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 Zoo From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Zoo (disambiguation). The entrance of the San Diego Zoo, California, May 2007. Giants of the Savanna Exhibit at the Dallas Zoo, Texas, October 2011 A zoo (short for zoological park, 'zoological garden, or animal park, and also c alled a menagerie) is a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures , displayed to the public, and in which they may also be bred. The term zoological garden refers to zoology, the study of animals, a term deriv  




ing theLGreek ( zῷon, n "z "study"). The abbreviati "a imal")which a d lóg s (lógoς, usedfrom f the nd n zōon Z ica  Gardens, pened f r scientific study in 1828 ecti ns pen t  th  and t  the pub ic in 1857.[1] The number f maj r anima  c e pub ic ar und the w r d n w exceeds 1,000, ar und 80 percent f them in cities .[2]  


























C ntents [hide] 1 Etym y 2 Hist ry 2.1 R ya  Mena erie 2.2 En i htenment era 2.3 The m dern z 2.4 Human exhibits 3 Type 3.1 Safari park  













3.2 Aquaria 3.3 R adside z s 3.4 Pettin  z s 3.5 Anima  theme parks 4 S urces f anima s 5 Justificati n 5.1 C nservati n and research 6 Surp us anima s 7 Anima  we fare c ncerns 7.1 M ra  c ncerns 7.2 Behavi ura  restricti n 7.3 Abn rma  behavi ur n evity 7.4 Sh rtened 7.5 C imate c ncerns 8 Live feedin  and "baitin " 9 Re u ati n 9.1 United States 9.2 Eur pe 10 See a s 11 N tes 12 References 13 Externa   inks Etym y[edit] L nd n Z , which pened in 1826, first ca ed itse f a mena erie r "z ica  f rest," which is sh rt f r "Gardens and Mena erie f the Z ica  S ciety f ica  L nd n."[3] The abbreviati n "z " first appeared in print in the UK ar und 184 7, when it was used f r the C ift n Z , but it was n t unti  s me 20 years ate r that the sh rtened f rm became p pu ar in the s n  "Wa kin  in the Z   n Sund ica  park" was used f ay" by music-ha  artist A fred Vance.[3] The term "z r m re expansive faci ities in Washin t n, D.C., and the Br nx in New Y rk, whic h pened in 1891 and 1899 respective y.[4]  











































































































" w


Re ative y new terms f r z s c ined in the ate 20th century are "c nservati n park" r "bi park". Ad ptin  a new name is a strate y used by s me z  pr fessi na s t  distance their instituti ns fr m the stere typica  and n wadays criticiz ed z  c ncept f the 19th century.[5] The term "bi park" was first c ined and d eve ped by the Nati na  Z  in Washin t n D.C. in the ate 1980s.[6] In 1993, t ica  S ciety chan ed its name t  the Wi d ife C nservati n S c he New Y rk Z iety and rebranded the z s under its jurisdicti n as "wi d ife c nservati n par ks."[7]  

























































Hist ry[edit] R ya  Mena erie[edit] Further inf rmati n: Mena erie  














The T wer f 15th L nd century, n h used British En and's r ya  mena erie f r severa  centuries (Pict m the Library). ure fr The predecess r f the z ica   arden is the mena erie, which has a ica n  hist ry fr m the ancient w r d t  m dern times. The dest kn wn z ica  c ecti n was revea ed durin  excavati ns at Hierak np is, E ypt in 2009, f a ca. 350 0 B.C. mena erie. The ex tic anima s inc uded hipp s, hartebeest, e ephants, bab ns and wi dcats.[8] Kin  Ashur-be -ka a f the Midd e Assyrian Empire created Z ica  and B tanica  Gardens in the 11th century BC. In the 2nd century BCE,  the Chinese Empress Tanki had a "h use f deer" bui t, and Kin  Wen f Zh u kep t a 1,500-acre (6.1 km2) z  ca ed Lin -Yu, r the Garden f Inte i ence. Othe r we -kn wn c ect rs f anima s inc uded Kin  S m n f the Kin d m f Israe  and Judah, queen Semiramis and kin  Ashurbanipa   f Assyria, and Kin  Nebuchad nezzar f Baby nia.[2] By the 4th century BCE, z s existed in m st f the Gree k city states; A exander the Great is kn wn t  have sent anima s that he f und n his mi itary expediti ns back t  Greece. The R man emper rs kept private c e 











































































































cti ns f anima s f r study r f r use in the arena,[2] the us y p r y. The 19th-century hist rian W.E.H. Lecky wr te first he d in 366 BCE:  













atter farin  n t ri f the R man ames,  










ed in fierce c mbat acr ss At ne time, a bear and a bu , chained t ether, r  the sand ... F ur hundred bears were ki ed in a sin e day under Ca i u a ... Under Ner , f ur hundred ti ers f u ht with bu s and e ephants. In a sin e day , at the dedicati n f the C sseum by Titus, five th usand anima s perished. U nder Trajan ... i ns, ti ers, e ephants, rhin cer ses, hipp p tami [sic], iraf fes, bu s, sta s, even cr c di es and serpents were emp yed t   ive n ve ty t  the spectac e ...[9]  



















































Henry I f En and kept a c ecti n f anima s at his pa ace in W dst ck, whic h rep rted y inc uded i ns, e pards, and came s.[10] The m st pr minent c ec ti n in medieva  En and was in the T wer f L nd n, created as ear y as 1204 by  Kin  J hn I.  































