You Are What You Eat

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 Yo ou a r e w h a t y o u e a t  Y M ean i n g The notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat good food.


This phrase has come to us via quite a tortuous route. Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote, inPhysiologie du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastronomie Transcendante, Tr anscendante, 1826 :

!is-moi ce que tu manges, "e te dirai ce que tu es. #Tell me what you eat and $ will tell you what you are%. $n an essay titled Concerning Spiritualism and Materialism, &'()*+, udwig  Andreas euerbach euerbach wrote: !er ensch ist, was er i/t. That translates into 0nglish as 1man is what he eats1. 2either Brillat-Savarin or euerbach meant their quotations to be ta3en literally. They were stating that that the food one eats has a bearing on what one1s state of mind and health. The actual phrase didn1t emerge in 0nglish until some time later. $n the &456s and )6s, the nutritionist 7ictor indlahr, who was a strong believer in the idea that food controls health, developed the 8atabolic !iet. That view gained some adherents at the time and the earliest 3nown printed e9ample is from an advert for beef in a &45) edition of the Bridgeport Te Telegraph legraph , for 1nited eet #sic% ar3ets1:


2inety per cent of the diseases 3nown to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs. ;ou are what you eat. $n &4+5, indlahr published You re !hat You "at# ho$ to $in and %eep health $ith diet . That seems to be the vehicle that too3 the phrase into the

public consciousness. indlahr is li3ely to have also used the term in his radio tal3s in the late &4)6s <now lost unfortunately=, which would also have reached a large audience.

The phrase got a new lease of life in the &4(6s hippy era. The food of choice of the champions of this notion was macrobiotic wholefood and the phrase was adopted by them as a slogan for healthy eating. The belief in the diet in some quarters was so strong that when Adelle !avis, a leading spo3esperson for the organic food movement, contracted the cancer that later 3illed her, she attributed the illness to the "un3 food she had eaten at college. Some commentators have suggested that the idea is from much earlier and that it has a religious rather than dietary basis. >oman 8atholics believe that the bread and wine of the 0ucharist are changed into the body and blood of ?esus <Transubstantiation=. $s the phrase 8atholic rather than catabolic@  Archbishop  Archbisho p Thomas Thomas 8ranmer in &+4: e offer and present unto thee, C ord, our selves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice unto theeD humbly beseeching thee that we, and all others who shall be parta3ers of this Eoly 8ommunion, may worthily receive the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son ?esus 8hrist, be filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction, and made one body with him, that he may dwell in us, and we in him.


Transubstantiation certainly lin3s food and the body, but there doesn1t appear to be a clear lin3 between the belief and the phrase. $t1s safe to assume the origin is more supper than supplication.

Forent r epr eneur s ,eat i ngi s n' tj us tabouts at i s f y i nghunger .Sos ayt he gr owi ngr ank sofnut r i t i onex per t swhos pec i al i z ei nfi net uni ngt he met abol i cper f or manc eofbus i nes sl eader s ." You' r el i k eanat hl et ei nt he wor k p l a c e, "s a y sRi c h ar dCh ai f e t z ,CEO o fComPs y c h ,aCh i c a go bas edpr o vi derofc or por at ewel l nes sandempl o y eeas s i s t anc e pr ogr ams ." Soy ous houl deatl i k eanat hl et e. " Att hev er yl eas t ,t hatmeansl ot sofl eanpr ot ei n,f r ui t sandv eget abl es , andc ompl e xc ar boh y dr at es ;nopr oc es s edf oods ;andmi mi ni mal whi t e fl ourands ugar .Butwheny ous pendal l da yc onf r ont i ngc hal l engi ng ment al t as ks ,t hebr ai n' snut r i t i onal demandsar egr eat er . Fore x ampl e,ha v ey oue v erwor k eds ohar dt hati tf el tast houghy our br ai nwer eonfi r e?I ts or tofwas ,s ay sPat t i Mi l l i gan,di r ec t orofnut r i t i on atTi gnum,ac ons ul t anc yt hathel psbus i nes s esboos templ o y ee per f or manc et hr oughhol i s t i cwel l nes spr ogr ams ." Youpr oduc el ot sof ox i dant si nt hebr ai nwheny ou' r ewor k i ng, "s hes ay s ." Foodst hatar e hi ghi nant i ox i dant s ber r i es ,beans ,appl es ,t eaac tl i k efl ame r et ar dant s . " Anddon' tf or getwat er ." Thebr ai ni s70t o80per c entwat er , "Mi l l i gan s ay s ." Wheni t ' sme met abol i c al l yac t i v e10t o12hour sada y ,r emov i ng met abol i cwas t ef r om t hebr ai nr equi r esopt i mal hy dr at i on. "She s ugges t s" s uper hy dr at i ng"wi t ht woc upsatt hebegi nni ngoft heda y andav oi di ng" dehy dr at or s , "l i k epr oc es s eds ugar yf oods ,hi ghdos esof c aff ei ne,ands oda.Andwat c houtf or" br ai nf og, "whi c hc anbee vi denc e t haty ouneedt oh ydr at e. Speak i ngofc affei ne," c offeedepl et esser ot oni n,whi c hc ont r i but est oa s ens eofwel l bei ng, "s ay sBar bar aMendez ,aNewYor kCi t ynut r i t i on c ons ul t antwhowor k swi t hmanybus i nes scl i ent s ." I fy ouhav ei tonan


