What Do You Like?

Published on July 2016 | Categories: Types, School Work, Essays & Theses | Downloads: 128 | Comments: 0 | Views: 988
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What do you like?

Lecture 4
Likes and Dislikes

In this lecture…
 
       

Presentations!!! Reminder = come prepared to class!!!
Quick review of last lecture Different kinds of food Grammar: simple present Role Play: Eating in Style Class Activity: Survey on Food Memory challenge The rise and fall of intonation Role Play: The Fussy Customer

Different Professions
Architect Singer Doctor Model Taxi Driver Pilot Actor/Actress Teacher Police Officer Soccer Player Basketball player Cook Office worker Nurse Personal Trainer Business Manager Store Owner Fire Fighter Ambulance Driver School Principle Musician

HOW we speak
WHAT we say is important but also HOW we say it. Things to remember when talking: * Intonation * Tone … low tone = boredom, low feeling, tired … high tone = high energy, happiness, excitement, scared * Volume * Stressing words * Pauses We pause when we talk when… … we are at the end of a sentence … at a comma (,) * Fluency * Speed

1- 2 - 3 - Crash!!!
Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Kelly: Calvin: Oh… I am so tired today. Why Calvin? We just had a long weekend! I know, but I had a huge fight with my parents. Really? What happened? Well… I crashed their car and didn’t tell them until three days later. Oh my gosh!!! Three days?! That’s terrible! I didn’t mean to crash it. But… Calvin… you should have told them right away. I know, I know. Wow, for a smart student, you’re not such a smart guy! Thanks.

YOUR Personal Information
Personal information is what makes you different than another person. Information about you that is just yours. It includes things like… … your name … where you were born … address (home and email) … status (single, married, divorced) … age … job title … telephone number … where you go to school/work

Small Talk
Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Where do you live? Well, I’m from Canada but I live in California. Interesting. And what do you do? I’m an architect. What about you? I’m a doctor. I work in a hospital in Seattle. Really? My sister lives in Seattle. What does she do? She’s a singer. What’s her name? Suzy Watson. Suzy? I know her! Hey! Small world!

Wh- Questions & Statements
Wh- Questions Affirmative (+) and Negative (-) Statements work? I You He She It We They + work work do not work here. do not work works does not work works does not work works does not work work do not work work do not work

Where do do does does does do do

I you he she it we they

Spotlight: Grammar
Regular Verbs I live / don’t live in Korea. You We They Irregular Verbs: have, go, do I have/ don’t have brown hair. You go/ don’t go to church. We do/ don’t do the housework. They He She It lives/doesn’t live in Korea.

He She It

has/ doesn’t have blue eyes. goes/ doesn’t go to work. does/ doesn’t do all of it.

Try these out: 1. John _________ red hair. 4. I __________ long hair. 2. Ann ________ __________ blue hair. 5. They ____ _____ green eyes.

Rewrite the Story
Max and Lisa
My friends Max and Lisa live in Miami. They own a restaurant there. Max and Lisa like their jobs, but they don’t have a lot of free time. They work six days a week. On Monday they don’t work. On their day off, they sleep until noon and spend the afternoon at the beach.

My friend Max _________ in Miami. He ______ a restaurant there. Max ________ his job, but he __________ _______ a lot of free time. He ________ six days a week. On Monday he _________ _________. On his day off, he _________ until noon and __________ the afternoon at the beach.

Now on to today’s lecture…
Likes and Dislikes

Are you Hungry?!!!

What is your favourite food?

Focus: Vocabulary, page 16

Smart Choice

Ordering from a Menu

Focus: Conversation, page 17

Smart Choice

Dumplings or Pizza?
Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Are you hungry? Hungry? I’m starving. Do you like pizza? Pizza? No, not really. Do you like Chinese food? Yes, I do. I love Chinese food! Let’s have dumplings. Great idea! OK! Let’s go!

Dumplings or Pizza?
Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Wendy: Pete: Are you hungry? Hungry? I’m starving. Do you like pizza? Pizza? No, not really. Do you like Chinese food? Yes, I do. I love Chinese food! Let’s have dumplings. Great idea! OK! Let’s go!

