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Best Engineering Schools (Ranked in 2008)
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms777

Sco re 100

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 34, 750

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt2,636

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$642.45

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $237.71

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate23 .5 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing12.7 %

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Sco re 98

Stanford University Stanford, CA 200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt3,229 2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$735.62 2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $152.27 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in 2007 Overa ll accep tance rate28 .0 % 2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing17.5 % Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name both master' s and doctor al progra ms780

37, 110


University of California--Berkeley Berkeley, CA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms772

Sco re 89

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 14, 998

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,780

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$507.60

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $120.30

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate20 .4 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing19.8 %

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Sco re 86

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt4,303 2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands 2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new 2007 Overa ll accep tance rate36 .8 % 2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms767

tuiti on$ 22, 188



ing4.8 %


University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms774

Sco re 83

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 24, 644

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt2,479

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$482.03

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $195.22

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate19 .2 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing3.9 %

Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sco re 81

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 200 7200 8 Out -of2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme 2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member 2007 Engineer ing school research expendit 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE 2007 Overa ll accep tance rate13 2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms800

stat e tuiti on$ 29, 940


(in thousands )$894.20

ures (in millions) $84.95

.1 %

y of Engineer ing9.1 %


Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms765

Sco re 79

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 34, 000

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,698

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$744.41

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $161.54

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate21 .8 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing9.1 %

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Sco re 77

University of Southern California (Viterbi) Los Angeles, CA 200 7200 8 2007 Total graduate engineer 2007 Research expenditur es per 2007 Engineer ing school 2007 Averag e quantit 2007 Overa ll accep 2007 Faculty member ship in Dist ance Ente r

Sort by Rank | Name ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms753

Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 22, 734

ing enrollme nt3,945

faculty member (in thousands )$993.70

research expendit ures (in millions) $164.95

tance rate46 .6 %

National Academ y of Engineer ing17.1 %

your zip


Cornell University Ithaca, NY 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms775

Sco re 75

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 32, 800

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,378

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$562.26

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $107.95

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate19 .8 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing10.9 %

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Sco re

University of Michigan--Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI 200 72007 Total 2007 Research 2007 Engineer 2007 Averag 2007 Overa 2007 Faculty Dist ance

Sort by Rank | Name e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms770


200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 33, 372

graduate engineer ing enrollme nt2,416

expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$473.63

ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $147.77

ll accep tance rate36 .4 %

member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing3.8 %

Ente r your zip

1 1

University of California--San Diego (Jacobs) La Jolla, CA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms765

Sco re 72

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 14, 694

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,213

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$834.24

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $140.99

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate25 .0 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing9.7 %

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1 1

University of Texas--Austin (Cockrell) Austin, TX

Sort by Rank | Name 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms759

Sco re 72

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 11, 748

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt2,100

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$565.77

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $135.22

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate22 .5 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing8.6 %

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1 3

Texas A&M University--College Station (Look) College Station, TX 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms756

Sco re 69

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 8,7 12

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt2,428

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$699.70

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $205.71

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate37 .2 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing2.9 %

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1 3

University of California--Los Angeles (Samueli) Los Angeles, CA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms768

Sco re 69

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 22, 428

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,388

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$567.72

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $86.29

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate36 .0 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing14.1 %

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1 5
Sco re 68

Purdue University--West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN 200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 22, 438 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt2,323 2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$399.48 2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $133.83 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al 2007 Overa ll accep tance rate32 .5 % 2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing3.7 % Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name progra ms751

1 5

University of Wisconsin--Madison Madison, WI 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms781

Sco re 68

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 24, 910

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,524

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$570.88

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $125.59

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate23 .5 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing3.9 %

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1 7
Sco re 66

University of Maryland--College Park (Clark) College Park, MD 200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 16, 578 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,862 2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$594.12 2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $136.05 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' 2007 Overa ll accep tance rate22 .5 % 2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing6.4 % Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name s and doctor al progra ms758

1 8

Princeton University Princeton, NJ 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms783

Sco re 65

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 34, 050

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt519

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$433.97

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $52.94

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate16 .5 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing13.0 %

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1 9
Sco re 64

University of California--Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt724 2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$688.75 2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $92.29 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant 2007 Overa ll accep tance rate28 .3 % 2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing15.3 Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms773

on$ 14, 988


2 0

Northwestern University (McCormick) Evanston, IL 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms779

Sco re 63

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 35, 064

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,255

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$542.34

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $97.08

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate28 .1 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing5.0 %