Henry III received a weddin   ift in 1235 f three e pards fr m Frederick II, H y R man Emper r, and in 1264, the anima s were m ved t  the Bu wark, renamed t he Li n T wer, near the main western entrance f the T wer. It was pened t  the  pub ic durin  the rei n f E izabeth I in the 16th century.[11] Durin  the 18th  century, the price f admissi n was three ha f-pence, r the supp y f a cat r  d  f r feedin  t  the i ns.[10] The anima s were m ved t  the L nd n Z  when  it pened.  















































En i htenment era[edit]  


The Versai es mena erie durin  the rei n f L uis XIV in the 17th century Further inf rmati n: List f z s The dest z  in the w r d sti  in existence is the Tier arten Schönbrunn in Vie nna, Austria. It was c nstructed by Adrian van Stekh ven in 1752 at the rder f  the H y R man Emper r Francis I, husband f Maria Theresa f Austria, t  serve  





























 as an imperia  mena erie as part f Schönbrunn Pa ace. The mena erie was initia y reserved f r the viewin  p easure f the imperia  fami y and the c urt, but wa s made accessib e t  the pub ic in 1765.  















In 1775, a z  was f unded in Madrid, and in 1795, the z  inside the Jardin des  P antes in Paris was f unded by Jacques-Henri Bernardin, with anima s fr m the r ya  mena erie at Versai es, primari y f r scientific research and educati n. The Kazan Z , the first z  in Russia was f unded in 1806 by the Pr fess r f K azan State University Kar  Fuchs. 






















The m dern z [edit] Unti  the ear y 19th century, the functi n f the z a  p wer, ike Kin  L uis XIV's mena erie at Versai  







 was ften t  symb ize r y es. The m dern z  that eme














r ed educati in the ear 19th century atpub L nd and Dub in, was f cused n.[12] n pr vi na y  exhibits t  the icn, f Paris r entertainment and inspirati din  













A r win  fascinati n f r natura  hist ry and z y, c up ed with the tremend us expansi n in the urbanizati n f L nd n, ed t  a hei htened demand f r a re ater variety f pub ic f rms f entertainment t  be made avai ab e. The need f r  pub ic entertainment, as we  as the requirements f sch ar y research, came t ether in the f undin   f the first m dern z s.  














































L nd n Z , 1835 ica  S ciety f L nd n was f unded in 1826 by Stamf rd Raff es and est The Z ab ished the L nd n Z  in Re ent's Park tw  years ater in 1828.[13] At its f u ndin , it was the w r d's first scientific z .[2][14] Ori ina y intended t  be ecti n f r scientific study, it was eventua y pened t  the pub  used as a c  






































ic in 1847.[14] The Z  was cated in Re ent's Park - then under in  deve pme nt at the hands f the architect J hn Nash. What set the L nd n z  apart fr m i ts predecess rs was its f cus n s ciety at ar e. The z  was estab ished in th e midd e f a city f r the pub ic, and its ay ut was desi ned t  cater f r the ar e L nd n p pu ati n. The L nd n z  was wide y c pied as the archetype f th e pub ic city z .[15] In 1853, the Z   pened the w r d's first pub ic aquarium . 





















































Dub in Z  was pened in 1831 by members f the medica  pr fessi n interested in  studyin  anima s whi e they were a ive and m re particu ar y ettin  h d f th ica   arden in Austra ia was Me b ur em when they were dead.[16] The first z ne Z  in 1860. In the same year, Centra  Park Z , the first pub ic z  in the United States, pened in New Y rk, a th u h in 1859, the Phi ade phia Z ica  S ciety had made an eff rt t  estab ish a z , but de ayed penin  it unti  187 4 because f the American Civi  War. 






















































In 1907, the German entrepreneur Car  Ha enbeck f unded the Tierpark Ha enbeck i n Ste in en, n w a quarter f Hambur . His z  was a radica  departure fr m the   ay ut f the z  that had been estab ished in 1828. It was the first z  t  us e pen enc sures surr unded by m ats, rather than barred ca es, t  better appr ximate anima s' natura  envir nments.[17] He a s  set up mixed-species exhibits and based the ay ut n the different r anizin  princip e f e raphy, as pp sed t  tax n my.  
















































y emer ed as a matter f pub ic interest in the 1970s, a few z s be When ec an t  c nsider makin  c nservati n their centra  r e, with Gera d Durre   f th e Jersey Z , Ge r e Rabb f Br kfie d Z , and Wi iam C nway f the Br nx Z  (Wi d ife C nservati n S ciety) eadin  the discussi n. Fr m then n, z  pr fe ssi na s became increasin y aware f the need t  en a e themse ves in c nservat i n pr rams, and the American Z  Ass ciati n s n said that c nservati n was i ts hi hest pri rity.[18] Because they wanted t  stress c nservati n issues, many   ar e z s st pped the practice f havin  anima s perf rm tricks f r visit rs. 













































































The Detr it Z , f r examp e, st pped its e ephant sh w in 1969, and its chimpan zee sh w in 1983, ackn w ed in  that the trainers had pr bab y abused the anima s t   et them t  perf rm.[19]  



















Whipsnade Park in Bedf rdshire, En and, was pened in 1931 as the first safari wed visit rs t  drive thr u h the enc sures and c me int  c se pr park. It a ximity t  the anima s.  


















