[email protected] cell: 602/708-0018 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Arizona Public Service Company (3-3-97 thru Present) 400 N. 5th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Workers' Compensation Program Administrator/Claims Adjuster Experienced in all aspects of processing workers' compensation claims for a self -insured employer within the laws of Arizona and New Mexico to include thorough investigation of all claims, general reserving practices, timely issuance of not ices, calculation of various indemnity payments, oral and written communication between injured employees, medical providers, attorneys and third party carriers as necessary, and coordination of return to work between various entities withi n the company as required (i.e. Health Services, Safety, Management and Legal St aff), with an average case load of 200. As a self insured employer, I am also responsible for compliance reporting to Industrial Commission of Arizona and the New Mexico Workersa Compensation Administration to maintain our self-insured st atus. In addition, I am responsible for data collection as required to secure E xcess Insurance for our workersa compensation claim liability. The Atlantic Group (1-15-95 thru 3-3-97) 400 N. 5th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster Worked in the same capacity as above but was employed as a contracted employee f or APS. Industrial Indemnity Insurance Company (9-85 thru 1-15-95) 2930 E. Camelback Road, Ste 200, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Claims Para-Technician (11-29-93/1-15-95) Duties encompass all aspects of processing Workers' Compensation claims within a specific set of criteria. The goal of this position was to move claims to reso lution within a 60-90 day period. Specific practices included reserving, calcul ating and issuing indemnity and medical payments, timely issuance of notices, al ong with oral and written communication between insured companies, medical provi ders and legal professionals. Average caseload was approximately 250 with a new incurred rate of 30-35 per month. In addition to these duties, I served as an account coordinator to 10 franchise accounts ($100,000+premium), providing custo mer services as requested along with regular quarterly claim reviews. Resume of Laura L. Reitz Page Two
Claims Assistant (5-87/11-93) Provided administrative support for 4 adjusters and 2 rehab nurses to include: Processing of notices, indemnity payments, medical payments, scheduling of consu
ltations and securing medical records for same, fielded claims questions from va rious publics with moderate complexity. Check Typist/Medical Only Claims Clerk (9-85/5-87) Provided general clerical support in the claims operations department, set up of new claims, and monitoring of medical payments on minor, no lost time claims. Arizona Department of Education (9-75 thru 9-85) 1535 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 Typist III (5-78/9-85) Provided administrative clerical support to State Supervisors for Trade and Indu strial Education Programs, and Industrial Arts Education Programs. Duties were widely varied and tasks were of intermediate complexity. Clerical Assistant/Typist II (9-75/5-78) Provided entry-level clerical duties to the Division of Special Education Staff as a cooperative office education student while in high school and was then prom oted and hired permanently after graduation. Duties include general office work activities. Academic History South Mountain High School - Diploma 1976 Phoenix Community College 1976-1977 (General Required Courses) Grand Canyon College 1977-1979 (General Required Courses)
Resume of Laura L. Reitz Page Three
Professional Organizations/Designations: Arizona Self Insureras Association (Board Member for last 8 years- Past Presiden t, President, Vice President, Secretary) Arizona Workersa Compensation Claims Association (Member) New Mexico Self Insurersa Association (Member) New Mexico State Guarantee Fund Board (Board Member) Workersa Compensation Claims Associate Designation (WCCA) Workersa Compensation Claims Professional Designation (WCCP) Riverside Missionary Baptist Church (Treasurer)
References Provided upon request