May, 2009
Don Stanislawski--722-8536
May 6 & 13, 2009 7:00 p.m. Ring Steward Class Training Center May 7, 2009 7:00 p.m. General Meeting at Training Center May 17, 2009 WDC All Breed Dog Show Oshkosh, WI May 6,11,13,15,19,21,26,27, 2009 Nursing Home Visits See page 5 for details
The program for the May 7 meeting will be by Valerie Hajek Adams on “The Healing Heart Pet Hospice” Valerie runs the Hospice Program through the Referral Center. She will explain how it is run. Bring your questions to the meeting!
Tom Wiesler--779-0645
Gail VanDenLangenberg 725-2047
Ruth Taggart--725-0072
Board of Directors
Barb Hoffman--993-2180 Paul Thiel--364-0149 Bruce Ziesemer--419-5546
Do you want to work at dog shows? Have you ever wondered what stewarding is all about? Then come and learn at our stewarding classes on May 6 & 13 in the front room of the training center. No sign up is necessary. You may attend 1 or both classes. If you have questions or would like more information, please call Anne Schmidt at 731-1080.
Newsletter Deadline May 15, 2009
Newsletter Editors
Paula & Doug Slater 1212 E. Wisconsin Avenue Little Chute, WI 54140 788-6802
[email protected]
I’m looking for 2-3 people to run the kitchen for the October 10th & 11th Obedience/Rally trials. You don’t have to cook the food, just sell and serve it. It’s a great chance to earn hours! For more information, please contact me at 920-749-1158. Jolene
Dog Club Librarian
Margie Scoville--730-8726
Sunshine Committee
Karen Willett--733-6814
Nursing Home Visits
Pam Siebert--470-6634
Conformation classes will run on Wednesday nights from March 25 until May 13 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. After May 13 there will be no regular Conformation classes until September.
Johnson Obedience Trial Chair
Building Committee
Dick Hittenmiller--836-3136 cell--851-3383 Don Stanislawski--722-8536 cell--850-3927
Meeting was called to order Program: A very interesting and informative program on Leptospirosis and other tick born diseases was given by Dr. Kurt Rossebo from the Kaukauna Veterinary Clinic. He also told us about some of the “Newer” veterinary drugs that are available and what they are used for and he also touched on myths in veterinary medicine. Secretary’s Report: March’s membership meeting minutes were approved as published in the newsletter. March’s board meeting minutes were read. Membership: Prospective new members were introduced and welcomed. Parades: Paul Thiel said we will be having two parades coming up. The first one will be the Memorial Day Parade in Neenah & Menasha and the second one will be the Flag Day Parade to be held in June. As he gets more information on these he will keep everyone informed. Treasurers Report: March’s financial report was given. Agility Trial: Nancy Zolkowski said that our trial dates are August 7, 8 & 9th. Help will be needed all three days. This is a great way to learn more about this great sport. She said she would be glad to answer any questions you might have. CGC: Jolene Johnson said that this test will be coming up on April 18th from 9 AM until Noon. If helping she would appreciate you being there by 8:30. No experience necessary. Canine First Aid: Barb Wildhagen said she will be passing around a sign up sheet for this. It will be held on April 21st from 6-9 PM and the price will be $35. The cost includes a book & DVD.