Unf rtunate y, mass destructi n f wi d ife habitat has yet t  cease a   ver th e w r d and many species such as e ephants, bi  cats, pen uins, tr pica  birds, primates, rhin s, ex tic repti es, and many thers are in dan er f dyin   ut. M any f t day's z s h pe t  st p r s w the dec ine f many endan ered species.  Many z s see their primary purp se as breedin  endan ered species in captivity  







































ducin  them int c  the wi d. n, M dern z thr s aush aim t  he p teach visit  and reintr rs the imp rtance n anima nservati ften ettin  visit rs witness  the anima s firsthand.[20] S me critics and the maj rity f anima  ri hts activ ists & extremists say that z s, n  matter what their intenti ns are, r h w n b e they are, are imm ra  and serve as n thin  but t  fu fi  human eisure at th e expense f the anima s(which is an pini n that has sh wn r wth ver the year s). H wever, z  adv cates ar ue that their eff rts make a difference in wi d if e c nservati n and educati n.[21]  





























































Human exhibits[edit] Ota Ben a, a human exhibit in New Y rk, 1906 Further inf rmati n: Human z s, Scientific racism and S cia  Darwinism Human bein s were s metimes disp ayed in ca es a n  with n n-human anima s, t   i ustrate the supp sed differences between pe p e f Eur pean and n n-Eur pean  


























ri in. In September 1906, Wi iam H rnaday, direct r f the Br nx Z  in New Y rkÐwith the a reement f Madis n Grant, head f the New Y rk Z ica  S cietyÐhad ese py my, disp ayed in a ca e with the chimpanzees, then wit Ota Ben a, a C n h an ran utan named D h n , and a parr t. The exhibit was intended as an examp e f the "missin   ink" between the ran utan and white man. It tri ered pr tes ts fr m the city's c er ymen, but the pub ic rep rted y f cked t  see it.[22][2 3]  


















































nia  Exp sit Human bein s were a s  disp ayed in ca es durin  the 1931 Paris C i n, and as ate as 1958 in a "C n ese vi a e" disp ay at Exp  '58 in Brusse s.[24]  










f z






Type[edit] Further inf rmati n: List












s and Immersi n exhibit  

M nkey is ands, Sã  Pau  z Z  anima s ive in enc sures that ften attempt t  rep icate their natura  hab itats r behavi ra  patterns, f r the benefit f b th the anima s and visit rs. N cturna  anima s are ften h used in bui din s with a reversed i ht-dark cyc e , i.e. n y dim white r red i hts are n durin  the day s  the anima s are act ive durin  visit r h urs, and bri hter i hts n at ni ht when the anima s s eep . Specia  c imate c nditi ns may be created f r anima s ivin  in extreme envir nments, such as pen uins. Specia  enc sures f r birds, mamma s, insects, repti es, fish, and ther aquatic ife f rms have a s  been deve ped. S me z s have wa k-thr u h exhibits where visit rs enter enc sures f n n-a ressive species,  such as emurs, marm sets, birds, izards, and turt es. Visit rs are asked t  k eep t  paths and av id sh win   r eatin  f ds that the anima s mi ht snatch.  



































































Safari park[edit] Main artic e: Safari park  

Giraffes in the West Mid and Safari Park  


































S me z s keep anima s in ar er, utd r enc sures, c nfinin  them with m ats and fences, rather than in ca es. Safari parks, a s  kn wn as z  parks and i n  farms, a w visit rs t  drive thr u h them and c me in c se pr ximity t  the anima s.[2] S metimes, visit rs are ab e t  feed anima s thr u h the car wind ws . The first safari park was Whipsnade Park in Bedf rdshire, En and, pened by t ica  S ciety f L nd n in 1931 which t day (2014) c vers 600 acres (2.4 he Z  km²). Since the ear y 1970s, a 1,800 acre (7 km²) park in the San Pasqua  Va ey ne ica  S ica ar San Die  has featured the San Die  Z  Safari Park, run by the Z ciety f San Die . One f tw  state-supp rted z  parks in N rth Car ina is t he 2,000-acre (8.1 km2) N rth Car ina Z  in Asheb r .[25] The 500-acre (2.0 km 2) Werribee Open Ran e Z  in Me b urne, Austra ia, disp ays anima s ivin  in a n artificia  savannah.  
























































































Aquaria[edit] Sea i ns at the Me b urne Z The first pub ic aquarium was pened in L nd n Z  in 1853. This was f wed by  the penin   f pub ic aquaria in c ntinenta  Eur pe (e. . Paris 1859, Hambur  1 864, Ber in 1869, Bri ht n 1872) and the United States (e. . B st n 1859, Washin t n 1873, San Francisc  W dward's Garden 1873, New Y rk Battery Park 1896).  



























