Work at Home Jobs II

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Customer Care Rep Answers customer questions and resolves issues relating to claims, warranties, and servicing products. Demonstrates superior customer relations and meets quality standards. !"#!$ Customer %ervice Reps Also hiring &elemar'eters, &eam (eads and Client %ervices Reps http://www.ansa)*mployment.asp+ Customer %ervice ,or' )rom home. !-/# call center loo'ing )or )ive individuals who wish to wor' )rom home answering in.ound customer service calls. Candidates must have a computer/ internet access/ and e+cellent customer service s'ills. &raining will .e provided. 0ilingual *nglish/%panish is a plus1 &his is a )ull time position with set hours. Candidates will wor' the 2:3" am to 3:"" pm shi)t. &he pay is 4 "."" per hour. 5a+ your resume to # -6#--6789" Customer %ervice Customer %ervice Representatives on a )ull6time .asis. &hese candidates will .e wor'ing in a call center environment and .e responsi.le )or contacting applicants )or our client. :uali)ied candidates will have e+perience in customer service and attention to detail. &his is a contract to hire position and pays 4 !."" per hour. &he )ollowing shi)ts are availa.le: ;onday 6 5riday !pm 6 pm ;onday 6 5riday pm 6 "pm ;onday 6 5riday !pm 6 8pm Candidates will have the opportunity to wor' )rom home a)ter they demonstrate pro)iciency in the position. <nterested candidates should contact: 0rad =i.son Aerote' >ro)essional %ervices Recruiter .gi.son?aerote'.com 5A@: A- "B 92#67"8" 439,""" 6 49",""". Cpportunity )or an e+perienced 5ull Charge 0oo''eeper see'ing )le+i.le hours, a.ility to wor' )rom home at times, and great compensation. 5a+: A7 7B 9"!6! "7 Re)erence Code: -9!. 398.R;6 728#.! 3829 Call Center Dirtual11 ;a'e calls )or Eonpro)it CrganiFations )rom the com)ort o) your home1 <) you have: A Computer, #in monitor CR monitor with a resolution o) "!-+#27, Gigh %peed <nternet Access, ,indows !""" or Eewer %o)tware, <nternet *+plorer 2.", Antivirus $ Antispyware %o)tware, Dalid *6;ail Address. ,e will provide you everything else at no cost to you1 ,e >ay 4#.9"648."" per hour H 0onus Cpportunities.<D=23-!87"-$,&.mcKn=;L&""" 9! Call Center Representative Cur client, located in Colum.ia, ;D, is in need o) Customer %ervice Representatives on a )ull6time .asis. :uali)ied candidates will have e+perience in customer service and attention to detail. Contract to hire position and pays 4 !."" per hour. A ! wee' paid training class will .e held starting "/ 9 )rom 8:""am to 2:""pm. Candidates will have the opportunity to wor' )rom home a)ter they demonstrate pro)iciency in the position. 5a+: - "692#67"8" Re)erence Code: 3#2!"" Check Collections Representative Work from home from anywhere in the USA! Requirements: At least 1-year of collections e perience! "roven track recor# of success! $ever %een foun# &uilty of '(C"A violations! A%le to work without supervision! $on-hostile) customer frien#ly style! *ntelli&ent) an# a%le to assess each unique situation! "lease fa your resume to "hillip +cCa%e 'a : ,----./-,..0! Client %upport 6 &raining %pecialist >osition will handle a variety o) customer issues and needs .y providing .oth support and training in a remote setting. ;ust have the a.ility to do some traveling. ,or'ing )rom home may.e possi.le )or quali)ied candidate. :uali)ications: %trong technical aptitude/ >roven analytical and pro.lem solving s'ills/ *+cellent customer service s'ills with a pleasant phone manor/ %trong written and communication s'ills/