Spring Show: Gayle Kukulka said she is looking for stewards for both obedience and rally. A sign up sheet was sent around. Gail VanDenLangenberg said that help is also needed for conformation stewards and the gate. Talk to her after the meeting if you are interested. These are important areas that need to be covered. Also you may look on our website under volunteer opportunities and a list of the different areas that need help are listed with the contact information. Library: Margie Scoville introduced herself as our club librarian and said the club has many fine books and/or videos to check out. You must be an approved member to use the library. WDC Boutique: Margie said that in our boutique the club has many items with our club logo on them. See her after the meeting if interested in seeing what we have available. Building Clean-Up: Don said that tomorrow, April 3, he will need help with clean-up at the building from 8 AM until done. April is going to be a busy month with rentals so contact him if interested in helping out. Don said our membership book is available-it is in the front by the kitchen. Be sure and take your name label from the packet so Dick knows who has picked up their book. Also don’t forget to get your decals from Mike or Linda Allen to use our yards. They have a table set up at the front where you can sign up for the decals. You must be an approved member. Old Business: None New Business: None Don thanked all the trainers for the time they put in to make our training classes the success that they are. He also mentioned that he will be giving the list of people who signed up for learning how to steward for conformation to Anne Schmidt so she can get a class set up. It would be on a
Wednesday night. Cry and brag was conducted. Motion made and approved to adjourn. Respectfully Submitted, Gail VanDenLangenberg Secretary
We are going to need help for our August show. The dates are August 7, 8, & 9th. I will have sign up sheets at the April, May and June meetings or e-mail me at:
[email protected] Or call 920722-5704 Thanks
Nancy Zolkowski
May Dates to Remember: May 6, 2009 Century Oaks Wrightstown 6:30 pm May 11, 2009 Grand Horizons 6:30 pm May 13, 2009 Oakridge 6:00 pm May 15, 2009 Valhaven 2:00 pm May 19, 2009 Rennes 2:00 pm May 21, 2009 Care Partners 6:30 pm May 26, 2009 Grandstone 6:30 pm May 27, 2009 Colony Oaks 2:00 pm Please let me know what visits you will be attending. Pam Siebert 470-6634
page 2
APPROVED MEMBERS MARCH 2009 Boettcher, Jamie, Susan, Danielle, Matt & Evan (F) 1101 Harold Drive Menasha, WI 54952 (920)731-4438 E-Mail:
[email protected] English Setter Dismer, Mike & Karen (F) 1022 North Lake Street Neenah, WI 54956 (920)486-1423 E-Mail:
[email protected] Am. Water Spaniel Hansgate, Jennifer (S) 2050 Trissino Way Green Bay, WI 54313 (920)405-9793 E-Mail:
[email protected] Leonberger Jenks, Oksana (J) 12 Chicory Court Appleton, WI 54914 (920832-0874 E-Mail:
[email protected] Norwegian Elkhound Klein, Gwen (S) 3607 Mariah Lane Appleton, WI 54911 (920)730-5602 E-Mail:
[email protected] Standard Poodle Pujo, Jim & Linda (F) 1680 Highridge Terrace Menasha, WI 54952 (920)830-1964 E-Mail:
[email protected] Golden Retriever Schuh, Dawn (S) 1309 Wedgewood Neenah, WI 54956 (920)727-4979 E-Mail:
[email protected] Shih-Tzu/mix
Whipple, Merry (S) 922 South Park Avenue Neenah, WI 54956 (920)722-5087 E-Mail:
[email protected] Golden Retriever SECOND MEETING APRIL 2, 2009 Jacobson, Lisa (S) 627 Manitowoc Street Menasha, WI 54952 (920)378-1212 E-Mail:
[email protected] Labs, Podergo, Pek Chivark, Poodle Lanzner, Kim, Ray, Brent (F) 2608 N. Hillwood Court Appleton, WI 54911 (920) 574-2353 E-Mail:
[email protected] English Mastiff, Shih-tzu Vendola, Gina L. (S) 1766 Wendy Way Neenah, WI 54956 (920) 427-8966 E-Mail:
[email protected] Weimaraner FIRST MEETING APRIL 2, 2009 Draeger, Wendy (S) 620 Sixth Street Menasha, WI 54952 (920)205-8490 E-Mail:
[email protected] Labs Endries, Susan (S) N8550 Fire Lane 10 Menasha, WI 54952 (920)997-1885 E-Mail:
[email protected] Doberman Pincher Hackbarth, Mendee & Scott Monfils (F) 1226 South Perkins Street Appleton, WI (920)739 -7585 E-Mail:
[email protected] Miniature Pinchers
Lockery, Joy (F) 41 Eagle Court Kaukauna, WI 54130 (920)759-0287 E-Mail: Joyous
[email protected] Shar Pei Prohaska, Joe & White, Helen (F) 606 E. Brewster Street Appleton, WI 54911 (920)997-9467 E-Mail:
[email protected] Papillon Thibault, Eileen (S) 830 Millbrook Drive Neenah, WI 54956 (920)969-0614 E-Mail:
[email protected] Golden Retreiver, Yellow Lab. Van Der Steen, Judy (S) 1718 acorn Court Menasha, WI 54952 (920)213-6743 E-Mail:
[email protected] Australian Shepherds, Pomeranian
Stardust's Simply Irresistible Longhaired Dachshund On April 18, 2009, my wild bunny crazy Stella earned her field championship by winning 1st over 29 other females! Her brother “Trooper “Stardust's Hot Rod Lincoln was 3rd out of 19 yesterday and 2nd out of 14 today to also finish his field title and become a DC!! It was a super weekend! Stella & Trooper are owned and bred by Anne Schmidt. Trooper is also co-owned with Anne's sister, Emily Siebers.