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2 1
Sco re 62

Columbia University (Fu Foundation) New York, NY 200 7200 8 Out -of2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme 2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member 2007 Engineer ing school research expendit 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE 2007 Overa ll accep tance rate27 2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ Dist ance Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms775

stat e tuiti on$ 35, 520


(in thousands )$636.74

ures (in millions) $87.23

.6 %

y of Engineer ing10.9 %

2 2

Harvard University Cambridge, MA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms775

Sco re 60

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 31, 456

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt355

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$642.37

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $37.90

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate13 .0 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing14.3 %

Dist ance Ente r your zip

2 3
Sco re 58

Pennsylvania State University--University Park University Park, PA 200 7200 2007 Total graduate 2007 Research expenditur 2007 Engineer ing 2007 Averag e 2007 Overa ll 2007 Faculty member Dist ance Ente

Sort by Rank | Name quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms752

8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 26, 050

engineer ing enrollme nt1,720

es per faculty member (in thousands )$353.22

school research expendit ures (in millions) $111.62

accep tance rate31 .9 %

ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing0.9 %

r your zip

2 4

University of Florida Gainesville, FL 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms758

Sco re 57

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 22, 603

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt2,474

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$376.79

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $108.14

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate39 .6 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing2.5 %

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2 4

University of Minnesota--Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN

Sort by Rank | Name 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms766

Sco re 57

200 7200 8 Out -ofstat e tuiti on$ 16, 838

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,790

2007 Research expenditur es per faculty member (in thousands )$398.56

2007 Engineer ing school research expendit ures (in millions) $84.10

2007 Overa ll accep tance rate32 .8 %

2007 Faculty member ship in National Academ y of Engineer ing5.4 %

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2 4
Sc or e 57

University of Washington Seattle, WA 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 21,46 4 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment1, 423 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $501.96 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $97.38 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms736 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate28.8 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g4.9 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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2 7

Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) Baltimore, MD D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 56

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 35,90 0

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment2, 661

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $421.60

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $56.92

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms768

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate24.4 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g2.3 %

2 8
Sc or e

Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g2.3 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 13,55 6

te engine ering enroll ment1, 807

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $310.89

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $107.26

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms749

e rate21.6 %

2 9
Sc or e 54

Ohio State University Columbus, OH 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 24,48 6 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment1, 347 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $448.36 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $113.44 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate37.4 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g2.4 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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3 0

North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 53

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 17,68 4

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment2, 125

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $341.29

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $104.43

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms756

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate26.6 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g3.8 %

3 0
Sc or e

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g7.7 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 34,06 4

te engine ering enroll ment1, 111

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $527.02

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $51.12

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms759

e rate35.0 %

3 2
Sc or e 52

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 34,90 0 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment1, 052 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $535.79 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $85.19 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate31.1 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g3.7 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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3 2

University of California--Davis Davis, CA D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 52

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 24,63 9

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment1, 124

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $369.45

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $68.35

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms749

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate35.6 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g5.5 %

3 2
Sc or e

University of Rochester Rochester, NY 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g3.7 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 34,00 0

te engine ering enroll ment4 51

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $1,104.8 9

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $91.71

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms769

e rate15.5 %

3 5
Sc or e 51

Duke University Durham, NC 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 29,34 0 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment6 48 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $558.30 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $63.65 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate34.1 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g1.8 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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3 5

Rice University (Brown) Houston, TX D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 51

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 24,56 4

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment5 21

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $328.75

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $34.85

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms768

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate15.2 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g5.5 %

3 7
Sc or e

University of California--Irvine (Samueli) Irvine, CA 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g5.5 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 24,93 4

te engine ering enroll ment9 84

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $427.14

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $66.21

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms758

e rate25.8 %

3 8
Sc or e 48

University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 19,13 3 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment7 37 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $397.63 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $55.27 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate19.4 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g6.6 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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3 9

University of Colorado--Boulder Boulder, CO D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 46

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 23,57 6

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment1, 298

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $332.95

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $51.27

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms757

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate57.6 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g6.3 %

3 9
Sc or e

Yale University New Haven, CT 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g10.2 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 30,50 0

te engine ering enroll ment1 72

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $269.59

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $20.76

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms772

e rate14.8 %

4 1
Sc or e 45

Iowa State University Ames, IA 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 16,90 6 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment9 56 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $319.06 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $65.41 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate21.9 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g1.0 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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4 2

Lehigh University (Rossin) Bethlehem, PA D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 44

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 990 (per credi t hour)

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment5 68

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $286.96

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $33.00

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms767

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate22.1 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g9.3 %

