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IELTS ESSENTIAL WORDS - A to Z (Part 1) Alternative (adjective) - option, coice, di!!erent idea or "a# to t o do $o%etin& E'a%pe In te near !*t*re, $cienti$t$ "i ave ave to co%e *p "it an aternative ene ener&# r&# $o*rce to oi, a$ ti$ i$ an e'pen$ive, da%a&in& and !inite !inite re$o*rce+ re$o*rce+ Benefit (no*n) - advanta&e, advanta&e, &ain, &ain, $o%etin& tat ep$ E'a%pe Te %ain ene!it o! $t*d#in& En&i$ i$ tat t at #o* eco%e %ore e%po#ae a$ virt*a# ever# co%pan# de$ire$ En&i$ $peain& $ta!!+ Comprehensive (adjective) - inc*din& ever#tin&, toro*& E'a%pe Te &overn%ent i$ %ain& co%preen$ive re!or%$ o! teir econo%ic poic# d*e to te &oa econo%ic cri$i$ Diligent (adjective) - ard"orin&, tiree$$, care!* to "or "ito*t %i$tae$ E'a%pe .er Dad a$ een e'tre%e# dii&ent in tracin& o*r !a%i# tree ac to te 1/t 0ent*r# Empathy (no*n) - *nder$tandin& anoter per$on$ !eein&$ E'a%pe 2# %at$ teacer at i& $coo "a$ rea# &reat eca*$e $e ad &reat e%pat# !or te $t*dent$ and "o*d i%%ediate# no" "en "e ad a proe% *nder$tandin& a concept Feature (no*n) - pro%inent part o! $o%etin& E'a%pe Te %o$t &ro*ndreain& &ro*ndreain& !eat*re o! te iPad "a$ tat it "a$ a co%p*ter "ito*t a e#oard+ Generate (ver) - to create, to prod*ce prod*ce E'a%pe A $%a inve$t%ent in a $tart-*p co%pan# can &enerate a ot o! pro!it i! te *$ine$$ eco%e$ $*cce$$!*+ Highlight (ver) - e%pa$i$e, *nderine or $tre$$ $o%etin&


E'a%pe Tere a$ een a ot o! %edia attention i&i&tin& te dan&er$ o! !a$t !ood con$*%ption and te in to oe$it# Illustrate (ver) - to repre$ent, repre$ent, to cari!# "it e'a%pe$, e'a%pe$, to de%on$trate de%on$trate $o%etin& $o%etin& E'a%pe Te t$*na%i in 3apan i*$trated ver# cear# tat %oter nat*re and te nat*ra  ee%ent$ are %ore po"er!* tan an# tecnoo&# or protection tat te *%an race can deveop+ Justify (ver) - to e'pain, e'pain, to %ae e'c*$e$ e'c*$e$ !or #o*r action$, action$, E'a%pe Te *r&ent need to co%at terrori$% doe$ not j*$ti!# te iin& o! to*$and$ t o*$and$ o! innocent civiian$ in "ar$+ Likewise (adver) - too, in te $a%e "a#, "a#, $i%iar# E'a%pe Te ater oo edition$ o! Te .*n&er 4a%e$ $erie$ "ere not a$ pop*ar a$ te earier  one$+ Lie"i$e, te pro!it$ !ro% !*t*re !i% !i% adaptation$ adaptation$ %a# a$o e red*ced+ red*ced+ ttp55"""+$t&eor&e$+co +$t&eor&e$+co+*5o&5acade% +*5o&5acade%ic-en&i$5i ic-en&i$5iet$-e$$entia-" et$-e$$entia-"ord$-a-toord$-a-to- See %ore at ttp55""" 67$o%etin&a$+p.8W!PE1+dp*! 

