Why do I need

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Why do I need Children’s Plans?
Children's Plans helps you save so that you can fulfill your child's dreams and aspirations. These plans go a long way in securing your child's future by financing the key milestones in their lives even if you are no longer around to oversee them. As a parent, you wish to provide your child with the very best that life offers, the best possible education, marriage and life style. Most of these goals have a price tag attached and unless you plan your finances carefully, you may not be able to provide the required economic support to your child when you need it the most. For example, with the high and rising costs of education, if you are not financially prepared, your child may miss an opportunity of a lifetime. Today, a 2-year MBA course at a premiere management institute would cost you nearly Rs. 3,00,000/- At a assumed 6% rate of inflation per annum, 20 years later, you would need almost Rs. 9,07,680/- to finance your child's MBA degree. An illustration of how education expenses could rise with passing time due to inflation

Source: HDFC Standard Life Survey 2008. Inflation assumed as 6% p.a. So, how can you cope with these costs? Children's Plans help you save steadily over the long term so that you can secure your child's future needs, be it higher education, marriage or anything else. A small sum invested by you regularly can help you build a decent corpus over a period of time and go a long way in providing your child a secured financial future alongwith

Types of Children's Plans

Our range of Children's Plans includes Conventional Plans • HDFC Children's Plan
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Unit Linked Insurance Plans HDFC SL YoungStar Super II HDFC SL YoungStar Super Premium

Let Us Help You Choose The Right Plan For You

Would you prefer to take a a)Traditional plan in which the insurance company takes all the investment decisions on your behalf over the entire policy term b)Return on the policy is in the form of bonus payable on maturity. Would you prefer to take a Unit Linked plan, where a)You can regularly monitor and review your investment decision according to your need b)The choice of investment and the investment risk you take is in your control c)Return is in the form of growth in the NAV

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You are here: Home Retirement Plans

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Retirement Plans HDFC Life ClassicPension Insurance Plan HDFC Personal Pension Plan HDFC Immediate Annuity HDFC SL Pension Maximus

Retirement Plans
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Monetary security Financial independence even after retirement

Live carefree in your golden years

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Why do I need Retirement Plans?
Retirement Plans provide you with financial security so that when your professional income starts to ebb, you can still live with pride without compromising on your living standards. By providing you a tool to accumulate and invest your savings, these plans give you a lump sum on retirement, which is then used to get regular income through an annuity plan. Given the high cost of living and rising inflation, employer pensions alone are not sufficient. Pension planning has therefore become critical today. India's average life expectancy is slated to increase to over 75 years by 2050 from the present level of close to 65 years. Life spans have been increasing due to better health and sanitation conditions in the country. However, the average number of years of employment has not been rising commensurately. The result is an increase in the number of post-retirement years. Accordingly, it has become necessary to ensure regular income for life after retirement, so that you can live with pride and enjoy your twilight years. Priorities at different stages of life:-

However, skyrocketing costs can throw even a well-laid plan off balance. With costs rising every day, you can just imagine how high they will be when you are ready to hang

up your boots. So, what should you do to counter this? It's time to plan your retirement and that too sooner than later.

The above illustration shows how with each passing year your annual savings requirement would increase. For instance, if you are 30 years old and plan to retire at 60, then, with a current annual expenditure of Rs. 3,00,000/- , you would need a corpus in excess of Rs. 2,00,00,000/- to maintain your living standards, assuming you live till 85 years and the inflation rate is 4%. To build this retirement corpus, you need to invest Rs 3,60,000/- per annum in a retirement plan that offers 8% returns per annum. In case you delay planning your retirement by 5 years then the investment amount would increase to Rs 6,90,000/- per annum.

Types of Retirement Plans
Our range of Retirement Plans includes Type

Conventional Plans HDFC Personal Pension Plan HDFC Life ClassicPension Insurance Plan

Unit Linked Insurance Plans

Regular Premium Single Premium/ Investment

HDFC SL Pension Maximus

Let Us Help You Choose The Right Plan For You
Would you prefer to take a a)Traditional plan in which the insurance company takes all the investment decisions on

your behalf over the entire policy term b)Return on the policy is in the form of bonus payable on maturity Would you prefer to take a Unit Linked Plan in which you can get vesting benefit which will be as per fund performance of your chosen fund with benefit of guarantee vesting value?