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It’s that time of year again to think about our spring show. We need workers and this is a great way to earn your hours. Ring Stewards: Contact Kim Polasek, at 986-3494 or email her at
[email protected] If you have any questions on what is involved, just ask Kim and she will gladly answer them. Ring Stewards: Obedience and/or Rally-- Contact Gayle Kukulka at 7880562 or email her at cont. on page 5
[email protected] . Gayle will gladly answer any questions you may have. Hospitality: Diane Breaker and Margie Scoville will need helping hands for this big job. The judges and workers need to be fed. If you can lend a hand contact either Diane at 722-3553 or Margie at 730-8726. Gate: Contact Mike Evarts-you may email him at
[email protected] Help is needed to sell catalogs and collect for parking. Clean-Up after the show: It is a really important after the show to get the site back to its pre-show condition. Everyone wants to get home after a long day, including me, so helping hands are always welcome. Red Cross Table: Contact Len Hoehne if you can help out at all during the day, it would be greatly appreciated. You may call him at 727-1158 or email him at
[email protected]. Len will be glad to explain to you what you needs to be done.
judge, where they are from etc. Please contact me if you have suggestions.
Gail VanDenLangenberg, Spring Show Chair
Phone: 725-2047 Cell Phone: 740-1222 Email:
[email protected] Spring Show Info: 9/future-shows.html
showing, conflicts, special interests, etc. When I took this job two years ago, I was panicked. I thought for sure I was going to be begging and pleading with people to help out, but you guys come through every year and I can't thank you enough. Hope to hear from everyone soon. Please let me know one way or the other. Thanks. If you want to volunteer but don’t know how to ring steward see page 1 of this newsletter for information on our Ring Stewarding Classes.
We are looking for a WDC member with a green thumb to take over the front flower garden. Not much work necessary just occasional planting, weeding and watering. Contact Anne Schmidt at at 731-1080 to find out more about the garden.
Kim Polasek Chief Ring Steward
Join us at Winnegamie Dog Club on Sunday, June 14, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Our reunion raises funds and friends for greyhounds fostered through RGA, a greyhound adoption organization serving Northeast Wisconsin. We’ll have animal games, breed-specific vendors, a featured speaker, refreshments, auctions, and a raffle. All dog lovers are welcome but only retired racing greyhounds can attend. Tickets: $15 per family in advance, $20 at the door. Send your check payable to Retired Greyhound Athletes to: Todd Yaekel W2611 Aspen Ct. Appleton, WI 54915 Visit us on the Web at
How would you like to clean out your closets and support WDC at the same time? How about a Garage Sale? We would need a coordinator and volunteers to help with advertising, set-up, working the sale, and clean-up. The sale would be held on Friday June 5 and Saturday June 6 at the Training Center. Bring your thoughts, ideas and support to the May club meeting.