IELTS ESSENTIAL WORDS - A to Z (Part 9)   2INI2ISE (ver) - to red*ce to te $%ae$t po$$ie a%o*nt E'a%pe The aim of the government!s poli"y is to minimise the num#er of al"ohol$relate% %eaths ea"h year&   NOR2 (no*n) - *$*a, t#pica, $tandard or r*e E'a%pe Before the glo#al e"onomi" "risis' it ha% #e"ome the norm for #anks to len% mortgages who "oul% not realisti"ally affor% to pay them&   O:T0O2E


(no*n) - re$*t, con$e;*ence, te "a# $o%etin& t*rn$ o*t E'a%pe The "ommunity "oming together to "lean up their %istri"t was an une(pe"te% out"ome of the riots&   PERSISTENT (adjective) - contin*in& to appen over a on& period E'a%pe The persistent graffiti an% van%alism resulte% in the lo"al "oun"il installing CCT) in the main high street   <:OTA (no*n) - a i%ited or !i'ed n*%er o! $o%etin& E'a%pe The removal of entry *uotas meant that more overseas stu%ents applie% to +, universities last year year&&   REIN=OR0E (ver) - to $tren&ten, E'a%pe It is important to reinfor"e the fa"t that "lean' on$time #us servi"es are an essential part of a pu#li" transport system #e"oming popular&   SI4NI=I0ANT (adjective) - i%portant, "ort# o! attention E'a%pe There has #een a signifi"ant in"rease in the num#er of "hil%ren #ringing lun"h #o(es to s"hool sin"e -./-&   TREND (no*n) - &enera direction in "ic $o%etin& i$ can&in& E'a%pe The graph shows a "lear upwar% tren% in the temperature of the earth in the last /.. years&   :NDERLINE (ver) - to e%pa$i6e $o%etin& $o%etin&


E'a%pe The rise in glo#al temperature un%erlines the fa"t that human #ehaviour is %amaging to the environment&   8ALID (adjective) - e&a# acceptae E'a%pe 0tu%ent visas are usually vali% for 1 months' #ut mine was e(ten%e% to /2 months %ue to my further stu%ies&   WIDESPREAD (adjective) - di$tri*ted over a ar&e n*%er o! peope E'a%pe The "urrent offi"ial measures from the 3orl% Health 4rganisation are aime% at stopping the sprea% of the e#ola virus from #e"oming wi%esprea% a"ross Europe&   >O>O (ver) - to !*ct*ate, to %ove *p and do"n E'a%pe The Fa"e#ook share pri"e has yoyoe% "onsi%era#ly sin"e laun"h showing that investors are unsure a#out the inherent value of the "ompany& "ompany&   To !ind o*t detai$ ao*t te di!!erent IELTS co*r$e$ in London at S4I "it o*r !anta$tic tea% o! e'perienced teacer$, pea$e cic ere+ Ever# T*r$da#, ever# $t*dent on te IELTS E'a% Preparation co*r$e co%pete$ a !* %oc IELTS te$t+ Ti$ i$ e'ceent preparation !or te rea IELTS te$t eca*$e eac $t*dent •

&et$ rea practice "it te e'act t#pe o! ;*e$tion$ tat #o* "i !ace in te rea IELTS e'a% &et$ practice "it te ti%e i%it$ o! te IELTS te$t and #o* reai$e o" ;*ic# #o* ave to "or *nder$tand$ o" %*c %ore te# ave to i%prove to &et te IELTS and $core tat te# "ant eco%e$ e$$ $tre$$ed ao*t $ittin& an e'a% eca*$e doin& an IELTS e'a% eco%e$ a ait

- See %ore at ttp55"""+$t&eor&e$ ttp55"""+$t&eor&e$+co+*5o&5acade +co+*5o&5acade%ic-en&i$5i %ic-en&i$5iet$-e$$entia-" et$-e$$entia-"ord$-a-to-6ord$-a-to-6part-97$o%etin&a$+?6nL%+dp*! 