Attentive listening s'ills/ *+cellent organiFation s'ills/ Attention to detail and accuracy/ A.ility to multi tas' assignments/ *+perience in a technical support role a plus/ ,or'ing 'nowledge o) >C .ased so)tware, accounting and .oo''eeping, legal process, and collections are a plus/ C))ice management e+perience in law )irm is a plus. Company: :6%o)t, ((C *mail: Io.s?qlaw..iF Coding >ro)essionals ;ust hold CC%, RG<&, and/or RG<A. 5le+i.le hours. Eo distractions. =et paid )or your production. ,e are loo'ing )or dedicated coders to )ill in, Coding CE D*;AED1 ,ith the lu+ury o) wor'ing )rom home and the )le+i.ility o) setting your own hours, ;G<% is e+cited to introduce our remote coding division to highly s'illed and talented <npatient, Cutpatient and *mergency Department coders. 5a+: 7226!29638"# Re) <D: 23"2 Customer Service 1 perts Seekin& remarka%le people with e tensive e perience in the retail) call-center) an# hi&h-fashion in#ustry for its imme#iate home-%ase# openin&s provi#in& premium phone) email an# chat support for %ran#-conscious retail clients as 2*"#esk 3ran# Am%assa#ors 4CSRs5! Requirements: .6 years of personali7e# customer service e perience8 Colle&e #e&ree or equivalent e#ucation an# relate# e perience8 A%le to commit to work at least /. hours per week8 *nternet-savvy an# computer literate8 "rovi#e a quiet) professional work environment free of #istraction8 "rovi#e a relia%le hi&h-spee# internet connection8 "rovi#e a home-office you can #e#icate to this %usiness opportunity8 "rovi#e a computer with 19:7 processor spee#) .1/+3 of RA+ memory) an# Win#ows ;"! Apply to#ay at WWW!2*"(1S<!C=+ Customer %ervice Retail %ales &echnician 4 ."" 6 4 3."" per hour. ,e are see'ing )ull time pro)essionals )or Customer %ervice Retail %ales &echnician. ;ust .e availa.le to attend ! wee' paid training away )rom home at a regional training )acility in =A, &@ or 5(. A.ility to wor' )le+i.le retail hours required including rotating wee'ends and some holidays. A.ility to use positive interpersonal s'ills to handle customer pro.lems. ;ust possess e+cellent oral and written communication s'ills and attention to detail. Gigh school diploma or equivalent required. >ro)essional neat appearance required.'er/Jo.s/Jo.Details.asp+? Jo.KD<D=J7*90%2MMR7(M%LL-53$siteid=c.KemailIo.KN%

Customer %ervice Representatives >art6time, ,or' )rom home opportunity 6 "6!" hours per wee', )irst shi)t schedule normally, )le+i.ility required. 4 "."" per hour. 0& Con)erencing will provide: training, des'top >COs, reim.ursement )or 9"P o) your monthly D%( .ill, cordless phone, i) necessary. :uali)ied candidates will .e customer service oriented and a.le to learn new things quic'ly. >revious o))ice e+perience and call center e+perience is a plus. ,e will train the right individuals. Company: 0& Con)erencing Cnline: www..tcon)

