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Workshops are intended to develop in-depth knowledge, skills, and/or specifc
attitudes among participants.
Three key features of the successful workshops are:
1) eing very specifc a!out the educational o!"ectives of the workshop,
#) $sing the principles of adult learning %see !elow) to enhance interactivity and
learning, and
&) eing continuously mindful of the learner's/participant's perspective and
developing the workshop materials and agenda accordingly.
(ach of these features are discussed in detail !elow.
1) Educational objectives.
)s stated a!ove, the more e*plicit you can !e a!out the outcomes of the session,
the !etter. +n considering the outcomes, ideally you would !ase it on a needs
assessment !ut often a formal one is not availa!le. ,ather, a workshop is !ased on
perceived needs of the participants or knowledge of an educational / performance
gap !ased on e*perience.
-hen designing the educational o!"ectives, we recommend that you think along
two main dimensions: .ne is the type of outcome you want to achieve. +s it an
increase in knowledge/ +s it development or enhancement of a skill/ +s it a change
in attitude towards a su!"ect/ +s it a com!ination of them all/ 0or the latter one %a
com!ination), it is !est to try and focus on primary and secondary outcomes so you
know where to focus your attention.
The second dimension is the level of the outcome to !e achieved. +t starts with the
simplest level of !eing a!le to descri!e facts and defne a concept. The ne*t level is
the a!ility to discuss a concept. 1igher levels include analy2ing the pros and cons of
a concept and eventually leading to the a!ility to apply the concept to a situation.
The key here is the choice of action ver! used in the o!"ective. This classifcation is
called 3loom's ta*onomy4.
) good reference for developing goals and o!"ectives can !e found here
.ne fnal note is to link the activities to the o!"ectives whenever possi!le. 0or
e*ample, once you have created the o!"ectives and set the draft agenda, try to
match each activity one of the o!"ectives. +f at the end, you have an o!"ective with
no activities or ma"or activities without a corresponding o!"ective, you may wish to
revisit !oth the o!"ectives and the agenda to try and align them !etter.
2) Using principles of adult learning.
)s children in school and even as students at university, we can all remem!er how
lectures were one of the most common methods of education. 0or people new to a
topic, this is an e5ective educational method since lectures are good at delivering a
large volume of information in a short period of time. The pro!lem with lectures is
that, for continuing professional development, they have !een shown to !e
relatively ine5ective. 6ectures are also called !eing the 3sage on the stage4 and it
stresses the role of the presenter to !e the e*pert.
0or adult learners, particularly those with some e*perience in the feld, the most
e5ective methods of education involve engaging the learner/participant in the
educational process. (*amples of these types of teaching include: scenarios,
pro!lem-!ased learning or case discussions, provocative 7uestions to stimulate
discussion, and o!servation with immediate feed!ack. +n each of these situations,
the participant actively engages in the learning process and incorporates the new
knowledge and skills with their e*isting ones. ,elevance to the person's work
situation and presence of immediate feed!ack are important so the learner can
internali2e the change. +n short hand format, these learning formats encourage the
presenter to !e a 3guide from the side4. $sing these teaching formats, the
presenter relies on his/her skills as a facilitator as well as having some content
The !ottom line is that there is a role for !oth approaches. ,eliance on only one
method can !e pro!lematic. .ne recommendation is to mi* them up so the
workshop contains a didactic and su!stantial interactive portion. +deally, one should
aim for 89: of the time !eing interactive discussion or group work.
;econdly, a workshop should address the 3predisposing4, 3ena!ling4 and 3re-
enforcing4 elements of !ehaviour change. y predisposing elements, we mean
providing !asic knowledge and !ackground information re7uired for the change in
practice to occur. (na!ling elements are those that allow the participant to use this
new information in their "o!. )n e*ample would !e the application of the knowledge
in a case study, provision of a treatment algorithm, or other such tool. 0inally, re-
enforcing elements are those that help the participant retain the knowledge.
1elping the participant develop a checklist for use in the frst month after the
workshop is an e*ample of trying to maintain e5ective change.
3) Being mindful of the learners perspective.
)s stated a!ove, making things relevant is key to running a successful workshop. +f
the learner/participant does not see the value of the new knowledge or skills to
his/her work, there is a very low chance of change occurring or for you to get a
really high score on the workshop evaluation. ;o one option is to make sure you
engage representatives of the target audience in developing workshop.
)nother important consideration is the level of e*pertise among the participants.
<any of them may well have considera!le e*perience in the topic or come from
another discipline, there!y adding a valua!le new perspective to the discussion.
This respect and inclusion of the e*pertise from the participants can make the
workshop a tremendous success, particularly when there is a synergy !etween the
presenters and the audience.
!ample agenda
)s an e*ample of a mi*ed methods session, please refer to the draft agenda for a
=9 minute workshop.

