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One, who is deceitful, bows the seeds of his own depreciation and death. A deceitful characteristic in a person leads to his/her ultimate downfall. It is characteristic that can be deriving by duplicity which is to someone to betray or spy deceitfulness derives by duplicity which means to betray someone by backstabbing them. This is the same case in Play Hamlet written by William Shakespeare. The characters in the play Hamlet has led to their downfall and also causes other people to lead their downfall. This will be proven by the characters that suffered from their ultimate downfall Claudius, Hamlet and Polonius. The first character that has suffered a downfall due to being a multi-faced character is King Claudius. Claudius is the main player of this whole play who has started conflicts between everybody in the play. His ambition was to become king of the Denmark and marry his sister-in-law by killing his brother, King Hamlet. Throughout the play, he pretends to be very innocent, kind and upset in front of Hamlet about his father death. But in reality he is not upset at all. He actually got what he really wanted. He convinces the whole kingdom to show sorrow about his brother’s death, however, he is doing it fulfill his goal,
Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother's death The memory be green, and that it us befitted To bear our hearts in grief and our whole kingdom To be contracted in one brow of woe, Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature That we with wisest sorrow think on him, Together with remembrance of ourselves.

This quotation clearly exemplifies Claudius’s double faced character toward everyone. This quotation shows that he is deceiving everybody by showing his fake sorrow towards his brother’s death. He is acting sad about it, however, he is doing it on purpose to gain everyone else’s trust and he is doing it to seem like a good king. He even shows the same to Hamlet as well. He acts very kind toward Hamlet as though he loves him a lot and he is his son. But in reality he does not care about him at all. He is actually pretending so he can get his loyalty as well. He even investigates the reason of Hamlet’s madness, not for Hamlet but for himself, “Whose whisper o’er the world’s diameter, as levels as the cannon to his blank transports his poisoned shot, may miss our name and hit the woundless air. Oh come away! My soul is full of discord and dismay” - Claudius, Act 4 Scene 1, lines 41-45. This quotation articulates that Claudius is worried about Hamlet’s mental position, while in reality, he is fearful of him discovering his bitter truth. Claudius shows everybody that he cares about Hamlet and wants to improve his present condition. However, he is trying to figure out the reason behind his madness because he is suspicious about revealing to everyone that his the one who killed his brother. Therefore, he convinces Laertes to kill Hamlet so that he can get rid of him,
No place, indeed, should murder sanctuarize; Revenge should have no bounds.

This quotation clearly exemplifies that he does not care about anybody but his own good. He just wants to get rid of Hamlet by using Laertes. This leads to everybody’s death in the play and his own downfall as well.

The second character that has that has led to the downfall is the duplicity of Hamlet, the protagonist of the Play Hamlet. His fake madness and cruelty towards Ophelia leads to his downfall. He grieves so deeply about his father’s death and his mother’s remarriage with his uncle that he virtually appears to be insane; however, he is just acting insane to take revenge for his father’s cruel death. When he is talking with Polonius his true craziness is shown,
Excellent well; you are a fishmonger. For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a god kissing carrion,

This quotation clearly shows that he really acts insane but though he was just acting to be a crazy, so that Polonius can send this message to Claudius. He was acting crazy because it was his part of his whole plan, so that no one knows that Hamlet knows about King Hamlet being murdered by Claudius. Moreover, if he acts crazy, no one is going to know that he is up to something wrong, like; everybody would turn a blind eye on him and think he did not do anything wrong since he is crazy. He also uses his girlfriend, Ophelia without caring about her to make his plan successful by his two face character. He is deeply hurt due to the ignorance of Ophelia that he uses it to advantage, by showing hate towards her, in order to make others think that his madness is due to his rejected love. “Get thee to a nunnery, farewell. Or if thou wit needs marry, marry a fool; for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them” (III.i.137-140). This quotation clearly exemplifies Hamlet’s cruel nature. Hamlet knows that Ophelia must obey her father and end their relationship. This quotation clearly exemplifies the duplicity character of Hamlet. He uses his madness to manipulate and deceive the other characters, while in reality he is carrying out his master plan. He plays his role extremely well by showing his madness that he is able to convince Polonius that it is all due to his rejected love, Ophelia.

The last character that has that has led to the downfall was due its duplicity was Polonius, a selfish and evil, who is not concerned about his kingdom but this own comforts. Polonius seems to be very loyal to King Claudius throughout the whole Play; however, he is not at all. In fact, he is very mean, selfish, and evil character in this Play. He shows to his son Laertes how he is so loving and caring father, but after he was gone, Polonius sends a spy after him to keep eye on him.
Before you visit him, to make inquire Of his behavior. Inquire me first what Danskers are in Paris; And how, and who, what means, and where they keep, What company, at what expense; and finding

This proves that he appears to be a trustworthy father, but in reality he is unreliable person who cannot be trusted. Another example would be he started to interfere with other people business. He started to spy on Hamlet, which has eventually leads to his own ultimate downfall by getting death from Hamlet.

He acts to the Claudius as he cares about Hamlet a lot which is eventually an opposite of his character. He does not care about him at all, he even suggests Claudius to spy on Hamlet while he is talking to the queen, Gertrude,
My lord, he's going to his mother's closet: Behind the arras I'll convey myself, To hear the process; and warrant she'll tax him home:

This quotation perfectly exemplifies Polonius as a double face character. He acts to the Claudius as he cares about Hamlet a lot which is eventually an opposite of his character. However, he asking Claudius to spy on him so that he can know what his problem is, but, actually he is spying on to become a good person in Claudius’s view. This has lead to his own death because while he was spying on them he was killed by Hamlet behind the curtains. Throughout the play, Polonius appears to be honest, but in reality, he manipulates people. His character shows that his appearance is not his true nature; behind the mask there lies someone entirely different. To conclude, the characters in the hamlet who were double-faced has led them to their downfall. Claudius, Hamlet, and Polonius are the ones who were actually acting to be

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