Customer %ervice Representative W>?->@-.1/0 Rich.->@ 4!9,2"" 6 4!2,2-" per year. &his position o))ers a competitive salary and e+cellent .ene)it pac'age. Cnce hired we o))er a paid training program to ensure e+ceptional service. ;ust .e availa.le to wor' non6standard hours and overtime .ased on wor' volume. ,or' at home opportunities may also .e availa.le )or quali)ied employees a)ter training. Application deadline is 3, !""#. &o learn more a.out our employment opportunity, go to )or possi.le interview dates/times. >lease re)erence Io. code L@AC. Customer %ervice Representative >art6&ime ,or' 5rom Gome Customer %ervice Representative, youOll .ecome the main point o) contact )or cardholders around the country who are loo'ing )or answers regarding their accounts. >osition requires a high6speed internet connection and land6line phone, and your a.ility and willingness to travel to the =* location in ;erriam )or initial and ongoing training. <) you live within 9" miles o) Charlotte, EC and have Customer %ervice e+perience, a strong wor' ethic, e+cellent communication s'ills, and a high school diploma or =*D, weOd love to hear )rom you. 5or <mmediate Consideration, please visit Customer %ervice Representatives 5le+i.le wor' environment, you can even wor' )rom home1 A wor' schedule that you decide upon. :uali)ications: *+perience in the )ields o) customer service, sales, and mar'eting are help)ul, .ut not essential as the hiring company will train the right person. &he motivation to wor' hard and .e success)ul are essential. ;ust have a complete home o))ice including a computer with high speed <nternet access.'er/Jo.s/Jo.Details.asp+? Jo.KD<D=J7078,2"0C@7R:=!@;9$siteid=c.KemailIo.KN%$c.RecursionCnt= $c.sid=)8)#c)"9cc7c-8e c87ea3a))9"e3d3.!6!-9"22#7"6&N6Customer %ervice Representative &a'e Customer %ervice Calls 5rom the >rivacy o) Qour Gome1 ,e provide the >C, and ,e. Cam1 0ene)its a)ter 3" days. Qou provide the smile, Eeed to have <nternet service, (and (ine, Computer ;onitor, =reat customer service and communication s'ills, and a.le to wor' in a distraction )ree environment.*arn up to 4 ."" per hour1 As' A.out Cur 42""."" 0onus >rogram1 Eeed to complete the training program at our )acility. CA(( &CDAQ 67" 6!! 67!88 Customer %ervice *+perts Gome6.ased openings providing premium phone, email and chat support )or .rand6conscious retail clients. Requirements: 9H years o) personaliFed customer service e+perience/ College degree or equivalent education and related e+perience/ A.le to commit to wor' at least !9 hours per wee'/ <nternet6savvy and computer literate/ Qou must provide a quiet, pro)essional wor' environment )ree o) distraction, relia.le high6 speed internet connection, a home6o))ice you can dedicate to this .usiness opportunity, a computer with =GF processor speed, 9 !;0 o) RA; memory, and ,indows @>. Apply today at http://www.vipdes'.com Customer %ervice Representatives <n.ound calls only. 47.""64 "per hour .ased on e+perience and program. ,hat we as': >revious customer service e+perience/ &yping and .asic computer s'ills/ Gigh school diploma or =*D Awill consider those close to receiving their =*DB. >er)ormance .onus o) up to an additional 4! per hour. Cpportunity to wor' )rom home. Complete paid training. Apply online or call: A7""B ##96#-#! CR Apply in person at: A>AC Customer %ervices, <nc., 3" E Adams, 0ayla'e 0an' 0uilding, !nd 5loor, =reen 0ay, ,< 9-3" A%ign6Cn 0onus availa.le when hired into our on6line travel programB. Customer %ervice <n.ound 4 3."" 6 4 -."" per hour. An immediate need )or training class. Customer service )or a Dowtown %eattle client who promotes, supports and encourages health and wellness )rom their clientle. &his position is a temporary to hire with varying shi)t availa.ility. >otential to wor' )rom home a)ter training completed. ;ust have customer service e+perience, great attitude, e+cellent communication s'ills and a team player. %panish/*nglish .ilingual a plus, and earns .9" more hourly. 5a+: A!"2B -- 693 - Re)erence Code: -9!. 7-.%A655"8"".!8##-3 Customer %ervice %pecialist &his role provides product tutorials to customers on various products they su.scri.e to and sets appropriate e+pectations )or technical support delivery i) needed, a)ter the tutorial is completed. &echnical e+pertise is not required1 &arget annual salary is mid 43"Os. *+perience with a ,indows .ased >C, pro)icient navigating we.sites, ;icroso)t Cutloo', and <nstant ;essaging, com)orta.le multi6tas'ing .etween screens/ CrganiFed and attention to detail/ >rior sales e+perience a plus .ut not required Aas it provides a career path into our <nside %ales &eamB/ >rior support o) Ca.le, <nternet or &elephone customers a plus. &his Io. is in the 0oston/Eeedham area and has the potential to .ecome partly a telecommute position. Gi,ired Awww.hiwired.comB *mail: careers?

Customer %upport <ncoming 0ilingual Customer %upport. ,or' a )le+i.le schedule )rom home while earning guaranteed pay1

5or more details or to complete your online application, go to ,e.6<d ;G!!282"#

Gome Agents >rovide top quality service to our customers )rom the com)ort o) your own home. %pace )or home o))ice, including a des' and chair, thatOs distraction )ree is required. ;ust have Gighspeed Ca.le or D%( <nternet %ervice. 5ull6&ime Day $ *vening %chedules, Competitive >ay A>ay )or *+perienceB, >aid &raining >rovided, Career Advancement, ;edical/Dental/Dision <nsurance, -" ALB %avings >lan, &uition Reim.ursement. Join Convergys, the leader in customer care, human resources and .illing services. >lease apply now at:*ntry%ervlet?Io.=00A#$media=;E&