empt ys t omac h,t hatqui c kdel i v er yt ot hebl oods t r eam l eadst omor e anx i et yands t r es s . "Sos av et hec off eef ormi daf t er noon,wheny our hor monal andneur al c onnec t i onsof t enneedt heboos t . I fy oudoj us tonet hi ng,c utoutf at t yf oods .Andr ewDi Mi c hel e,c hi ef t ec hni c al offic erofOmadaHeal t h,anonl i nedi abet es pr e v ent i on pr ogr am,ga v eupf r i esandc hi psatl unc handf oundanal mos t i mmedi at eboos ti npr oduc t i v i t y ." Ac oupl eofweek sago,Il ett hi ss l i de, andi twasas t ar kr emi nder , "Di Mi c hel es ay s ." Notonl ywasIs l eepyand unat t ent i v eal l af t er noon,butIwasi nami s er abl emood. " Sc i enc ebear st hi sout .Ac cor di ngt oaCambr i dgeUni v er s i t yst udy , af t er fi v eday sonahi ghf atdi et ,t het r eadmi l l per f or manc eofl abr at s dec l i nedbyhal f .Mor eov er ,t her at seat i ngf at t yc howbegant of al t eron amaz et es tt he yhadbeent r ai nedonfi ndi ngonl yfiv et r eat sbef or e mak i ngami s t ak e.Theheal t hi err at swer eabl et ofi nds i xormor et r eat s . Andasanyent r epr eneurk nows ,i t ' sal l aboutfi ndi ngt het r eat s .

Br ai nFood: Dr i nkWa Wat er

A2011s t udyi nt heBritish Journal of Nutrition   f oundt hate v enmi l d de hy d r a t i o ni nme me nr e duc e dv i g i l an c ea ndme me mor mo ya ndi nc r ea s ed t ens i on,anx i et y ,andf at i gue. PutDownTheFr enchFr y

A2009Cambr i dgeUni v er s i t ys t udyf oundt hathi ghf atdi et sma made l abor at or yr at snotj us ts l owerbutdumber . Sugar=Bad


Ar ec entUCLAs t udyf oundt hatadi ethi ghi nf r uc t os es l owst hebr ai n, hampe r i n gmemo r yandl ea r ni n g.Ome ga 3f a t t yac i d s f ou ndi ns a l mo n, wal nut s ,andfl ax s eedc anc ount er ac tt hedi s r upt i on.

You Are What You Eat  is  is

a dieting  dieting programme programme  aired in various forms between 566+ and

566F on British broadcasting company8hannel company8hannel +, +, and presented by  by Gillian cHeith. cHeith. The fourth series was called You re re !hat You "at# Gillian Mo&es 'n. Contents