Why do I need Savings & Investment Plans?
You have always given your family the very best. And there is no reason why they shouldn't get the very best in the future too. As a judicious family man, your priority is to secure the well-being of those who depend on you. Not just for today, but also in the long term. More importantly, you have to ensure that your family's future expenses are taken care, even if something unfortunate were to happen to you. A big factor that you need to consider while building your wealth is inflation. It has a dual impact on your hard-earned savings. Inflation not only erodes your current purchasing power but also magnifies your monetary requirements for the future. Sample this: An 35 Year individual needs to invest Rs. 36,000/- per year with 8% returns to build a corpus of Rs. 10,00,000/- by the age of 50 Years.

However, Rs. 10,00,000/- after 15 years would be worth roughly around half of what it is today once adjusted for inflation at the rate of 4%. Therefore, an individual will need to save nearer to Rs 50,000/- annually to reach your targeted savings at the age of 50 Years, if you consider inflation. Our Savings & Investment Plans provide you the assurance of lump sum funds for your and your family's future expenses. While providing an excellent savings tool for your

short term and long term financial goals, these plans also assure your family a certain sum by way of an insurance cover. With HDFC Standard Life's range of Saving & Investment Plans, you can therefore ensure that your family always remains financially independent, even if you are not around.

Types of Savings & Investment Plans
Our range of Savings & Investment Plans includes Type Regular Premium
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Conventional Plans HDFC SL New Money Back Plan HDFC Assurance Plan# HDFC Savings Assurance Plan^ HDFC Endowment Assurance Plan HDFC Life Sampoorn Samridhi Insurance Plan

Unit Linked Insurance Plans • HDFC SL ProGr owth Super II

HDFC SL ProGr owth Flexi Single Premium/ • HDFC Single Premium Whole of Life • HDFC Investment Insurance Plan SL ProGr owth Maxi miser Limited Premium • HDFC SL ClassicAssure Insurance • HDFC Payment Plan SL Crest #HDFC Assurance Plan is available for sale through our Bancassurance Partners (HDFC Ltd.,HDFC Bank, Saraswat Bank and Indian Bank) ^HDFC Savings Assurance Plan is available for sale through HDFC Bank

Let Us Help You Choose The Right Plan For You
Would you prefer to take a a)Traditional plan in which the insurance company takes all the investment decisions on your behalf over the entire policy term b)Return on the policy is in the form of bonus payable on maturity.

Would you prefer to take a Unit Linked plan, where a)You can regularly monitor and review your investment decision according to your need b)The choice of investment and the investment risk you take is in your control c)Return is in the form of growth in the NAV

Why do I need Health Plans?
Health plans give you the financial security to meet health related contingencies. Due to changing lifestyles, health issues have acquired completely new dimension overtime, becoming more complex in nature. It becomes imperative then to have a health plan in place, which will ensure that no matter how critical your illness is, it does not impact your financial independence. In the race to excel in our professional lives and provide the best for our loved ones, we sometimes neglect the most important asset that we have - our health. With increasing levels of stress, negligible physical activity and a deteriorating environment due to rapid urbanization, our vulnerability to diseases has increased at an alarming rate.

Source: National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health Report 2005. Note: Current figures are for the year 2000(Cardiovascular diseases)), 2001 (COPD and Asthma), 2004 (Cancer) and 2005(Diabetes and Mental Health). All figures above are on a per lakh basis. As can be seen in the above chart, lifestyle diseases are set to spread at disturbing rates. The result - increased expenditure. In many cases, people need to borrow money or sell assets to cover their medical expenses. All it takes is a suitable plan to help you overcome

the financial woes related to your health by paying marginal amounts as premiums. For example, if you are 30 years old, then a mere sum of approximately Rs 3500* annually (exclusive of taxes) can provide you a health insurance plan of Rs 5 lakh over a period of 20 years, and a worry-free future for you and your family. *Note: The assumption is based on the HDFC Critical Care Plan. The figure is only indicative and the actual premium may depend upon numerous factors such as age, sum assured, gender, policy term, premium payment frequency and additional benefits opted for. It also differs from plan to plan and option to option

Types Of Health Plans
Our range of Health Plans includes HDFC Critical Care Plan HDFC SurgiCare Plan

Let Us Help You Choose The Right Plan For You
I wish to have protection against critical illnesses that I may suffer from. I prefer to financially safeguard my self against major surgical procedures that I may undergo.