1@@ 2o$t O!ten 2i$peed 2i$$peed 2i$$peed Word$ in En&i$

.ere are te 1@@ "ord$ %o$t co%%on# %i$$peed (%i$$pe i$ one o! te%)+ Dr+ Lan&*a&e a$ provided a one-$top c*re !or a #o*r $pein& i$+ Eac "ord a$ a %ne%onic pi "it it and, i! #o* $"ao" it, it "i ep #o* to re%e%er o" to $pe te "ord+ 2a$ter te  te  orto&rap# o! orto&rap# o! te "ord$ on ti$ pa&e and red*ce te ti%e #o* $pend $earcin& dictionarie$ dictionarie$ # @B+ (:$e te ti%e #o* $ave ceeratin& in o*r  &a%eroo%+) &a%eroo% +)  A •

acceptae acceptae  - Severa "ord$ %ade te i$t eca*$e o! te $*!!i' prono*nced -C *t $o%eti%e$ $peed -ie, $o%eti%e$ -ae+ 3*$t re%e%er to accept an# tae o!!ered to #o* and #o* "i $pe ti$ "ord O+ accidenta# accidenta#  - It i$ no accident tat te te$t !or adver$ on -# i$ "eter te# co%e !ro% an adjective on -a (accidenta in ti$ ca$e)+ I! $o, te -a a$ to e in te $pein&+ No p*ica, ten p*ic#+ p*ic# + acco%%odate acco%%odate  - Re%e%er, ti$ "ord i$ ar&e eno*& to acco%%odate ot a do*e c  AND a do*e %+

ac;*ire - Tr# to ac;*ire te no"ed&e tat ti$ "ord and te ne't e&an "it te pre!i' ac;*ire ad- *t te FdG convert$ to FcG F cG e!ore F;G+

ac;*it ac;*it  - See te previo*$ di$c*$$ion+

a ot - T"o "ord$H .ope!*#, #o* "ont ave to aot a ot o! ti%e to ti$ proe%+

a%ate*r   - A%ate*r$ need not e %at*re ti$ "ord end$ on te =renc $*!!i' -e*r (te e;*ivaent o! En&i$ -er)+ apparent  - A parent need not e apparent *t apparent %*$t pa# te rent, $o re%e%er apparent ti$ "ord a"a#$ a$ te rent+ ar&*%ent ar&*%ent  - Let$ not ar&*e ao*t te o$$ o! ti$ ver$ $ient FeG e!ore te $*!!i' -%ent+ atei$t  - Lord ep #o* re%e%er tat ti$ "ord co%pri$e$ te pre!i' a- not  te &od atei$t (a$o in te-oo&#)  -i$t one "o eieve$+

J •

eieve - >o* %*$t eieve tat FiG *$*a# co%e$ e!ore FeG e'cept a!ter FcG or "en it i$ eieve prono*nced ie a a$ nei&or and "ei& or e a$ in teir and eir+ A$o tae a oo at !orei&n eo"+ (Te i-e!ore-e r*e a$ %ore e'ception$ tan "ord$ it appie$ to+) e"eter   - O!ten %i$$peed e"eater+ A "eter i$ a &eded ra%, co$en to ead te erd (t*$ i$ e) d*e to te &reater ieiood tat e "i re%ain at a ti%e$ aead o! te e"e$+


0 •

caendar  - Ti$ "ord a$ an FeG et"een t"o FaG$+ Te a$t vo"e i$ FaG+ cate&or#  cata$trope even i! it $o*nd$ ie it te cate&or# - Ti$ "ord i$ not in a cate&or# "it cata$trope %idde etter i$ FeG+ ce%eter# - Dont et ti$ one *r# #o* it end$ on -er# nar# an -ar# in it+ >o* ce%eter#  >o* aread# no" it $tart$ on FcG, o! co*r$e+