<nsurance Agent *+citing opportunity to licensed insurance agents that spea' %panish to .e a.le to wor' right )rom their homes11 &ired o) wor'ing in an o))ice and/or commission6.ased compensation? (oo'ing )or supplemental income? Candidates will receive trans)erred calls )rom customers that have already agreed to an insurance sale or a quote. Qou will EC& .e an independent contractor66you will .e a paid employee o) our company. 48.""64 "."" per hour >(N% 43.""/hr in wee'ly .onus, to start. Requirements: %pea' %panish and *nglish/ =ood typing s'ills/ Gold a valid 5(CR<DA (i)e $ Gealth insurance license/ Gave a Computer with D%(, instant messaging, and home phone line/ ,illing to commit to at least !9 hours/wee' Acan wor' -" hrs/wee'B. R,or'6at6home o))er not availa.le to those living within !9 mile radius o) Crlando'er/Jo.s/Jo.Details.asp+? Jo.KD<D=J7*!%Q20J>, M3=;5RR$siteid=c.KemailIo.KN%$c.RecursionCnt= $c.sid=2) e 2..a!88-d8 .9d7886!-9""3!986DA6-

&ravel Agent 0usy, innovative Npper ,est %ide, American *+press Representative &ravel Agency needs eager, e+perienced agent )or Corporate <nternational travel. Eeed to wor' with corporate )ares, net )ares, and consolidator tic'ets in a competitive environment. ;ust have two years e+perience on and .e willing to wor' hard and ma'e a lot o) money. Average agent ma'es .etween 4#","""4 !",""". Compensation .ased upon a draw and productivity. %end resume )a+ ! !69896""! . ,or' At Gome >art6time. Eo cold calling 6 =uaranteed 5R** leads each month 6 ,or' )rom home, any6time, any6place 6 Eo investment 6 Eo 'its 6 Eo ;(; 6 ,or' on the <nternet and/or wor' on the telephone 6 !-.#.329 support help 6 ,e are EC& an SopportunityS employer 6 ,e have positions readily availa.le.'/inde+!.asp+ ,riter/*ditor/;ar'eting Content development/editing )or mar'eting department. Can wor' remote )rom home in Raleigh, EC. ;ar'eting presentations, .rochures, *dit page content to comply with speci)ic design, layout and )ormatting standards. 4!9."" to N%D 439."" per hour. Contact Latherine Rowell e6mail: 'rowell? Data *ntry ,or' at home, various proIects and opportunities http://www.t'"shqnhp-#D9A9*-29828AA0 (ive Cperator ,or' )rom home and ta'e live calls that are recorded to veri)y a customerOs choice to order a service. (ive Cperators ta'e calls )or Doice(ogOs customers to veri)y service orders. All calls are recorded and must meet certain requirements to .e considered Overi)iedO. (ive Cperators also code calls to appropriately re)lect the outcome o) the call a)ter the call has .een completed. &he application process is quic' and easy. Clic' on the Apply Eow lin' and )ill out the application with the requested in)ormation. app.html.

Call Center Dirtual11 ;a'e calls )or Eonpro)it CrganiFations )rom the com)ort o) your home1 <) you have: A Computer, #in monitor CR monitor with a resolution o) "!-+#27, Gigh %peed <nternet Access, ,indows !""" or Eewer %o)tware, <nternet *+plorer 2.", Antivirus $ Antispyware %o)tware, Dalid *6;ail Address. ,e will provide you everything else at no cost to you1 ,e >ay 4#.9"648."" per hour H 0onus Cpportunities.<D=23-!87"-$,&.mcKn=;L&""" 9! Call Center Representative Cur client, located in Colum.ia, ;D, is in need o) Customer %ervice Representatives on a )ull6time .asis. :uali)ied candidates will have e+perience in customer service and attention to detail. Contract to hire position and pays 4 !."" per hour. A ! wee' paid training class will .e held starting "/ 9 )rom 8:""am to 2:""pm. Candidates will have the opportunity to wor' )rom home a)ter they demonstrate pro)iciency in the position. 5a+: - "692#67"8" Re)erence Code: 3#2!"".