Focus: Language Practice, page 18

Smart Choice

The Simple Present
Do Do Does Does Does Do Do I you he she it we they like cheese? Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, I do. you do. he does. she does. it does. we do. they do. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, I don’t. you don’t. he doesn’t. she doesn’t. it doesn’t. we don’t. they don’t.

I like hamburgers, but I don’t like pizza. Dora likes chicken, but she doesn’t like beef. Dora and Chuck like tea, but they don’t like noodles. He ______ apples, but he _____ ______ bananas. They ________ cheese, but they ______ _________ milk. We _______ sushi, but we _______ _________ cooked fish. My friend ________ fries, but ________ __________ chips. ________ like ice cream, but _________ __________ cake.

Different Kinds of Food

Eating in Style
Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Rori: Sam: Yo Sammy, want to go get some lunch? You hungry? … for sure! I’m so hungry I could eat a horse! Really?! Ok, ok… let’s hit up Kimbab Chunkuk. Oh man, that’s student style. I don’t want that. I can’t stand fast food!!! Hmmm… ok, what do you suggest then? I say, let’s check out Mainz. It’s just down the street from Yawoori. Isn’t it expensive though? A little bit. Hmmm… ok, but you better bring your cash. What?! Ya… didn’t you ask me to lunch? Yes, but… … then it’s your treat. Sounds fantastic! Oh man… you’re such a cheapskate. Dude, I’m a student. What do you expect?! Fair enough.

Class Survey on Food
A: Do you like _____? B: No, I (don’t like/hate) ______. Yes, I (love/like) _______. (If they answer yes, continue) A: What kind of _______ do you like? B: I like _________.
love like don't like hate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8                                


Italian Food                

Korean Food                

Fast Food                

Chinese Food                

Japanese Food

Survey Results
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

____ is the most loved food.  ___ is the most hated food.  Many people don’t like ___.  I love _________ the most.  I hate _________ the most.  _____ loves ____________.  _______ hates _________. 

Korean food is the most loved food. Italian food is the most hated food. Many people don’t like Chinese food. I love Japanese food the most. I hate fast food the most. Jin Ho loves seafood and fast food. Tommy hates Korean food.

Memory Challenge
What kind of (vegetables/fruit/meat/seafood/restaurants) do you like?
1. I like ___. 2. I like ___ and he/she likes ___. 3. I like ___,he/she likes ___, and he/she likes ___. 4. I like ___,he/she likes ___, he/she likes ___, and he/she likes___.

Intonation Change
When we speak, our intonation is ALWAYS going up and done, but when we ask questions, when does it go up and down???

Do you like kimchi? What is your favourite food?
How should the intonation at the end of these questions go? Should the intonation the same or different?

The Rise and Fall of Intonation
YES/NO questions = intonation goes up at the end. Other questions = intonation goes down at the end. Try these questions … how should the intonation go?  What is your favourite kind of ice cream?  Do you always eat rice?  Are apples your favourite fruit?  What kind of food do you really dislike?  Where do you eat lunch?  Do you like sushi?

The Fussy Customer

Role Play

This Week’s Homework
1. Workbook pages: 12 (#1-3), 13 (#4), 15 (#1-3)

Last Week’s Homework
1. Workbook pages: 7 (#1 & 2), 8 (#6), and 9 (#7 - 9)

Last Week’s Homework Answers
Page 7 Activity #1 2. works 3. lives 4. study 5. play 6. works

Activity #2 2. I don’t work in London. 3. Carlos and Rosa don’t live in Tijuana. 4. Sandra doesn’t study English. 5. We don’t live in Chicago. 6. Roberto doesn’t play soccer.

Answers Continued…
Page 8 Activity #6 1. Where are you from? 2. Where do you live? 3. What do you do? 4. Where do you work? Page 9 Activity #7 2. live 4. are 6. do Activity #9 2. What does he study? 3. They don’t live in Dallas. 4. Where does she live? 5. Where do you work? 6. Where are you from?

3. ‘m not 5. ‘m 7. work

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