  #hide hide%%  •

& et etho hods ds

5 Spin Spin-off -off seri series es

) Iarticipant weight loss

+ 8ont 8ontrove roversy rsy

 >efe >eferenc rences es

( 09te 09ternal rnal lin3s

Methods#edit% The show often uses shoc3 tactics to get the participants to lose weight. $n each episode all food eaten in one wee3 by the person<s= ta3ing part is placed on a table to highlight problem areas of their diet diet.. Another technique is the analysis of the participant1s faeces faeces  by cHeith to detect certain problems and ma3e them 3nown to the person involved. This aspect of the show gained cHeith the nic3name The Awful Ioo ady. #&% 0mphasising the possibility of the participant1s death is sometimes used, with references to children chil dren they might not see growing up or a moc3 grave being prepared. Generally, editions would have these scenes in the first part followed by the participant1s attempts to follow cHeith1s diet and e9ercise regimes in the second. The fourth series was e9panded from half to one hour programmes, with the contestants moving to cHeith1s ondon house and being visited overnight at their homes for inspection.


edit%% Spin-off series#edit ocaliJed versions of You Are What You Eat  were  were produced by 7iasat 7iasat and  and aired in Sweden, 2orway, !enmar3, !enmar3, Eungary and the 8Jech >epublic. 7iasat was the first company in the world to adapt the format locally.  locally. T7) T7)  also produced a local version of the show in inland. The show was a success and it was the frequently most viewed show in inland when it was aired.

edit%% Participant weight loss#edit eight loss by participants was often significant, with some e9amples as follows: •

Series &. 0pisode &. ;vonne Grant: ost 5' lbs. Average ). lbs per wee3. &&.+K of body weight lost.

Series &. 0pisode . !ean ills: ost +5 + 5 lbs. Average .) lbs per wee3. &5.K of body weight lost.

Series &. 0pisode '. 2icholas Eughes: ost (  ( lbs. Average F.6 lbs per wee3. 56.K of body weight lost.

Series 5. 0pisode F. ?oseph Eeyburn: ost )&. lbs. Average Average ).4 lbs per wee3. &6.K of body weight lost.

Series 5. 0pisode &). Geraldine awson: ost +5 + 5 lbs. Average .) lbs per wee3. &(.5K of bodyweight lost.

Series ). 0pisode &. $rene Shingfield: ost )' lbs. Average Average +.' lbs per wee3. &.K of bodyweight lost.

Series ). 0pisode 5. ?ohn Earrison: ost ( lbs. Average Average F.6 lbs per wee3. &+.'K of bodyweight lost.

Based on the results of )+ participants in the series the sub"ects all recorded significant weight loss with an average loss of +.) lbs per wee3 and an average &5.FK of body weight lost over the ' wee3s. This compares to recommendations by the British !ietetic  Association that  Association  that weight loss be in the region of 5 lb or & 3g per wee3 #5% or -&6K over si9 months,#)% although participants were following the regimen under consultation with their months, doctors and generally starting from a high weight and a very poor diet.


edit%% Controversy #edit $n the first series of the show, cHeith was sometimes referred to as !octor, and she has continued to use the title in some media, although the later series referred to her as a holistic nutritionist, using the title s. Gillian cHeith at some points. $t emerged in !ecember 566 that Gillian cHeith has no accredited doctorate. cHeith received her Ih! Ih!via via a distance learning programme from the American Eolistic 8ollege of 2utrition,  Alabama, which later became the 8layton 8ollege of 2atural Eealth before Eealth before closing in 56&&. #+%

The 8layton 8ollege of 2atural Eealth stated that it was accredited by the American

 Association of !rugless Iractitioners Iractitioners and the American American 2aturopathic edical Accreditation Board.#% Eowever, this accreditation was never recognised recognised by  by the .S. Secretary of 0ducation.#(% 0ducation. cHeith is also a member of the American the American Association Association of 2utritional 8onsultants 8onsultants, a controversial organisation which see3s to enhance the reputation of 2utritional and !ietary 8onsultants by consolidating them into a professional organisation. $t offers e9amination and certification, or association membership which does not require an e9amination but requires the payment of the L(6 membership fee. fee .#F%

YouAr eWhatYouEat Ea taVa r i e t yofFoods Foodsc ont ai nc ombi nat i o nsofnu t r i ent sando t herhe al t hf ul s ubs t a nc es .Nos i ngl ef oodc an s uppl yal l nut r i ent si nt heamount sy ouneed.Fore x ampl e,or ang espr o vi devi t ami nC butno v i t ami nB12;c he es epr o vi desvi t ami nB12  butnovi t ami nC.T omak es ur ey ougetal l oft he nu t r i e nt sa ndot h ers ub s t a nc esn ee de df orh ea l t h ,c h oos et her e comme nd ednu mb mb ero fd ai l y s er v i ngsf r om e ac hoft h efi v emaj orf oodgr oups :gr ai ns ,v ege t abl es ,f r ui t s ,mi l k ,me ata ndbea ns .