can&eae  - Te ver can&e eep$ it$ FeG ere to indicate tat te F&G i$ $o!t, not ard+ can&eae (Tat i$ a$o "# j*d&e%ent i$ te correct $pein& o! ti$ "ord, no %atter "at an#one $a#$+) coectie - Anoter -ie "ord+ >o* j*$t ave to re%e%er+ coectie  co*%n co%%onpace in En&i$ *t a $ient !ina FnG i$ not *nco%%on, co*%n - Sient !ina FeG i$ co%%onpace e$pecia# a!ter F%G+ co%%itted co%%itted  - I! #o* are co%%itted to correct $pein&, #o* "i re%e%er tat ti$ "ord do*e$ it$ !ina FtG !ro% co%%it to co%%itted+ con$cience con$cience - Dont et %i$$pein& ti$ "ord "ei& on #o*r con$cience FcG $peed $c i$ *n*$*a *t e&iti%ate+ con$cientio*$ con$cientio*$ - Wor on #o*r $pein& con$cientio*$# and re%e%er ti$ "ord "it FcG $peed t"o di!!erent "a#$ $c and ti+ En&i$ $pein&H con$cio*$ con$cio*$  - Tr# to e con$cio*$ o! te $c FcG $o*nd and a te vo"e$ in ti$ "ord$ endin& and i-o-* a note o! con&rat*ation$+ con$en$*$ con$en$*$ - Te cen$*$ doe$ not re;*ire a con$en$*$, $ince te# are not reated+

D •


dai;*iri  - Dont %ae #o*r$e! anoter dai;*iri *nti #o* earn o" to $pe ti$ !*nn# "orddai;*iri te na%e o! a 0*an via&e+ de!inite (#) de!inite  (#) - Ti$ "ord de!inite# $o*nd$ a$ to*& it end$ on# on -it, *t it carrie$ a $ient e ever#"ere it &oe$+ di$cipine  - A itte di$cipine, di$cipine, $peed "it te F$G and te FcG "i &et #o* to te correct di$cipine $pein& o! ti$ one+ dr*nenne$$ - >o* "o*d e $*rpri$ed o" %an# $oer peope o%it one o! te FnG$ in ti$ dr*nenne$$ one+ d*%e d*%e  - Even $%art peope !or&et one o! te FG$ in ti$ one+ (So e care!* "o #o* ca one "en #o* "rite+)


e%arra$$  (%ent) (%ent)  - Ti$ one "ont e%arra$$ #o* i! #o* re%e%er it i$ ar&e eno*& !or e%arra$$ a do*e FrG AND a do*e F$G+ e;*ip%ent e;*ip%ent  - Ti$ "ord i$ %i$$peed e;*ipt%ent 99,K9 ti%e$ on te "e ri&t no"+ e'iarate - Re%e%erin& tat FG "en #o* $pe ti$ "ord "i i!t #o*r $pirit$ and i! #o* e'iarate re%e%er ot FaG$, it "i e e'iaratin&H e'ceed  - Re%e%er tat ti$ one i$ -ceed, not -cede+ (To e'ceed a e'pectation$, %a$ter  e'ceed te $pein&$ o! ti$ "ord, precede and $*per$ede eo"+) e'i$tence  - No "ord ie ti$ one $peed "it an FaG i$ in e'i$tence+ Ti$ "ord i$ a e'i$tence %ena&e a ;*atre o! one FiG "it tree FeG$+ e'perience  - Dont e'perience te $a%e proe% %an# ave "it e'i$tence aove in e'perience ti$ "ord -enceH

= •

!ier# !ier#  - Te $ient e on !ire i$ a$o co"ard# it retreat$ in$ide te "ord rater tan !ace te $*!!i' -#+ !orei&n - .ere i$ one o! $evera "ord$ tat vioate te i-e!ore-e r*e+ (See eieve !orei&n aove+)

4 •

&a*&e &a*&e - >o* %*$t earn to &a*&e te po$itionin& o! te FaG and F*G in ti$ "ord+ Re%e%er, te# are in apaetica order (to*& not te FeG)+