4 2
Sc or e

Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g1.2 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 1,434 (per credi t hour)

te engine ering enroll ment4 06

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $566.02

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $46.41

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms754

e rate12.5 %

4 4
Sc or e 43

Boston University Boston, MA 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 34,93 0 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment6 64 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $549.32 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $66.47 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate26.3 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g4.0 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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4 5

Arizona State University (Fulton) Tempe, AZ D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 42

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 17,92 0

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment2, 019

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $279.44

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $53.37

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms763

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate51.2 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g3.1 %

4 6
Sc or e

University of Delaware Newark, DE 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g3.3 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 18,59 0

te engine ering enroll ment6 29

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $369.22

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $43.94

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms748

e rate27.4 %

4 6
Sc or e 41

Washington University in St. Louis (Sever) St. Louis, MO 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 34,50 0 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment7 59 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $223.40 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $19.66 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate14.7 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g2.2 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

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4 8

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o u r z i p

Sc or e 40

20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 30,90 8

2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment6 41

2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $517.57

2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $62.11

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms731

2007 Overall acceptanc e rate35.8 %

2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g1.6 %

4 9
Sc or e

Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 20072008 Out2007 Total gradua 2007 Research expenditu 2007 Enginee ring 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall acceptanc 2007 Faculty membersh D i s

Sort by Rank | Name t a n c e ip in National Academy of Engineerin g1.8 % E n t e r y o u r z i p


ofstate tuitio n$ 22,35 6

te engine ering enroll ment6 12

res per faculty member (in thousand s) $319.35

school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $36.73

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra ms732

e rate34.2 %

4 9
Sc or e 39

University of Massachusetts--Amherst Amherst, MA 20072008 Outofstate tuitio n$ 9,937 2007 Total gradua te engine ering enroll ment6 65 2007 Research expenditu res per faculty member (in thousand s) $308.02 2007 Enginee ring school researc h expendit ures (in millions) $44.97 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctora l progra 2007 Overall acceptanc e rate22.4 % 2007 Faculty membersh ip in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 % D i s t a n c e E n t e r y o

Sort by Rank | Name u r z i p


Sort by Rank | Name


University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g1. 0%

Score 39

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 34,58 0

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt401

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $187.79

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $18.40

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms763

2007 Overall accept ance rate20. 8%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 38

Brown University Providence, RI 20072008 Out2007 Total graduate 2007 Researc h 2007 Engine ering 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall accept 200 7 Fac Dista nce Ente

Sort by Rank | Name ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g4. 7%

ofstate tuition $ 35,58 4

engineer ing enrollme nt261

expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $253.19

school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $16.20

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

ance rate12. 9%

r your zip

Score 38

Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 22,54 5 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,150 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $292.76 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $35.72 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms758 2007 Overall accept ance rate32. 6% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name erin g2. 3%


Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick Piscataway, NJ 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g3. 6%

Score 38

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 18,40 6

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt883

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $247.02

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $47.43

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

2007 Overall accept ance rate27. 1%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 38

University at Buffalo--SUNY Buffalo, NY 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 10,92 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,015 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new 2007 Overall accept ance rate30. 3% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g1. 6%


thousand s) $432.33

(in millions ) $51.88

entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms760


University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g3. 7%

Score 38

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 16,57 4

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt961

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $298.73

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $39.13

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms719

2007 Overall accept ance rate33. 2%

Dista nce Ente r your zip


Dartmouth College (Thayer)

Sort by Rank | Name Hanover, NH 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g2. 1%

Score 37

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 34,96 5

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt212

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $423.70

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $18.64

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms766

2007 Overall accept ance rate22. 4%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 37

SUNY--Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 10,92 0 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt908 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $214.43 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $25.09 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and 2007 Overall accept ance rate35. 5% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name de my of Eng ine erin g2. 6%

doctor al progra ms759


Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%

Score 36

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 800 (per credi t hour)

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt583

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $198.01

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $29.50

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms742

2007 Overall accept ance rate11. 7%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 36

University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 20072008 Out2007 Total graduate 2007 Researc h 2007 Engine ering 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall accept 200 7 Fac Dista nce Ente

Sort by Rank | Name ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g4. 3%

ofstate tuition $ 12,17 7

engineer ing enrollme nt857

expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $349.72

school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $43.72

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms743

ance rate46. 2%

r your zip

Score 35

Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 16,42 6 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt538 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $549.83 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $52.78 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms730 2007 Overall accept ance rate33. 6% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name erin g1. 0%


University of California--San Francisco San Francisco, CA 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%

