What Are You Willing to Do

Published on July 2016 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 66 | Comments: 0 | Views: 465
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What are you willing to do?
Taking action to realize your dreams.
By Andres Aguila

You have a dream in your heart. Destiny awaits you.
Our dreams and our visions have been planted in the fertile soils of our hearts and minds and are exuberantly
waiting, like baby seedlings, for us to water and nurture them. The power is in our hands. As we choose to give
attention to our destiny, we will begin to see the manifestation of our dreams. However, it should be noted
carefully that in order to truly fulfill your destiny, you must face many, many fiery trials and tribulations. No on
said the road to fulfillment would be easy, and no one said it would be fair…or if they did, they may have been
hallucinating. The questions then are these: "How bad do you want it?," and "what are you willing to do to get
When you begin on the journey of "dream realization", you should expect immediate resistance. Not to say that
everything will go wrong, and "all hell will break loose," but a very large portion of it may break loose. To
attempt to predict the sailing waters of the entire journey would be foolish, but making adequate preparations is
wise in order to prepare for endurance. How do we prepare for endurance? Well, the first preparation is to be
conscious that resistance is coming. The concept of surrender is a very powerful key to victory, but it should
not be confused in the heart of the battle of destiny. Surrender to the Spirit of God, which leads your true
destiny is wise surrender. Surrender to the powers coming in against your fulfillment of destiny is failure.
You are not a failure. I can say this as a fact without even having met you because you are still here. You are
reading this text, which means you are not a failure. You may have failed in the past. You may have had years
and years of failures, but you are NOT a failure. If you hear the voice that says you are a failure, you are
hearing the voice of a lie. When you hear it, take note of that voice. Examine how you feel physically,
emotionally, and spiritually. Examine how you feel about your dreams when you are listening to that voice.
That voice is the voice of your enemy. It is the voice of lies and fear. It is wisdom to know your enemy. How
else can you resist, if you don' t know what to resist?
Now, to know the voice of your enemy, does not mean to meditate on the voice of your enemy. Listen to that
voice only long enough to make an assessment and then shut the voice up. It is wisdom to keep a journal of
some kind and to write down, or record the effects you observed when you heard and listened to that voice of
the lie. To resist the voice of the lie and to dive into the arms of love and truth is the path to your victory and
your destiny.
As you choose to submit your dreams and your destiny to God, you will receive more and more clarity as to
what to do with your life. As you are awaiting the specifics, dive in to the general truth of love. Take time to
feed your emotions and your spirit healthy food. Daily feed yourself with positive affirmations and meditations.
Memorize. Repeat. Meditate on truth. Starve the lies by feeding the truth. It is a simple concept.
In a dry and desolate mountain village, an old woman goes out to the well every day and it has the exact same
amount of water per day. She lowers the old bucket on the tattered rope and is able to retrieve one full bucket in
the morning, one full bucket at noon, one full bucket before dinner, and one full bucket before bed. She has a
small garden in which she grows her food, and she considers the amount of water she will need to drink, to
cook, and to clean. It is not rocket science to realize that it would be foolish to give water to the thorns on the

side of the garden…is wisdom to water that, which will bring life and health. By not watering the weeds and
thorns, they will weaken, and will be easy to remove.
You, my partner in this existence, have a limited amount of water per day…and it is the perfect amount. What
you choose to give water to will grow. The attention and energy that you put towards something will create
something. Focus the bulk of your energy towards growing and nurturing that, which will produce love and
light in your life. Yes, it is wisdom to pull the weeds of darkness and to expose the lies, but the greatest way to
do so is to feed the great light of love that resides in you, and let the weeds of the lie wither and die.
So then, how far are you willing to go in the pursuit of your destiny?
Are you willing to give up everything…I mean everything…in order to fulfill your true calling?
Are you even willing to give up your dreams in order to receive newer and better ones?
4 simple steps that will not be easy:
1. Feed and water the light in you.
2. Starve the lies.
3. Listen for the voice of love to direct you.
4. Surrender all to fulfill your destiny.
Who are you? What is your dream? What are you going to do about it?
Andres and his wife, Zahrah facilitate internships, empowerment counseling, and natural healing on a
beautiful organic farm in Costa Rica. For more information about Awakening Soul; the vision of living
in community; and for free downloads of Awakening Soul music, books, and other articles, visit:
also find us on facebook
or email - [email protected]_

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