&rate!*  - >o* $o*d e &rate!* to no" tat eepin& &reat o*t o! &rate!* i$ &reat+ &rate!*

&*arantee - Ti$ "ord i$ not $peed ie "arrant# even to*& te# are $#non#%$+ &*arantee -

ara$$ ara$$ - Ti$ "ord i$ too $%a !or t"o do*e etter$ *t dont et it ara$$ #o*, j*$t eep


te FrG$ do"n to one+ •

ei&t ei&t  - En&i$ reace$ te ei&t (not ei&tH) o! a$*rdit# "en it $pe$ ei&t and "idt $o di!!erent#+ ierarc# - Te i-e!ore-e r*e "or$ ere, $o "at i$ te proe%M ierarc#  *%oro*$  - .*%or *$ and $pe ti$ "ord *%oro*$ te FrG i$ $o "ea, it need$ an FoG *%oro*$ on ot $ide$ to od it *p+

I •

i&norance  i&norance - Dont $o" #o*r i&norance # $pein& ti$ "ord -enceH


i%%ediate  - Te i%%ediate tin& to re%e%er i$ tat ti$ "ord a$ a pre!i', in- not i%%ediate "ic eco%e$ F%G e!ore F%G (or FG or FpG)+ Not %ediate %ean$ direct "ic i$ "# i%%ediate# %ean$ direct#+

independent  - Pea$e e independent *t not in #o*r $pein& o! ti$ "ord+ It end$ on -ent+ independent -

indi$pen$ae  - no"in& tat ti$ "ord end$ on -ae i$ indi$pen$ae to &ood "ritin&+ indi$pen$ae 

inoc*ate  - Ti$ one $o*nd$ ie a $ot in te e#e+ One FnG te e#e i$ eno*&+ inoc*ate intei&ence  - :$in& t"o FG$ in ti$ "ord and endin& it on -ence rater tan -ance are intei&ence %ar$ o! + + + #o* &*e$$ed it+ it$5it$ it$5it$ - Te apo$trope %ar$ a contraction o! it i$+ So%etin& tat eon&$ to it i$ it$+

3 •

 je"er#  - S*re, $*re, it i$ %ade # a je"eer *t te a$t FeG in ti$ ca$e !ee$ te $cene  je"er# ie a je"e tie!+ .o"ever, .o"ever, i! #o* pre!er Jriti$ $pein&, re%e%er to do*e te FG je"eer, je"eer#+  j*d&%ent  j*d&%ent  - Traditiona#, te "ord a$ een $peed j*d&%ent in a !or%$ o! te En&i$ an&*a&e+ tea $pein& j*d&e%ent added)o!ar&e# repaced j*d&%ent in i$ te :nited .o"ever, in&do% in non-e&a conte't+ In("it te e conte't te a", o"ever, j*d&%ent pre!erred+ Ti$ $pein& can&e contra$t$ "it oter $i%iar $pein& can&e$ %ade in  A%erican En&i$, En&i$, "ic "ere "ere rejected in te :+ :+ In te :S at ea$t, ea$t, j*d&%ent i$ $ti pre!erred and j*d&e%ent i$ con$idered incorrect incorrect # %an# A%erican A%erican $t#e &*ide$+

 •

erne ( coone)) - Tere i$ %ore tan a erne o! tr*t in te cai% tat a te vo"e$ in erne (coone ti$ "ord are FeG$+ So "# i$ te %iitar# ran (coone) prono*nced identica#M

L •

ei$*re  - >et anoter vioator o! te i-e!ore-e r*e+ >o* can e $*re o! te $pein& o! te ei$*re

a$t $#ae *t not o! te pron*nciation+ iai$on  - Anoter =renc "ord tro"in& *$ an orto&rapica c*rve a $pare FiG, j*$t in iai$on ca$e+ Tat$ an F$G, too, tat $o*nd$ ie a F6G+ F 6G+

irar# irar#  - It %a# e a$ enjo#ae a$ a err# patc *t tat i$nt te "a# it i$ $peed+ Tat !ir$t FrG $o*d e prono*nced, too+ icen$e - Were doe$ En&i$ &et te icen$e to *$e ot it$ etter$ !or te $o*nd F$G in one icen$e  "ordM