Score 35

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 24,81 0

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt171

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s)N/A

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $12.23

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms774

2007 Overall accept ance rate15. 3%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 35

University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 18,26 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt435 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new 2007 Overall accept ance rate28. 2% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g1. 1%


thousand s) $414.12

(in millions ) $35.20

entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms739


University of Dayton Dayton, OH 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%

Score 34

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 637 (per credi t hour)

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt405

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $1,159.9 4

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $71.92

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

2007 Overall accept ance rate35. 5%

Dista nce Ente r your zip


Northeastern University

Sort by Rank | Name Boston, MA 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g1. 1%

Score 33

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 1,050 (per credi t hour)

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt1,019

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $294.32

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $26.49

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms756

2007 Overall accept ance rate50. 4%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 33

University of California--Riverside (Bourns) Riverside, CA 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 24,80 3 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt367 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $447.93 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $34.04 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and 2007 Overall accept ance rate33. 0% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name de my of Eng ine erin g1. 2%

doctor al progra ms755


University of Illinois--Chicago Chicago, IL 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%

Score 33

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 21,68 8

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt928

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $213.26

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $22.61

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms741

2007 Overall accept ance rate33. 7%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 32

Illinois Institute of Technology (Armour) Chicago, IL 20072008 Out2007 Total graduate 2007 Researc h 2007 Engine ering 2007 Averag e 2007 Overall accept 200 7 Fac Dista nce Ente

Sort by Rank | Name ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g3. 1%

ofstate tuition $ 778 (per credi t hour)

engineer ing enrollme nt1,589

expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $175.39

school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $16.66

quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms744

ance rate50. 6%

r your zip

Score 32

Missouri University of Science & Technology Rolla, MO 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 14,27 8 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt900 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $136.34 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $24.27 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms738 2007 Overall accept ance rate43. 9% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name erin g0. 6%


Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g1. 7%

Score 31

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 21,74 4

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt846

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $176.09

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $28.35

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms717

2007 Overall accept ance rate70. 3%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 31

New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 14,17 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt392 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new 2007 Overall accept ance rate75. 4% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%


thousand s) $1,152.7 8

(in millions ) $72.63

entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms739


University of Tennessee--Knoxville Knoxville, TN 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g2. 5%

Score 31

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 18,96 2

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt844

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $267.65

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $42.56

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms723

2007 Overall accept ance rate52. 9%

Dista nce Ente r your zip


Auburn University (Ginn)

Sort by Rank | Name Auburn University, AL 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%

Score 30

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 15,75 0

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt694

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $362.61

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $54.75

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms707

2007 Overall accept ance rate47. 5%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Score 30

University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 20,44 2 2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt934 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $146.35 2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $20.63 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and 2007 Overall accept ance rate27. 1% 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%

doctor al progra ms751


University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 200 7 Fac ulty me mb ers hip in Nati ona l Aca de my of Eng ine erin g0. 0%

Score 30

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 21,92 4

2007 Total graduate engineer ing enrollme nt514

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $208.79

2007 Engine ering school researc h expend itures (in millions ) $21.09

2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms750

2007 Overall accept ance rate30. 0%

Dista nce Ente r your zip

Sort by Rank | Name

Scor e 30

University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 20072008 2007 Total 2007 Researc 2007 Engine 2007 Averag 200 7 2007 Faculty Dis tan

Sort by Rank | Name e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms701

Outofstate tuition $ 18,72 0

graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent122

h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $268.25

ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$9.12

Over all acce ptan ce rate 35.5 %

membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g3.2 %

ce En ter yo ur zip


Washington State University Pullman, WA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms738

Scor e 29

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 18,39 8

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent476

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $166.69

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$14.17

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 19.3 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g1.1 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip


Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI

Sort by Rank | Name 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms733

Scor e 28

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 9,630

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent502

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $170.39

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$21.47

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 37.9 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip


University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms723

Scor e 28

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 15,31 1

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent601

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $278.06

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$25.03

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 53.4 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g2.1 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip


Clemson University

Sort by Rank | Name Clemson, SC 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms685

Scor e 27

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 14,57 0

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent749

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $153.59

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$30.41

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 46.9 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip


Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms736

Scor e 27

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 16,24 3

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent564

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $193.65

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$24.01

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 37.9 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Sort by Rank | Name


Polytechnic University Brooklyn, NY 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

Scor e 27

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 1,027 (per credit hour)

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent1,16 9

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $187.66

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$11.26

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 69.3 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g5.0 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 27

Stevens Institute of Technology (Schaefer) Hoboken, NJ 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 995 (per credit hour) 2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent1,76 4 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $404.22 2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$29.51 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra 200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 61.0 % 2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g1.2 % Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Sort by Rank | Name msN/A


Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

Scor e 27

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 1,012 (per credit hour)

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent639

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $251.28

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$16.08

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 45.7 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g1.7 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 27

University of Central Florida Orlando, FL 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 997 (per credit hour) 2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent977 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $293.85 2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$54.36 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor 200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 50.5 % 2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.6 % Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Sort by Rank | Name al progra ms711


University of Texas--Dallas (Jonsson) Richardson, TX 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms742

Scor e 27

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 12,63 2

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent1,04 9

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $300.00

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$27.60

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 53.3 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g2.1 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 26

Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 11,28 1 2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent576 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $120.46 2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$15.66 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' 200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 38.7 % 2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 % Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Sort by Rank | Name s and doctor al progra ms737


Tufts University Medford, MA 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

Scor e 26

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 35,05 2

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent517

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $220.46

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$14.33

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 54.5 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g1.7 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 26

University of Houston (Cullen) Houston, TX 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 540 (per credit hour) 2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent878 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) 2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in 200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 64.1 % 2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g4.5 % Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Sort by Rank | Name both master' s and doctor al progra ms747




University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms749

Scor e 26

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 16,15 8

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent615

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $236.93

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$35.07

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 45.4 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 26

University of Missouri--Columbia Columbia, MO 20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 792 (per 2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent476 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in 2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new 200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 % Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Sort by Rank | Name entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms748

credit hour)

thousand s) $173.58

(in millions )$16.84

37.9 %


Florida State University/Florida A&M University Tallahassee, FL 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms746

Scor e 25

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 880 (per credit hour)

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent284

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $258.20

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$21.69

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 65.1 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g2.5 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 25

Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 20072008 Outofstate tuition 2007 Total graduat e enginee ring 2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty 2007 Engine ering school researc h 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE 200 7 Over all acce ptan 2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Dis tan ce En ter yo

Sort by Rank | Name score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms749

$ 586 (per credit hour)

enrollm ent485

member (in thousand s) $156.82

expendi tures (in millions )$20.39

ce rate 47.6 %

Engineerin g0.0 %

ur zip


Mississippi State University (Bagley) Mississippi State, MS 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms732

Scor e 25

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 15,22 8

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent546

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $446.92

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$53.18

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 35.6 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 25

University of California--Santa Cruz (Baskin) Santa Cruz, CA 20072008 Outof2007 Total graduat e 2007 Researc h expendit 2007 Engine ering school 2007 Averag e quantit 200 7 Over all 2007 Faculty membershi p in Dis tan ce En

Sort by Rank | Name ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms750

state tuition $ 14,69 4

enginee ring enrollm ent312

ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $250.86

researc h expendi tures (in millions )$18.06

acce ptan ce rate 39.2 %

National Academy of Engineerin g1.4 %

ter yo ur zip


University of Maryland--Baltimore County Baltimore, MD 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms750

Scor e 25

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 681 (per credit hour)

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent393

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $202.59

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$11.75

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 37.9 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g1.7 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Scor e 25

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA 20072008 2007 Total 2007 Researc 2007 Engine 2007 Averag 200 7 2007 Faculty Dis tan

Sort by Rank | Name e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms758

Outofstate tuition $ 18,75 6

graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent553

h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s)$96.09

ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$9.51

Over all acce ptan ce rate 63.5 %

membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

ce En ter yo ur zip

Air Force Institute of Technology WPAFB, OH 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

Scor e N/A

20072008 Outofstate tuition N/A

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm entN/A

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s)N/A

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )N/A

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate N/A

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin gN/A

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

Alfred University--New York State College of Ceramics (Inamori) Alfred, NY Scor 20072008 2007 Total 2007 Researc 2007 Engine 2007 Averag 200 7 2007 Faculty Dis tan

Sort by Rank | Name e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra msN/A

e N/A

Outofstate tuition $ 18,23 0

graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent48

h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s) $177.37

ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$4.08

Over all acce ptan ce rate 44.2 %

membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

ce En ter yo ur zip

Brigham Young University (Fulton) Provo, UT 2007 Averag e quantit ative GRE score of new entrant s in both master' s and doctor al progra ms709

Scor e N/A

20072008 Outofstate tuition $ 9,720

2007 Total graduat e enginee ring enrollm ent427

2007 Researc h expendit ures per faculty member (in thousand s)$96.23

2007 Engine ering school researc h expendi tures (in millions )$10.78

200 7 Over all acce ptan ce rate 58.2 %

2007 Faculty membershi p in National Academy of Engineerin g0.0 %

Dis tan ce En ter yo ur zip

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