Customer %ervice *+perts %ee'ing remar'a.le people with e+tensive e+perience in the retail, call6center, and high6)ashion industry )or its immediate home6.ased openings providing premium phone, email and chat support )or .rand6conscious retail clients as D<>des' 0rand Am.assadors AC%RsB. Requirements: 9H years o) personaliFed customer service e+perience/ College degree or equivalent education and related e+perience/ A.le to commit to wor' at least !9 hours per wee'/ <nternet6savvy and computer literate/ >rovide a quiet, pro)essional wor' environment )ree o) distraction/ >rovide a relia.le high6speed internet connection/ >rovide a home6o))ice you can dedicate to this .usiness opportunity/ >rovide a computer with =GF processor speed, 9 !;0 o) RA; memory, and ,indows @>. Apply today at ,,,.D<>D*%L.CC; Customer %ervice Retail %ales &echnician 4 ."" 6 4 3."" per hour. ,e are see'ing )ull time pro)essionals )or Customer %ervice Retail %ales &echnician. ;ust .e availa.le to attend ! wee' paid training away )rom home at a regional training )acility in =A, &@ or 5(. A.ility to wor' )le+i.le retail hours required including rotating wee'ends and some holidays. A.ility to use positive interpersonal s'ills to handle customer pro.lems. ;ust possess e+cellent oral and written communication s'ills and attention to detail. Gigh school diploma or equivalent required. >ro)essional neat appearance required.'er/Jo.s/Jo.Details.asp+? Jo.KD<D=J7*90%2MMR7(M%LL-53$siteid=c.KemailIo.KN%

Customer %ervice Representatives >art6time, ,or' )rom home opportunity 6 "6!" hours per wee', )irst shi)t schedule normally, )le+i.ility required. 4 "."" per hour. 0& Con)erencing will provide: training, des'top >COs, reim.ursement )or 9"P o) your monthly D%( .ill, cordless phone, i) necessary. :uali)ied candidates will .e customer service oriented and a.le to learn new things quic'ly. >revious o))ice e+perience and call center e+perience is a plus. ,e will train the right individuals. Company: 0& Con)erencing Cnline: www..tcon)

Customer %ervice Representative 4!9,2"" 6 4!2,2-" per year. &his position o))ers a competitive salary and e+cellent .ene)it pac'age. Cnce hired we o))er a paid training program to ensure e+ceptional service. ;ust .e availa.le to wor' non6standard hours and overtime .ased on wor' volume. ,or' at home opportunities may also .e availa.le )or quali)ied employees a)ter training. Application deadline is 3, !""#. &o learn more a.out our employment opportunity, go to )or possi.le interview dates/times. >lease re)erence Io. code L@AC. Customer %ervice Representative

>art6&ime ,or' 5rom Gome Customer %ervice Representative, youOll .ecome the main point o) contact )or cardholders around the country who are loo'ing )or answers regarding their accounts. >osition requires a high6speed internet connection and land6line phone, and your a.ility and willingness to travel to the =* location in ;erriam )or initial and ongoing training. <) you live within 9" miles o) Charlotte, EC and have Customer %ervice e+perience, a strong wor' ethic, e+cellent communication s'ills, and a high school diploma or =*D, weOd love to hear )rom you. 5or <mmediate Consideration, please visit Customer %ervice Representatives 5le+i.le wor' environment, you can even wor' )rom home1 A wor' schedule that you decide upon. :uali)ications: *+perience in the )ields o) customer service, sales, and mar'eting are help)ul, .ut not essential as the hiring company will train the right person. &he motivation to wor' hard and .e success)ul are essential. ;ust have a complete home o))ice including a computer with high speed <nternet access.'er/Jo.s/Jo.Details.asp+? Jo.KD<D=J7078,2"0C@7R:=!@;9$siteid=c.KemailIo.KN%$c.RecursionCnt= $c.sid=)8)#c)"9cc7c-8e c87ea3a))9"e3d3.!6!-9"22#7"6&N6Customer %ervice Representative &a'e Customer %ervice Calls 5rom the >rivacy o) Qour Gome1 ,e provide the >C, and ,e. Cam1 0ene)its a)ter 3" days. Qou provide the smile, Eeed to have <nternet service, (and (ine, Computer ;onitor, =reat customer service and communication s'ills, and a.le to wor' in a distraction )ree environment.*arn up to 4 ."" per hour1 As' A.out Cur 42""."" 0onus >rogram1 Eeed to complete the training program at our )acility. CA(( &CDAQ 67" 6!! 67!88 Customer %ervice *+perts Gome6.ased openings providing premium phone, email and chat support )or .rand6conscious retail clients. Requirements: 9H years o) personaliFed customer service e+perience/ College degree or equivalent education and related e+perience/ A.le to commit to wor' at least !9 hours per wee'/ <nternet6savvy and computer literate/ Qou must provide a quiet, pro)essional wor' environment )ree o) distraction, relia.le high6 speed internet connection, a home6o))ice you can dedicate to this .usiness opportunity, a computer with =GF processor speed, 9 !;0 o) RA; memory, and ,indows @>. Apply today at http://www.vipdes'.com Customer %ervice Representatives <n.ound calls only. 47.""64 "per hour .ased on e+perience and program. ,hat we as': >revious customer service e+perience/ &yping and .asic computer s'ills/ Gigh school diploma or =*D Awill consider those close to receiving their =*DB. >er)ormance .onus o) up to an additional 4! per hour. Cpportunity to wor' )rom home. Complete paid training. Apply online or call: A7""B ##96#-#! CR Apply in person at: A>AC Customer %ervices, <nc., 3" E Adams, 0ayla'e 0an' 0uilding, !nd 5loor, =reen 0ay, ,< 9-3" A%ign6Cn 0onus availa.le when hired into our on6line travel programB. Customer %ervice <n.ound 4 3."" 6 4 -."" per hour. An immediate need )or training class. Customer service )or a Dowtown %eattle client who promotes, supports and encourages health and wellness )rom their clientle. &his position is a temporary to hire with varying shi)t availa.ility. >otential to wor' )rom home a)ter training completed. ;ust have customer service e+perience, great attitude, e+cellent communication s'ills and a team player. %panish/*nglish .ilingual a plus, and earns .9" more hourly. 5a+: A!"2B -- 693 - Re)erence Code: -9!. 7-.%A655"8"".!8##-3 Customer %ervice %pecialist &his role provides product tutorials to customers on various products they su.scri.e to and sets appropriate e+pectations )or technical support delivery i) needed, a)ter the tutorial is completed. &echnical e+pertise is not required1 &arget annual salary is mid 43"Os. *+perience with a ,indows .ased >C, pro)icient navigating we.sites, ;icroso)t Cutloo', and <nstant ;essaging, com)orta.le multi6tas'ing .etween screens/ CrganiFed and attention to detail/ >rior sales e+perience a plus .ut not required Aas it provides a career path into our <nside %ales &eamB/ >rior support o) Ca.le, <nternet or &elephone customers a plus. &his Io. is in the 0oston/Eeedham area and has the potential to .ecome partly a telecommute position. Gi,ired Awww.hiwired.comB