2 •

%aintenance %aintenance  - Te %ain tenant$ o! ti$ "ord are %ain and tenance even to*& it co%e$ !ro% te ver %aintain+


 - 2an, te price #o* pa# !or orro"in& !ro% =renc i$ i&+ Ti$ one &oe$ ac %ane*ver  to =renc %ain  oe*vre and-"or, and-"or, a $pein& etter retained in te Jriti$ $pein&, %anoe*vre+ %edieva %edieva  - Te %edieva orto&rap# o! En&i$ even a#$ trap$ !or #o* ever#tin& ao*t te 2IDde A&e$ i$ 2EDieva or, a$ te Jriti$ "o*d "rite, %ediaeva+ %e%ento %e%ento - W# "o*d $o%etin& to re%ind o! #o* o! a %o%ent e $peed %e%entoM We, it i$+

%ienni*% %ienni*%  - .ere i$ anoter i& "ord, ar&e eno*& to od t"o do*e con$onant$, do*e FG and do*e FnG+ %iniat*re - Since tat FaG i$ $edo% prono*nced, it i$ $edo% inc*ded in te $pein&+ Ti$ %iniat*re  one i$ a %ini at*re re%e%er tat+ %in*$c*e - Since $o%etin& %in*$c*e i$ $%aer tan a %iniat*re, $o*dnt te# e %in*$c*e $peed $i%iar#M Le$$ tan coo, or %in*$ c*e+ %i$cievo*$ %i$cievo*$ - Ti$ %i$cievo*$ "ord od$ t"o trap$ FiG e!ore FeG and FoG e!ore F*G+ =o*r o! te !ive vo"e$ in En&i$ re$ide ere+ %i$$pe  - Wat i$ %ore e%arra$$in& tan to %i$$pe te na%e o! te proe%M 3*$t %i$$pe re%e%er tat it i$ %i$  $pe and tat "i $pe #o* te "orr# ao*t $pein& %i$$pe %i$$pe+ +

N •

nei&or   - Te "ord nei&or invoe$ te $ient & a$ "e a$ ei $o*nded a$ a r*e+ Ti$ i$ !ra*&t "it error potentia+ I! #o* *$e Jriti$ $pein&, it "i co$t #o* anoter F*G nei&o*r+ noticeae  - Te FeG i$ noticea# retained noticeae retained in ti$ "ord to indicate te FcG i$ $o!t, prono*nced ie F$G+ Wito*t te FeG, it "o*d e prono*nced ard, ie FG, a$ in appicae+

O •

occa$iona# occa$iona#  - Writer$ occa$iona occa$iona# # tire o! do*in& $o %an# con$onant$ and o%it one, *$*a# one o! te FG$+ Dont #o* ever do it+ occ*rrence - Re%e%er not on# te occ*rrence o! do*e do*e con$onant$ in ti$ occ*rrence "ord, *t tat te $*!!i' i$ -ence, not -ance+ No rea$on, j*$t te En&i$ an&*a&e eepin& eepin& *$ on o*r toe$+