R adside z s[edit] R adside z s are f und thr u h ut N rth America, particu ar y in rem te cati ns. They are sma , unre u ated, f r-pr fit z s, ften intended t  attract visi t rs t  s me ther faci ity, such as a as stati n. The anima s may be trained t  perf rm tricks, and visit rs are ab e t   et c ser t  them than in ar er z s.[26] Since they are s metimes ess re u ated, r adside z s are ften subject t  accusati ns f ne ect[27] and crue ty.[28]  





























































In June 2014 the Anima  Le a  Defense Fund fi ed a awsuit a ainst the I wa-base w Z  f r vi atin  the Endan ered Species Act by fai in d r adside Cricket H  t  pr vide pr per care f r its anima s.[29] Since fi in  the awsuit, ALDF has   btained rec rds fr m investi ati ns c nducted by the USDA's A imal a d Pla t Hea  




































lth I specti  Services; these rec rds sh w that the imal Welfare Act.[30]  




 is als  vi lati g the A






Petti g s[edit] Mai  article: Petti g A petti g , als  called petti g farms r childre s s, features a c mbi at i   f d mestic a imals a d wild species that are d cile e ugh t  t uch a d fee d. T  e sure the a imals  health, the f d is supplied by the , either fr m v e di g machi es r a ki sk earby.  






































A imal theme parks[edit] Mai  article: A imal theme park A  a imal theme park is a c mbi ati   f a  amuseme t park a d a , mai ly f r  e tertai i g a d c mmercial purp ses. Mari e mammal parks such as Sea W rld a d  Mari ela d are m re elab rate d lphi ariums keepi g whales, a d c tai i g addi ti al e tertai me t attracti s. A ther ki d f a imal theme park c tai s m r e e tertai me t a d amuseme t eleme ts tha  the classical , such as a stage s h ws, r ller c asters, a d mythical creatures. S me examples are Busch Garde s T ampa Bay i  Tampa, Fl rida, Dis ey s A imal Ki gd m i  Orla d , Fl rida, Flami g  La d i  N rth Y rkshire, E gla d a d Six Flags Disc very Ki gd m i  Vallej , C alif r ia .  
























































































S urces f a imals[edit] By the year 2000 m st a imals bei g displayed i   s were the ffspri g f the  a imals. This tre d, h wever was a d still is s mewhat species-specific. W r he  a imals are tra sferred betwee   s, they usually spe d time i  quara ti e,  a d are give  time t  acclimati e t  their ew e cl sures which are fte  desig  






































ed t  mimic their atural e vir me t. F r example, s me species f pe gui s ma y require refrigerated e cl sures. Guideli es   ecessary care f r such a imals  is published i  the I ter ati al Z  Yearb k.[31]  
























Justificati [edit] C servati  a d research[edit] 





The Africa  plai s exhibit at N rth Car li a Z  illustrates the dime si   f a   pe -ra ge . The p siti   f m st m der   s i  Australasia, Eur pe, a d N rth America, part icularly th se with scie tific s cieties, is that they display wild a imals prim arily f r the c servati   f e da gered species, as well as f r research purp s es a d educati , a d sec darily f r the e tertai me t f visit rs,[32][33] a    














































t disputed by "the critics. Z tl gical L dPhysi  states argume rter that its aim is advaThe ceme f Z lSgyciety a d Afimal l gyia its d thechai tr ducti   f ew a d curi us subjects f the A imal Ki gd m." It mai tai s tw  research i stitutes, the Nuffield I stitute f C mparative Medici e a d the Wel lc me I stitute f C mparative Physi l gy. I  the U.S., the Pe r se Research Lab rat ry f the Philadelphia Z  f cuses  the study f c mparative path l gy.[2 ] The W rld Ass ciati   f Z s a d Aquariums pr duced its first c servati  st rategy i  1993, a d i  N vember 2004, it ad pted a ew strategy that sets ut th e aims a d missi   f l gical garde s f the 21st ce tury.[34]  



















































































The breedi g f e da gered species is c rdi ated by c perative breedi g pr gra mmes c tai i g i ter ati al studb ks a d c rdi at rs, wh  evaluate the r les   f i dividual a imals a d i stituti s fr m a gl bal r regi al perspective, a d there are regi al pr grammes all ver the w rld f r the c servati   f e da gered species.[35]  











































Surplus a imals[edit]  

This chimpa ee was passed ar u d five s bef re arrivi g i  a Texas r adside  at the age f 37.[36] s, breedi g is c tr lled t  mai tai  a self-sustai I  m der , well-regulated i g, gl bal captive p pulati . This is t the case i  s me less well-regulate d s, fte  based i  p rer regi s. Overall "st ck tur ver" f a imals duri g a year i  a select gr up f p r s was rep rted as 20%-25% with 75% f wild  caught apes dyi g i  captivity withi  the first 20 m ths.[37] The auth rs f t he rep rt stated that bef re successful breedi g pr grams, the high m rtality ra te was the reas  f r the "massive scale f imp rtati s." 































































O e 2-year study i dicated that f 19,361 species f mammals that left accredite d s i  the U.S. betwee  1992 a d 1998, 7,420 (38%) we t t  dealers, aucti s,  hu ti g ra ches, u accredited s a d i dividuals, a d game farms.[38]  



















