workers' compensation adjuster

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Carolyn Mahan 406 Westcliff Drive 817-540-1292 [email protected] * Self directed Senior Insurance claims adjuster who has a thorough working knowle dge of the Texas Workers' Compensation laws, policies, procedures and rules. Str ong customer service and problem solving skills. Organized and efficient with st rong communication skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks. Willing to t ravel, manage a team of adjusters, or attend hearings on behalf of your company. Microsoft Office Travel and scheduling Excel Sharepoint Outlook UT System Senior Claims Analyst March of 2001 to October 2010 Review and adjust claims in accordance with the Texas Workers' Compensation Laws for the University of Texas System. Effectively assisted the University representatives on application of the Texas Workers' Compensation laws and procedures. Prepared and attended Benefit Review Conference hearings, Contested Case Hearing s, and the Appeals process resolving issues dealing with medical providers, injured workers, employers, and insurance adjusters. Assisted the Attorney General's office with Contested Case Hearings and court cases involving U T System. Traveled to various Division of Workers' Compensation Field Offices. Dr Sarkis Kechejian and Associates September 1999 to March 2001 Started a Workers' Compensation Counselor program for 32 clinics ran by the admi nistrator Dr. Sarkis Kechejian. Manager of the workers' compensation counselor department, managing a team of se ven employees. Assisted the doctors, clinic personnel, billing department, and injured patients with the process and procedures of the Workers' Compensation Laws. Traveled to the local field offices of the Division of Workers' Compensation Fie ld Offices attending hearings with injured patients and acting as a sub-claimant for Dr. Sarkis Kechejian. Hammerman and Gainer Claims Adminsitrator August 1995 to September of 1999 Hearing Representative charged with the review and preparation of cases for Bene fit Review Conferences, Contested Case Hearings with authority to settle cases, negotiate agreements, or proceed to court for the third party administrator Hammerman and Gainer. Repres ented multiple insurance carrier's and their adjusters.

Investigated claims, took recorded statements, obtained medical records. Sent re ports to the various adjuster's advising of the outcome of the investigations and the workers' compensation laws which apply. Handled a multitude of calls from injured workers, adjusters, employers and atto rney's. Texas Workers' Compensation Commission - Dallas and Denton Office March 1992 to August of 1995 Reviewed and supervised cases at Benefit Review conferences, Contested Case Hear ings and the Appeals process as an Ombudsman. Reviewed and audited files for compliance with the Texas Workers' Compensation C ommission. Approved settlements, formal actions paperwork, and scheduled cases f or hearings. Advised adjusters, employers, providers and attorney's with the policies and pro cedures of the Texas Workers' Compensation laws. Education and certificates Mediation training, Dispute Services of Tarrant County 1995. Licensed Workers' Compensation Adjuster Type III ( Texas) TWCC certificates: Speakers Bureau 1993; First Level Management 1990; Medi-Legal course, University of Texas Health Science Center. Social Science studies at Central Texas Junior College.

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