P •

pa$ti%e pa$ti%e  - Since a pa$ti%e i$ $o%etin& #o* do to pa$$ te ti%e, #o* "o*d e'pect a do*e F$G ere+ We, tere i$ on# one+ Te $econd F$G "a$ $ipped tro*& te crac$ in En&i$ orto&rap# on& a&o+

per$everance  - A it!or tae$ i$ per$everance and #o*, too, can e a (near-) per!ect $peer+ per$everance Te $*!!i' i$ -ance no rea$on at a+


per$onne  - =*nn# Stor# Te a$$i$tant 8ice-Pre$ident 8ice-Pre$ident o! Per$onne notice$ tat i$ per$onne $*perior, te 8P i%$e!, *pon arrivin& at i$ de$ in te %ornin& open$ a $%a, oced o', $%ie$, and oc$ it ac a&ain+ So%e #ear$ ater "en e advanced to tat po$ition (ineritin& te e#), e ca%e to "or ear# one %ornin& to e a$$*red o! privac#+ E'pectant#, e opened te o'+ In it "a$ a $in&e piece o! paper "ic $aid T"o N$, one L+ pa#"ri&t  - To$e "o pa# ri&t are ri&t-pa#er$, not pa#"ri&t$+ We, $ince te# "rite pa#"ri&t pa#$, te# $o*d e pa#-"rite$, "ri&t ri&tM Ron& Wron&+ Re%e%er tat a pa# "riter in Od En&i$ "a$ caed a pa# "orer and "ri&t i$ !ro% an od !or% o! "or ("ro*&t iron, etc+) po$$e$$ion po$$e$$ion  - Po$$e$$ion po$$e$$e$ %ore F$G$ tan a $nae+ precede  - Wat !oo"$, $*cceed$, $o "at &oe$ e!ore $o*d, "atM No, no, no, #o* precede are *$in& o&ic+ Notin& con!*$e$ En&i$ $pein& %ore tan co%%on $en$e+ S*cceed *t precede+ Precede co%ine$ te Latin "ord$ pre and cedere "ic %ean$ to &o e!ore+ principa principa55principe principe - Te $pein& principe to re%e%er ere i$ tat te $coo principa i$ a prince and a pa (de$pite appearance$)--and appearance$)--and te $a%e appie$ to an#tin& o! !ore%o$t i%portance, $*c a$ a principa principe+ A principe i$ a r*e+ (Tan #o*, 2e&an 0ope, !or ep on ti$ one+)

privie&e prono*nciationH) o! ti$ "ord, tat %idde privie&e - Accordin& to te pron*nciation (not prono*nciationH) vo"e co*d e an#tin&+ Re%e%er t"o FiG$  t"o FeG$ in tat order+ pron*nciation - No*n$ o!ten di!!er !ro% te ver$ te# are derived !ro%+ Ti$ i$ one o! pron*nciation to$e+ In ti$ ca$e, te pron*nciation i$ di!!erent, too, an i%portant c*e+ p*ic# - Let %e p*ic# decare te r*e (a&ain) p*ic# (a&ain) i! te adver co%e$ !ro% an adjective endin& on -a, #o* inc*de tat endin& in te adver i! not, a$ ere, #o* dont+

< •

;*e$tionnaire  - Te =renc doin& it to *$ a&ain+ Do*e *p on te FnG$ in ti$ "ord and ;*e$tionnaire dont !or&et te $ient FeG+ 2a#e $o%eda# "e "i $pe it te En&i$ "a#+

R •

receive receive55receipt receipt  - I ope #o* ave received te %e$$a&e # no" FiG e!ore FeG e'cept a!ter + + + + reco%%end reco%%end  - I "o*d reco%%en reco%%end d #o* tin o! ti$ "ord a$ te e;*ivaent o! co%%endin& a over a&ain reco%%end+ Tat "o*d e reco%%endae+ re!erred re!erred  - =ina con$onant$ are o!ten do*ed e!ore $*!!i'e$ (re%it re%itted, re%ittin&)+ .o"ever, ti$ r*e appie$ on# to accented $#ae$ endin& on FG and FrG, e+&+ reeed, re!erred *t traveed, *!!ered and not containin& a dipton&, e+&+ prevaied, prevaied, coied+