I  February 2014, C pe hage  Z  eutha ased a healthy, y u g, male giraffe amed  Marius because he was surplus t  their requireme ts. The giraffe s ge es were c sidered t  be t  similar t   ther giraffes i  a breedi g pr gramme ru  by the  Eur pea  Ass ciati   f Z s a d Aquaria (EAZA). The scie tific direct r at the   , Be gt H lst, said the  was w rki g t  mai tai  "a healthy giraffe p pul ati  i  Eur pea   s". After the giraffe was eutha ased with a b lt gu  t  the  head, he was dissected publicly i  fr t f a cr wd f childre  the  fed t  the  li s. Y rkshire Wildlife Park said it was "sadde ed" t  hear f his death, exp ressi g disapp i tme t that its last mi ute ffer t  h use the giraffe i  its "s tate- f-the-art giraffe h use" al gside f ur ther males, i cludi g e fr m C pe hage  Z , had bee  ig red. A Dutch wildlife park had als   ffered t  re-h m e him.[39]  
















































































A imal welfare c cer s[edit] Further i f rmati : Captivity (a imal) a d Behavi ral e richme t  























The welfare f  a imals varies widely. Ma y s w rk t  impr ve their a imal  e cl sures a d make it fit the a imals   eeds, alth ugh c strai ts such as si e a d expe se make it difficult t  create ideal captive e vir me ts f r ma y sp ecies.[40][41]  



























Bear cages, e square meter i  si e, i  Dalia   , P rt Arthur, Lia i g Pr vi ce, Chi a, i  1997. A study exami i g data c llected ver f ur decades f u d that p lar bears, li s , tigers a d cheetahs sh w evide ce f stress i  captivity.[42] Z s ca  be i te  ca  be c sidered a r me t camps f r a imals, but als  a place f refuge. A  i ter me t camp due the i sufficie t e cl sures that the a imals have t  live i . Whe  a  elepha t is placed i  a pe  that is flat, has  tree,   ther eleph 



























































ts a d(Lemly ic, a fewMcDplastic t  play50). with;Alsit,caa imals  lead tca b have red am sh a drter f tlip ar blems wel, atdysBjerklie fe spa  whe  they are i  these types f e cl sures. Causes ca  be huma  diseases , materials i  the cages, a d p ssible escape attempts (Be d w 382). Whe   s t s ca  bec me a place f refuge. T ake time t  thi k ab ut the a imal's welfare, here are a imals that are i jured i  the wild a d are u able t  survive  their   w , but i  the s they ca  live ut the rest f their lives healthy a d happ s have ch se  t  st p sh wi g their large y (McGaffi ). I  rece t years, s me r a imals because they are simply u able t  pr vide a  adequate e cl sure f r th em (Lem ic, McD well, a d Bjerklie 50).  





















































































Behavi ural restricti [edit] Ma y m der   s attempt t  impr ve a imal welfare by p vidi g m re space a d be havi ural e richme ts. This fte  i v lves h usi g the a imals i   aturalistic e cl sures that all w the a imals t  express s me f their atural behavi urs, su ch as r ami g a d f ragi g. H wever, ma y a imals remai  i  barre  c crete e cl sures r ther mi imally e riched cages.[44]  





















M ral c cer s[edit] S me critics a d ma y a imal rights activists argue that  a imals are treated  as v yeuristic bjects, rather tha  livi g creatures, a d fte  suffer due t  t he tra siti  fr m bei g free a d wild t  captivity.[43] The last 2 decades, Eur pea  agdthe N rth-America   caught s, str agly depe d  breedi g withi   s, while de umber f wild imals. creasi  
































































A imals which aturally ra ge ver ma y km each day, r make seas al migrati s , are u able t  perf rm these behavi urs i    e cl sures. F r example, elepha ts usually travel appr ximately 45km each day.[45]  



















Ab rmal behavi ur[edit] Further i f rmati : List f ab rmal behavi urs i  a imals A imals i   s fte  exhibit behavi urs that are ab rmal i  their freque cy, i te sity, r w uld t rmally be part f their behavi ural repert ire. These a re usually i dicative f stress. F r example, elepha ts s metimes perf rm head-b bbi g, bears s metimes pace repeatedly ar u d the limits f their e cl sure, wi ld cats s metimes gr m themselves bsessively, a d birds pluck ur their w  fe athers.[45] S me critics f s claim that the a imals are always u der physica l a d me tal stress, regardless f the quality f care t wards the a imals.[46] Elepha ts have bee  rec rded displayi g stere typical behavi urs i  the f rm f swayi g back a d f rth, tru k swayi g r r ute traci g. This has bee   bserved i  54% f i dividuals i  UK s.[47] 





















































































Sh rte ed l gevity[edit] Elepha ts i  Eur pea   s have sh rter lifespa s tha  their wild c u terparts a t ly 17 years, alth ugh ther studies suggest that  elepha ts live as l g as th se i  the wild.[48]  






















Climate c cer s[edit] Climactic c diti s ca  make it difficult t  keep s me a imals i   s i  s me  i  Alaska had a  elepha t amed Maggie. She was h l cati s. F r example, a used i  a small, i d r e cl sure because the utd r temperature was t  l w.[c itati   eeded] 

































Live feedi g a d "baiti g"[edit] I  ma y c u tries, feedi g live vertebrates t    a imals is illegal, except i  excepti al circumsta ces. F r example, s me s akes refuse t  eat dead prey. H wever, i  the Badalteari g Safari Park i  Chi a, visit rs ca  thr w live g ats i t  the li  e cl sure a d watch them bei g eate , r ca  purchase live chicke s  tied t  bamb  r ds f r the equivale t f 2 d llars\eur s t  da gle i t  li  p e s. Visit rs ca  drive thr ugh the li  c mp u d i  buses with specially desig  

















































edgse chutes  push liveear chicke e cl Chi sure.a,Ilive  thecXiw  Bearwhich a d they TigercaM  use u tait Village Guilis ii t s the uth-east s a d pigs are thr w  t  tigers t  amuse visit rs.[49][50]  






