Ve ge t a r i a nDi e t sa ndNut r i t i ona lRe qui r e me me nt s SomeAmer i c anseatv eget ar i andi et sf orr eas onsofc ul t ur e,bel i ef ,orheal t h.Mos tv eget ar i ans eatmi l kpr oduc t sandeggs ,andasagr oup,t hes el ac t oo vov eget ar i ansenj oyex c el l entheal t h. Yo uc ang ete nou ghp r o t e i nf r o m av e ge t ar i a nd i e ta sl o nga st h ev a r i e t yan da mo mo un t soff o od s c ons umedar eadequat e.Meat ,fi s h,andpoul t r yar ema maj orc ont r i b ut or sofi r on,z i nc ,andB v i t ami nsi nmos tAmer i c andi et s ,andv eget ar i anss houl dpa ys pec i al at t ent i ont oget t i ngt hes e nut r i ent sf r om v eget ar i ansour c es .


Veg anseatonl yf oo dofpl antor i gi n.Bec aus ea ni mal pr od uc t sar et heo nl ys our c esofv i t ami nB12, v egansmu mus ts uppl ementt hei rdi et swi t has our c eoft hi svi t ami n.I naddi t i on,v eg andi et s , par t i c ul ar l yt hos eofc hi l dr en,r equi r ec ar et oi ns ur eadequac yofv i t ami nDandc al c i um,whi c h mo s tAme r i c anso bt a i nf r o m mi l kpr o du ct s .

Mai nt ai naHeal t hyWe Wei ght I ti si mpor t antf orpeopl eofal l agest omai nt ai naheal t hywei ght .Peopl ewhoar eov er wei ght i nc r eas et hei rr i s kf orhi ghbl oodpr es sur e,hear tdi s eas e,di abet es ,br eat hi ngpr obl ems ,andot her i l l nes s es .T omai nt ai nah eal t h ybodywei ght ,p eopl emus tb al a nc et heamoun tofc al or i esi nt he f oodsanddr i nk st he yc ons umewi t ht hea mou mo ntofc al or i est heb od yus es .Ph y si c al ac t i v i t yi san i mp or t antwa yt ous ef o odener gy . Ex t r emet hi nnes si sal s ou nh eal t h y .Pe opl ewhoeatv er yl i t t l e ordi ete xc es s i v el yma ma ynotgett hec al or i esandot hernut r i ent st he yneedf orgoodheal t h. Aer obi cex er c i s e,s uc haswal k i ng,r unni ng,s wi mmi ng,i nl i nes kat i ng,andpl a yi ngs oc c er ,bur ns f atandc al or i es .T r yt odo30mi nut esormor eofmoder at eph ys i c al ac t i v i t yonmos t —pr ef er a bl y a l l —d ay so ft h ewe ek .

T oDe cr e as eCa l or i eI nt a ke Eatav ar i et yoff oodst hatar el owi nc al or i esbuthi ghi nnut r i ent s —c —c hec kt heNut r i t i onFac t s La bel o nt h ef o odsy o ue at . Eatl es sf atandf ewerhi ghf atf oods . Eats mal ma l erpor t i onsandl i mi ts ec ondhel pi ngsoff oodshi ghi nf atandc al or i es . Ea tmor ev ege t abl esandf r ui t swi t h outf at sands ug ar sad de di npr e par at i onoratt het abl e . Eatpas t a,r i c e,br eads ,andc er eal swi t houtf at sands ugar saddedi npr epar at i onoratt het abl e. Ea tl e sss ug ara ndf e we rs we et sl i k ecan dy , c o ok i e s,c ak e s ,a nds od a.