re!erence  - Re!er to te a$t %entioned "ord and a$o re%e%er to add -ence to te end re!erence !or te no*n+ reevant reevant  - Te reevant !actor ere i$ tat te "ord i$ not reveant, reveent, or even reevent+ FG e!ore FvG and te $*!!i' -ant+ re$ta*rant - E#, #o*H Re%e%er, te$e t"o "ord$ "en #o* $pe re$ta*rant+ Te# are re$ta*rant in te %idde o! it+ r#%e  - Act*a#, ri%e "a$ te correct $pein& *nti 1@+ A!ter tat, e&&-ead$ e&an r#%e $pein& it ie r#t%+ W#M No r#%e nor rea$on oter tan to %ae it oo ie r#t%+ r#t% - Ti$ one "a$ orro"ed !ro% 4ree (and convenient# never ret*rned) $o it i$ r#t% $peed te "a# "e $pe "ord$ orro"ed !ro% 4ree and convenient# never ret*rned+

S •

$ced*e $ced*e, re%e%er te F$G i$ $peed a$ $ced*e  - I! per!ectin& #o*r $pein& i$ on #o*r $ced*e, in $coo+ (I! #o* *$e Jriti$ or 0anadian pron*nciation, "# do #o* prono*nce ti$ "ord F$ed#*G *t $coo, F$*GM Tat a$ a"a#$ p*66ed %e+) $eparate t i$ "ordM Si%pe te FeG$ $eparate - .o" do #o* $eparate te FeG$ !ro% te FaG$ in ti$ $*rro*nd te FaG$+ $er&eant  - Te FaG needed in ot $#ae$ o! ti$ "ord a$ een p*$ed to te ac o! $er&eant te ine+ Re%e%er tat, and te !act tat FeG i$ *$ed in ot $#ae$, and #o* can "rite #o*r $er&eant "ito*t !ear o! %i$$pein& i$ ran+ $*per$ede - Ti$ "ord $*per$ede$ a oter$ in perver$it#+ Ti$ i$ te on# En&i$ "ord $*per$ede a$ed on ti$ $te% $peed -$ede+ S*per$ede co%ine$ te Latin "ord$ $*per and $edere "ic %ean$ to $it aove+

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teir 5te#re5 te#re5tere  tere - Te#re a prono*nced te $a%e *t $peed di!!erent#+ Po$$e$$ive i$ teir and te contraction o! te# are i$ te#re+ Ever#"ere e$e, it i$ tere+

tre$od  - Ti$ one can p*$ #o* over te tre$od+ It oo$ ie a co%po*nd tre$  tre$od od *t it i$nt+ T"o FG$ are eno*&+ t"e!t t"e!t  - Even i! #o* o%it te F!G in #o*r pron*nciatio pron*nciation n o! ti$ "ord ("ic #o* $o*dnt do), it i$ retained in te $pein&+ t#rann# t#rann# - I! #o* are $ti re$i$tin& te t#rann# o! En&i$ orto&rap# at ti$ point, #o* %*$t !ace te proe% o! F#G in$ide ti$ "ord, "ere it $o*dnt e+ Te &*# i$ a t#rant and i$ proe% i$ t#rann#+ (Dont !or&et to do*e *p on te FnG$, too+)

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*nti *nti  - I "i never $top arpin& on ti$ *nti ti$ "ord i$ $peed "it an e'tra FG !or te a$t ti%eH


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vac**% vac**% - I! #o*r ead i$ not a vac**%, re%e%er tat te $ient FeG on ti$ one %arried te F*G and joined i% in$ide te "ord "ere te# are ivin& appi# ever $ince+ We, te evidence i$ $*&&e$tive *t not conc*$ive+ An#"a#, $pe ti$ "ord "it t"o F*G$ and not ie vo*%e+

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 - Weter #o* ie te "eater or not, #o* ave to "rite te FaG a!ter te FeG "en "eater  #o* $pe it+ "eird  a!ter+++M So, r*e$ "eird - Ti$ "ord i$ an e'ception to te r*e ao*t FiG e!ore FeG e'cept a!ter+++M can e roenH

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