on promoLlon, l would make sure Lo use
Lhe llnk ln Lhe descrlpLlon and elLher Lhe spoken u8L or Lhe u8L ln large
LexL aL Lhe end of Lhe vldeo.
Cne way Lo accompllsh uslng speech Lo announce your u8L ls Lo use
someLhlng llke Lhls:
º1hanks for waLchlng Lhls vldeo from Colf1lpsCenLral.com. 8e sure Lo
check ouL our slLe for more greaL golf Llps!"
?ou've probably heard of Lhe ºcall-Lo-acLlon", rlghL? A call-Lo-acLlon ls
someLhlng LhaL speclflcally requesLs or dlrecLs someone Lo perform a
parLlcular acLlon. ln Lhls case, you wanL Lo add a call-Lo-acLlon LhaL
speclflcally asks people Lo vlslL your slLe.
AddlLlonally, you wanL Lo glve Lhem a reason Lo do so. 1hls mlghL be as
slmple as geLLlng more vldeos llke Lhe one Lhey [usL waLched, or lL mlghL
be a free coupon, dlscounL, a free reporL, eLc.
Always remember LhaL Lhe polnL of creaLlng your vldeos ls Lo geL Lrafflc.
8e sure Lo use Lhem effecLlvely!
"#$% 11
+)&,% 6$%1%#)%"
unforLunaLely, mosL people seem Lo forgeL one of Lhe mosL crlLlcal
elemenLs of vldeo markeLlng, and LhaL ls promoLlng Lhelr vldeos. 1hey
Lhlnk LhaL slmply submlLLlng Lhelr vldeos ls enough, buL LhaL [usL lsn'L Lrue.
As wlLh anyLhlng, you wlll geL ouL of vldeo markeLlng only Lhe efforL you
puL lnLo lL.
+)&,% 7,28%"2,2
1he flrsL Lhlng you can do Lo promoLe your vldeos ls Lo posL Lhem as a
vldeo response Lo vldeos LhaL are already very popular. llnd a vldeo LhaL ls
on Lhe same general Loplc as one you wlsh Lo creaLe. CreaLe a vldeo LhaL
elLher agrees or dlsagrees wlLh a polnL made ln Lhe vldeo. ÞosL Lhe vldeo
dlrecLly as a vldeo response Lo Lhe orlglnal vldeo. 1hls should help boosL
your Lrafflc lmmedlaLely.
/%().9 :%%41.$4)"5
Soclal bookmarklng slLes are a greaL way Lo boosL Lhe vlews of your
vldeos, especlally lf Lhey are good enough LhaL oLher people wlll voLe for
Lhem. l recommend uslng hLLp://www.soclalmarker.com Lo bookmark all
of your vldeos.
"#$% 12
lf you are a regular conLrlbuLor Lo forums ln your nlche, you can place a
llnk Lo your newesL vldeo ln your slgnaLure. lf you are a well-respecLed
member, people should vlslL your vldeos Lo see whaL Lhey are abouL.
lf you have a number of followers ln your nlche on 1wlLLer, you should
send ouL a LweeL whenever you submlL a new vldeo. 1hls should qulckly
lncrease your vlews.
lacebook, llke 1wlLLer, ls anoLher greaL place Lo grab some addlLlonal
vlews. Whlle you're aL lL, ask your frlends Lo Lell Lhelr frlends abouL Lhe
1hese are [usL a few ldeas for promoLlng your vldeos. 1here are surely
many more LhaL are very effecLlve. 1ry varlous meLhods ln order Lo flnd
Lhose LhaL work besL for you.
keep promoLlng, and your markeLlng wlll really pay off!