*mail: careers? Cn6Call %ta)) (oo'ing )or an organiFed individual with great customer service s'ills to .ecome part o) our on6call %ta)) %upervisor team )or ,ayne, >A o))ice. %uccess)ul candidate can e+pect to wor' !63 nights per wee' and ! wee'ends a month. ,ee'end requires time in the ,ayne, >A o))ice )rom 8 a.m. 3 p.m. ,ee'night hours are 9:3" p.m.67:3" a.m. *+perience in healthcare is a plus .ut not required. Computer and high6speed internet connection required. (ocal candidates only please. =reat team environment, wee'ly pay, )le+i.le scheduling, and wor' )rom home1 Complete training will .e provided.'er/Jo.s/Jo.Details.asp+? Jo.KD<D=J35-,32&,M!7 E"-&C3$siteid=c.KemailIo.KN%$c.RecursionCnt= $c.sid=)-a37--.e -2-8 7.-8..ed "3#7#a 6!-9 #"2 #6&N6Cnline Researchers %ee'ing Cnline Researchers in the Cincinnati Area. ChaCha is searching )or the ideal =uide: %omeone who loves learning new things, researching and helping people )ind answers. ,e give people who love technology the opportunity to wor' )rom home with more )le+i.ility and more control over their lives to achieve a .etter wor'/li)e .alance. Requirements: ;ust love researching online/ ;ust .e )luent in *nglish/ *+cellent writing s'ills/ 0road.and <nternet Connection. Disit )or more in)ormation. Come Ioin the search revolution1

Agents / (ead =eneration ,e are e+panding our ,or'65rom6Gome &elemar'eting 5orce EA&<CEA((Q. &hat means we need pro)essional callers in A(( &<;* MCE*%1 Call Agents are independent contractors, not employees o) Aspire ;ar'eting =roup. As such, you wor' out o) your home o))ice, set your own hours and accept or reIect the calling assignments we o))er. Aspire Call Agents 'now how to )low with what the customer is saying and how to as' the thought6provo'ing questions that lead to quality sales opportunities. Gourly >(N% 0onuses >aid 5or Appointments, ,e. Demos, >hone ;eetings or *vent Registrations. >lease visit us on the we. at %end email to Io.s?

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