One- Stop Shop for Employee- Benefit Solutions
HDFC Standard Life has the most comprehensive list of products for progressive employers who wish to provide the best and most innovative employee benefit solutions to their employees. We offer different products for different needs of employers ranging from term insurance plans for pure protection to voluntary plans such as superannuation and leave encashment. When you choose HDFC Standard Life, you choose growth for your investments and security for your employees

We assure you of
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Choice of different funds Transparent fund management

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Market linked returns Low fund management charges Easy administration Speedy claim settlements( as per agreed service standards)

Our group products we offer to our esteemed corporate clients
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Group Term Insurance Group Variable Term Insurance Group Unit-Linked Plan - An investment solution that provides funding vehicle to manage corpuses with Gratuity, Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution Superannuation or Leave Encashment schemes of your company Also suitable for other employee benefit schemes such as salary saving schemes and wealth management schemes

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You are here: HOME Group Plans Group Plans

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Group Plans Introduction Group Plans o Group Term Insurance Plan o Group Variable Term Insurance o Group Unit Linked Plan - Gratuity o Group Unit Linked Plan - Leave Encashment o HDFC SL Group Savings Plan Our Investment Committee Our Parentage Associate Companies

Group Plans

Group Term Insurance Plan

This plan offers Protection to an organisation's employees Find out more

Group Variable Term Insurance Plan

This Protection plan is a tailor made insurance policy for third party institutions Find out more

Group Gratuity


This plan is a flexible and cost effective way to fund your Gratuity liability Find out more

Group Leave Encashment Solution

This plan is an effective way to fund your company's Leave Encashment liability

Find out more

HDFC SL Group Savings Plan

An exclusive plan that will let your cherished member's save effectively. Find out more ...

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oard Members

Brief Profile of The Board of Directors

Mr. Deepak S. Parekh is the Chairman of the Company. He is also the Chairman and Director of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC Limited). He joined HDFC Limited in a senior management position in 1978. He was inducted as a whole-time director of HDFC Limited in 1985 and was appointed as its Chairman in 1993. Mr. Parekh is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (England & Wales).

Mr. Keki M. Mistry joined the Board of Directors of the Company in December, 2000. He is currently the Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of HDFC Limited. He joined HDFC Limited in 1981 and became an Executive Director in 1993. He was appointed as its Managing Director in 2000. Mr. Mistry is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a member of the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants.

Ms. Renu S. Karnad is the Managing Director of HDFC Limited. She is a graduate in Law and holds a Master's degree in Economics from

Delhi University. She has been employed with HDFC Limited since 1978 and was appointed as the Executive Director in 2000 and Deputy Managing Director in 2007. She is responsible for overseeing all aspects of lending operations of HDFC Limited.

Mr. David Nish joined Standard Life on 1 November 2006 as Group Finance Director and remained in that position until December 2009. He is appointed as the Executive Europe on 1st January 2010. In 2000 he was awarded the Scottish Business Awards Finance Director of the Year and from 2004 to 2005 he served on the Government Employers Pension Task Force. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. He joined the Board of Directors in February 2010.

Mr. Nathan Parnaby is appointed as the Chief Executive, Europe & Asia of Standard Life in the year 2010. Nathan joined Standard Life in 1982 as Investment Manager, responsible for all UK net funds. He was appointed a Director of the Standard Life Investments’ board. He is a Mathematics graduate from Oxford University and the Member of the Securities Institute. He joined the Board of Directors in December 2009.

