What are you thankful for?

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“This year I’m thankful for my family getting all together. My grandmother was in the hospital, but she’ll be coming out soon.”
Erin Healey, 32, West Reading, receptionist

“I am thankful for my family and that they are all in good health. My grandma died last Christmas, so that was very tough. I am looking forward to a healthier year.”
Miley Carrasquillo, 26, Reading, hotel desk clerk

“Having good health, and all the gifts God gave me. I love being able to sit down and have an amazing Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends.”
Cindy Miller, 59, Hamburg, nurse

“I am very thankful for my family. We have had some stuff happen in the family, and I’m thankful for the ones with us and the ones who have left us.”
Maggie Reinhard, 31, Hamburg, shipping clerk

“My father is 98 years old and he’s living on his own with caregivers. I’m thankful that at my age, I still have my father.”
Roseann Dolan, 63, Reading, retired

“I’m thankful for my girlfriend. We have been together for four years, and I am really grateful that I met her.”
Clayton Wagner, 23, Shoemakersville, retail manager

“Health, friends and the opportunities to still be able to do all the things I’m able to do at my age.”
Diane Schwerdt, 70, Wyomissing, retired

“I’m thankful for teachers and my mom and my brother and my coat and clothes and our house.”
Journey Cook, 7, Reading student

“I’m thankful that my son has a good job and that he just bought a house.”
Ed Zalenski, 61, Centre Township, network engineer

“I am thankful for my family and my job. I just wish the economy was better.”
Sandy Filek, 67, Wyomissing, customer service

“I’m thankful for Jesus Christ, my savior, who died for me. And, for my family and my church.”
Marilyn Gross, 59, Tilden Township, homemaker

“I’m just thankful for a long and fruitful life and a marriage of 53 years, three children all doing pretty good.”
Bill Faller, 76, Bern Township, retired

“I’m thankful for my life, for my family, and for my health.”
Sadiqu Jefferson, 32, Reading, student

“I’m thankful for everything, for my husband, living.”
Barb Chrisman, 51, Reading, homemaker

“My family. To have a roof over my head.”
Shavaun Serany, 34, Reading, unemployed

“I’m alive yet. That’s it.”
Angelo Vaccaro, 80, Alsace Township, retired

“I’m very thankful and excited because my husband and I are taking our three adult children to Disney World for the first time. We’re all coming together from school, college and different parts of the state, so it will be nice to be together.”
Paula Christian, 59, Reading, financial planner

“Having friends and family to celebrate with. My mother’s birthday is on the 25th, so we’ll miss her and her cooking, but we just talked about who is making which of my mother’s recipes for Thanksgiving.”
Vaughn D. Spencer, 66, Reading, mayor

“I’m thankful for my uncle in the U.S. Army. He serves our country. And I’m thankful for my mother and father for feeding me and bringing me into this world. I’m thankful for my brother and sister, for helping me when I need something.”
Kyasia Walker, 8, Reading, student

“Look around at the beautiful mountains. When I go shopping or simply drive down the street, I see this incredible beauty any time of the year anywhere I go. I moved here from California, and I’m blown away by the beauty, grace and elegance of the people here.”

Jeanne Fuhrman, 62, Perry Township, social worker

“My family is everything to me. Without them, you have nothing to be thankful for. I have a very close relationship with my family, who’ll be there for you. I’m really thankful to have that kind of support system.”
Allysa Stripling, 23, Hamburg, homemaker

“For volunteers. I run the Book Bonanza, so the volunteers that work all year round sorting the books and putting them on the shelves and the hundreds that volunteer each year to work the sale.”
Vicki Steinberg, 69, Exeter Township, retired

“It’s been good to have a job with good pay and good health benefits, especially the way the economy has been the past few years. I will be working here for seven years in February.”
Teresa Rosa, 32, Reading, insurance representative

“Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. I sit there and thank the Lord for my children and grandchildren and the opportunity to share Thanksgiving with them.”
Mary Wesner, 80, Hamburg, retired

“I’m thankful that friends I graduated high school with are still healthy enough to get together, and we still like to do it.”
Jean Bare, 74, Reading, retired

“I was in the hospital last week and was told if I didn’t change my lifestyle, I’d die. I’m happy for a second chance.”
Carl DeGrazia, 66, Oley, restaurant owner

“To be alive. And that I still have a job. That I still do something. And being with my family.”
Wandy Pascual, 39, Exeter Township, food delivery

“I’m thankful for my family. I am very thankful to live in the U.S.A. Food, clothing, shelter and good friends.”
Lori Berger, 55, Shillington, security guard