I  Qi gda    (Easter  Chi a), visit rs ca  e gage i  "t rt ise baiti g", where  t rt ises are kept i side small r ms with elastic ba ds ar u d their ecks s   that they are u able t  retract their heads. Visit rs are all wed t  thr w c i s  at them. The marketi g claim is that if y u hit e f the t rt ises  the hea d a d make a wish, it will be fulfilled.[49]  






































Regulati [edit] 


WPA 1937 p ster pr m ti g visits t  America   s U ited States[edit] I  the U ited States, a y public a imal exhibit must be lice sed a d i spected b f Agriculture, U ited States E vir amed Health tal Pr Ad te y the Age U ited cti cy,States Drug EDepartme f rceme tt Admi istrati , Occupati al Safety mi istrati , a d thers. Depe di g  the a imals they exhibit, the activities f s are regulated by laws i cludi g the E da gered Species Act, the A imal W elfare Act, the Migrat ry Bird Treaty Act f 1918 a d thers.[51] Additi ally, s i  N rth America may ch se t  pursue accreditati  by the Ass ciati   f Z s a d Aquariums (AZA). T  achieve accreditati , a  must pass a  applicati  a d i specti  pr cess a d meet r exceed the AZA s sta dards f r a imal healt  staffi g, a d i v lveme t i  gl bal c servati h a d welfare, fu draisi g,  eff rts. I specti  is perf rmed by three experts (typically e veteri aria , e expert i  a imal care, a d e expert i    ma ageme t a d perati s) a d the  reviewed by a pa el f twelve experts bef re accreditati  is awarded. This  accreditati  pr cess is repeated ce every five years. The AZA estimates that  there are appr ximately 2,400 a imal exhibits perati g u der USDA lice se as f February 2007; fewer tha  10% are accredited.[52]  
































































































































Eur pe[edit] I  April 1999, the Eur pea  U i  i tr duced a directive t  stre gthe  the c se rvati  r le f s, maki g it a statut ry requireme t that they participate i  c servati  a d educati , a d requiri g all member states t  set up systems f r their lice si g a d i specti .[53] Z s are regulated i  the UK by the Z  L ice si g Act f 1981, which came i t  f rce i  1984. A  is defi ed as a y "es tablishme t where wild a imals are kept f r exhibiti  ... t  which members f t he public have access, with r with ut charge f r admissi , seve   r m re days i  a y peri d f twelve c secutive m ths," excludi g circuses a d pet sh ps. T he Act requires that all s be i spected a d lice sed, a d that a imals kept i  e cl sures are pr vided with a suitable e vir me t i  which they ca  express m st rmal behavi r.[53]  





























See als [edit] List f s Wildlife refuge  





























































I ter ati al Park F ssil Parks Nati al Park Nati al F rest (disambiguati ) I ter ati al Netw rk f Ge parks List f  ass ciati s A imals i  captivity E vir me tal e richme t C servati Wildlife c servati Ex-situ c servati I -situ c servati C servati  m veme t  






































List Virtualf ZC servati  t pics Exti cti E da gered species Z  Emerge cy Resp se Team l gists) Z l gy (i cludes a list f pr mi e t Immersi  exhibit Fr e  Z N tes[edit] Jump up ^ "ZSL s hist ry", Z l gical S ciety f L d . ^ Jump up t : a b c d e f "Z ," E cycl pædia Brita ica, 2008. ^ Jump up t : a b Blu t 1976; Reiche bach 2002, pp. 151±163. Jump up ^ Hys  2000, p. 29; Hys  2003, pp. 1356-1357. Jump up ^ Maple 1995, p. 25. Jump up ^ R bi s  1987a, pp. 10-17; R bi s  1987b, pp. 678-682. ways1995, Jump Jump up up ^^ CW rld Firstpp. Z 259-276.  - Hierak p lis, Egypt, Archae l gy Maga i e, http:/ /www.archae l gy. rg/1001/t pte /egypt.html Jump up ^ Lecky, W.E.H. Hist ry f Eur pea  M rals fr m Augustus t  Charlemag e.  V l. 1, L gma s, 1869, pp. 280-282. ^ Jump up t : a b Blu t, Wilfred. The Ark i  the Park: The Z  i  the Ni etee th  Ce tury. Hamish Hamilt , 1976, pp. 15-17. Jump up ^ "Big cats pr wled L d s t wer", BBC News, Oct ber 24, 2005. Jump up ^ "I tr duci g the M der  Z ". Retrieved 2012-12-17. Jump up ^ "April 27". T day i  Scie ce Hist ry. Retrieved 5 March 2008. ^ Jump up t : a b "ZSL s Hist ry". ZSL. Retrieved 5 March 2008. Jump up ^ "The R le f Architectural Desig  i  Pr m ti g the S cial Objectives f Z s". Retrieved 2012-12-17. s wh ". Irish I depe de Jump up ^ C stell , J h  (Ju e 9, 2011). "The great t. Jump up ^ Re e S. Ebers le (N vember 2001). "The New Z ". Audub  Maga i e (Nat i al Audub  S ciety). Retrieved 2007-12-18. Jump up ^ See Kisli g, Ver  N. (ed.): Z  a d Aquarium Hist ry, B ca Rat  200 1. ISBN 0-8493-2100-X; H age, R. J. Deiss a d William A. (ed.): New W rlds, New A imals, Washi gt  1996. ISBN 0-8018-5110-6; Ha s , Eli abeth. A imal Attracti s, Pri cet  2002. ISBN 0-691-05992-6; a d Ha c cks, David. A Differe t Nature , Berkeley 2001. ISBN 0-520-21879-5 Jump up ^ D ahue, Jesse a d Trump, Erik. P litical A imals: Public Art i  Ameri ca  Z s a d Aquariums. Lexi gt  B ks, 2007, p. 79. Jump up ^ Masci, David. "Z s i  the 21st Ce tury." CQ Researcher 28 Apr. 2000: 353-76. Web. 26 Ja . 2014. Jump up ^ Masci, David. "Z s i  the 21st Ce tury." CQ Researcher 28 Apr. 2000: 353-76. Web. 26 Ja . 2014. Jump up ^ Bradf rd, Phillips Ver er a d Blume, Harvey. Ota Be ga: The Pygmy i  t he Z . St. Marti s Press, 1992. Jump up ^ "Ma  a d M key Sh w Disappr ved by Clergy", The New Y rk Times, Septe mber 10, 1906.  
































































































































































































