What Kind of Movies Do You Like

Published on February 2017 | Categories: Documents | Downloads: 75 | Comments: 0 | Views: 425
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What Kind Of Movies Do You Like? Talking about likes and frequency Jeffrey and Brian are talking about likes and dislikes regarding films and also about the frequency they watch them. Put the words in the correct order to see their conversation. Re inder! Check the correct use of capital letters and the spelling of the words you type in.

Brian: Do you like movies? Jeffrey: Yes, very much. do - what - of -movies - you - kind - like



Jeffrey: All kinds. Specially adventure. Brian: Oh, really! Me, too. movies - often - do - go - to - how - the - you



Brian: I usually go on Sundays. And you? Jeffrey: I sometimes go on riday evenings. we - the - maybe - could - to - next - movies - weekend - go



Jeffrey: Yes, that!s a good idea! "all me on Saturday, O#? Brian: O#, I $ill. %ye! Jeffrey: %ye!

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