Hello Everyone, and finally, happy Spring. The last 2 days of sunshine have been wonderful. It's that time of year again and, unfortunately, I am getting a late start. Our show is right around the corner and I am looking for volunteers for the conformation rings. If you can help out, AWESOME!!! Let me know the time frame you are available, whether you will be
We are always looking for suggestions on people to hire for our judging panel. We want to hire judges that we feel will pull a nice entry. The hiring of judges is dependent on many factors including how many breeds they can page 4
Fox Valley Humane Association’s Pet Food Pantry
About a year and a half ago the FVHA staff began to notice that pets were being surrendered to the shelter due to economic reasons. Animals that needed extensive surgeries and families that simply couldn’t afford to have the necessary veterinary work done for their pet were being forced to bring them to the FVHA. “Economy takes toll on animals” Post Crescent story, pictures and video. Six months later the need escalated and owners were bringing animals to us because they could no longer afford to feed them. The economy was getting worse and the pets were really feeling the pinch. Families talked to us about not being able to make it through the week and having no money left to buy dog food. The FVHA staff began asking owners if they received assistance with a bag or two of pet food could they keep their pet and not have to surrender them to the FVHA. Many times the answer was yes and that family left the shelter with a happy dog and enough food to make it through to pay day. Due to the success of this program the FVHA has continued providing food through our Pet Food Pantry. We have partnered with the Red Cross and Salvation Army and continue to receive requests from valley residents as well. The need is great and we are always looking for ways to fill the shelves and keep the pets of the valley fed. There were concerns that this generosity might be taken advantage of and while this may have happened on occasion, the Fox Valley Humane Association has been left with fewer surrendered pets and many many more happy endings! The FVHA is excited to announce an ongoing partnership to feed hungry pets with our friends at the Winnegamie Dog Club. Club members will be donat-
ing food at the club and collecting donations at the dog shows. The FVHA is very grateful to the club for their support and generous ongoing contributions. Thanks to the Fox Valley Humane Association and Winnegamie Dog Club no pet will go hungry in the valley! You can help feed a hungry pet by donating some of the following: Purina or Iams Dog or Cat food Canned Adult Dog food in smaller cans Purina Puppy Chow Soft and Hard Dog Treats and Rawhides Purina Kitten Chow Canned Kitten food Cash donations to purchase food Donations may be brought to the FVHA at N115 Two Mile Road, Appleton 54914 and are all tax deductible. The FVHA will provide you with an inkind receipt that can be used on your taxes and of course receive our gratitude! Or contact the Fox Valley Humane Association at (920) 733-1717 or
page 5
To use the front or back fenced in yards, at the club, you need to obtain a new 2009 car decal. They are different from last years. Everyone may have two decals free. You may obtain extra decals for $1.00. Place the decal on the Driver’s side, rear window. If you bike or walk to the club, then carry the decal on you. If at any time your decal is damaged or stolen, please let me know and you can get a replacement decal for a fee of $1.00. If you get a new license plate number, you will need to get a new decal. The decals will be changing yearly. All club members are to have decals by September1st. We need all of your help. Please, look at the cars of the people using the fenced yards. If someone is using the yards and they don’t have a decal, please say something to them. If they are not members, tell them how they can become a member and that the yards are for MEMBERS ONLY. If someone is abusing the posted rules, write the car plates down, with the complaint, and give to any board member or myself. Please give feedback on how you think this is working, any concerns you may have, or suggestions for improvement to any of the board members or myself. To obtain a car deal, I will be at the monthly meetings to hand them out. You can also fill out the application below, then send with a stamped, self addressed envelope to:
Linda Allen 1730 N. Outagamie St. Appleton, WI 54914 (920) 731-4202
NUMBER OF DECALS NEEDED: ________________ LICENSE PLATE NUMBERS: 1ST PLATE ________________ 2ND PLATE _________________ ADDITIONAL PLATES ($1.00 each, make check or money order out to WDC): PLATE NUMBERS: _____________________ _______________________ NAME: ________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ PHONE: __________________________
P.O.Box 713 Appleton, WI 54912 920-731-6800
Address Changes or Corrections Call Dick Hittenmiller at 920-836-3136 or e-mail at
[email protected]