#ctivit$ Educational %bjective
9 - 8
+ntroduction, description of the
educational o!"ectives, and setting the
agenda for the workshop
>one ? orientation only
8 - 19
+ntroduction of participants, this can
include an 3ice !reaker4 activity
>one ? !ut leads to !etter group
dynamics later in the session
6ecture: key information needed for the
participants to do the interactive
@re-disposing activity.
6ink to educational o!"ectives
e*ercise. related to gain in knowledge.
&9 - 89
+nteractive component such as case
scenarios, small group discussion of
challenging 7uestions, pro!lem sets,
(na!ling activity - aimed at
increasing the a!ility of the
participant to apply the
information to their work
6ink to educational o!"ectives
related to gain in knowledge,
skills and attitudes.
89 - A9
Biscussion and review as a large group.
+f case scenarios were used, you can try
to !ring out common themes and
discuss important di5erences.
<ainly ena!ling !ut some re-
6ink to educational o!"ectives
related to gain in knowledge,
skills and attitudes.
A9 - C9
-rap up and review of the key points. ,e-enforcement of the main
learning points.
C9 - =9
(valuation and thanking audience for
@rovision of key tools and references for
further study.

2. !#&'(E "E#)*E+ W%+,!*%'- #)"./E (E#+0.01
Dhildren learn !etter when they are participants in the process. +n emergencies,
active learning o5ers a way to engage students in structured activities. +t also helps
all children a5ected to !ecome involved in and take greater responsi!ility for their
own learning.
'articipants- #8 primary school classroom teachers
"ime frame- Two days, part of in-service training series
(ocation- @rimary school classroom
&aterials- 0lip chart, markers, note!ooks, pens, !lank paper, coloured pencils
%bjective- Teachers create and practise using child-centred learning activities in
Day One
9:00 INTRODUCTIONS, including workshop purpose and schedule
What’s in a name? (15 mins) Ask each teacher to share the story behind their
name (why it was chosen, who chose it, if it has special meaning, etc). Remind
participants that names are closely linked with identity, and the Convention of
Rights of the Child (CRC) even ensures that children are entitled to a name.
2-33 *%W 4% )*.(4+E0 (E#+05
Teachers’ ra!in" (#0 mins) Each teacher draws a picture of a time they
remember learning as a child. Eplain that learning is not only in school and that
they can choose a time in or out of the classroom. !nce "nished, participants can
take "ve minutes to share with their neighbour.
$cti%e &earnin" the'ry (10 mins) Eplain theory behind active learning.
#raditional learning teaches children what to believe and tries to make them
understand, but rarely involves action. Active learning begins with children$s action,
asks them to develop their own understanding, and supports them in shaping their
beliefs. Ask participants to look again at their drawing. %oes anyone$s drawing
represent active rather than passive learning&
13-33 (E#+0.01 !"6(E!
@oets, )rtists, )ctors and ;ingers %E8 mins)
@articipants now have an opportunity to !e famous. )ll those who want to !e poets
should form a group, likewise with artists, actors and singers. >: si2e does not
matter, as groups are !ased on preferences. (ach considers the 7uestion F1.- B.
D1+6B,(> 6(),>/' and responds through poetry, visual art, drama or song. Give
groups &9 minutes !efore presenting.
!even st$les 733 mins)
)ctive learning is not only a!out motion. There are seven main ways that people
learn1. ;how chart on right and talk through each style.
-ere groups in F@oets, )rtists, )ctors and ;ingers' connected to these styles/ Boes
your choice mean anything a!out how you prefer to learn/ Give participants fve
minutes to individually think a!out their own learning. )re two or three styles
stronger for them/ Biscuss, emphasising that each person learns !est through a
di'erent combination of styles.
- -ritten and visual
- 6istening to others
- ,eHection alone
- Biscussion in Groups
- @hysical <otion
- 6ogical ;e7uencing
- <usic and ,hythmic
B+E#, 718 mins)
11-33 )*.(49)E0"+E4 (E#+0.01: '#+" .
Teacher(centre %s Chi&(centre (15 mins) Eplain that teaching can be
teacher(centred )focused on what the teacher wants to teach ) or child(centred )
focused on what is important for the child to learn. Ask participants what they think
the di'erences between teacher(centred and child(centred learning might be. %raw
a table for comparison as they brainstorm di'erences.
Usin" chi&(centre acti%ities ()5 mins) *dentify "ve sub+ects taught in
participants$ schools, eg, maths, language, history, science and geography. *n "ve
small groups with each taking a sub+ect, groups develop an activity for each of the
seven learning styles. ,and out inde cards to the groups for them to write one
activity on each. -./ presentation happens later in workshop.