EatPl e nt yofGr a i ns ,Ve ge t abl es ,andFr ui t s Gr ai npr oduc t s ,v eget abl es ,andf r ui t sar ek eypar t sofav ar i eddi et .The yar eemphas i z edi nt hi s gui del i nebe caus et he ypr o vi dev i t ami ns ,mi n er al s ,c ompl e xc ar bo hy dr at es( s t ar c ha nddi e t ar y fi ber ) ,andot hers ubs t anc est hatar ei mpor t antf orgoodheal t h.Theyar eal s ogener al l yl owi nf at , d ep en di n go nh owt h eya r epr e pa r e da ndwh ati sa dd edt ot h em a tt h et a bl e .

Fi be r Fi beri sf ou ndonl yi npl antf oodsl i k ewhol egr ai nbr eadsandc er eal s ,b ea nsan dpea s,an do t her v eget abl esandf r ui t s .Bec aus et her ear edi ff er entt y pesoffi beri nf oods ,c hoos eav ar i et yoff oods


dai l y .Eat i ngav ar i et yoffi ber c ont ai ni ngpl antf oodsi si mpor t antf orbowel f unc t i on,c anr educ e s y mpt mp omso fc hr oni cc ons t i p at i on ,andhemor r hoi ds ,an dma yl o wert h er i s kf orh ear tdi s eas eand somecancer s.

ChooseaDi etLow i nFat ,Sat ur at edFat ,andChol est er ol Somedi e t ar yf ati snee dedf org oodh eal t h.Fat ss uppl yener gyan des s ent i al f at t yac i dsan d pr o mo mo t ea bs or p t i o noft h ef a t s ol u bl ev i t a mi mi n sA,D,E,a ndK.Mo r eAme r i c an sa r eno we at i n g l es sf at ,s at ur at edf at ,andc hol es t er ol c ont ai ni nggoodst hani nt her ec entpas t .St i l l ,manypeopl e c ont i nuet oeathi ghf atdi et s .Thi sgui del i neemp has i z est hec ont i n uedi mp or t anc eofc hoos i nga di etwi t hl es st ot al f at ,s at ur at edf at ,andc hol es t er ol .

Avoi dHi ghFatFoods So mef me o od sa ndf o odg r o up sa r ehi g he ri nf a tt h ano t h er s .Fa t san do i l s ,a nds omet y p esof des ser t sands nac kf oodst hatc ont ai nf atpr ov i dec al or i esbutf ewot hernut r i ent s .Manyf oodsi n t hemi mi l kg r o upan di nt h eme ata ndbe an sgr o up( wh i c hi n cl u de seg gsa ndnu t s ,a swe l l a sme me at , po ul t r y , andfi s h)ar eal s ohi g hi nf at ,a sar es omepr oc es s edf o odsi nt hegr ai ngr oup. Fat ,whe t herf r om pl antorani mal s our c es ,c ont ai nsmo mor et ha nt wi c et henumbero fc al or i esofan eq ual amo unto fc ar b oh y dr a t eo rp r o t e i n .Ch oo sead i e tt h atp r o v i d esnomo r et h an3 0p er c ento f t ot al c al or i esf r om f at .Theupperl i mi tont hegr amsoff ati ny ourdi etwi l l dependont hec al or i es y o un ee d.Cu t t i n gb ac konf a tc anhe l py o uc o ns umef e we rc al o r i e s.Fore x amp l e,a t2 , 0 00 c al or i esperda y ,t hes ugges t edupperl i mi tofc al or i esf r om f ati sabout600c al or i es( 65gr amsof f atx9c al or i espergr am =about6 00c al or i es ) .

Ma xi mum T ot a lFa tI nt a keatDi ffe r e ntCa l or i eLe v el s Calories Total To tal fat (grams)