“I’m thankful of approaching retirement at the end of the year because my wife and I are both in excellent health. I’m looking forward to retirement to do a lot of fishing, traveling and naturally a few chores around the house.”
Robert Becker, 66, Brecknock Township, development director

“I’m thankful for my family, my friends and good health. I’m also going to be a dad this year, and our child was due on the 15th, so the baby’s a little late. You see, having good health is very important to me.”
Estiven Ordonez, 22, Reading, retail sales

“I’m thankful for my teacher, my principal and my counselor. I am also thankful for my family, my friends, the hospitals, the people who support me. I’m also thankful for my shelter, my house and my bed I sleep in every day.”
Kashlee Almodovar, 10, Reading, student

“I’m thankful for my family, who’ll be coming to my house for Thanksgiving dinner. There’ll be about 15 of us, including my brothers and sisters. We all make things for the dinner. It’s the one time of the year we all get together.”
Maryann Spatz, 56, Mohrsville, business owner

“I have countless things to be thankful for, but my husband’s health and my children and grandchildren are among the things I’m most thankful for. God is behind us every day.”
Shirley Yoder, 78, Mohrsville, retired bookkeeper

“Good people. Friendly people. People who care. I’m thankful for my wife’s courage. It’s inspiring. I’m thankful I have a church to go to every Sunday.”
Leon Brennan, 36, painting contractor, Akron, Lancaster County

“I’m thankful for my new car. I got it the other day, so now I’m not walking all the time or taking the bus. Now I’m able to get to school and work on time.”
Justin Monick, 18, West Lawn, student

“I’m thankful for my family and my dogs. I have three wonderful dogs. I have a petsitting business and I’m thankful for my clients.”
Jen Lynam, 35, Sinking Spring, owner of the BarkNBarn

“I am thankful for my children and my grandkids. I am going to New York City to be with my family.”
Ceidie Rodriguez, 48, Reading, laundry worker

“I’m thankful for my teacher, all the things I have, my mom and my family and all the food I get.”
Kenneth Towles, 10, Reading, student

“I am thankful for the gift of life and I am living to see another day. I am blessed by Jesus Christ.”

“I’m thankful that I’m having a baby boy. It will be the first grandson in our family.”
Laura Taylor, 31, West Lawn, director of special events

John Spencer, 51, Reading, unemployed

“I am really grateful for the unity of my family. I am sure that many families are not as close as ours.”

Michelle Goris, 20, Reading, mother

“The family. All the kids are healthy. Everybody’s healthy. Everybody’s getting together.”

Shawn Ink, 45, Morgantown, carpenter

“I’m thankful for support from my employer, and the family environment at my restaurant.”
Jeff Pachuta, 29, Birdsboro, sous chef

“I am thankful that my family is supportive of me and I am in good health.”
Paul Carpenter, 39, Lower Alsace Township, unemployed

“I am thankful that I made it through one complete war, that I raised a family of three, that they’re all living comfortably.”

Clyde Johnson, 89, Birdsboro, retired

“I’m thankful I still have my mother. She is 91. I’m thankful I have a roof over my head, thankful for the basics and for good friends.”

Bonnie Raczka, 64, Shoemakersville, retired

“I’m thankful that I’m here. I had a bout with diabetes. I was found in bed in a diabetic coma recently. They got me to the hospital and I’m doing fine.”
Doris Yeager, 80, Tilden Township, retired

“I’m thankful that our water isn’t polluted here, like it is by the fracking up at the Marcellus shale. And I’m thankful to have a roof over my head.”

David Wallace, 36, Reading, student

“I’m thankful for the Army because they save our world.”

Michael Ortiz, 7, Reading, student

“I am thankful to be alive. Most of my family is gone.”
Beverly Wenrich, 63, Reading, retired

“I am thankful for my “Life, family and family. Thanksgiving is friends. That about all about family.” sums it up.”
Oneida Goris, 52, Reading, homemaker

Deanne Berger, 43, Mohrsville, letter carrier

“Having a place to live and plenty to eat.”
Tom Taylor, 51, Reading, veteran

“For our health and for “For my family and for our friends.” a nice place to stay.”
Becky Ustaszewski, 73, Reading, retired Lisa Grimes, 48, Reading, shelter volunteer

“I’m thankful for family and good health.”
Paul Hartman, 44, Oley Township, farmer

“I’m thankful for a nice family day. In this day in age, everybody’s so busy.”
Neva Taschner, 71, Kenilworth, Chester County, retired

“I am thankful for my good health, my job and for having a good family.”

Jerry Henry, 58, Bernville, maintenance worker

“The Lord Jesus Christ, without whom I would still be homeless.”