Eample/ 0or history, children could role(play a story (physical motion), lay out an
event time line (logical se1uential), or invite an elder to talk about the past (listen
to others).
1#:*0 +UNC, (-0 mins)
13-33 )*.(4+E0 .0 E&E+1E0).E!
.h't' Disc/ssi'n (15 min) ,old up a photo of a child who has somehow
eperienced crisis.
*n the large group, ask teachers to respond to the following 1uestions/
%1) -hat do you see in the photograph/
%#) 1ow do you feel when you see it/
%&) -here do you think the child is from/ Bo children elsewhere have similar
%E) -hat do you imagine are the educational needs of this child/
.mpact on the ;hole child 7<8 mins) Break into ne; groups
of "ve. Each group should draw the graph on the right on a large piece of paper.
#hinking about their own contet, the group will brainstorm ways the emergency
has impacted on children personally, a'ected systems children rely on, and
changed society as a whole in relation to children.
After 23 minutes, groups report back.
"he Whole )hild
=rame;ork for Basic Education for )hildren in
Emergencies 7<8 mins) .ntroduce the frame;ork:
eplaining that this is a kind of checklist of learning important for children in crisis
situations. Return to the small group in the last activity and discuss the following
and report back/
%1) -hich topics are most important where we live/
%#) )re they taught in the school curriculum/ )re they taught elsewhere/
%&) Dould some of these topics !e integrated into su!"ects already taught/
B+E#, 718 mins)
18-33 )*.(49)E0"+E4 (E#+0.01: '#+" ..
Usin" chi&(centre acti%ities ()5 mins) Return to small groups from the
morning. 4roups
will each choose one of the topics of the 30ramework for 6earning4 and develop an
activity for each of the seven learning styles. 1and out inde* cards to the groups for
them to write one activity on each. >: presentation happens later in workshop.
(*ample: 0or Fcultural identity', in small groups children could list special things
a!out their culture %discussion in groups), sing a song from their heritage %music I
rhythmic), or draw a picture of what they are proud of a!out their home %written I
1>-18?1>-33 )(%!.01
Day T!'
2-33 WE()%&E
Traiti'na& s'n" 'r "ame (15 mins) #he night before, ask for a volunteer to be
prepared to lead a traditional song or game for this morning$s warm(up.
2-33 "E#)*.01 #.4!
Ienti0yin" s/11&ies (*0 mins) Return to the small groups which developed
activities together yesterday. Each group should review the activity cards they
wrote and make a list of supplies they would need to lead the activities. 4roups
come back together and make an overall list.
Usin" &'ca& materia&s (*0 mins) *n the same groups, ask participants to eplore
the local environment around the training venue. #hey should collect "ve di'erent
items that could be used as teaching aids for their activities.
B+E#, 718 mins)
Creatin" a 2'3 (-0 mins) Again in the same groups, participants sit together and
create their ideal 5classroom activity bo$. #hey should think of the following
1uestions when deciding on items/
%1) +s it locally availa!le/ %E) +s it relatively ine*pensive/
%#) +s it suita!le for use in large classes/ %8) +s it easy to carry/
%&) Boes it encourage participation/ %J) Dan it operate without electricity/
-./ #he activity could be purely theoretical, but a better option is to have a number
of items on hand likely to be included/ balls, rope, charts, etc. 6articipants then
assemble a bo.
11-<8 )%9%'E+#"./E (E#+0.01
C'('1erati%e "ame (15 mins) 7elect a fun co(operative game to play with the
W'r4in" in "r'/1s (*0 min) 6articipants have worked in several small groups
during much of the training. ,ave them mi into new groups and discuss the
%1) -hat have we learned from the facilitator of this training/
%#) -hat have we learned from each other/ 1as it !een competitive or co-
(2) ,ow could our students learn more from each other, rather than only from the
1#:*0 +UNC, (-0 mins)
13-33 U!.01 #)"./E (E#+0.01 "% "E#)* (2rea4 !hen neee)
.&annin" &ess'ns (*0 mins) 8se a sample lesson planning form and remind
teachers of the important pieces of planning a lesson. #he small groups that had
planned activities yesterday should re(group. #hey should plan two lessons using
active learning, one from the school sub+ects and one from the 50ramework for
.ractice &ess'ns (-0 mins) Each group has a chance to choose one lesson to
teach to the group.
Sharin" acti%ities (-0 mins) 6articipants are given a set of inde cards to create
their own 5ideas pack$. 4roups should lay out cards they develop so others can copy
or ask 1uestions. Cards should include/ activity name, sub+ect matter, short
description and materials needed.
1>-33?1>-33 )(%!.01
Wra1(/1 (*0 mins) 4o around circle, asking each participant to say one thing they
plan to use from the training. 7ummarise key messages for the group. 6articipants
should "ll out an evaluation form before leaving.

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