Jump up ^ Bla chard, Pascal; Ba cel, Nic las; a d Lemaire, Sa dri e. "Fr m huma   s t  c l ial ap the ses: the era f exhibiti g the Other", Africultures. Jump up ^ Ferral, Kately  (2010-07-15). "N.C. Z , bucki g a tre d, sets a  atte da ce rec rd". News bserver.c m. Retrieved 2013-05-04. s, accessed Ju e Jump up ^ Gu  A imal Farm, website ab ut Ca adia  r adside  18, 2009. Jump up ^ R adside  a imals starvi g. Free La ce-Star. 11 Ja . 1997. Jump up ^ Dix , Je ifer. H use pa el t ld f abuses by s. Times Daily. 8 Ju ly 1992. Jump up ^ Legal Defe se Fu d Sues I wa Z   ver E da gered Species Act Vi lati s Jump up ^ - APHIS I specti  Rep rt f Cricket H ll w Z , May 21 2014 Jump up ^ "Z : Pr cureme t a d care f a imals," E cycl pædia Brita ica, 2008.  






















































li .1-55963-157-0 Last A imals i  the Z : H w Mass Exti cti  Ca  Be St p Jump ped, up L ^d Tudge,  1991.CISBN Jump up ^ "Ma ifest  f r Z s", J h  Rega  Ass ciates, 2004. Jump up ^ "W rld Z  a d Aquarium C servati  Strategy", W rld Ass ciati   f Z s a d Aquariums. Jump up ^ I  Africa, c servati  is ha dled by the Africa  Preservati  Pr gram  APP (Africa  Ass ciati   f Z l gical Garde s a d Aquaria; i  the U.S. a d Ca ada by Species Survival Pla s (America  Z  a d Aquarium Ass ciati ), a d the C a adia  Ass ciati   f Z s a d Aquariums); i  Australasia, by the Australasia   Species Ma ageme t Pr gram (Australasia  Regi al Ass ciati   f Z l gical Park s a d Aquaria); i  Eur pe, by the Eur pea  E da gered Species Pr gram (Eur pea   Ass ciati   f Z s a d Aquaria); a d i  Japa , S uth Asia, a d S uth East Asia,  by the Japa ese Ass ciati   f Z s a d Aquariums, the S uth Asia  Z  Ass ciat i  f r Regi al C perati , a d the S uth East Asia  Z  Ass ciati . Jump up ^ "Amarill  Wildlife Refuge", PETA. Jump upi^gJefrsem the , Derrick a d Tweedy-H Th ught2007, t  exist  the wild:E ightmare f s. lmes N  V Kare ice U.heard, p. 21;i Baratay,  awake ric a d Hard ui -Fugier, Elisabeth. Z : A Hist ry f the Z l gical Garde s f the West. Reakti , L d . 2002. Jump up ^ G ldst , Li da. February 11, 1999, cited i  Scully, Matthew. D mi i . St. Marti s Griffi , 2004 (paperback), p. 64. Jump up ^ J h st , I. (February 9, 2014). "C pe hage  Z  kills surplus  y u g  giraffe Marius despite li e petiti .". The I depe de t. Retrieved February 1 0, 2014. Jump up ^ N rt , Brya  G.; Hutchi s, Michael; Steve s, Eli abeth F.; Maple, Ter ry L. (ed.): Ethics  the Ark. Z s, A imal Welfare, a d Wildlife C servati .  Washi gt , D.C., 1995. ISBN 1-56098-515-1 Jump up ^ Malmud, Ra dy. Readi g Z s. Represe tati s f A imals a d Captivity.  New Y rk, 1998. ISBN 0-8147-5602-6 Jump up ^ Derr, Mark. ªBig Beasts, Tight Space a d a Call f r Cha ge i  J ur al Re p rt,º The New Y rk Times, Oct ber 2, 2003. Jump up ^ Je se , p. 48. Jump up ^ Masci, D. (2000). "Z s i  the 21st ce tury.". CQ Researcher: 353±76. ^ Jump up t : a b "Are Z s g d r bad f r a imals?". Retrieved 28 Oct ber 2013 . s reig ite a imal Jump up ^ Sterm, A. (28 February 2005). "Elepha t deaths at  debate: Z  supp rters cite c servati , activists cite c fi ed spaces". MSNB C/Reuters. Retrieved 24 Oct ber 2012. Jump up ^ Harris, M.; Sherwi , C.; Harris, S. (10 N vember 2008). "Defra Fi al R ep rt  Elepha t Welfare" (PDF). U iversity f Brist l. Retrieved 16 N vember 2 011. Jump up ^ M tt, M. (11 December 2008). "Wild elepha ts live l ger tha  their  c u terparts". Nati al Ge graphic News. Retrieved 24 Oct ber 2012. ^ Jump up t : a b Pe ma , D (Ja uary 1, 2008). "A imals t r  t  pieces by li s  


































































































































































































































































