Sa t ur a t e df a t —F at sc on t a i nb ot hs a t u r a t e da ndu ns a t u r a t e d( mo no un s at u r a t e da nd pol y uns at ur at ed)f at t yac i ds .Sat ur at edf atr ai s esbl oodc hol es t er ol mor et hanot herf or msoff at . Reduc i ngs at ur at edf att ol es st han10per c entofc al or i eswi l l hel py oul owery ourbl ood c hol es t er ol l ev el .Thef at sf r om meat ,mi l k ,andmi mi l kpr oduc t sar et hemai ns our c esofs at ur at ed f at si nmos tdi et s .Manybak er ypr oduc t sar eal s os our c esofs at ur at edf at s .Veget abl eoi l ss uppl y s mal ma l eramo unt sofs at ur at edf at . Monounsat ur at edandpol yunsat ur at edf at —Ol i v eandc anol aoi l sar epar t i c ul ar l yhi ghi n mon ouns at ur at e df at s ;mos to t herv ege t a bl eoi l s ,nu t s ,an dhi ghf atfi s har egoods our c esof pol y uns at ur at edf at s .Bot hki ndsofuns at ur at edf at sr educ ebl oodchol es t er ol whent he yr epl ac e s at ur at edf at si nt hedi et .Remembert hatt het ot al f ati nt hedi ets houl dbec ons umedata


mo der a t el e v el —t h ati sn omo r et h an30pe r c e ntofc al o r i e s.Mo no un s at u r a t e da nd pol y uns at ur at edf ats our c esshoul dr epl ac es at ur at edf at swi t hi nt hi sl i mi t . Par t i al l yh ydr o genat edv ege t abl eoi l s ,s uc hast hos eus edi nma man yma mar g ar i n esands hor t eni ngs , c ont ai napar t i c ul arf or m ofuns at ur at edf atk nownast r ans f at t yac i dst hatma yr ai s ebl ood c hol es t er ol l ev el s ,al t houghnotasmu muc hassat ur at edf at .

ChooseaLow Chol est er olDi et Thebodymak est hec hol es t er ol i tr equi r es .I naddi t i on,c hol es t er ol i sobt ai nedf r om f ood.Di et ar y c ho l e st er o lc omesf r o ma ni ma ls our c ess u chase ggy ol k s ,mea t( es pe ci a l l yo r g anme me at ss u c ha s l i v er ) ,poul t r y ,fi sh,andhi gher f atmi l kpr oduc t s .Manyoft hes ef oodsar eal s ohi ghi ns at ur at ed f at s .Choos i ngf oodswi t hl es sc hol es t er ol ands at ur at edf atwi l l hel pl owery ourbl oodpr es sur e andbl oodc hol es t er ol l ev el s .

Avoi dTooMu MuchSugar Sug ar sar es i mpl ecar b oh ydr at es .Di e t ar yc ar boh ydr at esal s oi nc l u des t ar c handfiber ,whi c har e c ompl e xc ar b oh ydr at es .Dur i ngdi ges t i o nal l c ar boh ydr at esex c eptfi berbr eakdo wni nt osug ar s . Sug ar sands t ar c hesoc c urnat ur al l yi nma nyf oodst hats up pl yot hernut r i ent s .Ex ampl esoft hes e f oodsi nc l ud emi l k ,f r ui t s ,s omev ege t abl es ,br eads ,c er eal s ,bea ns ,a ndgr ai ns .Somes ug ar sar e us edasnat ur al pr es er v at i v es ,t hi c k ener s ,andbak i ngai dsi nf ood.Thebodycannott el l t he di ff er enc eb et we ennat ur al l yoc c ur r i ngandaddedsugar sbec aus et he yar ei d ent i c al c hemi c al l y . Bec aus emai nt ai ni n gan ut r i t i ousdi etandahe al t h ywei ghti sv er yi mpor t ant ,s ugar sshoul dbe us e di nmo de r at i o nb ymo s th ea l t h yp eo pl ea nds p ar i n gl ybype opl ewi t hl o wc a l o r i en ee ds .

Avoi dTooMuchSodi um So di u mo cc ur sna t ur a l l yi nf o ods ,u su al l yi ns ma ma l l a mo mo un t s .Onef o r mo fs o di u mi ss od i u m c hl or i de,c ommonl yk nownast abl es al t .I nt hebody ,s odi um pl a ysanes sent i al r ol ei nr egul at i on offl ui dsandbl oodpr es s ur e.Mos te vi de nc es ugges t st hatman yp eopl eatr i s kf orhi ghbl ood pr es s ur er ed uc et h ei rc ha nc esofde v el o pi ngt hi sc on di t i onb yc ons umi ngl es ss al tors odi um. Someques t i o nsr emai n,par t l yb ec aus eo t herf ac t or sma ma yi nt er ac twi t hs odi um t oaff ec tbl ood p r e s s u r e .

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