John Grimes, 57, Reading, shelter worker

“That all us farmers could produce food to share for Thanksgiving.”

Dennis Essig, 65, Upper Bern Township, farmer

“I’m thankful I’m still alive. I’m thankful I still have a job. I’m thankful that January 1st, I’m out of here. I’ll be in Tampa, Florida.”

“I’m thankful to be employed, because of how sad it is with people losing their jobs.”
Rachel Anastasio, 42, Mohnton, doctor’s assistant

Philip Giandomenicio, 62, Wyomissing, driver

“I am thankful for having all of my family together at my house to celebrate. I am also thankful for what the community provides for my children.”
Jay M. Nigrini, 38, Spring Township, lawyer

“I’m thankful for being here and I’m thankful for my teachers teaching me everything I know.”
Michael Doan, 10, Reading, student

“My husband’s successful battle with cancer.”

Elizabeth Peifer, 55, Oley Township, accountant

“I’m thankful for my community, friends and family.”
Madalya Eddinger, 10, Reading, student

“ I am thankful for family because they care for me.”

Sincere Cook, 8, Reading, student

“I’m thankful for my society and my school.”

Linda Colon, 10, Reading, student

“My family and friends.”

Melissa Devlin, 42, Reading, insurance adjuster

“I’m thankful for my friends and family.”
Estefanie Garcia, 10, Reading, student

“I love my family. God bless America.”
Gloria Gonzalez, 44, Reading, housewife

“For being alive.”
Darlene Ruffner, 64, Reading, retired

“For our health, grandkids, my two sons. For God being there for us.”
Carmen Reinoso, 58, Reading, housewife

“I have a whole list. The blessings of family, friends and good doctors.”
Linda Suklje, 74, Shillington, retired banker

“I am thankful for my family and good health.”
Thomas Kowalski, 49, Spring Township, security manager

“I’m thankful that I don’t have to cook today.”
Jerry Taschner, 73, Kenilworth, Chester County, retired

“I am thankful for my health.”
Donna Simmons, 61, Shoemakersville, homemaker

“I am thankful for my family being healthy and happy.”
Star Liggett, 67, Hamburg, retired

“I’m thankful for my life and health and for my parents.”
Mike Pairi, 70, Hamburg, retired:

“My brand new grandson, Calvin.”
Liz Sterner, 54, Spring Township, governmental affairs

“I’m thankful for being 90 and having a wonderful family.”
Ruth Weitzel, 90, Laureldale, retired

“Just for being alive and that I didn’t hurt myself when I fell.”
Arthur John Rohrbach, 73, Reading, retired

“I am thankful for a wonderful family and a great job and life.”
Mark Drey, 52, Wernersville, truck driver

“Family. Definitely music.”
Cody Bachman, 22, Fleetwood, professional musician

“My family and my dinner.”
Sheldon Hall Jr., 31, Temple, mail sorter

“I’m thankful for my family.”
Frank Hager, 67, Mohnton, retired

“I’m thankful for my loving family.”
Connie Colosimo, 59, Mount Penn, teacher

“I’m thankful for good friends, old friends.”
Peggy Reisch, 74, Mohnton, retired teacher

“Just in general, it would be my family and health.
Tynesha Ritter, 41, Spring Township, policy insurance representative

“Family, it’s the only thing you can be thankful for these days.”
Lois Wagner, 82, Muhlenberg Township, retired

“This year was a good year all around. Everyone got good crops.”
Larry Gelsinger, 62, Heidelberg Township, farmer

“I’m thankful for my new baby girl, Ryleigh.”
Phil Daughtry, 28, Shoemakersville, maintenance worker

“I’m thankful for how good and healthy my family is.”
Beth Ann Bergnan, 75, Wyomissing, artist

“I’m thankful for health, family and friends.”
Kathy Eckenroth, 57, Shillington, retired

“Everything: Family, friend, a job.”
Ann Flamm, 68, math professor, Ruscombmanor Township

“I’m thankful that I’m retired after 39 years in education.”
Pam Hilbert, 60, St. Lawrence, retired

“I am thankful for being alive.”
Richard Davis, 85, Perry Township, retired

“Being able to vote.”
Joe Ustaszewski, 78, Reading, retired

“For my two boys.”
Crystal Taylor, 36, Reading, cashier

“We go to my greataunt’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. She’s kind of like a grandmother to us. There’ll be about 20 of us, and we all bring something. I make homemade mac-andcheese and pumpkin roll with cream cheese. I believe family is the root of everything. No matter what happens, you can rely on your family. It’s unconditional love.”
Sgt. Sarah Strahn, 29, Bernville, U.S. Army combat medic

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