Mr. Norman K. Skeoch is currently the Chief Executive in Standard Life Investments Limited and is responsible for overseeing Investment

Process & Chief Executive Officer Function. Prior to this, Mr. Skeoch was working with M/s. James Capel & Co. holding the positions of UK Economist, Chief Economist, Executive Director, Director of Controls and Strategy HSBS Securities and Managing Director International Equities. He was also responsible for Economic and Investment Strategy research produced on a worldwide basis. Mr. Skeoch joined the Board of Directors in November 2005.

Mr. Gautam R. Divan is a practising Chartered Accountant and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Mr. Divan was the Former Chairman and Managing Committee Member of Midsnell Group International, an International Association of Independent Accounting Firms and has authored several papers of professional interest. Mr. Divan has wide experience in auditing accounts of large public limited companies and nationalised banks, financial and taxation planning of individuals and limited companies and also has substantial experience in structuring overseas investments to and from India.

Mr. Ranjan Pant is a global Management Consultant advising CEO/Boards on Strategy and Change Management. Mr. Pant, until 2002 was a Partner & Vice-President at Bain & Company, Inc., Boston, where he led the worldwide Utility Practice. He was also Director, Corporate Business Development at General Electric headquarters in Fairfield, USA. Mr. Pant has an MBA from The Wharton School and BE (Honours) from Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences.

Mr. Ravi Narain is the Managing Director & CEO of National Stock Exchange of India Limited. Mr. Ravi Narain was a member of the core team to set-up the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and is also associated with various committees of SEBI and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Mr. A. K.T. Chari has joined HDFC Standard Life as a Director on March 10, 2010. Mr. Chari has completed his Electrical Engineering from Madras University in 1962. He is associated with Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd. (IDFC) for last 11 years. Currently he is handling project finance for infrastructure projects at IDFC. Prior to this he was associated with Infrastructure Development Bank of India (IDBI) from 1975 to 1999.

Mr. Gerald E. Grimstone was appointed Chairman of Standard Life in May 2007, having been Deputy Chairman since March 2006. He became a director of the Standard Life Assurance Company in July 2003. He is also Chairman of Candover Investments plc and was appointed as one of the UK’s Business Ambassadors by the Prime Minister in January 2009. Gerry held senior positions within the Department of Health and Social Security and HM Treasury until 1986. He then spent 13 years with Schroders in London, Hong Kong and New York, and was Vice Chairman of Schroders’ worldwide investment

banking activities from 1998 to 1999. He is the Alternate Director to Mr. David Nish.

Mr. Michael G Connarty is responsible for Standard Life's investments in life assurance Joint Ventures in India and China. He holds a degree in Law and MBA. He has worked with Standard Life for 33 years in managerial positions covering a number of fields such as Pensions law, International Marketing, Operational Management, Strategy, Risk, Compliance, Company Secretarial and Banking. He has acted as Project Manager for the start-up project of the Company in 2000. He is the Alternate Director to Mr. Norman K. Skeoch.

Mr. Amitabh Chaudhry is the MD and CEO of HDFC Standard Life. Before joining HDFC Standard Life, he was the MD and CEO of Infosys BPO and was also heading an Independent Validation Services unit in Infosys Technologies. He started his career with Bank of America delivering diverse roles ranging from Head of Technology Investment Banking for Asia, Regional Finance Head for Wholesale Banking and Global Markets and Chief Finance Officer of Bank of America (India). He moved to Credit Lyonnais Securities in 2001 in Singapore where he headed their investment banking franchise for South East Asia and structured finance practice for Asia before joining Infosys BPO in 2005. Mr. Chaudhry completed his Engineering in 1985 from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani and MBA in 1987 from IIM, Ahmedabad.

Mr. Paresh Parasnis is the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the company. A fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, he has been associated with the HDFC Group since 1984. During his 16-year tenure at HDFC Limited, he was responsible for driving and spearheading several key initiatives. As one of the founding members of HDFC Standard life, Mr. Parasnis has been responsible for setting up branches, driving sales and servicing strategy, leading recruitment, contributing to product launches and performance management system, overseeing new business and claims settlement, customer interactions etc.

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