t Mail. f bayi g cr wds: The spectat r sp rt Chi a DOESN T wa t y u t  see.". iThe frDaily Jump up ^ "Fer city trai i g". Su day M r i g P st, H g K g. N vember 29, 1999  












. Jump up ^ Grech, Kali S. "Overview f the Laws Affecti g Z s", Michiga  State U iversity C llege f Law, A imal Legal & Hist rical Ce ter, 2004. Jump up ^ AZA Accreditati  I tr ducti [dead li k] ^ Jump up t : a b "The Z  Lice si g Act 1981", Departme t f r E vir me t, F d , a d Rural Affairs. Refere ces[edit] Blu t, Wilfrid (1976). The Ark i  the Park: The Z  i  the Ni etee th Ce tury, H amish Hamilt , L d . ISBN 0-241-89331-3 Braverma , Irus (2012). Z la d: The I stituti   f Captivity, Sta f rd U iversi ty Press, Sta f rd. ISBN 9780804783576. C way, William (1995). "The c servati  park: A ew  sy thesis f r a cha ge d w rld", i  The Ark Ev lvi g: Z s a d Aquariums i  Tra siti , Wemmer, Christe  

































































(ed.), l, M.Virgi ia.Smiths ia  I stituti  C servati  a d Research Ce ter, Fr t R ya Hys , Jeffrey (2000). "Ju gle f Ede : The Desig   f America  Z s" i  E vir m e talism i  La dscape Architecture, C a , Michel (ed.), Dumbart  Oaks, Washi g t . ISBN 0-88402-278-1 Hys , Jeffrey (2003). "Z s," i  E cycl pedia f W rld E vir me tal Hist ry: O -Z, Krech, Shepard, Mc Neill, J h  R bert a d Mercha t, Car ly  (ed.), R utledge , L d . ISBN 0-415-93735-3 Maple, Terry (1995). "T ward a Resp sible Z  Age da", i  Ethics  the Ark: Z s, A imal Welfare, a d Wildlife C servati , N rt , Brya  G., Hutchi s, Micha el, Steve s, Eli abeth F. a d Maple, Terry L. (ed.), Smiths ia  I stituti  Pre ss, Washi gt . ISBN 1-56098-515-1 Reiche bach, Herma  (2002). "L st Me ageries: Why a d H w Z s Disappear (Part 1 )", I ter ati al Z  News V l.49/3 (N .316), April±May 2002. R bi s , Michael H. (1987a). "Bey d the : The bi park", Defe ders f Wildli e, V l. H. 62,(1987b). N . 6. "T wards the Bi park: The Z  That Is N t", Americ s i, Michael RfebiMaga a  Ass ciati   f Z l gical Parks a d Aquariums, A ual Pr ceedi gs. Exter al li ks[edit] L k up  i  Wikti ary, the free dicti ary. Z s W rldwide Z s, aquariums, a imal sa ctuaries a d wildlife parks Z l gical Garde s keepi g Asia  Elepha ts The Bartlett S ciety: Dev ted t  stydyi g yesterday s meth ds f keepi g wild a imals, d w l ad page [hide] v t e Z s, aquariums, a d aviaries Types f s A imal sa ctuary A imal theme park Aquarium Aviary Bear pit Butterfly h use D lp hi arium Herpetarium I sectarium Nature ce ter Mari e mammal park Me agerie Nigh t safari Ocea arium Pe gui arium Pheasa try Petti g  Reptile ce tre Safari pa  Vivarium Z rk Serpe tarium Virtual C servati Bi diversity E da gered species Exti cti  Ex-situ c servati  I -situ c serva ti  rei tr ducti Lists Aquariums C servati  t pics D lphi ariums Z s Z  ass ciati s A imals Amphibia  Bird Fish I vertebrate Mammal Reptile Other t pics A imals i  captivity A imal trai i g Behavi ral e richme t Captive breedi g Fr e    Immersi  exhibit N ctur al h use Wildlife c servati  Z keeper Z l gy P rtal Pr ject Categ ry C mm s Auth rity c tr l GND: 4067962-7 NDL: 00561542  






































































































































































































































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